Chapter - 5: The Fundamental Unit of Life
Chapter - 5: The Fundamental Unit of Life
Chapter - 5: The Fundamental Unit of Life
Cork cell
• Discovered by Robert Hook in non- living cell.
Q. The cell theory, jointly given by Schleiden and Q. Assertion- Robert Brown discovered nucleus.
Schwann did not explain Reason- Nucleoplasm and cytoplasm of a living
cell together form the protoplasm
A) all living organism are composed of cells and
A) Both A and R are true and R is correct
their products explanation of the A
B) cell is the structural and function unit of living B) Both A and R are true, but R is not the correct
organisms. explanation of the A
C) Formation of new cells C) A is true, but R is false
D) None of the above D) A is false, but R is true
Column I Column II
A. Robert Hooke 1. Discovery of
B. Schleiden and 2. Protoplasm
C. Robert Brown 3. Cell theory
D. Purkinje 4. Discovered cel
A) A-3, B-4, C-1, D-2
B) A-1, B-2, C-3, D-4
C) A-2, B-4, C-1, D-3
D) A-4, B-3, C-1, D-2
Why is cell called the structural
and functional unit of life?
functional unit - A cell is capable of carrying out
all life processes, such as nutrition, excretion,
respiration, etc. Hence it is called as the functional
unit of life.
The only cell organelle seen in prokaryotic Q. The undefined nuclear region of
cell is prokaryotes are also known as
A) mitochondria A) nucleus
B) ribosomes B) nucleolus
C) plastids C) nucleic acid
D) lysosomes D) nucleoid
Cell membrane
cytoplasm organelles
Basic structural organization of
❖ I) Plasma membrane/cell membrane:
✔ * Discover by C.Nageli and C. Cramer in 1855.
Diffusion - is defined as the movement of individual
molecules of a substance through a
semipermeable barrier from an area of higher
concentration to an area of lower concentration.
Significance of diffusion:
Gaseous exchange between the leaves and air takes
Transport of food through phloem takes place.
Loss of water from the plants is based on the principle of
Movement of ions and solutes from one cell to another
cell takes place through diffusion.
Osmosis - is the movement of water molecules from a solution
with a high concentration of water molecules to a solution
with a lower concentration of water molecules, through a
cell's partially permeable membrane.
Significance of osmosis:
❑ * Absorption of water by roots and root hairs.
❑ * Water moves from one cell to another cell.
❑ * It controls the amount of water within the cell.
❑ * It controls various physiological activities :
❖ 1) Opening and closing of stomata.
❖ 2) Splitting of fruits due to over irrigation.
❖ 3) Dehiscence of fruits and seeds for dispersal.
Simple HOTS
Types of endocytosis:
Q. If you are provided with some Q. Assertion - Cells having cell wall
vegetables to cook you generally add withstand very dilute (hypotonic)
salt into during cooking process. After external media without bursting.
adding salt vegetables release water. Reason - The cell wall exerts an equal
Which mechanism is responsible for pressure against the swollen cell.
this? (1)
Q. If cells of onion peel and RBCs are
separately kept in hypotonic solution.
Q. A plant cell is placed in a hypotonic What among the following will take
solution. What will happen? Will the place? Explain the reason for your
cell burst? Why or why not? (3) answer.
(i) Both the cell will swell
(ii) RBC will burst easily, while cells of
onion peel resist the bursting to some
(iii) and (b) both are correct
(iv) RBC and onion peel cell will
behave similarly.(4)
Cell wall:
• In plant cells, there is another rigid outer covering called cell
• It lies out side the plasma membrane.
• In plant cell , cell wall is mainly composed of cellulose. Cell wall
is non-living.
Function of cell wall:
Q. Plasmolysis in a plant cell is defined Q. The cell wall of which out of these is
as not made up of cellulose?
A) breakdown (lysis) of plasma A) Bacteria
membrane in hypotonic medium B) Hydrilla
B) shrinkage of cell content in C) Mango tree
hypertonic medium D) Lactus
C) shrinkage of nucleoplasm
Q. When the cell is about to divide, the Q. The layer which separates the
chromatin material gets organised into protoplasm and the outer environment
A) DNA is called:
B) nucleoid A) Nuclear Membrane
C) genes B) Plasma membrane
D) chromosomes C) Leucoplast
D) Cell Wall
All the living organisms are made up of cells. It is a fundamental, structure and functional
unit of life. The given diagram shows the plant cell.