Ch02-Zealey PRE 4thpp
Ch02-Zealey PRE 4thpp
Ch02-Zealey PRE 4thpp
P h y s i c s i n C o n t e x t : T h e Fo r c e s o f L i f e
The development of our civilisation would have been impossible without effective
communication. The early development of speech and later the written word allowed
us to evolve a cohesive community that was capable of passing ideas and beliefs from
generation to generation.
The messenger carrying the information has been supplanted by electromagnetic
means of transmission that allow transfer of data at close to the speed of light. To
all intents and purposes, the sending and receiving of data over satellite links is
instantaneous, limited only by the speed of coding and decoding the information into
suitable forms for transmission.
Speech and many modern means of communication utilise waves. There are many
different kinds of waves. The most obvious form of waves are those upon which we surf.
Less obvious are sound waves, and possibly the least obvious are light or electromagnetic
waves. In this section we discuss what waves really are, and their importance in the world
around us.
All waves share one thing in common, they provide a means of transferring energy from
one point to another without the physical movement of particles from one point to another.
Ocean waves are generated thousands of kilometres out to sea by the action of wind on
the surface of the ocean. The energy transferred to the surface of the ocean eventually
reaches land a few days later as a breaking wave. However, the water molecules that were
originally moved by the wind far out at sea do not move far from their original positions.
Figure 2.1 waggle string end of string free to
Energy moves down up and down move up and down
the string, but the
molecules of the
string retain their
original relative
T h e Wo r l d C o m m u n i c a t e s : Wa v e s , E n e r g y a n d I n f o r m a t io n Tr a n s f e r
They pass on their energy to neighbouring molecules, which in turn affect their neighbours.
In this way energy is transferred without mass motion.
If you put energy into a string or rope by shaking one end up and down, the other end of the
string will also begin to move up and down. Energy will have been transferred along the string,
but the molecules of the string will not have moved from their original relative positions.
In a similar way electromagnetic radiation (which includes light) can be thought of as
the transfer of energy from one place to another by varying electrostatic and magnetic
fields. If you could take hold of an electron in one corner of the room and shake it up
and down, you would find that other electrons at the other side of the room would begin
to vibrate a split second later. Energy is transferred from one side of the room to the
other by an electromagnetic wave.
If particles and molecules don’t actually move from one place to another when energy
is transferred by a wave, what actually happens to the individual particles? Let’s consider
what happens if we drop a rock into a pool. Ripples spread out from the position where
the rock entered the pool and eventually reach the pool’s edge. Floating twigs and straw
near the centre of the pool are not washed ashore, instead they begin moving up and
down about an equilibrium point. Their vertical motion is a form of simple harmonic
motion. This vertical oscillation is transferred outward from one region of the pool to
the next. As the oscillation builds up in one area it dies away in the preceding area. The
wave is seen to travel out from the pool’s centre.
Figure 2.2
The movement of
a wave depends
on energy being
passed from
particle to
P h y s i c s i n C o n t e x t : T h e Fo r c e s o f L i f e
As each succeeding piece of string moves upward, the crest of the pulse moves along the
string. By now your hand has returned to its starting position and the end of the string
has also returned to its original position. As adjacent pieces of string reach the top of
their motion they experience a force pulling them back toward their starting positions.
The source of the pulse is the motion of your hand, and the pulse is transferred down
the string because of cohesive forces (tension) between the particles of the string.
Periodic disturbances
If you continue to move your hand up and down at the same rate, or if you connect the
end of the string to a mass moving up and down on the end of a spring, the end of the
string will move up and down in a periodic manner. It will return to the same vertical
position after a precise interval of time. A series of pulses will be generated at the end of
the string separated by precise intervals of time. These pulses will move down the string,
so that if we take a snapshot at any given time each pulse will appear separated by
precise distances. We now have a simple wave.
T h e Wo r l d C o m m u n i c a t e s : Wa v e s , E n e r g y a n d I n f o r m a t io n Tr a n s f e r
Figure 2.4 Some of the energy transformations which occur in common devices. Mobile phones, radio and television all transmit
and receive signals carried by electromagnetic waves.
E x e r ci s e
Classification of waves
We observe the passage of a wave as it moves outward from its source as the motion of
particles in the wave’s path. Particles can vibrate about their resting or equilibrium
positions in many ways. The distance and direction in which a particle moves is its
displacement. Each of these forms of vibration can pass energy from one point to
another, and can be regarded as a different form of wave motion. Three main forms of
mechanical waves may be observed in everyday life.
P h y s i c s i n C o n t e x t : T h e Fo r c e s o f L i f e
Transverse disturbances
Particles can move up and down across the direction of the motion of the wave. Waves
of this type can travel along strings, when one end of the string is moved to and fro
across the length of the string. The vibration in a string on a musical instrument such as
a piano, guitar or violin is transverse. A water wave or a wave in a string moves in two
dimensions: the direction of travel and the direction of vibration.
As we will see later in this section, electromagnetic waves are a form of transverse
T h e Wo r l d C o m m u n i c a t e s : Wa v e s , E n e r g y a n d I n f o r m a t io n Tr a n s f e r
Figure 2.7 a
waves occur
in a a hammer
striking an
iron bar,
b loudspeakers,
and c earthquakes. waves travelling down bar
sound wave travelling in a tube
c explosion
or earthquake
Torsional disturbances
Groups of particles twist backward and forward around the direction of motion of the wave.
These kinds of waves are rarely seen in everyday situations. Consider a set of dumbbells
mounted between two strings or across a thick elastic rope, so that the dumbbells may
twist to and fro. If we set the dumbbell at the end oscillating, the vibrations will pass on to
the neighbouring dumbbell and a wave will progress along the system.
Figure 2.8
torsion wave
In a torsional
wave the
particles twist
backward and
forward around
the direction of
motion of the
elastic rope
disturbance moves to right
P h y s i c s i n C o n t e x t : T h e Fo r c e s o f L i f e
varying electromagnetic field which moves outward from the charge that has been
accelerated. Electromagnetic waves vibrate in two dimensions and travel in a third
dimension. We can detect the progress of this electromagnetic wave by studying the
motion of other charged particles in its path. X-rays, light, heat radiation and radio waves
are all forms of electromagnetic waves. Electromagnetic waves can travel through a
vacuum—they do not need to be transmitted through a medium.
In a similar way, if we move a mass anywhere in the universe, that motion will have an
effect on all of the other masses in the universe. The effect would normally be very small.
However, in cases in which stars are orbiting each other or a star explodes, the changing
distribution of material can be thought of as a source of gravity waves. It is expected that
these waves would cause other masses in their path to vibrate. Attempts are being made
to detect gravity waves using massive cylinders of metal and looking for minute changes
in their length as the gravity wave passes through them.
Wave terminology
When we attempt to describe waves we are forced to describe the effect the wave has
on particles in its path. In the absence of a wave the particles occupy an equilibrium
position. The passage of a wave through the particles causes them to oscillate. When we
look at waves on the sea we can describe them according to the size or height of these
oscillations (for example the wave might be 2 m high), the spacing between crests, and
the number of waves hitting the beach over a period of time. This description can be
formalised and used to describe any wave.
Waves can be examined in two ways. We can take a photo and freeze the positions of
every particle in the path of the wave. This is the view you would have of ocean waves
from a nearby cliff top. In this way we can picture the shape of the disturbance at a
given instant of time (Figure 2.9). Or the movement of a single particle in the path of the
wave can be studied. This is the view you would have of an ocean wave as a surfer
bobbing up and down in one spot (Figure 2.10).
Ocean waves are unfortunately fairly complex so we will consider a simple wave
on a string. If there was no wave the particles would all lie in a line and occupy the
undisturbed or equilibrium position. As the wave moves through them, each particle
oscillates above and below its equilibrium positions. The particle first moves up and
reaches a maximum displacement at the crest of the wave. It then returns through its
equilibrium position to a minimum displacement or trough, before finally returning
to its starting position. This cycle is repeated many times.
