Harvard Math Analysis
Harvard Math Analysis
Harvard Math Analysis
Denis Auroux – Tuesdays & Thursdays, 12:00-1:15pm, Science Center Hall E
Instructor: Denis Auroux (auroux@math.harvard.edu)
O ce: Science Center 539.
O ce hours: Tuesdays and Thursdays, 9:30-11am.
Lectures: Tuesdays and Thursdays, 12:00-1:15pm, Science Center Hall E.
Course assistants:
Emily Saunders (esaunders@college): section Wednesdays 6-7:15pm in SC 221, o ce hours Mondays 8-9pm in Leverett Dining Hall
(Math Night).
Valerie Zhang (vzhang@college): section Tuesdays 1:30-2:45pm in SC 222, o ce hours Fridays 12-2pm in Mather D-Hall.
Julian Asilis (asilis@college): section Sundays 7:30-8:45pm in SC 221, o ce hours Mondays 8-10pm in Leverett Dining Hall (Math
Garrett Brown (garrettbrown@college): section Mondays 1:30-2:45pm in SC 411, o ce hours Sundays 9:30-11:30am in Winthrop
Textbook: Rudin, Principles of Mathematical Analysis, McGraw-Hill, 3rd edition.
There will be weekly (or near-weekly) homework assignments, a midterm during class period on Tuesday March 12, and a nal exam
during nals period (Monday May 13). Approximate grading weight: homework 40%, midterm 20%, nal 40%.
Syllabus: see below.
(5/6) Julian Asilis has provided an updated version of his set of lecture notes (for almost the entire class, missing two days of
(5/1) There will be a review session on Tuesday May 7, 1:15-2:45pm, in Science Center Hall E. Note the unusual time (the room
wasn't available at 12).
(4/23) Some nal exam info (including extra practice problems from Rudin) is available.
(4/11) My o ce hours on Tuesday 4/16 are cancelled. I will be holding make-up o ce hours on Monday 4/15 from 1 to 2:30pm.
(3/16) The midterm has been graded, and scores posted on Canvas. If you are around during spring break, check your email later
today for information on when you can get your exam back from me and on the grade distribution. Also, I will be out of town 3/21-
3/27 for a conference; my o ce hours on Tuesday 3/26 are cancelled, and the lecture that day will be taught by one of my
(3/6) Prof Auroux will have extra o ce hours on Friday March 8, from 3:30pm to 5pm.
(3/5) Julian Asilis has typed up a short set of lecture notes which you may nd helpful in reviewing for the midterm. (Warning: these
notes haven't been proofread, may contain errors. If in doubt, check with Rudin).
(3/3) Midterm information and practice problems are here!
(2/26) Prof Auroux's o ce hours on Tuesday March 5 are cancelled.
(2/23) Garrett Brown's o ce hours on Sun Feb 24 are cancelled; similarly for Julian Asilis' section and o ce hours on Sun & Mon
Feb 24-25. Garrett and Julian will hold makeup o ce hours on Tue Feb 26, 7-9pm, Winthrop D-Hall.
(2/20) The handout about compactness (with completed proofs) is available.
(2/14) Prof. Auroux's o ce hours on Tuesday 2/19 are cancelled. Class time will be devoted to working with the CAs to prove the
equivalence between di erent notions of compactness. (A worksheet will be handed out).
(2/14) Emily Saunders is holding an extra section tonight in SC 222 from 7:30-8:45pm. (One time only).
(2/9) Valerie Zhang's section is moving to Tuesdays just after lecture (1:30-2:45pm in SC 222).
(2/3) The o ce hours and section times of the course assistants are now set (see above). Also, Emily Saunders will be running a
proof writing workshop on Tuesday 2/5 in SC 411 for those of you who are new to writing proofs.
(1/15) This website is live, and the syllabus is posted.
Homework assignments will be posted here. You are encouraged to discuss the homework problems with other students. However, the
homework that you hand in should re ect your own understanding of the material. You are NOT allowed to copy solutions from other
students or other sources.
No late homeworks will be accepted. However, we will drop your lowest homework score, so you are allowed to miss one assignment
without a penalty.
All homework submissions should be uploaded to Canvas (handwritten work is welcome, but please upload a scan or photo).
Homework 1 due Thursday Feb 7 (.tex) and solutions (.tex)
Homework 2 due Thursday Feb 14 (.tex) and solutions (.tex)
Homework 3 due Tuesday Feb 26 (.tex) and solutions (.tex)
Homework 4 due Tuesday March 5 (.tex) and solutions (.tex)
Homework 5 due Thursday March 14 (.tex) and solutions (.tex)
Homework 6 due Tuesday April 2 (.tex) and solutions (.tex)
Homework 7 due Tuesday April 9 (.tex) and solutions (.tex)
Homework 8 due Thurday April 18 (.tex) and solutions (.tex)
Homework 9 due Tuesday April 30 (.tex) and solutions (.tex)
The nal exam will take place on Monday May 13, 9:00-12:00, in Emerson 210. It will cover all of the material seen during the semester.
Rudin allowed, no other materials allowed.
See here for more information about the content covered in the exam and additional practice problems from Rudin.
The midterm took place on Tuesday March 12, 12:00-1:15, in Science Center Hall E (usual place and time). It covered the material seen in
lecture up to Tuesday March 5 (most of it included) -- speci cally, Rudin pages 1-63, minus the appendix to Chapter 1 and the section on
perfect sets on p.41-42.
Allowed: Rudin's book but NO OTHER MATERIALS (no notes, no calculators, no electronics). IMPORTANT: to take advantage of this policy,
you need a physical copy of the book that isn't heavily annotated with extra text! (highlighting/underlining is ne). (or a printout /
photocopy of chapters 1-3).
Midterm solutions
Midterm practice problems
Solutions to the practice problems
Midterm score distribution: the median score was 90 out of 120, the lower quartile was 74, the upper quartile was 104. This means: 25%
of the scores were below 74, 25% between 74 and 90, 25% between 90 and 104, 25% above 104. Scores are available on Canvas; you can
get your midterm back in class on Thursday 3/28, or during o ce hours.
Note: the page numbers shown for each day's material are approximate. The actual contents covered in each lecture may end up being
slightly ahead or slightly behind of schedule.
Preliminaries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1. Lecture 1 — January 29, 2019 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
2. Lecture 2 — January 31, 2019 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
3. Lecture 3 — February 5, 2019 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
4. Lecture 4 — February 7, 2019 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
5. Lecture 5 — February 12, 2019 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
6. Lecture 6 — February 14, 2019 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
7. Lecture 7 — February 19,2019 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
8. Lecture 8 — February 21, 2019 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
9. Lecture 9 — February 26, 2019 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
10. Lecture 10 — February 28, 2019 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
11. Lecture 11 — March 5, 2019 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
12. Lecture 12 — March 7, 2019 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
13. Lecture 13 — March 14, 2019 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
14. Lecture 14 — March 26, 2019 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
15. Lecture 15 — March 28, 2019 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
16. Lecture 16 — April 2, 2019 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
17. Lecture 17 — April 4, 2019 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
18. Lecture 18 — April 9, 2019 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
19. Lecture 19 — April 11, 2019 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
20. Lecture 20 — April 16, 2019 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
21. Lecture 21 — April 18, 2019 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
22. Lecture 22 — April 23, 2019 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
23. Lecture 23 — April 25, 2019 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
24. Lecture 24 — April 30, 2019 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
These notes were taken during the spring semester of 2019 in Harvard’s Math 112, In-
troductory Real Analysis. The course was taught by Dr. Denis Auroux and transcribed by
Julian Asilis. The notes have not been carefully proofread and are sure to contain errors,
for which Julian takes full responsibility. Corrections are welcome at
1. L ECTURE 1 — J ANUARY 29, 2019
One of the goals of the course is to rigorously study real functions and things like inte-
gration and differentiation, but before we get there we need to be careful about studying
sequences, series, and the real numbers themselves.
The real numbers have lots of operations that we use frequently without too much
thought: addition, multiplication, subtraction, division, and ordering (inequalities). One
of today’s goals is to convince you that even before we get there, describing the real num-
bers rigorously is actually quite difficult.
Definition 1.1. A set is a collection of elements.
Sets can be finite or infinite (there are different kinds of infinities), and they are not
ordered. For a set A, x ∈ A means that x is an element of A. x ∈ / A means that x is
not an element of A. One special set is the empty set , which contains no elements. Other
important sets include that of the natural numbers N = {0, 1, 2, 3, . . . }, that of the integers
Z = {. . . , −2, −1, 0, 1, 2, . . . }, and that of the rationals Q = { q : p, q ∈ Z, q 6= 0}
If every element of a set A is an element of a set B, we say A is a subset of B, and write
A ⊂ B. An example we’ve already seen is N ⊂ Z. For sets, A = B if and only if (iff) A⊂B
and B⊂A.
Definition 1.2. A field is a set F equipped with the operations of addition(+) and multiplication(·),
satisfying the field axioms. For addition,
• If x ∈ F, y ∈ F then x + y ∈ F
• x + y = y + x (commutativity)
• ( x + y) + z = z + (y + z) (associativity)
• F contains an element 0 ∈ F such that 0 + x = x ∀ x ∈ F
• ∀ x ∈ F, there is − x ∈ F such that x + (-x) = 0
And for multiplication,
• If x ∈ F, y ∈ F then x · y ∈ F
• x · y = y · x (commutativity)
• ( x · y) · z = z · (y · z) (associativity)
• F contains an element 0 6= 1 ∈ F such that 1 · x = x ∀ x ∈ F
• ∀ x ∈ F, there is 1x ∈ F such that x · 1x = 1
Finally, multiplication must distribute addition, meaning x (y + z) = xy + zx ∀ x, y, z ∈ F.
The operation of multiplication is usually shortened from (·) to concatenation for con-
venience’s sake, so that x · y be written xy. One example of a field is Q with the familiar
operations of addition and multiplication.
Proposition 1.3. The axioms for addition imply:
(1) If x + y = x + z, then y = z (cancellation)
(2) If x + y = x, then y = 0
(3) If x + y = 0, then y = − x
(4) −(− x ) = x
Proof. (1). Assume x + y = x + z. Then:
x+y = x+z
(− x ) + ( x + y) = (− x ) + ( x + z)
((− x ) + x ) + y = ((− x ) + x ) + z
0+y = 0+z
(2) follows from (1) by taking z = 0. (3) and (4) take a bit more work, and are good
practice to complete on your own. It’s worth noting that nearly identical properties (with
nearly identical proofs) hold for multiplication.
Definition 1.4. An ordered set is a set S equipped with a relation (<) satisfying:
• ∀ x, y ∈ S, exactly one of x < y, x = y, or y < x is true.
• If x < y and y < z, then x < z (transitivity)
We will write x ≤ y to mean x < y or x = y (and because of the above definition, this is
an exclusive or).
Definition 1.5. An ordered field ( F, +, ·, <) is a field with a compatible order relation,
• ∀ x, y, z ∈ F If y < z then x + y < x + z
• If x > 0 and y > 0 then xy > 0
Q was our example of a field, and fortunately it still works as an example, as Q is an
ordered field under the usual ordering on rationals.
Proposition 1.6. In an ordered field:
• If x > 0 then − x < 0, and vice versa
• If x > 0 and y < z, then xy < xz
• If x < 0 and y < z then xy > xz
• If x 6= 0, then x2 > 0. Thus 1 > 0
• 0 < x < y =⇒ 0 < y1 < 1x
Now we’ll talk about what’s wrong with the rational numbers. As you may expect,
we’ll begin by considering the square root of 2.
Proposition 1.7. There does not exist x ∈ Q such that x2 = 2
Proof. Assume otherwise, so ∃ x = m
n ∈ Q such that x2 = 2. Take x to be a reduced fraction,
meaning that m and n share no factors. Then m n2
= 2 and m2 = 2n2 for m, n ∈ Z, n 6= 0.
2n2 is even, so m2 is even. Since the square of an odd number is odd, m must be even. So
m = 2k for some k ∈ Z. We have m2 = (2k )2 = 4k2 = 2n2 . Dividing by 2, we see 2k2 = n2 .
Using our reasoning from above, we see that n must be even. So m and n are both even,
which is a contradiction.
It seems like we could formally add an element called the square root of 2, and do
so for similar algebraic numbers which appear as solutions to polynomials with rational
coefficients, but this still wouldn’t solve our problem. The problem is that sequences of
rational numbers can look to be approaching a number, but not have a limit in Q.
Definition 1.8. Suppose E ⊂ S is a subset of an ordered set. If there exists β ∈ S such that
x ≤ β for all x ∈ E, then E is bounded above, and β is one of its upper bounds.
The definition for lower bounds is similar. In general, sets may not have upper or lower
bounds (think Z ⊂ Q).
Definition 1.9. Suppose S is an ordered set and E ⊂ S is bounded above. If ∃α ∈ S such
(1) α is an upper bound for E
(2) if γ < α then γ is not an upper bound for E
then α is the least upper bound for E, and we write α = sup E.
Theorem 1.11 (Completeness). There exists an ordered field R which has the least upper bound property,
meaning every non-empty subset bounded above has a least upper bound.
2. L ECTURE 2 — J ANUARY 31, 2019
Last time we talked about least upper bounds and the fact that their existence isn’t
always guaranteed in Q. Greatest lower bounds are defined analogously, and their exis-
tence also isn’t guaranteed in Q. As it turns out, this is more than coincidence, since these
properties are equivalent.
Theorem 2.1. If an ordered set S has the least upper bound property, then it also has the greatest
lower bound property.
Proof. We won’t prove this rigorously, but here’s the idea: given a set E ⊂ S bounded
below, consider its set of lower bounds L. L isn’t empty because we assumed E is bounded
below, and it’s bounded above by all elements of E. So, because S satisfies the least upper
bound property, L has a least upper bound. You can show that this is the greatest lower
bound of E.
Last time, we also saw the following important theorem.
Theorem 2.2. There exists an ordered field R with the least upper bound property which contains
Q as a subfield.
Proof. There are two equivalent ways of doing this - one uses things called Cauchy se-
quences that we’ll be encountering later on, and the second uses Dedekind cuts. A cut is
a set α ⊂ Q such that
(1) α 6= ∅ and α 6= Q
(2) If p ∈ α and q < p then q ∈ α
(3) If p ∈ α, ∃r ∈ α with p < r
In practice, α = (−∞, a) ∩ Q, though (−∞, a) doesn’t technically mean anything right
now. So we’ve constructed a set (of subsets) which we claim is R, and now we have to
endow it with an order and operations respecting that order in order to get an ordered
field. We’ll define the order as such: for α, β ∈ R, we write α < β if and only if α 6= β and
α ⊂ β(⊂ Q). This is in fact an order.
To see that least upper bounds exist, we claim that the least upper bound of a non-
empty, bounded above E ⊂ R is the union of its cuts. You have to check that this is a cut
and in fact a least upper bound.
We define addition of cuts as α + β = { p + q : p ∈ α, q ∈ β}. The definition of multi-
plication is a bit uglier and depends on the ’signs’ of cuts. Then you have to check that all
the field axioms are satisfied. It’s not really worth getting into all of the details here, but
people have at some point checked that everything works as we’d like it to.
Theorem 2.3 (Archimedean property of R). If x, y ∈ R, x > 0, then there exists a positive
integer n such that nx > y
Proof. Suppose not, and consider A = {nx : n a positive integer}. A is non-empty and
has upper bound y, so it has a least upper bound, which we’ll call α. α − x < α because
x > 0, so α − x is not an upper bound. Then ∃nx ∈ A such that nx > α − x. But adding x
to both sides, we have nx + x = (n + 1) x > α. But (n + 1) x ∈ A, so α was not an upper
bound at all.
Theorem 2.4 (Density of Q in R). If x, y ∈ R and x < y, then ∃ p ∈ Q such that x < p < y.
Proof. Since x < y, we have y − x > 0. By the previous theorem, there exists an integer n
with n(y − x ) > 1, meaning y − x > n1 . Also by the previous theorem, there exist integers
m1 , m2 with m1 > nx and m2 > −nx, i.e. −m2 < nx < m1 . Thus there exists an integer m
between −m2 and m1 with m − 1 ≤ nx < m. Then nx < m ≤ nx + 1 < nx + n(y − x ) = ny.
Diving by n, we have x < m m
n < y, and the p = n that we wanted.
”The rational numbers are everywhere. They’re among us.” - Dr. Auroux. What we’re
saying is that between any two reals there’s a rational. A problem we encountered last
class is that we weren’t guaranteed the existence of square roots in Q≥0 . Fortunately, this
has been remedied by constructing R.
Theorem 2.5. For every real x > 0 and every integer n > 0, there exists exactly one y ∈ R, y > 0
with yn = x. We write y = x n .
Proof sketch. Consider E = {t ∈ R : t > 0, tn < x }. It’s non-empty and bounded above, so
it has a supremum we’ll call α. If αn < x, then α isn’t an upper bound of E, and if αn > x,
it’s not the least upper bound of E.
Definition 2.6. The extended real numbers consist of R ∪ {−∞, ∞} with the order −∞ <
x < ∞ for all x ∈ R and the operations x ± ∞ = ±∞.
Notice that the extended real numbers don’t form a field since, among other reasons,
±∞ don’t have multiplicative inverses.
Definition 2.7. The complex numbers (C) consist of the set {( a, b, ) : a, b ∈ R} equipped
with the operations ( a, b) + (c, d) = ( a + c, b + d) and ( a, b) · (c, d) = ( ac − bd, ad + bc).
These operations make C a field.
It’s convention to write ( a, b) ∈ C as a + bi. The complex conjugate
√ of z = a + bi is
z = a − bi, and the norm of a complex number z = a + bi is |z| = zz = a2 + b2 .
Proposition 2.8. For all z ∈ C,
• |z| ≥ 0 and |z| = 0 iff z = 0
• |zw| = |z||w|
• |z + w| ≤ |z| + |w|
Definition 2.9. Euclidean space is Rk = {( x1 , . . . , xk ) : xi ∈ R} equipped with −→
x +−
y =
( x1 + y1 , . . . , xk + yk ) and α x = (αx1 , . . . , αxk ) for α ∈ R.
Theorem 2.10. Defining − →x ·− y = ∑ik=1 xi yi and || x ||2 = −
→ →
x ·−
x , we have:
• || x ||2 ≥ 0 and || x ||2 = 0 ⇐⇒ x = 0 −
• ||−→x ·− →y || ≤ ||−→
x || · ||−
y ||
• || x + y || ≤ || x || + ||−
→ −
→ −
→ →y ||
Proof. (1) Clear
(2) Some ugly computation
3. L ECTURE 3 — F EBRUARY 5, 2019
Today we’ll be talking about sets.
Definition 3.1. For A, B sets, a function f : A → B is an assignment to each x ∈ A of an
element f ( x ) ∈ B
A is referred to as the domain of f , and the range of f is the set of values taken by f
(in this case, a subset of B). For E ⊂ A, we take f ( E) = { f ( x ) : x ∈ E}. In this notation,
the range of f is f ( A). On the other hand, for F ⊂ B, we define the inverse image, or
pre-image, of F to be f −1 ( F ) = { x ∈ A : f ( x ) ∈ F }. Note that the pre-image of an element
in B can consist of one element of A, several elements of A, or be empty. It’s always true
that f −1 ( B) = A.
