Crim 5 New
Crim 5 New
Crim 5 New
1. It refers to the collections of traits that have become rigid and work to the individual’s
disadvantage, to the point that they impair functioning or cause distress.
A. Anti-social personality disorder C. Personality disorders
B. Borderline personality disorder D. Histrionic personality disorder
2. Referred to as the father of psychoanalysis, argued that criminal behavior springs from a “death
Cyril Burt C. Sigmund Freud
A. Abrahamsen D. Dr. Charles Goring
4. Reason the made Peter Sutcliffe a criminal having been found guilty of murdering 13 women and
attempting to kill seven others, most of them prostitutes.
A. Frustration C. Depression
B. Low self-esteem D. Control and drive for power
5. People with this disorder show excessive emotional instability, which means they are
unpredictable and often theatrical.
A. Dissociative identity disorder C. Borderline personality disorder
B. Histrionic personality disorder D. Antisocial personality disorder
6. Formerly known as psychopaths or sociopaths, people of this kind is chronically disregarding and
violate the rights of other people and they cannot or will not conform to the norms of society.
A. Histrionic personality disorder C. Borderline personality disorder
B. Antisocial personality disorder D. Dissociative identity disorder
7. He advocated the Human Ecology theory which focuses on the interrelationship of people and
their environment.
A. Cesare Becarria C. Dr. Charles Goring
William Bonger D. Robert Ezra Park
8. This theory assumes that people are law-abiding, but under great pressure they resort to crime.
A. Strain theory C. Differential association theory
B. The Anomie theory D. The labeling process
10. People with this disorder develop two or more sub-personalities, each with its own identity.
A. Multiple personality disorder C. Antisocial personality disorder
B. Histrionic personality disorder D. Borderline personality disorder
11. He defined anomie (normlessness) as the breakdown of social order as a result of the loss of
standards of values.
A. Raffaele Garofalo C. Emile Durkheim
B. Sigmund Freud D. Cesare Lombroso
12. This person was a loner; He made a façade to hide his identity problem. He had one sexual
experience in high school with another boy.
A. Jeffrey Dahmer C. Ted Bundy
B. Peter Sutcliffe D. Theodore John Kaczynski
13. He was described as a Unabomber by the press for selecting universities and airlines for his
A. Ted Bundy C. Peter Sutcliffe
B. Jeffrey Dahmer D. Theodore John Kaczynski
14. Ted Bundy never knew his father. He heard he was a military man his mother dated a few times.
When he was about 10 or 12, Bundy was devastated when one of his cousins called him a bastard
and showed a birth certificate to prove it. Which of the following caused him to commit crime?
A. Low self-esteem C. Depression
B. Frustration D. Personality disorder
15. People with this disorder sustain a pattern of instability throughout their adult lives. They often
appear to be in crisis of mood, behavior, or interpersonal relationships.
A. Dissociative personality disorder C. Histrionic personality disorder
B. Borderline personality disorder D. Antisocial personality disorder
16. According to this theory, criminal behavior is learned through process of communication and not
A. Containment theory C. Differential Association Theory
B. Strain Theory D. Somatotyping Theory
17. Advocates that man commit crime because of his failure to achieve a higher status of life, attained
by committing crime.
A. Conflict theory C. Strain theory
B. Differential Association theory D. Anomie theory
18. The classical school of Criminology emerged in Europe in the middle of the eighteenth
Century and explained crime as
A. The result of social institutions and other environmental influences
B. The result of Physiological structure of man
C. The result of ecological and cultural influences
D. The result of urbanization and development
19. Advocated by Reckless as a form of control which suggest that a series of both internal and
external factors contributes to criminal behavior.
A. Containment theory C. Conflict theory
B. Differential Association theory D. Anomie theory
20. All except one is considered internal factors that contribute to the development of criminal
A. Super-ego C. drug addiction
B. Id D. self-image
21. Classification of body physique by Sheldon is group of people who are routinely active and
aggressive, and are the most likely to commit crimes.
A. Mesomorphic C. Ectomorphic
B. Endomorphic D. Asthenic
22. Endomorphic are persons with typically relaxed and comfortable disposition, associated with
criminal behavior prone to crimes:
A. against property C. involving deceit and fraud
B. violent and sexual D. none of these
23. This theory is a form of control, which suggests that a series of both internal and external factors
contributes to criminal behavior.
A. Social class conflict and Capitalism theory
B. Differential Association theory
C. Containment theory
D. Anomie theory
26. It refers to a multi-disciplinary science that deals with crimes, criminals, criminal behavior, and the
treatment of criminal behavior.
A. Psychology C. Sociology
B. Criminology D. Criminalistics
27. The study of crimes focused on the group of people and society as a whole based on the
examination of the relationship of demographic and group variables to crime.
A. Sociological Criminology C. Psychiatric Criminology
B. Psychological Criminology D. Scientific Criminology
29.The general term used to refer to offenses, felonies, delinquency and misdemeanor.
A. Criminology C. Crime
B. Criminal D. Criminalistics
31. The study that deals with punishment and treatment of criminal offenders.
A. Penology C. Jurisprudence
B. Criminology D. Criminalistics
32. The study of crimes through the science of behavior and mental processes of criminals.
A. Victimology C. Psychological Criminology
B. Sociological Criminology D. Psychiatric Criminology
33. Which of the following statements is CORRECT?
A. Correction is the pillar of the criminal justice which includes all the agencies and various
programs that assume legal responsibility for the custody, supervision, treatment and
punishment of convicted offenders.
B. Correction is the pillar of the criminal justice system which hear criminal cases filed
against offenders
C. Correction is the component of the criminal justice system which takes care only of
convicted prisoners incarcerated inside the jails.