T h e Wo r l d C o m m u n i c a t e s : Wa v e s , E n e r g y a n d I n f o r m a t io n Tr a n s f e r
The amplitude of a wave is the maximum displacement on either side of the equilibrium
position. Particles in the path of a wave oscillate between positive and negative
displacements. The amplitude (A) of the wave shown in Figure 2.9 is A = 10 m.
Waves carry energy from their source to particles in their path. The energy transported
by the wave is proportional to the square of the amplitude of the wave.
E ∝ A2
E x e r ci s e
2.2 There is strong evidence that the Australian east coast has been hit by
tsunamis of height at least 32 m.
a What is the amplitude of such a wave?
b How many times more energy is dissipated by a wave of this size when it
hits the coast than a wave of height 2 m?
The wavelength (λ) is the distance between adjacent crests or maxima of the wave.
If we take a photograph of a wave we can freeze its motion at a given instant of time.
It is simple then to measure the distance between adjacent peaks. The wavelength for
the disturbance in Figure 2.9 is λ = 5 m.
The wavelength can also be though of as the length of one complete cycle from
equilibrium (zero displacement) through a minimum, back through the zero
displacement to a maximum and return to zero displacement. A single cycle is the
basic pattern of motion which is repeated again and again by particles in the path of
the wave.
Figure 2.9
one cycle
The amplitude
and wavelength crest λ
+10 m
of a wave.
5m 10 m 15 m
Distance from source
–10 m
The period of a wave is the time taken by a particle to complete a single complete cycle
of motion. If you are on a surf board going up and down waiting to catch the big wave
you could measure the seconds between being at the top of one crest and the top of the
next. The period of the wave shown in Figure 2.10 is T = 10 seconds.
P h y s i c s i n C o n t e x t : T h e Fo r c e s o f L i f e
Figure 2.10
The amplitude and One Cycle
period of a wave. period T
+10 m
10 s 20 s 30 s
—10 m
period T
60 mm
The frequency ( f ) of a wave is the number of cycles of motion of a particle that occur in one
second. If the period of the wave in Figure 2.10 is T = 10 s, the frequency is 10 s or 0.1 cycles
per second. The units of frequency are cycles per second (cps) or Hz (hertz; 1 cps = 1 Hz).
The frequency of a wave is fixed at the source and depends on the frequency of the source.
The frequency of a wave remains constant even when it travels through different materials.
Frequency and period are related to each other by the equation
E x e r ci s e
Wave velocity
The wave velocity is the speed at which the disturbance moves through a material. It
depends on several things:
• the kind of wave
• the type of material—its density (e.g. are the particles closely packed?).
The velocity (v) of a wave depends on its frequency or wavelength, not on the
amplitude of the wave. For any given wave the frequency is fixed by the source frequency
and the velocity is fixed by the material through which it travels. The frequency and
wavelength are related in the following way by the wave equation
λf = v
This relationship is demonstrated in Figure 2.11. The velocity of a wave is the distance
travelled by that wave in one second. We can express this distance as the wavelength × the
number of complete cycles of the wave passing a stationary observer every second
distance travelled λ
v= = = λf
time T
T h e Wo r l d C o m m u n i c a t e s : Wa v e s , E n e r g y a n d I n f o r m a t io n Tr a n s f e r
E x e r ci s e
2.4 The frequency of a sound wave is doubled. What happens to the speed of
the wave?
The polarisation of a wave tells you about the direction in which the particles in the path
of the wave vibrate. It describes the direction of the plane of the displacement associated
with the wave.
y 0
Figure 2.12
The polarisation
of a wave is the 270
direction of x
vibration of the
particles. z
y angle of polarisation
E xample
P roble m
The speed of sound is 330 m s–1 in air and 1400 m s–1. in water.
The frequency of middle C on a piano is 256 Hz.
a What is the wavelength of the sound wave associated with middle C played in air?
b What is the wavelength if you play the piano on the Titanic, under water?
P h y s i c s i n C o n t e x t : T h e Fo r c e s o f L i f e
S olution
a The source of the wave is the piano string, which has a frequency of 256 Hz, this is
fixed and cannot change.
In air the velocity is v = 330 m s–1.
v = λf
Therefore λ = 256 m = 1.29 m
b Under water, the wave’s frequency is still that of the source, but now the speed has
changed so that
λ = 256 m = 5.47 m
A c tivitie s
2.1 Undertake Experiment 2.1 ‘Waves in springs, ropes and water’, or use a
computer simulation to gather information of the transmission of waves in
slinky springs, water waves and ropes.
2.2 Undertake Experiment 2.2 ‘Measurement of the frequency of sound waves
using a CRO’ or use your data logger and microphone/sound sensor, and your
computer or graphics calculator as an oscilloscope.
2.3 Research and describe the energy transformations in
a the mobile phone b radar.
2.4 Plan, choose equipment for, and perform a first-hand investigation to gather
information to identify the relationship between the frequency and wavelength
of a sound wave travelling at a constant velocity.
E x e r ci s e s
2.5 Draw a diagram of a wave with a wavelength of 4 cm and amplitude 5 cm. Label
crests, troughs, wavelength and amplitude.
2.6 The following diagram represents a waveform, whose frequency is 10 Hz, along
a string at a certain instant of time.
)mc( tnemecalpsiD
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Distance (cm)
a What is the amplitude of the wave?
b What is the wavelength of the wave?
c What is the period of the wave?
d What is the wave velocity?
2.7 What is the wavelength of the sound wave produced by a tuning fork of
frequency 384 Hz played in air?
2.8 Two sounds have the same frequency but one is louder than the other. How do
the two waves differ?
2.9 An echo sounder on a ship receives a pulse reflected from the sea bed after
0.05 s. What is the depth of the sea bed?
T h e Wo r l d C o m m u n i c a t e s : Wa v e s , E n e r g y a n d I n f o r m a t io n Tr a n s f e r
2.10 What is the frequency of X-rays of wavelength 32 × 10–9 m. The wave speed is
3 × 108 m s–1.
2.11 Draw a graph of a transverse wave with an amplitude of 5 cm and a period of
0.2 s. What is the frequency of this wave?
2.12 The following graph shows the displacement against time for an object moving
with simple harmonic motion.
Displacement (m)
Time (s)
– 0.5
0 10 20 30 40 50 mm
a What is the wavelength of the waves in the deep section?
b What is the speed of the waves in the deep section?
c What is the frequency of the waves in the shallow section?
d What is the wavelength of the waves in the shallow section?
e What is the speed of the waves in the shallow section?
P h y s i c s i n C o n t e x t : T h e Fo r c e s o f L i f e
Visualising waves
The wave motion we have discussed so far is that in which the wave is confined to a
string, spring or pipe. If we drop a stone into a pond, the ripples spread out in all
directions from the impact point. The ripples are initially circular. If we let off a fire
cracker, the blast wave begins to move outward as a spherical pulse. With time, the
ideal shape of the front of the disturbance is distorted by intervening objects, and by
other disturbances.
In each case the waves start in a small group of particles that transfer their vibrational
energy to their immediate neighbours. These neighbours pass on the vibration to other
particles further from the source of the disturbance. In order to visualise the way in which
the disturbance progresses outward it is useful to introduce the idea of a wavefront.
At any given time we can join up all of the wave crests, which started from the source
at the same time, as a wavefront.
At any instance the wavefront represents a narrow region in which all of the particles
are vibrating in phase. If the source of the wave is creating a disturbance which is simple
harmonic, then the distance between adjacent wavefronts is equal to the wavelength
of the wave.
Figure 2.13 impact
second wave front
a A cross-
section showing
wave crests, and
first wave front
b wavefronts are
formed by joining first wave front
up wave crests crest
that started from
the source at the
same time.
