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Criminal Sociology

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1.The filing of legal papers by a child welfare agency when its investigation has turned up
evidence of child abuse. This is a civil, rather than criminal, charge designed to take preventive
action, like appointment of a guardian for at-risk children before abuse occurs?
A. Child prosecution
B. Child protection action
C. Parens Patriae
D. Preliminary investigation

2.The act of being responsible for enforcing child support obligations is known as:
A. Child’s care
B. Parental Guidance
C. Child at risk
D. Child support

3.A court order for placement in a secure facility, separate from adults, for the rehabilitation of a
juvenile delinquent?
A. Summon
B. Subpoena
C. Custodial confinement
D. Rehabilitation order

4.___ is anyone under the care of someone else. A child ceases to be a dependent when they
reach the age of emancipation?
A. Delinquent
B. Dependent
C. Independent
D. Recognizance

5.It a phase of delinquency proceeding similar to "sentencing" phase of adult trial. The judge
must consider alternative, innovative, and individualized sentences rather than imposing standard
A. Preliminary investigation
B. Judgment
C. Disposition
D. Probationary period

6.The independence of a minor from his or her parents before reaching age of majority is known
A. Enlightenment
B. Recognizance
C. Emancipation
D. Freedom from parental obligation
7.A clause requiring government to treat similarly situated people the same or have good reason
for treating them differently. Compelling reasons are considered to exist for treating children
A. Bill of Rights
B. Equal Protection
C. Parens Patriae
D. Diversion

8.What is the legal doctrine preventing unemancipated children from suing their parents?
A. Parens Patriae Doctrine
B. Equal Protection
C. Family Immunity Doctrine
D. Poisonous Tree Doctrine

9.What is the legal doctrine holding parents liable for injuries caused by a child's negligent
driving or other actions?
A. Family Purpose Doctrine
B. Family Immunity Doctrine
C. Parens Patriae Doctrine
D. None of the above

10.Guardian ad litem means:

A. “For the Proceeding"
B. “Protection of child by the law”
C. “Guardians of the little children”
D. “Legal authority”

11.A court order giving an individual or organization legal authority over a child. A guardian of
the person is usually an individual and the child is called a ward. A guardian of the estate is
usually an organization, like a bank, which manages the property and assets of a child's
inheritance. Guardians are usually compensated for their services?
A. Guardianship
B. Order of Authority
C. In Loco Parentis
D. Parens Patriae

12.Teachers, administrators, and babysitters who are viewed as having some temporary parental
rights & obligations are considered?
A. Guardianship
B. Order of Authority
C. In Loco Parentis
D. Parens Patriae

13.What is the legal doctrine establishing "parental" role of state over welfare of its citizens,
especially its children?
A. Guardianship
B. Order of Authority
C. In Loco Parentis
D. Parens Patriae

14.The emergency, temporary custody by a child welfare agency, police agency, or hospital for
reasons of immanent danger to the child is called?
A. Preventive detention
B. Diversion
C. Witness protection program
D. Protective custody

15.What is the legal doctrine granting custody to the parent whom the child feels the greatest
emotional attachment to?
A. Psychological Parent
B. Maternity
C. Paternity
D. Parental Selection

16.A disposition requiring a defendant to pay damages to a victim. The law prohibits making it a
condition of receiving probation. Poor families cannot be deprived of probation simply because
they are too poor to afford it?
A. Bond
B. Surety
C. Restitution
D. Protection money

17.An activity illegal when engaged in by a minor, but not when done by an adult. Examples
include truancy, curfew, running away, or habitually disobeying parents?
A. Adult Offenses
B. Minor Offenses
C. Status Offenses
D. Stubbornness

18.A spouse of a biological parent who has no legal rights or duties to the child other than those
which have been voluntarily accepted?
A. Maternity
B. Paternity
C. Stepparent
D. Foster parent

19.A parent who provided an egg, sperm, or uterus with an intent of

giving the child up for adoption to specific parties.
A. None of these
B. Stepparent
C. Foster Parent
D. Surrogate Parent
20.What is the legal doctrine that unless the mother is "unfit", very
young children should be placed in custody with their mother
following a divorce?
A. Tender Years Doctrine
B. Psychological Parent Doctrine
C. Unwed Mother’s Doctrine
D. Illegitimacy

21. A mental deficiency which makes a person incapable of managing themselves, and their
mentality is that of a child 2 to 7 years of age?
a. idiots b. imbeciles c. feeble – mindedness d. epileptics

