Us 10010161
Us 10010161
Us 10010161
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US 10 ,Page
010 ,2161 B2
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* cited by examiner
atent Jul. 3 , 2018 Sheet 1 of 8 US 10 ,010, 161 B2
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FIG . 1
FIG .2
FIG . 2
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FIG . 3
FIG . 4
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FIG . 5
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FIG . 6
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MM FIG . 8
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FIG . 9
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FIG . 10
FIG . 11
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FIG .12
US 10 ,010 , 161 B2
PERSONAL HYDRATION DEVICE In general, in yet another aspect, the sleeve is disposed
along a user 's arm or leg.
FIELD OF THE INVENTION In general, in yet another aspect, the liquid chambers
expand when filled with a liquid and collapse when liquid is
The present invention relates generally to hydration 5 withdrawn therefrom .
devices for exercise , sports activities, and military use, and In general, in yet another aspect, the bladder has a forearm
more particularly , relating to a personal hydration device portion and an upper arm portion , and wherein the forearm
that can be worn about a user's arm or leg . portion may be cylindrical shaped and define an arm pas
sage .
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION In general, in yet another aspect , the bladder has a lower
leg portion and a thigh portion , and wherein the lower leg
Arm -worn devices for holding water or liquid for drinking portion may be cylindrical shaped and define a leg passage .
are known. The devices include containers made of a hard , In general, in yet another aspect, the hydration device
non - flexible material or of a flexible material with a bladder - , includes a bottle for holding a liquid , and wherein the
like construction . In their instance , the container is attached collapsible bottle is detachably connectable to the one or
or otherwise secured to a user 's arm with the intent of the more fluid conveying tubes and is collapsible to transfer the
container moving along with the user 's arm . These devices
further include a straw or tube-like structure that a user can There has thus been outlined , rather broadly, the more
use to drink the water or liquid held within the container. 20 important features of the invention in order that the detailed
While existing devices provide convenience of carrying description thereof that follows may be better understood
water upon a user ' s arm , they have drawbacks. Initially , the and in order that the present contribution to the art may be
containers have relatively large profiles and interfere with better appreciated .
the arm movement of a user. For example, the containers Numerous objects , features and advantages of the present
tend to rub or hit upon a user ' s body during the back - and - 25 invention will be readily apparent to those of ordinary skill
forth arm motion . Additionally , the water or liquid sloshes in the art upon a reading of the following detailed descrip
back -and - forth within the container as a user moves his or t ion of presently preferred , but nonetheless illustrative ,
her arm . This sloshing causes undesirable muscle strain and embodiments of the present invention when taken in con
fatigue which can result in poor athletic performance or junction with the accompanying drawings . The invention is
injure the user. capable of other embodiments and of being practiced and
carried out in various ways . Also , it is to be understood that
SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION the phraseology and terminology employed herein are for
In view of the foregoing problemswith existing hydration the purpose of descriptions and should not be regarded as
devices , embodiments of the present invention provide a 25 35 limiting.
new hydration device that is secured to a user's arm or leg As such , those skilled in the art will appreciate that the
and has construction aimed toward overcoming the draw conception , upon which this disclosure is based ,may readily
backs of existing arm worn hydration devices. be utilized as a basis for the designing of other structures ,
In general, in one aspect, a hydration device securable to methods and systems for carrying out the several purposes
a user 's arm or leg is provided . The hydration device 40 of the present invention . It is important, therefore , that the
includes a flexible bladder for receiving and holding a liquid . claims be regarded as including such equivalent construc
The bladder has a length and a width , wherein when the tions insofar as they do not depart from the spirit and scope
bladder is secured to a user ' s arm or leg , the length extends of the present invention .
along the arm or leg to which the bladder is secured . The For a better understanding of the invention , its operating
bladder includes a plurality of liquid receiving chambers that 45 advantages, and the specific objects attained by its uses,
extend across the width of the bladder and that are spaced reference should be had to the accompanying drawings and
along the length of said bladder. One or more liquid con descriptive matter in which there are illustrated embodi
veying tubes are fluidic communication with the liquid ments of the invention .