Wavefronts that originate from a single point source are usually spherical if they
propagate through a volume, or circular when they move across a membrane or surface
(such as a water–air interface).
We can represent the direction in which the wavefront is moving by arrows or rays,
drawn at right angles to the wavefront. If we follow one set of arrows from the source
outward we may join them to represent a ray.
T h e Wo r l d C o m m u n i c a t e s : Wa v e s , E n e r g y a n d I n f o r m a t io n Tr a n s f e r
source of the disturbance interacts with particles on every side. These particles in turn
interact with each of their neighbours, not just those further out from the centre of the
disturbance. This interaction damps down the motion of the particles closer to the source
of the disturbance and starts those further out vibrating.
Huygens suggested that you could think of every point on the wavefront as producing a
secondary wavelet. These wavelets travel outward from the individual sources at the wave
velocity, v. If we wish to construct the position and shape of the wavefront at some later
time, t, then
• we draw in each circular wavelet with radius vt, centred on a point of the original
• we then connect the circular wavelets with a common envelope.
This new wavefront can, in turn, be used to construct the next wavefront at a later time.
Figure 2.14 stage 1 stage 2 stage 3
original wave front each point produces envelope of wavelets
new wavelet forms new wave front
principle says
that every point
on a wavefront
produces a
radius = vt
Plane waves
Wavefronts from a point source are initially circular (or spherical). We can create plane
waves, in which the wavefronts are straight and at right angles to the direction of motion
of the wavefront, in two ways. The simplest is to use a line of sources all vibrating
together, in phase, instead of a single source. Using Huygens’ construction the subsequent
wavefronts will be plane or linear wavefronts.
E x e r ci s e s
P h y s i c s i n C o n t e x t : T h e Fo r c e s o f L i f e
2.19 A plane wave strikes a curved interface with a radius of 10 cm. If the velocity
of the wave on the left of the surface is 10 cm s–1 and the velocity on the right
5 cm s–1, use Huygens’ construction to draw the shape of the wavefront at
distances of:
a 5 cm to the right of the surface
b 10 cm to the right of the surface
c 15 cm to the right of the surface.
Finally draw three rays which trace the wavefront as it passes across the
10 cm
v = 10 cm s–1 v = 5 cm s–1
Sound and light waves are vital to our survival. We are aware of what is happening in our
world through our senses of hearing, sight and touch. The development of modern
society depends on the ability to communicate with others predominantly through sight
and sound.
We therefore need to be able to make sounds and hear them.
T h e Wo r l d C o m m u n i c a t e s : Wa v e s , E n e r g y a n d I n f o r m a t io n Tr a n s f e r
We can plot diagrams showing the passage of a sound wave in several ways:
• as a picture showing the compressed regions as a series of tightly packed lines
• as a graph of the longitudinal motion of the air molecules in the path of the wave
• as a graph of air pressure along the path of the wave.
We have all been in long queues, squashed tightly together. If someone at the back
sways slightly forward, they press against the people in front. They too push back and
forward, squashing the group in front of them. The initial bump travels down the line
until the person at the front falls over! This is an everyday example of a compression wave.
Remember that the maximum pressure you feel in such a situation is usually when you
are not moving, but being squeezed from both sides. So too in a sound wave the
maximum pressure occurs between the maxima and minima on the displacement graph
where the amplitude of the motion is zero.
Remember also that when you draw a plot of how the amplitude of the motion of a
particle in a sound wave changes with position, it is the longitudinal motion that you are
In the case of transverse waves in a string or water, the amplitude refers to the motion
of individual particles at right angles to the direction in which the wave is travelling, and
energy is being transferred.
sound waves travelling in a tube
Amplitude of
longitudinal Position
P h y s i c s i n C o n t e x t : T h e Fo r c e s o f L i f e
E x e r ci s e
2.20 Why do you think the velocities in blood, soft tissue and water are similar?
Infrasound: f < 20 Hz
Infrasound cannot be heard but can be felt. The low frequencies are very effective
at causing the larger organs in the body to vibrate (e.g. the spleen and stomach). Some
T h e Wo r l d C o m m u n i c a t e s : Wa v e s , E n e r g y a n d I n f o r m a t io n Tr a n s f e r
people feel sick when watching movies in which the sound system produces sounds in
this frequency. The stomach can vibrate through amplitudes of several centimetres in
response to frequencies close to 3 Hz.
Infrasound should therefore be considered dangerous at high intensities, and exposure
should be limited.
Figure 2.17
Oscilloscope Loud sound Loud sound
traces of loud Low frequency Low frequency
and soft sounds
of different
P h y s i c s i n C o n t e x t : T h e Fo r c e s o f L i f e
refracted wave
incident wave
When we stand at Echo Point and shout ‘cooee’, or stand in front of a high wall and clap
our hands to hear an echo we are listening for the reflected sound wave.
We act as a point-like source for a spherical sound wave that expands away from us.
This wave will be almost entirely reflected from the distant cliff, producing a convex
wavefront moving towards us.
Our brain processes information from a convex wavefront in such a way that we are
misled into thinking that the sound actually is coming from a source the same distance
behind the cliff as we are in front of it.
Figure 2.19
An echo is
produced by
reflected waves reflected wave
that appear to
diverge from a
distant source.
apparent source
The reflection of sound from a solid can be used to detect and produce images of
submerged objects. The use of sound waves in this way is called sonar. Sonar systems
are used to detect submarines, sunken vessels and shoals of fish.
T h e Wo r l d C o m m u n i c a t e s : Wa v e s , E n e r g y a n d I n f o r m a t io n Tr a n s f e r
Figure 2.20 shows how such a reflection may be used to estimate the depth of a
submarine. The sound wave reflected from the submarine travels a distance twice the
depth of the submarine in an elapsed time, t. The submarine’s depth must therefore be
t/2 × c or t/2 × 1500 m s–1, where is c is the speed of sound in water.
Figure 2.20
Reflected sound
waves can be
used in sonar outward pulse reflected pulse
and ultrasound
echo from sea floor
Elapsed time
Absorption of sound
There are many reasons for wishing to absorb sound. An echo in a concert hall can be
most annoying. If we reduce the amount of reflection from the walls of the concert hall,
we can eliminate the echo.
In attempting to design the best absorbing surface, we must remember that no matter
what material we choose some sound energy will be reflected from its surface.
In general, smooth rigid surfaces make the best reflectors of sound, while the best
absorbing surfaces are porous and contain a lot of small air spaces in which to trap the
sound waves. Acoustic tiles tend to have many small holes in their surfaces. The moving
air molecules in contact with the tile move in and out of these holes giving up energy to
the tile. This works best for high frequencies, where the energy of the sound wave is
converted through friction to heat.
Lower frequencies are best absorbed by solid surfaces, which are set vibrating by the
sound wave. The internal structure of the material then damps the motion. Sound energy
is converted into vibrational energy within the structure. This vibrational energy is then
dissipated as heat or re-radiated at other frequencies.
The amount of power associated with a sound wave is small. The heating effects are
therefore small. A Hi Fi sound system on maximum volume typically has a power output
similar to that of a single electric light globe.
A c tivitie s
P h y s i c s i n C o n t e x t : T h e Fo r c e s o f L i f e
Figure 2.21
superposition of
two pulses on
a string. pulse A pulse B
superposition of
b both waves
Two particular wave configurations are of importance. In the first, the position of the
wave crests of one wave coincide in position with the crests of the second wave. In this
case the disturbances add together at every position to produce twice the disturbance
expected from the single wave. This type of superimposition of waves is termed
constructive interference. In this case the waves are said to be in phase.
In direct contrast, when the two waves are exactly one half wavelength (or an odd
number of half wavelengths) out of step, the trough of one wave will coincide with the
peak of the second wave. The disturbances then cancel at every point at which the
waves interact, and we get destructive interference. We often refer to the two waves as
being 180 degrees out of phase if they are completely out of step.
