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An Efficient Soft Switching Buck Converter Scheme For Charging Lead Acid Battery From PV Source

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An Efficient Soft Switching Buck Converter Scheme for Charging Lead

Acid Battery from PV Source

Veeralagureddy Seetharaman1, Subramanian Manoharan 2

Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Thiagarajar College of Engineering, Madurai
625015, Tamilnadu, India. Email : vseetharaman@tce.edu
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Thiagarajar College of Engineering, Madurai
625015, Tamilnadu, India. Email: psmeee@tce.edu

In this paper a high efficiency soft switched two channel interleaved buck converter scheme for charging the lead
acid battery bank is presented. The scheme uses the incremental conductance (INC) maximum power point tracking. An
internal model control system (IMC) is used for controlling the charging of the battery in constant current mode, constant
voltage mode and the trickle mode depending upon the state of charge (SOC) of the battery. The various sub systems of
simulation and the results are presented. The simulation results are validated by experimentally a 125 Watts PV panel
unit and a 36 AH lead acid battery. The real time experiment is performed under Madurai city climatic condition which is
located in Tamil Nadu state in India. The result of the proposed system has been compared against P&O MPPT scheme.
The results of both simulation and the experimental reveal that the proposed soft switched, internal model controller
incorporated INC scheme of MPPT offers more close tracking of the PV power and is more efficient.

V Input source voltage of the converter

VO Output voltages of the converter.

I Pole current

CS Source capacitor

S1 Main switch

Lr Resonance inductor

Cr Resonance capacitor

Dr Resonance diode

Cc Clamping capacitor

S2 Auxiliary switch

V ref Reference voltage of PV panel

Iref Reference current of PV panel

Pmax Maximum power of PV panel

C Temperature of PV panel

W Maximum watts of PV panel

AH Ampere hour of lead acid battery


MPPT Maximum power point tracking

SOC State of charge

P&O Perturb and observe

INC Incremental conductance

PV Photovoltaic

IMC Internal model controller

TF Transfer function

PI Proportional integral

DOD Depth of discharge


Of all the renewable energy sources available the photo voltaic energy is the most attractive because of its advantages.

The photo voltaic electric power generation system is an eco friendly system1. Despite the abundance of the solar power

during the day time the photo voltaic power generation system comes to a standstill during the period between the Sun

set and sun rise2. Therefore, a maximum power point tracking intelligence is applied from the PV arrays to generate the

electrical energy3,4. The PV systems have high production cost and low energy conversion efficiency due to their non-

linear and environment dependent power to voltage (P–V) and current to voltage (I–V) characteristic5. Therefore, the

maximum power output varies with the incident solar irradiation and weather climatic conditions like ambient

temperature. Moreover, the study location of the maximum operating point on the P–V and I–V characteristic of any PV

panels could not be easily located6. Therefore, it must be determined by either some calculation models or search

algorithms. There are many algorithms to track the maximum power. The Perturb and Observe (P&O) and the

Incremental Conductance (INC) methods are the two basic algorithms used for MPPT7.

In actual practice, the tracking performance of MPPT should be very fast to deal with the fast changes in atmospheric

conditions. To maximize the power transfer from the PV array to the battery bank, charge controller incorporation with

soft switching techniques should be employed. It performs two main functions8. The first one is accurately track the

maximum operating point of PV arrays. The other function is to minimize the battery charging time. Furthermore, it

should protect the battery from over-charging and under discharging9. The most universal strategy for charge controllers

are the shunt, series, pulse width modulation (PWM) and MPPT charge controllers10. The authors demonstrated a

practical buck converter for PV system into energy storage application based on constant voltage (CV) MPPT algorithm.
A method for extracting maximum power from a PV panel to charge the battery was introduced in6. The utilization of

this MPPT charge controllers can maximize the output power of solar panels instead of more investment on solar PV

panels11. An efficient MPPT solar charge controller was developed to increase the efficiency of power transfer in

comparison to systems with direct connection. The present study provides the modeling and implementation of high

efficiency soft switched two channel interleaved buck converter scheme for charging the lead acid battery bank12.

The new controller utilizes an internal model control system is used for controlling the charging of the battery in

constant current mode, constant voltage mode and the trickle mode depending upon the state of charge (SOC) of the

battery. The proposed interleaving technique also reduces the ripple in the battery charging current as compared to the

conventional chargers. Finally, it is followed by practical implementation of a new charge controller that keeps on the

good features and resolves the limitations and draw backs of the traditional controllers.

