OrdStatus (39) indicates the current status of the order. ExecType (150) was
introduced in 4.2 to indicate the type of execution report received. For example, if
you replace an order that is already partially filled, the order status is Partially Filled
but the ExecType for the replace confirmation is Replaced (FIX 4.2).
3. Which tag in FIX 4.4 can be used to denote Smart Order Routing?
There is no specific tag in FIX 4.4 that denotes Smart Order Routing. Brokers and/or
executing destinations can decide from different options. They can simply go with a
user-defined tag or with a standard tag such as HandlInst (21), ExDestination (100) or
SecurityExchange (207).
8. Can you have different OrderID on NewOrder and Modification and Cancel
OrderID is the identifier generally provided on execution reports from the exchange /
execution destination. It should remain the same throughout a trade's lifecycle
regardless if you replace or cancel.
11. Which FIX tag is used to denote "CARE" order in FIX Protocol?
FIX tag 21 (HandlInst) is used to indicate a CARE order. A care order is handled
manually by either a trader or someone on the execution side; therefore, 21=3
(manual) is meant for this.
12. Which tag is used to denote trading capacity of order e.g. Prop or Agency?
Up until FIX 4.2, Rule80A (47) was used to indicate order capacity. Starting in FIX 4.3,
OrderCapacity (528) was introduced.
13. How do you identify FIX version of an FIX message?
This can be done either at the FIX engine configuration level or looking at the FIX
message header. FIX tag 8 indicates FIX version.
15. How do you handle out of sequence messages e.g. you received Canceled ack
and then a fill?
The handling of out of sequence messages varies per firm. If a cancel is received prior
to a fill, the cancel could close the order and the fill can get rejected. Some firms
will allow the fill to be processed. There really is no standard here.
17. What are heartbeat messages which tag you use to identify heartbeat
Heartbeat messages are keep-alive messages; letting the other FIX engine know that
you are still alive and active. Heartbeat is a MessageType (35=0).
18. What is LeavesQty which tag is used to denote LeavesQty in fix message?
LeavesQty (151) indicates how much quality is left to be executed on the order. If
value of tag 151 is zero it means order is fully executed and order status would be
filled, while if value of LeavesQty is greater than zero means trade is only partially
executed and order status would be partial fill.
20. What are various FIX tags which are used for symbology identification?
The most common FIX tag used for symbology identification is tag 55 (Symbol). You
can also use the combination of tag 22 (IDSource) and 48 (SecurityID).
I have created this new FIX Protocol Interview section to include new questions
contributed by my reader and different sources. Please let me know if you have asked
an FIX Protocol interview question which is not present here and I will include it for
community’s benefit.
1. You placed a new order and then modification and before modification a
cancel, what would be the OrigClOrdid of Cancel?
Since Modification request is not accepted yet so ClOrdID of original order will be in
place So Cancel Request must contain OrigClOrdID (Tag 41) same as ClOrdID of
Original Order.
2. You placed a new order and then place a replace request and received Pending
replace message and then a fill, what would be ClOrdID of the fill?
Since OrderCancelReplaceRequest (tag 35=F) is not accepted, ClOrdID of NewOrder
will be in force and fill will contain ClOrdID of the NewOrderSingle (35=A). It’s only
after your received ExecutionReport with ExecType=Replaced your ClOrdID of the
active order gets updated. Pending Replace is a just indication that broker or
exchange received a Replace Request but not yet accepted or rejected it.
3. You placed a new order got a partial fill and place a replace and got replaced
what would be the value of tag 39 and tag 150.
Since Order is in Partial fill status so tag 39 OrdStatus will contain partial fill and
ExecType will be Replaced I thing 150=5 and 39=1.
FIX Protocol tutorials: Difference between Session Level Reject and Business message Reject
FIX Protocol tutorials: Difference between Session Level Reject and Business message Reject
In FIX protocol there are multiple ways of rejecting message some of them are using an Execution Report
(MsgType=8) and ExecType=8 to reject a FIX message if it can not be acceptable by exchange e.g. Sending order
for an exchange and link between broker and exchange is down. Another way of rejecting message is
OrderCancelReject (FIX MsgType=9) which is used to reject amend (OrderCancelReplace message FIX MsgType
35=G) and cancel (OrderCancelRequest FIX MsgType=F) messages if its not possible to modify or cancel original
message e.g. Sending Cancel request to an already filled order will be rejected by OrderCancelReject message in
FIX protocol.
