Root Canal Treatment of A 32-mm Length Maxillary Canine - A Case Report
Root Canal Treatment of A 32-mm Length Maxillary Canine - A Case Report
Root Canal Treatment of A 32-mm Length Maxillary Canine - A Case Report
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Figure-1: Preoperative radiograph. Figure-2: Working length determination. Figure-3: Postoperative radiograph.
The root canal was dried with sterile paper points (Maillefer, lengths in teeth with curved canals, which is in accordance
Dentsply, Ballaigues, Switzerland) and filled with cold lateral with the present case report.
compaction technique by gutta‑percha (Maillefer, Dentsply, Root canal treatment in teeth with such obstacle faced
Ballaigues, Switzerland) and AH26 sealer (Maillefer, during the treatment procedures could be compensated by
Dentsply, Ballaigues, Switzerland). The access cavity was using a 2.5% sodium hypochlorite solution with a greater
sealed with Coltosol temporary filling material (Coltosol® F, concentration of active chlorine when compared with the
Coltene, Switzerland), and the patient was referred to receive concentration of 1%.1
final restoration [Figure 3]. It is important to point out that Maillefer (Dentsply,
Ballaigues, Switzerland) produces the Vetinox series of
endodontic instruments, designed for veterinary use, with
A proper locating, cleaning, shaping, and obturating the root higher lengths, reaching 40 mm and even 60 mm.16
canal system is an adequate measure for long-term success The case reported here reveals that extremely long teeth can be
of root canal therapy. Therefore, failure of any of these successfully treated endodontically if suitable modifications
principles could compromise the treatment success end up in treatment procedures are utilized. A single-visit root canal
with post-treatment disease, pain, and/or complications of treatment is possible if the appropriate cleaning, shaping,
the treated tooth.1,14 and obturating materials are available.
It is widely known that the maxillary canines are the
longest teeth in the human dental arch. they are flattened in
the cervical region and should be flared to allow adequate Cases of extreme length can occur and in case it is not possible
instrumentation.15 The cleaning and shaping of maxillary to use another alternative technique, it could compromise
canines longer than 32 mm long is extremely difficult because the treatment by the risk of having to wear the coronary
of the size of the instruments commercially available.16 sound structure. The technique used in the present case not
In root canal treatment of teeth with this length, some only provided adequate cleaning, shaping, and obturation
modifications must he made in the treatment technique due to of the root canal, but also allowed the preservation of the
restrictions in length of files, endodontic burs, Gates Glidden remaining tooth structure. After seeing these case reports of
burs, sonic/ultrasonic instruments, obturating materials, and the maxillary canines which showed length measures that
spreaders.17 The use of an alternative reference point, located can reach the maximum measure of the longer endodontic
at the cervical limit of the access cavity, proved to be an instrument available or even go beyond, the availability
excellent approach in this case which allowed the use of a of longer endodontic instruments in the market becomes
standardized 31-mm length files for canal preparation, master evident.
and accessory cones without customization for obturation, REFERENCES
and a spreader with adequate length to reach within 2 mm of 1. Vertucci FJ. Root canal morphology and its relationship
the working length. to endodontic procedures. Endod Topics 2005;10:3–29.
Zmener et al.18 reported that from 280 human maxillary teeth 2. Black GV. Descriptive anatomy of the human teeth.
extracted at several Argentinean hospital services, 13.21% 4th ed. Philadelphia: S. S. White Dental Mfg. Co.,
of the teeth observed were longer than 31 mm, with higher 1897:125.
International Journal of Contemporary Medical Research
Volume 4 | Issue 11 | November 2017 | ICV: 77.83 | ISSN (Online): 2393-915X; (Print): 2454-7379
Yousef H, et al. Root Canal Treatment