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Air Demand Behind Emergency Closure Gates

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The paper studies pressure drop and air demand behind high head gates during emergency closure using physical and mathematical models.

The paper studies pressure drop and air demand behind high head gates during emergency closure. Measurements are taken using a physical hydraulic model and mathematical models are developed.

Physical and mathematical models are used. Measurements are done on a hydraulic model and a mathematical model is formed by applying integral continuity and energy equations to control volumes upstream and downstream of the gate.

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Air demand behind high head gates during emergency closure

Article  in  Journal of Hydraulic Research · February 2010

DOI: 10.1080/00221680209499876


7 445

1 author:

Ismail Aydin
Middle East Technical University


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Air demand behind high head gates during emergency closure
Appel d’air derrière les hautes vannes d’amont pendant une fermeture d’urgence

ISMAIL AYDIN, Assoc. Prof., Civil Engineering Department, Middle East Technical University, 06531 Ankara, Turkey

Pressure drop and consecutive air demand behind high head gates during emergency closure is studied by physical and mathematical models. Measure-
ments are done on hydraulic model of a leaf gate installed in the intake structure of a penstock. Local loss coefficients are determined as functions of
Reynolds number and gate openings from measurements of discharge and piezometric levels at static positions of the gate. A mathematical model for
the unsteady flow due to closing gate is formed by applying the integral continuity and energy equations on control volumes upstream and downstream
of the gate. Dimensionless numbers relevant to the problem are obtained by dimensional analysis of the governing equations. Timewise variations of
air discharge in the ventilation shaft and pressure behind the gate are obtained from numerical solution of the model equations. The relative air demand
is computed over substantial ranges of dimensionless parameters and some design considerations are discussed.

La chute de pression et l’appel d’air induit derrière les vannes amont de hautes chutes pendant une fermeture d’urgence sont étudiés avec des modèles
physique et mathématique. Les mesures sont réalisées sur un modèle hydraulique de vantail de vanne installé dans la prise d’eau d’une conduite
d’amenée. Les pertes de charge locales sont déterminées comme fonctions du nombre de Reynolds et les ouvertures de vanne à partir des mesures de
débit et des hauteurs piézométriques relevés pour des positions statiques de la vanne. Un modèle mathématique de l’écoulement instationnaire dû à
la fermeture de vanne est réalisé en appliquant les équations intégrales de continuité et d’énergie aux volumes de contrôle à l’amont et à l’aval de la
vanne. Les nombres sans dimension appropriés sont donnés par l’analyse dimensionnelle des équations. Les variations temporelles du débit d’air dans
le puits de ventilation et de la pression derrière la vanne sont donnés par la solution numérique du modèle. L’appel d’air relatif est calculé pour une
large gamme de paramètres adimensionnels et certains aspects de conception sont discutés.

1 Introduction fied according to the type of flow pattern (Falvey 1980). The flow
patterns which develop depend on the air flowrate to water
Leaf gates are preferred in large cross-sectioned intake and outlet flowrate ratio, slope of the conduit and existance of a hydraulic
structures under high heads for ordinary discharge control and jump. In a penstock initially water fills the whole system, flow is
emergency closure operations owing to ease in construction and single component. During gate closure all types of multicompo-
maintenance. However, leaf gates may be subjected to large nent air-water flows may exist temporarily at certain sections, and
downpull forces and severe vibration as a result of high speed finally after complete closure of the gate, single component flow
fluid around the gate lip and low pressures due to suction induced of air starts from the gate region and continues until water is to-
by high momentum fluid downstream of the control section tally drained from the penstock. It is not practical and fortunately
(Naudascher 1991). Common application to reduce suction and not necessary to study the specific patterns of air-water flows that
adverse effects of it is aeration of the downstream face of the gate may develop during gate closure for investigation of the overall
by means of ventilation shafts located immediately after the gate. air demand problem.
From design point of view different categories of air-water flow In the design of ventilation shaft the maximum airflow rate must
in closed conduits may be considered depending on the mecha- be estimated first. Appropriate dimensioning and determination
nisms that create the air demand. In the present study, falling wa- of the pressure drop across the shaft allows estimation of the re-
ter surface elevation behind a high head leaf gate during emer- duced pressure acting on downstream of the gate which is an es-
gency closure and the consequent insufflation of air and the pres- sential parameter in the analysis of the structural components
sure drop are investigated. As the gate is closed, water flowing which must withstand the imposed loads. The pressure down-
into the intake from the reservoir is gradually decreased. Reduc- stream of the gate must be prevented from becoming too low as
tion in discharge upstream of the gate is almost syncronized with cavitation damage may result during prolonged periods of opera-
the gate motion even in emergency closures. However, decelera- tion. It is not allowed but if the pressure in the water body drops
tion of fluid downstream of the gate, where a big volume maybe below the vapor pressure of water, water column separation and
flowing, is not at the same rate as the upstream, water volume in rejoining may occur which induces water hammer problems. An-
the penstock continues to flow through the turbine in the power other consequence of low pressure is increased downpull force
plant by inhaling air from the ventilation shaft. Large amounts of acting on the gate, which must be added to dead weight in the
air may enter through the ventilation shafts in a short time period design of hoisting mechanisms.
to maintain volumetric continuity so as to prevent large negative Steady state air demand has been the subject of papers by Sharma
pressures behind the gate. 1976, Robben and Rouve 1984, Fuentes and Garcia 1984, and
Multicomponent, air-water, flow in a closed conduit can be classi- Jaramillo 1988. Falvey 1968 introduces a method for time depen-