In this FIX tutorial (that's what I called it :) it may not be a full fledged tutorial but it just an article based on my
experience which gives you basic idea about some functionality available in FIX protocol and supplement your
concept while reading lengthy but detailed FIX protocol specification) we are going to discuss another two ways or
rejecting FIX messages , these reject message represent more serious error than previous two and named as
Session Level Reject (FIX MsgType 35=3) and Business Message Reject (35=j). If you want to know more about
my FIX protocol tutorials please see this link FIX Protocol tutorial.
Both Session level Reject (FIX MsgType 35=3) and Business Message Reject (FIX MsgType 35=j) is used to reject
incoming FIX message.
Session level Reject (FIX MsgType 35=3) message should be used when incoming message cannot be parsed
correctly because of session level rule violation. for example Session level Reject(FIX MsgType 35=3) should be
used to reject an incoming FIX message with invalid basic data like unknown MsgType (e.g. MsgType 35=99) which
successfully passes de-encryption, Checksum (FIX tag 10) and BodyLength (FIX tag 9) checks. As recommended
by FIX Protocol we should always try to forward FIX message to the trading application for application or business
level rejections.
We should always log both Session level Reject(FIX MsgType 35=3) and Business Message Reject (FIX MsgType
35=j)in the FIX Engine log file so that Trade Support knows about it and inform client or broker about it also
Sequence Number should be increased as a result of session or business level reject. Session level Reject (FIX
MsgType 35=3) indicates a serious error which is due to buggy or faulty logic in either the sending or receiving FIX
engine so it the message fails on session level rule e.g. checksum or body length a session level reject should be
preferred over business level reject while business Message Reject (FIX MsgType 35=j) should be used to reject an
application-level message which passes all session-level rules and cannot be rejected by any other means.
Business Message Reject (FIX MsgType 35=j) can be used in following scenario:
1) Account not mapped correctly on broker side.
2) Unknown ID
3) Valid but unsupported message type
4) Unknown security
5) Valid but unknown message type.
6) Some of conditionally required field is not present in Incoming FIX message.
Session level Reject (FIX MsgType 35=3) can be used in following scenario.
CompID problem: Either FIX Initiator or FIX Acceptor is sending incorrect SenderCompID (tag 49) and
TargetCompID (tag 50).
Invalid MsgType: Either FIX initiator or FIX Acceptor is sending MsgType other than specified in FIX Specification
for that particular FIX Version e.g. FIX4.2
Incorrect data format for value: If a FIX tag has a data type Timestamp and FIX engine is sending some other
data type
Required tag missing: Either FIX Initiator or FIX Acceptor is not sending mandatory FIX tag in a particular FIX
message e.g. Price (FIX tag 44) missing in a NewOrderSingle (MsgType=D) message with OrdType =2 i.e. Limit
Invalid tag number: Either FIX initiator or FIX Acceptor is sending any tag other than specified in FIX
Specification for that particular FIX Version e.g. FIX4.2
Tag not defined for this message type: Either FIX initiator or FIX Acceptor is sending any tag other than
specified in FIX Specification for that particular message type e.g. Sending TestReqID in logout message.
Undefined Tag: In case any of sender FIX engine is sending custom tag and that is not configured or supported
by Revenging fix engine.
Tag specified without a value: e.g. 35= and there is no value for that particular fix tag. Its not a valid fix
message and so receiving fix engine will reject it
3. What is FIXML?
FIXML is a structured, validated Extensible Markup Language (XML) derived grammar that is encapsulated within the standard
FIX message. This format leaves the FIX session handling intact and minimizes the impact to existing implementations. As an XML-
derived language, FIXML messages can be validated by standard parsers and take advantage of a flexible message structure. FIXML
is the FIX Markup Language for application messages. It is an XML-derived language, encompassing a series of Document Type
Definitions (DTDs) which define the formal representation of FIXML messages. These DTDs will be maintained and versioned in the
same manner as the FIX specification. Since FIXML is an XML-based language, it can be parsed/validated by any of the widely
available XML parsers, and is positioned to evolve with the XML standard in areas such as datatype validation.
5. What is FIXimate?
6. What is FIXT1.1?
With the release of FIX Protocol version 5.0 in 2006 the FIX Global Technical Committee has introduced a new framework called
Transport Independence (TI). Under the TI framework the FIX Session Protocol and the FIX Protocol (the application layer
messages) have been separated. This allows FIX Protocol messages to sent via any appropriate transport technology (e.g. MQ, WS-
The first three fields in the standard header are BeginString (tag #8) followed by BodyLength (tag #9) followed by MsgType (tag
The last field in the standard trailer is the CheckSum (tag #10).
