CLiq Manual PDF
CLiq Manual PDF
CLiq Manual PDF
© 2018 GeoLogismiki
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CLiq v.1.7
Liquefaction assessment software from CPTU
by GeoLogismiki
CLiq is software for the assessment of soil liquefaction using CPT/CPTU data. CLiq
was developed in collaboration with Gregg Drilling & Testing Inc., a leading
company in site investigation and CPT, and Professor Peter Robertson, author of
the method used in the software.
CLiq provides users with an easy to use graphical environment specifically tailored
for CPT and CPTU data. This new software addresses advanced issues such as
cyclic softening in clay-like soils and thin layer/layer transition zone detection.
CLiq provides results and plots for each calculation step, starting with the basic
CPT data interpretation through to final plots of factor of safety, liquefaction
potential index and post-earthquake displacements, both vertical settlement and
lateral displacements. CLiq provides consistent output results by applying the
state-of-the-art methods (e.g. Youd et al, 2001) along with the calibrated
procedures for post-earthquake displacements (e.g. Zhang et al 2002 & 2004).
CLiq User's Manual
© 2018 GeoLogismiki
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While every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this document, the publisher and the
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other commercial damage caused or alleged to have been caused directly or indirectly by this
Table of Contents
Part II Introduction 7
Part V References 59
© 2018 GeoLogismiki
6 CLiq User's Manual
1 License Agreement
CLiq End User License Agreement
The Product is Copyright © 2007 GeoLogismiki. You may use it and distribute it according to this
following License Agreement. If you do not agree with these terms, please remove the Product
from your system. By incorporating the Product in your work or distributing the Product to others
you implicitly agree to these license terms.
(a) The CLiq Trial version may be freely distributed, with exceptions noted below, provided the
distribution package is not modified in ANY WAY.
(b) The CLiq Trial version may not be distributed inside of any other software package without
written permission of GeoLogismiki.
(c) The CLiq Trial version allows the user to publish its work according to the license agreement,
but neither GeoLogismiki nor any member of the company can be held liable for the content or
accuracy of the publication.
(d) You may use the accompanying Product free of charge for a period of 30 days for the sole
purpose of evaluating the Product. If, after 30 days, you wish to continue using this Product, you
are required to purchase it. In other case, you are required to remove this Product, in its entirety,
from all computers on which it is installed.
(e) You shall not use, copy, rent, lease, sell, modify, decompile, disassemble, otherwise reverse
engineer, or transfer the Product except as provided in this Agreement. Any such unauthorized
use shall result in immediate and automatic termination of this Agreement.
(a) You may install and use the Software on a single computer; OR install and store the Software
on a storage device, such as a network server, used only to install the Software on your other
computers over an internal network, provided you have a license for each separate computer on
which the Software is installed and run. A license for the Software may not be shared, installed or
used concurrently on different computers.
(b) The CLiq Registered version allows the registered user to publish its work according to the
license agreement, but neither GeoLogismiki nor any member of the company can be held liable for
the content or accuracy of the publication.
© 2018 GeoLogismiki
License Agreement 7
(c) The CLiq Registered version guaranties to the registered user free updates for a whole version
cycle and for at least 12 (twelve) months.
(d) You shall not use, copy, rent, lease, sell, modify, decompile, disassemble, otherwise reverse
engineer, or transfer the Product except as provided in this Agreement. Any such unauthorized
use shall result in immediate and automatic termination of this Agreement.
This license is effective until terminated. You may terminate it by destroying the program, the
documentation and copies thereof. This license will also terminate if you fail to comply with any
terms or conditions of this agreement. You agree upon such termination to destroy all copies of
the program and of the documentation, or return them to the author.
All other rights and restrictions not specifically granted in this license are reserved by us. If you
have any questions regarding this agreement, please write to
2 Introduction
CLiq is software for the assessment of soil liquefaction using CPT/CPTU data. CLiq was developed
in collaboration with Gregg Drilling & Testing Inc., a leading company in site investigation and CPT,
and Professor Peter Robertson, author of the method used in the software.
CLiq provides users with an easy to use graphical environment specifically tailored for CPT and
CPTU data. This new software addresses advanced issues such as cyclic softening in clay-like
soils and thin layer/layer transition zone detection. CLiq provides results and plots for each
calculation step, starting with the basic CPT data interpretation through to final plots of factor of
safety, liquefaction potential index and post-earthquake displacements, both vertical settlement
and lateral displacements. CLiq provides consistent output results by applying the state-of-the-
art methods (e.g. Youd et al, 2001) along with the calibrated procedures for post-earthquake
displacements (e.g. Zhang et al 2002 & 2004).
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8 CLiq User's Manual
3 Overview
The software's main window is divided into two areas. In the left area, under the title File
manager (marked as "1" in the figure below), it displays a list with the available CPTU data for
the current working project. Inside the right area CLiq will display input and calculation results in
both tabular and graphic format. This way you can always have an instant preview of your data
and liquefaction assessment results for quick reference.
The right hand side of the main window shows tabular output in the top half (marked as "2" in the
figure above) and plots in the lower half (marked as "3" in the figure above). The top half has
three (3) tabs, one for Interpretation Results, one for Liquefaction assessment results and one
for the presentation of 2D results. A short description of what these tabs show is presented
When the Interpretation results tab is activated, the table shows the measured CPT input data
and basic interpretation results as a function of depth. The lower half shows the various plots in
two tabs.
Basic plots: This tab displays plots of the corrected cone resistance, qt , friction ratio, Rf,
penetration pore pressure, u (with reference hydrostatic profile based on user input GWT),
normalized SBT n Ic , and non-normalized SBT.
Normalized Plots: This window displays plots of normalized CPT parameters, normalized tip
resistance, Qtn, normalized friction ratio, F r, normalized pore pressure parameter, Bq , normalized
SBT n Ic and normalized SBT n.
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When the Liquefaction assessment results tab is activated, the table shows input data and
calculation results as a function of depth. The lower half shows the various plots in three tabs.