T h e Wo r l d C o m m u n i c a t e s : Wa v e s , E n e r g y a n d I n f o r m a t io n Tr a n s f e r
These effects are important when we consider how two-dimensional waves interact.
Figure 2.22
of two waves =
a constructive
interference and peaks coincide (waves in step): constructive interference
b destructive
Suppose two sound waves of similar amplitudes, but slightly different frequencies are heard
by an observer. If the waves start off almost in step at the observer’s position, they will add
together constructively to produce a vibration with twice that due to the single waveform.
Over a short period of time the waves will slowly move out of step since they do not have the
same frequency. When they are exactly a half wavelength out of step they will completely
cancel each other and no sound will be heard. The net effect is a sound that varies in
amplitude with a frequency equal to the difference between the frequencies of the two
original waves. The observer hears a background hum that pulses or beats in amplitude.
wave frequency = fa
Figure 2.23
Beats are
produced when time
two waves
with similar
frequencies and wave frequency = fb
amplitudes are
constructive constructive
destructive destructive
beat frequency frequency (fa +fb)
(fa –fb) 2
This effect is particularly obvious for sound waves. Suppose we have two tuning
forks, one emitting a 500 Hz tone, the other a 550 Hz tone. We hear the beat frequency
550 – 500 Hz = 50 Hz as a rhythmic variation in loudness.
Beats provide a useful way of tuning instruments. A guitar string can be tuned by
playing the same note on a neighbouring string and listening to the beats between the
two. The string should be adjusted in tension so that the beats disappear.
P h y s i c s i n C o n t e x t : T h e Fo r c e s o f L i f e
We also hear beats in old piston-engined aircraft. If the plane has two engines, then
it is unlikely that each is tuned to precisely the same frequency. The sound from the
engine exhausts interfere and passengers and observers outside the aircraft hear a
buzzing which rises and falls in loudness.
A c tivit y
E x e r ci s e s
2.21 Copy these 4 waves onto a sheet of paper and draw the waves resulting from
the addition of
a A+B b A+C c A+D d A+A
a a
0 0
5 15 25 35 Time (s) 5 15 25 35 Time (s)
– –
a a
0 0
5 15 25 35 Time (s) 5 15 25 35 Time (s)
– –
2.22 Two waves are travelling in opposite directions at the same speed, as indicated
in the diagram.
Which of the following diagrams could represent the resultant wave form of
these waves at a later point in time?
T h e Wo r l d C o m m u n i c a t e s : Wa v e s , E n e r g y a n d I n f o r m a t io n Tr a n s f e r
E x e r ci s e
2.23 Calculate the velocity of Maxwell’s electromagnetic wave. (Both constants are
given in SI units.) How does it compare with the known speed of light?
P h y s i c s i n C o n t e x t : T h e Fo r c e s o f L i f e
Figure 2.25 The electromagnetic spectrum includes high energy gamma rays and low energy radio waves.
Maxwell showed that the radio waves were stopped by a thin sheet of metal placed
between the transmitter and detector. Insulators do not stop the waves. The radio waves
were found to travel through walls into other rooms and have a wavelength of about 33 m.
Heinrich Hertz (1857–1894) showed that when a spark jumped between the terminals
of a high-voltage circuit, a voltage was induced in a nearby circuit. In addition Hertz
measured the speed of radio waves and found it to be similar to the speed of light. As
final confirmation of the wave nature of these radio emissions, Hertz used a simple
dipole antenna to show that radio waves exhibited all of the properties of light: reflection,
refraction, interference, diffraction and polarisation.
Electromagnetic waves can have an infinitely wide range of wavelengths and frequencies.
They all have one thing in common, they travel at the same speed—the speed of light:
c = 3.00 × 108 m s–1
The relation between frequency and wavelength is as for any wave: λf = c.
The wavelength and frequency range of electromagnetic radiation is enormous,
ranging from radio waves with wavelengths greater than 1 km through visible light with
wavelengths of 500 nanometres to gamma rays with wavelengths as short as 10–15 m.
The energy associated with each small wave packet of radiation (or photon) is given
by ∆E = hf. The higher the frequency, the shorter the wavelength and the greater the
energy in one of these wave packets. Thus we often talk of high energy X-rays and low
energy radio waves.
T h e Wo r l d C o m m u n i c a t e s : Wa v e s , E n e r g y a n d I n f o r m a t io n Tr a n s f e r
a b
5900 K black body representing solar spectrum
above atmosphere
150 oxygen and nitrogen
atoms absorb UV
Altitude (km)
Thermosphere O2 H2O
Mesosphere H2O CO2
50 ozone absorbs UV
O3 H2O CO2
molecules absorb IR
Troposphere 200 nm 500 nm 1 µm 1.5 µm 2 µm 2.5 µm
Near Infrared
–80 –60 –40 –20 0 20 40 60
Temperature (°C)
Figure 2.26 a The temperature profile of the Earth’s atmosphere to the spectrum of the Sun’s radiation. b The major absorption
bands in the visible and infrared spectra occur because of molecules in the troposphere. Short wavelength ultraviolet radiation is
absorbed by ozone in the mesosphere.
UVb radiation ranges in wavelength from 280 to 320 nm, it is more energetic than UVa
and is largely absorbed by ozone.
UVc radiation ranges in wavelength from 200 to 280 nm, and is the most energetic
and most damaging but is totally absorbed by ozone and oxygen (O2) high in the
In the lower atmosphere the molecules of nitrogen and oxygen as well as carbon
dioxide and water absorb in the visible and infrared spectrum.
accelerate up
and down wire
P h y s i c s i n C o n t e x t : T h e Fo r c e s o f L i f e
Research activity
How do we detect electromagnetic radiation from space?
How does the digital camera create an image?
When light travels through any material its speed is slower than that in a vacuum.
In air the reduction in speed is very small so that the speed of light is still approximately
3.00 × 108 m s–1.
The usual relationship exists between frequency, wavelength and the speed of light.
The frequency of the light wave is fixed by the vibrations at the source of the wave.
It does not change as the light travels through different materials. Only the velocity and
therefore the wavelength change when light enters different materials.
T h e Wo r l d C o m m u n i c a t e s : Wa v e s , E n e r g y a n d I n f o r m a t io n Tr a n s f e r
Figure 2.28
Spherical waves
from a point
source have
intensities that
obey the inverse
square law.
area = 4 units
area = 1 unit
P h y s i c s i n C o n t e x t : T h e Fo r c e s o f L i f e
The surface area of the wavefront is that of a sphere with a radius that increases as
the wavefront moves out from the explosion.
Surface area = 4πr2
Therefore the energy you will intercept if you stand at a distance from the source of
the explosion with a sheet of area 1 m2 is given by
10 000 W power of source
4πr 2 or 4πr 2
This rule is known as the inverse square law. All waves emitted by a point source
obey the inverse square law (Figure 2.28).
As we move out from the source of a 3-dimensional spherical wave, the intensity
decreases as .
E x e r ci s e
2.24 A Geiger Müller counter was used to determine the γ-count at varying distances
from a screened Co–60 source. The count was adjusted for background
radiation and the results are shown in the table below. Plot this data and
determine the relationship between the count and the distance from the source.
Distance Corrected Distance Corrected
from count (minute from count (minute
source (m) intervals) source (m) intervals)
0.04 143 0.11 18
0.045 119 0.12 15
0.05 102 0.13 14
0.055 82 0.14 13
0.06 64 0.15 12
0.07 54 0.16 10
0.08 38 0.17 8
0.09 31 0.18 6
0.1 21
T h e Wo r l d C o m m u n i c a t e s : Wa v e s , E n e r g y a n d I n f o r m a t io n Tr a n s f e r
The main radio wave bands of concern to us are those used for radio and television
transmission. As can be seen from Table 2.5 the higher the frequency the more restricted
the range of the transmissions.
