NERA Electricity Tariff Structure PDF
NERA Electricity Tariff Structure PDF
NERA Electricity Tariff Structure PDF
A Consultation Paper
July 1st 2004
Since 2000, the Commission has reviewed customer tariff levels on an annual
basis. Whilst some changes have been made to the types of tariffs offered to
customers since this date, overall transmission, distribution and PES supply
tariffs, as well as network connection charges, have continued to reflect legacy
structures which were in place prior to retail market opening.
The aim of the Electricity Tariff Structure Review has been to evaluate these
legacy structures with a view to presenting alternative tariff and charge
structures which more adequately deliver benefits to all electricity consumers.
On commencing the review of tariff structures the Commission set out a
number of principles which dealt with the obligations of the Commission under
legislation. In this paper the Commission has addressed these principles and
outlined how it has arrived at the proposed alternatives. Overall, the aims of
this evaluation are threefold.
First of all, this review has analysed existing and potential cost allocation
methods used to allocate regulated business costs to existing individual
customer categories. Within customer categories the structural components or
charging methods were considered bearing in mind the overall duties of the
Commission and the specific objectives of the review. To achieve such an aim it
was decided to explore the approach of setting tariff structures on the premise
of marginal electricity industry cost drivers rather than on the basis of the cost
allocation method currently in place. Tariffs based on marginal cost are
formulated on the basis of how costs would change if there were a small
increase (or decrease) in energy used in a given period, in demand in critical
hours and in the number of customers of a particular type. The results of the
cost allocation methodology used are published in a separate paper, Marginal
Cost Study, which accompanies this consultation.
Secondly, this review has looked at the adequacy of existing tariff offerings and
has suggested a number of changes that could be made to better reflect
current customer characteristics and metering technology.
Many of the existing tariff elements, including those deployed by ESB PES,
have been formulated over the years as a result of available technology. In
reviewing the electricity tariff structures it is therefore important to consider
some of the developments in technology particularly with respect to metering
which may facilitate a greater variety in tariff structures now or in the future.
In particular the Commission has examined the use of tariffs which vary with
time across the day (or season) to more accurately reflect the costs imposed by
different usage patterns by consumers. This paper examines the impact and
implications of moving to Time of Use (TOU) tariffs.
system peak hours will end up paying more for their electricity during those
hours. Where customers use their electricity predominantly in off-peak hours
this will result in paying lower charges at those times. In essence what this
means is that customers who contribute most to the cost of the system will
result in paying more for the system. It should be pointed out that this report
does not aim to make any exceptions and that all customers are treated on an
equitable basis. The final results and tariffs which will be adopted will be
influenced naturally by consumers, industry and also the special provisions
that have been made under the legislation which the Commission will be
obliged to have regard to before making any final decisions.
Finally, the Commission has also, at this time, reviewed the existing charging
policy with respect to network connection charges. The current policy deployed
by ESB Networks and ESB National Grid have been developed many years ago
and it is worth considering at this stage whether these policies are appropriate
in the current climate. The current connection charging policies were
formulated at a very different time with respect to financial products available
to both industry and domestic customers. The Commission now wish to review
the structure of connection charging policy in the light of current financial
products that are available to all customers and it poses the question as to
whether the current connection charging policies are appropriate or the most
efficient means of recovering the cost of connections. In this paper the
Commission outlines a number of alternative approaches to the current policy
including the introduction of full up-front payment for connections.
Overall this paper analyses the pros and cons of various alternative tariff
structures and connection charges, and uses the results of the marginal cost
study to quantify a selection of illustrative tariffs using promising alternative
tariff structures. This paper also presents the results of these alternative tariffs
structures and the potential impact these would have on customer categories if
It should be noted that the alternatives tariffs presented in this paper are
illustrative, and the resulting class revenue allocations and bill impacts are only
approximate. More detailed analysis is required if tariffs are actually set on
these models. This analysis will be undertaken during the implementation stage
of this review.
SUMMARY ............................................................................................... II
1. INTRODUCTION .............................................................................. 7
1.1 Background and Purpose of Project .............................................7
1.1.1 Commission’s Duties in Setting Electricity Tariffs...........................7
1.1.2 Existing Tariff Structures...............................................................7
1.1.3 Tariff Structure Review ..................................................................7
1.1.4 Structure of this Paper ..................................................................8
3.4.1 Generation/Demand Allocation.................................................... 45
3.4.2 Generation TUoS Categories & Detailed TUoS Structure............... 49
3.4.3 Demand TUoS Categories & Structure ......................................... 58
5. PES SUPPLY.................................................................................. 93
5.1 Introduction ..............................................................................93
5.1.1 Role of PES.................................................................................. 93
5.2 PES Retail Revenue Requirement & Retail Marginal Costs.........95
5.2.1 PES Marginal Retail Costs ........................................................... 95
5.2.2 PES Revenue Requirement & Marginal Cost Revenue Gap ............ 96
5.3 PES Tariffs ................................................................................98
5.3.1 Present PES Categories & Structure............................................. 98
5.3.2 Alternative PES Categories & Structure...................................... 100
5.3.3 Screening of PES Alternatives .................................................... 102
Under the Electricity Regulation Act, 1999 (ERA), the Commission is charged
with approving the form and basis of charges to be applied for the
connection to and use of the transmission and distribution system.
The primary focus of the annual tariff reviews has been on the overall level of
tariffs rather than on the underlying structure of the tariff costs, categories,
and structural components.
this paper was to inform market participants and customers of some of the
alternatives in use elsewhere.
This consultation paper is the fourth paper of the Tariff Structure Review and
will be followed by a position paper that will inform the implementation
phase of the review, which will begin in the Autumn of 2004.
This paper is also accompanied by a marginal cost study of costs facing ESB
National Grid, ESB Networks and ESB PES. The results of these analyses
have informed the formulation of alternative tariff structures.
The design stage of the review will be completed with the publication of a
Commission position on future tariff structures, after which the
implementation stage will commence.
The Commission would like to point out that the implementation stage
is likely to take a considerable period of time and we are mindful of
the many changes presently underway in the industry. Therefore the
implementation of any changes will require significant further
Section 5 considers the current PES Supply tariffs faced by all customers
not served by independent suppliers.
Section 6 previews the next steps of the project, namely the publication of a
decision on alternative tariffs and the process of implementation.
The Appendices present detailed results and impacts of the tariff options
screened as part of the review process.
As outlined in the first consultation paper, the objectives of the review are as
- To avoid cross-subsidies;
- To gain transparency and simplicity within the tariff structure;
- To facilitate wholesale competition without creating artificial
barriers for any generator or supplier;
- To facilitate retail competition without creating artificial
barriers for any supplier;
- To develop efficient price signals to consumers to guide short-
run and long-run consumption decisions and choice of
- To encourage efficient consumptions patterns across the day
and year
Non-discrimination (Equity)
- To avoid unnecessary bill impacts;
- To develop charges which are just and reasonable and not
unfairly discriminatory;
- To gain consistency with new market arrangements, including
incentives for efficient location of new generators;
- To gain consistency with government policy related to support
of renewables
Cost Allocation & Non-Discrimination
- Are costs being allocated appropriately according to causer
pays principle?
- Are prices reflecting marginal cost signals?
Because one of the objectives of the tariff review is to ensure cost-based tariff
structures, the first step in reviewing tariff structures is to decide upon the
appropriate cost basis. The cost basis is used for allocating costs to classes,
designing tariff structures, and setting the levels of each tariff component for
each class of consumers.
There are two types of cost studies that can be used for these purposes:
average/embedded costing and marginal costing.
basis of class contribution to system annual peak, the average of the
three highest monthly peaks, the average of the 12 monthly peaks, or
any of a large number of other methods.1
In contrast, a marginal cost2 study analyses how the system is planned and
operated in order to determine how costs would change if there were a small
increase (or decrease) in energy used in a given period, in load in critical
hours, in number of customers of a particular type, etc. It is a forward-
looking and hypothetical exercise – as it looks at the cost of the next unit
produced (or the savings from a small decrement in expected use).3 A
marginal cost tariff analysis includes the following steps:
Marginal Cost Revenue: The unit marginal costs per kWh, kW and
customer identified in the first step are multiplied by the
corresponding units for each customer class to establish category
(and total) marginal cost revenue. Because marginal costs are
forward-looking, whereas the revenue requirement is largely
determined by decisions made in the past, it would be only by
coincidence that charging marginal costs would produce the allowed
revenue. Consequently, an additional step is required.
A marginal cost tariff analysis is a bottom-up exercise that begins with time-
differentiated unit costs per kWh and per kW of monthly peak demand, and
monthly costs per kW of contract demand and per customer. These unit
1 Sometimes embedded cost studies include a time-differentiation step, but the costs are
simply assigned to periods using somewhat arbitrary assignment factors, with the outcome
highly dependent on the assignment approach chosen.
2 Marginal Cost is the change in total cost incurred to supply a very small increment of
3 Note that all customers are responsible for the utility’s marginal costs; every customer is a
marginal consumer. If load growth requires expansion of the network, existing customers
are just as responsible as new customers for the new investment because they choose to
continue to consume at their prior level. Moreover, an industrial customer that consumes at
a steady level across the hours of the day consumes energy in the peak hours of the day
when market price are high and should face tariff charges that reflect these high market
prices. This customer will benefit from it purchases of large amounts of energy in the off-
peak hours, when market prices are low.
costs are then multiplied by class billing determinants to determine class
marginal cost revenues, and adjusted as necessary to create a set of tariffs
that will yield the allowed revenues.
According to economic theory, when marginal costs are used as the basis for
pricing, customers have incentives to make economically efficient decisions
about their use of electricity and related goods and services because the
price they pay reflects the resource costs of their decisions. Pricing above
marginal cost discourages consumption that would be valued more by
consumers than it costs to supply. The result is a loss of welfare. Likewise,
pricing below marginal cost encourages consumption that would not take
place if consumers faced a (higher) marginal cost price. Since the cost of the
excess consumption exceeds the value that consumer place on it, resources
are wasted.
Because the process of estimating marginal cost involves analysing the likely
cost effects of hypothetical changes in load or customers, an assumption
must be made about the degree of flexibility that the utility has in
responding to the assumed load change. In the terminology of economics, a
long-run marginal cost reflects changes in costs in a situation in which all
factors of production can be altered. Thus a long-run marginal cost is the
cost actually incurred to provide an additional unit of electricity only when
the system is optimal, and includes the cost of capacity added to return the
system to optimality. A short-run marginal cost is estimated assuming that
not all factors of production can be modified. Usually this is interpreted as
meaning that capacity cannot be expanded in the short-run and the utility
must provide the additional service with existing facilities. However, if load
grows but capacity does not, there is a higher probability of outages, and the
cost of this reduced reliability to consumers is an element of short-run
marginal cost. Higher load on the transmission system increases losses and
congestion, which requires running higher cost generators than when there
is no congestion. Since electricity systems are rarely optimal, it is short-run
marginal costs that are actually incurred when load changes.
Note that the distinction between short-run and long-run marginal costs is
not a matter of time horizon, but rather of flexibility to respond to load
changes. There is an important connection between short-run and long-run
marginal costs. When the reliability, losses and congestion components of
short-run cost become large enough, it is cost-effective to add capacity – and
marginal costs computed in these situations include the cost of new
Marginal cost studies conducted for use in tariff development often develop
short-run cost estimates for several years into the future, taking into
account capacity additions that are expected over that time period, but not
assuming that the system is always in optimality. This approach, since it
does have a time dimension, is referred to as a long-term marginal cost
Although short-run marginal costs give the most precise price signals to
guide efficient consumption decisions, it is sometimes difficult to estimate
the reliability component of short-run marginal costs, particularly for
distribution and transmission. The MAE will produce market prices of
generation that reflect short-run marginal costs of generation (including
shortage costs) because the price will rise when capacity is constrained. In
lieu of short-run marginal costs of transmission (other than congestion and
losses included in the LMPs) and distribution, marginal cost analysts
typically compute, as a proxy, the average expenditure on load-related
capacity additions per unit of peak load growth (annualised), along with
associated operation and maintenance expenses and marginal overheads.
