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Biology Part - 1

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 All living forms are composed of microscopic units called as “Cells”.
 A cell is the basic structural and functional unit of all life forms.
 Study of structure and composition of cell is called as “Cytology”.
 Cell was first observed by “Robert Hooke” in a dead cork slice in the year 1665. He described about
this in his book “Micrographic”.
 The word cell was derived from a Greek word “Cellulae” which means small room.
 First living cell was discovered by A.V. Leeuwenhoek.
 The term protoplasm was coined by purkinje in 1839.
 Protoplasm was discovered by “Felix Dujardin” and named as sarcode.
 It’s consistency differs under different condition. It exists in sol-gel states.
 Protoplasm is an aggregate of various chemicals such as water, ions, salts and other organic
molecules like proteins, carbohydrates, fats, nucleic acids, vitamins etc.

Two biologists, “Schleiden and Schwann” gave the “Cell theory” which was later on
expanded by “Rudolf Virchow ”. Cell theory states that
(i) All plants and animals are composed of cells.
(ii) Cell is the basic unit of life.
(iii) All cells arise from pre-existing cells.
 Viruses are the exceptions of cell theory.


(a) On the Basis of Number of Cells Organisms can be categorized as:
(i) Unicellular organisms: These are organisms which made up of single cell only. This single cell
Performs all the vital body functions of an organism. e.g. Amoeba
(ii) Multicellular organisms: These are the organisms which made up of numerous cells. These cells
then combine to form an organ and group of organs performing different functions forms an organ
system which further forms an organism. e.g. plants and animals
(b) On the basis of type of organization, cells are two types :
(i) Prokaryotic cells: these are primitive and incomplete cells. They have less developed nucleus
without nuclear membrane & nucleolus. e.g. Bacteria.
(ii) Eukaryotic cells: these are well developed cells. They have advanced nucleus with unclear
membrane and nucleolus. e.g. Plants & animals.

Resonance 1
Pre-foundationCareer CareProgrammes (PCCP) Division
Cells are of variable shapes and sizes. Their shape is according to the function. Generally cells are
spherical but they may be elongated (nerve cell), branched (pigmented), discoidal (RBC), spindle
shaped (muscle cell) etc.

Size of cell is variable depending upon the type of organism. Some are microscopic while some are
visible with naked eyes.
Their size may vary from 0.2 µm to18 cm.
 Size of a typical cell in a Multicellular organism ranges from 20-30 mn.
 The largest cell is ostrich egg(15 cm. in dia with shell & 8 cm. in dia without shell)
 The longest cell is nerve cell.(upto 1m. or more)
 Smallest cells so far known are PPLOs e.g. mycoplasma (0.1 µm in dia.)
 Human egg is 0.1 mm. in dia.

There is an occurrence of division of labour within a cell as they all got certain specific components
called “Cell organelles” each of them perform a specific function.
 The three basic components of all the cells are
(i) 1M (Plasma Membrane) (ii) Nucleus (iii) Cytoplasm



1. The first person to observe a cell under microscope was

(A) M. Schleiden (B) T. Schwann (C) Robert Hook (D) A.V.Leeuwenhoek
2. Cell theory was propounded by
(A) Morgan (B) Halden
(C) Schleiden and Schwann (D) Robert Hooke
3. The word cell was coined by
(A) Robert hooke (B) Weismann (C) Cuvier (D) Darwin
4. Nucleus discovered by
(A) Robert Hooke (B) Robert Brown (C) Dujardin (D) Purkinje
5. Smallest cells so far known are
(A) Bacteria (B) blue green algae (C) PPLOs (D) human egg
6. Which of the following is the longest cell of animal kingdom?
(A)Bacteria (B) Nerve cell (C) Virus (D) Muscle cell
7. Which one of the following is an example of prokaryotic cell?
(A)Typical plant cell (B) Typical animal cell (C) Bacteria (D) None of these
8. What is cytology?
(A) Study of cytoplasm (B) Study of structure and composition of cell
(C) Study of animal cell only (D) Study of cell only

Resonance 2
Pre-foundationCareer CareProgrammes (PCCP) Division
9. Who coined term protoplasm?
(A)Leeuwenhoek (B) Purkinje (C) Robert hooke (D) Robert Brown
10. Cell is
(A) Functional unit of life (B) Structural unit of life
(C) Hereditary unit of life (D) all of the above



1. Name the largest cell of living world.
2. Amoeba is a ………………… organism.
3. Who wrote the book”Micrographia”?


4. What is the composition of protoplasm?
5. Define cell.


6. Who gave the cell theory? What does it state? Which organism is an exception of cell theory?

Resonance 3
Pre-foundationCareer CareProgrammes (PCCP) Division

(a) Cell Membrane:
 Cell membrane is also called as plasma Membrane or Plasma lemma.
 It is the limiting boundary of each cell which separates the cytoplasm from its
 It is found in both plant as well as animal cells.
 It is the outer most covering of a cell in case of animals and lies below the cell
wall in case of plants.
 It is made up of proteins and lipids where proteins are sandwiched between
bilayer of lipids.
 Plasma membrane name was given by Nageli.
 Plasma membrane is selectively permeable in nature. It allows or permits the
entry and exit of some materials in and out of the cell.
 Singer and Nicholson gave the fluid mosaic model of plasma membrane
according to him it consists of a protein layer sandwiched between two layers of lipids. It is in
quasifluid state. It is 75A thick.
 It is flexible and can be folded, broken and reunited.

(i) Function of plasma membrane:

(A) It regulates the movement of molecules inside and outside the cell.
(B) It helps in maintaining the distinct composition of the cell.
(ii) Transportation of molecules across the plasma membrane: This can be done by following
(A) Diffusion: Movement of solutes or ions from higher concentration to lower concentration is called
as diffusion. It does not require energy therefore it is called as passive transport.

Resonance 4
Pre-foundationCareer CareProgrammes (PCCP) Division
(B) Osmosis: The movement of solvent or water from higher concentration (solvent) to lower concentration
(solvent) through a semipermeable membrane is called as osmosis. Or The movement of solvent or
water from lower concentration to higher concentration of solution through a semipermeable
membrane is called as osmosis. Osmosis can also be called as diffusion of solvents”.
 Endosmosis: Movement of solvent into the cell is called as Endosmosis.
 Endosmosis: Movement of solvent outside the cell is called as Endosmosis.
(iii) Types of solution on the basis of concentration:
(A)Isotonic solution: When the concent, ation of the solution outside the equal to the
Concentration of cytoplasm of the cell it is called as isotonic solution.
(B) Hypertonic solution: When the of concentration of the solution outside the cell is more
than that inside the cell. Due to this cell looses water and becomes plasmolysed.
(C) Hypotonic solution: When the of concentration of the solution outside the cell is lesser
than that of cytoplasm of cell. Due to this cell swells up and bursts.

(b) Cell Wall:

 It is the outermost covering of the plant cells.
 It is absent in animal cells.
 Cell wall is rigid, strong, thick, porous and non living structure. It is made up of cellulose and
hemicelluloses. Cell walls of two adjacent cells are joined by a layer called middle lamellae. It is made
up of calcium and magnesium pectate.
 Functions of cell wall:
 It provides definite shape to the cell.
 It provides strength to the cell.
 It is permeable and allows entry of molecules of different sizes.
 It is antigen specific.
 It has the characteristics of repair and regeneration.

(c) Nucleus:

Figure: Nucleus
 Nucleus is the most important cell organelle which directs and controls all its cellular activities.
 It is called as “Headquarter of the cell”.
 It was discovered by “Robert Brown in 1831”.
 In eukaryotes a well defined nucleus is present while in prokaryotes a well defined nucleus is absent.
 Prokaryotes contain a primitive nucleus.
 It has double layered covering called as nuclear membrane.

Resonance 5
Pre-foundationCareer CareProgrammes (PCCP) Division
 Nuclear membrane has pores which regulate the movement of materials of materials in & out of the
 Besides nuclear membrane nucleus also contains nucleolus and chromatin material and the substance
filled inside the nucleus is nucleolus or karyolymph.
 Chromosomes or chromatin material consists of DNA which stores and transmits hereditary
information for the cell to function, grow and reproduce.
(i) Function of the nucleus:
(A) It controls all the metabolic activities of the cell and regulates the cell cycle.
(B) It helps in transmission of hereditary characters from parents to off springs



1. Plasma membrane is made up of

(A) Proteins and carbohydrates
(B) Proteins and lipids
(C) Proteins and nucleic acids
(D) Proteins, some nucleic acids and lipids
2. Plant cell wall is mainly composed of
(A) Sugars (B) Cellulose (C) Proteins (D) lipids
3. Nucleus was discovered of
(A) Robert Brown (B) Robert Hooke (C) A.V. Leeuwenhoek (D) Schwann
4. A solution is said to be hypotonic when
(A) Concentration of medium is higher than that of the cell
(B) Concentration of medium is equal to that of the cell
(C) Concentration of medium is lower than that of the cell
(D) None of the above are correct.
5. Cell wall shows
(A) Complete permeability (B) semipermeability
(C) Differential permeability (D) impermeability
6. Plasma membrane is –
(A) Impermeable (B) formed of cellulose
(C) selectively permeable (D) nonselective
7. Ribosome was named by –
(A) Palade (B) Porter (C) de Duve (D) Koliker
8. Ribosome consist of –
(A) DNA and protein (B) RNA and protein
(C) RNA and amino acids (D) RNA and DNA
9. The solution having concentration equal to the concentration of solution of inside the cell is called as
(A) Isotonic solution (B) hypotonic solution
(C) Hypertonic solution (D) all of the above
10. .If a cell will be placed in hypotonic solution what will happen to it ?
(A) The cell will swell and burst (B) The cell will become flaccid
(C) It will remain unchanged (D) None of the above

Resonance 6
Pre-foundationCareer CareProgrammes (PCCP) Division


1. Who gave the fluid mosaic model of plasma membrane ?

2. Movement of solvent into the cell is called as…………………………….
3. Which cell organelle is called as the head quarter of cell?

4. What is the difference between diffusion and osmosis?

5. Why plasma membrane is called as selectively permeable membrane ?


6. Draw a neat and labeled diagram of nucleus. State its main function.

Resonance 7
Pre-foundationCareer CareProgrammes (PCCP) Division


 Cytoplasm was discovered by Kolliker in 1862.

 It is the site of both biosynthetic and catabolic pathways.
 It can be divided into two parts:
(i) Cytosol: Aqueous soluble part contains various fibrous proteins forming cytoskeleton.
(ii) Cell organelles: Living part of the cells having definite shape, structure and function
bounded By Plasma membrane.


