Radix Entomolaris: Case Report With Clinical Implication: 10.5005/jp-Journals-10005-1572
Radix Entomolaris: Case Report With Clinical Implication: 10.5005/jp-Journals-10005-1572
Radix Entomolaris: Case Report With Clinical Implication: 10.5005/jp-Journals-10005-1572
Senior Lecturer, 2Reader, 3,4Postgraduate Student
Department of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics,
Faculty of Dental Sciences, SGT University, Gurugram,
Haryana, India
Corresponding Author: Anshul Arora, Senior Lecturer,
Department of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics, Faculty
of Dental Sciences, SGT University, Gurugram, Haryana, India,
Phone: +918860072020, e-mail: anshularora2586@gmail.com
Fig. 1: Preoperative
The shape of the access cavity was modified from established as irreversible pulpitis. Radiographic inter-
triangular to a trapezoidal form to locate the fourth canal. pretation revealed the presence of the third root but not
DG-16 endodontic explorer was used to locate the root associated with any periapical changes (Fig. 3).
canal orifices and 15 # K-file (Mani, Japan) was used to Root canal procedure of the tooth was planned and
establish patency of the canals. Working length was deter- patient consent obtained. Local anesthesia was admin-
mined using apex locator (Root ZX, J. Morita) and recon- istered and after access cavity preparation canal orifices
firmed radiographically. Biomechanical preparation was were negotiated with DG-16 explorer. The fourth disto-
done with rotary ProTaper Next (Dentsply, Switzerland) lingual canal orifice was negotiated more lingually, away
file system. During instrumentation, 1.3% sodium hypo- from the rest of the three orifices. The canal lengths were
chlorite was used as an irrigant and 17% EDTA was used determined radiographically with #10 K file, and clean-
as final flush. ing and shaping of the root canal system were done with
Obturation was performed with gutta-percha points rotary ProTaper file system with apical preparation till F2.
using cold lateral condensation technique (Fig. 2). Res- 1.3% sodium hypochlorite was used for disinfection of the
toration of access cavity was done with composite resin pulp space and 17% EDTA was used as a final irrigant.
(tetric-N-ceram, ivoclar vivadent) and a post-obturation After biomechanical preparation, temporary restoration
radiograph was taken. At 6-month follow-up, the patient was done and the patient was recalled after 4 days.
was asymptomatic and radiographic evaluation showed At subsequent appointment patient was asymptom-
no evidence of pathology. atic. Master cone radiograph was taken, canals were dried
with absorbent paper points, and obturation was done
CASE REPORT 2 with gutta-percha cones using AH Plus sealer (Dentsply
A 22-year-old female patient reported to our Department De Trey, Germany) (Fig. 4).
with a history of pain in the lower right back tooth for 1
month. On clinical examination, right mandibular first
molar was found to be carious and the diagnosis was Clinical triad of diagnosis, adequate chemomechanical
preparation, and three-dimensional obturation determine
the success of root canal therapy.
The first stage of endodontic triad, i.e., correct diagno-
sis is one of the most important steps towards the success
of the endodontic procedure. One of the main reasons for
the failure of root canal treatment is negligence in remov-
ing pulpal tissue and microbes from all the pulp canals.
Hence, appropriate radiographic diagnosis play a crucial
role in the successful outcome of endodontic therapy.8
So, radiographs were taken at different angulations
to minimize the chances of “missed canals”.9 Radix ento-
molaris has a prevalence rate of less than 5% in the Indian
population and such cases are not commonly observed
Fig. 2: Postoperative during dental treatment. The exact etiology of radix ento-
molaris is still not known but according to some authors to prevent any lapse in the diagnosis of RE. Thus, an
it may be due to disturbance during odontogenesis or accurate diagnosis and thorough knowledge and about
may be due to the high degree of genetic penetrance.10 the variation in root canal morphology, prevalence and
To avoid any iatrogenic mistake, minimum of two canal configuration of radix entomolaris is prerequisite
angulated diagnostic radiographs are a must along with for endodontic success.
the careful clinical examination. If RE is diagnosed before
commencing the endodontic treatment, a modified trap- REFERENCES
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