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Mercaptans Removal From Gases by Absorption Into Amines and Caustic

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Mercaptans removal from gases by

absorption into amines and caustic

Clayton E Jones, Nathan A Hatcher and Ralph H Weiland Optimized Gas Treating, Inc.

mass transfer rate-based model of the mercaptan solubility is still an important param-
absorption process is used to discuss quan- eter. Thus, an essential factor to consider is the
titatively the ease and extent of removal of solubility of the mercaptans in treating solvents.
methyl through n-butyl mercaptans from gases Because mercaptans hydrolyse as weak acids in
using MDEA and caustic soda of various water, proper accounting of the chemistry is vital
strengths. A direct positive relationship is found to predicting accurately their solubility
between the absorption rate into amines and the behaviour.
molecular weight of the mercaptan. The relation- To provide perspective to the substance of this
ship is inverted when the solvent is caustic soda. article, we begin with a general description of
Sulphur emissions from refinery combustion what constitutes a mass transfer rate model, and
sources are traditionally reported by measuring what enables it to be truly predictive, as opposed
H2S in the fuel gas before combustion and to just descriptive. This leads to an account of
converting the H2S to an equivalent amount of the equilibrium solubility of the C1 through nC4
post-combustion SO2. In reality, all sulphur mercaptans in amine and inorganic caustic treat-
species present in the fuel gas (not just H2S) ing solutions, together with an explanation for
contribute to SO2 emissions, and some operating the differences amongst the mercaptans and
facilities have to report the total sulphur emis- between the solvents. The mass transfer rate
sions. Mercaptans are commonly present in model is then used to show how mercaptan
refinery gases in small amounts. As the regula- concentrations can be expected to vary within a
tory limits on emissions are progressively real absorber when MDEA and a caustic soda
lowered, knowledge of the behaviour of mercap- solution are used for their removal. The focus is
tans in amine and caustic treating systems on how process variables affect mercaptan
becomes increasingly important for designers removal. Stripping of the absorbed mercaptans
and operators both to track accurately and to from a spent treating solution is left for a future
comply with total sulphur emissions restrictions. article.
The ProTreat® gas treating process simulator
makes exclusive use of the mass transfer rate Mass Transfer Rates for Column Calculations
approach to predicting the separation that will An ideal stage is a theoretical concept that, in
actually be achieved in a given tower containing principle at least, allows one to replace a certain
specific internals under actual operating condi- number of real trays or a certain depth of real
tions. Absorption (and stripping) rates are packing in a column with a hypothetical equiva-
calculated directly from knowledge of the mass lent in which all the streams leaving each ideal
transfer characteristics of the internals, the stage are in perfect equilibrium. The origin of
hydraulic conditions within the tower, and the the concept is obscure, but a simple physical
driving force for the absorption process. example is a flash tank in which feed is flashed
The driving force for absorption relates into vapour and liquid, assumed to be in mutual
directly to the difference between actual and equilibrium. The first method for calculating a
equilibrium concentrations of the mercaptan multistage column separation can probably be
dissolved in the solvent. Indeed, even if we attributed to Ponchon1 and Savarit2, although
choose to use an equilibrium stage model of the the method of McCabe and Thiele3 has seen the
column and to step off ideal stages, equilibrium most widespread use. The methodology is