Figure: Endoplasmic Reticulum

 It is the network of membranes present in the cytoplasm.
 It was discovered by Porter, Claude and Fullam.
 These are present in all cells except prokaryotes and mammalian erythrocytes.
 They are made up of three components:
(i) Cistemae: These are long, flattened, parallely arranged, unbranched tubules. These
from Successive layers of nucleus. These are found in cells which are active in protein synthesis and
are 40-50 µm in diameter.
(ii) Vesicles: These are around or spherical they are founded in synthetically active cells.
(a) Types :
Endoplasmic reticulum is of two types

Smooth ER Rough ER
-Made of tubules mainly. -Made of clstemae and vesicles.
-Helps in sterold, lipids and. –helps in protein synthesis.
Polysaccharide synthesis. Contains ribosomes on its surface.
-Ribosomes are absent.
-Helps in membrane biogenesis.

Resonance 8
Pre-foundationCareer CareProgrammes (PCCP) Division
(b) Function of ER:
(i) It is the only organelle which can move within a cell so it serves as a channel for the
transport of materials between various regions of cytoplasm and between cytoplasm and nucleus.
(ii) It also function as a cytoplasmic framework to provide space for some of the
biochemical activities. It forms endoskeleton of cell.
(iii) It helps in synthesis of fats, steroids, cholesterol etc.
(iv) It contains secretory proteins.
(v) SER plays a crucial role in detoxification of drugs and poisonous by-products.


Figure: Golgi apparatus

 Golgi apparatus consists of a system of membrane bounded vesicles arranged parallel to each
other in stacks called Cisternae along with some large and spherical vacuoles.
 It was discovered by Camilo Golgi.
 In plants Golgi membrane bounded.
 It is single membrane bounded.
 It is absent in prokaryotes, mammalian RBC’s & sieve cells.
(a) Functions:
(i) It helps in formation of lipids
(ii) It helps in formation of middle lamellae
(iii) It is secretary in nature.
(iv) It helps in melanin synthesis
(v) Lipids and proteins synthesized in endoplasmic reticulum are packed at Golgi
complex. They provide the site for assembly of new membrane material.


Figure: Mitochondria

Resonance 9
Pre-foundationCareer CareProgrammes (PCCP) Division
 It is a rod shaped structure found in cytoplasm of all eukaryotic cells except
mammalian RBC’s.
 These are also absent in prokaryotes.
 It was first seen by Kolliker in insect cells.
 Maximum mitochondria are found in metabolically active cells.
 It is also called as “Power House of the Cell” or the “Storage Battery”.
 It is double membranous structure where outer membrane has specific proteins
While inner membrane is folded inside to from chambers called Cristae. ”Cristae” are the
infoldings of inner mitochondrial membrane that possess enzymes for respiratory cycles like Kreb
Cycle. ATP synthesizing units are called Oxysomes or F1 particles.
 Space between inner and outer mitochondrial membranes is called as
Perimitochondrial space. The fluid present in mitochondrial is called as matrix.

(a) Functions:
(i) Its main function is to produce and store the energy in the form of ATP.
(ii) It is the site of Kreb cycle of respiration.
(iii) Oxysome contains enzymes for ATP production.
(iv) Matrix contains enzymes for Kreb cycle.

Ribosomes are the sites of protein synthesis.
All structural and functional proteins (enzymes) coded by the nuclear DNA, are synthesized upon
cytoplasmic ribosomes. The DNA codes are transcripted into messenger RNA (mRNA) molecules in
the chromosomes of the nucleus. mRNA molecules diffuse out into the cytoplasm and each becomes
attached to several ribosomes which thus from a group called polyribosome or polyribosomes. In this
way each mRNA molecule brings about polymerization of specific protein molecules, with the help of
ribosomes from amino acid molecules found in the Cytosol.

Fig: Ribosome

Resonance 10
Pre-foundationCareer CareProgrammes (PCCP) Division


1. What is more abundant in smooth endoplasmic reticulum?

( A) Cistemae and vesicle (B) Tubules
(B) Tubules and vesicles (C) Cistemae
2. Mitochondria are concerned with
(A) Kreb cycle (B) C, cycle (C) glycolysis (D) none of the above
3. Which of the following organelle is the site of Kreb cycle?
(A) Ribosome’s (B) Lysosomes (C) eukaryotic cells (D) Nucleus
4. Mitochondria are absent in
(A) Prokaryotic cells (B) RBC of mammals (C) eukaryotic cells (D) (A) and (B) Both
5. Mitochondria stores energy in from of
(A) Heat energy (B) ATP (C) light energy (D) none of the above
6. The ATP synthesizing units of Mitochondria are
(A) Oxysomes (B) peroxysomes (C) glyoxysomes (D) lysosomes
7. Lipid synthesis is performed by
(A) Rough ER (B) smooth ER (C) both of above (D) none of the above
8. Who observed Mitochondria at first?
(A) Porter (B) Palade (C) Koliker (D) Camilo Golgi
9. Detoxification of body is done by?
(A) Mitochondria (B) lysosomes
(C) Smooth endoplasmic reticulum (D) rough endoplasmic reticulum
10. Golgi apparatus is made of
(A) Cisternae (B) vesicles (C) golgian vacuoles (D) all of the above



1. Which cell organelle is called as ‘power house of cell’?
2. Which cell organelle contains enzymes for ATP production?
3. In mitochondria which portion contains specific proteins?
4. Define Cristae.
5. State any two function of Golgi body.
6. Describe the types of endoplasmic reticulum and draw necessary figure. Give it’s main functions also.
7. Draw a neat and labeled diagram of mitochondria.

Resonance 11
Pre-foundationCareer CareProgrammes (PCCP) Division
BL – 4

It is double membranous discoidal structure, fond only in plant cells.
Term plastid was given by Haeckel.
Chloroplast was discount by A.V. Leeuwenhoek and named by Schimper.
Besides being discoidal of rhombic in plant cells they occur in variable shapes like in algae they can be
‘U’ shaped , spiral , coiled , ribbon shaped etc.
Depending upon the type of pigment present in them they are of following three types.

Leucoplast Chromoplast Chloroplast

-Non pigments
-White in colour -Coloured pigments other -Green pigment chlorophyll is found
-Generally found in than green in them
-Underground parts Phaeoplast – Brown -Found in aerial parts of plant
-Important for food storage, Rhodoplast – Red which are green in colour
e.g. Aleuronoplast, Elaioplast

(a) Chloroplast have Following Two Parts :

(i) Grana: It constitutes the lamellar system. These are found layered on top of each
other, these stacks are called as Grana. Each granum of the chloroplast is formed by
superimposed closed compartments called Thylakoids.
 Function: They are the sites of light reaction of photosynthesis as they contain
photosynthetic pigment chlorophyll. In each thylakoid Quantasomes are present which are called
as Photosynthetic units. Each quantansome possesses 230 chlorophyll molecules.
(ii) Stroma: It is a granular transparent substance also called as matrix. Grana are
embedded in it. Besides Grana they also contain lipid droplets, starch grains, ribosomes etc.

 Function: This is the site of dark reaction of photosynthesis. Also helps in protein
synthesis due to presence of ribosomes.

Resonance 12
Pre-foundationCareer CareProgrammes (PCCP) Division
Resonance 13
Pre-foundationCareer CareProgrammes (PCCP) Division
 These are membrane bounded regions in the cytoplasm containing water and other
 They are bounded by a single membrane called Tonoplast.
 In animal cells vacuoles are smaller in size and numerous while in plant cells a single
large vacuole Is found which occupies about 90% of the volume of cell.

(a) Functions:
 It helps in maintaining osmotic pressure in a cell.
 It stores toxic metabolic products of plant cell.
 It contains various Coloured pigments like anthocyanins.


(Discovery: Christian de Duve) (Lyso = digestive, some = body)

 These are tiny sac like granules containing
enzymes of intracellular digestion.
 They are bounded by a single membrane.
 They occur in animal cells and a few plant cells.
 They do not have a definite shape or size.
 They contain hydrolyzing enzymes called acid hydrolyses.
 Their main function is phagy = digestion
 They are kind of waste disposal system.
 They help in digesting foreign materials and wom out cells.
 During disturbances in cellular metabolism i.e. in case of cell damage lysosomes
burst and their enzymes are released into the cytoplasm and they digest their own cell so they are
also called as “Suicidal Bags”.
 These structures were first described from liver and kidney cells by Rodhin(1954)
 In plant cells, they were first observed in germinating seeds by Tolbert(1969)
 The term ‘peroxysomes’ was first used by de Duve and also called as uricosomes.
 Peroxysomes are ovoid or granular structures, limited by a single unit membrane
and have a diameter of 0.5 to µm.
 In green leaves of C3 plants, peroxysomes carry out photorespiration.
 In animal cells they carry out lipid metabolism.
 They contain important enzymes as oxidases (peroxide producing enzyme),
peroxidases and catalases (which break down toxic peroxides to water and oxygen).

 A beaver (1961) was the first person to discover these organelles and were described
later by R.W. Briedenbach (1967).
 They are about 0.5 to 1 µm in size and are surrounded by a single unit membrane.

Resonance 14
Pre-foundationCareer CareProgrammes (PCCP) Division
 They are found in plant cells, particularly, in germinating fatty seeds e.g.
Ricinus (castor) and groundnut where fat is being converted into carbohydrates by a process
called glyoxylate cycle.
 Glyoxysomes contain important enzymes, isocitrate, lyase, maltase and
Synthelast along with several others.
 Structure of glyoxysomes is similar to peroxisome.

