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Competency Level of Grade 10 Mathematics Teachers in Pangasinan, Philippines

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1(1): 12-15, December 2017


Competency Level of Grade 10 Mathematics

Teachers in Pangasinan, Philippines
Irma Mirasol C. Ferrer
College of Teacher Education
Pangasinan State University

Abstract—The study investigated the competency level of Grade 10 mathematics teachers in Pangasinan II as a
follow-up of the Mass Training of Teachers in mathematics, a National Training Program conducted by the Department
of Education in preparing its teachers for the K to 12. The descriptive survey method was used in the study. A year after
the training, the teaching competence along content and pedagogy was determined through self-assessment via
questionnaire training was conducted. There were eight topics for content and four components for pedagogy namely the
use of 21st century skills, differentiated instruction, localization and contextualization, and classroom assessment. The
Grade 10 Mathematics teachers were dominated by females who are young and are presently pursuing a master’s degree
with a position of Teacher 3. The teachers assessed themselves as competent to teach Grade 10 mathematics along
pedagogy. For content, they assessed themselves as either highly competent or competent in teaching seven of the eight
topics and not competent in teaching the topic ‘Permutations and Combinations’. They also considered themselves as
needing in-service training on the topics ‘Probability of Compound Events’, and ‘Permutations and Combinations’ which
are topics on Probability.

Keywords—mathematics, K to 12 education, in-service training, teacher readiness, teaching competence

I. INTRODUCTION competency is also wanting (NEDA-MTPDP, 2004-

2010). The objective of this study is to determine the
Mathematics, together with English and Science, teaching competence of Grade 10 mathematics
are foundation subjects for lifelong learning. These teachers along content and pedagogy which will
subjects are the tools for the individual’s capacity to serve as a basis for in-service training.
systematically analyze and share ideas and
knowledge necessary for further self-development To upgrade the quality of Philippine education
and work. The quality of basic education graduates is and to be consistent with the ASEAN Integration, the
determined by the adequacy and quality of the basic Department of Education (DepEd) adopted the K to
education curriculum, the quality of teachers, and the 12 curricula starting School Year 2011-2012. The
capacity of schools to adopt new technologies in curriculum was built on previous reform initiatives
delivering instruction (Valisno, 2012). A sample of such as the EDCOM Report of 1991, BESRA, and
problems and constraints frustrating attempts at the UNESCO's four pillars of education
attaining higher quality education in the Philippines (http://www.depedmisor.net/uploads). Its primary
as found by a study commissioned by the Asian legal bases were the Enhanced Basic Education Act
Development Bank (ADB) were limited teacher's in- of 2013, and the Kindergarten Education Act.
service training, low teacher salaries, and teachers not
teaching their specialization or misallocation of The curriculum was anchored on the nature and
teachers (Chapman and Adams, 2002). This finding needs of the learner which implies that the curriculum
is backed by data from the National Economic is learner-centered (Corpuz, 2006). It was also
Development Authority (NEDA). Based on its report anchored on the needs of the national and global
on education, teacher qualifications in the public community (http://www.depedsccp.com/wp-content/
schools remained to be an issue, especially at the uploads). The curriculum is contextualized to address
secondary education level, both regarding content national and global needs, strategy to reduce poverty,
and pedagogy. For mathematics, only 80 percent of and consistent with ASEAN 2015 which made the
the public secondary teachers teaching mathematics science and mathematics curricula spiral
are Math majors. The other teachers are generalists. (http://www.seameo-innotech.org/). However, one
What is alarming is even for teachers who are math big question remains whether our teachers are
specialists, their level and quality of subject