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schematically two phases being
contacted in some portion of the
biphase on a tray or in a segment of
packing within a column.
Transferring components (H2S,
RSH and H2O as shown in the
diagram) first diffuse through the
vapour to the interface where they
then dissolve into the liquid and
diffuse away, perhaps accompanied
by chemical reaction and the libera-
tion of associated heat. The diffusion
process is by both molecular and
convective means. It depends on the
size of molecules (molecular means)
and on the state of agitation of the
individual phases (convective means).
The central understanding, however,
is that diffusion by whatever means is
a rate process. It takes place at a rate
that can be calculated, and the sepa-
ration actually achieved is governed
by that rate. The separation really
reached (on a given tray, for exam-
ple) does not depend on the efficiency
of the tray — it depends on the rate
Figure 1 Schematic of Vapour and Liquid Elements Being Contacted in at which the mass transfer process
the Biphase of an Absorber takes place.
The mass transport process is char-
elegant in its simplicity, requiring only phase acterised by mass transfer coefficients. In heat
equilibrium data and the flow, composition and transfer these coefficients are known as heat
thermal condition of the tower feeds. It has one transfer coefficients corresponding to either side
great weakness, however: it has no direct of the heat transfer surface. The overall heat
connection to real equipment. The way this kind transfer coefficient for a given exchanger is
of theory is connected to equipment is usually obtained by combining the film coefficients via
through stage efficiency or height equivalent to a the law of additivity of resistances. The film
theoretical plate. Unfortunately, the weakness coefficients themselves are found from charts (or
continues: efficiencies and height equivalents are internally by software) where very well-estab-
not easily related to the construction and func- lished generalised coefficients have been plotted
tioning of equipment, and in multicomponent or tabulated against flow parameters and physi-
mixtures, their behaviour can be extremely cal properties (c.f. Kern5). This is the way heat
confusing (see Kooijman and Taylor4). A true exchangers have been designed for nearly a
mass transfer rate model suffers from no such century, so the concept of a transfer rate-based
drawbacks. process is anything but new. Indeed, heat
At its core, a mass transfer rate model focuses exchangers are probably the best analog of the
on the rate of interchange of chemical compo- rate model for mass transfer. Mass transfer
nents between two phases as driven by the equipment has been designed this way only since
extent to which temperatures and species the mid-1980s, not because the mass transfer
concentrations between phases depart from rate-based concept was new, but because the
equilibrium. This is the very antithesis of the computing power needed to perform the calcula-
ideal stage model with its assumption of perfect tions on large numbers of components over
equilibrium, not disequilibrium. Figure 1 shows multiple trays only became available then.

2 March 2014 www.digitalrefining.com/article/1000903

Mass transfer coefficients and interfacial areas (methanethiol, MeSH), ethyl mercaptan (ethan-
are in no sense adjustable parameters any more ethiol, EtSH), propyl mercaptan (propanethiol,
than heat transfer coefficients are. The flow of PrSH) and butyl mercaptan (butanethiol, BuSH).
high and low viscosity fluids across trays and Mercaptans are both hydrocarbons and acid
over packing agitates the fluid and results in gases, and they have the properties of both
unique values for mass transfer coefficients. classes of compounds. As will be seen, the rela-
Engineers are not free to pick and choose coeffi- tive importance of these two aspects of their
cient values to obtain the preferred result or dual nature governs much of the mercaptans’
some preconceived notion of what the separation behaviour with regard to solubility in treating
should be. On the contrary, values of the coeffi- solutions.
cients are a result of fluid flows, fluid properties,
and the mechanical design of the specific tower Acidity
internals using well-established correlations. The Mercaptans are only weak acids relative to the
parallel with heat transfer is extremely close. traditional acid gases H2S and CO2. The C1
Tower performance is predetermined and through nC4 mercaptans have essentially the
predictable in exactly the same way and to same acidity, with a pKa of 10.6 at 25°C6. This is
exactly the same extent as heat exchanger considerably less acidic than H2S which has a
performance. pKa of 7.0 at 25°C6 for its first dissociation
Ideal stages do not exist in the real world; reaction.
there are only real trays and real packing. Each Acidity is important because the relative acid-
tray is a real tray, and a column containing a ity of dissolved gases has a strong effect on the
certain number of real trays should be modelled equilibrium between the liquid and vapour
exactly that way — as real trays. Each of these phases. This effect is described in Figure 2 which
trays has its own unique mass transfer charac- illustrates vapour-liquid equilibrium for H2S and
teristics that depend on the temperature, methyl mercaptan in water. The molecular form
pressure, flows, and composition on that tray of H2S reaches equilibrium across the vapour-liq-
and on the mechanical design of the tray. If one uid interface, but some of the dissolved H2S
is dealing with packing, the continuous nature of dissociates into ionic species to an extent
contact in a packed column is modelled by divid- controlled by reaction equilibrium. Methyl
ing the height into a large number of smaller mercaptan participates in analogous equilibria.
segments and integrating across the column. Note that both the H2S and MeSH dissociation
Each small segment has its own unique charac- reactions produce an H+aq ion. This is a common
teristic mass transfer coefficients and interfacial ion. H2S is the stronger acid, so it dissociates to
area and the transfer rates of components a greater extent than MeSH, producing a relative
between phases depends on the particular pack- abundance of H+aq ions. This larger concentra-
ing (vendor, material, size) in each
segment. It should be no surprise
that the separation a given column is
predicted to achieve using mass
transfer rate-based simulation
depends very strongly on exactly
what is in the column. This is
completely in line with the reality of
processing using actual real equip-
ment, a reality theoretical stage
approaches of whatever ilk simply
cannot achieve.