Transmission of a sound or television signal is not simple. It is not possible to transmit
information as electromagnetic waves with the same frequency spectrum as sound
(20 Hz < f < 20 000 Hz). Even if it were technically feasible, imagine 20 radio stations each
broadcasting in your region. It would sound as though 20 different people were all
shouting at you.
Each radio station is assigned an individual carrier frequency. The radio station takes
the sound wave to be transmitted and combines it with the carrier wave, which is then
transmitted. Your radio or television receiver receives this signal and decodes it to produce
the original sound wave.
There are two ways of combining the carrier wave with the sound wave, amplitude
modulation (AM) and frequency modulation (FM).
carrier signal
amplitude modulated signal
sound signal
Time Time
Figure 2.29 In amplitude modulation (AM) the amplitude of the carrier wave encodes the sound signal.
Figure 2.30 In frequency modulation (FM) the sound signal is encoded by slightly varying the carrier frequency.
P h y s i c s i n C o n t e x t : T h e Fo r c e s o f L i f e
central frequency
If you wish to transmit information accurately then you must have a bandwidth that is
similar to the rate at which you transmit your picture and sound. You must transmit
one television picture every 1/30th of a second. Each picture contains about 1 million
individual dots, each represented by 255 grey levels and three colours. This means you
have an information data rate of over 100 MHz and you require a similar bandwidth for
your transmissions.
There is only a finite range of radio frequencies allocated by international agreements
for television transmissions. This means that the number of television transmitters in a
given area is limited. Similarly, the number of phone conversations we can transmit over
conducting copper cable and satellite links is limited, although each requires much less
bandwidth than a television station.
The total available bandwidth depends on the frequency of the radiation. We can therefore
overcome these problems by moving to higher frequency electromagnetic radiation. We can
use tight infrared or visible laser beams to transmit information at a wavelength between
400 nm and 2 microns. Unfortunately, visible and infrared radiation is also affected by
weather and scattered by clouds. To avoid this problem we send the infrared carrier waves
along fibre optic cables. The carrier waves can be modulated with the information we wish
to send and transmitted down the fibre by total internal reflection.
The available bandwidth is so large that many thousands of television channels can be
carried along such a network.
A c tivit y
2.8 Plan, choose equipment for, gather information and perform a first-hand
investigation to observe the inverse square law for light intensity and distance
from the source.
a What variables need to be kept constant and how will you achieve this?
b What technology will you use during the investigation? Justify its
suitability and effectiveness.
T h e Wo r l d C o m m u n i c a t e s : Wa v e s , E n e r g y a n d I n f o r m a t io n Tr a n s f e r
E x e r ci s e s
2.25 Using information from this chapter, discuss the limitations of the use of
electromagnetic waves for communication purposes.
2.26 Describe the characteristics of the waves involved in the transfer of energy
that occurs during the use of a mobile phone, television and radar. Evaluate
the appropriateness of the particular wave to its purpose.
2.27 Using a range of secondary sources, present information that charts the depth
of penetration in the atmosphere of electromagnetic spectrum waves and
identify the wavelengths filtered out by the atmosphere, especially UV, X-rays
and γ-rays. Describe any consequences of this selective filtration. Include only
relevant information and include a bibliography.
Reflection of light
When light strikes the surface of an object or passes from one material into another,
part of the energy associated with the wave is
• reflected back into the first material
• refracted into the second material.
At every surface we expect to see a reflected wave travelling back into the first
medium and a refracted wave travelling forward into the second medium.
In diagrams, arrowed lines called rays are frequently used to show the direction in
which light is travelling. These rays are drawn perpendicular to the wavefront and point
in the direction of wave motion. We often use narrow beams of light in our experiments
(e.g. ray box kits) and refer to them as rays. These beams are really narrow sections of
wavefronts whose behaviour is similar to that of a ray.
P h y s i c s i n C o n t e x t : T h e Fo r c e s o f L i f e
Figure 2.33
Reflected and incident wave incident wave
waves at a
refracted wave
refracted wave
reflected wave
reflected wave
We usually discuss simple reflection and refraction in terms of the following angles:
• the angle of incidence—the angle between any incident ray and the normal to
the surface (a line perpendicular to the surface)
• the angle of reflection—the angle between any reflected ray and the normal to
the surface.
• the angle of refraction—the angle between any refracted ray and the normal to
the surface.
Reflection of waves
If we consider the reflective ray alone, we find from experiment that the following
rules apply.
Rules of reflection
• The incident ray, the normal and reflected ray are all in the same plane.
• The angle of incidence is equal to the angle of reflection: i = r.
reflected ray
T h e Wo r l d C o m m u n i c a t e s : Wa v e s , E n e r g y a n d I n f o r m a t io n Tr a n s f e r
imaginary image
Convex mirrors
Figure 2.36
The diverging incident plane wave
waves produced
by the reflection
of a plane wave reflected circular wave
from a convex focus
of curvature
Plane waves reflected from a convex mirror appear to diverse from its focus.
Convex mirrors are used as security mirrors in shops and in side vision mirrors in cars
as they provide a view of a wider area. They are also used in conjunction with concave
mirrors as secondary mirrors to produce telescopes and all reflecting optics.
P h y s i c s i n C o n t e x t : T h e Fo r c e s o f L i f e
Figure 2.37
Ray diagrams for
a convex mirror.
2f incident ray
of curvature
5 Note how the line which bisects the angle between the incident ray and the reflected
ray passes through the centre of curvature of the mirror. This line is the normal to the
mirror surface.
Concave mirrors
Plane, parallel waves incident on a concave mirror converge on its focus. Satellite
dishes are concave because this shape allows them to concentrate a weak
electromagnetic signal. Conversely, a source placed at the focus of a concave dish
travels outward as a straight beam that does not spread out or weaken as much with
focus focus
Microwave repeater stations use concave dishes to bounce incoming waves to the
next station. Radio telescopes similar to the Parkes 64 m antenna collect almost plane
parallel waves from distant sources in the Universe and focus them onto sensitive
T h e Wo r l d C o m m u n i c a t e s : Wa v e s , E n e r g y a n d I n f o r m a t io n Tr a n s f e r
of curvature
E x e r ci s e s
2.28 Use ray diagrams to draw the path of a ray reflected from a flat surface and a
convex surface.
2.29 Use a ray diagram to show the path of five parallel rays reflected from a
concave surface.
Refraction of light
Changes at an inter face bet ween t wo materials
We have seen in discussing waves in general that as a plane wave moves from a region of
high velocity to a region in which its velocity is low the following happens:
• the wave slows down
• its frequency remains constant, therefore its wavelength decreases
• if the wave approaches the surface at an angle, the direction of the wave changes
after refraction.
Let’s take a simple case in which the light wavefront is parallel to the interface
between the two regions.
Using Huygens’ construction we can draw successive wavefronts at equal time
intervals. The wavefronts are spaced at distances vt apart. As the wavefronts move into
the slower speed material the distance between them decreases. This represents a
decrease in wavelength in the second material.
P h y s i c s i n C o n t e x t : T h e Fo r c e s o f L i f e
Figure 2.40
high wave velocity low wave velocity
construction vat vbt
shows that the
changes when
light enters a
The light wave’s frequency is independent of its velocity and depends only on the
light source. Because the velocity of light changes as it moves into the new medium
and the wavelength is given by λ = , the wavelength will become shorter in the slower
velocity material.
Refraction of waves
When waves pass from one medium to another:
• their speed changes
• their wavelength changes according to the equation λ =
• their frequency remains unchanged.
Some of the energy of the wave is reflected in the form of a wave moving back into the first
medium, the remainder appears as a transmitted wave moving into the second medium.