Definition 3.2. A function f : A → B is onto, or surjective, if f ( A) = B. Equivalently,
∀y ∈ B, f −1 (y) 6= ∅
Definition 3.3. A function f : A → B is one-to-one, or injective, if ∀ x, y ∈ A, x 6= y =⇒
f ( x ) 6= f (y). Equivalently, f ( x ) = f (y) =⇒ x = y. Also equivalently, ∀z ∈ B, f −1 (z)
contains at most one element.
Definition 3.4. A function is a one-to-one correspondence, or bijection, if it is one-to-one
and onto, i.e. ∀y ∈ B, ∃!x ∈ A s.t. f ( x ) = y.
Defining ’size’, or cardinality, of finite sets is not too difficult, but extending this notion
to infinite sets is fairly difficult. Regardless of what the notion of size for infinite sets
should be, it should definitely be preserved by bijections (meaning that if A and B admit
a bijection between each other, they should have the same size). So we say that two sets
have the same cardinality, or are equivalent, if there exists a bijection between them.
Let Jn = {1, . . . , n} for n ∈ N and J0 = ∅.
Definition 3.5. A set A is finite if it is in bijection with Jn for some n. Then n = | A|. A set
A is infinite if it is not finite.
Definition 3.6. A set A is countable if it is in bijection with N = {1, 2, 3, . . . }.
Informally, countability means that a set can be arranged into a sequence.
Definition 3.7. A set A is at most countable if it is finite or countable.
The above definition captures the idea that countability is the smallest infinity.
Definition 3.8. A set A is uncountable if it is infinite and not countable.
When sets are in bijection, we think of them as having the same number of elements. Ex-
tremely counter-intuitive pairs of sets which we then think of as having the same number
of elements arise.
Example 3.9. Z is in bijection with N. The map is
z −1
z is odd
f (z) −2z
2 z is even
(2) ( A ∪ B) ∪ C = A ∪ ( B ∪ C )
(3) A ∩ ( B ∪ C ) = ( A ∩ B) ∪ ( A ∩ C )
Theorem 3.16. Let { En }n≥1 be a sequence of countable sets. Then i =1 En = S is countable.
Proof. Taking E1 = { x11 , x12 , x13 , . . . }, E2 = { x21 , x22 , x23 , . . . }, and so on, we can arrange
the elements of S in a sequence like so: S = { x11 , x21 , x12 , x31 , x22 , x13 , . . . }. Visually, we’re
arranging the Ei in a ray and proceeding along diagonal line segments starting on the top
left. This certainly isn’t rigorous, but it’s the essential idea.
One corollarySto this is that if A is at most countable and for each α ∈ A, Eα is at mot
countable, then α∈ A Eα is at most countable.
Theorem 3.17. If A is countable, then An is countable.
In R, the limit points of ( a, b) are [ a, b]. Likewise, the limit points of [ a, b] are [ a, b].
Now we reveal an important relationship between open and closed sets, which is not
quite one of being ’opposite’.
Theorem 4.14. E ⊂ X is open if and only if Ec is closed.
Proof. ”This is a game of negations.” - Dr. Auroux. First suppose Ec is closed. Let x ∈ E.
Since Ec is closed, x is not a limit point of Ec . Then there exists a neighborhood of x
which contains no points in Ec distinct from x. Since x isn’t in Ec either, this neighborhood
lies entirely in E, meaning x is an interior point of E. We’re out of time, but the reverse
direction of the proof is very similar.
Br ( X ) ⊂ Gi ∀i and thus Br ( X ) ⊂ Gi .
It’s worth looking at counter-examples to see that we can’t do any better than finite
intersections or unions for open and closed sets, respectively.
Example 5.2. ∞ 1 1
, ) = {0}, so infinite unions of open sets are not in general
k=1 (−
Sk∞ k 1
open. Additionally, k=2 [ k , 1 − 1k ] = (0, 1), so infinite unions of closed sets are not
in general closed.
Definition 5.3. The interior of a set E ⊂ X, written E̊, consists of all interior points of E.
Theorem 5.4. • E̊ is open.
• If F ⊂ E and F is open then F ⊂ E̊ (i.e. E̊ is the largest open subset contained in E).
Proof. • Say x ∈ E̊, so we have r such that Br ( X ) ⊂ E. We claim that Br ( X ) ⊂ E̊,
meaning x is an interior point of E̊. This follows from openness of open neighbor-
hoods; for any y ∈ Br ( X ), there exists an ry such that Bry (y) ⊂ Br ( X ) ⊂ E. So y is
an interior point of E and thus x is an interior point of E̊.
• Any x ∈ F admits a Br ( X ) ⊂ F. And Br ( X ) ⊂ E, so x ∈ E̊.
Definition 5.5. The closure of E, written E, is its union with the set of its limit points.
Theorem 5.6. (1) E is closed.
(2) E = E ⇐⇒ E is closed.
(3) If F ⊃ E and F is closed, then F ⊃ E. (i.e. E is the smallest closed set containing E).
Proof. (1) If p ∈ X and p ∈ / E, then p is not in E and it’s not a limit point of E. So
there exists a Br ( p) which does not intersect E. So p is an interior point of Ec . The
interior of Ec is open, by the previous theorem, so E is closed.
(2) Clear
(3) Also follows from ( E)c = ( E˚c )
Definition 5.7. E ⊂ X is dense if E = X
Example 5.8. Q is dense in R, since any neighborhood around a real number con-
tains rationals.
Definition 6.2. A subset K of a metric space X is compact if every open cover of K has a
finite subcover, meaning ∃α1 , . . . , αn ∈ A such that K ⊂ ( Gα1 ∪ · · · ∪ Gαn ).
This definition is pretty opaque right now - let’s look at some examples.
Example 6.3. Any finite set is compact. In the worst case, any open cover can be
reduced to a subcover containing one open set for each of the set’s elements.
It’s somewhat miraculous that infinite compact sets exist at all. It would be pretty hard
to prove right now that [ a, b] is compact given only the definition, but we’ll get to a proof
next week after developing some tools. As is the case with most definitions containing the
word , it’s much easier to prove that a set is not compact than to prove that it is.
Example 6.4. R is not compact. It suffices to provide a single cover which does
not admit a finite subcover. Consider the cover {(−n, n)}n∈N . This covers, because
every element of R lies in (−n, n) for some n, but any finite collection of subsets
amounts to a single interval (−m, m), which fails to cover R.
The problem we have right now is that is that it’s very difficult to prove that a set
is compact. For now, let’s think wishfully and consider the results we could conclude
if we knew a set were open. The first remarkable result is that, unlike openness, the
compactness of set in a metric space is a function only of the set and its metric, and not of
the metric space in which it resides. Simply put, it makes sense to say ’the set K is closed
under the metric d’, whereas it didn’t make sense to say ’the set K is open under the metric
d’ (in the second case, it matters what set K lives in).
Theorem 6.5. Suppose K ⊂ Y ⊂ X are metric spaces. Then K is compact as a subset of X if and
only if K is compact as a subset of Y.
Proof. Suppose K is compact relative to X. Assume {Vα } are open subsets of Y which cover
K. For each α, there exists an open Gα ⊂ X such that Vα = Y ∩ Gα . The Gα form an open
cover of K in X. By compactness of X, this can be reduced to a finite cover Gα1 , . . . , Gαn .
We then have:
Vα1 ∪ · · · ∪ Vαn = ( Gα1 ∩ Y ) ∪ · · · ∪ ( Gαn ∩ Y )
= ( Gα1 ∪ · · · ∪ Gαn ) ∩ Y
⊃ K∩Y
So Vα1 , . . . , Vαn form a finite subcover of K in Y, and K is compact in Y. In the other
direction, take a cover of K in X, intersect its constituent open sets with Y, and reduce it
to a finite subcover of K in Y. Then notice that the corresponding open sets in X form a
finite subcover of K.
Theorem 6.6. Compact sets are bounded.
Proof. Consider the open cover K ⊂ p∈K N1 ( p). Since K is compact, K ⊂ N1 ( p1 ) ∪ · · · ∪
So no matter how you expand the universe that K lives in, you’ll never construct points
which are limit points of K.
Proof. Take K compact (in some metric space X, though it doesn’t matter), and let F ⊂ K be
closed (in K or, equivalently, in X). Given an open cover of F, consider its union with F c .
This covers K, so reduces to a finite subcover of K. Removing F c from the finite subcover
if necessary, we’re left a finite subcover of F, as desired.
Theorem 6.9 (Nested Interval Property). Let K be a compact set. Any sequence
of non-empty,
nested closed subsets K ⊃ F1 ⊃ F2 ⊃ F3 ⊃ . . . has non-empty intersection; n=1 Fn 6= ∅.
Proof. Say E doesn’t have a limit point. So every point p ∈ K admits a neighborhood
Vp containing at most 1 point of E (p itself). The Vp cover K, so they can be reduced
to a finite subcover of size, say, m. But then there are most m points in E, producing
Example 8.7 (0,1). and (1,2) are disjoint but not separated. (0,1) and (1,2) are both
disjoint and separated.
Proposition 9.4. pn → p ⇐⇒ d( pn , p) → 0
Proof. Note that the right hand side is a sequence in R. That it converges to 0 means that
∀e > 0∃ N s.t. ∀n ≥ N, |d( p, pn ) − 0| < e. But |d( p, pn ) − 0| is just d( p, pn ), so this in fact
corresponds to the statement that pn → p. The other direction follows fairly directly from
Theorem 9.5. pn → p if and only if every neighborhood of p contains pn for all but finitely many
pn → p ⇐⇒ ∀e > 0 ∃ N s.t ∀n ≥ N, pn ∈ Ne ( p)
⇐⇒ ∀e > 0, for all but finitely many n, pn ∈ Ne ( p)
The second line used the fact that for a set of integers, ’all but finitely many’ is the same
as ’all the sufficiently large’.
Theorem 9.6. Limits are unique.
Proof. Suppose pn → p and pn → p0 . If p 6= p0 , then take e = 13 d( p, p0 ). Note that Ne ( p)
and Ne ( p0 ) are disjoint. That pn → p implies that all but finitely many of the pn are in
Ne ( p), and likewise for p0 and Ne ( p0 ). Since they’re disjoint, this is a contradiction.
Proposition 9.7. Convergent sequences are bounded.
Sketch. Say pn → p. Then only finitely many of the pn aren’t in N1 ( p). Those in N1 ( p) are
certainly bounded, and the finitely many terms which aren’t in N1 ( p) are bounded (finite
collections of numbers are always bounded). The union of bounded things is bounded, so
this is bounded.
Proposition 9.8. If E ⊂ X and p is a limit point of E, then there exists a sequence { pn } with
terms in E such that pn → p in X.
Proof. Since p is a limit point of E, then within any neighborhood of size n1 lies a point of
E. Form a sequence in this way, so that pn lies in N 1 ( p). Then d( p, pn ) → 0 and thus
pn → p.
Theorem 9.9. Suppose {sn }, {tn } are sequence in R or C with limits s and t, respectively. Then
• sn + tn → s + t
• csn → cs and sn + c → s + c
• sn tn → st
• If sn 6= 0 and s 6= 0, then s1n → 1s
Proof. • Given e > 0, ∃ N1 s.t. ∀n ≥ N1 , |sn − s| < e. And ∃ N2 s.t. ∀n ≥ N2 ,
|tn − t| < e. Then for n ≥ max( N1 , N2 ), |(sn + tn ) − (s + t)| = |(sn − s) + (tn − t)| ≤
|sn − s| + |tn − t| ≤ e + e. We’ve slightly exceeded the distance e that we’re allowed
to move. If we had just selected the Ni to restrict sn and tn within e/2 of their limits,
this would have worked. Many proofs of convergence will be of this general form.
• Exercise
• We have sn tn − st =√ (sn − s)(tn − t) + s(tn − t) + t(sn √− s). Fix e > 0. ∃ N1 s.t
∀n ≥ N, |sn − s| < √e, √ and ∃ N2 s.t. ∀n ≥ N2 , |tn − t| < e. For n ≥ max( N1 , N2 ),
|(sn − s)(tn − t)| < e e < e. Hence (sn − s)(tn − t) → 0. It’s easier to see that
s(tn − t) + t(sn − s) converges to 0 (they’re just scaled sequences which converge
to 0). So our original term is the sum of two sequences which converge to 0, and
thus it converges to 0.
• Exercise
Theorem 9.10. (1) { xn } ∈ Rk converges to x = (α1 , . . . , αk ) if and only if each coordinate
of the xn correspond to the appropriate αi .
(2) If xn → x, yn → y in Rk and β n → β in R, then xn + yn → x + y, β n xn → βx, and
xn · yn → x · y.
Theorem 9.13. (1) In any metric space, every convergent sequence is Cauchy.
(2) If X is a compact metric space, and { pn } is a Cauchy sequence in X, then { pn } converges
in X.
(3) In Rk , every Cauchy sequence converges.
Proof. (1) If pn → p and e > 0, then ∃ N such that ∀n ≥ N, d( pn , p) < 2e . Then, by the
triangle equality, for m, n ≥ N, d( pm , pn ) ≤ e.
(2) We’ll need two results to prove this: first, for bounded E ⊂ X, diam( E) = diam(E).
Secondly, if Kn are a sequence of nested, non-empty compact sets and diam(Kn ) →
0, then ∩∞ n=1 Kn contains exactly one point. To see the first claim, note that given
p, q ∈ E and e > 0, ∃ p0 , q0 ∈ E such that d( p, p0 ) < e and d(q, q0 ) < e. Then
d( p, q) ≤ e + diamE + e. Since e can be made arbitrarily small, it must be that
diam(E) = diam(E). To see that the second claim holds, recall that we’ve already
shown that the intersection of the Kn is not empty. But it has arbitrarily small
diameter (as its contained in each of the Kn ), so it must contain exactly one point.
The third result is sometimes called the Cauchy criterion of convergence. We’ll pick up
this proof next time.
10. L ECTURE 10 — F EBRUARY 28, 2019
Recall that a sequence pn converges to p if eventually the points of pn stay as close to p
as you’d like them to. We also saw the following big theorem last time:
Theorem 10.1. (1) Every convergent sequence is Cauchy.
(2) In a compact space, every Cauchy sequence converges.
(3) In Rk , Cauchy sequences converge.
Proof. We proved (1) last time. For (2), let pn be a Cauchy sequence in a compact space K.
Let En = { pn , pn+1 , . . . }, and consider K ⊃ E1 ⊃ E2 ⊃ . . . . This is a decreasing sequence
of non-empty compact subsets, so its intersection is non-empty. And since the diameters
of the En approach zero, this intersection contains exactly one point, say p. To see that
pn → p, fix e. We know that ∃ N such that diam(E N ) = diam(En ) < e. Then ∀n ≥ N,
pn , p ∈ En . So d( p, pn ) ≤diam( En ) < e.
For (3), first note that Cauchy sequences are bounded (only finitely many terms are not
within distance e of an appropriately chosen pn0 ). So the Cauchy sequence lies in a k-cell,
which is compact, and we can apply (2).
Definition 10.2. A metric space X is complete if its Cauchy sequences converge.
Thus, we’ve shown that compact spaces are complete and that Rk is complete. On
√ Q is not complete because 1, 1.4, 1.41, 1.414, . . . is Cauchy but does not
the other hand,
converge (as 2 ∈ / Q).
For a metric space X which fails to be complete, it’s possible to build a larger metric
space X ∗ ⊃ X, the completion of X, which is complete. In fact, one can define R to be the
completion of Q.
Definition 10.3. Given a sequence { pn } ∈ X and a strictly increasing sequence of positive
integers {nk }, the sequence { pnk } = pn1 , pn2 , pn3 , . . . is called a subsequence of { pn }.
Example 10.4. Consider pn = (−1)n . The subsequence p2k converges to 1, while the
subsequence p2k+1 converges to -1.
Theorem 10.14. If sn ≤ tn ∀n (or ∀n ≥ N), then lim inf sn ≤ lim inf tn and lim sup sn ≤
lim sup tn .
11. L ECTURE 11 — M ARCH 5, 2019
The midterm is next Tuesday - you’re allowed to bring a copy of Rudin, but if you’re
leafing through it to remember definitions you’ll probably run out of time. The exam will
be a mix of proofs and examples, but you shouldn’t expect to have to recreate a page-long
proof that we saw in class, because there’s just not enough time for that.
Now about sequences:
Theorem 11.1. The following hold for real sequences:
(1) For p ∈ R+ , limn→∞ n1p = 0
(2) For p ∈ R+ , limn→∞ p1/n = 1
(3) limn→∞ n1/n = 1
(4) If | x | < 1, limn→∞ x n = 0
(5) If | x | < 1, p ∈ R, then limn→∞ n p x n = 0
We won’t be going over this proof, but it appears in Rudin.
Definition 11.2. In R, C, Rk , one can associate to a sequence { an } a new sequence sn =
∑nk=1 ak of partial sums of the series ∑∞n=1 an . This infinite sum is only a symbol, which
may not equal any element in R, C, R . The limit s of {sn }, if it exists, is the sum of the
Example 11.5. To see that the above condition is necessary but not sufficient for
series convergence, consider the series ∑i∞=1 n1 . It diverges, despite the fact that n1 →
”The terms need to go to zero, but they need to go to zero in a friendly enough way.” -
Dr. Auroux. Once again, we’ll use a result about sequences to arrive at a result about series
for free - this time it’ll be monotone convergence (that bounded, monotone sequences
converge) rather than the Cauchy criterion.
Theorem 11.6. A series in R with an ≥ 0 converges if and only if its partial sums form a bounded
Proof. Because an ≥ 0, the sequence of partial sums is monotone. Because they’re bounded,
monotone convergence guarantees us the existence of a limit.
Starting now, we’ll get a bit lazy and use ∑ an to mean ∑∞
n =1 a n .
Theorem 11.7 (Comparison test). (1) If | an | ≤ cn for all n ≥ N and ∑ cn converges, then
∑ na converges.
(2) If an ≥ dn ≥ 0 for all n ≥ N and ∑ dn diverges, then ∑ an diverges.
Proof. Under the conditions of (2), if ∑ an were to converge then ∑ dn would converge by
(1), producing contradiction. So (1) =⇒ (2). To see that (1) holds, note that the Cauchy
criterion for ∑ cn implies the Cauchy criterion for ∑ an . In particular,
m m m
| ∑ ak | ≤ ∑ | ak | ≤ ∑ ck
k=n k=n k=n
Since the rightmost side becomes arbitrarily small for n, m greater than appropriately large
N, so does the leftmost side. Thus, by the Cauchy criterion for series, ∑ an converges.
Theorem 11.8. If | x | < 1, then ∑∞ n
n =0 x =
1− x . If | x | ≥ 1, then ∑ x n diverges.
n +1
Proof. If | x | < 1, sn = 1 + x + · · · + x n = 1−1−
x , which converges to
1− x . If | x | ≥ 1, then
x n does not have limit 0, so the series doesn’t converge.
Theorem 11.9. ∑ n1p converges if p > 1 and diverges if p ≤ 1.