receiving chambers for filling the chambers with liquid and
for withdrawing the uyuru
liquid IIOIII
from the
the chambers
In general, in another aspect, the liquid receiving cham
bers are disposed in an alternating configuration on opposite The following drawings illustrate by way of example and
sides of the bladder in a direction along the length . are included to provide further understanding of the inven
In general, in another aspect, the hydration device tion for the purpose of illustrative discussion of the embodi
includes a drinking tube and a bite valve connected to an end 55 ments of the invention . No attempt is made to show struc
of the drinking tube ; and a coupling fluidically connected to tural details of the embodiments in more detail than is
the one or more liquid conveying tubes for detachably necessary for a fundamental understanding of the invention ,
connecting the drinking tube to the one or more liquid the description taken with the drawings making apparent to
conveying tubes. those skilled in the art how the several forms of the invention
In general, in another aspect , the coupling has a valve that 60 may be embodied in practice . Identical reference numerals
operates to seal the bladder . do not necessarily indicate an identical structure . Rather , the
In general, in another aspect, the hydration device same reference numeral may be used to indicate a similar
includes a wrist strap for securement about a user ' s wrist, feature of a feature with similar functionality . In the draw
and wherein the drinking tube is secured to the wrist strap . ings:
In general , in yet another aspect , the hydration device 65 FIG . 1 is a perspective view of a hydration device that is
includes a sleeve having open opposite ends, and wherein constructed in accordance with the principles of an embodi
the bladder is secured to the sleeve . ment of the present invention ;
US 10 ,010 , 161 B2
FIG . 2 is a perspective view of a bladder of a hydration liquid. The chambers 24 are formed such that each of the
device that is constructed in accordance with the principles chambers extends laterally across the width of the bladder
of an embodiment of the present invention ; 18 and are spaced along the length of the bladder 18 . The
FIG . 3 is a partial cross -sectional view of the hydration chambers 24 being formed such that they extend laterally
device taken along the line 3 - 3 in FIG . 1 ; 5 across the width of bladder 18 performs a critical function of
FIG . 4 is a cross - sectional view of the hydration device the hydration device 10 by preventing liquid held by the
taken along line 4 -4 in FIG . 3 ; bladder 18 from sloshing back -and -forth between opposite
FIG . 5 is diagrammatic view illustrating a drinking tube ends of the bladder 18 .More specifically , the chambers 24
of the hydration device being connected to the bladder; are configured in a manner such that liquid is unlikely to
FIG . 6 is a perspective view of a drinking tube connected 10 flow between the chambers 24 when the bladder 18 is moved
to a wrist strap ; back -and -forth , for example when a user is running, thereby
FIG . 7 is a is diagrammatic view illustrating a refill bottle reducing transient forces being applied to a user 's arm
of the hydration device being connected to the bladder; caused by moving liquid . This reduction of transient forces
FIG . 8 is a diagrammatic view illustrating the refill bottle reduces muscle strain and fatigue that devices heretofore do
connected to the bladder and being collapsed to transfer fluid 15 not address .
from the bottle into the bladder; Further, in the depicted embodiment, the chambers 24 are
FIG . 9 is a diagrammatic view illustrating the hydration formed such that the chambers 24 are disposed in an
device in use , secured to the arm of a person that is running; alternating configuration on opposite sides 23 and 25 of the
FIG . 10 is a perspective view of a hydration device that bladder 18 in a direction along the length . The alternating
is constructed in accordance with the principles of an 20 configuration is such that bladders 24 alternate from being
alternative embodiment of the present invention ; disposed on the first side 23 and the second side 25 of the
FIG . 11 is a perspective view of a bladder of a hydration bladder 18 along the bladder ' s length , as best seen in FIG .
