Maximum Power Point Tracking Controller For Photovoltaic System Using Sliding Mode Control
Maximum Power Point Tracking Controller For Photovoltaic System Using Sliding Mode Control
Maximum Power Point Tracking Controller For Photovoltaic System Using Sliding Mode Control
‡ School of Electric Power Engineering, South China University of Technology, China
Abstract—This paper proposes a Maximum Power Point Where in IC, the P-V curve slope of the PV system is checked
Tracking (MPPT) controller for photovoltaic (PV) system using till it reaches zero at which MPP operation is achieved [1].
sliding mode control scheme (SMC) in stand-alone configuration. One other MPPT technique used for PV system is the constant
The aim of this controller is to achieve an optimum MPP
operation without the need of atmospheric conditions measure- voltage algorithm, in which the MPP operation achieved by
ments and to enhance the efficiency of the PV power system. keeping the ratio between the PV voltage at the maximum
The proposed controller overcomes the power oscillation around power and the open circuit voltage constant [2].
the operating point which appears in most implemented MPPT Although, the above discussed MPPT methods are widely
techniques. The proposed MPPT controller using SMC has been used because of the ease of implementation and the indepen-
developed in such a way that the sliding surface is set to be
the MPP condition, so that the operating point converges to dent of the atmospheric measurements, they still have some
the optimum operating point. An adaptive SMC gain has been disadvantages. One of them is the power oscillation and around
designed and implemented in the proposed controller to allow MPP which is caused by fixed perturbation step size. Another
the compensation of the uncertainty of ambient conditions. The disadvantage is the confusion in the direction of tracking
results show a satisfactory operation of a PV power system which is caused by rapidly changing in atmospheric conditions
and a better achievability of the operating point to the optimal
operating point. The validation of the proposed controller is [3], [4]. [5] provides a solution of the fixed iteration size by
shown by MATLAB/SIMULINK simulation. Moreover, classical introducing a variable iteration size varies according to the
MPPT algorithm using incremental condition has been developed operating point.
for the same PV power system in order to evaluate the proposed Recently, sliding mode control has received many attentions
SMC controller. A comparison analysis of the proposed controller because of its benefits of a quick response and robustness
with incremental condition algorithm has been undertaken and
results in noticeably better reachability of the proposed SM [6]. SMC can be defined as a variable structure control
controller. strategy based on feedback and high frequency switching
Index Terms—Adaptive SMC gain, Maximum power point
control [7]. SMC has many advantages such as insensitivity to
tracking, PV control, Sliding mode control, Solar power system. system parameter changes, disturbance and load variations [8].
Achieving the design of a stable sliding surface and obtaining
an optimum design of a control low, which forces the operating
I. I NTRODUCTION points to reach a predetermined surface in finite time, are the
Recently, solar energy or photovoltaic energy applications two main stages of SMC design [9]. Sliding mode controller
are getting increased especially in stand-alone configuration. requires maintaining a constant gain so that a robust and finite
It is one of the most promising sources of renewable energy. time convergence of the sliding boundary is achieved. Despite
The limitations of PV energy system such as the low efficiency of those advantages, the uncertainty of state variable couldnt
and the non-linearity of the output characteristics, make it be compensated when using a constant gain, which might
necessary to obtain a MPP operation. Variations on solar introduce a steady-state error [6], [10], [11].
irradiance levels, ambient temperatures and dust accumulation Although SMC has been implemented to PV power systems
on the surface of the PV panel affect the output of the PV [12]–[14], there may be a lake of robustness due to the use
system [1]. of reference current. Similar approach has been reported in
The aim of MPPT technique is to automatically obtain an [15] where the sliding surface has been selected to follow the
optimal MPP operation under variable atmospheric conditions. incremental condition. However, the SMC gain was set to be a
Several MPPT techniques have been developed for PV system. constant which may lead to steady-state errors and may reduce
Incremental condition and perturbation and observation (P&O) the energy conversion efficiency.