Intermediate results: This tab displays plots regarding the steps needed to calculate the clean
sand equivalent normalized cone resistance (needed for the CRR7 .5 0 calculation).
Cyclic Liquefaction Plots: This tab presents the summary of the calculation procedure by
presenting plot of the Cyclic Stress Ratio (CSR), Cyclic Resistance Ratio (CRR), Factor of Safety,
Liquefaction Potential Index and estimated displacements (vertical and lateral) over depth.
Analysis summary: This tab presents an overall summary of the liquefaction assessment, in
terms of the normalized SBT n and the plot of CSR versus clean sand equivalent normalized cone
resistance with each CPT data point displayed.
Check for strength loss: This tab presents a summary related to "Flow Liquefaction" and the
resulting "liquefied strength ratio", depending on the method selected by the user.
This tab contains all the necessary commands to create and print 2D results for the LPI or
vertical settlements.
When the software starts it will always display a new empty project. In order to begin entering
CPTU data you must first define the unit system that you wish to use. By default CLiq uses the SI
unit system. Defining the unit system prior to inserting any data will allow you to easily switch
between the supported unit systems, applying automatically all required transformations.
In order to define the unit system, click on the Project tab and click on the button. The
following dialog will appear:
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10 CLiq User's Manual
Using the above dialog you can insert or modify settings regarding the project's general
information. For example, you can enter the Project Title and the Test Location (both not to
exceed 150 elements, since they appear on the Plots). Comments will not appear on the Plots.
When the dialog opens it will display any previous data entered before. From the Unit system drop
down list you can specify the unit system you wish to use. Below the drop down list the software
will display the units that will be used for data importing and interpretation. These units are:
Imperial feet (ft) Tons per square Tons per square Pounds per Pounds per cubic
foot (tsf) foot (tsf) square inch (psi) foot (pcf)
The units used are fixed and cannot be changed in any way thus your input data must fully
comply to this specification. During the import procedure CLiq will assist you in order to convert
your input data to meet the above units.
To commit any changes made you must click on the OK button. If you click on the Cancel button
no changes will be made.
Use the Company Information tab to input your company logo, name and address, which will
appear on all generated reports.
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Company Information
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12 CLiq User's Manual
3.2 Importing CPTU data
After you have specified the unit system for the current project you can import CPTU data from
an ASCII data file by clicking on the CPT Data tab and selecting the Import CPTU file command.
The following dialog will appear:
By default, CLiq will prompt you to read data from a text file. If you are a licensed CPeT-IT user
you may import CPTU files from a CPeT-IT project file as described here. If you wish the new data
files to be included in you current working project the Add to current project check box must be
checked (applies only when importing data from CPeT-IT projects). Click OK to continue. The
import data dialog will appear:
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Overview 13
CLiq can read data that are stored in an ASCII file with extension .txt, .data, .cor and .gef. While
browsing to your hard drive you will see all files that match the above extensions in the File
selection list box located at the top right area of the dialog. Clicking on a file will instruct the
software to load the contents of the file and present them inside the Data preview area. In this
way you may browse to the contents of the file prior on inserting it into the software. The
preview area will also provide you with additional information you may need in order to import the
file correctly e.g. the line number from where the actual data begin. Each CPT file will be given a
new file name, starting with CPT-01. The file name can be changed to match the actual file
name if the Auto assign name check box is not checked. You may also select multiple files by
holding down the CTRL key on your keyboard while selecting files.
As a general rule, the data file must contain at least 4 columns of data in the following order,
depth - cone resistance - friction resistance - pore pressure (where pore pressure is the
penetration pore pressure u measured behind the cone e.g. u2). If other columns exist in the data
file the software will ignore them.
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Based on the data preview and type of file you selected, you must provide the software with
additional information regarding the data structure inside the file. CLiq needs to know what
character is used as a decimal delimiter, what character is used as a data delimiter (separation
character between column data), from which line the actual data start (after any header
information) and if the data file contains the raw cone resistance measurements (there are cases
where your CPT contractor may give you a file containing the corrected cone penetration
resistance qt instead of the raw field value qc ). Making the right selections inside the Data input
parameters is very crucial for a successive completion of the import procedure.
Finally, in case that the data in your file do not meet the units specification you can select the
corresponding check box for the value you wish to convert e.g. if your data file contains depth
measurements in feet and your project's unit system is set to SI then you should check the
Convert original depth from checkbox and from the drop down list select feet.
In order to import the file click on the Import file button. If an error while reading the data file
occurs, the software will display a message stating the line number where the error appeared. All
data prior to that line will be included in the imported data. Such an error may occur when there
are blank lines in your original data file. In any case you can preview the imported data and
decide whether to keep them or edit the original file to fix the error and reimport. (A common error
would be not to set the data delimiter to the correct character and so the software will not
import any data as an error will be raised from the very first line).
If there are multiple files in your selection you
must make sure that the file structure is
common for all selected files otherwise the
import procedure will fail to read all files.
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Overview 15
3.2.1 Importing .cor files
Gregg Drilling Inc., provides its customers with an ASCII text file containing the basic CPTU field
measurements. This file has an extension .cor and when selected the software will make the
appropriate selections for the various data input parameters and conversions automatically. After
selecting such a file just click on the Import button to let the software read and import the data
to your new CPT entry.
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3.2.2 Importing .gef files
GEONET, the central Dutch website on Geotechnics, developed the Dutch national GEF-standard
on geotechnical data-exchange. CLiq provides support for importing data from a GEF CPT data
file. When you select the .gef file the following dialog will appear:
The software will read the file and fill the drop down lists with the information that is included in
it. You must make the appropriate selections keeping in mind that you must provide information
for at least four columns. The dialog then can look like this:
You can see that the measured pressures are all in MPa so you will have to make the appropriate
conversions. Click ok the OK button to close the dialog. Now the data are visible in the Data
preview area. Please notice that the Data delimiter should be set to Tab delimiter.