device that is constructed in accordance with the principles 3 . This construction better distributes the weight of the
of an alternative embodiment of the present invention ; and liquid evenly across a user ' s arm , further reducing muscle
FIG . 12 is a diagrammatic view illustrating the hydration 25 strain and fatigue. This construction also has the benefit of
device in use , secured to the leg of a person that is running. allowing the bladder 18 to have a thinner profile, thereby
preventing the hydration device from interfering with body
DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE movements . For example , the thin profile reduces the ten
INVENTION dency of the bladder 18 from contacting a user ' s body as the
30 arm is moved back -and - forth .
Referring now to FIGS. 1 -9 of the drawings, and more The hydration device 10 further includes at least one fluid
particularly to FIGS. 1 - 4 , shown therein and designated by conveying tube 26 positioned within the bladder 18 and
the reference number 10 is a hydration device constructed in extending along its length . In the depicted embodiment, a
accordance with an embodiment of the present invention . plurality of fluid conveying tubes 26 are provided that
The hydration device 10 includes an arm sleeve 12 that is 35 extend along the length of the bladder 18 and are spaced
worn on a user 's arm and has open opposite ends 14 and 16 along the width of the bladder 18 ( spaced circumferentially
through which the user' s arm extends , as best seen in FIG . around the forearm portion 20 ) . Each tube 26 is in fluidic
9 . The arm sleeve 12 is made of a flexible , elastic - like communication with at least one fluid chamber 24 through
material that is capable of stretching and conforming to the which it extends, by perforations formed into the tube, for
user ' s arm . In embodiments , the material may also be a 40 example . Alternatively , the one or more fluid conveying
wickingmaterial. In embodiments , the arm sleeve 12 may be tubes 26 could extend along the exterior of the bladder 18
constructed to have several different layers of material, such and be connected to the bladder 18 in manner such each tube
as, for example the arm sleeve could be constructed to is fluidically connected to at least one fluid chamber 24 .
include inner liner and an exterior layer. The one or more fluid conveying tubes 26 are fluidically
The hydration device 10 further includes a bladder 18 that 45 connected to a coupling 28 . The coupling 28 is provided for
is attached to the sleeve 12 , such as, for example by attaching and detaching a drinking tube or hose to the fluid
disposing the bladder within a pocket 13 formed into the conveying tubes 26 for a user to draw refreshment from the
sleeve. In embodiments , the bladder 18 may be removably bladder 18 . In addition , the coupling 28 is provided for
secured within a pocket formed into the arm sleeve 12 . In attaching and detaching a liquid refill container to the tubes
other embodiments , the bladder 18 is permanently attached 50 26 so that the bladder 18 can be filled with liquid . Impor
to the arm sleeve 12 and cannot be separated from the arm tantly , the coupling 28 includes a shutoff valve 30 that
sleeve 12 . operates to seal the one ormore tubes 26 , and ultimately the
The bladder 18 has a forearm portion 20 and an upper arm bladder 18 , when the drinking tube or refill container is
portion 22 . In the depicted embodiment, the forearm portion detached from the coupling . An example of a suitable
20 has a generally cylindrical to tapering shape to generally 55 coupling is described in U .S . Pat. No. 7 ,311,231, the entirety
fit the tapering shape of a forearm . Further , in the depicted of which is incorporated herein by reference .
embodiment, the upper arm portion 22 has a generally As explained above , the bladder 18 is made of a pliable
semi-circular shape to fit partially around a user' s upper arm . material that permits the bladder 18 to expand when filled
In other embodiments , the forearm portion 20 and the upper with liquid and to collapse when liquid is drawn from the
arm portion 22 may both be cylindrical shaped , or the 60 bladder 18 . More specifically , each chamber 24 expands
forearm portion and the upper arm portion may both be when filled with liquid and then collapses when the liquid is
semi-circular shaped . The bladder 18 is made of a pliable removed , which prevents the user 's intake of air.