Revision received December 13, 2000. Open for discussion till August 31, 2002.


dent numerical computation of air demand using continuity and other than the turbine itself.
momentum equations. Time dependent measurement of air dis- Hydraulic model constructed on 1:40 scale (Fig.1) consists of a
charge is presented by Frizell 1988. Downpull forces and vibra- streamlining pool to represent the reservoir, entrance details of
tion is the main topic of papers by Naudascher 1986, de Vries the intake, discharge control (gate) region (section-2), ventilation
1988, and Frizell 1988. Scale effect in gate model test is dis- shaft (section-3), transition from rectangular to circular cross-sec-
cussed in detail in the symposium paper by Naudascher 1984. The tion, the penstock represented by a 0.2m diameter circular plexi-
monograph on air-water flow by Falvey 1980 and the design glass pipe, end valve to represent the turbine, and the discharge
manual on hydraulic gates by Naudascher 1991 give very useful measuring channel. H1 is the reservoir water surface level, h2 is
summary of theory, research and practice in related fields. water level in the gate chamber, h3 is piezometric head at con-
In hydraulic model studies, more than often, inclusion of all com- tracted section (section-3) which is the same as water level in
ponents is limited by several constraining factors. The limited ventilation shaft before any air entrance and H4 is the tailwater
space availability may be one such factor. Usually, the main point level. It should be noted that h2 represents the piezometric level
of interest is the intake, the gate and its immediate surroundings in the gate chamber when the gate is completely open. However,
including a part of the penstock. However, in this attempt no such for partial openings of the gate h2 is not simply the piezometric
restriction exists. Consequently air demand simulation was made head at section-2 since it is affected by the overflow through the
with no restriction. spacings between the walls of the gate chamber and the gate. This
The scope of the present study is to develop a mathematical distinction is important in defining the local loss coefficients. The
model for determination of maximum air flow rate and the pres- gate opening is indicated by e which is equal to e0, the tunnel
sure drop during emergency closure and to perform dimensional height, when the gate is fully open. Discharge through the intake
analysis to aid estimation of prototype values to be used in the (upstream of section-2) is indicated by QI and the discharge in the
design stage. Furthermore, the mathematical model developed penstock downstream of the gate is indicated by Qp. The normal
will also be usefull in assesment of experimental results from hy- operation and the maximum runaway discharges in the model
draulic model studies. scale are 0.031 m3/s and 0.041 m3/s, respectively.
Water discharge in the system is measured from a triangular
sharp-crested weir located at the end of the prismatic measuring
2 Measurements and Analysis
channel. Water levels (H1, h2, h3, H4 ) are measured from the ver-
tical scales attached on the model whereas transient pressure be-
2.1 Hydraulic model and measuring system
hind the gate (point t in Fig.1) during gate closure is measured by
Data utilized in this study are provided from the hydraulic model means of electronic pressure transducers supported by a digital
of power intake structure of Birecik dam and hydroelectric power data acquisition system.
plant which is an applied research project conducted in the
hydromechanics laboratory of Middle East Technical University
2.2 Steady flow case for fully open gate
(METU) (Göğüş et. al. 1994). The leaf gate installed in the intake
structure is to be used during emergency closure operations under Discharge through the model, Q, water levels H1, h2, h3, and H4
a water head of 41 m. Furthermore, since there is no other control are measured to evaluate the head loss coefficients for variable
mechanism between the reservoir and the turbine, the leaf gate openings of the end valve when the gate is fully open. Full range
may also function as an alternative discharge control mechanism of discharge values (0~0.12 m3/s) from closed to fully open end