algorithms were widely used in MPPT controller. The idea of In this paper, MPPT controller of PV system has been
those algorithms is quite similar. In P&O, the perturbation developed using SMC. The sliding surface is designed to be
is made in the operating point till maximum power achieved. the condition of MPP, so that the operating point converges
to the optimum operating point. An adaptive SMC gain is
designed to allow the compensation of the uncertainty of
ambient conditions. Also, the proposed SM controller has been
compared to incremental condition MPPT algorithm in order
to evaluate the proposed controller. This paper is organized as
follow, the PV power system and characteristics are discussed
in section II. Section III presents the design of the proposed
MPPT controller. In section IV, the simulations and result anal-
ysis are demonstrated. Also, the comparison analysis between
the proposed controller and incremental condition algorithm Fig. 2: Equivalent circuit of a solar cell
are provided in this section. Section V is the conclusion.
II. PV POWER SYSTEM AND CHARACTERISTICS where q is the charge of an electron (1.602 × 10−19 C), λ
The PV power system implemented in this research consist is solar irradiance, A is the idealist factor of a p-n junction
of PV panel, with a rated power of 85 W at ambient tempera- (1 or 2), k is the Boltzmans factor (1.381 × 10−23 J/K), T
ture of 25 C and a solar irradiance of 1000W/m2 , connected is the temperature of the cell array and Isc and KI are the
to a stand-alone load through DC-DC boost converter. The short-circuit current and the short-circuit current temperature
boost converter has been designed to operate at continuous respectively. The output power characteristics of the PV panel
conduction mode. Figure 1 illustrate the implemented PV as functions of solar irradiance is shown in Fig.3.
power system and the control diagram.
u= ueq + un , (7) Rearranging (14), the equivalent part of the SM controller can be
represented in (15).
where ueq is the equivalent control element and it is calculated along
the sliding mode as below, where K represents a positive constant. L d2 i L Vin
ueq = Deq = − + 1 . (15)
RC dv 2 C Vo
ṡ(x) = 0,
⎧ From (7) and (8) the proposed MPPT SM controller design can
⎨ 1,
⎪ s>0
(8) be demonstrated in (15) as follows:
un = −Ksgn(s), sgn(s) = 0, s = 0.
⎩ −1, L d2 i L Vin
s<0 u= − + 1 − ka sgn(e). (16)
RC dv 2 C Vo
MPP operation is important for PV power system to accumulate
the poor efficiency of the energy conversion. The principle of the The SMC gain (ka ), which is in this paper designed to be adaptive,
proposed MPPT controller can be illustrated in Fig.4. The SMC is an important factor to insure the SMC stability. Since the capability
controller will force the operating point to lie in a point at the top of the PV panel strongly depend on the atmospheric conditions, the
of the curve where the condition of maximum power is achieved. SMC gain has been designed to be dependent on the capability of
the PV current. The variation of ka follow a fourth order polynomial
function which is presented below:
ka = P 1 x 4 + P 2 x 3 + P3 x 2 + P 4 x + P 5 , (17)
where P1..4 are the polynomial coefficients, which is defined in
Table I, and x is the inductor current. Figure 5 demonstrate the
SMC adaptive gain varies as the solar irradiance vary from 1000
to 400W/m2 .
The stability of a sliding mode controller can be verified by the
Lyapunove equation which is illustrated in 18. This condition ensures
the convergence of the operating point to the sliding surface [20].
s.ṡ ≺ 0. (18)
For the PV system to be stable, ka should meet the following
Fig. 4: Condition of maximum power condition [21].
The sliding surface has been selected to be the condition at which L d2 i L Vin
− + 1 > ka . (19)
the MPP occurs and the controller design equations can be shown as RC dv 2 C Vo
the following:
Fig. 5: Variation of SMC gain over a rang of solar irradiance Fig. 6: Output PV power using SMC
Polynomial Coefficients
Polynomial Coefficient 1 P1 0.2629 -
Polynomial Coefficient 2 P2 −3.049 -
Polynomial Coefficient 3 P3 12.35 -
Polynomial Coefficient 4 P4 −20.96 - Fig. 7: PV voltage using SMC
Polynomial Coefficient 5 P5 10.89 -
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