Figure: Plant cell

Figure: Animal cell

Plant Cell Animal Cell

Cell wall is present Cell wall is absent
Plastids are found Plastids are absent
One large vacuole Numerous tiny vacuoles are found
Centriole is absent Centriole is present


Characters Prokaryotic Cells Eukaryotic Cells

1. Nuclear body Incipient nucleus, True nucleus,
No nuclear membrane Nucleolus membrane present
Nucleolus absent’ No mitosis Nucleolus present
Single closed loop, (histones absent) Mitosis found
Multiple chromosomes, ( histones
present in chromosome)
2. Mitosis No mitosis Mitosis found

Resonance 15
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Characters Prokaryotic cells Every tic cells
3.DNA arrangement Single closed loop,(histones absent) Multiple chromosomes,
(histones present in
4. Respirator system In plasma a membrane, In mitochondria
5. Photosynthetic apparatus In intemal membranes, In chloroplasts
(chloroplasts absent)
6. Golgi bodies, chloroplast, Absent Present
Endoplasmic reticulum.
Mitochondria, Lysosomes
7. Ribosomes 70 S type 80 S type
8. Cell wall Generally present, complex Present in some types, simple
chemical composition Chemical composition

9. Flagella Submicroscopic, do not have Microscopic size have 9+2

9+2 fibrillar structure Fibrillar structure
10. Cytoplasmic movements Cytoplasmic streaming rare of Cytoplasmic streaming often
absent occurs
11. Vacuoles Absent Present
12. Lysosome Absent Present
13. Capsule May be present Always absent
14. Hereditary material DNA circular DNA (linear)
(i) Centrosome :
o It is found in animal cell.
o It consists of two centrioles.
o It is non membranous.
o It is made up of microtubules.
o It helps in cell division and spindle formation.
(ii) Cilia and flagella: These are thread like appendages used for locomotion and emerge from basa
(iii) Chromosomes: These are thread like structures containing hereditary information in from of
(iv) There are four different types of membranes on the basis of permeability:
(A)Permeable: They allow diffusion of both solvent and solute molecules or icon through them.
e.g. Cell wall of plant cell.
(B) Impermeable: They prohibit the diffusion of both solvent and solute particles through them.
e.g. Cutinized cell wall, Lignified cell wall.
(C) Semipermeable: Allows diffusion of solvent molecules but do not allow the passage of solute
molecules.e.g. Parchment paper, Kidney membrane.
(D) Differentially Permeable: It allow some solutes to pass through them along with the solvent molecules.
E.g. Plasmalemma, Tonoplast.
o Cell organelles can be separated by the method of differential centrifugation.

Resonance 16
Pre-foundationCareer CareProgrammes (PCCP) Division
o First cell that developed in laboratory by Sydney Fox and A.I. Oparin was called as
o Smallest cell is Mycoplasma (PPLO)(0.1 µ dia)
o Largest cell is Ostrich egg (15 cm.dia.)
o Longest Animal Cell is Nerve fibre (1m.)
o Lysosomes exhibit polymorphism i.e. they occur in different forms.
o Mitochondria, plastid and centrioles have their own DNA molecules so they are
called as “Semiautonomous Cell Organelles ”.
o Connection through which cells communicate chemically with each other
through their thick walls are called as “Plasmodesmata”.
o Cell wall of fungi is made up of chitin instead of cellulose.
o Protoplasm was called as “Physical Basis of Life” by Huxley
o DNA is called as “Chemical Basis of life”.
o Euglena is the connecting link between plants and animals as it lacks cell wall but
has plastids.
o Mesosomes in bacteria are analogous to mitochondria as they both help in
cellular respiration.
o Centre for cellular and molecular biology is situated at Hyderabad.
o In animal cell the ‘Cell Coat’ is present instead of cell wall which provides them
protection. It is made up to glycocalyx.
o ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate) is the energy currency of the cell i.e. energy in
cell is stored in from of ATP molecules.



1. Which of the following is called as ‘Suicidal bags’ ?

(A) Centrosome (B) Lysosome (C) Microsome (D) Mesosomes

2. Eukaryotic ribosomes are

(A) 30s (B) 50s (C) 80s (D) 70s

3. Plastids that are white in colour (Pigment free)

(A)chloroplast (B) lysosome (C) leucoplast (D) Chromoplast

4. Striking difference between a plant cell and an animal cell is due to the presence
(A) mitochondria (B) plasma membrane (C) cell wall (D) ribosome

5. Tonoplast is the membrane surrounding the

(A) cytoplasm (B) vacuole (C) nucleus (D) mitochondria

6. Lysosomes are responsible for

(A) protein synthesis (B) digestion of organic molecules
(C)fat synthesis (D) fat emulsification

7. In prokaryotic cell
(A) nucleus is developed
(B) membrane bounded organelles are present
(C) double membrane bounded organelles are absent
(D) none of these

Resonance 17
Pre-foundationCareer CareProgrammes (PCCP) Division
8. A typical plant cell contains
(A) cell well (B) plastids (C) large vacuole (D) all of the above

9. The waste disposal system of cell is formed by

(A) lysosomes (B) peroxysomes (C) mitochondria (D) glyoxysomes

10. In which cell Centriole is absent ?

(A) plant cell (B) Animal cell (C) Both of above (D) None of above



1. Which cell organelle is called as “digestive bag “ ?
2. Which organelle controls osmotic pressure in a cell ?
3. Plastids having Coloured pigments are called as …………………
4. Name various type of plastids present in a plant cell.
5. State the main function of lysosomes ?
6. Differentiate between plant and animal cell with suitable figures.


(Objective DPP # 1 .1)

Q 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
A. C C A B C B C B B D

(Objective DPP # 2 .1)

Q 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
A. B B A C A C A B A A

(Objective DPP # 3 .1)

Q 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
A. B A C D B A B C C D

(Objective DPP # 4 .1)

Q 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
A. B C C C B B C D A A

Resonance 18
Pre-foundationCareer CareProgrammes (PCCP) Division

 In unicellular organisms a single cell performs all the vital activities for
example, digestion, respiration, excretion etc.
 In case of Multicellular organisms specialized functions are performed by a
different groups of cells. As blood flows for transportation of O 2, CO2, food hormones & waste
material, muscle cells are involved in movement etc.
 In plants vascular tissue conduct food & water from one plant to another par
to the plant Thus Multicellular organisms possess well-developed division of provide highest
possible efficiency or particular function.
 A tissue is defined as a group of cells with similar structure, organized to do a
common function.
 Term tissue was coined by Bichat.
 As plants are fixed or stationary, most of their tissues are of supportive type.
Animals move around in search of food, mate & shelter so they consume more energy as
compared to plants.
 Plants have some localized regions with special tissue but there is no such
distinct regions in animals. Growth in animals remains uniform. Branch of biology deals with the
study of tissue is called Histology.


Mainly they are of two types :  Meristematic,  Permanent

(a) Meristematic Tissue :
These are simple living tissues having thin walled compactly arranged immature cells which are
capable of division and formation of new cells.

(i) Main features of Meristematic tissues are :

(A) G1 S  G2  M cell cycle is switched on.

Resonance 19
Pre-foundationCareer CareProgrammes (PCCP) Division
(A). Thin primary cell wall (cellulosic).
(B). Intercellular spaces are absent (Compact tissue)
(C). Generally vacuoles are absent, dense cytoplasm & prominent nuclei arepresent.
(D). Large number of cell organelles are present.
(E). Active metabolic state, stored food is absent.
(F). Actively dividing cells are present in growing regions of plants e.g. root & shoo
(ii) Classification on the basis of origin :
(A). primary (Promeristem):
 Derived directly from the Meristems of embryo.
 They consist of cells derived from primary meristem.
 They add to primary growth of plants.
(B). Secondary :
 Formed by permanent tissues.
 These are having cells derived from primary permanent tissue.
 They usually add to the diameter of plants.
 Permanent tissue Dedifferentiation Secondary meristem
(iii) Classification on the basis of location :
(A) Apical meristem: It is present at the growing tips of stems and roots.
division in this tissue leads to the elongation of stem & root thus it is involved in primary growth of the
(B) Intercalary meristem: It is present behind the apex. It is the part of
meristem which is left behind during growth period. These are present at the base of leaf & internode
region. These lead to the increase in the length of leaf (Primary) e.g. in grass stem, bamboo stem, mint
stem etc..
(C) Lateral meristem: It is also called as secondary meristem. It occurs
along the
sides of longitudinal axis of the plant. It gives rise to the vascular tissues. Causes growth in girth of
stem & root. They are responsible for secondary growth.


1. A group of cells having common origin and performing similar function is called
(A) tissue (B) organ (C) organ system (D) cell aggregate

2. Meristems are cells that

(A) store food (B) help in excretion
(C) provide support (D) divide continuously to produce new cells

3. Plant length is increased by the activity of

(A) apical meristem (B) lateral meristem (C) cambium (D) all of the above
4. In plants, cell division is restricted to

Resonance 20
Pre-foundationCareer CareProgrammes (PCCP) Division
(A) Meristematic cells (B) permanent cells (C) xylem (D) phloem

5. In grasses the length of increases by the activity of

(A) apical meristem (B) intercalary meristem (C) lateral meristem (D) secondary meristem

Resonance 21
Pre-foundationCareer CareProgrammes (PCCP) Division
6. Special feature of dividing cells is
(A) large lacuna (B) thick cell walls
(C) dense cytoplasm devoid of lacuna (D) large intercellular spaces

7. Totipotency is present in
(A) meristem (B) cambium (C) phloem (D) cork
8. Which of the following is a feature of Meristematic tissues ?
(A) Thin cell wall
(B) Compact tissue
(C) Large no. of cell organelles are present in the cells of tissues.
(D) All of the above
9. Which of the following plant tissue is formed by permanent tissue ?
(A) primary tissue (B) Secondary tissue (C) Both of above (D) None of above

10. Which of the following plant tissues causes growth in girth of stem and root ?
(A) Apical meristem (B) Intercalary meristem
(C) Lateral meristem (D) None of the above



1. The tissues derived directly from the meristem of embryo is called as …………
2. A group of cells with similar structure, organized to do a common function is celled as.
3. Which plant tissue remains in active metabolic state always ?
4. Define tissue.
5. What do you mean by division of labour ?
6. What is issue? Explain Meristematic plant tissue.

Resonance 22
Pre-foundationCareer CareProgrammes (PCCP) Division
BL -6

 The permanent tissues are composed of those cells which have lost their
capability to divide. They have definite shape, size and thickness. The permanent tissue may be
dead or living.
 The division & differentiation of the cells of Meristematic tissues give rise to
permanent tissues. In cell differentiation, developing tissue and organs change from simple to
more complex forms to become specialized for specific functions. The cells of permanent tissue
loose the capacity to divide and attain a permanent shape, size and function.

(a) Depending Upon the structure and composition, The permanent

tissues are classified into two types :

(i) Simple permanent tissues : Theses are made up of same type of cells
which are similar structurally and functionally. They include two types of tissue :
(A) Protective Tissues : these tissue are primarily protective in
function. They
consist of :
 Epidermis : Epidermis forms one cell thick outermost layer of various body
organs of plants such as leaves, flowers, stems and roots. Epidermis is covered
outside by cuticle. Cuticle is a water proof layer of waxy substance called as cutin which is
secreted by the epidermal cells. Cuticle is very thick in xerophytes. Cells of epidermis of leaves
are not continuous at some places due to the presence of small pores called as stomata. Each
stomata is guarded by a pair of bean shaped cells called as guard cells. These are the only
epidermal cells which possess chloplasts, the rest being colorless.
 Functions :
(i) The main function of epidermis is to protect
the plant from desiccation and
(ii) Cuticle of epidermis cuts the rate of
transpiration and evaporation of water
and prevents wilting.
(iii) Stomata in epidermis allow gaseous
exchange to occur during
photosynthesis respiration.
(iv) Stomata also helps in transpiration.
 Cork or phellem : in older roots and stems, tissues at the periphery become
cork cells or phellem cells. Cork is made up to dead cells with thick walls and do not have any
intercellular spaces. The cell walls in cork deposit waxy substance called as suberin. The cells of
cork become impermeable to water and gasses due to the deposition of suberin. The cork cells are
without any protoplasm but are filled with resins or tannins.
 Functions :
(i) Cork is protective in
function. Cork cells prevent desiccation, infection and
mechanical injury.

