Science Script
Science Script
Science Script
So we are currently live here in NASA Host 2: Okay. That was a bit
Headquarters. With our newly arrived invigorating.
astronauts. Astronaut (name) and Guest: Several standard tests take
(name) place during the first few weeks of
astronauts' return. For example,
Good morning Commander (name) sometimes they'll stand on a
neurodistibular platform that is tilted to
Astronaut 1: Good morning. test balance. So that’s why he’s in a bit
Host 1: Good morning commander. of a rush.
So how were your recent trips? Host 1: That was noted, commander.
Astronaut 1: It has been quite Host 2: Well are there any add-ons to
what the astronauts have mentioned
earlier commander?
Host 2: Now, commander, may we Guest: Nothing much. It’s just that
ask questions regarding specifically people often are unaware that most
on small scale features of the solar planets rotate prograde, when viewed in
a large scale perspective. Meaning that
most bodies within a celestial system
Astronaut 1: Yes. have similar rotational or orbital
movements, which is west to east or
Host 1: Commander, can you state counter-clockwise.
more regarding the inner terrestrial Host 1: Well I guess that would be the
planets and the outer “gas giants”? conclusion of our discussion.
Astronaut: Yes. Inner terrestrial Host 2: Truly we’ve learned a lot today
especially regarding the Large and
planets are made of materials with
Small Scale Features of the Solar
high melting points such as silicates, System.
iron , and nickel. They rotate slower,
Host 1: Yes! Large scale features
have thin or no atmosphere, higher discussing a bigger perspective of the
densities, and lower contents of solar system, as a whole.
volatiles - hydrogen, helium, and
Host 2: And small scale features
noble gases. discussing the planets itself.
Host 2: How about the remaining four Host 1: We would like to thank
planets, commander? Commander Carmona for her
attendance for this discussion.
Astronaut 1: Okay. The outer four
Host 2: Let’s always catch up regarding
planets - Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and the latest news of our Universe.
Tomorrow we’ll be discussing our very
own planet earth.
So we are currently live here in NASA Host 2: Okay. That was a bit
Headquarters. With our newly arrived invigorating.
astronauts. Astronaut (name) and Guest: Several standard tests take
(name) place during the first few weeks of
astronauts' return. For example,
Good morning Commander (name) sometimes they'll stand on a
neurodistibular platform that is tilted to
Astronaut 1: Good morning. test balance. So that’s why he’s in a bit
Host 1: Good morning commander. of a rush.
So how were your recent trips? Host 1: That was noted, commander.
Astronaut 1: It has been quite Host 2: Well are there any add-ons to
what the astronauts have mentioned
earlier commander?
Host 2: Now, commander, may we Guest: Nothing much. It’s just that
ask questions regarding specifically people often are unaware that most
on small scale features of the solar planets rotate prograde, when viewed in
a large scale perspective. Meaning that
most bodies within a celestial system
Astronaut 1: Yes. have similar rotational or orbital
movements, which is west to east or
Host 1: Commander, can you state counter-clockwise.
more regarding the inner terrestrial Host 1: Well I guess that would be the
planets and the outer “gas giants”? conclusion of our discussion.
Astronaut: Yes. Inner terrestrial Host 2: Truly we’ve learned a lot today
especially regarding the Large and
planets are made of materials with
Small Scale Features of the Solar
high melting points such as silicates, System.
iron , and nickel. They rotate slower,
Host 1: Yes! Large scale features
have thin or no atmosphere, higher discussing a bigger perspective of the
densities, and lower contents of solar system, as a whole.
volatiles - hydrogen, helium, and
Host 2: And small scale features
noble gases. discussing the planets itself.
Host 2: How about the remaining four Host 1: We would like to thank
planets, commander? Commander Carmona for her
attendance for this discussion.
Astronaut 1: Okay. The outer four
Host 2: As always, let’s catch up
planets - Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and regarding the latest news of our
Universe. Tomorrow we’ll be discussing
our very own planet earth.
Host 1: Thank you all for watching. This
has been your (Adj) host (name)
Host 2: And this has been your (Adj)
host (name)
See you next time here in---
Host 1 and 2: Beyond the Universe!