A. Block diagram

The block diagram of the proposed PV battery charger system is shown in FIG. 1. This PV system consists of five major

parts: (a) PV panel, (b) buck converter I, (c) incremental conductance (INC) maximum power point tracking, (d) buck

converter II, (e) Lead acid battery bank.

FIG. 1. Functional block diagram.

B. Active clamped network

A soft switching buck converter is known as a switch-mode dc-dc converter that uses switches and a low pass filter to

reduce the voltage value of a DC supply. However, the efficiency of the conventional converter is very low due to the

power loss of the snubber circuit1. The example of a buck converter with active clamp is shown in FIG. 2.

FIG. 2. Circuit diagram of Active clamped network.


A. PV panel Characteristics

With reference to the characteristics of the PV panel that relates voltage across the panel and the power delivered P-V

characteristics shown in FIG. 4 it is clear that there is single peak point of power occurring at the P when the voltage

across the panel is at voltage V . On to the left of this point the power delivered falls with decrease in voltage and to the

right of this point also the power delivered falls but with rise in voltage. Therefore the rate of change of power or the

gradient of power with respect to voltage is in the positive direction on to the left of the maximum power point P max and

this measure is negative on the ride side of this point Pmax . At the point of maximum power the gradient of power with

respect to voltage is zero. The voltage to be maintained across the terminals of the PV panel for maximum harvesting of

power is to be necessarily identified and maintained to get maximum power harvest. FIG. 3 shows V-I characteristics the

maximum power is harvested when the operating point is at the knee point P . On to the left of this point P the

conductance is high and rate of change of conductance is very low. On to the right of the point P the conductance is low

and its change is rapid.


(a) (b)

FIG. 3. (a) P-V and (b) I-V characteristics of solar panel

B. INC MPPT Algorithm

FIG. 4 shows the flowchart of incremental conductance MPPT algorithm thus finds the appropriate Vref pertaining to the

changes in insolation that has to be maintained across the terminals of the PV panel so as to track the maximum power

point. This Vref as obtained from the INC algorithm can be maintained by using ant traditional controller like the PI

controller or more intelligent controllers like the Fuzzy Logic Controller. As a variant of the INC scheme instead of

finding the Vref and then maintaining it by some other control scheme the duty cycle is directly incremented or

(P2  P1)
decremented depending upon the direction of the variable grad = .The Perturb & observe (P&O) MPPT
(V2  V1)

algorithm is also implemented in this work for comparative analysis.

FIG. 4.Flowchart of INC MPPT algorithm


Battery charging is a process in which the discharged battery is rejuvenated with fresh charge and the battery is restored

to the state of fully charged condition. This is carried out by connecting the battery across DC potential and an

appropriate charging current is passed on through the battery while this current is to be adjusted according to the State Of

Charge of the battery.

FIG. 5.Battery discharging characteristics

FIG. 5 shows the discharging characteristics of a battery that is initially at a fully discharged condition and gradually gets

charged to the fully charged state. There are three phases of battery charging. The first one is the constant current

charging phase and during this phase the voltage across the battery rises gradually to a higher level. During the second

phase the battery is charged with constant voltage and during this phase the charging current gradually falls down

towards a minimum current that will flow through the battery at the end of this phase. The third phase is the trickle

charge phase.

The cycles of battery cell discharge and recharge are:

Discharge cycle,

Pb  2 H 2 SO 4  PbO 2  PbSO 4  2 H 2O  PbSO 4 (1)

Charge cycle,

PbSO 4  2 H 2O  PbSO 4  Pb  2 H 2 SO 4  PbO 2 (2)


The Internal model controller (IMC) is a control technique in which the mathematical model of the plant under control,

the inverse model of the plant under control and the plant under control are involved. The configuration of the IMC is as

shown in FIG. 6. The inverse model of the plant and the model of the plant are cascaded as shown. The output of the

inverse model is the input for the plant model as well as the plant itself. The set value is applied as the input for the

inverse model and the inverse model gives an output corresponding to the input that is the set point now. For a given

excitation from the inverse model the plant gives the corresponding output. The plant model also gives an output. The

output of the plant model is the output that is required. The plant may not give this exact result. The difference between

the plant output and the output of the plant model is the error and this error is feedback to the input and is added with the

set point. The addition of this quantity with the set point at the input of the inverse model gives modified excitation to the

plant as well as the plant forward model and the plant output is now exactly the set point.

FIG.6.Internal Model Control (IMC) scheme
The plant forward model now gives an output that is different from the set point and this error is used along with the set

point at the input. For this purpose mathematical model of the plant as a transfer function and the inverse model are

required. The basic requirement for this type of control is that both the poles and the zeros of the plant model are on the

left half of the s plane. This is necessary because the if any of the zeros of the plant model lie on the right of the s plane

then the poles of the inverse model will lie on the right half of the s plane. That is the transfer function of the plant should

be stable and should be a system with minimum phase.