If the waves approach the interface of the two materials at an angle, then the angle made
by the direction of travel of the incident and refracted waves to the normal to the surface are
related by Snell’s law.
T h e Wo r l d C o m m u n i c a t e s : Wa v e s , E n e r g y a n d I n f o r m a t io n Tr a n s f e r
The relation between the angle of incidence (i) and the angle of refraction (r):
sin i n2 v1
= n = v
sin r 1 2
is known as Snell’s law. This law has been shown experimentally to be a constant for a
given pair of media since 1621, long before the wave theory of light had been fully
developed. The terms n1 and n2 are the refractive indices of the two materials.
We can see that Snell’s law leads to the following relationships between the speed
of light and its wavelength:
sin i n2 v1 λ1
= n = v = λ
sin r 1 2 2
We often refer to materials as being optically dense. This relates only to the ability of
light to pass through a material and means that the more optically dense the material,
the lower the speed of light in that material.
Light moving from an optically less dense to a more dense medium will be turned
toward the normal to the surface.
Rules of refraction
• The incident ray, the normal and reflected ray are all in the same plane
• The relation between the angle of incidence and the angle of refraction:
sin i n2 v1
= n = v
sin r 1 2
a b
fast slow slow fast
i i
Figure 2.42 Light waves moving from a low to high refractive index materials; b high to low refractive index materials.
A light wave moving into a material in which its velocity is higher will bend so that the ray is bent
away from the normal. The wavefront swings away from the surface.
P h y s i c s i n C o n t e x t : T h e Fo r c e s o f L i f e
E x e r ci s e s
2.30 The path of a ray of light passing from air into glass is shown in the following
diagram. N
θ air
flint glass
T h e Wo r l d C o m m u n i c a t e s : Wa v e s , E n e r g y a n d I n f o r m a t io n Tr a n s f e r
We can also think of the way lenses bend light in terms of rays. Because light entering
glass (which is optically more dense than air) bends toward the normal, a curved surface
of glass can alter the path of light in predictable ways.
Concave lens
A concave lens bends inward.
Figure 2.44
A bi-concave a
lens causes A
parallel light rays normal
to diverge.
A ray of light, A, entering a concave lens at point a, will bend toward the normal, and
when it leaves the lens at point b it will bend away from the normal, causing a permanent
change in direction. Similarly, a parallel ray of light, B, at the bottom of the lens will also
bend towards the optical axis of the lens. A concave lens causes rays of light to diverge.
An object viewed through a concave lens appears smaller as the light from the object
spreads out in the lens. Looking backward down the ray of light, we see a smaller object,
as light in our experience travels in straight lines and we expect the object to be at the end
of a ray of light. Concave lenses are used in spectacles for certain types of vision
Convex lens
A convex lens is thicker at the middle than its edges. It brings parallel rays of light to a
P h y s i c s i n C o n t e x t : T h e Fo r c e s o f L i f e
A ray of light, C, entering the convex lens at point c also bends toward the normal when
entering and away from the normal when leaving. A ray, D, at the bottom of the lens is
similarly bent, but upwards. This causes the rays to converge at a focus.
Convex lenses are used in spectacles, telescopes and microscopes, as well as in
magnifying glasses and binoculars. When used as magnifying glasses, the object to be
magnified must be placed between the lens and the front focus.
Convex lenses bend light rays so that they actually pass through a point. These images
are known as real images, and can be caught on a screen, therefore convex lenses are used
in slide, film and overhead projectors. A light placed at the focal point becomes a parallel
beam of light so convex lenses can be used in searchlights and theatre lights.
Lenses can be also made of different materials to focus other frequencies of
electromagnetic waves. As a demonstration opaque wax lenses can be used to refract
microwave radiation, or a balloon filled with carbon dioxide can focus sound waves.
Figure 2.45 normal
A bi-convex C
lens causes
light rays to
converge on a
focal point. focus
A c tivitie s
T h e Wo r l d C o m m u n i c a t e s : Wa v e s , E n e r g y a n d I n f o r m a t io n Tr a n s f e r
refracted radiowaves
5 MHz 20 MHz
Very high frequency microwaves are not refracted by the ionosphere and therefore are
reflected off satellites and ground-based stations in order to carry television and
telephone communications around the world.
Microwaves are not refracted by the ionosphere and therefore are reflected off satellites
and ground-based stations in order to carry television and telephone communications
around the world.
Figure 2.47 An object at the bottom of a pool seems closer than it really is.
P h y s i c s i n C o n t e x t : T h e Fo r c e s o f L i f e
Atmospheric effects
We live in a world with an atmosphere. The atmosphere extends upwards and outwards
for about 100 km. Its density slowly decreases as we get further away from the surface of
the Earth. When we observe distant stars, or the moon and planets, light entering the
atmosphere is bent closer to the vertical (the normal) as it encounters layers with
increasing refractive indices.
Figure 2.48 apparent position
The atmosphere of moon
refracts light
from objects
close to the
horizon making real moon
them seem
higher than they
e in
really are.
The overall effect is that the body appears to be higher in the sky than it really is. This
effect increases when the planet or star is near the horizon and rising or setting. Its light
then travels along the longest possible path through the atmosphere. When this occurs
we are actually seeing the object after it has passed below our horizon.
produces a observer
warm air
Another common effect is a mirage (Figure 2.49). In this case hot air above a road is
trapped below colder air. Light from distant objects is then bent and makes the objects
appear closer. It sometimes appears as if there is water on the road.
T h e Wo r l d C o m m u n i c a t e s : Wa v e s , E n e r g y a n d I n f o r m a t io n Tr a n s f e r
r r = 90¡
i i r
Figure 2.50 If the angle of incidence of a light ray is large, the ray is reflected back into an optically dense medium. This is the basis
of all fibre optics.
As the angle of incidence increases, the angle of refraction also increases until it
reaches 90º and the refracted ray lies parallel to the surface. This angle of incidence is
known as the critical angle. For normal glass with a refractive index of 1.5, the critical
angle is 41.2º. 1
sin icritical = n
If the angle of incidence increases beyond the critical angle, the light is reflected back
into the glass. This is called total internal reflection.
Total internal reflection is used in many areas where a mirror surface is not suitable.
The prisms in binoculars utilise total internally reflected rays to shorten the length of the
instrument. The angle of incidence of the light is 45º, which is greater than the critical
angle of glass. The ray is therefore reflected from the glass–air interface at an angle of 45º.
Figure 2.51
A total internally
reflecting prism
turns a light beam
through 90º.
Optical fibres
Total internal reflection also forms the basis of fibre optic cables. Optical fibres are thin
flexible glass rods. When a ray enters the fibre it strikes the sides at large angles of incidence.
The angles of incidence are greater than the critical angle and total internal reflection occurs.
By making use of total internal reflection we minimise the energy lost at each reflection.
Light is transmitted down the fibre optic cable by reflecting from side to side. A bundle of
fibres is often called a light pipe. If an object is imaged on the face of such a light pipe each
fibre carries part of the image down the pipe. A second lens is then used to focus the image
on a detector at the far end.
Optical fibres are also used to transmit digital signals or pulses of light from one place
to another. This form of telecommunications suffers less interference and power loss than
conventional systems using electric voltages. It is therefore cheaper. The light sources used
P h y s i c s i n C o n t e x t : T h e Fo r c e s o f L i f e
Figure 2.52
A simple fibre cladding n2
optic cable uses
total internal
reflection to n0 n1
transmit a beam r
of light. Modern
optical fibres are
clad in low
refractive index
glass to prevent
surface scratches.
are small solid state laser diodes that produce an infrared pulse at a wavelength of about
1.2 microns. The fibres are designed to transmit these wavelengths with very low losses.
The simplest optical fibres have a glass core of high refractive index coated by glass
cladding with a lower refractive index.