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3.2.3 Importing XLS files
Importing data from an XLS file is very similar to the importing procedure described above. After
you have selected Read from XLS file CLiq will display the following dialog:
Browse to the directory where the XLS files are and click on a file. CLiq will try to read the file
and load its contents into the XLS preview area. Depending on the size of the XLS file, this
procedure may take some time. You may browse into the preview of the XLS file and switch
between sheets in order to locate the sheet which holds the data. In case that the data in your
file do not meet the units specification, click on the Units convertion tab and you can select the
corresponding check box for the value you wish to convert e.g. if your data file contains depth
measurements in feet and your project's unit system is set to SI then you should check the
Convert original depth from checkbox and from the drop down list select feet.
Click Import file to create the new CPTU file.
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3.3 Defining CPT and liquefaction calculation parameters
CLiq uses established empirical correlations to estimate geotechnical parameters for basic data
interpretation. It also allows the user to modify constants that are essential for the liquefaction
calculation procedure. These input parameters are applied to each single CPTU file in the current
project, giving the ability to perform analysis with different set of parameters for the various files.
In order to preview and/or modify the calculation parameters, first select a CPTU file and then
from the CPT Data tab select the Analysis properties command. The following dialog will appear:
The dialog presents various sections where the user may alter calculation parameters. For more
details click on the section name are presented below:
1. General parameters
2. Advanced parameters
3. NCEER & Robertson
4. Moss et al.
5. I&B 2008
6. B&I 2014
7. Site conditions
8. Lateral displacements
© 2018 GeoLogismiki
Overview 19
Assessment parameters
Assessment parameters
· Moss et al. PL: The deterministic CRR formula provided by Moss at al. makes use of the
probability for liquefaction. This portion can be altered with the default value set to 15%
· B&I 2014 (C FC): Fitting parameter for the estimation of apparent fines content.
Advanced parameters
Site conditions
In this section the user may specify final site conditions that is the expected condition of the site
during the earthquake.
Lateral displacements
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If you need to set these parameters to all CPTU files in the current project, click on the Apply to
all button (this will result the dialog to close and CLiq will recalculate all CPTU files). When done
click on the OK button to close the dialog. Please notice that the software will try to
automatically recalculate the selected CPTU file and will prompt for an answer:
Answer Yes to the above dialog if you must recalculate the basic interpretation of the CPTU file
e.g. if you have altered the cone area ratio or the thin layer detection algorithm. If you answer
No the software will use the current interpretation to perform the liquefaction calculation. If you
are not sure about your answer always click on the Yes button. If your answer is Cancel then no
calculation will be performed but the changes made to the liquefaction calculation properties will
not be lost.
3.3.1 General parameters
· Calculation method: A list with the available calculation methods, by default the software
uses the NCEER (Youd et al. 2001) method (i.e. Robertson & Wride, 1998)
© 2018 GeoLogismiki
Overview 21
· Max, acceleration: This field holds the value of the peak ground acceleration that will be used
for the calculation of Cyclic Resistance Ratio.
· Earthquake magnitude: This field holds the earthquake magnitude that will be used for the
determination of Magnitude scaling factor. This factor is used to convert the analysis to an
equivalent earthquake of a magnitude of 7.50 .
· G.W.T. (insitu): This field holds the absolute depth of water level relative to the ground
surface (e.g. a value of 1.00 meter means that ground water level is located one (1) meter
below the ground free surface). The value of the insitu G.W.T. will be used for the
determination of in-situ stresses needed for the calculation of the basic CPT interpretation and
Cyclic Resistance Ratio.
· G.W.T. (earthquake): This field holds the depth of water level during the earthquake and it will
be used for the calculation of the Cyclic Stress Ratio (CSR). When a fill is present G.W.T. during
earthquake measures from top of the fill. This means that if the insitu G.W.T. is at 2.00 meters
and you place a fill of 1.50 meter height then to preserve the G.W.T. during earthquake in the
same level you must enter a value of 2.00 + 1.50 = 3.50 meters.
· Display points that do not meet criteria: During the liquefaction assessment calculation the
software excludes points by applying a large value (equal to 4.00) on the CRR portion based on
some criteria. CSR calculation is normally performed for these points hence they can be plotted
in the CSR vs qt1 N ,c s plot. Unchecking this option will instruct the software not to plot points
that belong in a transition layer or measurements above the ground water level that internally
are excluded from the liquefaction procedure, hence having a default FS value equal to 2.00.
· Non-hydrostatic piezom. profile: Non-hydrostatic piezometric profiles can be defined for both
in situ and during earthquake conditions. Checking the appropriate check box the corresponding
tune button will be enabled. Clicking the button will popup the following dialog:
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The values required are pairs of depth and pore pressure and values in between are calculated
with simple linear interpolation.
· X coord. and Y coord.: These fields hold a pair of numbers that represent the coordinates of
the CPT. The default value for both fields is 0.000 and can be altered when using the 2D
feature. The X, Y coordinates are referenced to some reference point at the site, not latitude
or longitude.
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Overview 23
3.3.2 Advanced parameters
Advanced parameters
· Average interval: Available selection is 1, 3 or 5. The number denotes how many depth
increments will be used in order to produce averaged results. If 1 is selected there is no
averaging on input data. The function used for averaging data is the simple running average
algorithm so there is no volume reduction on the original data.
· Cone area ratio: The net area ratio for the cone (default value to 0.80). This value is used for
the determination of the total cone resistance qt .
· Ic cut-off value: According to Robertson and Wride (1998) soils with a Soil Behavior Type Index
(Ic ) greater than 2.60 are characterized as clay-like soils and likely not susceptible to cyclic
liquefaction. Data points (sounding points) that meet that criterion are excluded from the
liquefaction calculation procedure. User may alter this value accordingly to engineering
judgment and samples. Default value is 2.60.
· Limit analysis depth at: Experience has shown that the 50-foot (15 m) depth may be
adequate for the evaluation of liquefaction potential in most cases, however, there may be
situations where this depth may not be sufficiently deep (from SP117). Hence, the software
provides a user option to ignore any cyclic liquefaction below a user input depth, where 20 m
(or 60 ft) is the default value if the user selects this option (check box checked).