Proof. First a lemma - a series ∑ an of weakly decreasing, non-negative terms converges
if and only if ∑∞ k
k=0 2 a2k = a1 + 2a2 + 4a4 + 8a8 + . . . converges. Since an ≥ an+1 , we
have that ∑2n=−1 1 an ≤ ∑m k
k=0 2 a2k . So if the new, weird sequence converges, the original se-
quence does as well, because its partial sums are smaller and, by monotone convergence,
convergence is equivalent to bounded partial sums. In the other direction, suppose that
the original sequence converges and note that a1 + a2 + · · · + a2k ≥ 12 a1 + a2 + 2a4 + 4a3 +
· · · + 2k−1 a2k . The left hand side is a partial sum of the original sequence and the right
hand side is 12 of a partial sum of the new, weird sequence. So if the new weird, sequence
were unbounded, the original sequence would be as well. We conclude that the weird
sequence converges, as desired.
Now we can begin the main proof. If p ≤ 0, then n1p doesn’t converge to 0, so the sum
diverges. Suppose p > 0 - applying the lemma with an = n1p , we see that 2k a2k = 2k 21kp =
. This is a geometric series, and it converges if and only if | 2 p1−1 | < 1, which happens
2k ( p −1)
iff p > 1.
Theorem 11.10. ∑ n(log1 n) p converges if and only if p > 1.
The proof uses our previous lemma about the sequence ∑ 2k a2k .
Definition 11.11. e = ∑∞
n =0
An alternating series is one whose terms have alternating signs. More explicitly, either
all its odd terms are positive and its even terms are negative, or vice versa. An example is
∑(−1)n an where an > 0; ∀n.
Theorem 12.6. Suppose { an } ∈ R is an alternating series where | a1 | ≥ | a2 | ≥ | a3 | ≥ . . . and
an → 0. Then ∑ an converges.
Proof. Let sn = ∑nk=1 ak . Then, because the sequence alternates and | ak+1 | ≥ | ak |,
s2 ≤ s4 ≤ s6 · · · ≤ s5 ≤ s3 ≤ s1
So s2m and s2m+1 are monotonic, bounded sequences, meaning they converge. They con-
verge to the same thing because s2m+1 − s2m = a2m+1 → 0.
The above theorem is pretty remarkable, because it’s a rare case in which convergence
is not dependent upon the rate at which the terms of the series converge to 0.
1If α = ∞, we define 1 = 0. Similarly, if α = 0, we define 1 = ∞
α α
Definition 12.7. ∑ an converges absolutely if ∑ | an | converges.
We’ve defined a product but this doesn’t mean anything yet, as we don’t know anything
about the behavior of this operation on series. Unfortunately, it turns out that it does not
in general send convergent series to convergent series.
Example 12.11. By our theorem for alternating series, ∑ √n+1 converges. Its product
with itself, however, is a sequence of positive terms which does not converge. One
can check that |cn | does not converge to 0, and is in fact always at least 2.
Fortunately, things are nicer with the assumption of absolute convergence, though we
aren’t going to prove why right now.
Theorem 12.12. If ∑ an = A converges absolutely and ∑ bn = B converges, then their product
converges to AB.
Definition 12.13. Let {nk } be a sequence of positive integers in which every positive inte-
ger appears exactly once. Then the series ∑∞ ∞
k=1 ank is a rearrangement of the series ∑k=1 ak .
Theorem 12.14 (Riemann). Let ∑ an be a series of real numbers which converges but does not
converge absolutely. Then for any α, β ∈ R with α ≤ β, there exists a rearrangement ∑ a0n whose
partial sums s0n satisfy lim inf s0n = α1 , lim sup s0n = β.
Now we’ll consider one-sided limits, which you also may have seen previously in a
calculus class.
Definition 15.4. lim p+ f ( x ) = q ⇐⇒ ∀e > 0 ∃δ > 0 such that p < x < p + δ means
| f ( x ) − q| < e. Equivalently, for any xn → p with xn > p, f ( xn ) → q.
The definition of limx→ p− f ( x ) is analogous. When these limits exist, Rudin writes them
as f ( p+ ) and f ( p− ), respectively.
Proposition 15.5. limx→ p f ( x ) = q ⇐⇒ f ( p− ) = f ( p+ ) = q.
Proof sketch. The forward direction is immediate, and the backward direction involves tak-
ing the minimum of the δ’s you get from the definitions of f ( p− ) and f ( p+ ).
It’s important to note that it’s possible that f ( p− ) = f ( p+ ) = q but f ( p) 6= q.
Definition 15.6. We say f : R → R has a simple discontinuity at p if it is not continuous
at p but f ( p− ) and f ( p+ ) exist. This is also called a discontinuity of first kind, while all
other discontinuities are called discontinuities of the second kind.
0 x<0
Example 15.7. f ( x ) = has a simple discontinuity at 0.
1 x≥0
1 x∈Q
f (x) = has discontinuities of the second kind at every point, as
0 else
neither of the one-sided limits exist.
Proof. The first claim follows from the fact that the limit of a sum is the sum of limits -
f (t)− f ( x ) g(t)− g( x )
formally, lim(sn + tn ) = lim sn + lim tn , where sn = t− x and tn = t− x .
To prove the second claim, we creatively add zero.
f (t) g(t) − f ( x ) g( x )
( f g)0 ( x ) = lim
t→ x t−x
f (t) g(t) − f (t) g( x ) + f (t) g( x ) − f ( x ) g( x )
= lim
t→ x t−x
g(t) − g( x ) f (t) − f ( x )
= lim f (t) + g( x )
t→ x t−x t−x
0 0
= f ( x ) g ( x ) + g( x ) f ( x )
Note that we used continuity of f - which followed from its differentiability - to conclude
that limt→ x f (t) = f ( x ). We won’t prove the claim for f /g here.
Theorem 16.4 (Chain rule). Suppose f is continuous on [ a, b] and differentiable at x ∈ [ a, b], and
g is defined on an interval containing f ([ a, b]) and differentiable at f ( x ). Then h(t) = g ◦ f (t) is
defined on [ a, b] and differentiable at x, with h0 ( x ) = g0 ( f ( x )) f 0 ( x ).
Proof. Write f (t) − f ( x ) = (t − x )( f 0 ( x ) + u(t)) for u(t) an error term with limit 0 as t → x.
Likewise, taking y = f ( x ) for ease of notation, write g(s) − g(y) = (s − y)( g0 (y) + v(s)),
for v(s) an error determ with limit 0 as s → y. Then
g( f (t)) − g( f ( x )) = ( f (t) − f ( x ))( g0 ( f ( x )) + v( f (t)))
g( f (t)) − g( f ( x )) = (t − x )( f 0 ( x ) + u(t))( g0 ( f ( x )) + v( f (t)))
g( f (t)) − g( f ( x ))
= ( f 0 ( x ) + u(t))( g0 ( f ( x )) + v( f (t)))
Taking the limit as t → x proves the claim.
x sin( 1x ) x 6= 0
Example 16.5. Consider f ( x ) = . f is continuous at 0, as | f ( x ) −
0 x=0
f (0)| = | x sin( 1x )| ≤ | x |, which approaches 0 as x approaches 0. It’s easier to see that
it’s continuous on R \ {0}, using the fact that products, quotients, and compositions
of continuous functions are continuous. One can also see that f is differentiable on
f ( x )− f (0) x sin( 1x )
R \ {0}, but it fails to be differentiable at 0, as x −0 = x = sin( 1x ), which
does not have a limit as x → 0.
The following theorems will be quite useful for the remainder of the course. First, a
familiar definition.
Definition 16.6. A function f has a local maximum at p if ∃δ > 0 such that | x − p| <
δ =⇒ f ( x ) ≤ f ( p).
Theorem 16.7. If f : [ a, b] → R has a local maximum at x ∈ ( a, b) and is differentiable at x,
then f 0 ( x ) = 0.
Proof. Consider approaching x from the right and left side (note that we’re making use
f (t)− f ( x )
of the fact that x is in the interior of f ’s domain). By assumption, limt→ x t− x exists.
f (t)− f ( x )
When t − x > 0, then t− x ≤ 0, as f (t) − f ( x ) ≤ 0. Similarly, when t − x < 0,
f (t)− f ( x )
t− x ≥ 0. It follows that the limit must be zero.
Theorem 16.8 (Mean Value). Let f , g : [ a, b] → R be differentiable on ( a, b). Then ∃ x ∈ ( a, b)
such that ( f (b) − f ( a)) g0 ( x ) = f 0 ( x )( g(b) − g( a)).
Proof. Let h(t) = ( f (b) − f ( a)) g(t) − f (t)( g(b) − g( a)). Then h is continuous on [ a, b] and
differentiable on ( a, b). The problem reduces to proving that h0 (t) = 0 for some t ∈ ( a, b).
Note that
h( a) = f (b) g( a) − f ( a) g(b) = h(b)
If h is constant, then its derivative is everywhere zero, and the claim follows. If h is not
constant, then - by the extreme value theorem - it reaches a maximum or minimum at an
interior point t. By the previous theorem, h0 (t) = 0, proving the claim.
Corollary 16.9. The previous statement of the Mean Value theorem may appear foreign, but it
implies the more familiar one. In particular, taking g to be the identity proves the existence of an
x ∈ ( a, b) for which f (b) − f ( a) = (b − a) f 0 ( x ).
Theorem 16.10. Let f be a real-valued function differentiable on ( a, b).
1. If f 0 ( x ) ≥ 0 ∀ x ∈ ( a, b), then f is monotonically increasing on ( a, b).
2. If f 0 ( x ) ≤ 0 ∀ x ∈ ( a, b), then f is monotonically decreasing on ( a, b).
3. If f 0 ( x ) = 0 ∀ x ∈ ( a, b), then f is constant on ( a, b).
Proof. Suppose we are in case 1, and fix x, y ∈ ( a, b) with x < y. Then, by the Mean
Value theorem, f (y) − f ( x ) = f 0 (t)(y − x ). The right hand side is the product of two
nonnegative numbers, so it’s nonnegative. Then f (y) − f ( x ) ≥ 0 and f (y) ≥ f ( x ), as
desired. The remaining cases follow similarly.
17. L ECTURE 17 — A PRIL 4, 2019
Last time we looked at the Mean value theorem, which states that the mean value of a
function’s rate of change is achieves somewhere. In particular, for f : [ a, b] → R, there
f (b)− f ( a)
exists an x ∈ ( a, b) such that f 0 ( x ) = b−a . The generalization is that for f , g : [ a, b] →
f (b)− f ( a) f 0 (x)
R, there exists an x ∈ ( a, b) with g(b)− g( a)
= g0 ( x )
Remark 17.6. The upper and lower integrals always exist for bounded f .
e N
b − a i∑
≤ ∆xi
Theorem 18.6. If f is monotonic on [ a, b], it’s integrable.
Proof. Without loss of generality, assume f is monotonically increasing. Fixing e > 0, take
P such that all ∆xi are equal and are weakly less than f (b)−e f (a) . Because f is monotonic,
Mi = f ( xi ) and mi = f ( xi−1 ). So L( P, f ) = ∑in=1 f ( xi−1 )∆xi =) f ( x0 ) + · · · + f ( xn−1 ))∆xi
and likewise U ( P, f ) = ( f ( x1 + · · · + f ( xn ))∆xi . Thus
U ( P, f ) − L( P, f ) = ( f (b) − f ( a))∆xi ≤ e
Theorem 18.7. If f is bounded on [ a, b] and has finitely many discontinuities, then f is integrable.
Proof sketch. Take increasingly narrow intervals around the discontinuities, and integrate
the rest using the argument for continuous fucntions.
Theorem 18.8. If f is integrable and bounded on [ a, b], i.e. m ≤ f ≤ M, and ϕ is continuous on
[m, M], then ϕ ◦ f is integrable on [ a, b].
Proof. See Rudin.
Theorem 18.9. (a) If f 1 , f 2 are integrable on [ a, b], then f 1 + f 2 ∈ R and a ( f 1 + f 2 )dx =
Rb Rb Rb Rb
a f 1 dx + a f 2 dx. Likewise, ∀ v ∈ R, c f is integrable
with a (c f )dx = c a f dx.
(b) If f 1 ( x ) ≤ f 2 ( x ) are integrable on [a,b], then a f 1 dx ≤ a f 2 dx.
(c) If f is integrable on [ a, b] and a < c < b, then f is also integrable on [ a, c] and [c, b], and
Z b Z c Z c
f dx = f dx + f dx
a a b
(d) If f is integrable and | f ( x )| ≤ M on [a,b], then | a f dx | ≤ M (b − a)
(e) If f and g are integrable, then f g is integrable.
(f) If f is integrable, then | f | is as well, and | f dx | ≤ | f |dx.
Proof. (a) Note that L( f 1 + f 2 , P) ≤ L( f 1 , P) + L( f 2 , P). Observing the analogous result
for upper sums, the result holds.
mi ( ϕ 0 ) = inf ϕ0 (y)
y∈[yi−1 ,yi ]
0 0
min(mi ( f )mi ( ϕ ), mi ( f ) Mi ( ϕ )) ≤ mi ( g) = inf g(y)
y∈[yi−1 ,yi ]
Example 20.3. Let f n = (1+xx2 )n : R → R. The f n are all continuous. Now consider
f ( x ) = ∑∞ n=0 f n ( x ). We have f (0) = ∑ 0 = 0, as f n (0) = 0 ∀ n ∈ N. For x 6 = 0,
f ( x ) = x2 ∑∞ 1 n
n=0 ( 1+ x2 ) . That’s a convergent geometric series, since x 6 = 0, so
f ( x ) = x2 1
1− 1+ x 2
= x2 x2
1+ x 2
= 1+x
Then f (0+ ) = f (0− ) = 1 6= 0 = f (0), so f isn’t continuous.
sin(nx )
Example 20.4. Let f n = √n . Note that | f n ( x )| ≤ √1
→ 0. But f n0 ( x ) =
n cos(nx ) doesn’t converge at all.
Corollary 21.2. The uniformly limit of a sequence of continuous functions is itself a continuous
Proof. Apply the previous theorem with An = f n ( x ). By definition, limn→∞ An = f ( x ), so
limt→ x f (t) = limn→∞ f n ( x ) = f ( x ). Thus f is continuous.
Theorem 21.3. Let f n : [ a, b] → R be integrable, and assume f n → f uniformly on [ a, b]. Then
Rb Rb
f is integrable and a f ( x )dx = limn→∞ a f n ( x )dx.
Proof. Let Mn = supx∈[a,b] | f n ( x ) − f ( x )|. By uniform convergence, Mn → 0. For any
x ∈ [ a, b], we have f n ( x ) − Mn ≤ f ( x ) ≤ f n ( x ) + Mn . Then
Z b Z b Z b Z b
f n ( x )dx − Mn (b − a) ≤ f ( x )dx ≤ f ( x )dx ≤ f n ( x )dx + Mn (b − a)
a a a a
Z b Z b Z b Z b
f ( x )dx − f ( x )dx ≤ ( f n ( x )dx + Mn (b − a)) − ( f n ( x )dx − Mn (b − a))
a a a a
= 2Mn (b − a)
Rb Rb
Meaning f is integrable. We also have | a f ( x )dx − a f n ( x )dx | ≤ Mn (b − a) → 0, so the
integrals indeed coincide.
We now turn our focus to the relationship between convergence of sequences of func-
tions and differentiation. An important observation is that even uniform convergence
does not imply that the limit of the derivatives is the derivative of the limit.
Example 21.4. Consider f n ( x ) = √1n sin(nx ). f n ( x ) → 0 but f n0 ( x ) = n cos(nx ),
which does not converge to the derivative of the zero function.
Theorem 21.5. Suppose f n are differentiable on [ a, b] and f n ( x0 ) converges for some x0 ∈ [ a, b].
Suppose also that the f n0 converge uniformly on [ a, b]. Then the f n converge uniformly on [ a, b] to
a limit f , and f is differentiable with f 0 ( x ) = limn→∞ f n0 ( x ).
Definition 21.6. Let C( X ) denote the space of bounded, continuous functions from a
metric space X to R. For f ∈ C( X ), let || f || = supx∈X | f ( x )|. The distance function
ρ( f , g) = || f − g|| then turns C( x ) into a metric space, as
(i) || f − g|| = 0 ⇐⇒ sup | f ( x ) − g( x )| = 0 ⇐⇒ f ( x ) = g( x ) ∀ x ∈ X
(ii) || f − g|| = sup | f ( x ) − g( x )| = sup | g( x ) − f ( x )| = || g − f ||
|| f − h|| = sup | f ( x ) − h( x )|
≤ sup(| f ( x ) − g( x )| + | g( x ) − h( x )|)
≤ || f − g|| + || g − h||
Theorem 21.7. C( X ) is complete.
Proof. Let f n be a Cauchy sequence in C( X ). Then for ∀e > 0, ∃ N s.t. ∀m, n ≥ N, || f (n) −
f (m)|| < e. Because of our choice of metric, this means that the f n are uniformly Cauchy.
Because R is complete, the f n ( x ) thus converge pointwise to a value for each x ∈ X,
Because the convergence is uniform, the limit is itself continuous.
So a given smooth function f is given by a power series near 0 if and only if its Taylor
series at 0 converges and equals f . To see that the last condition is not trivial, observe the
following example.
( 2
e−1/x x 6= 0
Example 23.3. Consider f ( x ) = . One can check that f is smooth,
0 x=0
meaning it has derivatives of all orders, but f (n) (0) = 0 ∀n. So the Taylor series at 0
converges, but to the zero function rather than f .
There are several ways to define the exponential function. The first, which is not so
pretty, is to define the real number e as e = ∑∞ 1 n
n=0 n! ≈ 2.718, then define e for integral n in
the natural way, define e p/q as (e p )1/q , and define e x for x irrational as sup{e p/q : q < x }.
The second, much nicer way is to define the exponential function as exp( x ) = ∑∞ x n
n=1 n! .
Its radius of converge is ∞, since n! > ( n2 ) 2 , which implies (n!)1/n → ∞. So this function
is well defined for all x ∈ R (and, as it happens, all x ∈ C). It’s continuous, and in fact
differentiable, and we have
x k ∞ ym
exp( x ) exp(y) = ( ∑ )( ∑ )
k =0
k! m=0 m!
∞ n
x k yn−k
= ∑(∑ )
n=0 k =0 k! ( n − k ) !
1 n n k n−k
= ∑ (∑ x y )
n =0 n! k =0
( x + y)n
= ∑ n!
n =0
= exp( x + y)
log(exp x ) = x
log (exp x ) exp0 x = 1
log0 (exp x ) =
exp x
log0 (y) =
By our results for the exponential, we also have that log(uv) = log u + log v and log(1) =
0, which implies log( u1 ) = − log u. Finally, we define the trigonometric functions to be
exp(ix ) + exp(ix )
cos( x ) =
exp(ix ) − exp(−ix )
sin( x ) =
where i ∈ C such that i2 = 1. You can check that cos0 ( x ) = − sin( x ) and sin0 ( x ) = cos( x ).
Recall from last time that eix = cos x + i sin x. Then complex generalizations of these
definitions are, respectively,
f (x) = ∑ cn einx
n=− N
∑ cn einx .
Though these produce complex outputs in general, they are real-valued if cn = c−n for
all n. We’ll be working with the complex forms of trigonometric polynomials/series, as
they’re a bit easier to handle.
