Microwave Communication System Design Linking The Tambang Point and Municipality of Makahadok, Quezon Province
Microwave Communication System Design Linking The Tambang Point and Municipality of Makahadok, Quezon Province
Microwave Communication System Design Linking The Tambang Point and Municipality of Makahadok, Quezon Province
Index Terms- Antenna. It is a device whose usually function Clutter Losses. Describe as the attenuation due to trees and
electromagnetic radiation.
Diffraction. Electromagnetic waves to spread when partially
Antenna Bandwidth. The frequency range which the antenna obstructed by an edge is available, thus, creates a shadow area.
Antenna Gain. It is a measure of directivity properties and transmission available between a transmitter and a receiver.
Antenna Height. It is the height of the center of radiation of a the radio equipment without the addition of miscellaneous
transmitting antenna above the effective ground level. flex-twist or rigid section as for rectangular waveguide.
Atmospheric Losses. These are the attenuation due to the Fading. It defined as the variation of the strength of a received
absorption of electromagnetic waves by oxygen molecule and radio carrier signal due to atmospheric changes and/or ground
Attenuation. It refers to the deduction of in energy signal First Fresnel Zone. Circular portion of a wave front
travels through equipment, transmission lines or air. transverse to the line between an emitter and a more distant
point, where the resultant disturbance is being observed,
whose center is the intersection of the front with the direct ray,
and whose radius is such that the shortest path from the
emitter through the periphery to the receiving point is one-half Refraction–Diffraction Fading .For low k values, the Earth’s
wavelength longer than the direct ray. surface becomes curved and terrain irregularities, man-made
structures8andother objects may intercept the Fresnel Zone.
Flat fade Margin. In an analog microwave radio system, the For high k values, the Earth’s surface gets close to a plane
flat fade margin is equal to the system total Gains minus surface and better LOS(lower antenna height) is obtained. The
system total losses.. probability of refraction-diffraction fading is therefore
Free Space Loss. These are the signal attenuation that would indirectly connected to obstruction attenuation for a given
result if all absorbing, diffracting, obstructing, refracting, value of Earth–radius factor. It is also known as k-type fading.
scattering, and reflecting influences were sufficiently removed
so as to have no effect on propagation. Reliability. It involves line-of-sight microwave system of
links and tandem or just only a link.
Fresnel Zone. Wave front transverse to a line between an Waveguide. It permits remote installation of microwave
emitter and a point where the disturbance is being observed antenna from its own equipment. Waveguide is a hollow metal
circular portions; then nth zone includes all7pathswhose tube that allows the transmission of microwave signal.
lengths are betweenn-1 and n half-wavelengths longer than the
line-of sight path. It is also known as half-period zones.
The objective of this study is to have an effective and 1. Planning and Preparation
highly efficient microwave communication system design Choosing the sites that are within the line-of-sight
between Tambang Point, Tinambac, Camarines Sur to to each other was relied on the topographical maps
Makahadok Quezon Province. with scale of 1:50,000 from the National Mapping
and Resource Information Authority (NAMRIA)
This study answers the following questions: office. Plans of line-of-sight between two locations
1. What are the important design considerations when were the total path lengths were made was
planning a microwave communication link? calculated approximately. Researchers choose the
2. How to achieve a barrier free location with exact numbers preliminary band of frequency band from the list
of repeaters and stations through a line of sight microwave
available on National Telecommunications
communications system between Tambang Point, Tinambac,
Commission (NTC).
Camarines Sur to Makahadok Quezon Province?
2. Site Selection
3. Is the study efficient and effective Two different station away from each other were
distinguished with the help of the topographical
Objectives of the Problem maps. The preliminary path profile was made
with the considerations of geographical
General Objective characteristics such as the terrain type and other
The objective of this study aims to design considerations like the availability of power and
Microwave Communication System Tambang Point, water supply also the telephone communication.