Solubility of Mercaptans in MDEA

and Caustic Soda
The four mercaptans of interest in
this article are: methyl mercaptan Figure 2 Simultaneous Reactions and VLE with H2S and MeSH

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Sour Gas Composition for the vapour phase. Several sources of VLE
data7-15 were used to regress interaction parame-
Compound Mol% ters in the ProTreat model. Two examples of
Water 0.77 important interactions are interactions between:
Hydrogen Sulfide 0.03 (1) caustic and water that influence water’s
Methyl Mercaptan 0.03 vapour pressure over caustic solutions, (2)
Ethyl Mercaptan 0.03
Propyl Mercaptan 0.03 mercaptans and amines that govern which
Butyl Mercaptan 0.03 mercaptan species can be most effectively
Methane 48.63 removed by an amine solution.
Ethylene 4.24
Ethane 18.59
Propene 2.45 Equilibrium Solubility of Mercaptans
Propane 3.94 The phase equilibrium of mercaptans in MDEA
n-Butane 3.05 and caustic soda partially determines the driving
Hydrogen 13.66 forces that affect absorption rates in real
Nitrogen 4.52
processes. Factors that determine the equilib-
rium solubility of a mercaptan in a treating
Table 1 solvent include its solubility in water, non-ideal
interactions with solvent molecules, and the
tion of H+aq ions pushes the MeSH dissociation reaction equilibrium between all of the species
equilibrium towards the molecular form, in the solution.
MeSH. Having a larger fraction of the aqueous The following cases are based on equilibrium
MeSH in molecular form then pushes MeSH flash calculations performed in the ProTreat
into the vapour. In summary, the stronger acid simulation software. Various solutions were
(H2S) generates a significant concentration brought to simulated equilibrium with the typi-
of the common ion H+aq and this keeps most cal refinery fuel gas (Table 1) containing 300
of the weaker acid (MeSH) out of the solution. ppmv each of the four mercaptans of interest.
In other words, gases that are stronger For clarity, only methyl mercaptan and butyl
acids push gases that are weaker acids out of mercaptan are shown in the figures. Flash calcu-
solution. lations were done at 185 psia and 115°F (1.28
MPa and 46°C), conditions typical of refinery
Solubility fuel gas systems.
The solubility of mercaptans in water is a domi-
nant factor in determining their solubility in MDEA solutions
aqueous treating solutions. Mercaptans with Mercaptans have a dual chemical nature: part
longer hydrocarbon chains, however, have a acid and part hydrocarbon. The solubility of
more hydrocarbon-like character, making the mercaptans in MDEA solutions reflects this dual
heavier mercaptans less soluble in water but chemical nature. Hydrocarbon-like behaviour is
more soluble in relatively hydrocarbon-like exhibited since increasing MDEA strength
alkanolamines such as methyldiethanolamine increases mercaptan solubility, especially for the
(MDEA). As will be seen, solubility in water heavier mercaptans. Acid-like behaviour is
alone governs which mercaptan species can be exhibited by the reduction of mercaptan solubil-
most effectively removed by caustic. ity in the presence of H2S.

Interactions between species Effect of amine strength

The interactions of mercaptans with water, Fractional removal of H2S and mercaptans from
amines, and acid gases significantly affect the fuel gas stream is plotted against the concen-
vapour-liquid equilibrium (VLE) behaviour. In tration of MDEA in the treating solution in
the ProTreat® software, these interactions are Figure 3. As expected, H2S removal is much
quantified through the use of the Deshmukh- deeper than mercaptans at all MDEA concentra-
Mather activity coefficient model for the aqueous tions. At solution concentrations less than about
phase and through binary interaction parame- 15 wt% MDEA, water solubility (Henry’s law)
ters used in the Peng-Robinson equation of state dominates the equilibrium behaviour.