N inx and m ∈ {− N, . . . , N }, then
Our first result is that for f ( x ) = ∑− N cn e
Z 2π Z 2π N
1 1
2π 0
f ( x )e−imx dx =
2π 0
∑ cn ei(n−m)x dx
N Z 2π
2π ∑ cn
ei(n−m) x dx
n=− N
= cm
We also have
Example 24.4. Consider { √1 einx }n∈Z on [0, 2π ] (or [−π, π ]). This forms an or-
thonormal system because
Z 2π Z 2π
φn ( x )φm ( x ) = einx e−imx dx
0 2π 0
1 m=n
0 m 6= n
Theorem 24.5. Let {φn } be an orthonormal system on [ a, b], and consider the Nth Fourier sum
of f - s N ( x ) = ∑nN=1 cn φn ( x ). Then for any t N ( x ) = ∑nN=1 dn φn ( x ),
Z b Z b
| f − t N | dx ≥ | f − s N |2 dx
a a
f tn dx = ∑ dn
f φn dx
n =1
= dn cn
n =1
Z b Z b N N
|t N | dx = ( ∑ dn φn )( ∑ dm φm )dx
a a n =1 m =1
Z b
= φn φn
0 m 6= n
1 m=n
Note that the second equality used the fact that only terms in which m = n contribute to
the sum. Returning to the original problem, we have
Z b Z b
| f − t N | dx = | f |2 − f t N − f tn + |t N |2 dx
a a
Z b N N N
| f |2 dx − ∑ cn dn − ∑ cn dn + ∑ | d n |2
n =1 n =1 n =1
Z b N N
| f |2 dx − ∑ | c n |2 + ∑ | c n − d n |2
n =1 n =1
The first two terms are irrespective of t N and the second is minimized when cn = dn ,
proving the claim.
In words, what we’ve shown is that s N is the best approximation to f in the least-squares
Corollary 24.6. ∑∞ 2
Rb 2
n=1 | cn | ≤ a | f ( x )| dx, meaning the left hand side converges. In particular,
cn → 0 as n → ∞.
For the remainder of the class, we’ll state some important theorems which we don’t
have time to prove.
Theorem 24.7. If for given x, ∃δ > 0, ∃ M > 0 s.t. | f ( x + t) − f ( x )| ≤ M |t| for |t| < δ, then
lim N →∞ s N ( f )( x ) = f ( x ).
In words, the above conditions - which are stronger that continuity but weaker than
differentiability - suffice to guarantee that the Fourier sums converge pointwise.
Theorem 24.8 (Stone-Weierstrass). If f is continuous and 2π-periodic, then f is the uniform
limit of a sequence of trigonometric polynomials.
Theorem 24.9 (Parseval). If f is integrable and 2π-periodic, with Fourier coefficients cn and
partial sums s N , then
R 2π 2
• lim N →∞ 2π 0R | f ( x ) − s N ( x )| dx = 0
1 2π
• ∑ |cn |2 = 2π 2
0 | f ( x )| dx
The goal of this handout is to compare different notions related to compactness, and
ultimately show that they are all equivalent to compactness.
Recall that, by definition,
S a metric space K is compact if every open cover of K contains
a finite subcover: if K = α∈A Gα then there exist finitely many α1 , . . . , αn ∈ A such that
K = Gα1 ∪ · · · ∪ Gαn . (Since compactness is an intrinsic property, here we consider K as a
standalone metric space, not as a subset of another metric space.)
A slightly weaker condition would be to only consider countable open covers of K, i.e. only
require the above property when we assume that A is countable (and hence, relabelling the
Gα if needed, we can assume A is the set of positive integers). This property is equivalent
to several other useful properties.
Theorem 1. Let K be a metric space. Any of the following properties implies the two others:
(1) Every countable open cover of K contains a finite subcover.
(2)TIf Fn is a sequence of nonempty closed subsets of K such that Fn ⊃ Fn+1 for all n ≥ 1,
then ∞ n=1 Fn is not empty.
(3) Every infinite subset of K has a limit point in K.
The third of these properties is called sequential compactness.
Exercise 1. (a) Show that, if K is compact, then K satisfies the first property of the theorem.
(b) Give examples showing that R does not satisfy any of the three properties.
(c) Give examples showing that (0, 1) ⊂ R does not satisfy any of the three properties.
(Note that in (2) we want to consider closed subsets relative to K).
Solution: (a) This is obvious: if K is compact, then every open cover of K, and in
particular every countable open cover of K, admits a finite subcover.
(b) (1) Let Gn = (n − 1, n + 1) for n ∈ Z: then R = n∈Z Gn is a countable open cover.
However, any finite subcollection of the Gn only covers a bounded subset of R and cannot
cover R. (In fact, for n ∈ Z, the point n only belongs to Gn and not to any Gm for m 6= n,
so any subcover would need to include all of the Gn .)
(2)TLet Fn = [n, ∞): these are nonempty closed subsets of R, and Fn ⊃ Fn+1 for all n,
but ∞ n=1 FTn = ∅. (Indeed, given any x ∈ R, there exists an integer m > x, so x 6∈ Fm , and
hence x 6∈ ∞ n=1 Fn ⊂ Fm .)
(3) The infinite subset Z ⊂ R has no limit points (indeed, each integer m ∈ Z has a
neighborhood, for instance N1/2 (m), which contains no other points of Z; and the non-integer
points of R also have neighborhoods which contain no integers).
(c) (1) Let Gn = ( n+1 , 1) for all n ≥ 1, then (0, 1) = ∞ n=1 Gn is a countable open cover,
but any finite subcollection Gn1 ∪ · · · ∪ Gnk only covers ( N +1 , 1) where N = max{n1 , . . . , nk }.
(2) Let Fn = (0, n+1 ] ⊂ (0, 1). Fn is closed relative to (0, 1) (it is the intersection of
(0, 1) ⊂ R with the closed subset [0, n+1 ] of R; or directly: the only potential limit point of
Fn which does not lie in Fn would beT0, but in fact 0 is not a limit point of Fn in (0, 1) since
it is not in (0, 1)). The intersection ∞n=1 Fn is empty.
(3) The infinite subset { n+1 , n ≥ 1} has no limit points in (0, 1). (In R it would have 0
as its only limit point).
S∞ (2) ⇒ (1): Assume property (2) Smholds, and consider a countable open cover of K, K =
n=1 Gn . For m S ≥ 1, let Um = n=1 Gm : then Um are open subsets, with Um ⊂ Um+1 for
all m ≥ 1, and ∞ m=1 Um = K.
Let Fm = Um , then Fm is closed and Fm ⊃ Fm+1 for all m ≥ T 1. If Fm were non-empty
for all m, then
T S by our assumption on K it would follow that ∞ m=1 Fm 6= ∅. However,
∞ ∞ c c
m=1 m = ( U
m=1 m ) = K = ∅. So in fact there exists an integer m such that Fm = ∅,
i.e. Um = G1 ∪ · · · ∪ Gm = K. Thus {Gn } has a finite subcover.
(2) ⇒ (3): Assume property (2) holds, and by contradiction assume that K contains an
infinite subset E with no limit point. Pick an infinite sequence of distinct points p1 , p2 , . . .
in E, and let Fn = {pn , pn+1 , . . . } ⊂ E.
Since Fn is contained in E, any limit point of Fn would be a limit point of E, therefore
Fn has noTlimit points, and hence Fn is closed. Moreover, Fn is non-empty, and Fn ⊃ Fn+1 .
However, ∞ n=1 Fn = ∅, since none of the points pn belongs to this intersection (as pn 6∈ Fn+1 ).
This contradicts property (2).
(3) ⇒ (2): Let Fn be a sequence of non-empty closed subsets of K with Fn ⊃ Fn+1 . Take
xn ∈ Fn for each integer n, and let E = {xn , n = 1, 2, . . . }. If E is finite then one of the
T∞many Fn . Since F1 ⊃ F2 ⊃ . . . , this implies that xi belongs to every
xi belongs to infinitely
Fn , and we get that n=1 Fn is not empty.
Assume now that E isTinfinite. Since K is sequentially compact, E has a limit point y.
We now show that y ∈ ∞ n=1 Fn . For any given integer n, we show y is a limit point of
Fn . Indeed, every neighborhood of y contains infinitely many points of E, distinct from y;
among them, we can find one which is of the form xi for i ≥ n and therefore belongs to Fn
(because xi ∈ Fi ⊂ Fn ). Since every neighborhood of y contains a point of Fn distinct from
T∞ Fn is closed, this implies that y ∈ Fn . This
y, we get that y is a limit point of Fn ; since
holds for every n, so we conclude that y ∈ n=1 Fn , which proves that the intersection is not
If K is compact, then it satisfies the three properties in Theorem 1; in particular it is
sequentially compact. (See also Rudin: Corollary of 2.36, and Theorem 2.37). To show that
sequential compactness is in fact equivalent to compactness, we now show that every open
cover of a sequentially compact set has a countable subcover. (Using Theorem 1, there is
then a finite subcover, which proves compactness). We first introduce an auxiliary notion.
Definition 1. A space X is separable if it admits an at most countable dense subset.
For example R (with the usual distance) is separable (Q is countable, and it is dense since
every real number is a limit of rationals); for the same reason Rk is separable (consider all
points with only rational coordinates).1
Theorem 2. If X is sequentially compact then it is separable.
Proof. Fix δ > 0, and let x1 ∈ X. Choose x2 ∈ X such that d(x1 , x2 ) ≥ δ, if possible. Having
chosen x1 , . . . , xj , choose xj+1 (if possible) such that d(xi , xj+1 ) ≥ δ for all i = 1, . . . , j. We
claim that this process has to stop after a finite number of iterations. Indeed, otherwise
we would obtain an infinite sequence of points xi mutually distant by at least δ; since X
is sequentially compact the infinite subset {xi , i = 1, 2, . . . } would admit a limit point y,
and the neighborhood Nδ/2 (y) would contain infinitely many of the xi ’s, contradicting the
fact that any two of them are distant by at least δ. So after a finite number of iterations
we obtain x1 , . . . , xj such that Nδ (x1 ) ∪ . . . Nδ (xj ) = X (every point of X is at distance < δ
from one of the xi ’s).
We now consider this construction for δ = n1 (n = 1, 2, . . . ). For n = 1 the construction
gives points x11 , . . . , x1j1 such that N1 (x11 )∪· · ·∪N1 (x1j1 ) = X, for n = 2 we get x21 , . . . , x2j2
such that N1/2 (x21 ∪ · · · ∪ N1/2 (x2j2 ) = X, and so on. Let S = {xki , k ≥ 1, 1 ≤ i ≤ jk }:
clearly S is at most countable. We claim that S is dense (i.e. S̄ = X). Indeed, if x ∈ X
and r > 0, the neighborhood Nr (x) always contains at least a point of S (choosing n so that
< r, one of the xni ’s is at distance less than r from x), so every point of X either belongs
to S or is a limit point of S, i.e. S̄ = X.
Theorem 3. If X is separable, then every open cover of X admits an at most countable
Proof. Let S = {p1 , p2 , . . . } be an at most countable subset of X which is dense in X, and
let {Gα }α∈A be any open cover of X.
Let I be the set of all pairs of positive
S integers (j, k) for which there exists α ∈ A such
that N1/k (pj ) ⊂ Gα . We claim that (j,k)∈I N1/k (pj ) = X. Indeed, let x ∈ X: since {Gα }
covers X, x ∈ Gα for some α ∈ A. Because Gα is open, it contains a neighborhood Nr (x) for
some r > 0. Fix k such that k1 < 2r . Since S is dense, there exists j such that d(x, pj ) < k1 ,
and we find that x ∈ N1/k (pj ) ⊂ Nr (x) ⊂ Gα . So (j, k) ∈ I and x ∈ N1/k (pj ).
Next, for each (j, k) ∈ I we choose α(j,k) ∈ A such that N1/k (pj ) ⊂ Gαj,k . (Such an α(j,k)
exists by definition of I; it need not be unique, but we just choose one.)
Then (j,k)∈I Gαj,k ⊃ (j,k)∈I N1/k (pj ) = X, so the {Gαj,k }(j,k)∈I cover X; since I is at
most countable, this subcover consists of at most countably many of the Gα .
Corollary 1. Every sequentially compact set is compact.
Proof. If X is sequentially compact, then by Theorem 2 it is separable, hence by Theorem 3
every open cover of X has an at most countable subcover. However, using the first property
in Theorem 1, every countable open cover has a finite subcover, so we conclude that every
open cover in X has a finite subcover, i.e. X is compact.
1On the other hand, R with the distance given by d(x, y) = 1 whenever x 6= y, d(x, x) = 0 is not separable:
indeed every subset is closed (HW2 Problem 4), so the only dense subset is R itself, which is not countable.
Math 112 Homework 1 Solutions
Problem 1.
By contradiction: take r rational, x irrational, and assume y = r + x ∈ Q. Since y ∈ Q, r ∈ Q and
Q is a field, x = y − r ∈ Q; contradiction, hence y is irrational.
Similarly, take r 6= 0 rational, x irrational, and assume y = rx ∈ Q. Since y ∈ Q, r ∈ Q, r is
non-zero and Q is a field, x = y/r ∈ Q; contradiction, hence y is irrational.
Problem 2.
Since A is bounded below, −A is bounded above (because if x is a lower bound of A, i.e. x ≤ y
∀y ∈ A, then −x ≥ −y ∀y ∈ A, so −x is an upper bound of −A). Since A is not empty, −A is not
empty either. Therefore, by the least upper bound property of R, the set −A admits a least upper
bound α = sup(−A). We must show that inf(A) = −α.
First we show that −α is a lower bound of A. Let x be any element of A: then −x ∈ −A, so
−x ≤ α (α is an upper bound of −A). Multiplying by −1 we get x ≥ −α; since this holds for any
x ∈ A, we get that −α is a lower bound of A.
Next we show that −α is the greatest lower bound of A. Let y be any lower bound of A: then
∀x ∈ A, x ≥ y, so −x ≤ −y. Since all elements of −A are of the form −x where x ∈ A, we get that
−y is an upper bound of −A. Therefore, −y ≥ α (because α is the least upper bound). Multiplying
by −1 again we get y ≤ −α, so −α is the greatest lower bound of A.
Problem 3.
We must check that the two axioms of an order relation (§1.5 of Rudin) hold:
(i) Let z = a + bi, w = c + di ∈ C. We must show that exactly one of the three properties z < w,
z = w and w < z holds. There are three cases to consider: if a < c, then z < w (while z 6= w and
w 6< z); if a > c, then w < z (while z 6= w and z 6< w); the last case is a = c. When a = c, there
are again three subcases: if b < d then z < w (while z 6= w and w 6< z); if b > d then w < z (while
z 6= w and z 6< w); if b = d then w = z (while z 6< w and w 6< z).
(ii) Let z = a + bi, w = c + di, u = e + f i ∈ C. Assume that z < w and w < u. We must show
that z < u. We know that a ≤ c and c ≤ e, therefore a ≤ e. If a < e then by definition z < u.
The remaining case to consider is when a = e, where c is also necessarily equal to a and e; then we
must have b < d and d < f , so b < f , and therefore z < u.
This ordered set does not have the least-upper-bound property: for example consider A = {a +
bi, a < 0}: then c + di is an upper bound of A if and only if c ≥ 0. However, given any upper
bound w = c + di of A, then w′ = c + (d − 1)i is also an upper bound of A (since c ≥ 0), and w′ < w
(since d − 1 < d). So there is no least upper bound of A.
Problem 4.
(a) Since Q( 2) is a subset of R, the usual commutativity, associativity and
√ distributivity properties
are clearly satisfied. Moreover it is obvious that 0 and 1 √belong to Q( 2); therefore it is enough
to check that the usual operations are well-defined in Q( 2) (axioms (A1), (A5), (M1), (M5) of
Rudin §1.12).
√ √ √
Let x = a + b 2 and y = c + d 2 be two elements of Q( 2). Then
√ √ √
x + y = (a + c) + (b + d) 2, xy = (ac + 2bd) + (ad + bc) 2, −x = (−a) + (−b) 2
are clearly elements of Q( 2).
Moreover, if x 6= 0, i.e. if a and b are not simultaneously equal to 0, then a2 − 2b2 6= 0 because
there is no rational number r ∈ Q with the property that r2 = 2; therefore
1 a b √ √
x−1 = √ = 2 − 2 ∈ Q( 2).
a+b 2 a − 2b2 a2 − 2b2
Therefore Q( 2) with the usual operations is a subfield of R.
√ √ √ √
(b) By contradiction:
√ 2 assume that √3 ∈ Q( 2), i.e. there exist a, b ∈ Q such that 3 = a + b 2.
Then (a + b 2) = (a2 + 2b2 ) + 2ab 2, so one gets
3 − a2 − 2b2 = 2ab 2.
Since 2 6∈ Q the only
√ possibility
√ is√that 2ab = 0, which implies that either a = 0 or b = 0. If
√ = 0 then one gets 3 = b 2, i.e. 6 = 2b ∈ Q, which√is a contradiction.
√ If b = 0 then one gets
3 = a ∈ Q, which is again a contradiction. Therefore 3 6∈ Q( 2).
√ √ √
(We omit the proof that 3 and 6 are irrational, which is similar to that for 2 given in Rudin).
Problem 5.
Recall that |z|2 = z z̄. Then:
|1 + z1 |2 + |1 + z2 |2 + · · · + |1 + zn |2
= (1 + z1 )(1 + z̄1 ) + (1 + z2 )(1 + z̄2 ) + · · · + (1 + zn )(1 + z̄n )
= (1 + z1 + z̄1 + |z1 |2 ) + (1 + z2 + z̄2 + |z2 |2 ) + · · · + (1 + zn + z̄n + |zn |2 )
= n + (|z1 |2 + |z2 |2 + · · · + |zn |2 ) + (z1 + z2 + · · · + zn ) + (z̄1 + z̄2 + · · · + z̄n ).
Since z1 + z2 + · · · + zn = 0 one also has that z̄1 + z̄2 + · · · + z̄n = 0. In addition |z1 | = |z2 | = · · · =
|zn | = 1, so the sum above is equal to 2n.
Problem 6.
For x = 0 the statement clearly holds (any non-zero y ∈ Rk satisfies x · y = 0). So we can restrict
ourselves to the case where x 6= 0, i.e. x = (x1 , . . . , xk ) where at least one of the xi is non-zero.
By permuting the components if necessary, we can assume without loss of generality that x1 6= 0.
Then let y = (−x2 , x1 , 0, . . . , 0) ∈ Rk : we have that y 6= 0 (its second component is non-zero), and
x · y = −x1 x2 + x2 x1 = 0.
(Or more geometrically: for x 6= 0, the set {y ∈ Rk , x · y = 0} is a hyperplane, which always
contains non-zero elements when k ≥ 2).
For k = 1 this is no longer true: if x is non-zero, then the equation x · y = 0 admits y = 0 as only
Problem 7.
For every positive integer n, let Mn be the set whose elements are all the subsets of the finite set
{−n, . . . , n}. The set Mn is finite (in fact it has 22n+1 elements). However, every finite subset of Z
is bounded and therefore contained in {−n, . . . , n} for some integer n (of course n depends S on the
chosen subset). So every element of M belongs to Mn for some n, and therefore M = ∞ n=1 Mn .