Fig.1 The hydraulic model


valve is studied. The upper bound of the range studied is much
larger than the model scale maximum discharge in order to obtain 21847
K g = 0.187 + (6)
a complete description of head loss coefficients as functions of Rg
Reynolds number. This is required to be able to use the findings
in the assesment of the loss coefficients in prototype calculations. where Rg (=DhUg/ν) is the Reynolds number for the gate section
Reynolds number of the prototype is much larger than the defined by using hydraulic diameter Dh as length scale. Hydraulic
Reynolds number of the model since the hydraulic model is based diameter is defined as four times the cross-sectional area divided
on Froude number similarity. by the wetted perimeter. Kd is determined from (4) estimating the
Energy equation is written between the reservoir (point-1), and entrance and gate losses from (2) and (3) using (5) and (6).
the tailwater (point-4), as
1.0737 x1010
H 1 − ∆h e − ∆h g − ∆h d = H 4 Kd = (7)
(1) R 1p.696

where ∆he is the entrance loss, ∆hg is the head loss mainly due to where Rp (=DUp/ν) is the Reynolds number in the penstock.
separated flows around the gate slots when the gate is fully open,
∆hd is the total head loss including friction and local losses from
2.3 Steady flow case for partially opened gate
the gate region down to the tailwater. Above mentioned head
losses are expressed as When the gate is lowered to reduce the discharge, flow section
downstream of the gate is contracted and pressure is reduced by
 U g2  U2 increased velocity. A large vortex structure recirculating on top
∆h e = H 1 −  h 2 +  = Ke g (2) of the contracted section is formed. In the present model the con-
 2g  2g
 tracted section (section-3 in Fig.1) is located just under the venti-
lation shaft. When the Froude number at section-3 is sufficiently
U g2 high, a submerged hydraulic jump is formed introducing addi-
∆h g = h 2 − h 3 = K g (3) tional energy losses. Later, as the water level in the shaft goes
below the tunnel ceiling, air enters from the shaft and a free-sur-
and rewriting (1) for ∆hd, faced hydraulic jump is observed. At early stages of aeration, air
is well mixed with water by the hydraulic jump which occupies
U 2p the whole cross section. As the gate is continued to close, air
∆h d = H 1 − ∆h e − ∆h g − H 4 = K d (4) volume in the system increases, the jump moves down, and a
stratified flow of air and water separated with a distinct interface
In the above equations Ug is the average velocity of flow under develops.
the gate lip (section-2), Up is the average flow velocity in the pen- Local losses around the gate should be reformulated to include
stock, Ke, Kg and Kd are local loss coefficients. Equations (2) and the changes in flow patterns due to geometric constriction at par-
(3) are solved for Ke and Kg respectively using the curves fitted tial gate openings. Equation (1) is modified to incorporate addi-
to measured data sets (Fig.2), and the results are expressed as tional head losses.

44732 H 1 − ∆h e − ∆h g − ∆h j − ∆h d = H 4 (8)
K e = 0.105 + (5)
Here, ∆hg represents local losses due to gate at partial openings,
∆hj is the head loss due to the hydraulic jump, ∆he and ∆hd are the
same as before. To determine the gate losses, energy equation can
be written between the reservoir and section-3.