22. Complete loss of consciousness and general construction of the muscles?

a. seizures b. grand mal c. petit mal d. jacksonian type

23. Mild or incomplete loss of consciousness and contraction of the muscles?

a. seizures b. grand mal c. petit mal d. jacksonian type

24. Localized contraction of the muscles with or without loss of consciousness?

a. seizures b. grand mal c. petit mal d. jacksonian type

25. Better attained when the group is homogenous, isolated, undisturbed migration and cultural
a. containment b. disorganization c. social organization d. imitation
suggestion theory

26. It was maintained that a person pursues a criminal behavior to the extent that he identifies
himself with a real or imaginary person from whose perspective his criminal behavior seems
a. differential identification theory b. imitation suggestion theory
c. differential social organization d. conflict of culture theory

27. Argues that delinquency and crime patterns are learned and adopted?
a. differential identification theory b. imitation suggestion theory
c. differential social organization d. conflict of culture theory

28. High crimes and delinquency rates is explained by exposure to diverse and incongruent
standard and code?
a. differential identification theory b. imitation suggestion theory
c. differential social organization d. conflict of culture theory

29. Explains human behavior and the experiences which helps determine the nature of a person’s
reacting mechanism?
a. giandell index to criminality b. crime rate c. criminogenic process d. human

30. A false belief about self caused by morbidity?

a. illusion b. delusion c. erotomania d. melanchola

31. This forms part of man’s physical organization between his sensory stimuli on one hand and
his motor activity on the other?
a. ego b. id c. super ego d. spirit

32. Explains that the person before committing a crime is likely to feel unhappy, resentful and
a. need frustration b. internal inhibition c. external inhibition d. contact with reality

33. Refers to the balance of gain and loss that a person may experience if he commits a given
a. situational crime potential b. potential satisfaction c. contact with reality d. need

34. Extent to which a person can learn from past experience , especially his mistakes, to the
extent to which he can evaluate accurately the present situation and foresee the consequences of
his action to the future?
a. situational crime potential b. potential satisfaction c. contact with reality
d. need frustration

35. Called dementia praecox, which is a form of psychosis characterized by thinking disturbance
and regression
a. mental deficiency b. imbecility c. schizophrenia d. epilepsy

36. Persons whose mentality may be compared to that of a 2 year old child?
a. idiots b. imbeciles c. feeble – minded persons d. moral defectiveness

37. Uncontrollable resistance to do something?

a. schizophrenic b. idiocy c. epileptic d. compulsive

38. Compulsive desire to set fire?

a. Dipsomania b. pyromania c. kleptomania d. homophobia

39. Compulsive desire to drink alcohol?

a. Dipsomania b. pyromania c. kleptomania d. homophobia

40. Irresistible urge to kill somebody?

a. Dipsomania b. pyromania c. kleptomania d. homicidal compulsion

41. A mental disorder in which the person thinks of himself as great or exalted?
a. hallucination b. delusion c. erotomania d. megalomania

42. Morbid craving for the dean. A perversion wherein gratification is achieved by having sexual
intercourse with or mutilation of a dead body?
a. megalomania b. erotomania c. necrophilism d. autophobia

43. A statement which says we have no crime if we have no criminal law?

a. ignorantia legis b. logomacy c. dura lex sed lex d. none of the

44. The attempt to correlate the frequency of crime between parents and children or siblings?
a. melancholia b. megalomania c. logomacy d. biometry

45. Transmission of physical characteristics, mental traits, tendency to disease from parents to
a. DNA b. inheritance c. heredity d. all of the foregoing

46. He advocated the positivist theory, that crime is essentially a social and moral phenomenon?
a. cesare Lombroso b. cesare becarria c. alphonse bertillion d. Charles goring

47. According to criminologist, crimes exist when?

a. a person has been convicted in court of felony b. it is committed by a certain person
c. when police authorities are informed d. all of the above

48. A stab B at the back, killing the latter instantly, it was committed at Sales Street, Manila and
A left for Laguna to escape captivity for his felony. What type of crime did he commit?
a. extinctive crime b. acquisitive crime c. static crime d. continuing crime

49. The theory of human law which is based on human free will and the purpose of the penalty is
retribution is referred to as the?
a. classical theory b. neo classical theory c. positivist theory d. neo positivist theory

50. What do we refer to a crime wherein the offender as started the commission of the offense
and by execution of some acts lead to the fulfillment of the felony?
a. attempted b. frustrated c. consummated d. all of the above