Since it is a countable union of finite sets, M is at most countable; since M is clearly infinite, it is
Alternative solution: for every integer n ≥ 0, let An be the set of all subsets of Z containing exactly
n elements. The set A0 admits the empty subset as its only element and is therefore finite. If
n ≥ 1, then to an element {x1 , . . . , xn } of An we can associate the element (x1 , . . . , xn ) of Zn (the
set of n-tuples of integers), where the xi ’s are ordered so that x1 < x2 < · · · < xn . This defines a
1-1 mapping of An into Zn . However Zn is countable (see Rudin §2.13), S so An which is equivalent
to an infinite subset of Zn is also countable. We conclude that M = ∞ n=0 An is also countable.
Math 112 Homework 2 Solutions
Problem 1.
Given an integer N , let EN be the set of equations of the form a0 z n + a1 z n−1 + · · · + an = 0,
where n ≥ 0 is an integer, a0 , . . . , an are integers (not all zero), and n + |a0 | + · · · + |an | = N .
For a given value of n, there exist only finitely many tuples of integers (a0 , . . . , an ) such that
|a0 | + · · · + |an | = N − n (because each ai can take at most 2(N − n) + 1 values). Allowing n to
vary from 1 to N , we get that EN is the union of N finite sets, and therefore a finite set.
Next, let AN ⊂ R be the set of solutions to the equations in EN . Since an equation of degree n has
at most n solutions, to each element of EN correspond at most N elements of AN ; therefore, the
finiteness of EN implies that of AN .
Observe that each set AN is contained in the set of algebraic numbers. Conversely, let z be an
algebraic number, satisfying an equation a0 z n +a1 z n−1 +· · ·+an = 0,Sand let N = n+|a0 |+· · ·+|an |:
then z ∈ AN . Therefore the set of algebraic numbers is exactly A = ∞ N =1 AN . Since A is the union
of countably many finite sets AN , it is at most countable. Moreover it is infinite (since Z ⊂ A),
thus A is countable.
Problem 2.
1) d1 is not a metric because it violates the triangle inequality: for example, d1 (0, 1) = |1 − 0|2 = 1,
d1 (1, 2) = |2 − 1|2 = 1, d1 (0, 2) = |2 − 0|2 = 4 > d1 (0, 1) + d1 (1, 2).
2) d2 is not a metric because it does not satisfy the property that d(x, y) > 0 whenever x 6= y: for
example, d2 (−1, 1) = |1 − 1| = 0.
3) d3 is a metric because it satisfies the three axioms of Definition 2.15:
|x − y|
a) If x 6= y, then |x − y| > 0, so d3 (x, y) = > 0. Moreover d3 (x, x) = 0.
1 + |x − y|
b) Clearly d3 (x, y) = d3 (y, x).
c) Let x, y, z ∈ R, and let α = |x − y|, β = |y − z|, γ = |x − z|. By the triangle inequality for the
usual distance we have α + β ≥ γ. We get:
α β α β α+β γ
d3 (x, y) + d3 (y, z) = + ≥ + = ≥ = d3 (x, z),
1+α 1+β 1+α+β 1+α+β 1+α+β 1+γ
where in the last inequality we have used the fact that the function t 7→ is increasing.
Problem 3.
(a) We show that d∞ satisfies the three axioms of Definition 2.15:
a) If p 6= q then there exists i ∈ {1, . . . , n} such that pi 6= qi , so d∞ (p, q) ≥ |pi − qi | > 0. Moreover
d∞ (p, p) = 0 clearly.
b) d∞ (q, p) = d∞ (p, q) because |qi − pi | = |pi − qi | ∀i.
c) Let p, q, r ∈ Rn : then for every i ∈ {1, . . . , n} we have |pi − qi | ≤ |pi − ri | + |ri − qi | ≤
d∞ (p, r) + d∞ (r, q). So d∞ (p, r) + d∞ (r, q) is an upper bound for {|pi − qi |, i = 1, . . . , n}. Therefore
d∞ (p, r) + d∞ (r, q) ≥ sup{|pi − qi |} = d∞ (p, q).
(b) Assume E is open in (Rn , d), and consider any point p ∈ E. By definition E contains a
neighborhood of p for the metric d, i.e. we have {q ∈ Rn , d(p, q) < r} ⊂ E for some r > 0.
Consider a point q ∈PRn such that d∞ (p, q) < n−1/2 r: then we have |pi − qi | < n−1/2 r for all
i, so that d(p, q) = ( |pi − qi |2 )−1/2 < r, and therefore q ∈ E. It follows that E contains the
neighborhood {q ∈ Rn , d∞ (p, q) < n−1/2 r} of p for the metric d∞ . Since E contains a neighborhood
of each of its points, it is an open subset of (Rn , d∞ ).
Conversely, assume E is open in (Rn , d∞ ), and consider p ∈ E. By definition E contains a neigh-
borhood of the form {q ∈ Rn , d∞ (p, q) < r} for some r > 0. Consider a point q ∈ Rn such that
d(p, q) < r: then |pi − qi | < r for all i, so that d∞ (p, q) < r and therefore q ∈ E. It follows that
E contains the neighborhood {q ∈ Rn , d(p, q) < r} of p for the metric d. Since E contains a
neighborhood of each of its points, it is an open subset of (Rn , d).
Problem 4.
We verify the various axioms to show that d is a metric:
– by definition d(p, q) = 1 > 0 if p 6= q, and d(p, p) = 0; moreover d(p, q) = d(q, p).
– let p, q, r ∈ X: if p = q then d(p, q) = 0 ≤ d(p, r)+d(r, q). If p 6= q then either r = p, in which case
d(p, q) = d(r, q) ≤ d(p, r) + d(r, q), or r 6= p, in which case d(p, q) = 1 = d(p, r) ≤ d(p, r) + d(r, q).
Therefore d is a metric. We now show that every subset E ⊂ X is open and closed.
– let E ⊂ X, and let p ∈ E: by definition, we have {q ∈ E, d(p, q) < 12 } = {p} ⊂ E, so E contains
a neighborhood of p. Therefore E is open.
– let E ⊂ X, and let p ∈ X: by definition, the neighborhood {q ∈ E, d(p, q) < 21 } = {p} does not
contain any point q 6= p; therefore p is not a limit point of E. So E has no limit points, and is
therefore closed (every limit point belongs to E).
(another way to prove that E is closed is to observe that E c is open – or vice versa).
Problem 5.
Let x be a limit point of E ′ : we want to show that x ∈ E ′ , i.e. that x is a limit point of E. Fix
r > 0: since x is a limit point of E ′ , there exists y ∈ E ′ such that y 6= x and d(x, y) < 2r . However,
by definition y is a limit point of E, so there exists z ∈ E such that z 6= y and d(y, z) < d(x, y) < 2r .
By the triangle inequality we have d(x, z) ≤ d(x, y) + d(y, z) < 2r + 2r = r. Moreover x 6= z (because
d(z, y) < d(x, y)). Therefore every neighborhood of x contains a point of E distinct from x, i.e. x is
a limit point of E, or equivalently x ∈ E ′ . Since every limit point of E ′ belongs to E ′ , we conclude
that E ′ is closed.
Problem 6.
a) For every i, we have Ai ⊂ ni=1 Ai = Bn ⊂ B̄n . Therefore B̄n is a closed set containing Ai , and
Snby Theorem 2.27(c) in Rudin we get that Āi ⊂ B̄n . Since this holds for every i, we get that
i=1 Āi ⊂ B̄n .
Conversely, since the sets ĀS i are closed, by Theorem 2.24(d) the set i=1 Āi is closed; moreover,
Sn Āi ⊃ A i we get that S Ā
i=1 i ⊃ B n . So applying again Theorem 2.27(c) we conclude that
i=1 Āi ⊃ B̄n , and therefore i=1 Āi = B̄n .
b) Same argument as in a): since Ai ⊂ B ⊂ B̄, S∞B̄ is a closed set containing Ai and therefore
Āi ⊂ B̄. Since this holds for every i, we get that i=1 Āi ⊂ B̄.
S∞ the converse inclusion no longerS∞ general: for example if Ai = [ 1i , 1] ⊂ R, then
holds in S
B = i=1 Ai = (0, 1], so B̄ = [0, 1] while i=1 Āi = ∞i=1 Ai = (0, 1].
Math 112 Homework 3 Solutions
Problem 1.
Let {Gα } be an open cover of K = {0} ∪ { n1 , n = 1, 2, . . . }. Since 0 ∈ K ⊂ α Gα , there exists
α0 such that 0 ∈ Gα0 ; similarly for every n ≥ 1 there exists αn such that n1 ∈ Gαn . Since Gα0
is open, there exists r > 0 such that Nr (0) = (−r, r) ⊂ Gα0 . Let m be an integer greater than
1 1 1
r : then for every n > m we have 0 < n < r and therefore n ∈ (−r, r) ⊂ Gα0 . We conclude that
K ⊂ Gα0 ∪ (Gα1 ∪ · · · ∪ Gαm ); therefore we have found a finite subcover, and we conclude that K
is compact.
Problem 2.
We construct
T∞ sequences of non-empty closed (resp. bounded) subsets En ⊂ R such that En ⊃ En+1
and n=1 En = ∅; this gives the desired counterexamples to the Corollary (and to the theorem as
well). Of course the two counterexamples must be different (if the sets were closed and bounded
then by the Heine-Borel theorem they would be compact and Theorem 2.36 would apply).
a) Consider Fn = [n, +∞) ⊂ R: the sets Fn are closed, and Fn ⊃ Fn+1 , but ∞ n=1 Fn = ∅.
1 T∞
b) Consider En = (0, n ] ⊂ R: the sets En are bounded, and En ⊃ En+1 , but n=1 En = ∅.
Problem 3. (NOTE to graders: don’t remove points if the negative elements have been forgotten)
√ √ √ √
Observe that E = Q ∩ ([− 3, − 2] √ ∪ [ 2, √ 3]).
√ Therefore
√ the complement E c of E in Q is the
intersection of Q with G = (−∞, − 3) ∪ (− 2, 2) ∪ ( 3, +∞), which is an open subset of R. By
Theorem 2.30, Q ∩ G = E c is open relative to Q; therefore E is closed in Q.
E is clearly bounded (all its elements are at distance less than 3 from 0).
E is not compact: indeed, if E were a compact subset of Q, then it would also be compact as a
subset of R (compactness is intrinsic,
√ Theorem 2.33), and therefore it would be a closed subset of
R (by Theorem 2.34). However 3, which is a limit point of E in R, does not belong to E; so E is
not closed relative to R, and therefore E is not compact.
√ √ √ √
Since V = (− 3, − 2) ∪ ( 2, 3) is an open subset of R and E = Q ∩ V , it follows from Theorem
2.30 that E is an open subset of Q.
Problem 4.
Assume K1 , . . . , Kn are compact subsets of X, and let K = K1 ∪· · ·∪Kn . Let {Gα } be an open cover
of K. Observe that {Gα } is also an open cover of Ki for any i. So the compactness of Ki implies
the existence
S of a finite number of indices αi,1 , . . . , αi,mi such that Ki ⊂ Gαi,1 ∪ · · · ∪ Gαi,mi . Let
A = Sni=1 {αi,1 , . . . , αi,mi }: clearly A is a finite set (it is a union of n finite sets). By construction,
K ⊂ α∈A Gα (because each Ki is covered by Gαi,1 , . . . , Gαi,mi which are all contained in α∈A Gα ).
Therefore we have found a finite subcover of K; we conclude that K is compact.
The statement noSlonger holds for countable unions: for example the sets Ki = [i − 1, i] ⊂ R are
all compact,
S∞but ∞ i=1 Ki = [0, +∞) is not bounded and therefore not compact. (Other example:
Ki = { i }, i=1 Ki is not closed and therefore not compact).
Problem 5.
a) If a, b ∈ ℓ∞ , then for all n ≥ 1 we have |an − bn | ≤ |an | + |bn | ≤ supi≥1 |ai | + supi≥1 |bi | (where
the latter are well-defined real numbers by definition of ℓ∞ ). So the set {|an − bn |, n ≥ 1} ⊂ R is
bounded above (and obviously non-empty), and hence admits a least-upper bound in R. We now
check the three axioms of Definition 2.15.
(i) It is clear that d(a, b) ≥ 0 since |an − bn | ≥ 0 for all n, and that d(a, a) = sup |ai − ai | = 0.
Conversely, if d(a, b) = sup |ai − bi | = 0 then |ai − bi | = 0 for all i ≥ 1, which implies that ai = bi
for all i and hence a = b.
(ii) the property d(a, b) = d(b, a) is obviously satisfied.
(iii) let a, b, c ∈ ℓ∞ . Then for all i ≥ 1 we have |ai − ci | ≤ |ai − bi | + |bi − ci | ≤ d(a, b) + d(b, c).
Hence d(a, b) + d(b, c) is an upper bound for {|ai − ci |, i ≥ 1}, which implies that the least upper
bound satisfies d(a, c) ≤ d(a, b) + d(b, c).
b) B is closed because its complement B c = {x ∈ ℓ∞ , d(x, 0) > 1} is open. Indeed, consider
x ∈ B c , and let r = d(x, 0) − 1 > 0. Then Nr (x) ⊂ B c , since for any a ∈ Nr (x) the triangle
inequality implies that d(a, 0) ≥ d(x, 0) − d(x, a) > 1. Thus every point of B c is an interior point,
and so B c is open and B is closed. (Alternative answer: for the same reasons, no point of B c can
be a limit point of B, so every limit point of B must belong to B, hence B is closed).
B is bounded, of diameter 2, because ∀a, b ∈ B, d(a, b) ≤ d(a, 0) + d(0, b) ≤ 1 + 1 = 2.
c) Let en be the sequence whose terms en,i are all zero except for the n-th term en,n which is
equal to 1. Clearly en ∈ ℓ∞ , and d(en , 0) = supi |en,i | = 1, so en ∈ B. Moreover, if n 6= m, then
d(en , em ) = sup{0, 0, . . . , 1, 0, . . . , 0, 1, 0, . . . } = 1 (since |en,i − em,i | is equal to 1 if i = m or i = n,
and 0 otherwise). This sequence cannot have any limit point. Indeed, if x is a limit point, then
there must exist n ≥ 1 such that d(x, en ) < 1/2. Then, by the triangle inequality, for all m 6= n we
have d(x, em ) ≥ d(en , em ) − d(en , x) > 1/2, which contradicts the fact that every neighborhood of
x should contain infinitely many of the em ’s.
Hence B is not sequentially compact, and hence not compact.
Problem 6.
a) If A and B are disjoint closed sets, then Ā = A and B̄ = B, so Ā ∩ B = A ∩ B = ∅ and
A ∩ B̄ = A ∩ B = ∅. So A and B are separated.
b) Assume A and B are disjoint open sets. Since A ∩ B = ∅, we have A ⊂ B c . Since B c is a closed
set containing A, by Theorem 2.27(c) we have Ā ⊂ B c , i.e. Ā ∩ B = ∅. Similarly, Ac is closed and
B ⊂ Ac , so B̄ ⊂ Ac , and therefore A ∩ B̄ = ∅. So A and B are separated.
c) We first show that A and B are open. We know by Theorem 2.19 that A = Nδ (p) is open (or it
can be reproved easily). The proof for B is similar: let q ∈ B. Then d(p, q) = δ + h for some h > 0.
If r ∈ X is such that d(q, r) < h, then by the triangle inequality d(p, r) ≥ d(p, q) − d(r, q) > δ, so
r ∈ B. Therefore Nh (q) ⊂ B, i.e. q is an interior point of B. Since this holds for every q ∈ B, we
conclude that B is open. Since A and B are disjoint open subsets, by the result of (b) they are
d) Let x, y be two distinct points in X. Fix a real number r with 0 < r < d(x, y). Assume
that there exists no point z ∈ X such that d(x, z) = r: then we can write X = A ∪ B, where
A = {z ∈ X, d(x, z) < r} and B = {z ∈ X, d(x, z) > r}. However by part (c) the subsets A and B
are separated, so this contradicts the connectedness of X (A and B are non-empty because x ∈ A
and y ∈ B). We conclude that, ∀r ∈ (0, d(x, y)), ∃z ∈ X such that d(x, z) = r.
Next observe that if X were countable, i.e. if X = {x1 , x2 , . . . }, then {r > 0 s.t. ∃z ∈ X, d(x, z) =
r} = {d(x, x1 ), d(x, x2 ), . . . } would be countable as well; however it contains the interval (0, d(x, y))
which we know is uncountable. So X is uncountable.
Math 112 Homework 4 Solutions
Problem 1.
(a) Since d(x, a) ≥ 0 ∀a ∈ A, we always have d(x, A) ≥ 0. If d(x, A) = 0, then for any r > 0 we
know that r is not a lower bound of {d(x, a), a ∈ A}, i.e. ∃a ∈ A such that d(x, a) < r. We conclude
that x ∈ Ā. Conversely, if x ∈ Ā, then for any r > 0 there exists a ∈ A such that d(x, a) < r, so
d(x, A) ≤ d(x, a) < r. We conclude that d(x, A) cannot be positive; so d(x, A) = 0.
(b) For every positive integer n, since d(x, A) = inf{d(x, a), a ∈ A}, we know that d(x, A) + n1 is
not a lower bound of {d(x, a), a ∈ A}. So there exists an ∈ A such that rn = d(x, an ) < d(x, A)+ n1 .
So d(x, A) ≤ rn < d(x, A) + n1 . This implies that {rn } converges to d(x, A). (given ǫ > 0, there
exists N such that N1 < ǫ, and for every n ≥ N we have |rn − d(x, A)| < n1 < ǫ).
(c) Assume A is compact: then by Theorem 3.6 we know that the sequence {an } constructed in
(b) has a convergent subsequence {ani }. Let a ∈ A be the limit of this subsequence. Then we have
d(x, a) ≤ d(x, ani ) + d(ani , a). Since d(x, ani ) → d(x, A) and d(ani , a) → 0, the right-hand side
converges to d(x, A), and so d(x, a) ≤ d(x, A). However d(x, a) ≥ d(x, A) by definition of d(x, A),
so d(x, a) = d(x, A).
Problem 2.
√ √ √
(a) First we prove that xn > α for all n. Indeed, p x1 > α; and, assuming that xn > α, we
√ √ √ √
have xn+1 − α = 21 (xn + xαn − 2 α) = 21 ( xn − α/xn )2 > 0, so xn+1 > α. So by induction
√ √
xn > α for all n. As a consequence, for all n we have xαn < α < xn , so xn+1 = 21 (xn + xαn ) <
2 (xn + xn ) = xn . So the sequence {xn } decreases monotonically.
Since the sequence {xn } decreases monotonically and admits the lower bound α, by Theorem
3.14 it converges to a certain limit x ≥ α. Since xn → x, we have xαn → αx , so xn+1 → 21 (x + αx ).
However xn+1 → x, so by uniqueness of the limit we have x = 21 (x + αx ), which implies that x = αx ,
i.e. x = α. (This can also be shown directly by estimating |xn+1 − α|).
√ √ √ √
(b) ǫn+1 = xn+1 − α = 21 (xn + xαn − 2 α) = 2x1n (x2n + α − 2xn α) = 2x1n (xn − α)2 = ǫ2n /2xn .
√ √
Since xn > α, we conclude that ǫn+1 < ǫ2n /2 α.