Fields within repeating data groups must be specified in the order that the fields are specified in the message definition within the
The choice of encryption method will be determined by mutual agreement of the two parties involved in the connection. Any field
within a message can be encrypted and included in the SecureData field, however, certain explicitly identified fields must be
transmitted unencrypted. The clear (unencrypted) fields can be repeated within the SecureData field to serve as an integrity check of
the clear data. When encryption is employed, it is recommended but not required that all fields within the message body be
encrypted. If repeating groups are used within a message and encryption is applied to part of the repeating group, then the entire
The non-printing, ASCII "SOH" (#001, hex:0x01, referred to in this document as ), is used for field termination. Messages are
delimited by the “SOH” character following the CheckSum field. All messages begin with the “8=FIX.x.y” string and terminate with
UTCTimeOnly(HH:MM:SS (whole seconds) or HH:MM:SS.sss (milliseconds) format, colons, and period required.)
All FIX messages are identified by a unique sequence number. Sequence numbers are initialized at the start of each FIX session (see
Session Protocol section) starting at 1 (one) and increment throughout the session. Monitoring sequence numbers will enable parties
to identify and react to missed messages and to gracefully synchronize applications when reconnecting during a FIX session.
Each session will establish an independent incoming and outgoing sequence series; participants will maintain a sequence series to
assign to outgoing messages and a separate series to monitor for sequence gaps on incoming messages.
The hHeartbeat iInterval is declared by the session initiator using the HeartBtInt field in the Logon message. The heartbeat interval
timer should be reset after every message is transmitted (not just heartbeats).
Like all application messages, even admin msgs have sequence number, including heartbeat. MsgSeqNum is a mandatory field in the
standard message header.
The FIX protocol assumes complete ordered delivery of messages between parties. Implementers should consider this when
designing message gap fill processes. Two options exist for dealing with gaps, either request all messages subsequent to the last
message received or ask for the specific message missed while maintaining an ordered list of all newer messages. For example, if the
receiver misses the second of five messages, the application could ignore messages 3 through 5 and generate a resend request for
messages 2 through 5, or, preferably 2 through 0 (where 0 represents infinity). Another option would involve saving messages 3
through 5 and resending only message 2. In both cases, messages 3 through 5 should not be processed before message 2.
When a FIX engine is unsure if a message was successfully received at its intended destination or when responding to a resend
request, a possible duplicate message is generated. The message will be a retransmission (with the same sequence number) of the
application data in question with the PossDupFlag included and set to "Y" in the header. It is the receiving application's
responsibility to handle the message (i.e. treat as a new message or discard as appropriate). All messages created as the result of a
resend request will contain the PossDupFlag field set to “Y”, messages lacking the PossDupFlag field or with the PossDupFlag field
Note: When retransmitting a message with the PossDupFlag set to Y, it is always necessary to
recalculate the CheckSum value. The only fields that can change in a possible duplicate message are the CheckSum,
OrigSendingTime, SendingTime, BodyLength and PossDupFlag. Fields related to encryption (SecureDataLen and SecureData) may
Ambiguous application level messages may be resent with the PossResend flag set. This is useful when an order remains
unacknowledged for an inordinate length of time and the end-user suspects it had never been sent. The receiving application must
recognize this flag and interrogate internal fields (order number, etc.) to determine if this order has been previously received. Note:
The possible resend message will contain exactly the same body data but will have the PossResend flag and will have a new sequence
number. In addition the CheckSum field will require recalculation and fields related to encryption (SecureDataLen and SecureData)
ResetSeqNum process may be different than the initiator of the Logon process. One side will initiate the process by sending a
TestRequest and wait for a Heartbeat in response to ensure of no sequence number gaps. Once the Heartbeat has been received, the
initiator should send a Logon with ResetSeqNumFlag set to Y and with MsgSeqNum of 1. The acceptor should respond with a Logon
with ResetSeqNumFlag set to Y and with MsgSeqNum of 1. At this point new messages from either side should continue with
MsgSeqNum of 2. It should be noted that once the initiator sends the Logon with the ResetSeqNumFlag set, the acceptor must obey
this request and the message with the last sequence number transmitted “yesterday” may no longer be available.
It is recommended that before sending the Logout message, a TestRequest should be issued to force a Heartbeat from the other side.
SenderCompId[49], TargetCompId[56]
MsgSeqNo[34], SendingTime[52]
CheckSum is calculated from ‘8= upto SOH before the checksum field.
Binary value of each character is calculated and compared to the LSB of the calculated value to the checksum value.