This approach uses the relationship between short-run marginal costs and
investment decisions, discussed above, to substitute the average incremental
cost of projected capacity additions for the difficult-to-measure reliability
component of short-run marginal transmission and distribution costs (see
sections 3.2.2, 4.2.1, and 5.2.1 for a summary of the marginal cost methods
used for this review.)
In the current approach for DUoS and TUoS (and PES), capital costs in the
allowed revenues are determined on an average replacement cost basis –
historical costs are revalued to what it would cost to replace them were they
to be invested in today. Models have been developed that allocate the
replacement costs to customer categories using assorted allocation factors,
with the choice based on an assessment of the assets required to serve them.
Operating costs are then allocated by these models to customer categories
based on the same cost drivers. Although the revaluing of assets is similar to
a marginal cost approach, the current models include all costs, and do not
focus on costs that vary with amount of service provided.
Ease of implementation (the costs are all available in the books and
records of the companies.);
Match to Revenue Requirement more easily (the allocated costs sum
to the allowed revenues.);
Minimal change in tariff structures (Given the fact that existing tariffs
are based to some extent on average costs, a comprehensive average
cost tariff design might not result in wholly different tariff structures.
However since the present tariff structure does rely on many arbitrary
allocation factors, a full use of average costs might require significant
changes in tariff structures).
The principle disadvantage is that there is:
The Commission is of the view that a marginal costing approach can result
in straight-forward tariffs, despite the fact that it may be not be as simple as
an average cost approach. In addition, the need to adjust marginal revenues
to the revenue requirement can be done in a manner that does not overly
distort the efficiency signal to customers.
Both approaches were evaluated against the objectives published in the first
consultation of this review:
others paying less. Those paying
less than marginal cost would
tend to stay with PES.
Efficiency4 To develop efficient price Marginal Pricing is a better signal
signals to consumers to guide of the true resource cost of
short-run and long-run consumers’ electricity decisions,
consumption decisions and and a better signal of the relative
choice of supplier; efficiency of PES as a supplier.
To encourage efficient Marginal Pricing with time-
consumptions patterns across differentiation is the best way to
the day and year encourage efficient consumption
patterns. While average costing
can be time differentiated, the
costs must be ‘assigned’ to
periods and there is no
theoretically correct way to
choose the assignment factors.
Equity To avoid unnecessary bill Adjustments can be made to
impacts tariffs based on either costing
approach to limit unacceptable
bill impacts.
To develop charges which are Marginal costing signals to all
just and reasonable and not consumers the implications of
unfairly discriminatory their decisions to increase or
reduce consumption. Average
costing has the potential to be
controversial because the results
are so dependent on the
allocation factors chosen.
Consistency To gain consistency with new The marginal cost approach for
with market market arrangements, TUoS is more likely to be
including incentives for consistent with new market
efficient location of new arrangements because it is
generators consistent with the marginal
nature of short-run marginal
transmission costs included in
LMPs. Locational signals for new
generators are more a function of
connection charge policy and
TUoS structure, than choice of
embedded or marginal cost basis.
Renewables To gain consistency with Both approaches can be
government policy related to consistent with renewables
support of renewables policy.
Overall, the Commission is of the view that marginal costs, rather than of
embedded or average costs, are the best basis for tariffs that achieve these
4 The term efficiency here refers to Allocative Efficiency which is promoted by pricing at the
economic cost of the electricity supply.
The Commission invites comment on the cost basis for cost allocation and tariff
2.3 Reconciliation of Marginal Cost Revenue & Allowed
If the bill impacts from making all the adjustment in fixed charges are
unacceptable, adjustments can be made in the per kWh charges as
well or instead. For example, blocked charges are often used for this
purpose, with the adjustment made in the first block, leaving the tail
block fairly close to marginal cost.
d) Fixed Uplift
Several methods of uplift have been tested and are presented in sections,, and 5.3.3.
2.4 Identification of Alternative Structures
At present ESB Networks as DSO and ESB National Grid as TSO charge
customers connecting to the networks part or all of the attributable5 cost of
connection. The DSO and TAO/TSO collect remaining connection costs and
most other network and non-network costs through Distribution Use-of-
System (DUoS) and Transmission Use-of-System (TUoS) charges respectively.
Therefore, the extent of the connection charging directly affects the amount
to be recouped from tariffs and other charges.
5 The Attributable Cost is a proxy for the incremental cost of connecting a new customer or
group of customers to the networks, including network reinforcement costs. The
attributable cost is the estimated cost of the portion of the network that has to be built or
existing capacity expanded to provide capacity to the connecting customer. Where standard
or average charges exist, all new customers in the category pay these generic charges,
rather than individually-determined connection costs.
Ireland regulated supply and distribution tariffs have until now been defined
according to:
Low voltage customers are divided by the domestic and commercial use of
the connected premises. Business customers are often sub-categorised
according to their size and what metering is in place – electromechanical
metering or Maximum Demand metering. Larger Customers, on the other
hand, are associated with the voltage level at which they are connected.
Tariff components refer to the number and nature of the charges applicable
to customers in a given customer category. Components can be fixed
monthly charges or depend on customer usage during the billing period, can
be blocked, and can be time-differentiated in various ways.
Fixed Charges are charges that are not a function of the customer’s
usage during the billing period and are often used to recover costs
that vary with the number of customers being served.
Capacity charges (as the term is used in Ireland) are another form of
fixed charge as they are assessed on the customer’s kVA of MIC
(Maximum Import Capacity6), a cost that does not vary unless
additional investment is made to increase or reduce MIC.
6 Maximum Import Capacity (MIC) is the capacity that a customer contracts when seeking a
connection to the networks. ESB Networks construct the networks to provide this capacity.
upward are charged a capacity charge per kVA of MIC in any given
month in their DUOS tariff component These customers are not
charged demand or maximum demand charges for their network
usage. However, the PES tariff for the same customers does include a
charge on the basis of kW of maximum demand.
Network facilities are sized to handle their expected peak loads and to
ensure that customers’ capacity requirements can be met on an
ongoing basis, assuming that peak load is the more significant driver.
It is important to note that it can occur at different times in different
parts of the network, and at times other than the time of the peak
demand on the system as a whole. Since load growth at times when
capacity is adequate does not require additional capacity, it is
important to recover these network costs on a time-of-day usage basis
for customers with time-of-use metering, and on a seasonal basis for
customers with simple metering. Because the exact time of the peaks
on various facilities cannot be predicted with complete accuracy, it is
appropriate to recover these costs on the basis of energy used within
the critical periods when the peaks are likely to occur.
7 For example the Marginal Cost Study accompanying this paper identified 5 time periods – a
peak, shoulder and off-peak for the four winter months and a shoulder and off-peak for the
eight summer months.
incentive to restrain demand at other times, which may be equally or
more critical for the system.
In essence, the more pricing periods there are, the more similar are
billing on a per-kWh and a per kW-basis.
a) Energy Blocks
8 At the extreme of hourly prices, a charge per kWh is the same as a charge per kW - a kW of
demand imposed over an hour is a kWh.
9 This description limits the blocks to two, but additional blocks are also common.
energy block structure prices the first units used at a higher rate than
all subsequent units.
b) Demand Blocks
Load factor blocks define the size of energy blocks in terms of kWh per
kW of metered peak demand, instead of simply in terms of kWh.
Declining load factor blocking is another means to incentivise
customers to increase their load factor.
Time Differentiation
b) Seasonal Charging
(levelised) amount due. While this may lead to more complicated
billing systems it maintains price signals to customers while at the
same time smoothing cashflow considerations.
As can be seen from the table below, peak charges apply from 17.00 to 20.00
on weekdays in winter. Peak/shoulder charges combined apply from 08.00
to 21.00 in winter. The same time period 08.00 to 21.00 accounts for
weekday shoulder hours in summer. This consistency would facilitate the
introduction of time-of-use charging for customers not accustomed to it.
Table 2.3: Peak/Shoulder/Off-Peak Time Periods
Hour Ending W eekday Saturday Sunday Hour Ending W eekday Saturday Sunday
1 O O O 1 O O O
2 O O O 2 O O O
3 O O O 3 O O O
4 O O O 4 O O O
5 O O O 5 O O O
6 O O O 6 O O O
7 O O O 7 O O O
8 O O O 8 O O O
9 S O O 9 S O O
10 S O O 10 S O O
11 S O O 11 S O O
12 S O O 12 S O O
13 S O O 13 S O O
14 S O O 14 S O O
15 S O O 15 S O O
16 S O O 16 S O O
17 S O O 17 S O O
18 P S S 18 S O O
19 P S O 19 S o O
20 P S O 20 S o O
21 S S O 21 S o O
22 O O O 22 O O O
23 O O O 23 O O O
24 O O O 24 O O O
H our E nding W eekday S aturday Sunday H our E nding W eekday S aturday Sunday
1 O O O 1 O O O
2 O O O 2 O O O
3 O O O 3 O O O
4 O O O 4 O O O
5 O O O 5 O O O
6 O O O 6 O O O
7 O O O 7 O O O
8 O O O 8 O O O
9 O O O 9 O O O
10 O O O 10 O O O
11 O O O 11 O O O
12 O O O 12 O O O
13 O O O 13 O O O
14 O O O 14 O O O
15 O O O 15 O O O
16 O O O 16 O O O
17 S O O 17 S O O
18 S O O 18 S O O
19 S O O 19 S O O
20 S O O 20 S O O
21 S O O 21 S O O
22 O O O 22 O O O
23 O O O 23 O O O
24 O O O 24 O O O
Other Components
In the first paper of this review, the possibility of interruptible tariffs for
Distribution and PES customers was raised. An interruptible tariff offers
customers a discount from the standard tariff in return for willingness to
interrupt consumption when requested to do so. This flexibility allows the
utility to build less network capacity and to contract for less peak-period
energy in the (future) MAE.
2.5 Identification of Tariff Constraints
This section outlines the types of meters that are currently in use, the form
in which consumption data is recorded, and a breakdown of the present
installed metering per DUoS customer category. This information is
presented in three parts:
communication link that allows the meter to be read/downloaded
each night. This results in up-to-date information being available to
the market. At present, such metering is only installed for customers
whose MIC is greater than 100kVA or who have 300MWhrs
consumption per annum.
As a result there are at present some anomalies in the metering of DG5 and
DG6 customers. If customers have MD meters, they are free to choose
between being an MD customer (DG6) or a General Purpose customer (DG5),
provided there are no stranded costs or the customer pays any stranded
costs. If the premises do not have an MD meter installed, the customer does
not have the option of the MD tariff. The Commission is looking into this
issue, as underlying costs may not be fully recovered if certain customers
switch to a GP tariff, depending on their consumption patterns.
leads to inconsistencies between tariffs and underlying costs of serving the
While this approach makes sense in terms of metering and associated costs
it may lead to situations where customers within the same category group
will face different charges solely due to their installed meters and the
replacement cycle. Equity issues may arise as a result, since only some
customers will be able to save money by altering their consumption pattern.
This could be addressed by placing an obligation on ESB Networks to change
the metering on request from the customer, thereby allowing the customer to
benefit from any new tariff structure. The phasing out of old tariffs, such as
the MD tariff, will partly be dependent on the rollout costs of meters that
support the new tariffs, or the ability of old meters to be adjusted to support
new tariffs. This issue will need to be addressed and quantified, and is very
much dependent on the cost of replacement meters.
Furthermore, any change in the structure of tariffs may affect the billing
systems of suppliers. New tariffs may lead to implementation costs for
suppliers, which will ultimately be passed on to consumers. This needs to be
borne in mind so that new tariffs are introduced with minimum cost
implications for billing systems. However most new billing systems
incorporate significant flexibility and implementation costs associated with
supplier billing systems should therefore be minimal.
meters to influence usage patterns will be reduced, and the customer will be
unable to gain from the reduction in costs imposed on the system.
Time-of-Use pricing improves the efficiency with which resources, both fixed
and variable are used. The quantity of electricity consumed in each pricing
periods under TOU pricing is different from that demanded under a flat
pricing structure. It is possible to evaluate the losses and benefits arising
from such changes in consumption, and therefore to decide if such benefits
outweigh the costs of installing meters capable of supporting TOU tariffs.