4 March 2014 www.digitalrefining.com/article/1000903

Consequently, the lower molecular
weight mercaptans are removed more
effectively than those of higher
molecular weight. As solution
strength increases above 20 wt%
MDEA, the solvent’s ability to absorb
hydrocarbons increases due to molec-
ular interactions. These interactions,
referred to as “salting in”, are quanti-
fied using activity coefficients or
salting-in parameters. In this region
of higher amine strength, the higher
molecular weight mercaptans are
removed more effectively than their
low molecular weight counterparts.

NaOH solutions Figure 3 Mercaptan Removal vs. MDEA Strength. Solvent to gas ratio
Solutions of NaOH are much more is 5.9 gal/mscf
effective than MDEA at absorbing
mercaptans. This observation has
been leveraged successfully for many
years by UOP and Merichem in the
application of the MeroxTM process
and FIBER FILM® contactors. Until
now, however, most of the finer
process insights have been confiden-
tial to the licensors.
As a fresh solution of NaOH
absorbs acidic species, its basicity is
spent, and in turn, this reduces the
solution’s ability to absorb further
acidic species. A common industry
rule of thumb is that NaOH effec-
tively absorbs mercaptans until the
caustic becomes 70% spent. Figure 4
shows how the validity of this rule of Figure 4 Effect of Percent Caustic Spent on Mercaptan Removal.
thumb depends on which particular Solvent to gas ratio is 5.9 gal/mscf. Caustic is 10 wt%
mercaptan is being considered. In a
single equilibrium flash, a solution of 10 wt% Rate Model of Mercaptan Absorbers
NaOH which is 70% spent will absorb 75% of the MDEA Absorber
methyl mercaptan from fuel gas, but it will Figure 5 shows removal effectiveness of a 2.5’
absorb only 30% of the butyl mercaptan. diameter absorber with 20 valve trays at 2’ spac-
Therefore the rule of thumb is applicable for ing which is treating 8.8 MMSCFD of a virtually
gross approximations, but a more rigorous treat- H2S-free fuel gas with 93 gpm of 45 wt% MDEA.
ment is needed to accurately quantify the The sour gas contains 300 ppmv of each of the
amount of mercaptan slip as a caustic solution C1 through nC4 mercaptans; for comparison
becomes more spent. In contrast, the ability to purposes this puts all four mercaptans on an
absorb H2S remains close to 100% until the equal footing. The lean amine contains no
NaOH solution is almost completely spent. In mercaptan but varying amounts of H2S. It can be
the context of this article, spent caustic is calcu- seen that for this particular tower at these condi-
lated as (moles H2S + RSH in solution) / (moles tions, the removal effectiveness of methyl
NaOH in solution mercaptan is worse than that of butyl mercap-

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condition. Knowing which param-
eter limits the removal of each
mercaptan for a particular system
is a key insight that contributes to
more confident designs for new
towers, and to improved opera-
tional flexibility for existing
towers. The interaction of the
process variables is complex and
defies prediction using simplified
methods, especially in multi-stage
counter-current contact. A mass
transfer rate based model is
needed to quantify the perfor-
mance of an amine absorber with
respect to mercaptans.
Figure 5 Effect of Lean Loading on Mercaptan Removal in a Trayed MDEA The dual physical/chemical
Absorber solubility of mercaptans in aque-
ous solutions requires a VLE
model that accounts both for
vapour and liquid phase non-ide-
alities as well as chemical
reactions. Simple oil-boiling
hydrocarbon VLE representation
fails miserably to predict the true
behaviour of these types of
systems. Mercaptans only
partially dissociate in alkanola-
mine solutions (weak bases), and
this can make their behaviour
non-intuitive. For example, butyl
mercaptan, having greater solu-
bility than MeSH, imparts some
aqueous H+ common ion, which
works to some degree to titrate
Figure 6 Effect of Percent Spent on Mercaptan Removal in a Trayed NaOH out propyl and lighter mercap-
Absorber Using 10 wt% Caustic tans. Because H2S is a several-fold
stronger acid than mercaptans, it
tan, but both are reduced as the presence of H2S takes very little H2S to affect their removal
increases. significantly (see Figure 5).
Although not shown here, vapour phase molar
flow rate of each mercaptan was plotted against NaOH Absorbers
tray number in the absorber. These profiles indi- Absorbers using caustic soda solutions remove
cated that typically MeSH was rich-end pinched mercaptans differently than do absorbers using
(removal was controlled by solvent capacity for MDEA. Figure 6 shows the performance of a
MeSH), while BuSH was continually removed 4.1-ft diameter absorber with 5 valve trays at 2-ft
throughout the column and was therefore mass spacing which is treating 31 MMscfd of fuel gas
transfer rate limited. Calculations showed that with 128 gpm of 10 wt% NaOH. The sour gas
with higher lean loadings more typical of a refin- contains 300 ppmv of each mercaptan but no
ery primary amine system treating H2S, MeSH H2S. To study the effect of spending the caustic,
still had a rich-end pinched profile, and that the caustic solution contains varying amounts of
BuSH also began to approach a rich-end pinched H2S. Again, in the context of this article, spent