· Default gamma value: This field holds the default value of soil unit weight that will be used
for the determination of stresses. By clicking the small button next to the default unit weight
box the user can input a table of soil unit weight values as a function of depth.
· Auto unit weight calculation: If checked the software will try to estimate the unit weight
automatically. If not checked then it is assumed that the soil has a constant unit weight over
depth, equal to the value entered in the Default gamma value field.
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· Apply Kσ correction: If unchecked CLiq will not apply a correction due to overburden stresses.
For Moss et al. method this option will make no difference as the calculation procedure assumes
Kσ =1.00
· Auto transition layer detection: If checked the software will try to locate and eliminate
(exclude from liquefaction calculation) points that belong to transition layers. Detailed
information on this procedure can be found here.
· Remove loose sand criteria: For Robertson methods, when calculating grain characteristics
factor Kc , if checked the software will not set Kc =1.00 when 1.64 < Ic < 2.36 and F < 0.5%
· Calculate dry sands settlements: When this option is checked the software will estimate
vertical settlements due to the compaction of sand above GWT during earthquake based on
Robertson & Shao, 2010.
· C n limit value: For CPT points close free ground surface normalized CPT resistance can get
quite high so a limit on the stress normalization factor can be used. Default value from Youd et
al. 2001 is 1.70
· Use Custom CSR data: Custom CSR data can be imported to the software be clicking the
button on the main toolbar. Notice that overburden correction factor will apply to the custom
CSR data. Magnitude scaling factor will only apply if CSR data are not adjusted to Mw=7.50
· User FS: A custom safety factor that can be applied on the liquefaction FS calculated. In
general it is recommended to leave this to the default value of 1.0. If a value FS > 1.0 is
selected, the program will modify the CSR by a that factor (i.e. if FS = 1.2, the CSR will be
increased by a factor of 1.2, resulting in a more conservative calculation).
· Weighting factor for e v: Cetin et al (2009) suggested a simple linear weighting factor that will
weight the volumetric strain (ev ) with depth. This reduces the impact of any volumetric strains
at large depth. The weighting starts from 1.00 at the ground surface and equals to 0.00 at the
weighting limit depth. Cetin et al 2009 suggested a depth limit of 18m, but can be user defined
based on engineering judgment.
· Aging factor for CRR: Researchers (e.g. Arango et al 2000) have suggested that the cyclic
resistance ratio (CRR) increases with geologic age of the deposit. By selecting this feature, the
calculated values of CRR7.5 are increased by the input factor (i.e. if the aging factor is 1.2, the
CRR7.5 values are increased by a factor fo 1.5).
· Nkt (Undrained shear strength factor): When the user has selected to include clay-like soils
(under Assessment param.), this value of Nkt is used to estimate the peak undrained strength
(Su) for the clay-like soils (i.e. soils with Ic > Ic cut-off) to calculate the CRR7 .5 for cyclic
· PL based volumetric strain: For every CPT point the software calculates the probability for
liquefaction, if this option is checked then the volumetric strain calculated at each point is
reduced by the portion of the estimated probability e.g. if PL =30% then volumetric strain will be
ev *30%
· Kα (Static Shear Stress Correction Factor): Idriss and Boulanger (2008) showed that the CRR
for cyclic softening of clay-like soils is reduced when there is an existing initial static shear
stress present. When the user has selected to include clay-like soils (under Assessment
param.), this value is applied as a reduction factor to the CRR7 .5 .
· Stress exponent calculation: Each CPT-based method uses different methods to normalize
the cone resistance as a function of vertical effective stress using a stress exponent. It is
suggested to allow the software to use the recommended method based on the selected
liquefaction assessment method. However, the user has the option to select either the Zhang
et al (2002) or Robertson (2009) methods as an alternate normalization. The default is "Based
on the selected method"
© 2018 GeoLogismiki
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· MSF (Magnitude Scaling Factor): Although the software offers the flexibility to use any of
the available MSF methods it is strongly recommended to use only the suggested MSF for each
method. The default is "Based on the selected method".
· Delta Ic (scroll down inside the dialog box to see this feature): When vibro-compaction is
carried out the horizontal stresses are often modified significantly resulting in a change in SBT
Ic . The ‘delta Ic ’ feature provides an option for the user to modify the Ic values to match pre-
improvement conditions to better capture the grain characteristics (e.g. fines content). Transition layer detection
When the user selects the Auto transition layer detection the Tune parameters button becomes
available. When the user clicks on the Tune parameters button the following dialog box is shown:
The software will delete data when the cone is in transition from either clay to sand or vise-
versa. To do this the software requires a range of Ic values over which the transition will be
defined (typically somewhere between 1.80 < Ic < 3.0) and a rate of change of Ic . Transitions
typically occur when the rate of change of Ic is fast (i.e. delta Ic is small). The user can modify
both the range (using the sliding scale) and the rate of change of Ic (delta Ic ) and observe which
parts of the cone profile will be deleted from the liquefaction assessment (deleted sections are
shown in red on the Ic plot below). To change delta Ic , move the cursor over the current delta Ic
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value in the box and input an alternate value, then click on the button to see the new red
sections that will be deleted. The user can also move the sliding scales above to modify the range
of Ic to define the transition. User judgment is required to optimize the amount of data that will
be deleted. Finally, using the Min num. of points edit box you may instruct the software to keep
detected transition layers with a minimum number of CPT points according to the number entered.
Using the up and down arrows CLiq will recalculate the layers automatically.
Click on the Apply button to see the resulting change in the liquefaction analyses. It is best to
have the main page set to show Liquefaction assessment results and Analysis plots to see the
effect of the results. Click on the Calculate button to implement the re-calculation using the
user input transition layer correction.
3.3.3 NCEER & Robertson
· Cycling Liquefaction (Robertson only): Options in this area apply only to Robertson & Wride
1998 and Robertson 2009 assessment method by specifying the actual calculation method to be
used either NCEER (Youd et al, 2001) or Robertson (2009). For Robertson (2009) ev and Gamma
boxes contain the maximum values for post liquefaction volumetric strain and shear strain for
clay-like soils, respectively. When checked Max MSF limit will use the input value as a maximum.