If the checksum has been calculated to be 274 then the modulo 256 value is 18 (256 + 18 = 274). This value would be transmitted a
10=018 where
25. If there’s no heartbeat for a long time, how can my gateway check if the connection is active or not?
Send a TestRequest, to which the other party must respond with a heartbeat
with same TestReqId.
26. What all msgs you can respond with, when you receive a resend request?
Retransmit the requested msgs in order, with orig seq no, and PossDupFlag=Y
Issue a seq-reset-GapFill with PossDupFlag=Y, to replace the retransmission of admin and app msgs.
If HeartBtInt is set to zero, then it means, the two parties have agreed to have no hearbeats. But TestReq will still force a heartbeat.
HeartBeat 0
Logon A
Logout 5
TestRequest 1
ResendRequest 2
SeqReset (2 modes) 4
Reject 3
Understanding of how FIX session works is very important because until you know the
fundamental of FIX Sequence number, how does FIX session gets connected , what are the
sequence of messages that flows between Sender Fix Engine and receiver FIX engine you
won’t be able to quickly identify any problem related to FIX protocol. FIX specification is very
clear about what should FIX engine do on various FIX session connection / disconnection
Now let’s see each of session level or Admin messages in little detail. You can always refer
FIX protocol specification document and that is recommended also to get complete
description of each of these messages. Some important Session level or Administrative
messages specified in FIX specification are following:
Logon message is denoted by FIX tag 35=A and it is used to send login message from FIX
initiator. As per FIX Protocol once TCP connection between FIX Initiator and FIX Acceptor got
established, FIX initiator sends Logon message (tag 35=A) with pre agreed SenderCompID (tag
49) and TargetCompID (tag 56) and with Sequence No (FIX tag 34) expecting by FIX Acceptor.
When FIX acceptor receives Logon request (MsgType=A) it authenticate FIX session based on
CompID specified in FIX Message and Sequence No and reply back with either Logout (tag
35=5) message or Logon(tag 35=A) message based upon result of authentication.
Resend Request
Resend Request (FIX tag 35=2 or MsgType=2) is used for asking of re-transmission or replay of
lost messages during transmission or due to incorrect sequence number. It’s normally sent by
the FIX Engine which is receiving message to initiate the re-transmission of messages. FIX
Engine uses Resend Request (tag 35=2) if a sequence number gap is detected or if FIX Engine
of receiving application lost a message or as a part of initialization process to make sequence
number in sync.
Resend Request (FIX tag 35=2 or MsgType=2) can be used to request a single FIX message, a
range of FIX messages or all FIX messages subsequent to a particular FIX message.
Its worth noting that sending FIX Engine may like to consider the message type when re-
sending messages; e.g. if a new order is in the resend series and a significant time period has
been passed since it was originally sent, the sender FIX Engine may not wish to re-transmit
the order since market dynamics an price etc might have been changed also this may result in
stale order reject which is done by Order Management Systems (OMS). (The Sequence Reset
(FIX tag 35=4 or MsgType=4) Also called as Gap Fill is used to skip FIX messages that a sender
FIX Engine does not want to resend.)
It is mandatory that the receiving FIX Engine process messages in sequential order, e.g. if FIX
message number 11 is missed and 12-13 received, the application should ignore 12 and 13 and
ask for a resend of 11-13, or 11 -0 (0 denotes infinity). Second approach is strongly
recommended to recover from out of sequence conditions as it allows for faster recovery in
the presence of certain race conditions when both sides of FIX Engines are simultaneously
attempting to recover a sequence number gap.
Test Request
In financial information exchange also called FIX Protocol Test Request is denoted by FIX tag
35=1 or MsgType=1. Test Request FIX Message is used by FIX Engine to forces a heartbeat
from the opposing FIX Engine. The Test Request (FIX tag 35=1) message checks sequence
numbers or verifies communication line status. The opposite FIX Engine responds to the Test
Request Test Request (FIX tag 35=1) with a Heartbeat (FIX tag 35=0) containing
the TestReqID (FIX tag 112).
The TestReqID FIX tag 112) verifies that the counterparty FIX Engine is generating the
Heartbeat (FIX tag 35=0) as the result of Test Request (FIX tag 35=1) and not a normal
timeout. The opposite FIX Engine includes the TestReqID (FIX tag 112) in the resulting
Heartbeat (FIX tag 35=0). Any string can be used as the Heartbeat (FIX tag 35=0) (Some fix
engine generally uses a timestamp string).
Rejected messages should be logged into log file and the incoming sequence number must be
incremented by FIX Engine.
