Summer Holiday Tasks of BPS
Summer Holiday Tasks of BPS
Summer Holiday Tasks of BPS
Read the poem The Road Not Taken and create दये गए लंक क
Biography of Mathemetician
From the chapter Atoms and Molecules read and practice the symbols of (Outline Political Map of India)
DAY 4 " Prince of Indian Mathematics" -
PPT on it. कहानी को दे ख कर पाँच मह वपूण बात ल खए । Srinivasa Ramanujan
various elements. Chapter -1: India-Size and Location
India-States with Capitals, Tropic of Cancer, Standard Meridian (Location and Labelling)
Write a diary entry on your most favourable दये गए लंक क कहानी Biography of Mathemetician Write the characteristics of particles. For each characteristics illustrate an Chapter - 4: Climate
DAY 7 " Father of Geometry" -
event that you experienced से आपको या श ा मलती है ? अपने श द म ल खए । Euclid example with an activity. · Areas receiving rainfall less than 20 cm and over 400 cm (Identification only
Write a Short Story whichever you want अपने म के साथ ी म अवकाश पर कसी पहाड़ी े के Biography of Mathemetician
Prepare a crossword puzzle with atleast 15 questions on the topics differerent
DAY 10 " Neena Gupta" Poster Work on What is Democracy? Why Democracy?
providing a valuable message मण क योजना का संवाद लेखन क िजए । - Ramanujan Prize awardee 2021
states of matter.
Travel on a motor vehicle with your father or any elder person to any place of
your choice and observe the changes in speedometer reading. Note the exact
अपने पसंद के कसी अ भनेता या खलाड़ी के बारे म अपनी ARYABHATTA GANIT
time when you started from home and observe speedometer reading carefully
Write a short speech on Politics and its role in CHALLENGE
DAY 11
our India आवाज़ म रकाड करके दये गए लंक मे भेिजये। https: Prepare 20 HOTS on the concept of
and note it and the corresponding time in the table.Observe the following and My Vision for India-2040: Write up with pictures
write the answers for the following questions based on your observations: 1.
// " Space and Shape" with solutions.
Does the speed of the vehicle remain the same throughout the journey? 2. If
TASK 6 not, what can you say about the speed of the vehicle during the journey?
Create a PowerPoint Presentation on
Cyber Security atleast 5 slides.Use
Prepare a report on any scientist and his works on cell or cell organelles appropriate themes , insert related images ,
Write a poem using SMILE, METAPHOR CHALLENGE Academic Year Reflective Activity: Text book reading. Each day one lesson. Purpose is to
DAY 12 ेमचंद क कोई कहानी पढ़कर क ा म सुनाइए । emphasizing on name of the scientist and his discovery , explanation of apply animations and transitions
AND ALLITERATION on your own Prepare 20 HOTS on the concept of develop idea about the lessons they are going to learn.
discovery , duration of discovery etc. effectively..
" Numerical Ability" with solutions.
अपने पसंद क कोई एक क वता याद करके अपनी आवाज़ CHALLENGE
Listen to any famous personality's speech and Every student has to compulsorily undertake project on the following topic:
DAY 13
draw your reflections on it म रकाड क िजए और लंक म भेिजए। https://forms. Prepare 20 HOTS on the concept of Answer to the questions present in the page no.3 (text book)
Disaster Management: (Written Project and PPT)
" Reasoning and Spatial Ability" with
Listen to a Debate of any English Channel and अपनी संचयन पु तक का ग लू पाठ पढ़कर ग लू के बारे CHALLENGE Write an overview about the various ancient measuremnts using body parts Every student has to compulsorily undertake project on the following topic:
DAY 14
wirte what makes you more interesting in it. म ल खए । Prepare 20 HOTS on the concept of along with the pictures. Disaster Management: (Written Project and PPT)
" Quantitative Aptitude" with solutions.
Listen to any English News channel and write अपने प रवार का वृ बना कर सद य के बारे म दो -दो Pull - Out Worksheets I& II Prepare a project on molecular model of gases liquids and solids to show Every student has to compulsorily undertake project on the following topic:
DAY 16
any Five Headlines वा य ल खए । on Number System packing and density Disaster Management: (Written Project and PPT)
Listen and immitate any 3 Dialogues from any Pull - Out Worksheets V & VI Find out 5 instances of real life where endosmosis and exosmosis takes place. Every student has to compulsorily undertake project on the following topic:
DAY 18
English Movie. .jpg दये गए लंक के च को दे ख कर 10 on Number System Draw explanatory diagrams. Disaster Management: (Written Project and PPT)
वा य ल खए ।
DAY 19
Read any three headlines to record as a उपसग और यय क worksheet को करके उसका Pull - Out Worksheets VII & VIII
Compare solids liquids and gases with respect to their properties.
Every student has to compulsorily undertake project on the following topic:
newspaper reporter. on Number System Disaster Management: (Written Project and PPT)
नशॉट ल िजए ।
DAY 20 Record any dramatic Monologue अप ठत ग यांश क worksheet को करके उसका नशॉट Pull - Out Worksheets IX & X Make any one working model of any topic of your choice from physics.Write a Every student has to compulsorily undertake project on the following topic:
on Number System short note about the construction and working principle. Disaster Management: (Written Project and PPT)
ल िजए ।