U c2
H 1 − ∆h e − ∆h g = h 3 + (9)

where Uc is the average velocity of water at section-3. In this

equation H1 is fixed, h3 and discharge are measured, ∆he is calcu-
lated through use of equations (2) and (5), the gate loss ∆hg and
the contraction coefficient Cc (used to calculate the velocity Uc)
are the unkowns.
The contraction coefficient is strongly dependent on local flow
conditions and the gate lip geometry (Naudascher 1984,1991).
Fig.2 Measured water levels in the gate and ventilation shafts for fully The flow depths at section-3 are measured by dye injection from
open gate the gate lip for submerged flow cases and directly measuring the


water depth for the free-surface flow cases. Measurements are Form of (11.c) is selected to fit the end conditions i.e. KR is equal
given in Fig.3 in terms of contraction coefficient Cc and dimen- to 21847 for fully open gate as in (6), and approaches to zero as
sionless gate opening, y defined as e/e0. In both methods the mea- the gate is closed. The other parameters in (11.c) are obtained
surements are susceptible to large scale turbulent fluctuations and from numerical tests to best fit the h3 data. Gate loss coefficients
also to three dimensionality of the flow which makes it difficult for three different initial (y=1) Reynolds numbers are shown in
to define a clear depth of flow section. Fig.4. The continuous curve represents K which is obtained as a
Gate loss coefficient for partial gate openings can be defined sim- result of data fitting process.
ilar to (6) Another energy loss term which appears in partial gate openings
is due to the hydraulic jump downstream of the gate. By use of
KR energy and momentum equations, expressions for the jump losses
Kg = K∞ + (for 0<y≤1) (10)
Rg are obtained. For the free surfaced jump

However, the parameters K and KR in equation (10) are functions (d − C c e) 3

of gate opening. When Rg is sufficiently large, flow is fully turbu- ∆h j = (12.a)
4C c ed
lent and Kg becomes independent of Reynolds number. K is the
gate loss coefficient for a given gate opening (fixed geometry) and for the submerged jump
when the Reynolds number Rg is approaching to infinity. Equa-
tion (9) is used for determination of K and KR with measured Q g2 (A p − A c ) 2
data available. At first Cc is evaluated from flow depth measure- ∆h j = (12.b)
2g ( A pA c ) 2
ments and fitted to a continuous curve. Five sets of h3 data mea-
sured with different initial discharges are utilized. It is found that where d is the sequent depth given by
it is not possible to satisfy (9) for all h3 data sets using Cc fitted to
the measurements. This incompatibility is attributed to flow depth Cce
d= ( 1 + 8Frc2 − 1) (12.c)
measurements for Cc and it is therefore modified, so that (9), (10) 2
and measured h3 data sets are all fitted. Best fitting Cc values are
indicated as “estimated” shown by the continuous curve in Fig.3. Frc is the Froude number
Measured and estimated Cc values differ slightly only in the range
where measurements are done by dye injection method. The con- Uc
Frc = (12.d)
traction coefficient Cc and the gate loss coefficients are expressed gC c e
Qg is the discharge under the gate lip, Ag and Ac are the cross-
C c = 0.8214 − 1.308 y + 7.211y 2 − 22.03y 3 + 35.06 y 4 sectional areas of the gate section (section-2) and the contracted
(11.a) section (section-3), respectively. The jump loss coefficient is de-
− 28.41y 5 + 9.650 y 6
termined from

K ∞ = 2.277 + 0.5997 y − 26.25 y 2 + 77.49 y 3 − 114.2 y 4 ∆h j

(11.b) Kj = (12.e)
+ 85.68 y 5 − 25.41y 6 U c2 / 2g

K R = 21847 ⋅ Exp[−10(1 − y) 8 ] (11.c)

Fig.3 Flow depths at the vena contracta Fig.4 Gate region local loss coefficients at partial gate openings


