DX Atlas DLLL Og
DX Atlas DLLL Og
DX Atlas DLLL Og
GenerateDXAtlases Started
Creating D3D...
D3D Created
Creating Device...
Device Created
DXATLASDLL: Output path is: C:\Users\one\Documents\My Games\GalCiv3\Screens\Atlas\
Screens path is: G:\GAMES\Galactic Civilizations III\screens\
DXATLASDLL: DX Atlas has determined the atlas needs to be generated
Registered files deleted
Loading texture files into memory
Texture files loaded successfully
Creating Texture Atlases
Texture Atlases created successfully
Saving the atlas file...
DXATLASDLL: DX Atlas: C:\Users\one\Documents\My
GenerateDXAtlases Finished
DXAtlasDLL Started
GenerateDXAtlases Started
Creating D3D...
D3D Created
Creating Device...
Device Created
DXATLASDLL: Output path is: C:\Users\one\Documents\My
Screens path is: G:\GAMES\Galactic Civilizations
DXATLASDLL: DX Atlas has determined the atlas needs to be generated
Registered files deleted
Loading texture files into memory
Texture files loaded successfully
Creating Texture Atlases
Texture Atlases created successfully
Saving the atlas file...
DXATLASDLL: DX Atlas: C:\Users\one\Documents\My
GenerateDXAtlases Finished
DXAtlasDLL Started
GenerateDXAtlases Started
Creating D3D...
D3D Created
Creating Device...
Device Created
DXATLASDLL: Output path is: C:\Users\one\Documents\My
Screens path is: G:\GAMES\Galactic Civilizations III\Gfx\planets\custom_heightmaps\
DXATLASDLL: DX Atlas has determined the atlas needs to be generated
Registered files deleted
Loading texture files into memory
Texture files loaded successfully
Creating Texture Atlases
Texture Atlases created successfully
Saving the atlas file...
DXATLASDLL: DX Atlas: C:\Users\one\Documents\My
GenerateDXAtlases Finished
DXAtlasDLL Started
GenerateDXAtlases Started
Creating D3D...
D3D Created
Creating Device...
Device Created
DXATLASDLL: Output path is: C:\Users\one\Documents\My
Screens path is: G:\GAMES\Galactic Civilizations
DXATLASDLL: DX Atlas has determined the atlas needs to be generated
Registered files deleted
Loading texture files into memory
Texture files loaded successfully
Creating Texture Atlases
Texture Atlases created successfully
Saving the atlas file...
DXATLASDLL: DX Atlas: C:\Users\one\Documents\My
GenerateDXAtlases Finished