D. Correction is the pillar of the criminal justice system which is responsible for probation
35. A person who committed a crime and has been convicted by final judgment by a competent court.
A. Suspect C. Criminal
B. Delinquent D. Detainee
36. Those that practice crime as a profession are considered professional criminal
A. True C. False
B. Possibly true D. Probably false
37. These crimes are committed by ordinary professionals to maintain their livelihood.
A. Irrational criminals C. Service crimes
B. Underworld crimes D. Blue collar crimes
38. Crimes committed by the offender who is in full possession of his mental faculties/capabilities.
A. Crimes by passion C. Instant crimes
B. Rational crimes D. Situational crimes
41. A criminal who plans the commission of the crime and a targeted offender.
A. Acute criminal C. Habitual criminal
B. Ordinary criminal D. Chronic criminal
43.The following are crimes against National Security and the Law of Nations, except:
A. Treason C. Piracy
B. Coup d’état D. Espionage
44. Gun for hire criminals and kidnap for ransom criminals may be classified as:
A. Ordinary criminals C. Professional criminals
B. Accidental criminals D. Habitual criminals
45. Advocate of the classical school of criminology who argued that the law must apply equally to all.
A. Cesare Lombroso C. Emile Durkheim
B. Cesare Beccaria D. Edwin Sutherland
51. Those which the law attaches the capital punishment or penalties which period are afflictive.
A. Simple crime C. Complex crimes
B. Grave felonies D. Light felonies
53. Those infractions of law for commission of which the penalty of arresto mayor or a fine not
exceeding P200.00 or both is provided.
A. Less grave felonies C. Grave felonies
B. Light felonies D. Simple crime
55. Any wrongful act of men is attributed to the will of the devil and other supernatural beings. This
refers to the explanation that:
A. criminals are born C. crime is caused by demon
B. crime is caused by divine will D. crime is the result of the free will of men
56. Crime is produce only by one factor or variable be they are social, biological or mental, it refers to:
A. Single or unitary causes C. Classical theory
B. Eclectic theory D. Multiple factor theory
57. Those which the law provides with penalties which in their maximum period are correctional.
A. Less grave felonies C. Light felonies
B. Simple crime D. Grave felonies
58. The basis of criminal liability is human free will and the purpose of penalty is retribution.
A. Demonological theory C. Classical theory
B. Neo-classical theory D. Positivist theory
59. It is characterized by the fact that man is subdued occasionally by a strange and morbid
phenomenon which constrains him to do wrong, inspite of or contrary to his violation.
A. Divine theory C. Classical theory
B. Positivist theory D. Neo-classical theory
60.The characteristics of the criminal law which provides that it must apply to all persons within the
territory irrespective of sex, race, nationality, and other personal circumstances.
A. Territoriality C. General in application
B. Specific and definite D. Uniform in application
61. This characteristic of our penal law provides that no person can be punished for his act which at
the time he did it is not yet punishable.
A. Prospectivity C.Uniformity
B. b. Generality D. Territoriality
62. These are expenses spent by the government or private sector for the maintenance of police and
security guards for crime detection, prosecution and judiciary and support of prison systems.
A. Financial expenditures C. Indirect expenses
B. Financial resources D. Direct expenses
63. Believed that people want to achieve pleasure and avoid pain, concluded that crimes must provide
some pleasure to the criminal.
A. Cesare Lombroso C. Walter Reckless
B. Cesare Beccaria D. Edwin Sutherland
65. This theory considers situations or circumstances that made it impossible to exercise freewill that
may exempt the accused from conviction.
A. Positivist School C. Neo-classical school
B. Criminology school D. Classical school
66. One who associates himself with other criminals to earn a high degree of organization to enable
them to commit crimes easily undetected by authorities.
A. Organized criminal C. Habitual criminal
B. Ordinary criminal D. Professional criminal
67. A sociologist and criminologist who advanced the theory of differential association to explain
criminal behavior.
A. Cesare Beccaria C. Travis Hirschi
B. David Durkheim D. Edwin Sutherland
68. Founded the theory of utilitarianism as the basis for reform.
A. Enrico Ferri C. Raffaele Garofalo
B. Jeremy Bentham D. David Emile Durkheim
69. These are individuals classified by Lombroso who are easily influenced by great emotions like fit of
A. Born criminals C. Criminals by passion
B. Criminoloid D. Pseudo criminal
70. Pioneers of this school of thought agreed that in the study of crime the emphasis should be on
scientific treatment of the criminal, not on the penalties to be imposed after conviction.
A. Classical School C. Neo-classical School D.
B. Italian School Radical School
71. Known as the Positivist Trio or the Holy Three of the School of Criminology.
A. Lombroso, Beccaria and Bentham C. Lombroso, Ferri and Garofalo
B. Lombroso, Ferri and Sutherland D. Lombroso, Durkheim and Freud
72. According to Garofalo these are criminals who commit crimes against chastity.
A. Murderers C. Deficient criminals
B. Lascivious criminals D. Violent criminals
73. Criminals classified by Lombroso who commit crime due to abnormalities or psychological
A. Criminal by passion C. Insane criminal
B. Occasional criminal D. Pseudo criminal
74. In classical school the focus is on definite sentence while Positivist school is on:
A. Death sentence C. Suspended sentence
B. Indeterminate sentence D. all of these
75. He postulated theories calling for crime prevention methods to be the mainstay of law
enforcement, as opposed to punishment of criminals after their crimes had taken place.
A. Raffaele Garofalo C. Edwin Sutherland
B. Cesar Lombroso D. Enrico Ferri