Resonance 23
Pre-foundationCareer CareProgrammes (PCCP) Division
(ii) Imperviousness, lightness,
toughness, compressibility and elasticity make the
cork commercially valuable.
(iii) Cork is used for insulation,
as shock absorber in linoleum.
(iv) Cork is used in the making
of a variety of sport goods such as cricket balls,
table tennis, shuttle cocks, wooden paddles etc.

Resonance 24
Pre-foundationCareer CareProgrammes (PCCP) Division
(B) Supporting tissue : These are supportive in function and of
three types

 Parenchyma: it is the fundamental tissue.

 Tissue first time evolved in bryophyte.
 Thin walled cells, oval or spherical in structure.
 Cell wall mainly composed of cellulose & pectin.
 Large central vacuole for food & water storage.
 Primary function is food storage.
 Some parenchyma involved in excretory substance storage are so called as
idioblast, storing such as resin, tannin, gums & oils. In typical parenchyma chlorophyll is absent.
 Chloroplast containing parenchyma tissue are chlorenchyma which
perform photosynthesis e.g. mesophyll of leaves.
 In hydrophytic plants aerenchyma (A type of parenchyma containing air
spaces) provides buoyancy.
 Parenchyma provides turgidity to cells.
 Collenchyma : it is the living mechanical tissue.
 Elongated cells with thick corners.
 Localized cellulose & pectin thickening.
 Provides flexibility to plant parts & easy bending of various parts of plant.
 Present only in herbaceous dicot stem.
 Present at thin margin of leaves.
 Few chloroplasts may be present.
 If gives mechanical strength & elasticity to the growing stems.
 Sclerenchyma : (Scleras-hard)
 Strengthening tissue.
 Composed of extremely thick walled cells with little or no protoplasm.
 Cells are dead & possess very thick lignified walls.
 Lignin is water proof material.
 Inter cellular spaces are absent.

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Resonance 26
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 Cells of Sclerenchyma are of two types :
 Sclereids: These are also called grit cells or stone cells. Theses are small
cells, where lumen is so small due to higher thickening of cell wall, as present in drup fruit
(Mango, coconut walnut) in legume seeds (Macrosclereid)
 Fibers : They are very long, narrow, thick, lignified cells. Lumen is large as
compared to sclereids. Generally 1-3 mm. long. In the thick walls of both the fibres and sclereids
are present thin areas called as pits.
 Sclerenchyma fibres are used in the manufacture of ropes, mats & certain
textile fibres.
 Jute & coir are obtained from the thick bundles of fibres.
(ii) Complex permanent tissue : it consists of more than one type of cells
which work together as a unit.

 It helps in transportation of organic materials, water & minerals.

 It is also know as conducting or vascular tissue.
 Xylem & phloem together form vascular bundles.
(A) Xylem : Also known as wood and is a vascular and mechanical tissue. Thick
walled cells are found in the form of tubular passages.

 Xylem consists of four types of cells called as elements :

 Tracheids : T hey are elongated angular dead cells (Primitive elements) mainly involved
in conduction of water & minerals in gymnosperms.
 Vessels: they are advance element (Generally found in angiosperms).
Vessels are cylindrical tube like structures placed one above the other end to end which form a
continuous channel for efficient conduction of water.
 Xylem parenchyma : they are small & thick walled parenchymatous cells
 Subjected for storge of starch (food).
 Xylem Sclerenchyma : They are non living fibres with thick walls &
narrow cavities provide mechanical support.
 Except xylem parenchyma all other xylem elements are dead.
 Hadrome : Tracheids & vessels are collectively called hadrome, as main
 Conducting elements in xylem.
 The annual rings present in the trunk of a tree are xylem rings. By
Counting the number of annual rings we can determine the age of a tree.
Resonance 27
Pre-foundationCareer CareProgrammes (PCCP) Division
(B) Phloem : They also consist of both parenchymatous & sclerenchymatous cells.

 Phloem consists of four types of element :

 Sieve tubes : Sieve tubes are slender tube like structures made up of
elongated, thin walled cells placed end to end. The end walls of sieve tube cells are perforated by
numerous pores are called as sieve plates. Nucleus of sieve cell degenerates at maturity,
however. Cytoplasm persists, because of protoplasmic continuation of sieve tube with
companion cell through plasmodesmata. Sieve cells possess slime protein or protein which is
concerned with growth and repair of sieve cells.
 Companion cells : Companion cells have dense cytoplasm and prominent
 Sieve cells & companion cells are so called sister cells because they originate
from single mother cell.
 Phloem fibre : They give mechanical support to sieve tubes
 Phloem parenchyma : They store food & help in radial conduction of food.
 Leptome : main part of phloem involved in conduction of food, which is
sieve tube.
 In xylem only unidirectional movement is possible while in phloem
bidirectional movement can occur.
 In phloem except phloem Sclerenchyma all elements are living.

1. A permanent plant tissue consisting of thin walled living cells is

(A) parenchyma (B) collenchyma (C) Sclerenchyma (D) xylem
2. A permanent plant tissue made up of living having thickening at the comers is
A) Sclerenchyma (B) collenchyma (C) parenchyma (D) phloem
3. The main function of Sclerenchyma is to help in the

Resonance 28
Pre-foundationCareer CareProgrammes (PCCP) Division
(A) conduction of food (B) synthesis of food (C) exchange of gases (D) mechanical support

4. The wall of cork cells are thickened by the deposition of

(A) cutin (B) suberin (C) lignin (D) pectin
5. The wax like substance present in the cell wall of onion skin is
(A) pectin (B) lignin (C) cellulose (D) suberin
6. The outer wall of epidermis in stems and leaves has a waxy covering made up of
(A) lignin (B) suberin (C) pectin (D) cutin
7. Collenchyma differs from Sclerenchyma in
(A) retaining cytoplasm at maturity (B) having thick walls
(C) having a wide lumen (D) being Meristematic
8. Lignified elongated bead cells are
(A) parenchyma (B) collenchyma (C) sclerenchyma (D) Epidermis
9. Which of the following plant tissue lacks protoplasm at matunty ?
(A) Sclerenchyma (B) Collenchyma (C) parenchyma (D) Epidermis
10. In plants phloem tissues perform the function of
(A) conduction of water (B) conduction of food (C) photosynthesis (D) mechanical support



1. sieve tubes and companion cells are found in…………. tissue (xylem/phloem/collenchyma)
2. Long, narrow, dead cells having a thick deposition of lignin in the cell wall are called ……….
(parenchyma/ cambium / sclerenchyma)
3. Which tissue is responsible for transport of water in plants ?
4. Name the different elements of xylem and phloem.
5. In hydrophytes xylem is less developed, why ?
6. Mention the role of parenchyma, collenchyma & Sclerenchyma.

Resonance 29
Pre-foundationCareer CareProgrammes (PCCP) Division
BL – 7

Outline classification of Animal tissue :
Animal Tissue

(1) Eplthellal Tissue (2) Connective Tissue (3) Muscular (4) Nervous
(I) Squamous Epithellum Tissue
(II) Columnar Epithelium Tissue
(III) Cuboldal Epithelium
(IV) Clliated Epithelium
(A) Striated (B) Non Striated (C) Cardiac
Muscles Muscles Muscles

(A) Connective Tissue (B) Skeletal (C) Vascular

Proper Tissue Tissue
(1) Areolar tissue (1) Cartilage (1) Blood
(2) White fibrous tissue (2) Bone (2) Lymph
(3) Yellow fibrous tissue
(4) Adipose tissue

 The study of microscopic structure of tissues is called as Histology. Cells of a tissue are often held
together by cell junctions.
(a) Epithelial Tissue :
[Epi means above & thelial means to grow)
 Always grows on some other types of tissue.
 Cells of epithelium are set very close to each other and the tissue rests on a non- cellular basement
 Consists of single layer of cells.
 Blood vessels are absent & non nervous in nature.
 It covers all the organs & lines the cavities of hollow organs like stomach.
 It is primarily protective in function.
 Epithelial tissues are classified as :
(i) Squamous epithelium: Also called pavement epithelium.
 Cells arranged end to end like tiles on a floor.
 Cells are polygonal in surface view.
 It forms the delicate lining of cavities (mouth, oesophagus, nose, pericardium, alveoli etc.) blood
vessels and covering of the tongue and skin.

Resonance 30
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 Epithelial cells are arranged in many layers (stratum) to prevent wear and tear in skin. This
pattern is stratified squalors epithelium.
(ii) Cubical epithelium : They are cube like cells that fit closely, cells look like squares in
section, but free surface appears hexagonal.
 It is found in kidney tubules, thyroid vesicles & in glands (salivary glands, sweat glands).
 It forms germinal epithelium of gonads (testes & ovaries)
 It involves in absorption, excretion & secretion. It also provides mechanical support.
(iii) Columnar epithelium : Columnar means “pillar-like” epithelium. It forms lining of
stomach, Small intestine & colon, forming mucous membranes. Border of microvilli is present at
the free surface end of each cell which increases absorption efficiency in small intestine.
(iv) Ciliated epithelium :
 Cells may be cubical or columnar.
 On it’s free surface are present protoplasmic outgrowths called cilia.
 It helps in the movement of ova in the fallopian tube.
(b) Connective Tissue :
The cells of the connective tissue are widely spaced and embedded in an intercellular matrix.
 The mature of matrix decides the function of tissue.
 White & yellow fibres are present in the matrix.
 Their basic function is to provide support to different organs & keeping them in place.
(i) Fluid or vascular tissue :
(A) Blood & lymph : Blood is a connective tissue, fluid matrix of blood is plasma having
wandering or floating cells, called corpuscles, blood helps in the transportation of various
materials such as nutritive substances, gases, excretory products, hormones etc.
Plasma : form 55% part of blood.
90-91% : water
7% : protein (Albumin, fibrinogen, globulin)
0.9% : inorganic salt etc.
 Corpuscles: Forms 45% part of blood.
 RBC’s they are also called as erythrocytes, containing red Coloured respiratory pigment called
hemoglobin that helps in transportation of oxygen.
 WBC’s (Leucocytes: They are also celled as” Soldiers of the body”. They are irregular, amoeboid,
phagocytic cells that protect our body by engulfing bacterial & other foreign particles. They are of
five types: Monocytes, Lymphocytes, Basophiles, Neutrophiles, Eosinophils.
 Blood platelets or thrombocytes: They are spindle shaped cells which are involved in clotting of
(ii) Skeletal tissue : It is hard connective tissue that forms supportive frame work of the body. It
is of two types :
(A) Bone :Matrix of bone is very hard because of salts such as calcium phosphate, CaCO3 (60-
70%) etc. and a protein ossein. Bone cells (osteoblasts) are embedded in this hard matrix. Matrix is
deposited in the form of concentric layers of lamellae formed round a central canal (Haversian
canal), the done cells occupy small spaces between the concentric layers of matrix. The long bones
are usually hollow containing cavity called as marrow cavity. It is full bone marrow.