where z3 is channel bed elevation, dc is the increase in water
2.4 Steady flow discharge
depth due to overflow which is assumed as the critical depth for
Discharge passing through the gate section is split into two com- Qo,
d c = [(Q o / w ) 2 / g ]1 / 3 (16.e)
QI = Qg + Qo (13)
where w is the tunnel width. Comparisons of computed and mea-
where QI is the total discharge through the intake and Qo is the sured values of discharge and the water levels (h3) are shown in
overflow through the spacings around the gate. Overflow rate in Fig.5 and Fig.6, respectively. The end valve opening, V/D, is
the model is determined as fixed at the beginning of each experiment and the gate opening,
y, is varied from 1. (fully open) to 0. (complete closure). The dis-
Q o = 0.00202(1 − y)
(m /s) (14) charge and water levels data shown in these figures form the basis
for all expressions of loss coefficients. The computed curves suc-
Discharge for a given gate opening may be affected by either cessfully reproduce the measurements. The model developments
downstream (the end valve) or by the gate itself. obtained from steady flow measurements are now utilized to
study the unsteady flow cases due to closing gate.
i) Downstream controlled flow:
For a given initial discharge, the gate has no control on the flow
3 Unsteady Flow Due to Closing Gate
rate up to a certain gate closure, the end valve at the downstream
end of the system controls the total flow rate. Equation (8) can be The volume of structure between the reservoir and section-3 is
rewritten to calculate the flow rate under the gate lip. called as the intake region (I), while the volume between section-
3 and the end valve as the penstock region (p). Conservation of
Q g = A g C d 2g (H 1 − H 4 − ∆h o ) (15.a) energy principle is to be applied to the intake and penstock re-
gions to obtain the governing equations of motion of fluids; water
where Cd is the discharge coefficient and air. For steady flow cases, the energy equation is usually
written in terms of heads which represent the energy per unit
−1 / 2 weight of the flowing fluid. Multicomponent, unsteady flow of
  1 
A 

C d = K g + K e y 2 + K j   + K d  g   (15.b) water and air requires energy conservation written in integral
 A  
  Cc   p   forms (in terms of power) to represent the timewise energy varia-
tions in the control volumes.
and ∆ho is the head loss in the system due to overflow component
of the discharge
3.1 Unsteady flow in the intake region

(Q o2 + 2Q g Q o )  K e K d  The integral energy equation is written for the intake region.

∆h o =  +  (15.c)
2g  A2 A2 
 t p 
∂  U2 
∫ 
∂t I  2g
+ z  γ w d∀ = H1Q I γ w − ∆h e Q I γ w − ∆h g Q I γ w

where At is the cross-sectional area at the gate section for fully (17)
open gate. − H cQI γ w

ii) Gate controlled flow:

When the gate closure is enough to control the flow rate (h3 is
below the tunnel ceiling), discharge can be calculated from (9).

Q g = A g C d 2g (H 1 − h 3 − ∆h o ) (16.a)

−1 / 2
C d = K g + K e y 2 + 1 / C c2 (16.b)

(Q o2 + 2Q g Q o )  K e 
∆h o =  2  (16.c)
2g A 
 t 
and the water level at section-3 can be written as

h 3 = z3 + Cce + d c (16.d) Fig.5 Comparison of computed and measured discharges


1  K e K g 1 
a= + 2 + 2 (21.b)
2g  A t A g A c 
 2

b= (21.c)

S Q n −1 (Q o + 2Q o Q g )  K g 1
c = h3+ − H1 − I I − + 2  (21.d)
γw g∆t 2g  2 
A g A c 

where n-1 indicates previous time level and ∆t is the computa-

tional time step.

3.2 Unsteady flow in the penstock

Fig.6 Comparison of computed and measured water levels in the ven- The penstock region has two inflow sections and one outflow sec-
tilation shaft tion. The inflows are through the gate opening and ventilation
shaft. The integral energy equation for the penstock including the
three active sections can be written as
where H1 and Hc represent the total heads in the reservoir and in
the contracted section, respectively. After substitution of head ∂  U2 
loss expressions in terms of discharges and dividing by γw one ∫ 
∂t p  2g
+ z  γ w d∀ = H c Q I γ w + H s Q s γ s − ∆h j Q I γ w