A novel strategy is adopted in the control of the proposed converter. The function of the control scheme is to find out the

duty cycle that will guarantee the tracking of maximum power from the PV panel. The proposed strategy combines the

incremental conductance type of MPPT and a simple internal model control scheme. The duty cycle thus found will be

used in both the channels of the interleaved converter.

Step 1:

To start with, in MATLAB/SIMULINK simulation environment the insolation level is maintained at different levels

and for every insolation level an experiment is conducted. In each experiment the insolation and temperature are held

constant and only the duty cycle is varied in a slowly varying ramp. The corresponding terminal voltage that appears

across the PV panel for every duty cycle applied is noted down and thus a set of data is obtained. This data relates the

duty cycle applied to the converter with the battery load and the terminal voltage of the PV panel. With this data, the

transfer function relating the mapping between the PV terminal voltage and the duty cycle is obtained using MATLAB

‘tfest’ function. In the obtained transfer function the PV terminal voltage is treated as input and the corresponding duty

cycle is treated as the output. The transfer function obtained is given as

4 3 2
6.307e15s - 2.368e18s  4.402e26s  1.882e26s - 2.236e23 (3)
TF 
4 3 2
115.17s  7.896e10s  5.308e11s  9.975e20s  3.529e21
The mapping between the duty cycle applied to the PWM section of the converters and the input voltage to the converter

(PV voltage) cannot be used just as a look up table because, although the PV voltage is the input voltage to the

converter. The relationship considered between the PV voltage and the duty cycle depends upon the frequency dependent

elements like inductors and capacitors including the electrical load present in the converter sub sections. The transfer

function embeds in itself the transient and the steady state relationship between the related quantities.

Step 2:

With reference to the block diagram, the MPPT module gets in the PV terminal voltage and the PV current as the

inputs and the voltage to be maintained at across the PV panel which is the reference voltage is supplied by the MPPT

module. The incremental conductance algorithm is used by the MPPT module.

Step 3:

The reference voltage as supplied by the MPPT module is applied to the internal model sub system and this sub system

gives the corresponding duty cycle that will be required to be applied to the PWM subsystem to generate the switching

pulses to drive the converter sub system.

The following assumptions are made.

 The solar insolation is uniform over the surface of the PV panel, at all insolation levels.

 The maximum power generation capacity of the PV panel is comparable to the nominal charging requirements

of the battery.

FIG. 7.Simulation model of proposed system

FIG. 8.PV modeling with INC MPPT

FIG.9. Internal Model Controller sub system in SIMULINK


A. Proposed system hardware structure

An experimental setup for the validation of the proposed system has been constructed. The circuit arrangement for the

experimental verification system is as shown in FIG. 10. The main control unit is built around microcontroller PIC

16F877A. The main function of this controller is to generate the PWM pulses, which drive switching function for the

converter. The power board includes the two channel interleaved buck converter. The components used for the proposed

buck converter are listed in TABLE III. The parameters monitored are the source voltage and the source current. The

source voltage and the source currents are used for the incremental conductance algorithm that is necessary for MPPT.

FIG. 10.Experimental arrangement of the proposed system

TABLE I. The specifications of PV panel

Standard insolation and temperature of 1000 /m2 and 25oC

Parameters Range

Open Circuit Voltage 22.2V

Short Circuit Current 8.175A
Pmax 125W
Voltage at Pmax 17.2V
Current at Pmax 7.425A

TABLE II. The specifications of the battery

Parameters Range

Nominal voltage 12V

Capacity in Ampere Hours 36AH
Voltage at Full Charge 13.06V
Nominal Discharge Current 7.2A

TABLE III. Values of the components

Components Specifications

Inductor 10mH
Switches IRF 540
Source side Capacitor 1000MFD/25V
Load side capacitor 2200MFD/25V
Diode IN5402

B. IMC Hardware based experimental verification

In this research the performance of an Internal Model Controller is studied and implemented in Hardware setup for

the forward and reverse transfer functions. Transfer functions can be implemented using operational amplifiers and the

required number of passive devices of appropriate values. However, with the increased order of the forward and reverse

transfer functions of the plant under consideration it becomes difficult for implementation with operational amplifiers

and a large number of passive components. Therefore in this research a novel scheme is used in which the MATLAB

SIMULINK simulation becomes a part of the Hardware setup.