PSU JEMSS Ferrer, I.M.C.
1(1): 12-15, December 2017
Journal of Education, Management and Social Sciences
prepared for the challenges of the new K to 12 The researcher used the descriptive survey
curricula regarding its content and pedagogy. method of research. A total of 116 Grade 10
The Pangasinan State University – College of mathematics teachers who attended the Mass
Teacher Education, being a Center of Excellence in Training of Teachers (MTOT) were the subjects of
Teacher Education, is a service provider of different the study. MTOT is a national training program of the
training needs for the DepEd teacher. Training Department of Education (DepEd) where the
included the Mass Training of Teachers (MTOT). To Pangasinan State University–College of Teacher
be more particular is the Grade 10 MTOT for Education (PSU-CTE) is a service provider.
mathematics. For a follow-up on the Grade 10
mathematics teacher trainees, the researcher Survey questionnaires were distributed to the
determined their teaching competencies and training different Grade 10 mathematics teachers of
needs. Their level of teaching competence was based Pangasinan II during the last quarter of the school
on their honest to goodness self-assessment after year 2015-2016. The questionnaires were
teaching the subject for one year. administered to gather quantitative data. Based on the
teachers’ self-assessment, they rated their teaching
The Grade 10 Mathematics teachers determined competence on a scale of 1 to 3 with 1.0 as not
their teaching competence on the content of Grade 10 competent, 2.0 as competent and 3.0 as highly
mathematics. The different topics on content included competent. The data collected were analyzed using
(1) Sequences, (2) Polynomials and polynomial simple frequency counts, average weighted mean
equations, (3) Polynomial functions, (4) Circles, (5) (AWM) and ranking.
Plane coordinate geometry, (6) Permutations and
combinations, (7) Probability of compound events,
and (8) Measures of position (Mathematics Grade 10 III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
Learner’s Material, 2015). They also determined their
competence along pedagogy particularly on the use A. Profile
of 21st century skills, differentiated instruction,
localization and contextualization, and classroom The female dominates grade 10 Mathematics teachers
assessment. in their 30’s and 40’s. They are still young in the
teaching profession who are pursuing master’s degree
The output of the study served as a basis for with teaching position of Teacher 3. Indeed, the
providing in-service training to Grade 10 teaching profession is female-dominated (Ferrer,
mathematics teachers concentrated on specific 2015). Due to the annual increase in enrolment
content areas where teachers’ competence is wanting. resulting in the need for additional items for teachers,
It can upgrade the quality of instruction in a majority of them are still young in the teaching
mathematics. profession. With the advent of globalization and
competition, this young generation of teachers is
more aware of the need to grow professionally. Thus
II. METHODS they pursue graduate studies.


Profile Frequency Percentage

1. Male 41 35.34
2. Female 75 64.66
1. 20-29 14 12.07
2. 30-39 33 28.45
3. 40- 49 41 35.34
4. 50-59 26 22.41
5. 60 and above 2 1.73
Years of Teaching in Math
1. 0-9 60 51.72
2. 10- 19 32 27.59
3. 20-29 17 14.66
4. 30 – 39 7 6.03
Highest Educational Attainment


PSU JEMSS Ferrer, I.M.C.
1(1): 12-15, December 2017
Journal of Education, Management and Social Sciences
1. Baccalaureate degree 41 35.34
2. Baccalaureate with masteral units 54 46.55
3. Masterate degree 15 12.93
4. Masterate with doctoral units 3 2.59
5. Doctorate degree 3 2.59
Teaching Position
1. Teacher 1 (T1) 39 33.62
2. Teacher 2 (T2) 10 8.62
3. Teacher 3 (T3) 55 47.41
4. Master teacher 1 (MT1) 8 6.90
5. Master Teacher 2 (MT2) 4 3.45

B. Content and Pedagogy two areas namely, content and pedagogy. The
competency level of Grade 10 mathematics teachers
To determine the teaching competence of Grade along content is shown in Table 2.
10 mathematics teachers, the researcher considered


Content Average Weighted Mean Competency Level

1. Polynomials/polynomial equations 2.58 highly competent
2. Polynomial functions 2.56 highly competent
3. Sequences 2.47 highly competent
4. Circles 2.38 highly competent
5. Plane coordinate geometry 2.28 competent
6. Measures of position 2.21 competent
7. Probability of compound events 1.93 competent
8. Permutations and combinations 1.47 not competent
Overall Competency 2.21 competent