Resonance 31
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(B) Cartilage : This tissue is elastic, less harder as compared to bone. Elasticity is
due the presence of chondrin (protein). Cells are called as chondroblast, which are widely spaced
and matrix is reinforced by fibres. It occurs at joint of bones, in the nose, ear, trachea & larynx. It
provides flexibility and great tensile strength.
(C) Connective tissue proper : it is the most abundant type of connective tissue.
It is future divided into following types:
(D) Areolar tissue : It is the most distributed connective tissue in the body. This
tissue fills spaces inside organs & is found between the skin & muscles, around blood vessels,
nerves & in the bone marrow.

Inelastic white fibres

 There are two types of fibres
Elastic yellow fibres
(A) Adipose tissue : These are oval & round cells, filled with fat globules. The
cells are called as adipocytes. It found in subcutaneous layer below the skin, around the heart,
brain & below the eyeballs. It acts as an insulator & prevents loss of heat from the body.
(B) White fibrous connective tissue : They are very little matrix containing
abundant white fibres forming layers. Bundles of this tissue are called as tendons, which attaches
muscles to the bones.
(C) Yellow fibrous connective tissue : They are very elastic due to the presence of
a network of yellow fibres in it’s matrix called as ligament which attaches bone to bone.


1. The entire body surface and cavities inside the body are lined by
(A) muscle tissue (B) epithelial tissue (C)connective tissue (D) nervous tissue
2. Which one of the following is a fluid connective tissue ?
(A)Areolar tissue (B) cartilage (C) Blood (D) Ligaments
3. The tissue that attaches muscles to the bones is
(A) cartilage (B) tendon (C) ligament (D) blood
4. The tissue that joins one bone to the other is
(A) ligament (B) tendon (C) blood (D) ) cartilage
5. Areolar tissue is a
(A) nervous tissue (B) muscular tissue (C) connective tissue (D) epithelial tissue
6. Tendon is a structure which connects
(A) a bone with another bone (B) a muscle with a bone
(C) a never with a muscle (D) a muscle with a muscle
7. Fluid part of blood after removal of corpuscles is
(A) plasma (B) lymph (C) serum (D) vaccine
8. Which of the following structures joins skeletal muscle to bone ?
(A)Ligament (B)Tendon (C)Blood (D) Bone
9. Yellow muscle fibers are also called as
(A) bone (B) muscle (C) ligament (D) none of these
10. Ligament joins
(A) bone the muscle (B) muscle to muscle (C) bone to bone (D) none of these

Resonance 32
Pre-foundationCareer CareProgrammes (PCCP) Division


1. The special property of muscle fibres to contract forcefully and return to relaxed state
Is called …………… (Excitability/contractility/flexibility)
2. A branch of science dealing with the study of bones is called …………..
(Ornithology/physiology /osteology)
3. The fluid matrix of blood is called…………….(plasma/lymph/serum)


4. What do you mean by division of labour?
5. Write the composition of mammalian blood.


6. Give summarized classification of animal-tissue

Resonance 33
Pre-foundationCareer CareProgrammes (PCCP) Division

Movements are brought about in our body with the help of muscular tissues.
(a) Features :
 They are long fibre-like cells called muscle fibres.
 They are capable of contraction or relaxation
(b) Types :
It is of three types :
(i) striated muscles : They are also called
as voluntary muscles because these are
under the control of one’s will. Muscle fibres
or cells are multinucleated and unbranched.
Each fibra enclosed by thin membrane which
Is called as sarcolemma.
Cytoplasm is called as sarcoplasm. These
Muscles get tired & need rest.
(ii) Non striated muscles: They are involuntary muscles also called as smooth
muscles. These muscle fibres are uninucleated & spindle shaped. They are not enclosed by membrane
but many fibres are joined together in bundles. Such muscles are found in the walls of stomach,
intestine, urinary bladder, bronchi, iris of eye etc. peristaltic movements in alimentary canal are brought
about by smooth muscles.

Resonance 34
Pre-foundationCareer CareProgrammes (PCCP) Division
(iii) cardiac muscle fibres : They are also involuntary
muscles. Only found in the walls of heart. Their
structure is in between the striated & non-striated
muscles. They are uninucleated & branched.
Branches are united by intercalated disc. In these
muscles rhythmic contraction & relaxation occurs
Thought the life.

 They are highly specialized tissue due to which the animals are table to perceive and respond to the
 Their functional unit is called as never cell or neuron.
 Cell body is cyton covered by plasma membrane.
 Short, hair like extensions siring from cyton are dendron which are future subdivide into dendrites.
 Axon is long, tail like cylindrical process with fine branches at the end. Axon is covered by a sheath.
 Axon one neuron is very closely placed to the dendrons of another neuron to carry impulses from one
to another neuron in the from of electrochemical waves. This close proximity is called as synapse

(a) Types :

Nerve fibres are of two types :

(i) Medullated fibres

(ii) Non-medullated fibres
(b) Functions :
(i) They control all the body activities
(ii) They co-ordinate between various parts during any body function.
 Spinal cord & brain are made up of nervous tissue.

Resonance 35
Pre-foundationCareer CareProgrammes (PCCP) Division

1. Contraction and relaxation are unique features of

(A) epithelial tissue (B) connective tissue (C) muscle tissue (D) nervous tissue
2. The tissue which is under the control of animal’s will is
(A) cardiac muscle (B) striated muscle (C) non-striated muscle (D) cartilage
3. The muscle which work throughout life without undergoing fatigue is
(A) striated muscle (B) non-striated muscle (C) ) cardiac muscle (D) all of the above
4. Which of the following is a voluntary muscle ?
(A) striated muscle (B) Unstriated muscle (C) ) cardiac muscle (D) (A) and(B)
5. Wall of urinary bladder consists of
(A) striated muscle (B) Unstriated muscle (C) both of above (D) none of these
6. Intercalated discs are present in
(A) striated muscle (B) Unstriated muscle (C) ) cardiac muscle (D) all of the above
7. The function unit of nervous tissue is called as
(A) cyton (B) synapse (C) neuron (D) axon
8. Which type of tissue forms spinal cord and brain ?
(A) muscle tissue (B) Nervous tissue (C) epithelial tissue (D) Epidermis
9. Involuntary tissue forms wall of which of the following organ ?
(A) intestine (B) stomach (C) bronchi (D) all of the above
10. Movements in body are brought about by
(A) muscle tissue (B) epithelial tissue
(C) Bones (D) tendons and ligaments



1. Spindle-shaped, non-striated, involuntary muscle fibres present in hollow internal organs like
urinary bladder are called …………. ( smooth muscle fibres /striated muscle fibres/cardiac muscle
2. The brain and the spinal cord are made up of …………….. (nephrons/erythrocytes
3. The small, branched processes of a never cell are called………………(dendrites/axons/neurons)


4. What is the function of nervous tissue ?
5. State the main features of muscular tissue.


6. Describe the structure of neuron with labeled diagram.

Resonance 36
Pre-foundationCareer CareProgrammes (PCCP) Division

(Objective DPP # 5 .1)

Q 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
A. A D A A B C A D B C

(Objective DPP # 6 .1)

Q 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
A. A B D B B D A C A B

(Objective DPP # 7 .1)

Q 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
A. B C B A C B A B C C

(Objective DPP # 8 .1)

Q 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
A. C B C A B C C B D A

Resonance 37
Pre-foundationCareer CareProgrammes (PCCP) Division

BL – 9


Diversity means = variety. Different places on the earth have their own typical kinds of living beings.
This gives rise to the need of classification. So “Diversity is the need of classification”.
 Classification is the theory and practice of classifying organisms. It is the
systematic arrangement of organisms on the basis of their relatedness.
 Classification is the arrangement of organisms into sets or groups according to
the similarities and dissimilarities present between them.
(a) Advantages / Significance of Classification :
 It establishes hierarchy of groups of organisms on the basis of their common features.
 It makes the systematic study easier.
 It is essential to understand the interrelationship amongst different groups of organisms.
 It serves as a base for the development of there biological sciences as well as different
fields of applied biology like public health, environment etc.
(b) Taxonomic Hierarchy :
It is the framework by which taxonomic groups are arranged in definite order from higher to lower
categories. the hierarchical order of classifying of classifying organisms is :
Kingdom  phylum  class  order  family  genus  species
(i) Taxon : it refers to any rank or category in the hierarchial order of
classification. E.g. kingdom, phylum etc. the highest tacxon is kingdom while the lowest taxon is
(ii) Species : These are the groups of organisms having similar morphological
characters which can freely interbreed & produce their own kind. It is the basic unit of classification.
(c) Nomenclature :
It is the system of naming an individual. Nomenclature is done on the basis of a set of rules stated inz
the ICN i.e. international Code of Nomenclature.
(i) Binomial nomenclature : It is a system of naming the organisms in such a waythat
each of their names contain two components first is genus and the second one is species. E.g. scientific
name of human is Homo sapiens. Scientific name of crow is Corvus splendus. Homo and Corvus are
the genus while sapiens and splendus are the names of species. This system was introduced by carolus
Linnaeus in his book Systems Naturae. Who is also called Father of Taxonomy.
(ii) Certain convections are followed while writing the scientific names
 The name of the genus begins with a capital letter.
 The name of the species begins with a small letter.
 When printed, the scientific name is given in italics.
 When written by hand, the genus name and the species name have to be underlined

Resonance 38
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Resonance 39
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(d) System of Classification :
(i) Artificial system: It was based on some superficial similarities. i.e. only one or few
were taken .e.g. on the basis of habital and ability to fly.
(ii) Natural system: It was based on natural affinity i.e. more than one natural characters
(iii) Phylogenetic system: It was based on evolutionary sequence as well as genetic
amongst the organisms.
Classification of Organisms :
(iv) Two kingdom system: It was given by Carolus Linnaeus in 1758. organisms were
divided into
plant kingdom and animal kingdom. Fungi, Bacteria and Euglena could not find an appropriate
(v) Three kingdom system: It was given by Earnst Haeckel. In this kingdom protista was
included along with plant kingdom and animal kingdom.
(vi) Four kingdom system: It was given by Copeland. Kingdom Monera was also included in
system of classification.
(vii) Five kingdom system: It was given by Robert Whittaker. According to him organisms
divided into five kingdoms.
(A) Kingdom Monera : Unicellular, prokaryotic, microscopic, most ancient, can
live in deep
oceans, hot spring, deserts, high salt concentration etc. they include bacteria, filamentous and
photosynthetic blue green algae etc.
(B) Kingdom Protista: Unicellular, colonial, eukaryotic. They include
photosynthetic algae,
decomposers (slime moulds) and protozoa (predators) etc.
(C) Kingdom Fungl: Unicellular or multicellular eukaryotic organisms, they are
parasitic or saprotrophic.
(D) Kingdom Plantae: They are multicellular, eukaryotic, autotrophic
(photosynthetic), some are
heterotrophic and parasitic. They include photosynthetic algae, green plants etc.
(E) Kingdome Animal: Multicellular, eukaryotic, heterotrophic.