material and, as discussed in further detail below , expands With reference to FIGS. 5 and 6 , the hydration device 10
when filled with a liquid and contracts when liquid is includes a drinking tube 32 having a nib 34 at one end and
removed . 65 a bite valve 36 at the opposite end . The drinking tube 32 is
As further depicted , the bladder 18 includes a plurality of connected to the bladder 18 by inserting nib 34 into coupling
liquid receiving chambers 24 for receiving and holding a 28 , which activates valve 30 and fluidically connects the
US 10 ,010 ,161 B2
bladder 18 and drinking tube 32 together. The drinking tube tapers at end 64 to fit a user 's ankle 66 . The thigh portion 62
32 is secured to the coupling by friction or a bayonet has a generally semi- circular shape to fit partially around a
coupling (not shown ), for example . user 's thigh .
In the depicted embodiment, the drinking tube 32 is The bladder 18a further includes a plurality of liquid
relatively short and is secured to a wrist strap 38 that is worn 5 receiving chambers 68 and one or more fluid conveying
about a user 's wrist to secure the drinking tube the user 's tubes 70 . The chambers 68 and fluid conveying tubes that are
wrist. In this manner, drinking of liquid from the bladder 18 conveying
configured to be 26like that of the chambers 24 and huid
is accomplished by raising the wrist to the user 's mouth embodimenttubes , described above with reference to the
where the user may place the bite valve between his or her 10 to the leg 74illustrated in FIGS. 1 - 9 . Bladder 18a is secured
with the length of the bladder 18a extending
teeth . along the length of the leg 74 , which positions the fluid
As shown , the wrist strap 38 is secured about a user 's chambers 68 across the leg 74 .
wrist by a cooperating fastener 40, such as, for example a Device 10a further includes the coupling 28 as described
touch fastener. Alternatively, the wrist strap 38 could be in the previous embodiment, above . Coupling 28 is provided
continuous band and made of an elastic material allowing 15 for attaching and detaching an elongated flexible tube or
the strap to slip over a user 's hand and onto the wrist. In hose 72 to the fluid conveying tubes 70 for a user to draw
further alternative embodiments (not shown ), the drinking refreshment from the bladder 18a .
tube 32 could be of a greater length , permitting the bite valve In the depicted embodiment, the elongated flexible tube
end of the tube to be secured closer to a user 's mouth , by a 72 extends from a user ' s leg 74 , along the body 71 of the
headband, for example . 20 user, to the user' s shoulder area 76 . The elongated flexible
With reference to FIGS. 7 and 8 , a liquid refill bottle 42 tube 72 may extend between the user 's body 71 and their
may be provided for filling the bladder 18 with liquid . In the clothes 82 to secure the elongated flexible tube 72 to the
representatively illustrated embodiment, bottle 42 includes a user. The elongated flexible tube 72 continues from the
collapsible body portion 44 that is fitted on opposite ends user 's shoulder 76 , down the user' s arm 74 , and is secured
with end caps 46 and 48 . A cap 50 may be removably 25 to the user ' s arm 74 by arm straps 78 and 80 that extend
connected to end cap 46 to permit refilling the bottle with a about the user ' s arm 74 . The elongated flexible tube 72
desired liquid . A nib 52 extends from cap 50 and is fluidi- fluidically connects the bladder 18a to the wrist strap 38 , to
cally connected to the interior of the bottle 42 . The bottle 42 facilitate transfer of liquid from bladder 18a to the user.
is removably connected to the bladder 48 by inserting nib 52 A number of embodiments of the present invention have
into coupling 28 , which activates valve 30 and fluidically 30 been described . Nevertheless , it will be understood that
connects the bladder and bottle together . The bottle 42 is various modifications may be made without departing from
secured to the coupling by friction or a bayonet coupling the spirit and scope of the invention and the following
(not shown ), for example . claims.