The costs used for this analysis were limited to the annual unit and
installation costs of the meters. The annual costs of different meter types
were calculated by using a methodology for calculating the annual economic
carrying charges associated with fixed assets, such as meters. The
preliminary cost of introducing TOU meters is the difference between the
annual material costs associated with non-TOU and TOU meters. Further
possible costs arising from administrative and maintenance differences were
not calculated. These points are addressed at the end of this section. As
such, the findings below give initial cost-benefit indications only. A
comprehensive cost-benefit analysis encompassing all extra costs would
need to be undertaken before any decision on the timing and scale of the
introduction of TOU metering could be taken.
Using a model that evaluates the annual benefit, per customer group
(General Purpose and Domestic), of TOU pricing by calculating the changes
in consumer and producer surpluses brought about by the introduction of
TOU pricing, the Commission arrived at a number of threshold levels where
TOU metering should be installed.
For single-phase customers, the costs of TOU meters are above those
associated with 24hr metering. The extra annual costs of TOU meters are
also due to the fact that they have a shorter life span (approximately 10
years, compared to 30 years for 24hr meters). Nevertheless, the benefits
accruing from TOU pricing outweighed the extra costs for annual
consumption levels above 5,000 kWh. The Commission is of the view that
the installation of TOU meters for customers with single-phase connections
should be further investigated. These benefits were based on the standard
profile used by the DSO for domestic customers.
Metering costs for three-phase connections are significantly higher than for
single-phase connections. However, there is only a relatively small cost
difference between three-phase TOU and EM meters without MD
measurement functionality. As a result, the benefits of installing TOU
metering outweigh the associated extra costs at all levels of annual
consumption over 10,000 kWh. This is higher than the threshold level for
domestic customers, as lower elasticity values were used for GP customers.
These benefits were based on the standard profile used by the DSO for GP
These threshold levels in the table may be on the conservative side. As part
of the calculations, electricity price elasticities were used for the General
Purpose and Domestic customer groups. The values used were conservative,
and as a result the benefits may be understated. Nevertheless, any
assumptions around customer responsiveness to pricing structures are
inherently difficult to quantify and are subject to qualification. For example,
the price differentials between pricing periods, the length of those periods,
the amount of discretionary consumption, customer awareness and the type
and number of appliances at a site will all influence consumption behaviour.
The volume of literature on the subject illustrates the wide range of results
that can be achieved according to different circumstances.
The exercise was repeated to evaluate the benefits of meters with two tariff
registers, such as the current Day-Night meters. This type of meter can
support a peak/off-peak tariff structure. NERA identified peak hours in such
a structure as being weekdays from 16.00 - 21.00. The annual cost of a two-
register meter is only slightly higher than that for a 24hour meters, but the
price differentials over two periods are less than the differentials over three
period; as a result, the benefits of introducing two-register meters equalled
the extra costs of such meters at threshold levels similar to those for TOU
In light of these findings it is clear that the slightly higher costs of TOU
meters may not be a major deterrent to their introduction. These extra costs
can be outweighed by the benefits brought about by the change in
consumption patterns that TOU tariffs incentivise.
Beyond the higher cost of TOU meters there are a number of further areas
where the introduction of TOU tariffs may impose additional costs. The DSO
has informed the Commission that the extra administration costs can be
broken down to the following areas:
Increased back office procedures – The more complex data will require
a more complex business process to support additional validation and
DUoS Billing.
In addition, the timing of any installation program for TOU meters would
have different cost implications. A gradual “new for old” approach avoids
stranded assets but imposes costs from supporting both systems during the
transitional phase. A wholesale replacement program involves significant
one-off installation costs as well as the costs of stranded assets.
The Commission intends to explore these matters further with industry and
the DSO in order to quantify the costs described above. It will then be
possible to carry out a thorough cost-benefit analysis that will inform
subsequent decisions on the introduction of TOU metering to the market.
The Commission invites comment on the above described metering and billing
Under a TOU tariff, all customers are in a position to reduce the energy
component of their bill by shifting their consumption pattern. One of the
proposed PES TOU tariffs was analysed from an individual customer’s point
of view, and it was found that the energy component of the bill could be
reduced by 5%-10% by shifting the consumption pattern of the customer.
TOU tariffs, unlike flat tariffs, give the ability to price sensitive customers to
reduce their bill. The likelihood of a customer shifting their consumption
pattern will depend on the price incentives on them and also on their ability
to change their consumption pattern.
The incentive to change consumption pattern will depend on the difference
in the unit price in the different periods; the larger the difference, the greater
the incentive. The ability to change consumption pattern will depend on the
length of the period and the type of end-use. To illustrate these points, we
can take the case of a typical domestic customer.
Let us first of all assume that the peak period price is four times greater
than the shoulder price, and that the customer is aware of the large
difference in price. Consumption behaviour may then change in two ways.
Firstly, the customer may choose to postpone the use of some electrical
appliances to shoulder or off-peak hours, rather than use them during peak
hours. Examples could include the use of the washing machine, hot water
heater or dishwasher. This will be dependent on the timing of the peak
period. If the peak period extends to midnight, for example, it would be
impractical to do some of the tasks that require electrical appliances after
this time. However, if the peak period is reasonably short (ending at 9pm for
example), it will still be possible to perform many tasks in the shoulder or off
peak periods. A customer who chooses to do so will then avoid the peak unit
price and instead pay the shoulder or off peak unit price for the equipment
being used, thereby reducing their bill. Commercial customers have less
scope for changing their consumption patterns since most of their
consumption is non-discretionary – more equipment needs to be running at
certain hours, and cannot simply be delayed for a later stage.
Under the assumption that the flat average price reflects the costs of the
average consumption pattern, a customer with an average profile who does
not change their consumption pattern will have the same energy charges
under flat and TOU tariffs. Customers who have different profiles will have
higher or lower charges under TOU tariffs, depending on the exact shape of
their consumption profiles. However, all customers on TOU tariffs will have
the possibility of reducing their energy charges by changing their
consumption pattern.
Furthermore, under a flat tariff structure, the price during peak hours is
below the actual cost in those hours. As a result, peak time use will be
higher than if customers were charged the actual cost in those hours. This
results in higher average unit prices for all customers, including those with
relatively low peak time use. In this sense, TOU tariffs remove cross
subsidies and may be viewed as more equitable and in line with the “causer
pays” principle.
Table 2.6: Example of savings from consumption pattern shift under TOU
Flat rate: 4000 units x .086 = €342
Winter Summer
The table above reflects consumption patterns over one year. The drop in
winter peak consumption of 62 units in this example is the equivalent of 3.6
units per week. Domestic appliances typically have ratings of 2-2.5 kW, so a
reduction in the use of such an appliance in the peak period of one hour per
week translates into a weekly saving of 2-2.25 units, or an annual saving of
43 peak period units. Similarly, a single 50W light bulb in a vacant room, if
turned off for the four peak hours for each of the five weekdays translates to
a reduction in use of 1 unit per week or 17 units per winter period. Both of
these scenarios are realistic and achievable by customers if they chose to do
Such savings are in theory possible under flat tariffs, but there is little
incentive and more effort required on the part of the customer to reduce
their bill. A TOU tariff with a well-defined peak period greatly increases the
likelihood of customers changing their consumption pattern, thereby saving
themselves money and reducing peak time demand.
2.6 Customer Impact: Screening of Alternatives
In the marginal cost analysis preliminary pricing periods were selected. Two
sets of periods were developed – one for customers with MFM meters which
can accommodate multiple periods each month, and another set for
customers whose meters can handle only two periods within a month. (See
section above).
3.1 Introduction
The transmission system comprises high voltage networks used for the bulk
transport of electricity from generating stations to substations, from
generating stations to other generating stations, from substations to other
substations, to or from interconnectors or to final customers. There are over
5800km of transmission lines and cables at voltage levels of 400kV, 220kV,
and 110kV. At the 110kV level12 there are interface stations or exits points
between the transmission and distribution system and directly connected
customers. There are approximately 1.8 million distribution customers and
20 large directly connected transmission customers. Generators are
connected to transmission system at all transmission voltage levels.
This section also provides an overview of the screening and evaluation of the
potential alternatives.
12 Interface stations between the transmission and the distribution system also exist at the
220kV level in the Dublin region.
13 This paper can be downloaded from
portion of the costs14 of network assets that are specifically installed to
provide access to users (or small group of users) to the network.
TUoS tariffs recover the costs of all assets that are not recovered through
connection charges. The transmission costs currently recovered through
TUoS tariffs are categorised under two headings: ‘network’ and ‘non-network’
costs (also known as ‘wire’ and ‘non-wire’ costs).
Ancillary Services (Operating Reserve, Black Start, Reactive Power)
Regulatory Levy (TSO & TAO)
14 Demand customers currently pay 50% of their shallow connection costs upfront.
extent that generators pay for them.15 These costs may be dealt with through
the MAE settlement arrangements. However, in the absence of any detailed
assessment of reserve requirements caused by demand at this point, this
has been omitted from the base-case revenue requirement used for the
purposes of screening tariff alternatives.
Some TSO costs, related to system and market schedule and operation, may
vary directly with the number of market participants. These costs should
ideally be excluded from network costs and levied directly on all market
participants (generators and suppliers).
15 Reserve costs caused by demand load will continue to be recovered from demand via the
TuoS tariff where appropriate (for example in the case of regulation reserve).
3.2 Transmission Revenue Requirement & Marginal Costs
hours or periods within the year based on a probability of peak analysis that
determines each hour’s likelihood of being the peak hour. The results by
period (in 2004 inflated prices) are shown in Table 3.1 below:
Time-of-Use Cent
Winter peak 11.173 cent per kWh
Winter shoulder 0.312 cent per kWh
Winter off-peak 0.006 cent per kWh
Summer shoulder 0.001 cent per kWh
Summer off-peak No marginal network cost
Costs associated with other ancillary services (i.e., black-start capability and
reactive power) will still be recovered through TUoS charges. Black-start
capability is not a marginal cost because the need for this service does not
change with marginal changes in electricity consumption. To estimate the
marginal cost of reactive power, annual payments by the TSO to generators
was divided by energy transmitted at the transmission level in 2001 and
200216, and the two figures were averaged. The result was 0.06 cent per kWh
transmitted (2004 inflated prices).
3.3 Transmission Connection Charges (Demand & Generation)
Shallow and deep connection charges are often in the form of an upfront,
one-off charge. A deep connection charging policy results in higher upfront
charges for the customer and as a result reduces the transmission revenue
to be recovered through the TUoS tariff.
3.3.2 Options
a) Status Quo
b) Alignment of Demand and Generation Policies
3.3.3 Screening/Evaluation
a) Status Quo
The status quo socialises new customer costs and provides a cross-subsidy
to the DSO’s connections and large new demand customers from existing
customers. 50% is an arbitrary figure and the recovery of only 50% of costs
from new demand customers connecting to the transmission system is not
necessarily representative of true cost causation, as a result marginal cost-
based signals may not be provided and efficiency of connection decisions
may be distorted. However, most new transmission-connected demand
customers (and the DSO) may be relatively inelastic regarding their choice of
location – i.e. electric connection charges may be a small component of the
overall operating costs for large demand customers.
charging approach to both generation and demand customers is that
it may have a large bill impact for potential new transmission-
connected customers with high connection costs. However, the
expected number of new transmission-connected demand customers
is small.
(2005 Prices)
2005 2006 2007 2008 2009
3.3.4 Potential Alternative
The subsidy removal effect for other transmission users is likely to result in
a small efficiency improvement effect at first, although the effect should grow
over time as the cumulative effects of higher connection revenues put
downward pressure on the TUoS revenue requirement. The effect is likely to
be diluted when spread over all TUoS charges, as the amounts of money
involved with connections are likely to be small relative to the total
transmission revenue requirement.
3.4 Transmission Use of System (TUoS) Tariffs
The TUoS charging regime is designed to recover the total allowed costs of
the transmission business (net of connection charges revenue) from all users
of the transmission network. The allowed revenues comprise the network
and non-network costs of constructing, operating and maintaining the
transmission network in Ireland.