The parameters required for making the decisions are fed to the MATLB SIMULINK work space and the decisions made

by MATLAB SIMULINK are taken over to the hardware setup in real time.

PC IMC in MAX 232

MATLAB Serial Communication PIC Microcontroller
SIMULINK Interface
D. running in PC

Switching Monitored
Pulses Current

Physical Plant Under


FIG. 11. Overall block diagram of the proposed idea

The PIC microcontroller while supplying the PWM pulses for the converter gets the duty cycle from the MATLAB

SIMULINK environment running in the PC. The serial transmit and receive blocks available with MATLAB are used for

the purpose. The serial receive block, after due attenuation or scaling followed by an analog to digital conversion,

receives the actual output voltage, of the physical plant. All control related manipulations are carried out in the

mathematical form inside the MATLAB environment and the duty cycle achieved by the internal model controller is sent

back to the physical plant using the serial send block.

The serial port of the computer can be connected to the microcontroller through an RS 232 IC. The Tx and Rx terminals of

the microcontroller PIC 16F877A sends out the required data to the MATLAB and the data received from the PC is used

to determine the duty cycle used for PWM.

FIG. 12. Serial Port Configuration

The MATLAB SIMULINK subsystem carrying the serial in and serial out blocks along with the serial port

configuration block. The serial out block sends data to the hardware and gets back the representation of the

controlled parameter after due signal processing as shown in FIG. 12. In the case of PIC based PWM generation the

PWM generator is initialized with the PWM frequency and this frequency is a constant and is not changeable when the

program is running. However the duty cycle is a variable and changed as the program is running and as per the decisions

made by the controller. In this research and specifically in the real time experimental verification we have the duty cycle

decided by the IMC in the MATLAB environment. The duty cycle as decided by the IMC is sent to the hardware unit

through the serial port of the computer.

The only data required, other than the set value, in the case of a simple closed loop voltage regulation unit is the actual

output voltage or a scaled down representation of the output voltage. In the hardware arrangement, the output voltage to

be regulated is first scaled down by a resistive attenuator network and is attenuated from the 2 volts range down to a

convenient 2.4V range so that it is within the allowable limit to the PIC microcontroller.
The attenuated along representation of the output voltage is digitized inside the microcontroller and is sent out of the PIC

microcontrollers through the TX pin and reaches the serial port of the PC through the MAX 232 IC. The appropriately

configured serial port in the MATLAB SIMULINK page receives this data and inserts this data in the appropriate point

of the control loop in the simulation. The IMC in the simulation uses this value to arrive at the required duty cycle. The

duty cycle leaves the MATLB SIMUINK environment to the PIC microcontroller through the serial port, sent out of the

MATLAB environment using the serial send block and at the PIC microcontroller this data is received at the serial

receive in and is used as the duty cycle in the PWM generation subroutine.

The frequency of PWM used was 20 kHz. The MATLAB SIMULINK page that hold the serial in and Serial out blocks

and the IMC is as shown in the FIG. 12. Hardware Setup for hardware inline operation with MATALB SIMULINK in

the LAPTOP through the serial port of the LAPTOP connected to the serial communication port provided in the

experimental setup as shown in FIG.13.

FIG. 13. Serial communication port in experimental setup.


The following three advantages are claimed in this work.

 Closer tracking of PV power – by virtue of the proposed IMC associated INC MPPT scheme.

 Improved conversion efficiency – by virtue of the soft switched converter.

 Reduced ripple in battery charging current – by virtue of the interleaved topology.

 Increased energy harvesting – by virtue of the interleaved topology.

The real time experiment is performed under Madurai climatic condition. Madurai city is located in Tamil Nadu state in

India. This area has latitude of 9° 88’ North and longitude of 78° 08’ East. This excrement is conducted under rooftop of

the Applied Electronics laboratory (outdoor condition) in the Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering at

Thiagarajar College of Engineering. The study location is comes under temperate climatic zone13. The annual average

solar radiation of study location is 5.605 kWh/m2/day and monthly average temperature ranges between 26°C and 37°C.

Hence the insolation at the time of real time experiment is to me measured as 900 W/m2 and temperature of 35°C.

FIG. 14, FIG. 15 and FIG. 16 correspond to the results of simulation in the MATLAB / SIMULINK environment. The

general power output characteristics of the PV panel used is given in FIG. 14. The recordings correspond to an insolation

of 900W/m2 at a temperature of 35oC. Although the panel is rated 125W because of the increased temperature the power

output has reduced to about 85.5W. For the PV power output of 85.5W the battery charging parameters are shown in

FIG. 15. The battery is charged at a terminal voltage of 11.92V the charging current is nearly 11.13A resulting in a power

input into the battery of 84.98 W resulting is a conversion efficiency of 99.3%.