6 March 2014 www.digitalrefining.com/article/1000903

caustic is calculated as (moles
RSH + H2S in solution)/(moles
NaOH in solution). It can be
seen that the simulated mercap-
tan removal effectiveness is
close to 100% when the caustic
is less than 60% spent. For this
particular tower, the rule of
thumb that mercaptan removal
drops off at 70% spent is aggres-
sive for butyl mercaptan but too
conservative for methyl mercap-
tan. As the caustic becomes
increasingly spent, the mercap-
tan removal effectiveness falls
off at a different rate for each
mercaptan. Figure 7 shows how Figure 7 Vapour Phase Profiles of Mercaptans in Trayed Absorber Using
the vapour phase mercaptan 10 wt% NaOH, 72% Spent With H2S
profiles within the absorber
change when the caustic is more spent. predict total sulphur distribution through
Relative removal rates of the different mercap- sulphur processing systems. Finally, mercaptan
tans are consistent with the equilibrium study behaviour in aqueous solutions has been shown
above. Caustic removes lighter mercaptans more to be governed by multiple interacting factors.
effectively than heavier mercaptans because of Accurately predicting the behaviour of mercap-
their greater solubility in water; MDEA removes tans requires rigourous treatment of solution
heavier mercaptans more effectively than lighter non-idealities and reaction chemistry, as well as
mercaptans through salting-in. mass transfer rate-based simulation. With the
A caustic absorber requires fewer trays than an power of a first-principles, mass transfer rate-
MDEA absorber. This benefit is somewhat coun- based simulator in hand, accurate distribution of
ter-balanced by the fact that maintaining fresh mercaptans in sulphur removal and processing
NaOH strength and controlling percentage spent units has been predicted for the first time at the
is more difficult than regenerating MDEA refinery level, permitting better unit processing
solutions. decisions to be made. Without mass transfer
rate-based simulation, none of this would be
Conclusions possible.
By using case studies, the ability of MDEA and
caustic soda solutions to remove mercaptans has Literature Cited
been shown to be influenced by several factors. 1 Ponchon, M., Tech. Moderne, 13, 20 (1921).
Caustic soda solutions are more effective at 2 Savarit, R., Arts et metiers, (1922), cited by Kister, H.,
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sions and potentially cause performance Richon, D., GPA RR-207, 2011.
problems in downstream units. With this knowl- 8 Jou, F-Y., Mather, A., Schmidt, K., Ng, H.-J., J. Chem. Eng. Data,
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More articles from: Optimized Gas Treating
11 Kilner, J., McBain, S., Roffey, M., J. Chem Thermodynamics, 22,
203-210 (1990). More articles from the following categories:
12 Guilbot, P., Theveneau, P., Valtz, A., Baba-Ahmed, A., Richon, Gas Processing/Treatment
D., Fischer, K., GPA RR-170, 2000. Mass Transfer & Separation
13 Valtz, A., Guilbot, P., Richon, D., GPA RR-162, 1998. Process Modelling & Simulation
14 Valtz, A., Schwartzentruber, J., Richon, D., Renon, H., GPA RR-
135, 1994.
15 Ng, H., Robinson, D., GPA RR-113, 1989.

8 March 2014 www.digitalrefining.com/article/1000903

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