can write (22)
− ∆h d Q p γ w − H 4 Q p γ w
S I ∂Q 
Q 2I Q g2
=  H1 − K e
− K − h3 where subscript s indicates ventilation shaft, Hs is the total head
2g ∂t  2gA 2t
2gA g2
 at the exit from the shaft into the penstock and Qp is the discharge
Q g2 P  in the penstock. Initially, the ventilation shaft is filled with water
− − a Q I therefore subscript s indicates properties of water, later as air en-
2gA c γ w
2 
 ters into the system s indicates properties of air. Evaluating the
integrals and dividing each term by γw one obtains
where SI is the slenderness parameter of the intake structure de-
1 ∂ 2 ∂ γ
fined as
2g ∂t
( )
Q p S w + (z w ∀ w ) = H c Q I + H s Q s s − ∆h j Q I
∂t γw
dx (23)
SI = ∫ (19) KdQp
A − Q 2p − H 4 Q p
2gA 2p
in which x is the axial distance, A is the cross-sectional area. Pa
is the air pressure on the water surface in the ventilation shaft or where Sw is the slenderness parameter of water filled volume of
in the tunnel at section-3. The elevation head, z, in the integral the penstock, zw is the elevation of the centroid of the water filled
term in equation (17) is dropped since the intake is always full of volume, and w is the volume of water in the penstock. Using for-
water thus z is unvarying in time. Substituting (13) into (18) ward differences to express the time derivatives and regrouping
one can write
S I ∂Q I P Q2  K Kg 1 
= H 1 − h 3 − a − I  2e + 2 + 2  aQ 2p + bQ p + c = 0.
g ∂t γ w 2g  A t A g A c  (24.a)
(Q o2 + 2Q o Q g )  K g 1 
+  + 2 Sw K Qp
2g A 2  a= + d 2
 g Ac  (24.b)
2g∆t 2g A p

can be written. Using forward differences to express the time de-

rivative and regrouping one obtains b = H4 (24.c)

aQ 2I + bQ I + c = 0. (21.a)


(z w ∀ w ) n − (z w ∀ w ) n −1 slenderness parameter of the penstock. Dimensionless form of
c= + ∆h j Q I − H c Q I (22) can be obtained by inserting the dimensionless parameters
(24.d) defined above.
γ (S w Q 2p ) n −1
− HsQs s −
γw 2g∆t Hr ∂ 1− Hr ∂ + +
Tr ∂t +
( )
Q +p 2 S +w +
Tr ∂t +
( )
z w ∀ w = H c+ Q +I
During the gate closure, water volume in the intake region re- + + + + + + + +
sponds almost immediatedy to the gate motion, while water in the + H Q γ − ∆h Q − (∆h + H )Q
s s s j I d 4 p

penstock responds with a time lag since the ventilation shaft sup-
plying air volume into the penstock relieves the breaking action (Q 2m / 2g )S p
of the closing gate. The link between the intake and the penstock Hr = (27.b)
(Q 2m / 2g )S p + z p ∀ p
is maintained by the volumetric continuity equation written at the
interface of the two volumes.
Tc Q m
Tr = (27.c)
Qs = Q p − Q I (25) ∀p

where Qs is the volumetric flow rate in the ventilation shaft. The two dimensionless groups Hr and Tr scaling the unsteady
Equations (21), (24) and (25) are solved iteratively starting from terms in (27.a) are similarity parameters of the flow in the pen-
full gate opening to complete closure. In this iteration cycle, when stock for a given design, that is for a given set of head loss coeffi-
the ventilation shaft discharge is evaluated, the pressure at the cients. Hr is the ratio of the initial kinetic energy to the total (ki-
bottom end of the shaft can be obtained by writing the unsteady netic+potential) energy of the fluid in the penstock. When the
energy equation through the shaft. penstock is horizontal Hr receives the value of unity for the datum
shown in Fig.1 and thus dropping the second unsteady term in
 U 2 L ∂U s  (27.a). Tr is the ratio of closure time to the time necessary for a
Ps = Pa + γ w L w − K fw s − w  (26.a) fluid particle to travel from the gate to the tailwater. For large
 2g g ∂t 
values of Tr the fluid particles are able to travel down to the
tailwater, transporting the latest dynamic properties into down-
 U 2 L ∂U s  stream regions and assisting the appropriate reduction in dis-
Pa = − γ a (K s + K fa + 1) s + a  (26.b) charge. The flow rates in the intake and penstock regions are
 2g g ∂t 
close with low inflow rate from the ventilation shaft and the case
may be classified as ‘slow closure’. However, when the Tr value
where Lw is the length of water column in the shaft, Kfw is the is small the gate may close so fast that the downstream sections
frictional loss coefficient due to water column, Ks is the shaft en- may receive no information about the latest dynamic properties
trance loss coefficient, Kfa is the frictional loss coefficient due to at gate region since no fluid particle arrives and the flowrate is
air, La is air filled length of the shaft and Us is the velocity in the not adjusted properly, seeking additional volume flow from the
shaft. ventilation shaft to compensate the deficiency in water discharge.
This last case may be classified as ‘rapid closure’.
3.3 Application of dimensional analysis to unsteady flow in the
penstock 4 Results and Discussions
Before any attempt to the solution of the governing equations, The mathematical model described above is used to compute the
dimensional analysis is performed to determine the relevant discharges through the intake, the penstock and the ventilation
dimensionless groups. Dimensionless quantities are defined as shaft during emergency closure of the gate. The intake discharges
follows: for steady and unsteady cases are almost the same. The maximum
difference between steady and unsteady values for Tr=2 is less
Q H t γs than 1%. Therefore, for practical calculations (Tr>2) QI can be
Q+ = H+ = t+ = γ s+ =
Qm Hm Tc γw evaluated from (15) and (16), solution of (21.a) may not be re-
(26c) quired. Although this conclusion can be generalized to all intake
∀w Sw zw structures, as an exceptional case, if the slenderness parameter of
∀ +w = S +w = z +w =
∀p Sp zp the intake region, SI, is large enough, the unsteady term in (20) is
magnified and the unsteady QI can be greater than steady QI.
The flow rates in the shaft for the normal operation discharge
Subscript m refers to the initial (fully open gate) condition, Hm is (0.031m3/s) and for the runaway discharge (0.041m3/s) at an
the initial (maximum) total head in the penstock, Qm is the initial emergency closure speed of Tc=10s are shown in Fig.7. Until the
(maximum) discharge in a closure operation, Tc is the closure full breaking action of the gate is applied, the discharge in the
time, zp is the elevation of the centroid of the penstock, Sp is the shaft is small. The maximum of the air discharge is observed near


