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Science Script

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*Roll VTR* Host 1: Why does the solar system

appear to be elliptical, commander?

*play Background music*
Guest: Well orbits of the planets are
Host 1: Good morning everyone!
elliptical and are on the same plane.
Welcome to the universe’s renowned
and brightest talk show, taking Host 2: Owh! So In a large scale
things--- perspective it would appear elliptical?
Host 1 and 2: Beyond the universe! Guest: Exactly.
Host 1: I’m your (adj) host, (name) Host 2: But what are these orbits you
speak of commander? What are its
Host 2: And I’m your (adj) host,
Guest: Well all planets are located at
Host 2: Today we’ll be tackling about
regular intervals from the sun, which
our very own solar system.
means they are spaced in between.
Host 1: And with our guest we’ll be And these planets have periods of
able to determine the large and small revolution, meaning they revolve in a
scale features of the solar system. certain path which we call orbits. The
Host 2: Is that so? periods of revolution of the planet
increase with increasing distance
Host 1: Yes, our guest is not only a from the Sun; the innermost planets
notable astronaut. But she is also a move faster, the outermost, the
commander pilot being the very first slowest;
woman to walk in space.
Host 1: And these you’ve mention fall
Host 1: Ladies and Gentlemen let’s under as a large scale feature of the
give a round of applause to Solar System?
Commander Alex Carmona
Guest: Yes.
*handshake beso beso*
Host 2: Such a smooth explanation
Host 2: Good morning Commander commander!
Host 1: Knowledge like that must be
Guest: Good morning. difficult to acquire, commander?
Host 2: Since our audience have not Guest: Well it takes time, a large
been able to physically take a glimpse amount of time. And with
of space. Would you mind describing persistence, dedication and sacrifice
some features of it, specifically a all golden knowledge came through.
large scale feature?
Host 2: But luckily as our audience
Guest: Basically, much of the mass of have been blessed. NASA has
the Solar System is concentrated at approved of us in filming within their
the center (Sun) while angular headquarters. So we may take a
momentum is held by the outer glimpse of this golden knowledge.
planets. So it might look like a tilted
oval or an ellipse. From a large scale Host 1: Not only that, we’ve been
perspective. lucky to be filming after the said
arrival of astronauts from a space Neptune are called "gas giants"
mission. because of the dominance of gases
and their larger size. They rotate
*prepare next scene*
faster, have thick atmosphere, lower
*Cameraman labas* densities, and fluid interiors rich in
*interviewer labas* hydrogen, helium and ices (water,
ammonia, methane).
Host 2: Hello (name)
Host 1: Very well said Commander
Interviewer: Good morning (host 1) Toreta
and (host 2)! Also to the highly
respectable Commander (name) Astronaut 1: Yes thank you.

So we are currently live here in NASA Host 2: Okay. That was a bit
Headquarters. With our newly arrived invigorating.
astronauts. Astronaut (name) and Guest: Several standard tests take
(name) place during the first few weeks of
astronauts' return. For example,
Good morning Commander (name) sometimes they'll stand on a
neurodistibular platform that is tilted to
Astronaut 1: Good morning. test balance. So that’s why he’s in a bit
Host 1: Good morning commander. of a rush.
So how were your recent trips? Host 1: That was noted, commander.

Astronaut 1: It has been quite Host 2: Well are there any add-ons to
what the astronauts have mentioned
earlier commander?
Host 2: Now, commander, may we Guest: Nothing much. It’s just that
ask questions regarding specifically people often are unaware that most
on small scale features of the solar planets rotate prograde, when viewed in
a large scale perspective. Meaning that
most bodies within a celestial system
Astronaut 1: Yes. have similar rotational or orbital
movements, which is west to east or
Host 1: Commander, can you state counter-clockwise.
more regarding the inner terrestrial Host 1: Well I guess that would be the
planets and the outer “gas giants”? conclusion of our discussion.

Astronaut: Yes. Inner terrestrial Host 2: Truly we’ve learned a lot today
especially regarding the Large and
planets are made of materials with
Small Scale Features of the Solar
high melting points such as silicates, System.
iron , and nickel. They rotate slower,
Host 1: Yes! Large scale features
have thin or no atmosphere, higher discussing a bigger perspective of the
densities, and lower contents of solar system, as a whole.
volatiles - hydrogen, helium, and
Host 2: And small scale features
noble gases. discussing the planets itself.
Host 2: How about the remaining four Host 1: We would like to thank
planets, commander? Commander Carmona for her
attendance for this discussion.
Astronaut 1: Okay. The outer four
Host 2: Let’s always catch up regarding
planets - Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and the latest news of our Universe.
Tomorrow we’ll be discussing our very
own planet earth.