Of network related costs 25% are recovered from generation and the
remaining 75% are recovered from demand users (via suppliers) through
both capacity and energy-based charges.
a) Status Quo
b) Defining some of the current network costs as “Market-Participant
costs”, and recovering them through a separate Market Participant
46 Evaluation of Alternatives as compared to Status Quo
The disadvantage arises if market operation costs are largely fixed18 (and
many of them are: software costs, hardware costs, billing systems, staffing
levels, credit costs, and so on) as the average cost per participant is likely to
be much higher than the marginal cost per participant. Charging the average
cost to each participant would put small participants at a distinct
disadvantage which could discourage new entry of small participants an
outcome which the Commission is not in favour of. Therefore, any market
participant charge would need a rigorous analysis of the incremental costs
related to access to the market. This analysis should be possible as the
market develops.
It is likely that there is some scope for allocation of certain reactive supply
and voltage control costs to generators because generators can be directly
responsible for the system operator incurring additional reactive power costs
on the margin. Allocation of some reactive power-related costs to generators
has precedents in other countries. For example, it is relatively common for
the market rules to specify:
18 Or alternatively, related generally to the size of the market and not the number of
participants in the market.
means of allocation, and keeping the status quo would minimize rate impact
Other than some of the marginal cost of reactive power, the Marginal cost
study did not find the costs related with the remaining non-network costs to
be marginal with regard to any measurable billing determinant. Some
reactive power requirements are caused by demand load and generators,
while some are a function of the transmission system design. For the most
part, black start and reactive power costs are not directly proportional to the
activities of individual participants. Screening
3.4.2 Generation TUoS Categories & Detailed TUoS Structure
The TUoS charges applicable to generators are set out in the Generation
Transmission Service (GTS) schedule in ESBNG’s annual Statement of
Charges.19 The GTS schedule recovers 25% of the annual transmission
network costs and recognises two distinct categories of generators:
This approach allocates a share of the annual costs of the network20 to the
generator based on its usage of the transmission system, reflecting the fact
that cost depends on the distance and direction that power is being
transmitted as well as the level of power being transmitted. The methodology
rewards generators that offset network flows and allocates the cost of
unused capacity that exists in the network across all users.
Generators under the above schedules also pay a small portion of non-
network costs via a direct trip and fast wind-down trip charge. This charge is
levied on per MW basis of trip output in excess of 100MW.
a) Status Quo
20 The Costs include Depreciation, Operations and Maintenance and a Rate of Return.
b) Combined Generation Category
Under the current tariff structure the GTS-T schedule and the GTS-D
schedule are not substantially different. In fact the single difference is
the threshold of 10MW applied to distribution-connected generators.
All generators are subject to the same trip charges and reverse MW
mile methodology used to derive the capacity charge. Furthermore, a
participant-related cost would be incurred by both types of
generators. For this reason it may not be necessary to differentiate
between categories of transmission and distribution connected
generators. Evaluation
The marginal cost study assumes that the transmission marginal costs to be
recovered through TUoS tariffs are not marginal with regard to generation
export capacity, but rather to the growth in system peak demand. Therefore,
the nature of the costs charged to generators should not vary with the
voltage level they are connected to. A combined generation TUoS class seems
a) Status Quo
c) Postalised Charge
21 For example, using 2001 to 2004 Generation tariffs to set charges for 2005.
This option involves the introduction of a postalised or flat capacity
charge with no geographic, seasonal or time-of-day (TOD)
i) Applicable Threshold
ii) Trip Charges
iii) Unauthorised Usage Charge
iv) Market Participant Charge
v) MEC Administration
The current policy adjusts the results of the transportation model so that
total capacity revenue from generators matches the 25% allocation of
network-related TUoS revenue requirement to generators. Given this uplift
the result is a somewhat diluted set of locational charges.
However, this approach would raise a number of other issues that
would need to be considered. For example, the system operator, in
setting the locational charge each year, would need to take an
expectation of how the locational value would change in
subsequent years; this in turn would be a function of who builds
what, where they build it and when they build it. It would be
much as if the system operator was taking a position in the
market by guessing how market participants will react to its
decisions. Rather than have market participants take locational
risks – which is one of the key reasons for competition in the first
place– the central planner would be taking these risks, which
would result in an inefficient market outcome. Consumers would
receive the benefits of good central planning decisions, and
consumers (not generators) would pay the cost of bad central
planning decisions. Another problem with the once-off setting of
capacity charges is what charge to apply to existing generators.
Table 3.4 shows the impact of adopting options i) and ii) on the existing
generation tariff. For the analysis of the rolling average option a weighted
average was used, with greater weight placed on the most recent years’
tariffs. For the screening of the once-off tariff option 2001 generation tariffs
were assumed to represent the once-off locational tariff. For generators who
have connected after 2001 the first applicable tariff was used.
capacity TUoS charge for generators of €751.09. It is important to note that
as the locational charges have been variable, a one-year comparison does
not provide a complete picture.
Table 3.5: Postalised Capacity Charge for Generators
Station Capacity Generation Impact from Postalised Charge
d) Other elements of the GTS schedule
i) Applicable Threshold
An advantage of this option is that it should encourage generators
to choose an appropriate MEC and help the TSO to plan the
network efficiently. It is also consistent with the treatment of
transmission connected demand users who exceed their MIC.
a) Generator UUC
v) MEC Administration
extending a similar policy to cover transmission-connected
3.4.3 Demand TUoS Categories & Structure
The TUoS charges applicable to demand users are set out in the Demand
Transmission Schedule (DTS) of ESBNG’s Statement of Charges. The DTS
recovers 75% of the annual network costs and approximately 99.5% of non-
network costs. For billing purposes the DTS associated charges are levied
directly on suppliers. The DTS schedule has three categories:
Demand TUoS charges are levied through capacity and energy charges
according to the user’s category. Capacity charges are based on the
maximum import capacity (MIC) of the demand user (measured in MW),
whilst the energy charge relates to actual usage (measured in MWh).
Charging Bandwidth Adjustment: A transmission and distribution
demand user reducing its overall demand either temporarily or
permanently and thus not using its full MIC will pay lower capacity
charges as a result of the structure of network capacity charge which
incorporates a bandwidth. The bandwidth rules provide a range of
tolerance24 in respect of the total capacity charges which users are
liable to pay under periods where demands are less than their MIC.
a) Status Quo
24 A demand user whose MIC is less than 20 MW and highest metered demand is less than
80% of their MIC will be charged based on 80% of their MIC. A demand user with an MIC
value greater than 20 MW will be charged based on their MIC value minus 4 MW, providing
highest metered demand does not exceed this.
c) Amalgamate DTS-D1 and DTS-D2 Schedules into a single DTS schedule
(revision of metering technology required).
a) Status Quo
The advantage of maintaining the status quo is that it reduces the cost
impact of changes in metering equipment that may be required to implement
changes of customer categories. The disadvantage of maintaining the status
quo is that the perception of an unnecessarily complex demand tariff
structure may remain if capacity charges are in place. In particular, the use
of energy charges as a proxy for capacity charges in the case of DTS-D2
users has been highlighted in the Commission’s consultation on the existing
tariff structure as a source of confusion and unclear price signals. 25
This option would provide clear signals to the DSO with respect to
investment decisions concerning its exits from the transmission system. It
would also reduce the administrative burden of TUoS tariffs for small
suppliers, which may be of some benefit to suppliers.
The advantage of this option is that it ensures the consistent treatment of all
distribution connected demand users. However, combining the two
distribution-connected user categories would either require complex
metering (demand metering or some form of TOU metering) of all customers,
or would limit the TSO structure options that could be applied to the
combined class.
25 Refer to Existing Structure of tariffs in Ireland: Response Paper, CER/04/100, 09 March 2004. This
paper can be downloaded from:
a) Transmission-connected demand users; and
b) Distribution-connected customers – divided into two sub-categories,
depending on the type of metering equipment:
i. Distribution-connected customers with interval (TOU) energy
metering, and
ii. Distribution-connected customers with no TOU metering
Network Charges
a) Status Quo
This tariff structure would incorporate both seasonal and time of day
components in an energy only charge. Customers without TOD
metering would pay only seasonally differentiated per-kWh charges.
The charges would be based on marginal costs and would signal the
relative cost of consumption in the various pricing periods.
This tariff structure would incorporate both seasonal and time of day
components for Maximum Demand (MD) customers and seasonal and
time-of day energy charges (or seasonal-only energy charges) for
remaining customers (refer Section (e) for a discussion on
demand charges).
e) Alternative 4 (T4): Flat Capacity Charge and Time-differentiated Energy
This tariff structure would incorporate both a flat capacity charge per
kW of MIC, and an energy charge with a seasonal and time of day
component (or seasonal energy component only for customers with
no TOD metering capability). An arbitrary split would be required, for
example 70% energy/30% demand.
Non-network Costs
b), c), d) & e) The four marginal cost-based demand tariff options (T1 to T4)
It should be noted that, in those screened options where the structure calls
for both energy and demand/capacity charges (T3 and T4), it was
determined as an ex-ante constraint that 70% of the demand-user revenue
requirement would be allocated to classes on the basis of energy, and the
remaining 30% would be allocated on the basis of either peak demand (T3)
or MIC (T4) charges.
On the basis of this principle the marginal cost based tariff option T1 could
be argued to be the most favoured because it best tracks the marginal cost
structure and has comparable effects on each of the demand user classes
(all other options have a relatively high bill impact on DTS-D2].
The proposed charges would recover the remaining non–network costs such
as costs of black start, TAO insurance, and CER Levy currently recovered
through the system service charge. For screening purposes non-network
costs are assumed to continue to be levied on demand users through a
System Services Charge. Table 3.6 below compares the tariffs that would be
required to recover the remaining non-network costs (estimated for screening
purposes to be €20.5m) to the existing tariff, which recovers all non-network
costs (i.e. including operating reserves and constraints approx. €62.6m).
28 Operating reserve or regulation reserve required as a result of demand loads will continue
to be recovered through the TUoS tariff. This has been excluded for tariff screening
purposes given that there is no detailed historical data for this figure.
Table 3.6: System Services Charge
Existing Proposed
Non-Network Non-Network
(1) (2)
(System Service Charge) Related Charges
Day Night (no TOU)
(€ per MWh) (€ per MWh)
Demand Users (1) (2) (3)
(1) Charges for D1 and D2 are adjusted by current day/night Distribution Loss Adjustment Factors
(2) Charges for D1 and D2 are adjusted by distribution losses factor from MC study. These charges
are set to recover the 2005 External Cost except for Operating reserves and Constraints.
The advantage of this option is that it sends appropriate cost signals for
reactive power utilisation. At present there is no signal to transmission-
connected demand users (there is for distribution connected customers).
Customers connected to the transmission system previously saw a
surcharge under old ESB tariffs and maintained their power factor
accordingly therefore this charge is not expected to have material bill
impacts, given the existing behaviour of transmission-connected demand
29 For non-domestic customers, a Low Power Factor Surcharge of 0.699 - 0.574¢/kVArh applies when the
metered kVArh is more than one third of the metered kWh in any two month period. The charge is
applicable to the kVArh in excess of one third of the kWh.
32.87% [i.e. pf lower than 0.95) of the metered kWh and energy
consumption is greater than 50% of MIC then apply LPFS of 0.32
c/kVarh on the kVarh in excess of one third of the kWh.
This is consistent in structure with the Grid Code which states that a
Grid Connected Customer shall ensure that at any load above 50% of
Maximum Import Capacity the aggregate power factor as determined
at the Connection Point in any half-hour period shall be within the
range 0.90 lagging to unity. While the Grid Code provides an absolute
technical limit to power factor, it is appropriate for the tariff (which is
designed to be cost reflective and not punitive) to commence at the
level of 0.95 as this is the assumed power factor when converting
parties MICs from MVA to MW.
ii) Adopt similar methodology as DSO for the Low Power Factor
Surcharge. This would ensure consistency. The low power factor
surcharge applies when the metered kVarh is more than 32.87% [i.e.
average pf lower than 0.95) of the metered kWh in any monthly period
[DSO use 2 monthly period]. The charge is applicable to the kVarh in
excess of one third of the kWh
When the payment schedule to generators was originally formulated the cost
of providing MVarh from static devices was used as the basis for the cost.
