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Class: Course: Instructor:: Qasimali@lrk - Szabist.edu - PK

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Class: BBA-6 (A )

Course: BA3607 Operations Management

Instructor: Qasim Ali Shah

Class details
Class Timing and
09:00 - 12:00 Room :09
Session Day(s) Wednesday
Credit Hours: 03/class hours(per week) | /lab hours(per week)
BA1203 Management Principles
03:00 - 04:30 PM
Email qasimali@lrk.szabist.edu.pk
Contact #

Course Description
This course introduces the concepts of production and operations management. Topics
covered represent a blend of concepts from industrial engineering, cost accounting,
general management, quantitative methods and statistics. The course topics include
some operations and strategic issues such as applied forecasting, aggregate planning,
scheduling, shop floor control, total quality management, inventory management, and
facility layout and project management. In addition, topics also include the complex
understanding of services operations management with the help of real life case
studies, processes and methodologies applied worldwide.

Course Objective
The goal of the course is to help students become effective managers in today’s
competitive, global environment. The course will examine operations as a competitive
weapon, demand forecasting, supply-chain management, aggregate planning, inventory
systems, just-in-time systems and material requirements planning.

Learning Outcomes
1. Describe operation management areas of responsibility and the contribution of
operations management to an organization. 2. Explain the concept of supply-chain
management and the requirements and design of a successful supply chain. 3.
Describe inventory systems for independent demand and the costs and benefits of
carrying inventory. 4. Learn different techniques of forecasting in operations. 5. Learn
location analysis 6. Learn Managing quality 6.Identify the key concepts of materials
planning for dependent demand using MRP (material requirement planning).
Teaching and Learning Methodology
Lectures and case studies

Materials and Supplies

Multimedia, Calculator

Expected Class Conduct

1. Be regular and Punctual 2. Maintain conducive learning environment 3. Constructive

Course Plan
Week Chapters Session Topic Assesments %
1 01 Operations and Productivity N/A
2 06 Managing Quality and International Standards N/A
3 08 Location Decision N/A
4 04 Demand Forecasting: Qualitative Techniques N/A
5 04 Demand Forecasting: Quantitative Techniques Test - 1
6 Managing Inventory N/A
7 Managing Inventory N/A
8 Mid Term N/A
9 Managing the Supply Chain N/A
10 Material Requirement Planning (MRP) Test - 2
11 Case Study 01 Presentation Case Study
12 JIT, Lean Operations and Toyota Production System N/A
13 Managing Projects N/A
14 Transportation Modeling and Capacity Planning N/A
15 Revision N/A

Text Book
Operations Management, Jay Heizer, 11th Edition, ,2014.

Refrence Books
1 Operations Management, Processes and Value Chain, Ritzman, null Edition, ,2015.

Course Pre-Requisites
BA1203 Management Principles
Marks Distribution
Total For D
Total Total Marks Learning
Marks Head Marks Grade
Frequency Exempted /Frequency Outcomes
/Head Holder(s)
Final Paper 1 0 40 40 Included
Mid Term Paper 1 0 30 30 Included
Class Participation 1 0 5 5 Included
Case Study 1 0 5 5 Included
Test 2 0 10 20 Included
Total 100 (For
Marks DGs)

Attendance Policy
Prompt arrival and regular attendance are extremely important. For Academic policy
refer to student handbook for policies on late entry, maximum absences allowed, leave
application etc.

Students with Physical or Educational Challenges

Students with educational and/or physical challenges are entitled to extra attention and
time from the instructor. Therefore students are advised to notify the course instructor at
the beginning of the course. Special arrangement may also be made on prior request
based on specific challenges.

Academic Integrity
This course seeks to empower students for independent learning, resourcefulness,
clear thinking, and perception. All submitted work and activities should be genuine
reflections of individual achievement from which the student should derive personal
satisfaction and a sense of accomplishment. Plagiarism and cheating subvert these
goals and will be treated according to the policy stated in the Student Handbook. The
instructor reserves the right to utilize electronic means to help prevent plagiarism.

Comments and/or Suggestions

Students and Instructors may contact the Institutional Research Department if there is a
need to make suggestions or comments that can help further improve the course. A link
is also provided on your ZABDESK account for frequent and trouble-free feedback. The
Institutional Research Department would like to hear your feedback about the following:

Students Instructors
 Course Content/ thoroughness  Availability of teaching material
 Lecture Delivery/Supplementary  Facilities/Internet/Administrative
Material Support
 Facilities/Labs/Software/Hardware  Labs: Software/Hardware/Technical
Support support
 Course alignment with learning  Availability and quality of Teaching
outcomes Instruments
 Any other comments/feedback  Any other comments/feedback

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