Host 1: We would like to thank

Commander Carmona for her
attendance for this discussion.
Host 2: As always, let’s catch up
regarding the latest news of our
Universe. Tomorrow we’ll be discussing
our very own planet earth.
Host 1: Thank you all for watching. This
has been your (Adj) host (name)
Host 2: And this has been your (Adj)
host (name)
See you next time here in---
Host 1 and 2: Beyond the Universe!
*Roll VTR* Host 1: Why does the solar system
appear to be elliptical, commander?
*play Background music*
Guest: Well orbits of the planets are
Host 1: Good morning everyone!
elliptical and are on the same plane.
Welcome to the universe’s renowned
and brightest talk show, taking Host 2: Owh! So In a large scale
things--- perspective it would appear elliptical?
Host 1 and 2: Beyond the universe! Guest: Exactly.
Host 1: I’m your (adj) host, (name) Host 2: But what are these orbits you
speak of commander? What are its
Host 2: And I’m your (adj) host,
Guest: Well all planets are located at
Host 2: Today we’ll be tackling about
regular intervals from the sun, which
our very own solar system.
means they are spaced in between.
Host 1: And with our guest we’ll be And these planets have periods of
able to determine the large and small revolution, meaning they revolve in a
scale features of the solar system. certain path which we call orbits. The
Host 2: Is that so? periods of revolution of the planet
increase with increasing distance
Host 1: Yes, our guest is not only a from the Sun; the innermost planets
notable astronaut. But she is also a move faster, the outermost, the
commander pilot being the very first slowest;
woman to walk in space.
Host 1: And these you’ve mention fall
Host 1: Ladies and Gentlemen let’s under as a large scale feature of the
give a round of applause to Solar System?
Commander Alex Carmona
Guest: Yes.
*handshake beso beso*
Host 2: Such a smooth explanation
Host 2: Good morning Commander commander!
Host 1: Knowledge like that must be
Guest: Good morning. difficult to acquire, commander?
Host 2: Since our audience have not Guest: Well it takes time, a large
been able to physically take a glimpse amount of time. And with
of space. Would you mind describing persistence, dedication and sacrifice
some features of it, specifically a all golden knowledge came through.
large scale feature?
Host 2: But luckily as our audience
Guest: Basically, much of the mass of have been blessed. NASA has
the Solar System is concentrated at approved of us in filming within their
the center (Sun) while angular headquarters. So we may take a
momentum is held by the outer glimpse of this golden knowledge.
planets. So it might look like a tilted
oval or an ellipse. From a large scale Host 1: Not only that, we’ve been
perspective. lucky to be filming after the said
arrival of astronauts from a space Neptune are called "gas giants"
mission. because of the dominance of gases
and their larger size. They rotate
*prepare next scene*
faster, have thick atmosphere, lower
*Cameraman labas* densities, and fluid interiors rich in
*interviewer labas* hydrogen, helium and ices (water,
ammonia, methane).
Host 2: Hello Claire
Host 1: Very well said Commander
Interviewer: Good morning (host 1) Toreta
and (host 2)! Also to the highly
respectable Commander (name) Astronaut 1: Yes thank you.

So we are currently live here in NASA Host 2: Okay. That was a bit
Headquarters. With our newly arrived invigorating.
astronauts. Astronaut (name) and Guest: Several standard tests take
(name) place during the first few weeks of
astronauts' return. For example,
Good morning Commander (name) sometimes they'll stand on a
neurodistibular platform that is tilted to
Astronaut 1: Good morning. test balance. So that’s why he’s in a bit
Host 1: Good morning commander. of a rush.
So how were your recent trips? Host 1: That was noted, commander.

Astronaut 1: It has been quite Host 2: Well are there any add-ons to
what the astronauts have mentioned
earlier commander?
Host 2: Now, commander, may we Guest: Nothing much. It’s just that
ask questions regarding specifically people often are unaware that most
on small scale features of the solar planets rotate prograde, when viewed in
a large scale perspective. Meaning that
most bodies within a celestial system
Astronaut 1: Yes. have similar rotational or orbital
movements, which is west to east or
Host 1: Commander, can you state counter-clockwise.
more regarding the inner terrestrial Host 1: Well I guess that would be the
planets and the outer “gas giants”? conclusion of our discussion.

Astronaut: Yes. Inner terrestrial Host 2: Truly we’ve learned a lot today
especially regarding the Large and
planets are made of materials with
Small Scale Features of the Solar
high melting points such as silicates, System.
iron , and nickel. They rotate slower,
Host 1: Yes! Large scale features
have thin or no atmosphere, higher discussing a bigger perspective of the
densities, and lower contents of solar system, as a whole.
volatiles - hydrogen, helium, and
Host 2: And small scale features
noble gases. discussing the planets itself.
Host 2: How about the remaining four Host 1: We would like to thank
planets, commander? Commander Carmona for her
attendance for this discussion.
Astronaut 1: Okay. The outer four
Host 2: As always, let’s catch up
planets - Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and regarding the latest news of our
Universe. Tomorrow we’ll be discussing
our very own planet earth.
Host 1: Thank you all for watching. This
has been your (Adj) host (name)
Host 2: And this has been your (Adj)
host (name)
See you next time here in---
Host 1 and 2: Beyond the Universe!

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