The Grade 10 mathematics teachers are highly field as difficult to understand and more difficult than
competent to teach four of the eight topics of Grade calculus. When asked why they were encountering
10 mathematics. These topics are Polynomials & difficulties, they simply reply "It's so confusing." On
Polynomial Equations, Polynomial Functions, the other hand, the first three topics identified where
Sequences, and Circles. They are competent to teach the teachers were highly competent are topics in
three topics namely Plane Coordinate Geometry, algebra. The reason for this is that algebra is
Measures of Position, and Probability of Compound considered by math majors and teachers as easy for
Events. However, they are not competent to teach the once a pattern is established, it can be followed
topic Permutations and Combinations. This topic easily. Table 3 shows the competency level of Grade
falls under Probability, a subject considered by most 10 mathematics teachers along pedagogy.
math major students and mathematics teachers in the


Pedagogy Average Weighted Mean Competency Level

1. Classroom assessment 2.38 highly competent
2. Localization & contextualization 2.17 competent
3. 21st century skills 2.16 competent
4. Differentiated instruction 2.14 competent
Overall Competency 2.22 competent

Grade 10 mathematics teachers are highly As far as localization and contextualization are
competent in classroom assessment. They are concerned, due to the flexibility and creativity of
competent in localization and contextualization, the math teachers, they can easily make do with what
use of 21st century skills, and differentiated resources are available in their locality. They know
instruction. Therefore, the Grade 10 mathematics how to adapt their discussions with different kind of
teachers are competent in pedagogy. Since students which is a requirement for differentiated
Mathematics teachers do computations daily, instruction. The use of 21st century skills is not a
preparation and computation of grades become an problem because they belong to the older generation
easy task. Preparing of rubrics in scoring answers to of the millennial; hence the use of technology,
test items which are in numerical data is quantifiable.


PSU JEMSS Ferrer, I.M.C.
1(1): 12-15, December 2017
Journal of Education, Management and Social Sciences
internet and mass media for classroom instruction is
not new to them. To determine which from among the eight topics on
the content of Grade 10 mathematics is to be included
The overall self-assessment of Grade 10 for in-service training, each teacher identified two
mathematics teachers regarding pedagogy and topics where they still need additional discussion.
content of Grade 10 mathematics is competent. The top three identified topics are summarized in
C. Training Needs Table 4.

Topics Frequency Rank

1. Probability of compound events 78 1*
2. Permutations and combinations 75 2*
3. Measures of position 34 3
needs further training.

The topics Probability of Compound Events and doctoral programs subject to the approval of the
Permutations and Combinations were identified by Commission on Higher Education (CHED).
the Grade 10 mathematics teachers as topics where
they needed additional training. Out of the 116 REFERENCES
teachers, more than two-thirds of them admit that
they are not knowledgeable on these subject areas. [1] Cabrera, Wadel III S. (2012). Global Competitiveness and
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Findings agree with Table 2 where these topics were
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teachers is concerned. Many mathematics teachers Developing Asia, Volume 5. Asian Development Bank,
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[3] Corpuz, Brenda B., et al. 2006. Principles of Teaching 2.
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IV. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATION Bureaucracy (Department of Education): Linking
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female dominated who are presently pursuing [6] Mathematics Grade 10 Learner’s Material. 2015. Rex
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[7] NEDA - Medium-Term Philippine Development Plan 2004-
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pedagogy. However, they still need additional in- hilippines+problems&source
service training on the topics Probability of [8] Republic Act No. 10533 or the Enhanced Basic Education
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[9] Republic Act No. 10157 or the Kindergarten Education Act.
Combinations. [10] Valisno, Mona D. 2012. The Nation’s Journey to Greatness:
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Since there were two topics identified by the for Assistance to Private Education. Makati City,
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further discussion or in-service training, the ciesAndSystemsThatPromoteSocialCohesion.ppt
researcher recommends a six-weekend in-service http://www.depedmisor.net/uploads/1/3/2/5/13258713/k_to_1
training program of nine hours a weekend to be 2_curriculum_orientation.pptx
conducted by the College of Teacher Education. This
can be credited as a 3-unit subject in the masteral or view.pdfhttp://www.aph.gov.au/Parliamentary_Business/Bill



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