€/MVarh 3.2
Cent/Mvarh 0.32
Table 3.8: Summary of Alternative TUoS Tariffs
TUoS Demand Options
The tables below shows the charges developed under each of the four options
(Options T1, T2, T3 and T4). Although a specific market-participant charge
was not screened, a proxy for the annual market-related costs (€1.15) was
used that would be separately recovered through market participant
31 The proxy for annual market-participant costs was based on the 2002 TSO “Customers
Records and Billing”, plus a portion of administrative overheads, converted to 2005 prices.
Table 3.9: Option T1
Customer Category (100% Energy allocation for Network-related costs)
DTS-D1 (MIC >0.5 MW) € 1.01 € 122.400 € 5.117 € 1.877 € 12.787 € 1.779 € 1.769 € 1.774
Table 3.11: Option T3
(€/ MWh) ------------------ (€ per MWh) ---------------- ----- (€ per MW of Max Demand) -----
Demand Users
DTS-T € 0.99 € 114.826 € 1.870 € 0.000 € 9.912 - - - € 1,871.53 € 0.000 € 0.000 € 1,447.41
DTS-D1 (MIC >0.5 MW) € 1.01 € 119.277 € 1.994 € 0.000 € 10.317 - - - € 2,158.69 € 0.000 € 0.000 € 1,669.50
Demand Users
DTS-T € 0.987 € 114.826 € 1.870 € 0.000 € 9.912 € 280.27
DTS-D1 (MIC >0.5 MW) € 1.009 € 119.277 € 1.994 € 0.000 € 10.317 € 302.67
Table 3.13 below shows the revenue the various alternative tariff structures
would generate from each tariff group and the percentage change as
compared with current revenues. One important consideration in evaluating
these changes is that all demand users see a negative percentage change in
their TUoS bills as a result of the removal of operating and constraint costs
to be recovered from TUoS charges. The average percentage change in TUoS
revenues under all scenarios results in -24% for demand users and –9.3%
for generators.
Table 3.13: TUoS Alternatives – Impacts by Category
(2005 €000) BY CLASS (2005 €000) BY CLASS (2005 €000) BY CLASS (2005 €000) BY CLASS
Demand Users
DTS-T 13,866 -22.13% 8,700 -48.88% 11,210.1 -35.94% 10,900 -37.51%
DTS-D1 (MIC >0.5 MW) 38,594 -34.32% 24,458 -58.08% 32,026.1 -45.39% 32,781 -44.10%
Generator User
ATS-D (as Gen.) 1,013 2.91% 1,013 2.91% 1,013 2.91% 1,013 2.91%
Overall Change 225,742 -21.39% 225,742 -21.39% 225,742 -21.39% 225,742 -21.39%
Table 3.14 below shows the change in annual TUoS revenues by user
category after excluding the effect of the change in overall revenue
requirement. Therefore the revenue impacts reflect the effect of a change in
TUoS structure under each alternative and the proposed change in the
current connection policy for demand users (100% up-front payment, as
opposed to 50%). The overall TUoS revenue change from the revision of the
connection policy is estimated as -1.52%.
D em an d U sers
D T S -T -1 .6 2 % -3 .5 7 % -2 .6 2 % -2 .7 4 %
D T S -D 1 (M IC > 0 .5 M W ) -2 .5 1 % -4 .2 4 % -3 .3 1 % -3 .2 2 %
D T S -D 2 -1 .4 7 % -0 .5 5 % -1 .0 3 % -1 .0 5 %
G e n e ra to r U se r
G T S -T -0 .6 7 % -0 .6 7 % -0 .6 7 % -0 .6 7 %
G T S -D 0 .2 0 % 0 .2 0 % 0 .2 0 % 0 .2 0 %
A u to p ro d . & C H P
A T S -T (a s G e n e r a tio n ) - - - -
A T S -D (a s G e n e r a tio n ) 0 .2 0 % 0 .2 0 % 0 .2 0 % 0 .2 0 %
O v e r a ll R e v e n u e C h a n g e -1 .5 2 % -1 .5 2 % -1 .5 2 % -1 .5 2 %
Finally, the bill impacts under each TUoS option assuming that the current
connection policy continues are shown in Table 3.15 below.
D em an d U sers
G en erator U ser
A utoprod. & C H P
4.1 Introduction
As per S.I. 445, the DSO's functions are ‘to operate and ensure the
maintenance of and develop, as necessary, a safe, secure, reliable,
economical and efficient electricity distribution system, taking into account
exchanges with other interconnected systems, with a view to ensuring that
all reasonable demands for electricity are met and having due regard for the
environment’. Duties include security of supply, the offering of connection to
all applicants in line with existing legislation32, accountability for
distribution losses; metering, meter reading and meter data transfer; and
with suppliers and customers, responsibility for meter revenue protection33.
The DSO recoups most of the costs of fulfilling these duties via distribution
connection charges and use-of system (DUoS) charges. The Commission
determines revenue requirements (normally for 5-year periods) for the DSO
at regular intervals based on the level of anticipated capital and operational
expenditure required in distribution networks. This five-year revenue
requirement, approved and adjusted on an annual basis for applicability
each January 1st, feeds through to annual DUoS tariffs.
32 For a more comprehensive account of the various DSO roles and responsibilities please see
metering equipment.
The distribution allowed revenue for 2004 amounted to €549 million. This
translates into a distribution use-of-system charge that accounts for
approximately 35% of the domestic customer tariff and 15% of the final retail
tariff for MV customers.
4.2 Distribution Revenue Requirement & DUoS Marginal Costs
In short, the local distribution system is designed based on the design load
of the customers to be served, not specifically on the number of customers or
their actual loads at any given moment.
Because the local marginal distribution costs are incurred based on the
design load of the customer, and do not vary with the customer's actual
peak load from month to month, it makes sense to recover these marginal
distribution costs in a fixed monthly charge imposed on the customer's
design load, or maximum import capacity (MIC). Likewise, since these costs
are not saved if a customer chooses to invest in a demand-side management
device or a more efficient appliance, it is important to keep these costs out of
the usage-sensitive components of marginal or avoided cost estimates.
34 The methodology used to calculate these components is contained in the Marginal Cost
73 ‘Demand-Related’ Marginal Substation and Sub-Transmission
The marginal cost of distribution substations and the lines and cables that
feed them, does belong in the usage portion of rates. If a customer uses more
in an hour when its distribution substation is peaking, additional capacity
will likely be required. If the customer reduces usage in such an hour,
capacity is freed up for use by other customers.
Meters and service drops, and related expenses, are dedicated to a single
customer (or building) and are treated as marginal customer costs.
DSO provided the 2002 installed cost of a typical meter and service
investment and the relative cost of meter reading and other customer-related
expenses for each customer category. The investments were annualised
using the same approach for other types of plant. Only 50% of the meter and
service drop investment was included in the marginal customer cost
estimates, consistent with a 50% connection charge policy.
If the DSO is given responsibility for acquiring energy to cover losses on the
distribution system, it will need to purchase energy for this purpose. The
marginal cost study includes an estimate of these marginal energy loss
costs; however, since the current DSO revenue requirement does not include
these costs, the illustrative tariffs developed for this review do not include an
energy loss component of the DUoS. The cost of distribution losses is
included in the marginal generation costs incorporated in the illustrative
PES tariffs.
the present arrangements with regards to distribution losses. Assuming the
present arrangements continue, losses will not form part of distribution
revenues and therefore will not have to be accommodated within the DUOS
The tables below summarise the substation and high voltage lines/cables
marginal costs by voltage level of service and costing period. The first table
expresses the costs in terms of cents/kWh. The second expresses the same
costs in terms of monthly peak demand by voltage level and time period.
W in ter S um m er
V oltage
P eak S h ould er O ff-P eak S h ou lder O ff-P eak
LV 9 .1 2 0 .7 4 0.34 0.4 7 0 .0 1
MV 6 .7 1 0 .7 1 0.33 0.4 5 0 .0 1
3 8 kV 6 .3 7 0 .3 7 0.14 0.1 9 0 .0 1
W in ter S u m m er
V oltage
Peak S h ou lder O ff-P eak S h ou lder O ff-Peak
LV 5 .8 8 1 .75 1.43 1 .3 4 0.06
MV 5 .6 0 1 .67 1.37 1 .2 8 0.06
3 8k V 4 .1 2 0 .88 0.58 0 .5 4 0.02
The two tables below summarise marginal distribution facilities costs (i) per
kVA and (ii) per customer as applied to a typical customer in each category.
Rural customers are not differentiated from urban customers.
Table 4.3: Distribution Facilities per kVA per month
M a r g in a l D is t r ib u t io n F a c ilit ie s C o s t
2 0 0 5 € p e r k V A o f M IC p e r m o n th
DG1 U r b a n D o m e s tic 3 .1 4
DG2 R u r a l D o m e s tic 3 .1 4
DG3 P u b lic L ig h tin g 3 .1 4
DG4 U n m e te r e d 3 .1 4
L V F R M eters
DG5 L V N o n -D o m e s tic - D T & G P M e te r 3 .1 4
A ll M D M e t e r s
DG6 L V N o n -D o m e s tic M a x D e m a n d 3 .1 4
DG7 M V M ax D em an d 1 .2 3
DG8 38kV Looped 0 .5 3
DG9 3 8 k V T a ile d 0 .5 3
U rb a n D o m e s tic 3 .7 5
U rb a n D o m e s tic D / N 5
R u r a l D o m e s tic 3 .7 5
R u r a l D o m e s tic N ig h tS a v e r 5
P u b lic L ig h tin g 28
C&I GP 10
C & I G P N ig h tS a v e r 35
LVM D 127
MV MD 1395
38 kV M D 5482
DG1 U r b a n D o m e s t ic G P M e t e r (& S e r v ic e s ) 2 .4 6
U r b a n D o m e s t ic D T M e t e r 2 .9 0
DG2 R u r a l D o m e s t ic G P M e t e r 3 .0 0
R u r a l D o m e s t ic D T M e t e r 3 .8 0
DG3 P u b lic L ig h t in g (p e r c o n n e c t io n ) 1 .7 0
DG4 U n m e te re d n/a
LV F R M eters
DG5 L V N o n - D o m e s t ic - G P M e t e r - 1 - p h a s e 4 .4 1
L V N o n - D o m e s t ic - D T M e t e r - 1 - p h a s e 5 .2 6
L V N o n - D o m e s t ic - G P M e t e r - 3 - p h a s e 5 .9 0
L V N o n - D o m e s t ic - D T M e t e r - 3 - p h a s e 7 .4 6
A ll M D M e t e r s
DG6 L V N o n - D o m e s t ic M a x D e m a n d 2 8 .8 5
DG7 M V M ax D em an d 2 8 .3 5
DG8 38kV Looped 7 2 .1 9
DG9 3 8 k V T a ile d 7 2 .1 9
There is one more element of marginal cost included in the distribution
marginal costs. The market rules may require the DSO to purchase energy to
cover both technical and commercial losses on the distribution system. In
this case energy losses are a component of distribution service and will need
to be recovered in the DUoS. Marginal energy losses increase at each
successively lower voltage level. In addition at any given voltage level losses
increase with system load. Thus there is a different energy loss adjustment
factor for each hour and for each voltage level of service. Hourly losses were
calculated by means of an approximation of quadratic losses based on
variable losses at system peak load and a forecast of 2004 hourly loads.
The starting point for the DSO revenue requirement used in the tariff
screening process was the 2004 DUoS charges multiplied by the 2004 billing
determinants. The 2004 DUoS charges were escalated to 2005 euros by
application of an inflation factor of 3.5%.
The table below shows the deemed 2005 DSO revenue requirement (for the
purpose of this review), and marginal cost revenues that would result if all
consumers paid the marginal cost of distribution service (net of connection
costs) for each element of distribution service, and the marginal cost revenue
gap. Note that charging marginal cost would not produce revenue sufficient
to cover the allowed revenue level.
35 The figures used for 2005 should not prejudice and are simply uplifted from 2004 by
projected inflation.
4.3 Distribution Connection Charges
All embedded generators, as outlined, have been obliged to pay 100% deep
connection costs. This provides a locational signal which encourages
embedded generation to connect to existing distribution facilities in
economically efficient locations.