√ n
Setting β = 2 α, we show by induction on n that ǫn+1 < β(ǫ1 /β)2 . For n = 1 we have ǫ2 <
n n+1
ǫ21 /β = β(ǫ1 /β)2 . Assume that ǫn < β(ǫ1 /β)2 : then ǫn+1 < ǫ2n /β < β(ǫ1 /β)2 . So the inequality
holds for all n = 1, 2, 3, . . . .
√ √
(c) If α = 3 and x1 = 2, then ǫ1 = 2 − 3 ≃ 0.268 < 0.3, and β = 2 3 ≃ 3.464 > 3, so
ǫ1 /β < 0.3 1 2n < β 10−2n < 4 · 10−2n . So ǫ < 4 · 10−16 , ǫ < 4 · 10−32 .
3 = 10 . Hence ǫn+1 < β(ǫ1 /β) 5 6
Problem 3.
We show first that {d(pn , qn )} is a Cauchy sequence in R. Indeed, fix ǫ > 0: there exists N such
that if m, n ≥ N then d(pn , pm ) < 2ǫ . Similarly there exists N ′ such that if m, n ≥ N ′ then
d(qn , qm ) < 2ǫ . Let m, n ≥ max(N, N ′ ): then d(pn , qn ) ≤ d(pn , pm ) + d(pm , qm ) + d(qm , qn ) <
ǫ ǫ
2 + d(pm , qm ) + 2 = d(pm , qm ) + ǫ, and similarly (exchanging m and n) d(pm , qm ) < d(pn , qn ) + ǫ.
So |d(pn , qn )−d(pm , qm )| < ǫ for all m, n ≥ max(N, N ′ ). Therefore {d(pn , qn )} is a Cauchy sequence
in R; since R is complete, it converges.
Problem 4.
(a) Let {pn }, {qn } and {rn } be Cauchy sequences. The first two properties of an equivalence
relation are clearly satisfied: first, d(pn , pn ) = 0 ∀n, so lim d(pn , pn ) = 0, and therefore {pn } ∼ {pn }.
Moreover, if {pn } ∼ {qn } then by definition lim d(pn , qn ) = 0, so lim d(qn , pn ) = 0 and {qn } ∼ {pn }.
Finally, if {pn } ∼ {qn } and {qn } ∼ {rn }, observe that 0 ≤ d(pn , rn ) ≤ d(pn , qn ) + d(qn , rn ); since by
Problem 4 these sequences all converge, 0 ≤ lim d(pn , rn ) ≤ lim d(pn , qn ) + lim d(qn , rn ) = 0 + 0 = 0.
Therefore d(pn , rn ) → 0, and we conclude that {pn } ∼ {rn }. So ∼ is an equivalence relation.
(b) Let P, Q ∈ X ∗ ; let {pn }, {p′n } be equivalent sequences representing P , and let {qn }, {qn′ } be
equivalent sequences representing Q. Since d(p′n , qn′ ) ≤ d(p′n , pn ) + d(pn , qn ) + d(qn , qn′ ), we have
lim d(p′n , qn′ ) ≤ lim d(p′n , pn ) + lim d(pn , qn ) + lim d(qn , qn′ ); since the first and third term converge
to 0, we get lim d(p′n , qn′ ) ≤ lim d(pn , qn ). Reversing the roles of pn and p′n and of qn and qn′ , we also
have the converse inequality; so lim d(p′n , qn′ ) = lim d(pn , qn ), and therefore ∆(P, Q) is well-defined.
Next, we prove that ∆ is a distance: let {pn }, {qn }, {rn } be Cauchy sequences in X, representing
elements P, Q, R ∈ X ∗ . First, since d(pn , qn ) ≥ 0 ∀n, we get that ∆(P, Q) = lim d(pn , qn ) ≥ 0.
Moreover ∆(P, Q) = 0 if and only if d(pn , qn ) → 0, i.e. if and only if {pn } and {qn } are equivalent,
i.e. if and only if P = Q. Next, observe that ∆(P, Q) = lim d(pn , qn ) = lim d(qn , pn ) = ∆(Q, P ).
Finally we check the triangle inequality: since d(pn , qn ) ≤ d(pn , rn ) + d(rn , qn ), we have ∆(P, Q) =
lim d(pn , qn ) ≤ lim d(pn , rn ) + lim d(rn , qn ) = ∆(P, R) + ∆(R, Q). So ∆ is a distance function.
(c) Let {Pn } be a Cauchy sequence in (X ∗ , ∆), and choose a representative {pnk } for each Pn .
Since {pnk } is a Cauchy sequence in X, there exists an integer Kn such that if k, l ≥ Kn then
d(pnk , pnl ) < n1 . Let qn = pnKn .
We first show that {qn } is a Cauchy sequence in X. For this purpose, observe that, for every
value of k, d(qn , qm ) ≤ d(qn , pnk ) + d(pnk , pmk ) + d(pmk , qm ); in particular, if k ≥ max(Kn , Km ),
d(qn , pnk ) = d(pnKn , pnk ) < n1 , by definition of Kn , and similarly d(pmk , qm ) = d(pmk , pmKm ) < m 1
1 1
So for k ≥ max(Kn , Km ) we have d(qn , qm ) < n + d(pnk , pmk ) + m . When k → ∞ the right-hand
side converges to n1 + ∆(Pn , Pm ) + m 1
by definition of ∆(Pn , Pm ); so we conclude that d(qn , qm ) ≤
1 1 ∗
n + ∆(Pn , Pm ) + m . Fix a constant ǫ > 0: since {Pn } is a Cauchy sequence in (X , ∆), there exists
N such that ∀n, m ≥ N , ∆(Pn , Pm ) < 2 . Increasing N if necessary we can also assume that N1 < 4ǫ .
Math 112 Homework 5 Solutions
Problem 1.
√ 2√
Since ( an − n1 )2 = an + 1
− n an , we have
1√ 1 1
an ≤ (an + 2 ).
n 2 n
P P 1
The series an converges
P 1 √ by assumption, and the series n2
converges, so by the comparison
criterion the series n a n converges.
Problem 2.
a) lim supn→∞ n3 = lim supn→∞ n3/n = lim supn→∞ (n1/n )3 = 1, so R = 1.
P∞ 2n P∞ (2z)n
b) Note that zn = = e2z . We know that ez has R = ∞, i.e. lim sup(n!)−1/n = 0
n=0 n! n=0 n!
(see Example 3.40(b)). Therefore lim sup(2n /n!)1/n = 2 lim sup(1/n!)1/n = 0, and R = ∞ again.
c) Observe that, for any k ∈ Z, limn→∞ (nk )1/n = 1. This is because lim n1/n = 1 (Theorem
3.20(c)), so limn→∞ nk/n = 1. Hence, we have lim supn→∞ (2n /n2 )1/n = 2 lim supn→∞ n−2/n = 2,
so R = 1/2.
d) Similarly, lim supn→∞ (n3 /3n )1/n = 1/3, so R = 3.
Problem 3.
an an an an an
a) Observe that, if an ≥ 1, then 1+a n
≥ an +an = 21 , while if an ≤ 1, then 1+an ≥ 1+1 = 2 . We
consider the following alternative.
Case 1: there exist infinitely many values of n such that P
an > 1. Then the corresponding values of
an 1 an an
1+an are all greater than 2 , so 1+an →
6 0, and therefore 1+an diverges.
Case 2: for all but finitely many values of n, we have an ≤ 1 and therefore 1+a n
≥ a2n . Since a
finite number of terms
Pcannot affect the behavior P of the series, by the comparison criterion we can
an an
conclude that, since 2 is divergent, the series 1+an is also divergent.
an P an
(Shorter alternate solution: if an 6→ 0 then 1+a n
6→ 0 and then 1+an diverges. If an → 0 then
there exists N such that, for n ≥ N , an ≤ 1 and therefore 1+a n
≥ a2n ∀n ≥ N , which gives
divergence by the comparison criterion).
aN +1 aN +k
b) Since an > 0, the sequence {sn } is monotonically increasing, and therefore sN +1 +···+ sN +k ≥
aN +1 aN +k aN +1 +···+aN +k sN +k −sN sN
sN +k + ··· + sN +k = sN +k = sN +k =1− sN +k .
Observe that the divergence of the series an implies that the monotonically increasing sequence
sn is not bounded (by Theorem 3.24). In particular, given any integer N , the constant 2sN is
not an upper bound for {sn }, i.e. there exists m such that sm ≥ 2sN ; obviously m > N , so we
can write m = N + k for some positive integer k. Therefore, for every integer N , there exists an
integer k such that sN +k ≥ 2sN , i.e. 1 − sNsN+k ≥ 12 . As a consequence, we obtain: ∀N ∃k such that
PN +k an 1
n=N +1 sn ≥ 2 .
P an
Assume that the series sn is convergent: then by the Cauchy criterion (Theorem 3.22) there
P m ak
exists N such that, P∀m ≥ n ≥ N , | k=n sk | ≤ 31 . This contradicts the previously obtained
statement; therefore sn diverges.
c) Since sn = sn−1 + an ≥ sn−1 , we have sn−1 1
− s1n = ssnn−1−sn−1 an an
sn = sn−1 sn ≥ s2n . Therefore
PN a n a1 PN 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2
n=1 s2n ≤ s21 + n=2 ( sn−1 − sn ) = a1 + ( s1 − s2 ) + · · · + ( sN −1 − sN ) = a1 − sN < a1 . So
P an
the partial sums of the series of non-negative terms are bounded by the constant a21 , and
P an s2n
therefore by Theorem 3.24 the series s2n
is convergent.
P an
d) The series 1+nan can be either divergent or convergent. Divergent examples are easy to come
an 1 P 1 1 an 1 P 1
by (e.g., if an = 1 then 1+nan = n+1 and n+1 is divergent; if an = n then 1+nan = 2n and 2n
is divergent).
P P an
An example where an diverges but 1+nan converges is given by setting an = 1 if there exists
k such that n = k 2 , and an = n12 otherwise. Because P infinitely many terms are equal to 1 the
sequence {an } does not converge to 0; therefore an is divergent. Meanwhile, if n = k 2 then
an 1 1 an 1
1+nan = k2 +1 < k2 , while in the other case 1+nan < an = n2 . Therefore the partial sums of the
P an PN P P P∞ 1 P∞ 1
series are bounded: an
≤ k2 ≤N k12 + N 1
2 ≤ 2 + n=1 n2 (recall
P 1 1+na n n=1 1+na n n=1 n P an
k=1 k
is convergent). By Theorem 3.24 we conclude that in this example 1+nan is convergent.
P an
The case of the series 1+n2 an
is easier: it is always convergent, by the comparison criterion,
an 1
because 0 ≤ 1+n 2a
≤ n2
Math 112 Homework 6 Solutions
Problem 1.
Let p ∈ Ē: by an immediate corollary of Theorem 3.2, there exists a sequence {pn } of elements of
E such that pn → p (if p ∈ E we can take pn = p; if p is a limit point of E we can use Theorem
3.2(d)). Since f is continuous, we obtain that f (pn ) → f (p). Since pn ∈ E, f (pn ) ∈ f (E); so f (p)
is the limit of a sequence of elements of f (E), and therefore f (p) ∈ f (E). So f (Ē) ⊂ f (E).
An example where f (Ē) 6= f (E) is given e.g. by f : R → R defined by f (x) = exp(x) and E = R:
We have f (Ē) = f (E) = (0, +∞), while f (E) = [0, +∞).
Problem 2.
Direct argument: let p be a limit point of Z(f ): there exists a sequence {pn } of elements of Z(f )
such that pn → p. Since f is continuous we have f (p) = lim f (pn ). However pn ∈ Z(f ), so
f (pn ) = 0; therefore f (p) = 0, i.e. p ∈ Z(f ). So Z(f ) contains its limit points, i.e. it is closed.
Alternate method: by Problem 1, f (Z(f )) ⊂ f (Z(f )). However, by definition f (p) = 0 ∀p ∈ Z(f ),
so f (Z(f )) ⊂ {0}. In particular f (Z(f )) ⊂ {0} = {0}, i.e. ∀p ∈ Z(f ) we have f (p) = 0 and
therefore p ∈ Z(f ). So Z(f ) is closed.
Problem 3.
Recall that E is dense in X if and only if Ē = X. Therefore, by Problem 1 we have f (X) = f (Ē) ⊂
f (E). So every point of f (X) is either an element of f (E) or a limit point of f (E), i.e. f (E) is
dense in f (X).
Assume that g(p) = f (p) ∀p ∈ E, and consider any point p ∈ X. Since p ∈ Ē = X there
exists a sequence {pn } of points of E such that pn → p. Since f and g are continuous, we have
f (p) = lim f (pn ) and g(p) = lim g(pn ). However pn ∈ E, so f (pn ) = g(pn ); by uniqueness of the
limit of a sequence, we conclude that f (p) = g(p).
Problem 4.
Note: your solution is incomplete if it assumes e.g. that E is closed, or an interval (-2 points).
Method 1: taking ǫ = 1 in the definition of uniform continuity, there exists δ > 0 such that
|x − y| < δ ⇒ |f (x) − f (y)| < 1. There exists a positive integer q such that 1q < δ. Moreover, since
E is bounded there exists an integer N such that E ⊂ (−N, N ). For every integer −N q ≤ n < N q,
let In = [ nq , n+1
q ). If In ∩E 6= ∅, pick some element xn ∈ In ∩E, and let an = |f (xn )|+1; then, given
any y ∈ In ∩E, we have |xn −y| < 1q < δ and therefore |f (y)−f (xn )| < 1, so |f (y)| < |f
S(xn )|+1 = an ;
if In ∩ E = ∅, let an = 0. Now, let A = sup{an , −N q ≤ n < N q}: because E ⊂ In , given any
y ∈ E, there exists n such that y ∈ E ∩In , and therefore |f (y)| < an ≤ A. Therefore f (E) ⊂ [−A, A]
is bounded.
Method 2: let δ > 0 be the same as above. By contradiction, assume f (E) is not bounded, and
for every positive integer n let pn be a point of E such that |f (pn )| > n. Since E is bounded,
by sequential compactness (Theorem 3.6) the sequence {pn } has a convergent subsequence {pnk }:
letting qk = pnk , we have qk → q for some q ∈ Ē (but not necessarily in E, so f (q) is not
necessarily defined!) and |f (qk )| → +∞. Since the sequence {qk } is convergent, it is a Cauchy
sequence; so there exists N such that ∀m, n ≥ N , |qm − qn | < δ. Let A = |f (qN )| + 1: since
|f (qn )| → +∞, there exists n ≥ N such that |f (qn )| > A; in particular we have |qn − qN | < δ and
|f (qn ) − f (qN )| ≥ |f (qn )| − |f (qN )| > 1, which contradicts the definition of δ.
If E is not bounded, a counterexample is given by the function f (x) = x which is uniformly
continuous (take δ = ǫ in the definition!) but not bounded.
Problem 5.
Define a function g : I → R by g(x) = x − f (x). We must prove that there exists x ∈ [0, 1] such
that f (x) = x, i.e. such that g(x) = 0. Since f is continuous, g is also continuous. Moreover,
g(0) = −f (0) ≤ 0 since f (0) ∈ [0, 1], and g(1) = 1 − f (1) ≥ 0 since f (1) ∈ [0, 1]. If g(0) = 0 or
g(1) = 0, then we are done. Otherwise, we have g(0) < 0 and g(1) > 0: therefore, by Theorem
4.23, there exists x ∈ (0, 1) such that g(x) = 0, i.e. f (x) = x.
Problem 6.
Let x ∈ R, and let {xk } be a sequence such that xk < x ∀k and xk → x. We first show that
f (xk ) → 0. Indeed, fix some ǫ > 0. There exists an integer N such that N1 < ǫ. The only points
of R where f takes values larger than N1 are the rationals of the form m n , where n ≤ N . Let
S = {m n ∈ (x − 1, x) s.t. n ≤ N }: clearly S is finite (there are only finitely many choices for n, and
for each of these there are finitely many possible values of m). If S is non-empty, let y = sup S,
else let y = x − 1: in both cases y < x, and by construction f is bounded by N1 at every point of
(y, x). Since xk → x and xk < x, there exists an integer K such that, if k ≥ K, then xk ∈ (y, x).
Therefore, for k ≥ K we have 0 ≤ f (xk ) ≤ N1 < ǫ. So we have proved that f (xk ) → 0; since this is
true for every sequence {xk } that converges to x from the left, we conclude that f (x−) = 0.
A similar argument shows that f (x+) = 0 ∀x ∈ R. In other words, we have limt→x f (t) = 0 ∀x ∈ R
(because the left-hand and right-hand limits are both 0; in fact it is possible to argue directly from
both sides at once). So, if x is irrational, then we have limt→x f (t) = f (x) = 0, and therefore f is
continuous at x. However, if x = m n is rational, then we have f (x−) = f (x+) = 0 while f (x) = n ,
Math 112 Homework 7 Solutions
Problem 1.
Assume that f ′ (x) > 0 for every x ∈ (a, b), and consider two points such that x1 < x2 in (a, b): by
the mean value theorem, f (x2 ) − f (x1 ) = (x2 − x1 )f ′ (c) for some c ∈ (x1 , x2 ); since f ′ (c) > 0 and
x2 − x1 > 0 we conclude that f (x1 ) < f (x2 ), i.e. that f is strictly increasing. In particular f is
injective (one-to-one), and so there exists a well-defined reciprocal function.
Let I = f ((a, b)), and consider a point y ∈ I: by definition there exists x ∈ (a, b) such that f (x) = y,
and since g is the inverse function of f we have g(y) = x. We want to show that g is differentiable
at y and that g ′ (y) = f ′ 1(x) . For this purpose, we consider a sequence {yn } of points of I such that
g(yn )−g(y) 1
yn 6= y and yn → y, and we show that yn −y converges to f ′ (x) . Since yn ∈ I, there exists
xn ∈ (a, b) such that f (xn ) = yn , and we have g(yn ) = xn , so that g(yynn)−g(y)
−y = f (xxnn)−f
(x) . In order
to conclude by using the differentiability of f at x, we first need to show that xn → x (i.e., that
g(yn ) → g(y)).
At least two methods can be used to show that g is continuous at y:
1. Let a′ , b′ ∈ R be such that a < a′ < x < b′ < b, and consider the restriction f˜ of f to
the compact interval [a′ , b′ ]. The function f˜ is continuous and one-to-one (because it is strictly
increasing). Therefore, by Theorem 4.17 the inverse mapping g̃ is also continuous. However g̃ is
just the restriction of g to the interval f ([a′ , b′ ]), of which y is an interior point (we have f (a′ ) <
f (x) = y < f (b′ ) since a′ < x < b′ ); therefore g is continuous at y.
2. Observe that, if y1 < y2 , then g(y1 ) < g(y2 ) (because if we had g(y1 ) ≥ g(y2 ), then since f
is increasing we would obtain that y1 = f (g(y1 )) ≥ f (g(y2 )) = y2 , contradicting the assumption).
Therefore g is also a strictly increasing function. Assume that g is not continuous at y: by Theorem
4.29 we have a simple discontinuity, i.e. g(y−) < g(y+). Let α = g(y−) and β = g(y+): we know
that ∀t < y, g(t) ≤ α, so since f is increasing we have t = f (g(t)) ≤ f (α) for every t < y; this
implies that f (α) ≥ y. Similarly, ∀t > y, g(t) ≥ β, so t = f (g(t)) ≥ f (β), and therefore f (β) ≤ y.