3.3.4 Moss et al.
· CRR curve Probability: Values of probability PL to be used for the calculation estimation of CRR
(default value is the one suggested by the authors)
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3.3.5 I&B 2008
· Cyclic Liquefaction (I&B only): For the Idriss & Boulanger (2008) calculation method a set of
options are available. For the determination of the apparent fines content the default method is
the use of the R&W formula. The second option is the use of the formula I&B proposed on their
2008 publication and a last option where the user can define a custom fines profile. For the I&B
formula further customization can be fone by clicking the wrench button.
· I&B clay-like behavior: When checked the software will perform the cyclic softening
calculation for clayey soils (CPT points with Ic > Ic cutoff value) otherwise only sand points will
be tested for cyclic liquefaction. This option is also used for the Boulanger & Idriss 2014 method
· Assume void redistribution negligible: Idriss & Boulanger (2008) provide two curves to
estimate liquefied strength ratio. When this option is checked, the curve based on negligible
void redistribution is used
· Settlements according to Zhang et al.: If check the software will make use of the Zhang et
al. (2002) formulas for settlements estimations rather than the one proposed by I&B (2008)
· Limit gamma for LDI to 50%: According to I&B limiting shear strain can be reduced to 50%
when performing LDI calculation
3.3.6 B&I 2014
· User defined fines content: If checked the software will use custom FC data input instead of
using the formula from B&I 2014. If the Default BI is checked then for CPT points that no
custom data is available the software will use the value form the B&I 2014 formula instead of
the default value input
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3.3.7 Site conditions
· Same as initial: Select this option if the final site conditions (conditions during earthquake) are
the same as the initial conditions (when CPT was performed), i.e. no fill or excavation.
· Has a fill: Select this option if the final site conditions where changed by applying a fill. The
Height of fill input box holds the value of the height of fill and the Fill unit weight input box
should hold the unit weight of the material used to construct the fill. These two parameters will
be used to calculate the geostatic stresses during earthquake.
· Is excavated: Select this option if there will be an excavation before the earthquake. CLiq will
not perform CSR calculations from depth 0.00 down to the value entered at the Depth field
while CRR will be given a large value of 4.00. The Width field is the width of the foundation
(foundation is assumed to be of a rectangular shape) and the L/B input box hold the value of
the length to width ratio of the footing (e.g. a value of 1.00 means the footing is square and a
value of 10 means that the footing is strip). Calculations of the load stresses distribution below
the footing are performed based on the Boussinesq theory for a point under the middle of the
footing. If the Rigid footing is checked the formula for a rigid footing will be used. Note the GWL
(earthquake) must also be adjusted to reflect the added fill.
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Overview 29
3.3.8 Lateral displacements
· Level ground (no calculation will be performed): When checked CLiq will not perform any
calculation for the estimation of lateral displacements.
· Gently slope ground: This is the default selection. Lateral displacements will be performed
based on the slope value entered (value must be larger than 0.20% and smaller than 3.50%). If
liquefaction is calculated at large depth the resulting lateral displacement can be excessively
high (since the program sums up all shear strains regardless of depth). The user has the option
to apply a linear weighting factor to the shear strains (gamma) to avoid excessive lateral
displacements. The linear weighting is similar to the weighting applied to vol. strains (ev ) and
extends to a depth of 18m.
· Level ground with free face: When checked the software will estimate lateral displacements
based on the geometry profile specified. L field holds the horizontal distance of the CPT from
the slope toe, and H field holds the vertical height of the slope. When the Ignore displacements
below 2H check box is checked, calculation of the estimated lateral displacements will not be
performed for points that lay below a depth of 2xH from the ground surface (minus the fill height
if specified).
The calculation procedure may be initiated for a single CPTU file or for all files in the current
working project. To perform a calculation for the selected single CPTU file click on the Data menu
and select the Calculate selected CPT command or you may click on the button located on
the File manager toolbar. To perform an overall calculation for all CPTU files in the current
project, click on the button on the main window toolbar. When performing an overall
calculation the software will also perform the basic interpretation calculation.
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30 CLiq User's Manual
3.5 Preparing and printing a report
Preparing a report for a CPTU file is very easy. A full report contains pages with plots and tabular
data for every calculation step, starting from in-situ measurements to settlements analysis. You
may select the various sections of a report simply by clicking on the Reports menu and selecting
the Report settings command. You may also click directly on the button which is located in
the main toolbar. The following dialog will appear:
Check or uncheck sections that you wish to be included or excluded from the report and click on
the OK button to commit the changes.
You can create reports for a single CPTU file or an overall report for all selected (checked) files in
the current working project. To preview the report only for the selected CPTU file click on the
Reports menu and select the Single CPT report command. Alternatively you may click on the
button located on the File manager toolbar. To preview the report for all selected CPTU files click
on the Reports menu and select the Overall selected CPT report command. Alternatively you may
click on the button located on the File manager toolbar. The following dialog will appear:
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Overview 31
You have the option to crate a report using the colors used in the software or create plots using
a grayscale mode which is very helpful when you must photocopy the report. Unchecking the
include all data points will force the software to omit CPT points that do not meet the limitation
depth criterion.
To proceed and create the report click on the OK button and a dialog will appear with the preview
of the report that includes all sections that where selected.
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32 CLiq User's Manual
You may print the report by clicking on the button on the toolbar or you may export the
report in a PDF file by clicking on the button.
All reports are designed to fit to an A4 page. If you wish to print the report on a different page
without loosing any information, you may use the Scale feature (located inside the Print mode
area) as shown below (i.e. need to print the report in a Letter size):
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Overview 33
4 Advanced features
Some advanced features and techniques are presented below.
Performing various CPTU measurements at a site can be used to calculate overall results like LPI
that refer to a single location. Combining the results of all CPTU files, CLiq can create a plain 2D
map in plan view showing an estimated spatial distribution of LPI or vertical settlements. The
accuracy of the map is based on the total number of CPTU files used.