36 The Attributable Cost is a proxy for the incremental cost of connecting a new customer or
group of customers to the networks, including network reinforcement costs. The
attributable cost is the estimated cost of the portion of the network that has to be built or
existing capacity expanded to provide capacity to the connecting customer.
37 As discussed in the first consultation paper of this review, Existing Tariff Structures,
exporting autoproducers are so defined as having a contracted MEC greater than contracted
One alternative is to switch to a 100% shallow connection charge policy for
embedded generators. However, any move to shallow connection charging for
generation would reduce the locational signal.
Charging some fraction of deep connection costs less than 100% would, in
most cases, represent less of a distortion in the locational signal than a shift
to 100% shallow connection costs. A less-than-100% deep connection policy
could be combined with the introduction of DUoS payments for exports by
generators. Without this addition, a portion of the costs of deep
reinforcement would fall on DUoS demand customers. However, the amount
of the cost shifts would be small if deep connection costs are small and/or
the number of new embedded generators is small. Presently deep connection
costs represent a small portion38 of generator connection charges.
Any move away from 100% deep generator connection costs could be
accompanied by the incorporation of ongoing O&M charges into a generator
DUOS export charge. However there would be transitional issues related to
imposing these on-going charges on generators who have already paid 100%
deep connection costs. It should also be noted that moving to 100% shallow
connection charges, while introducing DUOS export charges to embedded
generators, would put such generators on a similar footing to Transmission
connected generators. However, the costs of deep reinforcements to
embedded generators are relatively small compared to transmission-
connected customers, although by their nature embedded generators are
relatively small in size compared to transmission-connected generators. In
addition, embedded generators may require less network investment at
higher voltages due to their embedded nature. Therefore, on balance,
adopting an alternative connection charging policy where embedded
generators pay less in connection charges may result in higher long-term
costs for embedded generators. Two options being considered are to:
38 This issue has not been examined in detail for a period of two years, however in 2002 deep
reinforcement costs to embedded generators consisted of 6% of total connection costs. This
was based on a sample of connections at that time.
4.3.2 Demand Customer Connections
- 50% of standard dedicated connection costs, determined by an
analysis of the “least cost technically acceptable solution”
(LCTAS) or the minimum possible cost of a typical connection
for domestic, farm and business categories;
- Supplemental charges for very long network additions (with
“very long” defined differently for each type of customer);
- For customers with MIC above 500 kVA, a charge per kVA for
reinforcement of the existing system. In general the customer
is obliged to pay 50% of the attributable cost of the connection.
- Individual customers are entitled to a refund of part of the
connection costs (excluding the standard charge) if a new
customer connects to the same line extension within 5 years.
The amount of the refund is based on the relative capacities of
the users. The refund amount is included in the connection
charge of the new user.
The recovery of only part of the connection costs in upfront charges means
that customers with high-cost connections may be subsidised by customers
with low-cost connections, as the remaining connection costs are recovered
from all customers through the DUoS. Alternatives include:
the same beyond-allowance extension. Refunds would be computed as
a pro-rata share (either based on MIC or per meter of line used) of the
original contribution for the shared facilities, which is similar to the
present approach for business customers.
b) No Connection Charge
c) Revenue Test
Any change in connection policy would affect how refunds are administered
and will require consideration of some the risk of cross-subsidies between
existing and future customers.
4.3.3 Screening/Evaluation
Apart from the obvious changes in upfront charges for new connections, a
change in distribution connection policy would affect the amount of revenue
to be recovered in the DUoS. The effect would grow over time. The
combination of depreciation and return on capital expenditure under the
present regulatory model would result in the following reductions in DUOS
revenue were the connection charging policy of 100% upfront payments to be
adopted. These figures assume the present level of connections continues
over the coming five years.
These figures are indicative, based on the current depreciation policy and
allowing a rate of return of 6.5%.
While some of the above options are being given serious consideration, it
should also be borne in mind that separate connection allowance policies
may be implemented for different categories of customers. The screening of
DUoS alternatives, described below, assumes that the 50% connection policy
is in place.
4.4 Distribution Use of System (DUoS) Charges
The DUoS tariff recovers most of the costs faced by the DSO, having taken
contributions for connection costs39 into account.
DUoS charges vary by customer category. DUoS tariff categories are defined
by type of customer, type of meter (maximum demand or not; standard or
day/night), voltage level, and location on the network (looped or tailed; rural
or urban). The categories, by-and-large, follow the voltage level at which the
customer is connected. However, categories also take account of metering
constraints at LV level. For this reason, smaller LV customers are charged
under a non-MD category while larger LV customers whose size warrants the
installation of a MD or MFM interval meter are categorised as LVMD
customers. All tariff categories, with the exception of unmetered supplies,
include charges for day and night time periods, applicable to customers with
the appropriate meter.
For more information on existing DUOS categories please refer to the ESB
Networks published schedule of charges.
The Commission is of the view that the current categories are adequate and
do not require alteration. There are, however, some changes that could be
made that may or may not require new categories. Among these are the
a) Embedded Generation
a) Rebate to embedded generators in the form of a payment per
kWh of energy exported to the network during peak hours.) The
rebate could be based on the full avoided cost of demand-
related distribution as identified in the Marginal Cost Study, or
alternatively, a percentage of this avoided cost. Ideally, the
rebates should vary by location, although the avoided costs by
sub-region might be difficult to estimate.
The extra costs of supplying three-phase are primarily as a result of
the need for extra capacity. However, under the current tariff there is
no such differentiation.
As described in section 2.3 of this paper, the tariff components should reflect
the structure of the cost of service – i.e., costs that are fixed in nature
(metering costs and connection costs not recovered via connection charges)
should be collected through fixed charges, while variable costs such as those
caused by kWh use which in turn contribute to investment to cover system
use at certain times should be charged on a by-use basis.
Existing customer DUoS categories include some or all of the following types
of charges:
Under present structures, energy charges that recover costs that vary
with peak demand apply to all customer categories at different rates
and are time-differentiated (but not seasonally-differentiated) into
day/night periods for customers with Dual Tariff (day/night) meters,
maximum demand meters and MFM interval meters.
Customers with contracted MIC pay a MIC penalty, in the event that
MIC is exceeded, to discourage breach of contracted MIC levels.
Metering in place measures maximum demand on a 15-minute basis.
The Marginal Cost Study undertaken as part of the tariff structure review
identified potential alternative DUoS charges based on marginal costs. These
consist of the following:
41 Distribution facilities for commercial and industrial customers are generally designed on a
case-by-case basis, given the expected peak load of the customer. In short, the local
distribution system is designed based on the design load of the customers to be served, not
specifically on the number of customers or their actual loads at any given moment. We refer
to these costs as marginal distribution facilities costs, since the costs are both customer-
and (design) demand-related.
42 As stated in Section 2.5 almost all MV customers have on-line MFM or profile meters
capable of communicating meter data to the DSO via GSM. Those customers with off-line
MFM meters, i.e. those MFM meters that have to be read at the meter, are mainly installed
at LVMD customers’ premises.
This means that all maximum demand customers will have MFM
metering capable of recording time-of-use kWh data43. In other words,
LVMD customers, indeed all maximum demand customers, may be
charged on the basis of kWh used at particular times of the day; e.g.,
that time-differentiated kWh charges levied say at peak, shoulder and
off-peak periods would have the same or a similar effect to charging
for capacity demanded at peak. Moreover, a time-differentiated per-
kWh charge would have an advantage in that it would measure more
time-periods than the two peak hours (17.00-19.00) measured at
present (in winter) by MD meters. In other words a time-differentiated
kWh should replace the MD charge.
e) MIC penalty - when metered demand exceeds contracted MIC (DG6 and
The first alternative structure considered follows this marginal cost structure
(using per-kWh charges for substation and higher voltage costs). It must be
modified to fit the metering capability of some customer categories. Deemed
MIC can be used in place of a specific contracted MIC for customers without
MD meters. Seasonal energy and/or maximum demand charges can be used
for customers with no TOD capability. Customers whose meters can handle
only two day periods instead of the three used in the marginal cost study
can be charged energy charges that are recalculated for the two periods. This
alternative tracks cost causation most closely and would lead to the most
efficient DUoS tariffs.
Another alternative (shown in the table below) was considered. This second
alternative evaluated keeps the standing charge, but uses a different
combination of other charges, thereby sacrificing some efficiency of price
signal. Both alternatives were tested with two approaches to closing the
marginal cost revenue gap.
43 This would be subject to both the reconfiguration of existing MFM meters and the amount
of data an MFM can hold before being read – in cases where a meter reader must visit the
site this could be anything up to 13 months after the units are used.
Table 4.8: DUoS Alternatives
For instance, a DUoS tariff structure, D-1 (a), would translate into a tariff,
based on marginal cost, with a time-of-use kWh charge, a fixed customer
charge, a fixed per kVA charge, with the difference between marginal revenue
and the revenue requirement accounted for by adjusting the time-of-use
kWh charge.
Each of the alternatives used marginal costs as the basis for the charges.
Two approaches were used to close the marginal cost revenue gap: making
proportional reductions to standing and MIC (where they exist) charges; and
making equal adjustments to energy and maximum demand (where they
exist) charges. Adjusting the fixed charges is more efficient because it leaves
the charges related to usage closer to marginal cost. In cases where fixed
charges set above marginal cost would create unacceptable bill impacts on
small customers, adjustments to usage charges can be a second-best
solution. In the other approach, making comparable adjustments to all the
usage charges preserves the relative marginal costs for peak, shoulder and
off-peak hours and for the winter vs. summer seasons. Of course
combinations of adjustments to fixed and usage charges are also possible,
but were not tested for this study.
The table below shows the impact of the alternative structures and
alternative methods for closing the revenue gap on class revenue
requirements. Evaluation of selected alternatives’ effects on individual
customers is considered in the section on PES tariffs below. Revenue and
Customer impacts of the alternative tariffs are presented in the appendices.
Table 4.9: DUoS Alternatives – Bill Impacts by Category
D-1a D-1b D-2a D-2b
DUoS Customer Category Change Change Change Change
in Revenues in Revenues in Revenues in Revenues
By Class By Class By Class By Class
% % % %
20% D-1a
0% D-2b
Ur Ur Ru Ru Pu LV LV LV MV 38
ba ba ral ra l b li C& C& M D MD kV
n Do nD Do Do cL I ID MD
me om me me ig h /N
sti est sti s ti tin
ic cD g
D/ /
marginal cost figure, and hence the kVA charge, for rural customers should
be higher (and lower for urban domestics) reflecting the larger network per
head required for rural customers.
On balance any alternative tariff should also take full advantage of the time-
of-day capabilities of existing (or proposed) metering. Thus, all customers
with interval meters could face DUoS charges that are differentiated by time
of day as well as by season.
Time-differentiated per kWh charges give more efficient price signals than
time-differentiated maximum demand charges, and so the per kWh structure
for substation and higher voltage cost recovery should be preferred.
The Commission has a preference for a DUoS tariff that reflects the true
marginal cost structure and is of the view that the fixed charge adjustment
method for closing the revenue gap provides a better reflection of such an
approach. The alternative method might be appropriate if the revenue gap
required charging significantly more than marginal cost.
5.1 Introduction
As well as setting network tariffs, the Commission sets tariffs for the Public
Electricity Supplier (PES) on an annual basis. Regulation 31 of S.I. 445 of
2001 requires that the Commission set regulated supply tariffs for
customers of the ESB PES.
The Commission approves PES tariffs for various customer categories and
publishes these every October for application from January 1st the following
year. In so doing the Commission has to consider the impact that the level of
PES tariffs has on independent suppliers.
Since initial market opening in 2000 this role of universal service provider
has applied to PES in its servicing of both eligible customers, customers by
law allowed to choose their electricity supplier, and franchise customers,
customers served by the ESB PES or by suppliers procuring energy from
renewable or CHP sources.