We conclude that f (α) ≥ f (β) while α < β, which contradicts the fact that f is strictly increasing.
So g is continuous at y.
Since g is continuous at y and yn → y, we can now conclude that xn = g(yn ) → g(y) = x. Therefore,
by the definition of f ′ (x), we have f (xxnn)−f
→ f ′ (x), and therefore g(yynn)−g(y)
−y = f (xxnn)−f
−x 1
(x) → f ′ (x) .
Problem 2.
Let f : R → R be the function f (x) = C0 x + C21 x2 + · · · + n+1 Cn n+1
x . Observe that f (0) = 0
and f (1) = 0 (this latter property follows from the relation between the Ci ). We know that f is
differentiable; therefore, by the mean value theorem there exists x ∈ (0, 1) such that f (1) − f (0) =
(1 − 0)f ′ (x), i.e. f ′ (x) = 0. Since f ′ (x) = C0 + C1 x + · · · + Cn xn , the conclusion follows.
Problem 3.
Fix x0 ∈ [a, b], and let M0 = sup {|f (x)|, x ∈ [a, x0 ]} and M1 = sup {|f ′ (x)|, x ∈ [a, x0 ]}. The
quantity M0 is well-defined because f is continuous over the compact set [a, x0 ] and hence bounded,
and M1 is also well-defined because |f ′ (x)| ≤ A|f (x)| ∀x; in fact we clearly have M1 ≤ AM0 . Pick
a point x ∈ [a, x0 ]: since f (a) = 0, by the mean value theorem we have f (x) = f (x) − f (a) =
(x − a)f ′ (c) for some c ∈ (a, x); since |f ′ (c)| ≤ M1 and 0 ≤ x − a ≤ x0 − a, we conclude that
|f (x)| ≤ (x0 − a)M1 ≤ (x0 − a)AM0 .
Since the bound |f (x)| ≤ (x0 − a)AM0 holds for every x ∈ [a, x0 ], and since M0 = sup{|f (x)|, x ∈
[a, x0 ]}, we conclude that M0 ≤ (x0 − a)AM0 . Therefore, if (x0 − a)A < 1 we must have M0 = 0,
which implies that f = 0 on the interval [a, x0 ].
Choose elements a = x0 < x1 < · · · < xn = b such that xi+1 − xi < A1 for every value of i: for
example, take n large enough and set xi = a+ ni (b−a). The above argument applied to [a, x1 ] ⊂ [a, b]
shows that f = 0 on [a, x1 ]. We next consider the restriction of f to the smaller interval [x1 , b]:
since we know from the previous step that f (x1 ) = 0, by applying the same argument to [x1 , x2 ]
we show that f = 0 on [x1 , x2 ]. And so on by induction: once we have shown that f (xi ) = 0, we
can consider the restriction of f to [xi , b]; by the above argument f = 0 on the interval [xi , xi+1 ],
and in particular f (xi+1 ) = 0. After n steps, we conclude that f = 0 over the entire interval [a, b].
Problem 4.
Taylor’s theorem (Theorem 5.15) with α = 0 and β = 1 gives:
1 1 1 1
1 = f (1) = f (0) + f ′ (0) + f ′′ (0) + f (3) (s) = f ′′ (0) + f (3) (s) for some s ∈ (0, 1).
2 6 2 6
Applying again Taylor’s theorem with α = 0 and β = −1 gives:
1 1 1 1
0 = f (−1) = f (0) − f ′ (0) + f ′′ (0) − f (3) (t) = f ′′ (0) − f (3) (t) for some t ∈ (−1, 0).
2 6 2 6
Subtracting the second identity from the first, we find that there exist s ∈ (0, 1) and t ∈ (−1, 0)
such that
1 1
1 = f (3) (s) + f (3) (t),
6 6
i.e. f (3) (s) + f (3) (t) = 6. We conclude that f (3) (s) ≥ 3 or f (3) (t) ≥ 3, which implies the desired
Problem 5.
Note that the result is false if one does not assume f to be continuous! (see Chapter 6 Problem 1
for a counterexample).
We argue by contradiction: assume that there exists x ∈ [a, b] such that f (x) > 0. Choose
0 < ǫ < 21 f (x): since f is continuous at x, there exists δ > 0 such that ∀y ∈ [a, b], |x − y| < δ ⇒
|f (x)−f (y)| < ǫ. In particular, let α = x− 21 δ and β = x+ 21 δ (if one of these numbers lies outside of
[a, b] we set α = a or β = b instead). We have α < β, and ∀y ∈ [α, β], f (y) ≥ f (x)−ǫ > 21 f (x). Now
consider the partition P = {a, α, β, b} of [a, b]: since f ≥ 0, the infimum of f over each sub-interval is
non-negative, and moreover inf [α,β] f ≥ 21 f (x). Therefore we have L(P, f ) ≥ 0+ 12 f (x)(β−α)+0 > 0.
Rb Rb
As a consequence, a f dx = f dx ≥ L(P, f ) > 0, which is a contradiction. So f (x) = 0 ∀x ∈ [a, b].
Math 112 Homework 8 Solutions
Problem 1.
To show f 6∈ R for any [a, b], we show that for all partitions P , U (P, f ) = b − a but L(P, f ) = 0,
which implies that the lower and upper integrals or f are not equal and hence f 6∈ R.
Fix a partition P = {a = x0 < x1 < · · · < xn = b}. (Note: the definition on p. 120 allows
x0 ≤ x1 ≤ · · · ≤ xn , but if xi = xi+1 then ∆xi = 0, so we can discard any point that appears
more than once). Each interval [xi−1 , xi ] contains a rational number (by density of the rational
numbers, Theorem 1.20(b)), so Mi = 1 for all i. On the other hand, each intervalPn [xi−1 , xi ] also
contains irrational
Pn numbers,
Pn so mi = 0 for all i. This implies that L(P, f ) = i=1 i ∆xi = 0 and
U (P, f ) = i=1 Mi ∆xi = i=1 (xi −xi−1 ) = b−a, which implies that f is not Riemann-integrable.
Problem 2.
Consider the partition Pn = {1, 2, . . . , n} of the interval [1, n]. Since f is monotonically decreasing,
inf [i−1,i] f = f (i) and sup[i−1,i] f = f (i−1), while ∆xi = 1 for all i, so we have L(Pn , f ) = ni=2 f (i)
P Pn−1 Rn
and U (Pn , f ) = ni=2 f (i − 1) = i=1 f (i). Since L(Pn , f ) ≤ 1 f dx ≤ U (Pn , f ), we have the
P Rn Pn−1
inequalities ni=2 f (i) ≤ 1 f dx ≤ i=1 f (i). By comparison, we get that the integral converges
if and only if the series converges.
P∞ Rn Pn−1
P∞ precisely, assume that Ri=1 f (i) converges: then the integrals In = 1 f dx ≤ i=1 f (i) ≤
f (i) are bounded, and so f dx is convergent (remark that {I n } is a bounded monotonically
i=1 1 RA
increasing sequence, and that any integral of the form R∞ 1 f dx can be bounded between
Pn In and
RIn+1 for some
R ∞ value of n). Conversely, assumeP that 1 f dx converges: then the sums i=2 f (i) ≤
n ∞
1 f dx ≤ 1 f dx are bounded, so the series i=2 f (i) is convergent (it is a series of non-negative
terms and its partial sums are bounded); adding the single term f (1) to the series, ∞ i=1 f (i) is
also convergent.
Problem 3.
(a) First observe that, since p1 + 1q = 1 and p, q are positive, we must have p1 , 1q < 1, i.e. p, q > 1.
For a fixed value of v ≥ 0, let φ : [0, +∞) → R be the function defined by φ(u) = p1 up − uv. The
function φ is differentiable and φ′ (u) = up−1 − v. Let α = v 1/(p−1) : since p − 1 > 0, φ′ is a strictly
increasing function, so φ′ takes negative values over [0, α) and positive values over (α, +∞). Hence,
by the mean value theorem, φ is strictly decreasing over the interval [0, α] and strictly increasing
over the interval [α, +∞). In particular, ∀u ≥ 0 we have φ(u) ≥ φ(α), with equality if and only
if u = α. Observe that p−1 1 1 1 p
p = 1 − p = q ; therefore φ(α) = p α − αv = p v
1 p/(p−1)
− v 1/(p−1)+1 =
− p−1
p v
p/(p−1) = − 1 v q . We conclude that, for every u, v ≥ 0, 1 up − uv ≥ − 1 v q , or equivalenty,
q p q
uv ≤ p1 up + 1q v q , with equality if and only if u = v 1/(p−1) , i.e. up = v p/(p−1) = v q .
(b) Note that, if f, g ∈ R, then by Theorems 6.11 and 6.13, f p , g q and f g are also integrable. By
part (a), we have the inequality f (x)g(x) ≤ p1 f (x)p + 1q f (x)q for every x ∈ [a, b]. Therefore, by
Rb Rb Rb Rb
Theorem 6.12, we have a f g dx ≤ a ( p1 f p + 1q f q ) dx = p1 a f p dx + 1q a g q dx = p1 + 1q = 1, which
is the desired result.
Rb Rb Rb Rb
(c) Let I = ( a |f |p dx)1/p and J = ( a |g|q dx)1/q . Observe that a ( I1 |f |)p dx = I1p a |f |p dx = 1,
Rb Rb
and similarly a ( J1 |g|)q dx = J1q a |g|q dx = 1. Therefore, applying the result of (b) to the functions
Rb 1 Rb
and J1 |g|, we get a IJ
I |f | |f g| dx ≤ 1, or equivalently a |f g| dx ≤ IJ. Using Theorem 6.13, which
Rb Rb
remains true for complex-valued functions (cf. Theorem 6.25), we have | a f g dx| ≤ a |f g| dx ≤ IJ,
which completes the proof.
Problem 4.
(a) For n = 0, the formula becomes f (x) = f (a) + a f ′ (t) dt, which is the fundamental theorem of
calculus (Theorem 6.21).
(b) By comparing the given expressions for n − 1 and n, one sees that it is sufficient to prove
that Rn (x) = n! f (a) (x − a)n + Rn+1 (x). We use integration by parts (Theorem 6.22) with
1 (n)
Problem 5.
Assume that {fn } converges uniformly to f and {gn } converges uniformly to g. First observe that
f is bounded. Indeed, there exists N such that if n ≥ N then |fn (x) − f (x)| ≤ 1 ∀x ∈ E. Therefore,
setting M = 1 + supx∈E |fN (x)|, for every x ∈ E we have |f (x)| ≤ |fN (x)| + 1 ≤ M . Similarly, g is
bounded by a constant M ′ .
Fix ǫ > 0; decreasing ǫ if necessary we can assume that 2M ′ < 1. Since fn → f uniformly, there
exists N1 such that ∀n ≥ N1 , ∀x ∈ E, |fn (x) − f (x)| ≤ 2M ′ . Similarly there exists N2 such that
∀n ≥ N2 , ∀x ∈ E, |gn (x) − g(x)| ≤ 2(Mǫ+1) . Let n ≥ N = max(N1 , N2 ) and x ∈ E: we have
|fn (x)gn (x) − f (x)g(x)| = |fn (x)(gn (x) − g(x)) + (fn (x) − f (x))g(x)|
≤ |fn (x)||gn (x) − g(x)| + |fn (x) − f (x)||g(x)|
ǫ ǫ ǫ
≤ (|f (x)| + 2M ′ ) 2(M +1) + 2M ′ |g(x)|
≤ (M + 1) 2(Mǫ+1) + M ′ 2M ǫ
′ = ǫ.
Problem 6.
1 1 x−1 P 1 P 1
If x > 0 then | 1+n 2 x | ≤ n2 x = n2 . Since n2
converges, by the comparison criterion 1+n2 x
converges absolutely for all x > 0. If x = 0 the series is divergent since 1+n2 x = 1.
1 1 a
Given any constant a > 0, we have the inequality | 1+n 2 x | ≤ n2 x ≤ n2 for all x ∈ [a, +∞). Observe
P a−1 P 1
that the series n2
is convergent; therefore, by Theorem 7.10, the series 1+n2 x
uniformly on the interval [a, +∞) for all a > 0.
We now consider an interval of the form (0, a): fix an integer N , and let x ∈ (0, a) be such that
x < N12 . Then 1+N 1 1 1 1
2 x > 1+1 = 2 . This proves that 1+n2 x does not converge uniformly to 0 over
(0, a), which is enough to derive a contradiction to the Cauchy criterion (Theorem 7.8): therefore
the series does not converge uniformly
Pn on any of the intervals (0, a) for a > 0.
Alternatively: letting fn (x) = k=1 1+k2 n , we set An = limt→0 fn (t) = n. If one assumes the
sequence {fn } to converge uniformly over (0, a), by Theorem 7.11 the sequence {An } must be
convergent (and its limit equals limt→0 f (t)). This gives a contradiction, so the convergence is not
uniform over (0, a).
Since the individual terms in the series are continuous functions and since the convergence is uniform
over [a, +∞), by Theorem 7.12 the function f is continuous over [a, +∞) for all a > 0. Therefore
f is continuous at every point of (0, +∞).
The function f is not bounded: given any integer N , if x ∈ (0, N12 ) then for every n ≤ N we have
1+n2 x
> 1+(n/N )2
≥ 12 , so N 1 N N
n=1 1+n2 x > 2 , and therefore f (x) > 2 .
Math 112 Homework 9 Solutions
Problem 1.
Let f : [0, 1] → R be a continuous function such that 0 f (x)xn dx = 0 for all integers n ≥ 0. By
the Weierstrass theorem, thereR 1 exists a sequence of polynomials {Pn } converging to f uniformly
over [0, 1]. We know that 0 f (x)Pn (x) dx = 0 for every value of n (because Pn is of the form
Pn (x) = N k
k=0 ck x , and each of the terms leads to an integral equal to zero).
Since f and Pn are bounded over [0, 1] (they are continuous and [0, 1] is compact), and since Pn → f
uniformly, we know that f Pn converges uniformly to f 2 . Indeed, letting M = supx∈[0,1] |f (x)| we
have supx∈[0,1] |f (x)Pn (x) − f (x)2 | ≤ M supx∈[0,1] |Pn (x) − f (x)| → 0 as n → +∞ (or we can apply
the result proved inR the previous problemRset). By Theorem 7.16, the uniform convergence of f Pn
1 1
to f 2 implies that 0 f (x)2 dx = limn→∞ 0 f (x)Pn (x) dx = limn→∞ 0 = 0.
The function f 2 takes non-negative values, is continuous over [0, 1], and 0 f 2 dx = 0. Therefore
f (x)2 = 0 for every x ∈ [0, 1] (see e.g. Chapter 6 Exercise 2 and HW7 solutions). Therefore f = 0.
Problem 2.
Since Pn+1 (x) = Pn (x) + 21 (x2 − Pn2 (x)), we havethe following identity:
|x| − Pn+1 (x) = |x| −
1 1
Pn (x) − 2 (|x| − Pn (x))(|x| + Pn (x)) = |x| − Pn (x) 1 − 2 (|x| + Pn (x)) (*).
We first prove by induction that 0 ≤ Pn (x) ≤ |x| for every x ∈ [−1, 1]. Indeed, the statement
is clearly true for n = 0 since P0 = 0; and if x ∈ [−1, 1] and 0 ≤ Pn (x) ≤ |x| then we have
0 ≤ 1 − |x| ≤ 1 − 21 (|x| + Pn (x)) ≤ 1 − 21 |x| ≤ 1, so from the identity (*) we get 0 ≤ |x| − Pn+1 (x) ≤
|x| − Pn (x), i.e. 0 ≤ Pn (x) ≤ Pn+1 (x) ≤ |x|. Therefore, the sequence of functions {Pn } is increasing,
and 0 ≤ Pn (x) ≤ |x| ∀x ∈ [−1, 1] for every n.
Moreover, for x ∈ [−1, 1] the inequality 0 ≤ 1 − 12 (|x| + Pn (x)) ≤ 1 − 21 |x| and the identity (*) imply
that 0 ≤ |x| − Pn+1 (x) ≤ (|x| − Pn (x))(1 − 21 |x|); therefore, by induction on n we get that, for every
integer n ≥ 0 and for every x ∈ [−1, 1], 0 ≤ |x| − Pn (x) ≤ (|x| − P0 (x))(1 − 12 |x|)n = |x|(1 − 12 |x|)n .
Now define f (t) = t(1 − 21 t)n for t ∈ [0, 1]. The function f is differentiable and its derivative is
f ′ (t) = (1 − 12 t)n − t n2 (1 − 12 t)n−1 = (1 − n+1 1 n−1
2 t)(1 − 2 t) . Observing that f ′ (t) has the same sign as
n+1 2 2
(1 − 2 t) over the interval [0, 1], we get that f is increasing on [0, n+1 ] and decreasing on [ n+1 , 1],
2 2 2 n n 2
i.e. it reaches its maximum for t = n+1 . Therefore, ∀t ∈ [0, 1], f (t) ≤ f ( n+1 ) = n+1 ( n+1 ) < n+1 .
2 2
In particular we conclude that, ∀x ∈ [−1, 1], 0 ≤ |x| − Pn (x) ≤ f (|x|) < n+1 . Since n+1 does not
depend on x and converges to 0 as n → ∞, we conclude that Pn (x) converges to |x| uniformly on
the interval [−1, 1].
Problem 3.
Recall that every positive integer can be expressed in a unique way as a product of prime numbers.
Fixing N , let p1 , . . . , pk be all prime numbers less than N , and for 1 ≤ j ≤ k let mj be the largest
positive integer such that pj j ≤ N . Then every integer between 1 and N can be put in the form
pr11 . . . prkk for some integers r1 , . . . , rk satisfying 0 ≤ rj ≤ mj . Therefore
X X X Y 1 Y X 1 Y 1
N m1 mk k ∞ k
1 1 1
≤ ··· = 1 + + · · · + mj ≤ = 1 ,
n pr11 . . . prkk pj p j
prj 1 − p
n=1 r =0
1 r =0
k j=1 j=1 r=0 j=1 j
P 1
where we have bounded the partial sum of the mj + 1 first terms of the geometric series prj by
the total sum 1/(1 − pj ).
Next we prove the inequality 1/(1 − x) ≤ e2x for all 0 ≤ x ≤ 21 . Indeed, let φ(x) = (1 − x)e2x , and
observe that φ′ (x) = −e2x +2(1−x)e2x = (1−2x)e2x ≥ 0 for all x ∈ [0, 12 ]. Therefore φ is increasing
over [0, 21 ], and since φ(0) = 1 we conclude that ∀x ∈ [0, 12 ], φ(x) ≥ 1, i.e. 1/(1 − x) ≤ exp(2x).
Applying this for x = p1j , we have 1/(1 − p1j ) ≤ exp( p2j ). Therefore,
1 Yk
1 Yk Xk
2 X
1 1 X
≤ ≤ e = exp , which implies that ≥ log
1 − p1
j j=1
pj 2
by taking the logarithm
P 1 of both sides (recall that log isPan increasing function). Next observe that,
N 1
because the series is divergent, the partial sum n=1 n can be made as large as desired by
n PN 1
taking N sufficiently large. Since limx→+∞ (log x) = +∞, we conclude P that log( n=1 n ) can be
made as large as desired. Therefore the partial sums of the series p prime p1 are unbounded, i.e.
the series is divergent.