The software by default creates an empty A4 page which will be used to insert the CPTU files and
preview the map. At the bottom of the page there are some useful information regarding the
position of the mouse over the page (in real world coordinates), page dimensions and the working
layer. The origin of the coordinates is the bottom left corner of the page with associated
coordinates of (0.00,0.00). The real world coordinates are calculated based on a custom drawing
scale which by default is set to 1:50. For the default A4 page and SI unit system, a map scale of
1:50 means that the page top right corner will have the following coordinates: X = 14.85 (m) and
Y = 10.50 (m). Using the toolbar button you may easily customize page setup and drawing scale.
You may add CPTU in 2 ways. If you have previously defined the coordinates of the CPTU files
you can click on the button and the software will automatically place them inside the page.
Another way is to click and drag to drop the CPTU files from the File manager into the page.
Releasing the mouse button will display the following dialog:
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34 CLiq User's Manual
The X coordinate and Y coordinate fields will be filled with the coordinates of the point where you
released the mouse button. Replace these coordinates with the real ones and click on the Accept
button. The CPT point will be inserted and the page will look like the following image:
At the right of a CPT point CLiq displays the value of the variable to be processed (by default this
is the LPI). To change the coordinates of a CPT point first make sure that the working layer is the
CPT points layer (more information on how to change the working layer can be found here).
Double click on the CPT point and the CPT point dialog will appear again.
After you placed all points inside the drawing area you must define a rectangle grid that includes
all points. Click on the and move the mouse where the top left corner of the grid will be
placed (notice that the mouse cursor now looks like a small cross) and click once. Move the
mouse where the bottom right corner of the grid will be placed and click once more. The following
dialog will appear:
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Defining a dense grid may produce more smoothed results but it will also slow down the
calculation process. The maximum Number of colors supported is 255. The Average points field
holds the number of CPT points that will be used to estimate the value of the variable for each
grid point. For each grid point the software will search for the closest Average points CPT points
and if there not exist so many it will use the available number to calculate the estimation of the
variable. Click Accept and the drawing area should look like the following image:
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36 CLiq User's Manual
Final step is to create the map either by clicking on the button to visualize the LPI variable or
the button to visualize the vertical settlements. The page will now look like this:
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You may alter the position and size of the legend. Make the Results layer the current working
layer and click and drag the legend in order to move it. You may click in any corner and drag to
adjust its size.
Click on the button on the toolbar. The following dialog will appear:
The dialog displays the current page dimensions. You may modify the Width and Height fields any
way it is necessary but you may also select a different page based on the pages the default
printer supports. Click on the printer icon and from the dialog that appears make any changes
necessary. Click the Accept button to close the page setup dialog and commit any changes
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38 CLiq User's Manual
4.1.2 Drawing scale
Click on the button on the toolbar. The following dialog will appear:
In the Scale field you may enter the drawing scale you prefer to use. While changing the drawing
scale you may preview the drawing limits inside the Drawing limits area. Drawing limits reflect the
real world coordinates that the page can display. Click Accept to commit the changes.
4.1.3 Changing working layer
Objects inside the page (CPT points, grid and results) are placed in a separate layer so that the
user can easily work with them. There are three (3) layers, the Grid area layer, the CPT point
layer and the Results layer. The active layer name can be found inside the panel just below the
bottom of the page. In order to change the working layer you can click on the arrow of the
button. A popup menu will appear and from there you may select the layer you
wish. You may also right click in an empty region inside the page and the same popup menu will
be displayed.
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Advanced features 39
4.2 Customizing plots
By default, when importing CPTU data, all plots use an auto scale feature to fit the data in both
vertical and horizontal axes. CLiq allows you to modify the scale of the axes by setting custom
minimum and maximum display values. Changes to the scales can be made in the right hand
window that show the draft graphic plots. Consider the Basic plots below:
Basic plots
It is clear that the vertical axis is not the same for all plots. In order to customize the vertical
axis just click on anyone of them (e.g. click on the qt plot vertical axis). The following dialog
The dialog will display the current axis scaling values, which are set to Automatic by default. You
may alter the minimum and maximum values that the axis can display by entering data on the Min
value and Max value edit boxes. Entering a custom value in the Desired increment area the plot
will try to display a label using this value as a step. For example you may need to display the
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40 CLiq User's Manual
depth value every one meter so just enter 1.00 into the associated edit box. The Number of
minor ticks should be an integer value which denotes the number of minor ticks between two
depth increments.
Since the vertical axis displays a common variable for all graphs (depth) checking the Apply to all
plots checkbox will instruct the software to apply all changes made to all plots, except the SBT
plots. This feature is only available when editing a vertical axes.
In a similar manner you can alter the properties for the horizontal axis of each plot, making them
look like:
All the above made changes apply only to the current selected CPTU file. In order to apply the
scales defined in one CPTU file to all CPTU files in the current project you must double click inside
any plot. The following dialog will appear:
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Advanced features 41
According to your selection you may apply the current plot scales (only for the plot where you
double clicked) to all plots of the same type for all CPTU files or transfer the plot scales from all
plots in the selected CPTU file to all other plots for all CPTU files in the current project. You may
also apply changes only for the left axes or bottom axes or all axes.
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42 CLiq User's Manual
4.2.1 Navigation helper tool
If you need to locate numeric data (input data or calculation results) for points from a plot, hold
the SHIFT key on your keyboard while moving your mouse over the plot. There will be a red mark
pointing to the closest CPT point and according to the plot, the tabular data will focus on the
specified variable.
CLiq offers the ability to export plots in a graphic file format like .png, .gif or .jpg. Exporting
individual plots in a graphic file may be useful if for example you need to place some plots on a
Select a CPTU file from the file manager and from Data menu select the Export plots as graphic
command. Alternatively you may use the right mouse button on the CPT file and from the pop-up
menu that will appear select again Export plots as graphic. The following dialog will appear:
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There are two (2) tabs on top of the dialog. The Interpretation plots tab which includes all plots
associated with the basic interpretation procedure and the Liquefaction plots which includes all
plots regarding the liquefaction assessment analysis. CLiq will export only the plots that are
selected that is their associated check box is checked.