maximum air discharge observed during a closure operation.
The measured and computed values of air demand and pressure
drop are compared in Table.1. Experiments indicate larger air
demands compared to computations which may be due to both
measurement errors and limitations in modeling the loss terms in
the computations.

Table 1 Comparison of measured and computed air demand and the

pressure drop
Qm Qa/Qm (Ps)min/γ (mm)
3 Measured Computed Measured Computed
(m /s) Tr Hr
0.0313 2.28 0.527 0.226 0.194 -3.8 -3.2
0.0412 3.00 0.658 0.197 0.169 -5.0 -4.3

Fig.7 Timewise variation of air discharge in the ventilation shaft Computed air demand, Qa, normalized by the initial water dis-
charge in the penstock, Qm, is given in Fig.9. This chart is pro-
the complete closure at about 8% and 16% gate openings for the duced by varying the closure speed, Tc, only for the two initial
normal operation and runaway discharges, respectively. When the (normal operation and runaway) discharges corresponding to Hr
initial discharge is large, the breaking action starts earlier (Fig.6) values of 0.527 and 0.658 respectively. It can be seen that the
requiring larger maximum air discharges at an earlier stage of relative air demand Qa/Qm increases rapidly for Tr<2.
closure. To investigate the effect of the length of the penstock on the air
An example of transient pressure measured at the shaft exit (point demand, three different penstock lengths (L=1, 3.4, 9.5 m) are
t in Fig.1) is shown in Fig.8 together with the computed one. The considered with the normal operation discharge (Fig.10). For the
difference between computed and measured values is in the range extreme cases of very rapid and very slow closures air demand
of experimental accuracy. In the unsteady measurements it is becomes identical for all penstock lengths. However, around the
practically difficult to keep the model reservoir water level con- critical values of Tr=2 air demand differs significantly for vari-
stant during the gate closure owing to finite size of the model res- able penstock lengths.
ervoir. This results in timewise variation of H1 value and thus Air demand and the pressure drop behind the gate are affected
affects the flowrate and the pressure. As it is seen from Fig.7 and also by the ventilation shaft dimensions. As the shaft length in-
Fig.8 computations are continued for a while after the complete creases or diameter decreases the frictional losses increase. In-
closure of the gate until airflow in the system stops. creased friction loss results in negative pressure behind the gate
The air velocity along the centerline in the ventilation shaft is with reduced air discharge. Relative air demand and the associ-
computed from the total and static head records. Measured air ated minimum pressure heads are shown in Fig.11 as functions of
discharge values are obtained by integrating the power-law veloc- the dimensionless shaft length. Le is effective shaft length in-
ity distribution along the shaft cross-section. In the design of a creased to include the local losses. For Le/Ds>40 the reduction in
ventilation shaft the maximum air discharge during the fastest air discharge and the associated increase in pressure drop is
closure with the maximum initial discharge in the penstock must noticable.
be considered. Thus, ‘air demand, Qa’ can now be defined as the Air flow rate for the normal operation discharge computed with
variable speed gate closure is shown in Fig.12. In the first half of