Once the bottle 42 is connected to the bladder 18 via What is claimed is :
coupling 28 , the bottle is collapsed so as to transfer the liquid 35 1. A personal hydration device securable to an arm or leg
contained by the bottle into the liquid chambers 24 of the of a user, the device comprising :
bladder 18 . After the liquid has been transferred , the bottle a flexible bladder for receiving and holding a liquid , said
42 is disconnected from the bladder 18 by removing nib 52 flexible bladder having a length and a width , wherein
from coupling 28 , which activates valve 30 , sealing the when said flexible bladder is secured to a user ' s arm or
bladder. 40 leg , said length of said flexible bladder extends along a
Turning now to FIG . 9 , there is shown the hydration length of the arm or leg to which the flexible bladder is
device 10 in use and secured about the arm 54 of a user 56 secured ;
who is running. The bladder 18 is secured to the arm 54 with said flexible bladder having a plurality of elongated liquid
the length of the bladder 18 extending along the length of the receiving chambers, each having a length greater than
arm 54 , which positions the fluid chambers 24 across the 45 its width , wherein said length of each of said liquid
arm 54. The user 56 , desiring a drink , simply raises his wrist receiving chambers extends across said width of said
toward his mouth so that the bite valve 36 can be placed into flexible bladder such that when said flexible bladder is
the mouth and operated . This action can be performed secured to a user 's arm or leg said length of each of said
without stopping from running . liquid receiving chambers is positioned across the
With reference to FIGS. 10 - 12 , an alternative embodi - 50 user ' s arm and at least partially encircles the arm or leg
ment of the present invention, hydration device 10a is to which said flexible bladder is secured ;
illustrated . The hydration device 10a includes a leg sleeve one or more liquid conveying tubes in fluidic communi
58 that is worn on a user 's leg . Leg sleeve 58 is constructed cation with said plurality of liquid receiving chambers ;
in similar fashion to the arm sleeve 12 , described above , wherein said bladder has an exterior first side, an interior
however the shape is configured to be worn on a user ' s leg , 55 second side opposite of said first side, and a thickness
as best seen in FIG . 10 . between said first and said second sides , wherein when
The hydration device 10a further includes a bladder 18a said bladder is secured to the user 's arm or leg , said first
that is attached to the leg sleeve 58, such as, for example by side is disposed outwardly from said second side rela
disposing the bladder 18a within a pocket formed into the tive to the user's arm or leg ; and
leg sleeve 58. As described above in alternative embodi- 60 wherein said plurality of liquid receiving chambers alter
ments , the bladder 18a may be removably secured within a nate in series one after another along said length of said
pocket formed in the leg sleeve 58 . In further embodiments , bladder from being disposed on said first side and said
the bladder 18a is permanently attached to the leg sleeve 58 second side of said bladder along said length of said
and cannot be separated from the leg sleeve 58 . bladder.
The bladder 18a has a lower leg portion 60 and a thigh 65 2 . The device of claim 1 , further comprising :
portion 62. In the embodiment illustrated in FIG . 10 , the a drinking tube ;
lower leg portion 60 has a generally cylindrical shape that a bite valve connected to an end of said drinking tube ; and
US 10 ,010 , 161 B2
a coupling fluidically connected to said one or more liquid a coupling fluidically connected to said one ormore liquid
conveying tubes for detachably connecting said drink conveying tubes, said coupling including a valve that
ing tube to said one or more liquid conveying tubes to operates to fluidically seal said coupling from said one
draw liquid from said plurality of liquid receiving 5 or more liquid conveying tubes ;
chambers through said bite valve . a drinking tube having a first end that is detachably
connectable to said coupling to establish a fluidic
3 . The device of claim 2 , further comprising: connection between said drinking tube and said one or
a wrist strap for securement about a user ' s wrist, wherein more liquid conveying tubes;
said drinking tube is secured to said wrist strap . a bite valve connected to a second end of said drinking
4 . The device of claim 2, wherein said coupling includes tube;
a valve that fluidically seals said coupling from said one or 10 wherein said flexible bladder has an exterior first side, an
more liquid conduits. interior second side opposite of said first side, and a
5 . The device of claim 1 , further comprising: thickness between said first and said second sides ,
a sleeve having open opposite ends, wherein said flexible wherein when said flexible bladder is secured to the
bladder is secured to said sleeve . 15
user 's arm or leg , said first side is disposed outwardly
6 . The device of claim 1, wherein said plurality of liquid from said second side relative to the user 's arm or leg ;
chambers expand when filled with a liquid and collapse and
when liquid is withdrawn therefrom . wherein said plurality of liquid receiving chambers alter
7 . The device of claim 1 , wherein said flexible bladder has nate in series one after another along said length of said
a forearm portion and an upper arm portion , said forearm 20 bladder from being disposed on said first side and said
portion being cylindrically shaped and defining an arm second side of said bladder along said length of said
passage ; and wherein said forearm portion and said upper bladder.