In the Directory area the software will display the current directory where the files will be saved.
If you need to change this folder you can easily do so by clicking on the Browse directory button.
You will see the following dialog:
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44 CLiq User's Manual
Browse for the directory you wish to use or click on the Make New Folder to create a new folder
under the selected directory. Click OK when finished and your new selection will now appear under
the Current directory label.
You may use the X size (pixels) and Y size (pixels) to customize the size of the exported plots.
You may also choose between various file formats as GIF, PNG and JPG. Click on the Export plots
to close the dialog and complete the export procedure.
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4.4 Exporting tabular results
CLiq allows the user to export tabular results in an Excel® file for further manipulation. You may
export tabular results for both interpretation and liquefaction assessment simply by double clicking
the button on the toolbar above the tabular results (or double click anywhere inside the
tabular results). The following standard Windows dialog will appear:
Navigate to the directory where you wish to save the results. Type a name in the File name field
at the bottom of the dialog and click the Save button.
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46 CLiq User's Manual
4.5 Parametric analysis
You may test the sensitivity of your analysis based on a range of values for both earthquake
magnitude and peak ground acceleration. Click on the button located at the main window
toolbar and the following dialog will appear:
Enter the desired range for acceleration and magnitude and select the result you wish to
visualize, LPI or overall vertical settlements. Click on the Calculate button and CLiq will create a
surface plot of your analysis (for the selected CPTU file).
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Advanced features 47
The green circle represents the result for your current CPTU file liquefaction properties. You may
rotate the plot by clicking and dragging the mouse around the plot area. Click Copy to clipboard
to copy the plot in order to paste it as an image in other applications.
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48 CLiq User's Manual
4.6 Overall summary reports
A summary report bar chart report of either LPI, LSN (Christchurch, NZ), vertical settlement,
lateral displacement and LDI and Overall Probability for Liquefaction, for all selected (checked)
CPTU file can be generated from the menu Reports and Overall summary report command. The
following dialog will appear:
According to the selection made in the dialog shown above, CLiq will create a report (below is a
report based on the LPI results). If the customize plot is checked a dialog will appear with several
settings for the Y plot axis.
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50 CLiq User's Manual
4.7 PGA Parametric Report
PGA Parametric Report is available from the main toolbar when hitting the button. The
following dialog appears:
The software will load all the selected CPT files into the new dialog and will assign default
properties values like line color, pen width etc. After defining the desired calculation properties
the selected parameter (settlemetns, LPI and LSN) the calculation is initiated by hitting the
Perform Calculation button.
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As with all plots in CLiq, clicking on the axes brings up the dialog for defining custom parameter
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52 CLiq User's Manual
4.8 Overall Parametric
Hitting the button will bring up the overall parametric dialog. In this dialog the user can
visualize any of the calculated parameters (LPI, LSN, settlements, displacements and probability)
between the various calculation methods.
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Advanced features 53
4.9 Overlay report
The overlay report module provides a quick way to quickly compare various calculation parameters
between selected CPT files. By clicking the button on the main toolbar, the following dialog
Overlay dialog
The various line properties can be altered by the user by clicking over the numeric values of each
CPT file card at the top of the dialog. Plot axes can also be customized by clicking on any of
them. The "Report" button will prepare and display a report of all the available plots
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54 CLiq User's Manual
The overlay module is only available when the selected CPT files share a common calculation
method, in any other case the software will raise an error:
Juang et al (2013) combined the deterministic model by Robertson & Wride (1998) for liquefactuon
potential evaluation (in terms of nominal safety factor) and the probabilistic model by Ku et al
(2012) for liquefaction probability. Together, these models provide a site-specific probabilistic
liquefaction-induced settlement exceedance curve (right-hand plot) and a probability density
curve (left-hand plot) for the predicted settlement. The method provides a conditional probability
for a given (user input design values) ground shaking level represented by a pair of amax and Mw
values, along with the various design assumptions. The procedure consists of two models (based
on case histories): Model A is applicable to the free-field conditions, and Model B is more
applicable for estimation of liquefaction-induced building settlement. Model choice is made by
selecting the appropriate box below the right-hand plot, the default is Model A - Free-field
settlements. The scale for the Limiting Settlement is adjusted by modifying the "Maximum settle"
value in the box below the plots.
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Advanced features 55
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56 CLiq User's Manual
4.11 Gound Improvement Quality Control
The CPT is often used for quality control (QC) purposes after ground improvement (e.g. vibro-
compaction, etc.). A ground improvement QC module is located by clicking the icon . The
following dialog will appear:
CPT QC dialog
If ground improvement is used to improve the response of the ground against future design
earthquake loading, the program will calculate a "design" cone resistance profile, qc , based on a
design earthquake (amax and Mw) and required factor of safety (FS). The "design" cone profile is
shown (in red) overlying the measured cone profile (shown in black). The program will also display
(in the right-hand plot) the "Delta qc", which is the difference between the required 'design' qc
and the measured qc in the zones where soils are susceptible to cyclic liquefaction (e.g. where Ic
is less than the Ic cut-off value).
The module applies the Robertson and Wride (1998) method in reverse to calculate the required
"design" qc . The module icon will only be accessible when the Robertson (NCEER R&W1998, 2009)
method is selected. The input FS can be used to minimize post-earthquake deformations, since
volumetric and shear strains can occur when the FS > 1. The default FS is 1.2, but can be
modified based on engineering judgment. By using the Robertson and Wride (1998) method in
reverse, the program will apply all the user input settings in the 'Advanced parameter' settings
(e.g. Ic cut-off value, transition layer detection, etc.).
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Advanced features 57
CLiq offers two additional modules to evaluate soil liquefaction based on SPT and Vs methods. The
calculation in both modules is limited to the estimation of the Factor of Safety (FS) profile. Each
complimentary calculation is bounded to one CPT file and can be accessed by clicking the buttons
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58 CLiq User's Manual
4.12.1 SPT based calculation module
In the calculation input tab the user can input the required field data and calculation properties.