Fig.8 Pressure behind the gate Fig.9 Air demand as function of closure speed


Fig.12 Air flow rate for variable speed closure
Fig.10 Air demand for different penstock lengths
in respect to air demand.
the closure time, the gate moves down at high speed upto 20% 2. Gate closure with Tr<2 may be classified as rapid closure de-
opening, and in the second half time the closure speed is reduced serving special attention to air demand and the subsequent
to control the air discharge in closing the last 20% opening of the pressure drop.
gate. Total closure time is reduced to six seconds from ten, while 3. Response of fluid in the intake region to the gate motion is al-
relative air demand is reduced to 0.154 from 0.194. most immediate for Tr>2. However, for slender and long intake
The computer program was run with the prototype data using the geometries (large SI) unsteady effects may be important and a
Reynolds dependent loss coefficients obtained from the hydraulic time lag between the gate motion and the subsequent discharge
model. The same air demand was obtained. This is due to the fact changes can be seen.
that the maximum air flowrate is observed at gate openings less 4. Ventilation shaft length Le/Ds must be less than 40 to keep the
than 20% where Reynolds dependent frictional lossses are negli- pressure drop insignificant.
gible compared to Froude dependent losses due to hydraulic jump 5. Time dependent computation of air discharge and pressure
and the unsteady terms of (27.a). This result may also be inter- drop may assist programming variable speed gate closures to
preted as that the scale effect on the air demand due to different reduce the closure time and the air demand simultaneously.
Reynolds numbers of the model and the prototype is negligible. 6. The mathematical model can be used to predict directly the
prototype values however, the head loss coefficients must be
5 Conclusions
7. Air demand measured from hydraulic models based on Froude
A mathematical model for the emergency closure of high head number similitude can be safely transformed to prototype, the
gates is developed to evaluate the time dependent air discharge by scale effect is negligible.
utilization of hydraulic model observations.
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Rg Reynolds number at the gate section
Rp Reynolds number in the penstock
a, b, c computational coefficients SI slenderness parameter of the intake region
A cross-sectional area Sp slenderness parameter of the penstock region
Ac cross-sectional area at the vena contracta Sw slenderness parameter of the water filled volume
Ag cross-sectional area at the gate section t time
Ap cross-sectional area of the penstock Tc closure time
As cross-sectional area of the ventilation shaft Tr dimensionless closure time
At cross-sectional area at the gate section for fully open U average velocity
gate Uc average velocity at the vena contracta
Cc contraction coefficient Ug average velocity at the gate section when the gate is par-
Cd discharge coefficient tially open
Dh hydraulic diameter Up average velocity in the penstock
d sequent depth Us average velocity in the ventilation shaft
dc increase in water depth due to overflow V end valve opening
e gate opening w tunnel width
e0 tunnel height x axial distance
Frc Foude number at the vena contracta y dimensionless gate opening (e/e0)
g gravitational acceleration z elevation head
Hc total head at the vena contracta z3 elevation of channel bed at section-3
Hm initial (maximum) total head in the penstock zp elevation of centroid of the penstock
Hr dimensionless dynamic head zw elevation of the centroid of the water filled wolume of
Hs total head at the exit of the ventilation shaft the penstock
H1 reservoir water surface elevation ν kinematic viscosity
H4 tailwater level γa specific weight of air
h2 water surface elevation in the gate chamber γw specific weight of water
h3 water surface elevation in the ventilation shaft or at the γs specific weight of fluid in the ventilation shaft
vena contracta ∆hd total head loss in the penstock
Kd energy loss coefficient for the penstock ∆he head loss at the entrance


∆hj head loss due to hydraulic jump volume
∆hg head loss at the gate section for partially open gate p volume of the penstock
∆ho head loss due to overflow w volume of water filled portion of the penstock
∆t computational time step


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