As universal service provider, the tariff charged by the PES tariff will set the
benchmark against which other suppliers must compete. To this end the
PES tariff should be cost reflective and should reflect the underlying
transmission and distribution charging policy. This would have the effect of
facilitating retail competition, firstly, by increasing the transparency of the
cost inputs that make up the PES tariff, and secondly, by allowing for cost
reflectivity and recovery of costs caused by the use of a particular customer
This policy translates into, on the one hand, maintaining the time-of-use and
other economic price signals that are inherent in the Transmission and
Distribution charges while, on the other hand, facilitating retail competition
from other suppliers vis-à-vis PES tariff offerings.
Overall, it is the view of the Commission that PES tariffs should be set at
levels and with structures that best achieve the objectives of the Commission
– facilitation of retail competition, encouragement of energy efficiency, the
pass-through of proper network and generation price signals, and the
protection of final customers.
5.2 PES Retail Revenue Requirement & Retail Marginal Costs
As with all suppliers, most costs faced by PES are ‘pass-through’ of DUoS,
TUoS and generation costs. In addition the Public Service Obligation (PSO)
levy, as well as capacity margin payments to ESB Power Generation, are
added to the PES tariff faced by customers.
Therefore the marginal costs of the PES business itself are made up of the
PES’ marginal customer-related supply costs consist of the costs that vary
with the number of customers on the system, independent of the customer’s
consumption. These include billing, revenue collection, customer service and
administrative costs, etc.
PES writes off some bad debt each year. The study assumed that bad debt is
marginal with respect to revenue; i.e., as PES sells more or less service, its
bad debts will change proportionally.
No marginal plant requirements were identified for PES, which has some
computer assets, but no significant expectation to invest in any further plant
and equipment. As a consequence, there is no capital component in the PES
marginal costs.
The table below summarises PES marginal customer-related and revenue-
related marginal costs:
1 Percent of Generation, TU oS, DU oS and other PES charges
PES M ARG INAL CO ST Study M arch 11 04.XLS.
Tab: PES M arginal Cost Allocation
The Marginal Cost Study used as the basis for PES alternative tariffs uses a
forecast of generation prices that include estimates of VOLL (value of lost
load) and LOLP (loss-of-load probability) in the absence of a forecast of
market prices.
In an actual PES tariff review, the PES tariffs would be set to recover TUoS
and DUoS charges and generation costs, all of which would be marginal
costs for PES, on a pass-through basis. The only element of marginal cost
revenue gap would be the difference between PES’s own total costs and
marginal costs. As a result, there would be very little gap to close. For
purposes of analysing alternative PES tariff structures, we used the revenue
produced by the 2004 tariffs and the assumed billing determinants for 2005.
The current PES revenue requirement includes PES’ allowed generation
costs, which may be quite different from market prices PES will face in the
future. As there is no generation component specifically identified in each of
the PES tariffs, no adjustment for this mismatch was possible. In addition,
changes in TUoS and DUoS that would result from new policies for these
tariffs would change those elements of PES’ costs. Since the generation
component of PES revenue requirement is very uncertain, no effort was
made to modify the total PES revenue requirement assumed in the tariff
screening process.
In the development of the alternative PES tariffs, the difference between the
total PES revenue under current tariffs and the marginal cost revenue
(including marginal generation costs, TUoS charges and DUoS charges) was
spread proportionally to all tariffs and all tariff components to avoid
introducing a distortion that would affect the evaluation of the alternative
5.3 PES Tariffs
As stated above in section 5.1 above, the Commission is of the view that PES
tariff categories and structural components should reflect underlying DUoS
and TuoS tariff characteristics. Moreover PES tariffs should also reflect the
underlying costs of the relevant TUoS and DUoS categories, adjusted to
include generation costs, supply margin, supply costs and the PSO.44
Current PES tariff categories are divided by location (urban/rural), end use,
type of metering (standard, day/night, maximum demand/interval metering)
and voltage level. NightSaver service is optional for low voltage customers
with day/night meters but no demand meters. Urban domestic customers
without day/night meters pay the night price for energy used by night
storage heating devices on timers.
44 Because the PSO would apply to all tariff alternatives, it has not been included in the
screening analysis.
Maximum Demand (MV), Maximum Demand (38 kV) & Maximum
Demand (110 kV)
Currently PES charges do not mirror TUoS or DUoS charges. Any increment
in customer usage imposes a financial marginal cost to PES, reflected in the
TUoS and DUoS charges that PES is subject to. Therefore, PES charges
should mirror as close as possible the structure in TUoS and DUoS charges.
Currently, this is not the case for some categories. For example, DUoS DG6
(LV Non-Domestic Customers, Maximum Demand) are subject to a monthly
MIC charge, while the PES MD LV customers pay seasonally-differentiated
metered demand charges and load-factor based energy charges.
Where the supply tariff deviates from underlying cost structure is principally
in the following areas:
While the day rates of the day/night domestic DUoS tariffs (DG1 and
DG2) are higher than the unrestricted 24-hour domestic rate, the PES
domestic day rates are the same as the 24-hour rate. The equivalent
night rate for PES domestics is a fraction of the day rate. In addition,
the current TOD differentiation (day/night) in tariffs does not allow
customers to know in which hours their marginal usage imposes the
highest cost on generation, transmission and distribution systems; a
uniform average charge across 15 daily hours does not encourage
customers to make efficient electricity consumption decisions. Price
signals would improve with a clearer peak period definition.
Seasonal Differentiation
Maximum Demand Related Charges (kW) (LVMD and above)
One of the impacts of the costing methodology employed during this review
is the resulting reflection of underlying costs of serving customers at a given
voltage level. As such, the differentiation between Domestics and General
Purpose customers for example may be reduced if the costs of serving these
customers are similar. This would in turn impact on the need for a
Residential Business Category.
Overall the Commission is satisfied with the number and nature of current
customer categories on offer.
100 Potential Alternatives – Structure
PES customers pay these at present. The fixed customer cost should
only reflect customer costs.
The Commission is of the view that costs that vary with usage would
be passed through as time-differentiated charges reflecting when they
occur. These should apply to network costs in the first instance. The
pass-through of generation costs will be considered during the
implementation phase of this review.
e) MIC penalty
g) Interruptible Tariff
can be reduced or foregone by the customer at these times. While this
issue is being addressed as part of the MAE as part of demand side
bidding, it should be noted that ESB PES tariffs are likely to include a
component of interruptible tariff to facilitate demand side bidding
Table 5.2: PES Alternatives
Becau use the total PES revenue requirement used as a target for each set of
tariffs is not a precise figure, each PES marginal cost element was scaled up
proportionally to determine the charges under each combination of TUoS
and DUoS structures.
The series of charts below illustrate the effect of the alternative PES
structures on revenue allocation to the various customer categories. Also
shown in Appendix C is the share of the class’ revenue recovered in standing
charges, capacity charges, energy charges, etc. All of the computations
ignore PSO costs, which are common to all tariff structures. The specific
charges that make up the illustrative tariffs are shown below.
Figure 5.1 PES Category Revenue Impacts – Options D1 and D2
combined with T1
15% T-A1&D-1a
5% T-A1&D-2b
Figure 5.2 PES Category Revenue Impacts – Options D1 and D2
combined with T4
15% T-A4&D-1a
Overall, PES revenues, reflecting DUoS revenues somewhat, decline for low
voltage (LV) commercial categories, with LV Max Demand revenues showing
the greatest fall. It should noted that the decline in rural domestic day/night
tariffs and the corresponding increases in urban domestic charges are
mainly due to the use, for the sake of simplicity, of the same per kVA
marginal cost figure as for urban and rural customers. In reality the kVA
marginal cost, and hence the kVA charge, for rural customers should be
higher (and lower for urban domestics) reflecting the larger network per head
required for rural customers.
Over the next number of months the Commission will publish a draft
decision on tariffs and will subsequently look at how best to implement this
The implementation phase of the review, and the speed at which the
implementation takes place, will be guided by the potential impacts that the
alternative tariff structures proposed in this paper will have on all customer
The tables and figures presented here further demonstrate the results of
screening of distribution and PES supply alternative tariffs described in the
main document. For the purpose of comparison existing tariffs are also
included. However, caution should be taken when comparing existing tariffs
with alternatives screened as the costing methodology, cost components and
time periods differ entirely.
It should be noted that the alternatives tariffs presented here are illustrative,
and the resulting bill impacts are only approximate. More detailed analysis is
required if tariffs are actually set on these models. This analysis will be
undertaken during the implementation stage of this review.
The tables below show the DUoS charges for Options D1 (a) and D1(b), also
shown in the main body of the text, as well as Options D2 (a) and D2 (b).
Table 2: DUoS Existing Structural Components
Existing Com ponents Ex isting T ariff
T ariff
C ategory
D G -1 Custo m er S tan din g C h arge 24h r 3.41
(Urban (€ /m onth) Standin g C harge Peak/O ff- 3.96
D om estic) Cap acity kV A (M IC)
(€ /k V A)
D G -6 to D G -9
Existing Com ponents Ex isting T ariff
T ariff
C ategory
D G –6 (LV Custom er Standing Charge 58.27
M D) Cap acity kV A (M IC) 2.18
Energy (kWh) D ay 2.062
N ight 2.400
O ther Low Pow er Factor 0.699
D G –7 (M V Custom er Standing Charge 185.84
M D) Cap acity kV A (M IC) 1.36
Energy (kWh) D ay 0.648
N ight 0.096
O ther Low Pow er Factor 0.616
D G –8 & Custom er Standing C harge (Looped) 3,155
D G 9 (38 k V ) Standing C harge (Tailed) 887
Cap acity kV A (M IC) 0.67
Energy (kWh) D ay 0.141
N ight 0.010
O ther Low Pow er Factor 0.616
Table 3 (Non-MD & MD): DUoS Alternative D1
DG-1 to DG-5
Alternative Tariff
Existing Components Usage Charge Fixed Charge
Tariff Adjusted Adjusted
Category D-1(a) D-1(b)
DG -1 (Urban Customer Standing Charge 24hr 2.46 2.33
Domestic) (€/month)
Standing Charge Peak/Off- 2.90 2.75
Capacity kVA (MIC) 3.14 2.98
Energy WINTER Flat (St. meter) 1.12 1.26
Peak 5.91 6.13
Off-Peak 0.25 0.40
DG-6 to DG-9
Alternative Tariff
Existing Components Usage Charge Fixed Charge
Tariff Adjusted Adjusted
Category D-1(a) D-1(b)
DG –6 (LV MD) Customer Standing Charge 28.85 27.37
Capacity kVA (MIC) 3.14 2.98
Energy WINTER Peak 8.98 9.12
(cent/kWh) Shoulder 0.74
Off-Peak 0.21 0.34
Shoulder 0.33 0.47
Off-Peak 0.00 0.01
DG –7 (MV MD) Customer Standing Charge 28.35 27.37
Capacity kVA (MIC) 1.23 1.17
Energy WINTER Peak 8.53 8.67
(cent/kWh) Shoulder 0.57 0.71
Table 4 (Non-MD & MD): DUoS Alternative D2
DG-1 to DG-5
Alternative Tariff
Existing Components Usage Charges Fixed Charge
Tariff Adjusted Adjusted
Category D-2(a) D-2(b)
DG -1 (Urban Customer Standing Charge 24hr 2.46 2.24
Domestic) (€/month)
Standing Charge Peak/Off- 2.90 2.64
Capacity kVA (MIC) 3.14 2.86
Energy WINTER Flat (St. meter) 0.82 1.26
(cent/kWh) Peak 5.60 6.13
Off-Peak 0.00 0.40
DG-6 to DG-9
Alternative Tariff
Existing Components Usage Charge Fixed Charge
Tariff Adjusted Adjusted
Category D-2(a) D-2(b)
DG –6 (LV MD) Customer Standing Charge 28.85 26.26
Capacity kVA (MIC) 3.14 2.86
Energy WINTER Peak 0.00 0.00
(cent/kWh) Shoulder 0.00 0.00
Off-Peak 0.00 0.00
Shoulder 0.00 0.00
Off-Peak 0.00 0.00
Max Demand WINTER Peak 5.59 5.88
(€/kW) Shoulder 1.46 1.75
Off-Peak 1.15 1.44
Shoulder 1.05 1.34
Off-Peak 0.00 0.06
DG –7 (MV MD) Customer Standing Charge 28.35 25.81
Capacity kVA (MIC) 1.23 1.12
Energy WINTER Peak 0.00 0.00
(cent/kWh) Shoulder 0.00 0.00
Off-Peak 0.00 0.00
Shoulder 0.00 0.00
Off-Peak 0.00 0.00
Max Demand WINTER Peak 5.30 5.59
(€/kW) Shoulder 1.38 1.67
Off-Peak 1.08 1.37
Shoulder 0.99 1.28
Off-Peak 0.00 0.05
DG –8 & DG9 Customer Standing Charge 72.19 65.71
(38 kV) (€/month)
Capacity kVA (MIC) 0.53 0.48
Energy WINTER Peak 0.00 0.00
(cent/kWh) Shoulder 0.00 0.00
Off-Peak 0.00 0.00
Existing and alternative PES tariffs are presented in this section. PES tariffs
combine TUoS, DUoS, supply charges as well as PES generation costs. The
table below shows all the alternative PES tariffs tested.