51. An unfaithful husband suspects his wife of infidelity. From this scenario, what coping
mechanism was apparent to the act of the husband?
a. rationalization b. reaction formation c. projection d. provocation

52. It is a healthy stress, it enhances function regarding physical or mental, such as through
strength training or challenging work. This is known as:
a. stressor b. distress c. stress d. eustress

53. Surot is a self-made millionaire, she grew up in poverty. She sets up a charitable foundation
and gains great pleasure from how it helps others to get out of the poverty trap. She receives
social accolade and public recognition for her good deeds. What coping mechanism does Surot
a. altruism b. projection c. passive aggression d. aim
54. The following are coping mechanism, except:
a. post-traumatic growth b. aggression
c. displacement d. suppression

55. A woman with an unwanted pregnancy may be morally opposed by abortion. Specifically,
what is this kind of conflict?
a. avoidance-avoidance conflict
b. approach-avoidance conflict
c. Dysfunctional conflict
d. approach-approach conflict

56. Abby wants to leave Criminology and try painting, but she wants to please her father who is
a policeman. Abby is facing what kind of conflict?
a. physical obstacle b. social circumstance
c. conflicts between motives d. personal shortcomings

57. The boss of Tonio gets angry and shout at him. When Tonio gets home he shout at his wife.
The wife shout at her son. With nobody is left to displace anger onto, the son kicks the dog.
What is this kind of coping mechanism?
a. projection b. conversion c. dissociation d.

58. A man who is gay has a number of conspicuous heterosexual affairs and openly criticizes
gays. What is this kind of coping mechanism?

a. reaction formation b. rationalization c. projection d. sublimation

59. This is a kind of mechanism where the person consciously and deliberately pushes down any
thought that leads to feeling of anxiety.
a. substitution b. suppression c. symbolization d.

60. This occurs when a psychological problem turns into physical and subconscious symptoms.
This can range from simple twitching to skin rashes, heart problems and worse.
a. somatization b. sublimation c. suppression d. substitution

61. The following are symptoms of an anxiety disorder, except:

a. feeling of panic, fear and uneasiness
b. nightmares
c. problems sleeping
d. think a lot about death and suicide

62. It has repetitive, irrational thoughts, and/or actions which usually involve some symbolic
effort at conflict resolution.
a. Anxiety Reaction b. Dissociative Reaction
c. Obsessive-Compulsive Reaction d. Depressive Reaction

63. The person of this type believes that he or she is being threatened or mistreated by others.
a. delusion of grandeur b. delusion of persecution
c. jealous type d. guilt delusion

64. It is a psychological disorder that is believed to have resulted from personalities that
developed improperly during childhood.
a. Organic Mental Disorder b. Substance Related Disorder c. Somatoform Disorder
d. Personality Disorder

65. Bleuler invented the word schizophrenia by combining two Greek words meaning ________
and ________. This emphasize
a splitting apart of the patient’s affective and cognitive functioning, which is heavily affected by
the disease.
a. Two and soul b. emotion and spirit c. head and abnormal d. split and mind

66. Which one is not part of the Human Sexual Phase Cycle?
a. the appetite phase b. the excitement phase c. the orgasm phase d. the plateau phase

67. It is a strong sexual attraction for an inanimate object such as underwear.

a. flashing b. fetishism c. mooning d. anasyrma

68. An erotic gratification through fantasies or sexual contact with children, where sexual abuse
is common.
a. frotteurism b. voyeurism c. pedophilia d. scatologia

69. Fear of heights.

a. acrophobia b. ailorophobia c. arachnophobia d.

70. Exposures of one’s genitals to unsuspecting strangers.

a. exhibitionism b. frotteurism c. voyeurism d. martymachlia

71. Fear of dogs.

a. acrophobia b. ailorophobia c. arachnophobia d.

72. Observing the genitals or watching sexual acts. “Peeping Tom” is also used for this disorder.
a. exhibitionism b. frotteurism c. voyeurism d. martymachlia

73. Fear of blood.

a. hematophobia b. hodophobia c. panophobia d. selenophobia

74. Sexual urges and fantasies of touching and rubbing against non-consenting persons.
a. exhibitionism b. frotteurism c. voyeurism d. martymachlia
75. Obtaining sexual gratification by inflicting pain on others.
a. masochism b. sadism c. sadomasochism d. martymachlia

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