23 Case Rep1 Palatogingival Groove
23 Case Rep1 Palatogingival Groove
23 Case Rep1 Palatogingival Groove
September 2010
Case Report
cleaned and shaped using hybrid Tokyo, Japan). Patient was recalled
instrumentation with gates glidden after one month. At the follow-up
drills and NITI hand files (Dentsply, visit the Sinus tract was still
Maillefer, Switzerland). Copious present and there was pus
irrigation with 3% sodium discharge from the palatal gingival
hypochlorite was done at every adjacent to the groove. After
step of instrumentation. 17% EDTA consultation with the periodontist
was used to remove the smear and exploratory surgery was
layer. Canal was dried using paper planned. 2% Lidocaine
points following which calcium hydrochloride with 1:200000
hydroxide paste was placed as an epinephrine (Astra-Zeneca Pharma,
intra canal medicament and access India) was administered followed
was sealed with IRM. At the by reflection of palatal full
subsequent visit obturation was thickness flap that revealed
completed with cold lateral fenestration of the cortical plate on
compaction of gutta-percha and the palatal aspect. The bony defect
zinc oxide eugenol sealer (Fig.4). and granulation tissue was
debrided. Odontoplasty was
performed on the root surface to
eliminate the groove (Fig.5).
Fig 6: Restoration of the Defect with type exposed dentinal tubules on the
II Glass Ionomer Cement side of the groove where surface
The flap was replaced and resorption as a result of
sutured. Patient was prescribed inflammatory process may occur2.
antibiotics, analgesics and a mouth Different studies have
wash containing 0.2% chlorexidine revealed a prevalence rate for
gluconate. At the recall visit post palatal groove of about 2.8 to
surgical healing was satisfactory 8.5%, the most prevalent being
and Sinus tract had healed. the maxillary lateral incisor3.