 Complexity of structure
 Mode of nutrition
 Level of organization
 Plant kingdom was divided in two sub kingdoms by Eichler
Plant Kingdom

Cryptogamae Phanerogamae
(Plants without seeds) (Seed bearing plants)

Thallophyta Bryophyta Pteridophyta Gymnospermae Angiospermae

R esonance
Algae Fungi 40
Mnocotyledonae Dicotyledonae
Pre-foundationCareer CareProgrammes (PCCP) Division
(b). Sub kingdom Cryptogamae : (Cryptos = hidden gamous = marriage) :
 These are also called as lower plants, flowerless or seedless plants.
 Their reproductive organs are hidden till they reproduce.

Resonance 41
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(i) Division Thallophyta :
 Thallus : Undifferentiated plant body i.e. absence of root, stem & leaves.
 There is no vascular system.
 Reproductive organ are single-celled and there is no embroyo formation after fertilization.
 Dominant gametophyte.
 Three classes of thallophyta are :
(A) Class Algae :
Characters :
 These are aquatic or terrestrial, fresh water or marine. Autotrophic, photosynthetic containing
various pigments like chlorophyll, carotenoids, xanthophylls etc.
 Unicellular, colonial, filamentous.
 Cell wall of cellulose, e.g. blue green algae (Nostoc) , Green algae (Ulothrix, Spirogyra) Brown
algae, red algae etc.

(B) Class Fungi :

Characters :
 These are heterotrophic.
 They lack chlorophyll but have cell wall of chitin (fungus cellulose)..
 They can be parasitic or saprotrophic
 Their body is filamentous called as mycelium.
 Reserve food material consists of glycogen. E.g. moulds (Rhizopus) , Yeasts (Saccharomyces)
Mushroom, (Agaricus)..

Resonance 42
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(C) Lichen :
 It is symbiotic relationship between algae and fungi.

 Algal part is Phycobiont and fungal part is mycobiont.

 They grow on rocks, tree trunks, grounds
etc. e.g. parmellis, Alectoria etc.
(ii) Division Bryophyta :
 Bryophytes are called terrestrial amphibians (amphibians of plant kingdom) because they
require moist soil surface for awimming of their sperm & supply of water to all parts.
 They are the first amongst land plants which occur in damp & shady habital
 Plant body is of primitive from i.e. differentiated only in stem & leaves.

 Vascular tissue & mechanical tissue are absent in them.

 Male gamete is flagellated.
 Sex organs are jacketed & multicellular.
 Fertilization produces embryo.
 They show heteromorphic type of alternation in generation. E.g. liverworts (Riccia,
Marchantia), hornworts (Anthoceros) and mosses (Funaria).
(iii) Division Pteridophyta :
 They are seedless vascular plants, primitive tracheophytes or vascular cryptogarr
 Plant body is differentiated into true stem, leaves & roots.
 Vascular tissue are present.
 Sperms are flagellated.
 Embryo stage is present.
 Gametophytes are small, exosporic or endosporic.
 Sex organs are jacketed & multicellular, e.g. fems (Dryopteris, Pteris), club moss
(Lycopodium), Horsetail (Equisetum).
(b). Sub kingdom: Phanerogamae: (phaneros = visible: gamous = marriage.)
 These are higher plants having flowers and seeds both.
 Body differentiated into true stem, leaves and root.
 Vascular system i\s well developed.
 Sex organ are multicellular.

 Embryo develops from fertilized egg.

 It is divided into two divisions :
(i) Division Gymnospermae :
 Seeds are not enclosed in fruits. These are naked seeded.

Resonance 43
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 They have well developed vascular system but xylem lacks vessels and phloem lack
companion cells.
 They occupy an intermediate position between the pteridophytes and the angiosperms.
 Plants are commonly tall trees or shrubs.
 The flowers are represented by unisexual cones, often both being present on the same
plant. E.g. Cycas, pinus (commonly known as pine)
(ii) Division : Angiospermae :

 These are seed bearing.

 These are represented by trees, herbs, shrubs.
 Body well differentiated into root, system.
Seeds remain enclosed in ovary.
 It is divided into two classes on the basis of
number of cotyledons.
(A) Class : Dicotyledonae :
 Their seeds have 2 cotyledons in the embryo.
 Leaves are dorsiventral and show reticulate venation.
 Tap root is present. E.g. neem, Peepal,
 Mango, pea, Mustard.
(B) Class :Monocotyledonae
 Their seeds have one cotyledon in embryo.
 Leaves are isobilateral, with parallel venation.
 Fibrous root system is present, e.g. wheat, Maize, Onion.


1. Classification reflecting the evolutionary interrelationships of organisms is called

(A) Phylogenetic classification (B) artificial classification
(C) Natural classification (D) numerical classification
2. Principles and rules of classification are studied under
(A) systematics (B)natural classification (C) nomenclature (D) taxonomy
3. Two kingdom classification was given by
(A) Linnaeus (B) Haeckel (C) ) Copeland (D) Whittaker
4. Three kingdom classification was proposed by
(A) Linnaeus (B) Haeckel (C) ) Whittaker (D) Lamarck

Resonance 44
Pre-foundationCareer CareProgrammes (PCCP) Division
5. Five kingdom Whittaker was proposed by
(A) Linnaeus (B) ) Whittaker (C) john Ray (D) Lamarck
6. Thallophyta includes
(A) fungi and bacteria (B) algae, fungi, animals and lichens
(C) Algae, fungi and lichens (D) algae and fungi
7. Flowering plants are included under
(A) cryptogams (B) phanerogams (C) bryophytes (D) pteridophytes
8. Which of the following has an embryo but lacks vascular tissue ?
(A) Bryophyta (B) Pteridophyta
(C) Gymnosperms (D) angiosperms
9. Algae are characterized by (or) algae differ from bryophytes in
(A) aquatic habit (B) Thalloid plant body
(C) Pyrenoids (D) unicelled sex organs
10. The most primitive vascular plants are –
(A) bryophytes (B) pteridophytes
(C) Gymnosperms (D) angiosperms



1. What is classification?
2. What is the lowest category of classification?
3. What is meant by nomenclature?
4. Name the scientist who proposed the binomial system.
5. Define taxon.


6. What are thallophytes?
7. What are phanerogams?
8. What are the advantages of classification organisms?
9. Draw an outline of Eichler classification.

Resonance 45
Pre-foundationCareer CareProgrammes (PCCP) Division

(a) Basis of Classification :
 Organization and differentiation of cells to form tissues and organs.
 Body symmetry.
 Formation to body cavities and blood vascular system.
 Features of embryonic development.
(a) Phylum Protozoa :
 They are unicellular, eukaryotes
 These are the simplest & the most primitive animals.
their body organization is
of “Protoplasmic Level”.
 They are of different shapes i.g. irregular elongated or rounded.
 They have different types of locomotory organs like cilia, flagella,
pseudopodia (false feet)etc.
 Nutrition is of different types like holozoic, holophytic,
 Digestion is intracellular & it : takes place in food
 Excretion & respiration occurs through general body
Surface by the process of simple diffusion.
 Reproduction may be sexual or asexual.
 Alternation of generation is found. E.g., Amoeba,
Entamoeba, plasmodium, Euglena, Paramecium.
(b) Phylum Porifera :
 These are pore bearing organisms i.e. with porous body.
 Also called as sponges.
 Aquatic, mostly marine.

Resonance 46
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 These are sessile and sedentary (attached to substratum).
 Occur in different shapes i.e. vase-like, rounded, sac like etc.
 Body perforated by numerous pores called ostia which open into a canal system
having canals and chambers lined with coenocytes (flagellated) and have a large size water outlet called
 Their cavity is called spongocoel.
 Endoskeleton is made of needle like spicules made of calcium carbonate and silica or
 Hermaphrodite, Asexual reproduction by budding. E.g., Sycon, Spongilla, Euplectella.
(c) Phylum – Coelenterata or Chidaria :
 These are sac like structures. They have a body
Cavity called gastrovascular cavity or coelenteron.
It has single opening for ingestion and egestion both.
 Aquatic, mostly marine
 Multicellular, diploblastic, radially symmetrical.
 They have special organs called tentacles, chidoblast.
Or nematocyst cells. They are specialized for stinging.
They paralyse the prey by releasing poison.
 These are polymorphic i.e. they occur in two forms.

(i) Polyp is asexual, cylindrical, sedentary and diploid.

(ii) Medusa is sexual, umbrella shaped, free swimming and diploid.
 Asexual reproduction by budding and sexual reproduction by gametes.
 Some of them have exoskeleton of CaCO3 . they are called Corals, they live in colonies and
when they die they form coral reefs, or islands. E.g. hydra, jelly fish.
(d) Phylum – Ctenophora :
 Body is transparent with radial symmetry.
 They possess comb plates that are ciliated and 8 in no. these help in locomotion. They also
possess tentacles.
 Marine, solitary and free swimming. E.g. cestum.
(e) Phylum – Platyhelminthes : (Platys = Flat; helminth = worm)
 Generally called as flatworms.
 Bilaterally symmetrical, triploblastic, dorsoventrally flattened.
 Acoelomates.
 Their digestive cavity has a single opening with mouth only and anus is absent.
 They possess hooks and suckers.
 They have flame cells or protonephridia for excretion.
 Mode of nutrition is parasitic.
 Reproduction is of both types i.e. asexual and sexual
 These are hermaphrodite. E.g. Planaria, Fasciola

Resonance 47
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(liver fluke)

(f) Phylum – Nematoda (Aschelminthes) :

 Also called as roundworms.
 Bilaterally symmetrical, unsegmented triploblastic.
 These are pseudocoelomic.
 Their alimentary canal is tubular having both mouth
and anus.
 Most are free living, some live in moist soil, some
are fresh water while some are marine.
 Some are parasites on plants & animals.
 They lack circulatory system.
 Reproduction is sexual and sexes are separate. E.g.
Ascaris (round worm), filarial worm.