Problem 4.
Observe that f and g are piecewise affine functions, whose graphs approximate that of the logarithm
function: the continuous function f is affine over all intervals [m, m + 1] and coincides with log at
all integers; g is affine over all intervals [m − 12 , m + 12 ) and its graph is tangent to that of log at all
integers (in fact g is discontinuous at m + 21 ).
For x ∈ [m, m + 1], define φ(x) = log x − f (x): substituting x = m and x = m + 1 in the
definition of f we get φ(m) = φ(m + 1) = 0. The function φ is differentiable over [m, m + 1],
and φ′ (x) = x1 − f ′ (x) = x1 + log m − log(m + 1) = x1 − log(1 + m 1
). Applying the mean value
theorem to φ over [m, m + 1], there exists α ∈ (m, m + 1) such that φ(m + 1) − φ(m) = φ′ (α), i.e.
φ′ (α) = α1 − log(1 + m 1
) = 0. (This can also be checked directly but the argument given here is
simpler). Since the function φ′ is decreasing, we have φ′ ≥ 0 over [m, α] and φ′ ≤ 0 over [α, m + 1],
so the function φ is increasing over [m, α] and decreasing over [α, m + 1]. In particular, since
φ(m) = φ(m + 1) = 0 we conclude that φ(x) ≥ 0, i.e. f (x) ≤ log x for every x ∈ [m, m + 1]. Since
this holds ∀m ≥ 1, we have f (x) ≤ log x over [1, +∞).
For x ∈ [m − 21 , m + 21 ), define ψ(x) = g(x) − log x: one easily checks that ψ(m) = 0. The function
ψ is differentiable over [m − 12 , m + 12 ), and ψ ′ (x) = g ′ (x) − x1 = m 1
− x1 , which is negative for x < m
and positive for x > m. Therefore ψ is decreasing over [m − 21 , m] and increasing over [m, m + 21 ),
and so it reaches its minimum at m. We conclude that ψ(x) ≥ φ(m) = 0, i.e. log x ≤ g(x) for every
x ∈ [m − 21 , m + 12 ). Since this holds ∀m ≥ 1, we have log x ≤ g(x) over [ 21 , +∞).
R m+1 m+1
The definition of f gives m f (x) dx = ((m + 1)x − 21 x2 ) log m + ( 12 x2 − mx) log(m + 1) m =
1 1
2 log m+ 2 log(m+1) (this can be obtained directly R geometrically). Therefore, breaking the integral
into intervals between consecutive integers we have 1 f (x) dx = ( 12 log 2) + ( 21 log 2 + 12 log 3) + · · · +
( 21 log(n − 1) + 21 log n) = log 2 + · · · + log n − 21 log n = log(n!) − 12 log n.
R m+ 1 1 2 m+1/2 R n+ 1
Similarly: m− 12 g(x) dx = 2m x −x+x log m m−1/2 = log m, so 3 2 g(x) dx = log 2+· · ·+log n =
R 3/2 2
R n+ 1
log(n!). We can also compute 1 g(x) dx = ( 8 − 2 ) − ( 2 − 1) = 18 , and n 2 g(x) dx > 21 g(n) =
9 3 1
Rn R n+ 12
2 log n (because g Ris increasing). So 1 g(x) dx < 1 g(x) dx − 21 log n = log(n!) + 18 − 21 log n.
n n
We conclude that 1 f (x) dx = log(n!) − 12 log n > − 81 + 1 g(x) dx.
Finally, integration
Rn 1 by parts (using the functions log x and x) yields the formula 1 log x dx =
n log nR − 1 x x dx = R n n log n − (n −1 1). R nTherefore, since R n ≤ log x ≤ g(x) ∀x ∈ [1, n] we
f (x)
n 1
have 1 log x dx > 1 f (x) dx > − 8 + 1 g(x) dx > − 8 + 1 log x dx, i.e. n log n − (n − 1) >
log(n!) − 21 log n > − 18 + n log n − (n − 1). Subtracting n log n − n from every term we conclude
that 1 > log(n!) − (n + 12 ) log n + n > 78 , i.e. (exponentiating), e7/8 < n!/(nn ne−n ) < e.
Math 112 Spring 2019 – Practice problems for the midterm
The midterm will take place on Tuesday March 12, 12:00-1:15, in Science Center Hall E (usual place
and time). It will cover the material seen in lecture up to Tuesday March 5 (most of it included)
– specifically, Rudin pages 1-63, minus the appendix to Chapter 1 and the section on perfect sets
on p.41-42.
You will be allowed Rudin’s book but NO OTHER MATERIALS (no notes, no calculators, no
electronics). To prepare for the midterm:
• review the main definitions and theorems from Rudin (those you feel you really ought to know),
go over the homework assignments and their solutions (available on the course web page);
• try doing the following practice problems (ideally without using the book).
c) an equals 0 for even n, and 2 for odd n, so the subsequential limits are 0 and 2. The sequence
is bounded but not convergent.
6. Let {an } and {bn } be bounded sequences in R. Prove that lim sup(an + bn ) ≤
lim sup an + lim sup bn . Give an example to show that equality need not hold.
Let a∗ = lim sup an and b∗ = lim sup bn , and fix ǫ > 0. Then all but finitely many terms of
{an } satisfy an < a∗ + ǫ, and all but finitely many terms of {bn } satisfy bn < b∗ + ǫ (Theorem
3.17(b)). Hence, there exists N such that an + bn < a∗ + b∗ + 2ǫ for all n ≥ N . This implies that
lim sup(an +bn ) ≤ a∗ +b∗ +2ǫ. Since this holds for all ǫ > 0, we must have lim sup(an +bn ) ≤ a∗ +b∗ .
Equality need not hold: let an = (−1)n , bn = −(−1)n , then lim sup an = lim sup bn = 1, but
an + bn = 0 so lim sup(an + bn ) = 0 < 1 + 1.
7. Find a countable subset of R with (a) exactly two limit points; (b) countably
many limit points; (c) uncountably many limit points.
a) A = { n1 , n = 1, 2, . . . } ∪ {1 + n1 , n = 1, 2, . . . } (the limit points are 0 and 1).
b) A = { m + n1 , m, n = 1, 2, . . . } (the limit points are 0 and all the 1
n ).
c) A = Q (all real numbers are limit points).
8. Let A, B be subsets of a metric space, and denote by A◦ , B ◦ the sets of interior
points of A, B. Prove that (A ∩ B)◦ = A◦ ∩ B ◦ .
If x ∈ (A ∩ B)◦ then x is an interior point of A ∩ B, i.e. ∃ r > 0 such that Nr (x) ⊂ A ∩ B.
Then Nr (x) ⊂ A, so x ∈ A◦ , and Nr (x) ⊂ B, so x ∈ B ◦ . Therefore x ∈ A◦ ∩ B ◦ . This proves
(A ∩ B)◦ ⊂ A◦ ∩ B ◦ . Conversely, let x ∈ A◦ ∩ B ◦ . Since x is an interior point of A, ∃ r1 > 0
such that Nr1 (x) ⊂ A; similarly x is an interior point of B so ∃ r2 > 0 such that Nr2 (x) ⊂ B. Let
r = min{r1 , r2 }. Then Nr (x) ⊂ A ∩ B. So x ∈ (A ∩ B)◦ , so A◦ ∩ B ◦ ⊂ (A ∩ B)◦ .
(Or, using results seen in lecture: A◦ ⊂ A, B ◦ ⊂ B are open, so A◦ ∩ B ◦ is open and contained
in A ∩ B, which implies that A◦ ∩ B ◦ ⊂ (A ∩ B)◦ . Conversely, (A ∩ B)◦ is open and contained
in A, so it is contained in A◦ ; similarly it is open and contained in B, so contained in B ◦ ; so
(A ∩ B)◦ ⊂ A◦ ∩ B ◦ ).
P 9. Assume that an is a convergent series and that an ≥ 0 ∀n ≥ N . Prove that
1√ √
n a n converges. (Hint: consider the quantity ( an − n1 )2 , and use the comparison
(Assigned on homework).
10. Give an example of a countable compact subset of (R, d).
{ n1 , n = 1, 2, . . . } ∪ {0} (closed and bounded, hence compact; see also Problem set 3).
11. True or false?
– if a subset A ⊂ R has a least upper bound in R then it also has a greatest lower
bound in R;
False. Consider e.g. (−∞, 0).
– if E is a finite subset of a metric space (X, d) then E is closed in X;
True. E has no limit points, so all limit points of E belong to E.
– if K is a compact subset of a metric space (X, d) and F ⊂ X is closed in X, then
K ∩ F is closed in X.
True. K is closed in X (Theorem 2.34), so K ∩ F is closed. (In fact K ∩ F is even compact, by
Theorem 2.35).
This is a 75-minute in-class exam. No notes or calculators are permitted. Point values (out of 120)
are indicated for each problem. Do all the work on these pages. (Use the back if more space is
1. /20
2. /15
3. /25
5. /10
6. /25
7. /15
Problem 1. (20 points: 4,4,4,4,4) True or false? (Answers only)
a) The set {z = x + iy ∈ C : x, y ∈ Q} is countable.
TRUE FALSE (it is in bijection with Q × Q which is countable)
c) Every bounded infinite subset of R is contained in a compact set and has a limit
(bounded ⇒ contained in a compact interval; sequential compactness ⇒ ∃ limit point)
e) If an ≥ 0 and an → 0 then an is convergent.
TRUE FALSE (counterexample: an = n1 )
Problem 2. (15 points: 5,5,5)
Consider the two subsets Q (the rational numbers) and Qc (the irrational numbers) of
R with its usual metric.
a) What are the limit points of Q? What are its interior points? (No proof needed).
Every real number is a limit point of Q, since every real number can be approximated by rationals.
Q has no interior points, since every neighborhood of a rational contains irrationals and hence is
not contained in Q.
b) What are the limit points of Qc ? What are its interior points? (No proof needed).
Every real number is a limit point of Qc , since every real number can be approximated by irrationals.
Qc has no interior points, since every neighborhood of an irrational contains rationals.
c) Is the following statement correct? If not, what is the error in the proof ? (explain
Claim: Let A, B be subsets of a metric space. Then every interior point of E = A ∪ B is either
an interior point of A or an interior point of B.
Proof: Let x be an interior point of E = A ∪ B. Then there exists r > 0 such that the
neighborhood Nr (x) is contained in A ∪ B. Therefore every point y ∈ Nr (x) satisfies
either y ∈ A or y ∈ B. In the first case, we conclude that Nr (x) is contained in A,
and therefore x is an interior point of A; in the second case, we conclude that Nr (x) is
contained in B, and therefore x is an interior point of B.
The result is false (a counterexample is given by R = Q ∪ Qc ). The problem is that Nr (x) may have
some of its points belonging to A only and others belonging to B only, so Nr (x) is not necessarily
contained in A or in B.
Problem 3. (25 points: 5,5,5,5,5)
If p = (p1 , p2 ) and q = (q1 , q2 ) are points in R2 , define d1 (p, q) = |p1 − q1 | + |p2 − q2 |.
a) Prove that d1 is a metric on R2 .
d1 (p, q) = |p1 − q1 | + |p2 − q2 | ≥ 0 since each term is ≥ 0, and it is equal to zero if and only if
|p1 − q1 | = |p2 − q2 | = 0, i.e. p1 = q1 and p2 = q2 , i.e. p = q.
d1 (q, p) = |q1 − p1 | + |q2 − p2 | = |p1 − q1 | + |p2 − q2 | = d1 (p, q).
d1 (p, q) = |p1 − q1 | + |p2 − q2 | ≤ |p1 − r1 | + |r1 − q1 | + |p2 − r2 | + |r2 − q2 | = d1 (p, r) + d1 (r, q) (using
the triangle inequality for the usual distance on R).
So d1 defines a metric.
b) Prove that d(p, q) ≤ d1 (p, q) for all p, q ∈ R2 , where d(p, q) = |p − q| is the usual distance.
Since d(p, q) = (p1 − q1 )2 + (p2 − q2 )2 , we get that d(p, q)2 = (p1 − q1 )2 + (p2 − q2 )2 ≤ (p1 −
q1 )2 + (p2 − q2 )2 + 2|p1 − q1 | |p2 − q2 | = (|p1 − q1 | + |p2 − q2 |)2 = d1 (p, q)2 . We conclude that
d(p, q) ≤ d1 (p, q).
c) Prove that, if p ∈ R2 and r > 0, then the neighborhoods of p for the metrics d1 and
d satisfy the relation Nr (p, d1 ) ⊂ Nr (p, d).
If x ∈ Nr (p, d1 ) then d1 (p, x) < r, so by b) we have d(p, x) ≤ d1 (p, x) < r, so x ∈ Nr (p, d).
Therefore Nr (p, d1 ) ⊂ Nr (p, d).
Assume E is open in (R2 , d), and let x ∈ E. Since x is an interior point of E in (R2 , d), there
exists r > 0 uch that Nr (x, d) ⊂ E. Therefore, by c), Nr (x, d1 ) ⊂ Nr (x, d) ⊂ E, so x is an interior
point of E in (R2 , d1 ). Since this holds for all x ∈ E, we conclude that E is open in (R2 , d1 ).
e) Prove that, if a set E is closed in (R2 , d), then it is closed in (R2 , d1 ). (use part d)
If E is closed in (R2 , d), then E c is open in (R2 , d), so by d) E c is open in (R2 , d1 ), and therefore
E is closed in (R2 , d1 ).
Problem 4. (10 points: 5, 5)
Find lim inf an and lim sup an for each of the following sequences. Are these sequences
nπ (−1)n
a) an = sin ; b) an = 3/2 .
4 n
a) the range of the sequence is {−1, − √12 , 0, √12 , 1}, each of these values corresponding to infinitely
many terms of the sequence. Therefore lim inf an = −1 and lim sup an = 1; the sequence is not
b) |an | = n−3/2 → 0, so lim inf an = lim sup an = lim an = 0: the sequence is convergent.
By the triangle inequality, P ∀n < m, d(pn , pm ) ≤ d(pn , pn+1 ) + d(pn+1 , pn+2 ) + · · · + d(pm−1 , pm ) =
an + an+1 + · · · + am−1 = k=n ak .
P ǫ > 0: since an converges, by the Cauchy criterion there exists N such that ∀m ≥ n ≥ N ,
| m k=n a k | ≤ ǫ. Therefore, ∀m ≥ n ≥ N , d(p n , p m ) ≤ | k=n ak | ≤ ǫ.
We conclude that {pn } is a Cauchy sequence.
Problem 6. (25 points: 10, 15)
Let (X, d) be a metric space and let f : X → X be a function for which there exists a
constant α > 0 such that for all x, y ∈ X, d(f (x), f (y)) ≤ α d(x, y).
a) Prove that, if a sequence xn converges to a limit x, then f (xn ) converges to f (x).
Fix some ǫ > 0: since xn → x, there exists N such that ∀n ≥ N , d(xn , x) < αǫ . By assumption, we
have d(f (xn ), f (x)) ≤ α d(xn , x) < α αǫ = ǫ. So ∀ǫ > 0 ∃N s.t. ∀n ≥ N , d(f (xn ), f (x)) < ǫ, i.e.
f (xn ) → f (x).
b) Prove that, if (X, d) is complete and if 0 < α < 1, then there exists p ∈ X such that
f (p) = p.
(Hint: Choose x1 ∈ X and look at the sequence xn+1 = f (xn ); first use Problem 5
to show that {xn } converges to some limit p, then use the result of (a) to show that
f (p) = p).
Let x1 ∈ X, and let xn+1 = f (xn ). Define an = d(xn , xn+1 ). We have: an+1 = d(xn+1 , xn+2 ) =
d(f (xn ), f (xn+1 )) ≤ α d(xn , xn+1 ) = α an .
We conclude that an is convergent, using the comparison
P test: indeed, by induction on n we have
an ≤ αn−1 a1 , and since 0 < α < 1 the geometric series αn is convergent.
Therefore by Problem 5 the sequence {xn } is a Cauchy sequence. Since X is complete, {xn }
converges to some limit p ∈ X. Since xn → p, by the result of a) we obtain that f (xn ) → f (p), i.e.
limn→∞ xn+1 = f (p). However we clearly have lim xn+1 = p (because {xn } and {xn+1 } have the
same limit). Therefore f (p) = p.
Problem 7. (15 points: 8, 7)
Assume that an is a convergent series and that an ≥ 0 ∀n ∈ N.
P 2
a) Prove that an converges (Hint: use the comparison criterion).
If an converges then an → 0, so therePexists N such that an ≤ 1 ∀n ≥ N . Then 0 ≤ a2n ≤ an for
n ≥ N , so by the comparison criterion a2n converges.
P 2
b) Give an example showing that nan doesPnot necessarily converge.
(Easier question for partial credit: show that n2 a2n does not necessarily converge.)
1/k 2 if n = k 4
Let an =
0 otherwise.
P P4
m P
Then an converges since its partial sums are bounded: an = k2
and the latter is a con-
n=1 k=1
P series. However {na2n } does not converge to 0 (infinitely many of its terms are equal to 1),
so 2
nan does not converge.
The final exam will be on Monday May 13, from 9:00 to 12:00, in Emerson 210.
The final will be an open book exam. The textbook Rudin “Principles of mathematical
analysis” will be allowed, but other books, lecture notes or calculators will not be permitted.
The material that will be covered by the exam is most of Rudin Chapters 1 to 7, and part
of Chapter 8.
• Chapter 1, excluding the appendix (construction of R).
• Chapter 2, excluding the paragraph on perfect sets (2.43–2.44).
• Chapter 3, excluding Theorems 3.27, 3.37, 3.41-3.42, 3.44.
• Chapter 4 (everything).
• Chapter 5, excluding differentiation of vector-valued functions (5.16–5.19).
• Chapter 6, in the context of Riemann integrals only ( . . . dx), and excluding rectifi-
able curves (6.26–6.27).
• Chapter 7, excluding equicontinuity (7.19–7.25) and the Stone-Weierstrass theorem
(7.28–7.33), but including the Weierstrass theorem (Theorem 7.26).
• from Chapter 8, only basic facts about power series (Theorem 8.1 and its corollary),
exponential and logarithmic functions, and trigonometric functions (pages 178–184).
Practice materials:
• Study from the homework assignments, midterm, and practice problems for the
midterm (available on the web page).
• Extra practice problems from Rudin (some of them are harder than a typical exam
problem; don’t spend hours on a single problem!):
Chapter 1: 6, 11, 17.
Chapter 2: 5, 8, 9, 13, 14, 20.
Chapter 3: 3, 4, 10, 20, 21 (Hint: consider a sequence {pn } with pn ∈ En ).
Chapter 4: 12, 15 (Hint: given x < y, consider a point of [x, y] where f reaches
its maximum), 16, 20 (see also # 21 and # 22 for nice applications of # 20).
Chapter 5: 1, 3, 5, 11, 12, 22.
Chapter 6: 5, 13 (hard; ignore (d)), 15 (use # 10 in the 2nd part), 16.
Chapter 7: 1 (“uniformly bounded” means all fn are bounded by the same con-
stant M ), 5, 6, 7, 9, 14 (hard).
Chapter 8: 1, 4, 7, 9, 22 (first part only).