Total internal reflection occurs for θcritical = sin–1 n
90 – r < θcritical
The light entering one end of the fibre will undergo up to 7000 reflections for each
metre of fibre. Some light is lost at each reflection. Though each loss is small, it can mount
up to a total loss unless the fibres are almost perfectly reflecting.
Losses within the fibre are due to:
• scattering from defects in the glass proportional to 4 ; thus use of long wavelengths
means lower power losses
• molecular and atomic absorption
• absorption by metallic ions and OH impurities
• roughness and non-uniform fibre thickness
• bending.
E x e r ci s e
2.34 a Why does a breaststroke swimmer see a reflection of the bottom of the
pool when his or her head is below water?
b What is the critical angle for water (n = 1.33)?
c Which material has the highest critical angle; water (n = 1.33), glycerol (n = 1.47)
or diamond (n = 2.42)?
d How is total internal reflection utilised in optical fibre technology?
e Why doesn’t total reflection occur when a light beam in air is incident on water?
f Why does a diamond in a diamond ring sparkle in light?
g A sapphire has a critical angle of 34.4 degrees. What is its refractive index?
Pulse dispersion
Waves following different paths have different travel times through the fibre. Pulses get
smeared and information gets lost.
Figure 2.53
Light may follow
several paths
through the fibre.
This leads to
pulse smearing. Time
T h e Wo r l d C o m m u n i c a t e s : Wa v e s , E n e r g y a n d I n f o r m a t io n Tr a n s f e r
Graded index
GRIN fibre
We can reduce this pulse smearing by using graded index fibres (GRINs). In a GRIN,
the refractive index of the core varies from a maximum in the centre to a minimum at the
outside. This has the effect of refracting rays deviating from the centre line back towards
the centre.
Fibres may also be used as sensors. The transmission efficiency of a fibre depends on a
number of external things and can be used to measure:
• bending
• pressure
• the distance to the reflector from an object
• temperature
• magnetic field strength.
A c tivitie s
There are two kinds of signals commonly used for communications. These are analogue
signals, which vary smoothly with time, and digital signals in which the information is
encoded as a sequence of voltages which are either high or low (on or off).
Analogue signals
In most of the discussions about waves we have talked about waves that vary smoothly
over time. We have looked briefly at how we transmit sound waves, converting them into
electrical voltages using a microphone before transmitting them from an aerial. Just like
the sound that produced them, these voltages vary in a complex way and are made up
of many superimposed frequencies in the range 50–10 000 Hz. In order to transmit
P h y s i c s i n C o n t e x t : T h e Fo r c e s o f L i f e
Figure 2.55 a b
A sketch of Voltage Voltage
a analogue and 10 V
b digital signals. 5V
Time (s) Time (s)
frequencies in this range by radio, we have to use a carrier wave with a frequency in the
radio spectrum (> 300 kHz). We have talked about how we can use AM and FM to
modulate the carrier wave.
We can store sound by converting it to electrical voltages using microphones, then
using these voltages to control a stylus that cuts grooves into vinyl records. Alternatively,
we could use the voltages to produce a varying magnetic field that affects the magnetic
coating on a tape. Once again the depth of the groove represents the amplitude of the
original sound and varies smoothly. These are known as analogue signals. Analogue
signals vary continuously and smoothly with time.
Digital signals
We can turn any analogue signal into a digital signal. Any kind of information, except
smell and taste (and these are being worked on), can be stored and transmitted in digital
form. The only requirement is that the signal must be able to be converted to numbers.
To do this conversion we sample or measure the voltage of the analogue signal at
precise intervals. The more frequently it is sampled the closer the information
corresponds to the true shape of the wave. These numbers can be stored or transmitted.
We take each sampled voltage and convert it into a digital number, which is stored in
a computer memory before being recorded to DVD or CD. This process is known as
A–D (analogue to digital) conversion and the electronic box which does this is called an
A–D converter.
4-bit digitiser
1 2 3 4
3V 6V 7V 6V
T h e Wo r l d C o m m u n i c a t e s : Wa v e s , E n e r g y a n d I n f o r m a t io n Tr a n s f e r
In this way we can take a Jimi Hendrix or Beatles recording from tape or a vinyl record
and convert it into a digital CD.
Newspaper stories and photographs are entered into a computer in digital form and
transmitted around the world via modem. In Australia, mobile phones now transmit
digital signals rather than analogue, using GSM or CDMA coding. Internet data is sent
in digital form using satellites, and cable television also arrives digitally. Compact discs
(CDs) record sound digitally, and we can now stream sound and vision bits along the
modem line to transmit videos. Music CDs are recorded at sampling rates of 44 100 bits
a second.
The use of digital signals allows us to process information using computer techniques.
We can use sophisticated software programs to take a piece of digitised music and remove
clicks and pops caused by scratches, or cut and paste over mistakes.
If we transmit digital signals, we can easily filter out noise from other sources (for
example lightning) and get a far higher transmission quality than with AM and FM radio.
The A–D converter limits the number of binary digits we have available to represent the
analogue voltage. A 4-bit A–D converter only has 24 or 16 numbers available, an 8-bit A–D
only 28 or 256 numbers and a 16-bit A–D only 65536 numbers. This limits the accuracy of
the digital conversion.
CD technology
Once we have a digital signal it can be recorded in a variety of ways, the most common
of which is the CD. The digital data is written to the CD as a sequence of pits, which
represent 1s, on a flat reflecting surface, which represents 0s. The recording track starts in
the centre of the CD and moves outward to the edge in a tight spiral with about 40 000
turns per cm. The track is less than the thickness of a hair and several kilometres long.
When read, the disk rotates at over 500 revolutions a minute.
P h y s i c s i n C o n t e x t : T h e Fo r c e s o f L i f e
E x e r ci s e s
2.35 If the recording track is a tight spiral with about 40 000 turns per cm, and the CD
track is about 4 cm wide, how long is the track?
Figure 2.58
The Global
System needs
signals from at
least three
satellites to give GPS1 GPS2
a good position.
T h e Wo r l d C o m m u n i c a t e s : Wa v e s , E n e r g y a n d I n f o r m a t io n Tr a n s f e r
If we know our exact distance from a satellite, we know we are somewhere on the
surface of an imaginary sphere with a radius equal to the distance to the satellite. If we
know our exact distance from two satellites, we know that we are located somewhere on
the line where the two spheres intersect. A third measurement, allows only two possible
points where we can be located.
The GPS system can tell you your location anywhere on or above the Earth to within
about 90 m. Better accuracy can be obtained using corrections supplied by a GPS receiver
at a known fixed location.
The Russians operate a similar system using Global Navigation System (GLONAS)
A c tivit y
P h y s i c s i n C o n t e x t : T h e Fo r c e s o f L i f e
T h e Wo r l d C o m m u n i c a t e s : Wa v e s , E n e r g y a n d I n f o r m a t io n Tr a n s f e r
M at e rial s
• cathode ray oscilloscope (CRO)
• frequency generator
• connecting wires
M e t hod
1 Turn the CRO on and ensure that the trace is centred and in focus. Set the time base to
10 ms and the vertical display to 1 volt/div.
2 Connect the output of the frequency generator to one of the probes of the CRO. Set
the frequency to about 100 Hz. Observe the CRO and adjust the settings if necessary.
3 Repeat at other frequencies with the speaker on. It may be of interest to determine the
typical frequency range of hearing of the class by measuring the frequencies at which
hearing cuts out at both ends of the spectrum.
4 Vary the output of the signal generator at constant frequency and note the effect on
the wave and compare with the change in sound intensity.
R e s ult s
Calculate the period and then frequency for each setting.
C on clu s ion
How may the frequency of a wave be determined with a CRO?