(g) Phylum – Annelida (Annulus = ring ; segments)

 Their body is triploblastic, bilaterally symmetrical, soft, elongated, vermiform,
cylindrical and dorsoventrally flattened.
 Body is metamerically segmented. Head is formed by joining of some anterior body
 Exoskeleton is absent, body is covered by thin cuticle.
 Eucoelomata i.e. They have true body cavity which first appeared in this phylum.
 Well developed alimentary canal is present.
 They have closed circulatory system.
 Locomotion is with the help of chitinous projections
Called chastae (setae).
 Excretion by nephridia.
 Nervous system has dorsal brain.
 Most are aquatic, marine or fresh water, some are
 They reproduce sexually e.g. Earthworm, Leech.
(h) Phylum – Arthropoda (Arthros jointed , poda = legs)
 These are the organisms with jointed appendages.
 This is the largest phylum in animal kingdom.
 body triploblastic, bilaterally symmetrical and
metamerically segmented.
 They have an exoskeleton made up of protein and
Chitin (Moulting  Periodic shedding off of the
exoskeleton to induce the growth).
 They have a complete alimentary canal with mouth & anus.

Resonance 48
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 Respiration occurs through general body surface, gills, trachea and book lungs.
 They have open circulatory system with dorsal heart & arteries.
 Body cavity is called haemocoel.
 Excretion by coelomducts, malphigian tubules, green glands, coxal glands.
 Sexes are separate .
 Each segment has paired lateral and jointed appendages. E.g. Palaemon (prawn) ,
Cancer (crab) ,Periplanata (cockroach) , Anopheles (mosquito) & Aranea (spider) etc.
(i) Phylum Mollusca :
 It is second largest group of animals, body soft,
Unsegmented, bilaterally symmetrical and without
 Body divided into a head, foot and visceral mass. A
Thin skin covering the body is called as mantle, which
Secretes a calcareous shell.
 Body cavity is haemocoel.
 Respiration by gills (Ctenidial) in aquatic forms but in terrestrial forms space between mantle
and body wall called as mantle cavity act as lungs.
 For ingestion they have tongue like structure “radual”
They also possess a digestive glandcalled
 Open circulatory system.
 Excretion by metanephridia present near heart.
 Reproduction is sexual and sexes are separate.
E.g. Chiton (8 Calcareous pieces) , Pila, Melix (torsion univalve) , Dentalium (tusk like shell) , Unio,
Mytilus (Bivalve) , Octopus.
(j) Phylum Echinodermata :
 These are marine animals, their body is triploblastic,
Eucoelomata, unsegmented.
 Their body has spines arising from exoskeleton of
 Adults are radially symmetrical while larvae are
Bilaterally symmetrical.
 Head is absent, oral and aboral surfaces have five
Radial ambulacra.
 Excretory organs are absent.
 A complex system of water containing tubes and
Bladders passing though pores of skin called water
Vascular system is present. From this tube like structure
Arise, these tubes look like feet and are called as tube
Feet that helps in locomotion

Resonance 49
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 Reproduction can be asexual, sexual or by regeneration. E.g. Asterias (star fish) , echinus (sea
urchin) , Holothuria (sea cucumber) , Antedon (feather star).

Resonance 50
Pre-foundationCareer CareProgrammes (PCCP) Division

1. A branch of biology which deals with the identification, nomenclature and

Classification of organisms is called
(A) Morphology (B) Ecology (C) Taxonomy (D) Phytogeography
2. Who is know as father of taxonomy?
(A) Mendel (B) Linnaeus (C) Drawing (D) Crick
3. Binomial nomenclature was introduced by
(A) John Ray (B) A.P. de Candolle (C) A.L.de Jussen (D) Carolus Linnaeus
4. The basic unit of classification is
(A) Variety (B) species (C) genus (D) family
5. A group of freely interbreeding organisms constitutes a
(A) species (B) genera (C) family (D) class
6. According to binomial nomenclature, the scientific name of an organism must
consists of two words. these are
(A) species and tribe (B) genus and species (C) order and family (D) genus and family
7. Which taxonomic term may be substituted for any rank in the classification?
(A) class (B) Geuns (C) Species (D) Taxon
8. Cryptogams include
(A) thallophytes (B) bryophytes (C) pteridophytes (D) all of the above
9. Algae are characterized by
(A) Pyrenoids (B) aquatic habital (C) unicellular sex organs (D) all of the above organs
10. In Whittaker’s classification, unicellular organisms are grouped under
(A) protista (B) porifera (C) fungi (D) protozoa


1. Which is the largest phylum of kingdom animalia ?
2. Name the phylum in which animals have segmented body, coelom, and bilateral
3. Name the phylum in which animals have segmented body, jointed appendages and
compound eyes.
4. Write the binomial name of any one organism.
5. Name the code which govems the naming of organism


6. Write down four main features of protozoa.
7. Mention the characteristic features of arthropod.
8. How do poriferan animals differ from coelenterate animals?


9. What is five kingdom classification and who proposed it ?

Resonance 51
Pre-foundationCareer CareProgrammes (PCCP) Division


 They are placed in

 They include worm

 Their body is divid

 They do not posses

the body,Above alimentary canal.
 They possess gill sl

 They possess nerve


 This is
the most advanced group of animals.
 Notoch
ord is present at some stages of life, supported by a tubular hollow dorsal nerve cord.
 In
higher chordates i. E. Vertebrates, the notochord is replaced by vertebral column.
 A set
of gill slits is also present at certain stage of life, also called as pharyngeal gill clefts.
 Tail is
also present behind the anal aperture that is post anal tail.
 They
also possess a proper circulatory system.
Resonance 52
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Resonance 53
Pre-foundationCareer CareProgrammes (PCCP) Division

Protochordata Vertebrata
[These are called as lower Chordates] [These are called as lower Chordates]

Agnatha Gnathostomata
Urochordata Cephalochordat


Chondrichthyes Osteichtlyes Amphibia Aves Mammalia


(a) Protochordata :
 They
are termed as lower chordates.
 They
do not possess brain, cranium, vertebral column, jaw and paired appendages.
 Notoch
ord is present atleast in some stages along with other diagnostic chordate
characters (dorsal hollow never cord, gill slits, post and tail).
 They
are triploblastic, bilaterally symmetrical, enterocoelomic, organ system level
 They
are marine animals.
 Protoc
hordata are further divided into two groups :
(i) subphylum : Urochordata
They are exclusively marine animals where pharynx
possess several gill slits.
 They
are commonly known as tunicates.
 The
notochord is present in the tail of the larva and
disappears in the adult.
 The
dorsal hollow never cord is present in the larva
only. it is replaced by a dorsal ganglion in the adult.
 The
pharynx has gill slits.
 The
larva (tadpole) undergoes retrogressive
Resonance 54
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metamorphosis, i.e., changes from a better developed
larva to a less developed adult. e.g. Herdmania (sea
squirt), Doliolum, Pyrosomea.
(ii) subphylum : Urochordata
 Animal
s are fish like without a head.
 Animal
s possess all the characters of chordates i.e.,
 A
notochord which extends upto the entire length of
the body and persists throughout the life.
 A
nerve cord (without a distinct brain).
 Numer
ous well developed gill sli
 A post
anal tail throughout life. e.g. branchiostoma (Amphioxus; Lancelet)

Resonance 55
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 Adults
are radially symmetrical while larvae are
bilaterally symmetrical.
 Head
is absent, oral and aboral surfaces have five
radial ambulacra.
 Excreto
ry organs are absent.
 A
complex system of water containing tubes and
bladders passing through pores of skin called water
vascular system is present. from this tube like structure
arise, these tubes look like feet and are called as tube
feet that helps in locomotion
 Reprod
uction can be asexual, sexual or by regeneration. e.g. Asterias (star fish), Echinus (sea urchin),
Holothuria (sea cucumber), Antedon (feather star),


1. The mode of nutrition in all fungi is characteristically

(A) Symbiotic (B) autotrophic (C) holozoic (D) saprotrophic
2. The reserve food in fungi is
(A) starch (B) cyanophycean starch
(C) glycogen (D) glycogen and fat
3. The algal partner of a lichen is called as
(A) Mycobiont (B) Phycobiont
(C) Both of the above (D) None of the above
4. Pteridophytes are known as
(A) sea plants (B) vascular cryptogames
(C) club mosses (D) horse tails
5. Gymnosperms are characterized by
(A) non-motile male gametes (B) naked seeds
(C) Winged seeds (D) true fruits
6. Which one is mismatched?
(A) Flagella …………. Euglena (B) Pseudopodia ………… Amoeba
(C) Cilia ………Paramecium (D) Flagella ……….. Plasmodium
7. Contractile vacuole is present in
(A) Amoeba (B) Euglena
(C) Paramecium (D) All of the above
8. ‘Venus flower basket’ is the dried skeleton of
(A) Euspongia (B) Euplectella (C) Spongilla (D) Leucosolenia
9. Choanocytes are unique to

Resonance 56
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(A) Protozoa (B) Porifera (C) Mollusca (D) Echinodermata
10. Cnidaria is characterised by
(A) nematoblasts (B) coelenteron
(C) tissue level of organisation (D) all of the above

Resonance 57
Pre-foundationCareer CareProgrammes (PCCP) Division
1. Who is the father of taxonomy?
2. What is taxonomy ?
3. Given one point of difference between bilateral and radial symmetry.
4. Give an example of hemichordata.
5. Herdmania is classified in which subphylum.


Write down the distinct features of chordata.
6. Write down the unique features of hemichordata.
7. What are the main characteristic features of Protochordata?


8. Draw an out line of classification of chordates.

Resonance 58
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 Majority of
chordates are included in this phylum.
 Characters:
 They are advanced
animals, having a cranium (brain box) around the brain. Nervous system is well developed.
 Notochord is
replaced by a vertebral column (backbone) in the adults. Endoskeleton is highly developed.
 There are two pairs
of limbs or appendages.
 Head is well
 The heart is
situated ventrally. The circulatory system is closed consisting of bold vascular system and lymphatic
system. Red Coloured pigment hemoglobin is present in red blood corpuscles.
 Respiratory organs
may be gills (in aquatic animals), skin, buccopharyngeal cavity (in amphibians) or lungs (in land
 Excretion occurs
through kidneys.
 Sexes are separate.