If the ENTER key is hit after input of a depth value the software will advance to the SPT cell and
fill it with the value estimated from CPT data of that depth. SPT points can be excluded from the
calculation simply by unchecking the "Can Liquefy" check box.
Calculation Properties
· Calculation Method: Calculation method can be one of the NCEER (1997), Seed et al. (2004) or
Boulanger & Idriss (2004)
· Sampling Method (Cs ): Correction factor for samplers with or without liners
· Rod length: Specify rod length above ground surface to be used for the calculation of CR
(correction factor for rod length)
· Hammer Energy Ratio (Ce ): Correction factor for hammer energy ratio (ER)
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Advanced features 59
· Round Corrected SPT: A selection of options on how the software will manege calculated
corrected SPT. Among the available options "Down" is the most conservative and "Up" is the
less conservative
In the calculation results area the user can view plots and tabular results of the calculation.
5 References
· Lunne, T., Robertson, P.K., and Powell, J.J.M 1997. Cone penetration testing in geotechnical
practice, E & FN Spon Routledge, 352 p, ISBN 0-7514-0393-8.
· Boulanger, R.W. and Idriss, I. M., 2007. Evaluation of Cyclic Softening in Silts and Clays. ASCE
Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering June, Vol. 133, No. 6 pp 641-652
· Robertson, P.K. and Cabal, K.L., 2007. Guide to Cone Penetration Testing for Geotechnical
Engineering. Available at no cost at
· Robertson, P.K. 1990. Soil classification using the cone penetration test. Canadian Geotechnical
Journal, 27 (1), 151-8.
© 2018 GeoLogismiki
60 CLiq User's Manual
· Robertson, P.K. and Wride, C.E., 1998. Cyclic Liquefaction and its Evaluation based on the CPT
Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 1998, Vol. 35, August.
· Youd, T.L., Idriss, I.M., Andrus, R.D., Arango, I., Castro, G., Christian, J.T., Dobry, R., Finn,
W.D.L., Harder, L.F., Hynes, M.E., Ishihara, K., Koester, J., Liao, S., Marcuson III, W.F., Martin,
G.R., Mitchell, J.K., Moriwaki, Y., Power, M.S., Robertson, P.K., Seed, R., and Stokoe, K.H.,
Liquefaction Resistance of Soils: Summary Report from the 1996 NCEER and 1998 NCEER/NSF
Workshop on Evaluation of Liquefaction Resistance of Soils, ASCE, Journal of Geotechnical &
Geoenvironmental Engineering, Vol. 127, October, pp 817-833
· Zhang, G., Robertson. P.K., Brachman, R., 2002, Estimating Liquefaction Induced Ground
Settlements from the CPT, Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 39: pp 1168-1180
· Zhang, G., Robertson. P.K., Brachman, R., 2004, Estimating Liquefaction Induced Lateral
Displacements using the SPT and CPT, ASCE, Journal of Geotechnical & Geoenvironmental
Engineering, Vol. 130, No. 8, 861-871
· Cetin et al., 2009 Probabilistic model for assessment of cyclically induced reconsolidation
(volumetric) strains, ASCE Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironemental Engineering, Vol 135,
No 3, pp 387-398
· Arango, I., Lewis, M. R., and Kramer, C. _2000_. “Updated liquefaction potential analysis
eliminates foundation retrofitting of two critical structures.” Soil Dyn. Earthquake Eng., 20, 17–
· Ronald D. Andrus, Hossein Hayati and Nisha P. Mohanan, Correcting Liquefaction Resistance for
Aged Sands Using Measured to Estimated Velocity Ratio, Journal of Geotechnical and
Geoenvironmental Engineering, Vol. 135, No. 6, June 1, 2009
· Idriss, I. M., and Boulanger, R. W. (2008). Soil liquefaction during earthquakes. Monograph
MNO-12, Earthquake Engineering Research Institute, Oakland, CA
· Moss, R. E. S., Seed, R. B., Kayen, R. E., Stewart, J. P., Der Kiureghian, A., and Cetin, K. O.
(2006). CPT-based probabilistic and deterministic assessment of in situ seismic soil liquefaction
potential, J. Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Eng., ASCE 132(8)
· C. Hsein Juang, Jianye Ching, Lei Wang, Sara Khoshnevisan, and Chih-Sheng Ku, Simplified
procedure for estimation of liquefaction-induced settlement and site-specific probabilistic
settlement exceedance curve using cone penetration test (CPT), Can. Geotech. J. 50: 1055–
1066 (2013)
· R. Kayen, M.ASCE, R. E. S. Moss, M.ASCE, E. M. Thompson, A.M.ASCE, R. B. Seed, M.ASCE, K.
O. Cetin, M.ASCE, A. Der Kiureghian, M.ASCE, Y. Tanaka and K. Tokimatsu, M.ASCE, Shear-
Wave Velocity–Based Probabilistic and Deterministic Assessment of Seismic Soil Liquefaction
Potential, Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, Vol. 139, No. 3, March 1,
· R. B. Seed, K. O. Cetin, R. E. S. Moss, A. M. Kammerer, J. Wu, J. M. Pestana, M. F. Riemer, R.B.
Sancio, J.D. Bray, R. E. Kayen, and A. Faris, RECENT ADVANCES IN SOIL LIQUEFACTION
Geotechnical Spring Seminar, Keynote Presentation, H.M.S. Queen Mary, Long Beach, California,
April 30, 2003
© 2018 GeoLogismiki
Index 61
Index -O-
Overall parametric report 52
overall summary report 48
.cor files 15
.gef files 16 page setup 37
.xls files 17 parametric analysis 46
perfrom calculation 29
-2- PGA parametric report 50
plots 39, 42
2D plot 33, 37, 38 probabilistic settlements 54
project file 9
company information 9
customize 39 references 59
reports 30, 48, 50, 52
data import 12, 15
drawing scale 38 tabular results 45
transition layer 25
export plots 42
export tabular results 45 unit system 9
units 9
gef data import 16
xls data import 17
import txt 12
layers manipulation 38
liquefaction calculation parameters 18
navigation 42
© 2018 GeoLogismiki