A n swe r to p r elab e x e r ci s e
a 8 VPP
b 44.4 Hz
P h y s i c s i n C o n t e x t : T h e Fo r c e s o f L i f e
T h e Wo r l d C o m m u n i c a t e s : Wa v e s , E n e r g y a n d I n f o r m a t io n Tr a n s f e r
M at e rial s
Each group of students will need:
• beaker (to top up measuring cylinder)
• burette
• glass tube 0.60 m, 1.0 m
• large measuring cylinder
• metre rule
• retort, clamp and bosshead
• rubber bung
• rubber tube (to fit gas outlet)
• set of at least three tuning forks, e.g. 256 Hz, 384 Hz, 512 Hz
• thermometer
P roc e d ur e
1 Clamp the glass tube so that it is supported vertically inside the measuring cylinder
full of water but not in contact with the base. The length of tube above the water
should not exceed 14 cm.
metre glass
rule tube
2 Strike the 512 Hz tuning fork gently on the rubber bung (otherwise it will not vibrate
at a single frequency) and hold over the air column. Slowly raise the glass tube until a
maximum in sound intensity is reached. Carefully measure the length of the air
column in the tube at this point.
3 Strike the 512 Hz tuning fork again and continue to raise the tube until another
maximum in sound intensity is reached. Carefully measure the length of the air
column in the tube at this point.
4 Record the air temperature.
5 Repeat these steps for each tuning fork. You may need to use a longer glass tube
(to 1.0 m).
R e s ult s
Tabulate your results, e.g.
Air temperature = °C 512 Hz 384 Hz 256 Hz
1st resonance
2nd resonance
Length of resonant air column
Wavelength (twice length above)
C alc ulation s
1 Calculate the speed of sound (v = 331 m s–1 + (0.6 m s–1 °C–1) × T ) for your results.
2 Determine the relation between f and λ at this speed (e.g. graphically).
C on clu s ion
How are frequency and wavelength of sound related?
P h y s i c s i n C o n t e x t : T h e Fo r c e s o f L i f e
E x t r a work
1 You can test the precision (how closely individual measurements agree with each
other) of this experiment by taking three readings for each measurement for each
tuning fork used. Then use the mean values of these readings. You can test the
accuracy by seeing how closely your results agree with theory—the wave equation
v = λf.
2 You can plan variations on this experiment by using a frequency generator (in place
of tuning forks); it may need calibrating with a CRO. Then use open fixed length glass
tubes and determine the lowest frequency that produces resonance. In this case the
wavelength is twice the length of the tube.
10° 0.174
15° 0.259
20° 0.342
25° 0.423
30° 0.500
45° 0.707
60° 0.866
C alc ulation s
1 Plot sin i versus sin r.
2 Determine the refractive index of the prism.
E x t e n s ion
Repeat the experiment with a glass rectangular prism.
C on clu s ion
How does your value for the refractive index compare with text values for glass?
T h e Wo r l d C o m m u n i c a t e s : Wa v e s , E n e r g y a n d I n f o r m a t io n Tr a n s f e r
P h y s i c s i n C o n t e x t : T h e Fo r c e s o f L i f e
R e s ult s
Present your results as a table and a series of diagrams.
C on clu s ion
1 What is the relationship between the angle of incidence and the angle of reflection?
2 What effects do concave and convex mirrors have on a parallel beam of light?
Displacement (cm)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Distance (cm)
T h e Wo r l d C o m m u n i c a t e s : Wa v e s , E n e r g y a n d I n f o r m a t io n Tr a n s f e r
2 The following graph shows the displacement against time for an object moving
with simple harmonic motion.
Displacement (m)
3 The following graph shows the displacement against time for an object moving
with simple harmonic motion.
Displacement (m)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Time (ms)
P h y s i c s i n C o n t e x t : T h e Fo r c e s o f L i f e
shallow deep
0 50 cm
7 The diagram represents a wave in the same piece of string at two different
instances of time.
y t = 0.00 s y t = 0.10 s
0 x 0 x
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 cm 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 cm
8 A wave train travels along a string towards a rigid boundary. The wave train
moves at 5.0 cm s–1 and consists of three wavelengths of 10 cm.
The following diagram shows the position of the pulse at time t = 0.0 s.
5.0 cm s –1
10 cm 10 cm
T h e Wo r l d C o m m u n i c a t e s : Wa v e s , E n e r g y a n d I n f o r m a t io n Tr a n s f e r
medium 1
medium 2
4 cm 10 cm
11 The following diagram represents the screen of a dual trace cathode ray
oscilloscope (CRO). The grid is in cm. It shows two waves, equal in size and
frequency. The time base setting (x-axis) is 50 ms/div and the vertical display
setting is 5.0 volts/div for both waves.
P h y s i c s i n C o n t e x t : T h e Fo r c e s o f L i f e
d It is possible for the CRO to add the two waveforms. Sketch the appearance
of this wave as it would appear on the screen. The time base and vertical
display settings remain unchanged.
13 A buoy on a wave takes 2.0 s to move between its highest and lowest points. The
distance between successive wave crests is 4.0 m. What is the speed of the wave?
14 The following diagram represents a transverse wave travelling to the right at
20 m s–1.
y (m)
T h e Wo r l d C o m m u n i c a t e s : Wa v e s , E n e r g y a n d I n f o r m a t io n Tr a n s f e r
At the instant represented by the diagram indicate the point or points that are:
a moving up b moving down.
S1 S2
18 The frequency of a wave is 5.0 Hz. Two points, 20 cm apart, on the wave are
observed to be 90° out of phase. What is the wave velocity?
19 A group of students used a ray box kit to follow the path of a beam of light
through a prism. They varied the angle of incidence and measured the angle of
refraction. In order to look for a regularity in the data they determined the
values of sin i and sin r and plotted these on graph paper.
20 The speed of a wave in a wire (v) is related to the tension in the spring (F ) and
the mass per unit length (µ) of the spring by the relation:
√ F
A wire of mass per unit length (µ) 0.010 kg m–1 is kept under a tension of 25.0 N.
What will be the velocity of a wave in the wire?
21 When light of wavelength 6.0 × 10–7 m enters a slab of crown glass, its speed
changes from 3.0 × 108 m s–1 to 2.0 × 108 m s–1.
a What is the frequency of the light in the air?
b What is the frequency of the light in the crown glass?
c What is the wavelength of the light in the crown glass?
22 A group of students used a ray box kit to follow the path of a beam of light
through a prism. They varied the angle of incidence and measured the angle of
refraction. In order to look for a regularity in the data they determined the
values of sin i and sin r and plotted these on graph paper.
P h y s i c s i n C o n t e x t : T h e Fo r c e s o f L i f e
i normal
incident ray
in air
ray in glass
i r sin r sin i
10° 6.1° 0.106 0.174
15° 9.0° 0.157 0.259
20° 12.0° 0.207 0.342
25° 14.9° 0.257 0.423
30° 17.6° 0.303 0.500
45° 25.4° 0.428 0.707
60° 31.7° 0.525 0.866
Plot sin i versus sin r and determine the relative refractive index of the glass used.
23 What is Snell’s law? Explain with reference to the angles indicated in the
following diagram.
θ medium 1
medium 2 φ
24 The path of a ray of light passing from air into glass is shown in the following
diagram. N
T h e Wo r l d C o m m u n i c a t e s : Wa v e s , E n e r g y a n d I n f o r m a t io n Tr a n s f e r
26 The path of a ray of light passing from crown glass into air is shown in the
following diagram. N
P h y s i c s i n C o n t e x t : T h e Fo r c e s o f L i f e
flint glass
θ a
a Determine the angular separation θ of the red and violet beams in the flint
glass block.
b Calculate the wavelength of the red light in the flint glass block.
33 The following diagram shows the relation between the refractive index of glass
and the wavelength of light.
100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800
Wavelength (nm)
N 60°
φ N
60° 60°
T h e Wo r l d C o m m u n i c a t e s : Wa v e s , E n e r g y a n d I n f o r m a t io n Tr a n s f e r
37 The following diagram represents the path of a light wave through four
different media.