It should be noted that while existing components are listed here, no direct
comparison should be made with alternatives due to the fact that time
periods as well tariff structural components are entirely different.
****It should be noted that kVA figures are per month and refer to deemed
facilities cost rather than contracted customer MIC****.
Table 2: Existing PES Tariff Components
Existing Components Existing
Tariff Tariff
Urban Customer Standing Charge 24hr 6.44
Domestic (€/month) Standing Charge Nightsaver 16.26
Energy 24-hour 11.07
(cent/kWh) Day 11.07
Night 4.90
Rural Customer Standing Charge 24hr 11.76
Domestic (€/month) Standing Charge Nightsaver 23.22
Energy 24-hour 11.07
(cent/kWh) Day 11.07
Night 4.90
Commercial & Customer Standing Charge 24hr 15.76
Industrial (€/month) Standing Charge Nightsaver 20.17
Energy 24 hour First 8000kWh/2 mths 12.97
(cent/kWh) Remaining Units 11.05
Day Unit First 8000kWh/2 mths 13.81
Remaining Units 11.05
Night 4.90
Table 3: PES Alternative T1 D1
Non-Maximum Demand Customers
Alternative Tariff
T-1 D-1
Existing Components Usage Fixed Charge
Tariff Adjusted Adjusted
Category T-1 D-1a T-1 D-1b
Urban Customer
Domestic (€/month) Standing Charge 24hr
5.12 5.00
Standing Charge Nightsaver
5.57 5.43
Capacity kVA (MIC) 3.18 3.03
Energy WINTER Flat (St. meter) 0.11 0.12
(cent/kWh) Peak 0.32 0.33
Off-Peak 0.06 0.06
Rural Customer
Domestic (€/month) Standing Charge 24hr
5.67 5.52
Maximum Demand Customers
Alternative Tariff
T-1 D-1
Existing Components Usage Fixed Charge
Tariff Adjusted Adjusted
Category T-1 D-1a T-1 D-1b
MD LV Customer
Standing Charge 24hr
(€/month) 40.40 38.98
Capacity kVA (MIC) 3.18 3.02
Energy WINTER Peak 0.43 0.43
(cent/kWh) Shoulder 0.11 0.11
Off-Peak 0.04 0.05
MD 38kV Customer
Standing Charge 24hr
(€/month) 84.26 80.68
Capacity kVA (MIC) 0.53 0.51
Energy WINTER Peak 0.38 0.38
(cent/kWh) Shoulder 0.10 0.10
Off-Peak 0.04 0.04
MD 110kV Customer
(€/month) Standing Charge 24hr
84.26 80.68
Capacity kVA (MIC) 0.53 0.51
(€/kVA) 0.00 0.00
Energy WINTER Peak 0.37 0.37
(cent/kWh) Shoulder 0.10 0.10
Off-Peak 0.04 0.04
Table 4: PES Alternative T1 D2
Non-Maximum Demand Customers
Alternative Tariff
T-1 D-2
Existing Components Usage Charges Fixed Charge
Tariff Adjusted Adjusted
Category T-1 D-2a T-1 D-2b
Urban Customer
Domestic (€/month) Standing Charge 24hr
5.15 4.90
Rural Customer
Domestic (€/month) Standing Charge 24hr
5.70 5.40
Maximum Demand Customers
Alternative Tariff
T-1 D-2
Existing Components Usage Charges Fixed Charge
Tariff Adjusted Adjusted
Category T-1 D-2a T-1 D-2b
MD LV Customer
Standing Charge 24hr
(€/month) 40.64 37.78
MD MV Customer
Standing Charge 24hr 40.13 37.31
Capacity (€/kVA) kVA (MIC)
1.25 1.13
Energy WINTER Peak 0.32 0.32
(cent/kWh) Shoulder 0.10 0.10
Off-Peak 0.04 0.04
MD 110kV Customer
Standing Charge 24hr
(€/month) 84.76 77.70
Capacity (€/kVA) kVA (MIC) 0.54 0.49
Energy WINTER Peak 0.31 0.30
(cent/kWh) Shoulder 0.10 0.10
Off-Peak 0.04 0.04
Table 5: PES Alternative T4 D1
Non-Maximum Demand Customers
Alternative Tariff
T-4 D-1
Existing Components Usage Charges Fixed Charge
Tariff Adjusted Adjusted
Category T-4 D-1a T-4 D-1b
Urban Customer
Domestic (€/month) Standing Charge 24hr
5.10 4.98
Standing Charge Nightsaver
5.55 5.40
Capacity kVA (MIC) 3.50 3.34
Energy WINTER Flat (St. meter) 0.11 0.11
Peak 0.31 0.32
Off-Peak 0.06 0.06
Rural Customer
Domestic (€/month) Standing Charge 24hr
5.65 5.50
Maximum Demand Customers
Alternative Tariff
T-4 D-1
Existing Components Usage Charges Fixed Charge
Tariff Adjusted Adjusted
Category T-4 D-1a T-4 D-1b
MD LV Customer
Standing Charge 24hr
(€/month) 40.24 38.81
Capacity kVA (MIC) 3.49 3.33
Energy WINTER Peak 0.42 0.43
(cent/kWh) Shoulder 0.11 0.11
Off-Peak 0.04 0.04
MD MV Customer
(€/month) Standing Charge 24hr
39.74 38.34
Capacity kVA (MIC) 1.55 1.48
Energy WINTER Peak 0.40 0.40
(cent/kWh) Shoulder 0.10 0.10
Off-Peak 0.04 0.04
MD 38kV Customer
Standing Charge 24hr
(€/month) 83.93 80.34
Capacity kVA (MIC) 0.84 0.81
Energy WINTER Peak 0.37 0.37
(cent/kWh) Shoulder 0.10 0.10
Off-Peak 0.04 0.04
MD 110kV Customer
(€/month) Standing Charge 24hr
83.93 80.34
Capacity kVA (MIC) 0.81 0.79
Energy WINTER Peak 0.36 0.37
(cent/kWh) Shoulder 0.09 0.10
Off-Peak 0.04 0.04
Table 6: PES Alternative T4 D2
Non-Maximum Demand Customers
Alternative Tariff
T-4 D-2
Existing Tariff Components Usage Charges Fixed Charge
Category Adjusted Adjusted
T-4 D-2a T-4 D-2b
Urban Domestic Customer
(€/month) Standing Charge 24hr
5.09 4.88
Standing Charge Nightsaver 5.54 5.28
Capacity kVA (MIC) 3.49 3.21
Energy WINTER Flat (St. meter) 0.11 0.11
Peak 0.31 0.32
Off-Peak 0.06 0.06
Maximum Demand Customers
Alternative Tariff
T-4 D-2
Existing Tariff Components Usage Charges Fixed Charge
Category Adjusted Adjusted
T-4 D-2a T-4 D-2b
MD LV Customer
Standing Charge 24hr 40.19 37.64
kVA (MIC) 3.49 3.21
Energy WINTER Peak 0.33 0.33
(cent/kWh) Shoulder 0.10 0.10
Off-Peak 0.04 0.04
MD MV Customer
Standing Charge 24hr
(€/month) 39.69 37.18
Capacity kVA (MIC)
(€/kVA) 1.54 1.43
Energy WINTER Peak 0.32 0.32
(cent/kWh) Shoulder 0.10 0.10
Off-Peak 0.04 0.04
MD 110kV Customer
Standing Charge 24hr 83.83 77.41
Capacity kVA (MIC)
(€/kVA) 0.81 0.77
Energy WINTER Peak 0.30 0.30
(cent/kWh) Shoulder 0.09 0.09
Off-Peak 0.04 0.04
SUMMER Shoulder 0.07 0.07
Off-Peak 0.03 0.03
Max Demand WINTER Peak 3.86 4.15
(€/kW) Shoulder 0.60 0.89
Off-Peak 0.30 0.58
SUMMER Shoulder 0.26 0.54
Off-Peak 0.00 0.02
The bar charts below show the composition of the annual revenues in terms
of tariff components for selected PES tariffs using TUoS option T4 (see
section 3 of the paper). Note that the segment of the bars labelled “revenue”
is the portion of PES costs recovered on the basis of revenue.
Note also that the diagrams are scaled to denote actual revenue changes and
not percentage changes.
Annual Revenue
Urban Domestic Standard
€ 500,000
€ 400,000 Revenue
€ 300,000
€ 200,000
€ 100,000
T4 D1b
T4 D2b
T4 D1a
T4 D2a
Annual Revenue
Urban Domestic Nightsaver
€ 120,000
€ 100,000 Revenue
€ 80,000 Standing
€ 60,000 kVA MIC
€ 40,000 kW
€ 20,000 kWh
T4 D1a
T4 D2a
T4 D1b
T4 D2b
Annual Revenue
Rural Domestic Standard
€ 400,000
€ 350,000 Revenue
€ 300,000
€ 250,000 Standing
€ 200,000 kVA MIC
€ 150,000 kW
€ 100,000
€ 50,000 kWh
T4 D1a
T4 D2a
T4 D1b
T4 D2b
Annual Revenue
Rural Domestic Nightsaver
€ 70,000
€ 60,000 Revenue
€ 50,000 Standing
€ 40,000
€ 30,000
€ 20,000 kW
€ 10,000 kWh
T4 D1b
T4 D2b
T4 D1a
T4 D2a
Annual Revenue
Publ ic Lighting
€ 16,000
€ 14,000
€ 12,000 Revenue
€ 10,000 Standing
€ 8,000 kVA MIC
€ 6,000 kW
€ 4,000 kWh
€ 2,000
T4 D1b
T4 D2b
T4 D1a
T4 D2a
Annual revenue
GP C&I Standard Tariff
€ 180,000
€ 160,000 Revenue
€ 140,000
€ 120,000 Standing
€ 100,000
€ 80,000 kVA MIC
€ 60,000 kW
€ 40,000
€ 20,000 kWh
T4 D1b
T4 D2b
T4 D1a
T4 D2a
Annual Revenue
GP C&I NightSaver
€ 140,000
€ 120,000
€ 100,000
€ 80,000
€ 60,000
€ 40,000
€ 20,000
T4 D1b
T4 D2b
T4 D1a
T4 D2a
Annual Revenue
€ 300,000
€ 250,000 Revenue
€ 200,000 Standing
€ 150,000 kVA MIC
€ 100,000 kW
€ 50,000 kWh
T4 D1b
T4 D2b
T4 D1a
T4 D2a
Annual Revenue
€ 80,000
€ 70,000
€ 60,000
€ 50,000 Standing
€ 40,000 kVA MIC
€ 30,000 kW
€ 20,000
€ 10,000 kWh
T4 D1b
T4 D2b
T4 D1a
T4 D2a
Annual R evenue
M D 38 kV
€ 56,000
€ 54,000
€ 52,000
€ 50,000 Standing
€ 48,000 kVA MIC
€ 46,000 kW
€ 44,000
€ 42,000
€ 40,000
T4 D1b
T4 D2b
T4 D1a
T4 D2a
Annual Revenue
MD 110 kV
€ 62,000
€ 60,000
€ 58,000 Revenue
€ 56,000
€ 54,000
€ 52,000 kWh
€ 50,000
€ 48,000
T4 D1a
T4 D2a
T4 D1b
T4 D2b