Although FIG. 16 does not correspond to the condition shown in FIG. 14 and FIG. 15 it is the case of the battery current

with and without interleaving converter. With a single converter the ripple amplitude is well pronounced but the ripple

frequency is half that with the interleaved converter. Also the average DC current is slightly less in the case of the single

channel converter as compared to the interleaved converter.

FIG. 8, FIG. 10 and from FIG. 18 to FIG. 22 correspond to the experimental verification. The hardware prototype is

shown in FIG. 18. The main switches IRF 540, the inductors, the opto couplers and the Microcontroller are visible from

the picture. In FIG. 10 the whole system is shown along with the batteries to be charged and the metering instruments. A

Hall Effect DC clamp meter is used for the measurement of the charging current. In the interleaved converter the two

power electronic switches are alternately turned on and off with phase shifted switching pulses. FIG. 20 corresponds to

the switching pulses for a duty cycle of 20% and FIG. 21 corresponds to a duty cycle of 40 %. If the duty cycle is

increased beyond 50% then overlap may occur and it has been avoided. PWM pulses are generated after comparing the

reference signals with a triangular carrier as shown in FIG. 19.

A comparison of the output power efficiency and the ripple factor and also the energy harvested over a period of two

hours with respect to in both the single channel and the interleaved cases as observed in MATLAB / SIMULINK

simulation and the experimental verification are summarized in the bar chart shown in FIG. 23, FIG. 24 and FIG. 25.

FIG. 14.Simulated waveforms of input PV FIG. 15.Simulated waveforms of battery output

FIG. 16.Battery current ripples

FIG. 17. Charging, discharging and lifespan characteristics

The battery capacity is considered in the simulation is 36AH, 12V battery bank with rated current of 7.2A. The charging

and discharging voltage limits are very essential for safe functioning of battery banks. The depth of discharge (DOD) of

this battery is 80% considered in the simulation. The charging, discharging and lifespan characteristic was shown in FIG.


FIG. 18.Hardware prototype of switching pulses

FIG. 19.Triangular carrier wave

FIG. 20.Switching pulses FIG. 21.Duty cycle

(a) (b)
FIG. 22.(a) Ripples in the single channel converter and (b) Ripples in interleaved converter

FIG. 23. Comparison of Efficiency FIG. 24. Comparison of Ripple

FIG. 25. Comparison of Energy

TABLE IV. System parameters at insolation of 900 W/m2

Parameters INC

PV output power 84.21 W 85.55 W

PV voltage 10.97 V 11.98 V
PV current 7.68 A 7.14 A
Output battery voltage 10.73 V 11.92 V
Battery current 10.98 A 11.13 A
Output power 82.40 W 84.98 W

% Efficiency 97.8 % 99.3%

For comparative analysis INC MPPT is compared with P&O. The P&O MPPT algorithm is implemented in buck

converter and the results are tabulated in Table IV. From the Table IV it is evident that INC outperforms P&O in terms of

efficiency. Hence INC MPPT is implemented in experimental setup.

TABLE V. Comparison of single channel and two channel buck converter

Energy harvested over period of two

Efficiency (%) Ripple (%) hours
Simulation Experimental Simulation Experimental Simulation Experimental
Single channel buck
98.9% 92% 2.1% 4.3% 305928 201938
Two channel buck
99.3% 92.5% 0.53% 3.23% 611856 403876


The soft switched interleaved two channel buck converter based battery charging unit powered by a PV panel has been

modeled and practically constructed and tested. The paper is developed an internal model controller for fast tracking of

the PV power along with the INC method of MPPT. The result of the proposed system has been compared against P&O

MPPT scheme. The results of both simulation and the experimental reveal that the proposed soft switched, internal model

controller incorporated incremental conductance scheme of MPPT offers more close tracking of the PV power and is

more efficient by virtue of soft switching and it utilizes the PV power with double utilization factor by virtue of the

interleaving technique as compared to the single buck converter. The improved efficiency of tracking performance of two

channel buck converter scheme offers 99.3% in simulation and 92.5% in real time experiment. The interleaving

technique also reduces the ripple in the battery charging current as compared to the single channel buck converter



The authors acknowledge Thiagarajar College of Engineering, Madurai, India for providing excellent resources and

laboratory facility for the research work. One of the authors, P.S. Manoharan, gratefully acknowledges the recognition

and financial aid received from University Grant Commission (UGC), Government of India for Research Award (RA-


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