Tinambac, Camarines Sur to Makahadok Quezon 3. Site survey
Province with a minimum distance of 200 kilometers. 4. Data and Information gathering
The design was based on engineering
Specific Objective considerations for microwave. To take out the
To establish the frequencies needed information needed from the published and
resources and appropriate equipment needed unpublished materials and also from the
to construct the Microwave Communication worldwide web, diverse study was made to have
System. the specification sheets used on the microwave
To apply the knowledge and concepts
5. Path Profile and Calculations
learned by designing a system with a Sites of the stations were selected with the help
reliability of 99.99999% of the topographic maps and the different
To execute the design with clear path for parameters of the microwave design were
line of sight of a Microwave computed. Researches also viewed the elevation
Communication System linking Point, review and possible obstruction at the selected
Tinambac, Camarines Sur to Makahadok path. From the result of the map survey,
Quezon Province. computations for the coordinates, distances,
azimuth tower, antenna height, losses on the
II. METHODOLOGY design, reflection points and reliability were
Thorough planning and analysis is needed in designing a 6. Completion of Write-Ups
microwave link. This tends to describe and evaluate the After the completion of gathering data and
methods used and approach of making a line-of-sight computations, proponents were able to
communication system and also explain what has the study finalized the paper.
has conducted.
Research Method This explains the interrelated principles, theories,
parameters, boundaries, ideas and concepts that were
This was created from the various existing theories and necessary in microwave system design. It guides the
principles of microwave communication system design from researchers in determining what things to measure and what
statistical relationship to look for. This also helps to
understand the variables that have been considered significant
to the problem. RECOMMENDATION
Below are the basic recommendations which is very
Theoretical frameworks necessary for planning efficient wireless network through
There are a lot of theories and principle that designing a microwave link:
significantly contribute in designing a successful microwave 1. Avoid lower frequency bands in urban areas.
link design such as in mathematical analysis and the operation 2. If possible, in areas with very heavy precipitation,
of the system. This have handled on using the Principle of use frequency bands below 10GHz.
Microwaves and Theory of Design and Theory of wave 3. Leave enough spare capacity for future expansion of
propagation. the system.
4. The activities of frequency planning and microwave
Theory of wave propagation comprehends that in Earth path planning preferably should perform in parallel
environment, electromagnetic waves transmit in ways that be with line of sight activities and other network design
determined by not only on their properties but also on those of activities for best efficiency.
the environment itself. When propagation near the Earth is 5. Use updated maps that are not more than a year old.
examined, several factors, which did not exist in free space The terrain itself can change drastically in very short
must be considered time period. Make sure everyone on the project is
Principles os Microwaves and Theory of Design. This using the same maps, data and coordinates system.
theory is the method of applying the various techniques and 6. Perform detailed path surveys on all microwave
scientific principles for the purpose of defining a device, a links. Maps are used only for initial planning as a
process or a system is sufficient detail to permit its realization. first approximation.
Problem 3
Is the study efficient and effective?
AUTHORS He studied at the Laboratory High School of Central Bicol
State University of Agriculture and graduated on 2015.
Jullie Agorita Caballero a twenty year old fourth year Jan Carlo Duran Luzada was born on January 1, 1998 at
electronics communications engineering student of Bicol State Camaligan, Camarines Sur.
College of Applied Sciences and Technology. She was born He graduated at the Laboratory High School of Bicol State
on April 5, 1998 College of Applied Sciences and Technology on 2014 and is
She graduated highschool at Calabanga National currently a fourth year electronics and communications
Science HIghschool on 2014 and spent her grade school days engineering in the same school.
at Ratay Elementary School, 2004 – 2010.
Anthony Luna Panes a nineteen year old fourth year
Archie Rois Cruzata was born on December 15, 1998 at electronics communications engineering student of Bicol State
Naga City. He is a fourth year electronics communications College of Applied Sciences and Technology.
engineering student of Bicol State College of Applied He was born on June 19, 1999 at Naga City.
Sciences and Technology. He graduated at Sta. Cruz National High school on 2015
He graduated at Ateneo De Naga University on 2015.