This subphylum is subdivided into seven classes. They are:

Subphylum Vertebrata 7 classes

Agnatha Gnathostomata
(Jawless vertebrates) (Vertebrates with well developed jaws)

1. Cyclostomata

2. Chondrichthyes 3. Osteichtlyes 4. Amphibians 5. Reptiles 6. Aves 7. Mammals

(a) Class Cyclostomata :

(Gr. Cyclos = circular, stome = mouth ; the circular
Mouthed fishes) these are the most primitive

Resonance 59
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 Animal
s are jawless and possess a circular mouth.
 They
are ectoparasites on fish and use mouth to
stick to fish ; the mouth is therefore suctorial.
 Notoch
ord is present in the form of a cylindricalrod.

Resonance 60
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 Head
and brain are poorly developed.
 Cartila
ginous endoskeleton is present.
 Respir
ation occurs through gills contained in pouches.
 Heart
is two-chambered consisting of one auricle and one ventricle.
 Gonad
is single and fertilization is external. e.g. petromyzon (lamprey), Myxine (hag fish).
(b) Class Chondrichthyes :
(Gr. Chondros = cartilage; ichthys = fish, the cartillagenous fish).
 Skeleto
n is cartilaginous, hence the name Chondrichthyes is given.
 The
body is either laterally compressed and spindle shaped, or dorso ventrally flattened and disc shaped.
 Mouth
is ventral in position on the head.
 Jaws
are well-developed.
 Respir
ation occurs through gills.
 The

skin is covered with placoid scales (exoskeleton).

 Heart
is two chambered, consisting of an auricle and a ventricle.
 Lung
or air bladder is absent.
 They
reproduce by laying eggs (oviparous) or produce
eggs which hatch inside the mother’s body
 Fertiliz
ation is internal.
 Mostly
marine and large in size (upto 10-20 meters
long). e.g. sharks, rays and skates. scoliodon
(Indian shark, dog fish), Torpedo (electric ray), Trygon
(sting ray), Rhinobatus (guitar fish).
Resonance 61
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(c) Class Osteichthyes :
 Skeleto
n is cartilaginous, in the embryonic stage, but is replaced by bones in adult form (bony endoskeleton),
hence the name osteichthyes is given.
 Body is
generally spindle shaped.
 The
exoskeleton, if present, consists of cycloid or ctenoid scales.
 The
mouth is terminal (anterior) on the head.
 Gills
are covered by bony flap called as the operculum.
 A

swim bladder (or air bladder) is usually present. it helps in floating.

 Heart
is two chambered.
 Fertiliz
ation is mostly external.
 They
live both in fresh and sea water.
 In size,
they vary from 10 mm to 4 meters. e.g.
Labeo, Hippocampus (sea horse), Anabas (climbing
perch), Muraena (eel), Protopterus (lung-fish).

Resonance 62
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(d) Class Amphibia :
(Gr. amphi = both, bios = life, the vertebrates leading two lives/ dual life)
 The
amphibians are the first land vertebrates, Amphibious party terrestrial and partly aquatic.
 They
are amphibious in nature ; found in fresh water and moist places.
 Skin is
smooth or rough, rich in glands which keep it moist ; skin with pigmented cells, i.e., chromatophores.
 Body is
without scales.
 Endosk
eleton is mostly bony, notochord does not persist in adults.
 Head
and trunk are distinct ; neck and tall may or may not be present.
 Limbs
tetrapods(four-limbed), pentadactyi type (five-fingered).
 Respir
ation occurs by lungs, skin or buccal lining, are present at least during Laval stage for reapiration.
 Heart
three chambered with two auricles and a ventricle, red blood corpuscles are large, biconvex, oval and
 Brain
is not much developed, cranial nerves are 10 pairs.
 Sexes
are separate, i.e., dioecious, male without copulatory organ.
 Eggs
with gelatinous covering, usually laid in water.
 Fertiliz
ation is external.
 Develo
pment is indirect with a tadpole larva which undergoes metamorphosis to become adult.
E.g. Salamanders, newts, frogs and toads. Salamandra (salamander ) , ecturous (mud puppy), Triturus
(newt), Rana (frog), Bufo (toad).
(e) Class Reptilia :
(L. reptare = to creep ; creeping vertebrates).
 These
are first truly terrestrial animals living in warmer regions.

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 Body is
divisible into head, neck and trunk. tail is well developed in some, while it is reduced in others.
 Two
pairs of pentadactyl limbs are present ; but in snakes limbs are reduced or absent.
 Body is
covered with epidermal horny scales.
 Skin is
dry, impermeable and devoid of glands.
 Respir
ation takes place by lungs only. gills are absent.
 Heart
is incompletely four- chambered, having two auricles and incompletely divided ventricle. in crocodile,
heart is completely four chambered.
 Sexes
are separate.
 Fertiliz
ation is internal(characteristics of land animals).
 The
embryo always lies in a fluid filled sac called amnion.
 They is
no larval stage in development. e.g. Testudo(tortoise), Chelone(turtle) Draco (flying lizard), Chameleon,
Hemidactylus (wall lizard), Naja (cobra) etc.
(f) Class Aves :
(L. Aves = birds).
 The
birds are described as ‘feathered reptiles’ that have developed the power of flight.

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 The
body is covered with soft feathers (feathery exoskeleton).
 The
body is divisible into head, neck, trunk and tail.
 There
are two pairs of limbs. the fore limbs are modified to form wings (in flying birds) or are reduced (as in
non-flying birds). Hind limbs are strongly developed for perching, walking.
 Endosk
eleton is light. the bones have got air cavities. this makes the bird light.
 Jaws
are modified to form a strong beak.
 Teeth
are absent.
 Respir
ation is by lungs only. Lungs have additional bag like membranous extensions called asair sacs.
 Heart
is completely four chambered.
 Sexes
are separate.
 Birds
are oviparous, i.e. egg laying.
 Fertiliz
ation is internal. Fertilized eggs are laid with a yolk (stored food) and with a hard calcareous shell.
 Like
reptiles and mammals, they have the embryonic membranes namely the amnion, chorion, yolksac and
 High
degree of parental care is exhibited.
 There
is no larval stage in development. e.g. Columba (pigeon), Pavo(peacock), Corvus (crow), Passer
(sparrow), Struthio (ostrich), Kiwi and penguin are flightless birds.
(g) Class Mammalla :
(L. mamma = breast; the mammals)
 Mamm
alia is the most evolved group of organisms and are found in diverse habitats ranging from deserts,
polar ice caps, oceans, mountains, forests and grasslands.
 They
are named mammals as all of them possess mammary glands (milk producing glands) . Mammals are
the only animals which feed their young ones with milk.
 Skin is
covered with an exoskeleton of hair. Hair are provided with sweat glands which help in the regulation

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of body temperature. in aquatic mammals, hair being negligible, the subcutaneous layer of fats provides
 Mamm
als have two pairs of pentadactyl limbs.
 The
body cavity is unequally divided into two parts by a muscular partition called as diaphragm.
 Eyes
are provided with movable lids.
 Ears
have fleshy external ears or pinnae.
 Teeth
are embedded in sockets (thecodont). Two sets of teeth develop in the life time of a mammals Milk teeth
and permanent teeth (diphyodont).
 Teeth
are of different types (heterodont).
 Respir
ation occurs by lungs.
 Heart
is our chambered. R.B.Cs are non nucleated and usually circular.
 Sexes
are separate. Gonads are paired. Testes lie commonly in the scrotal sacs outside the abdomen.
 Fertiliz
ation is internal. Eggs are small, microscopic without shells and are retained in uterus of female for
 Embry
onic membranes (amnion, chorion, yolk sac and allantois) present.
 They
give birth to living young ones and are called as viviparous. The young ones are fed on milk from
mammary glands.

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(h) Important Groups of Mammals :
Mammals are divided into three main groups,
(i) Egg-laying mammals (monotremes) : These mammals show characters of
both reptiles and mammals. They jay hard shelled eggs (oviparous) e.g. spiny ant eater, Duck – billed
(ii) Marsupial mammals (pouched mammals) : Pouched or marsupial mammals
(Latin marsupium = pouch) They are viviparous. The young ones, when born, are only three cm. long.
Hence they are cared in pouch called marsupium present on the mother’s abdomen. in the pouch, they
feed on the mother milk e.g. Kangaroo(Macropus), Kola bear,
(iii) Placental mammals (true mammals) : These mammals with true placenta.
The embryo is retained in the uterus. These are the very successful group of land animals, occurring in
diverse climatic condition. e.g. Mole, bat, lion, tiger, camel, giraffe, whale, dolphin, monkey, humans


1. Mesoglea is characteristic of
(A) Platyhelminthes (B) Aschelminthes (C) Cnidaria (D) Mollusca
2. True jelly fish (e.g., Aurelia) belongs to class
(A) Hydrozoa (B) Anthozoa (C) Scyphozoa (D) Both B and C
3. Polymorphism is exhibited by
(A) Hydra (B) Physalia (C) ) Octopus (D) Crab
4. Comb jellies belong to
(A) Scyphozoa (B) Hydrozoa (C) Ctenophora (D) Both A and B
5. Platyhelminthes are called
(A) round worms (B) flat worms (C) blind worms (D) none of the above
6. In Platyhelminthes, the excertory organs are.
(A) nephridia (B) malpighian tubules
(C) flame cells (solenocytes) (D) green glands
7. Platyhelminthes are
(A) coelomates (B) pseudiocoelomates (C) ) haemocoelomates (D) Acoelomates
8. The common name for Ascaris is
(A) shipworm (B) pinworm (C) tapeworm (D) round worm
9. Metamerism is characteristic feature of
(A) Chordata (B) Annelida (C) Mollusca (D) Nematoda
10. The excretory organs of Annelida are
(A) nephridia (B) statocysts (C) archeocytes (D) none of the above



1. What is Notochord ?
2. Give the classes of vertebrata.
3. Which is largest phylum of kingdom Animalia ?
4. Give an example of urochordata.
5. Give the difference between notochord and nerve cord.

Resonance 67
Pre-foundationCareer CareProgrammes (PCCP) Division
6. Mention two points of difference between fish and frog.
7. Describe the general characters of class mammalia.
8. What are the differences between animals belonging to the aves and mammalia
9. What is classification? Explain its importance.


(Objective DPP # 9 .1 )

Q 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
A. A D A B B C B A D B

(Objective DPP # 10 .1 )

Q 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
A. C B D B A B D D D A

(Objective DPP # 11 .1 )

Q 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
A. D D B B B D D B B D

(Objective DPP # 12 .1 )

Q 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
A. C C B C B C D D B A

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Pre-foundationCareer CareProgrammes (PCCP) Division

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