arm portion each have one or more liquid chambers of said 11. The device of claim 10, further comprising:
plurality of liquid chambers. a wrist strap for securement about a user 's wrist, wherein
8 . The device of claim 1 , wherein said flexible bladder has 25 said drinking tube is secured to said wrist strap .
a lower leg portion and a thigh portion , said lower leg 12 . The device of claim 10 , further comprising :
portion being cylindrically shaped and defining a leg pas a sleeve having open opposite ends, wherein said flexible
sage ; and wherein said lower leg portion and said thigh bladder is secured to said sleeve.
portion each have one or more liquid chambers of said has a .forearm
13 The device of claim 10, wherein said flexible bladder
portion and an upper arm portion , said forearm
plurality of liquid chambers . 30 portion being cylindrically shaped and defining an arm
9 . The device of claim 1 , further comprising:
a collapsible bottle for holding a liquid , wherein said passage
passage ,; and
and we
wherein said forearm portion and said upper
arm portion each have one or more liquid chambers of said
collapsible bottle is detachably connectable to one or
more of said fluid conveying conduits and is collapsible plurality
P 14 . Theofdevice
liquid chambers .
of claim 10 , wherein said flexible bladder
to transfer the liquid into said flexible bladder.
10 . A personal hydration device securable to an arm or leg 35 portion
has a lower leg portion and a thigh portion , said lower leg
being cylindrically shaped and defining a leg pas
of a user, the device comprising:
a flexible bladder for receiving and holding a liquid , said portion eachwherein
sage ; and
said lower leg portion and said thigh
one or more liquid chambers of said
flexible bladder having a length and a width , wherein plurality of liquid cha .
when said flexible bladder is secured to a user's arm or 4040 pl 15 . The device of claim 10, further comprising :
leg , and said length of said flexible bladder extends a collapsible bottle for holding a liquid , wherein said
along a length of the arm or leg to which the flexible
bladder is secured ; bottle is detachably connectable to said coupling and is
said flexible bladder having a plurality of elongated liquid collapsible to transfer liquid from said bottle into said
receiving chambers, each having a length greater than 45 flexible bladder.
its width , wherein said length of each of said liquid receiving16 . The device of claim 1, wherein at least two liquid
receiving chambers extends across said width of said chambers of said plurality of liquid receiving
flexible bladder such that when said flexible bladder is chambers alternate on opposite sides of at least one of said
secured to a user's arm or leg said length of each of said one17or. The
more liquid conveying tubes .
device of claim 10 , wherein at least two liquid
liquid receiving chambers is positioned across the 5050 receiving
user 's arm and at least partially encircles the arm or leg chambers alternate onofopposite
chambers said plurality of liquid receiving
sides of at least one of said
to which said flexible bladder is secured ; one or more liquid conveying tubes.
one or more liquid conveying tubes in fluidic communi
cation with said plurality of liquid receiving chambers ; * * * * *