Its worth noting that receiving FIX Engine should disregard any FIX message which is incorrect
, cannot be parsed or fails a data integrity check. Processing of the next valid FIX message
will cause detection of a sequence number mismatch and a Resend Request (FIX tag 35=2 or
MsgType=2) will be generated and passed to counter-party FIX Engine.
Generation and receipt of a Reject (FIX tag 3) message indicates a serious error that may be
the result of faulty logic in either the sending or receiving FIX Engine. If the sending FIX
Engine chooses to retransmit the rejected message, it should be assigned a new sequence
number (FIX tag 34) and sent with PossResend (FIX tag 97) =Y. Its recommended to describe
the cause of reject in the fix tag Text (FIX Tag 58) which then can be used by receiving FIX
engine or developer to identify actual cause of Session level reject (e.g. Price tag is missing in
Limit Order).
Below are some scenarios where session-level Reject (FIX Tag 3 or MsgType=3) can be used.
Invalid MsgType : Either FIX initiator or FIX Acceptor is sending MsgType other than specified
in FIX Specification for that particular FIX Version e.g. FIX4.2
Incorrect data format for value : If a FIX tag has a data type Timestamp and FIX engine is
sending some other data type
Required tag missing : Either FIX Initiator or FIX Acceptor is not sending mandatory FIX tag in
a particular FIX message e.g. Price (FIX tag 44) missing in a NewOrderSingle (MsgType=D)
message with OrdType =2 i.e. Limit Order.
Invalid tag number : Either FIX initiator or FIX Acceptor is sending any tag other than
specified in FIX Specification for that particular FIX Version e.g. FIX4.2
Tag not defined for this message type : Either FIX initiator or FIX Acceptor is sending any tag
other than specified in FIX Specification for that particular message type e.g.
Sending TestReqID in logout message.
Undefined Tag : In case any of sender FIX engine is sending custom tag and that is not
configured or supported by Revenging fix engine.
Tag specified without a value: e.g. 35= and there is no value for that particular fix tag. Its not
a valid fix message and so receiving fix engine will reject it.
Sequence Reset
Sequence Reset also called as Gap fill messages is denoted by FIX tag 35=4 or FIX MsgType
35=4. It is used in response to Resend Request (FIX tag 35=2 or MsgType=2) by sending FIX
engine to reset the incoming sequence number on the opposing side FIX engine. Sequence
Reset message (fix tag 35=4) operates in two different modes one in which GapFillFlag (FIX
tag 123) is 'Y' also called Sequence Reset - Gap Fill and second mode on which GapFillFlag (FIX
tag 123) is 'N' or not present also called Sequence Reset - Reset mode. As per FIX protocol
specification the "Sequence Reset (fix tag 35=4)-Reset" mode should ONLY be used to recover
from a disaster situation which cannot be otherwise recovered by "Gap Fill" mode.
The Sequence Reset or GapFill message (fix tag 35=4) can be useful in the following
circumstances :
1. While processing Resend Request (FIX tag 35=2 or MsgType=2) sending FIX Engine may
choose not to send a message (e.g. a stale order). The Sequence Reset (fix tag 35=4) - Gap
Fill can be used to fill the place of that message.
2. While processing Resend Request (FIX tag 35=2 or MsgType=2) sending FIX Engine may
choose not to send a message if all the messages are only administrative or session level
messages, because there is no point on resending them in that case also Sequence Reset (fix
tag 35=4) - Gap Fill is used to fill the message or sequence gap.
Logout message is denoted by FIX tag 35=5 or MsgType=5 in FIX protocol specification and it is
used to terminate or close any FIX session. In case receiver FIX engine is not able to
authenticate client it will send a Logout message (fix tag 35=5) and connection will be
terminated though socket connection will still be there. Receiver FIX engine can also send
Logout message (fix tag 35=5) if it receives fix message with sequence number lower than it is
expecting. The Logout message (fix tag 35=5) is used to terminate a FIX session. Termination
or disconnection without the exchange of Logout message (fix tag 35=5) messages is treated
an abnormal condition.
Exchange of Logout message (fix tag 35=5) before actually terminating or closing the session
allows the initiator FIX engine to perform any kind of Sequence Reset (fix tag 35=4) or Gap fill
operations that may be required or necessary. Logout initiator should also wait for the
opposite FIX engine to respond with a confirming Logout message (fix tag 35=5) it can
terminate the session in case the remote FIX Engine does not respond within a specified time
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Now I have updated it with answer, Please let me know if you have any doubt, or you have other questions, you
can also contribute by any question asked during any FINANCIAL INFORMATION EXCHANGE (FIX)
protocol interview.