Alphabetical List of Units (continued)
To convert from to multiply by
3.3.1 Acceleration
3.3.2 Area
3.3.4 (Bending Moment or Torque)/Length
3.3.11 Force
dyne newton (N) 1.000000X10-5*
kilogram-force newton (N) 9.806 650*
kilopond newton (N) 9.806 650*
kip newton (N) 4.448222x103
ounce-force (avoirdupois) newton (N) 2.780139 x10-1
pound-force (Ibf avoirdupois) newton (N) 4.448 222
poundal newton (N) 1.382550X10-1
ton force newton (N) 9.947017X103
*An asterisk indicates an exact conversion.
3.3.12 Force/Length
3.3.13 Heat
3.3.14 Length
3.3.15 Light
3.3.16 Mass
3.3.16 Mass (continued)
3.3.17 Mass/Area
3.3.18 Mass/Length
3.3.19 Mass/Time
3.3.21 Power
3.3.23 Temperature
3.3.24 Time
day second (s) 8.640 000 x104
day (sidereal) second (s) 8.616409x104
hour second (s) 3.600000x103
hour (sidereal) second (s) 3.590170x103
minute second (s) 6.000 000 x101
minute (sidereal) second (s) 5.983 617X10 1
second (sidereal) second (s) 9.972 696 x10-1
year (sidereal) second (s) 3.155815x10 7
3.3.25 VeSocity (includes Speed)
3.3.26 Viscosity
3.3.29 Volume (Liquid)/Volume (Liquid-solid)
To convert from to multiply by
fluid ounce (U.K.)/pint (U.K.) millilitre/litre (mL/L) 5.000 000 X10-2*
fluid ounce (U.K.)/gailon (U.K.) millilitre/litre (mL/L) 6.250 000*
fluid ounce (U.K.)/cubic foot millilitre/litre (mL/L) 1.003 398
pint (U.K.)/cubic foot millilitre/litre (mL/L) 2.006 795 x101
pint (U.K.)/cubicyard litre/cubic metre (L/m3) 7.432 575 X10~ 1
fluid ounce (U.S.)/pint (U.S.) mi Hi litre/litre (mL/L) 6.250 000 X10 1 *
fluid ounce (U.S.)/gallon (U.S.) millilitre/litre (mL/L) 7.812500*
fluid ounce (U.S.)/cubic foot millilitre/litre (mL/L) 1.044 379
pint (U.S.)/cubic foot millilitre/litre (mL/L) 2.207167 X101
pint (U.S.)/cubic yard litre/cubic metre 8.174691X10"1
*An asterisk indicates an exact conversion.
Quantity Unit Symbol Unit Name Typical Applications
absorption, moisture mg/cm2 milligram per square Wire and cable insulation.
absorption, tensile J/m2 joule per square metre Paper.
acceleration, angular rad/s2 radian per second squared Engineering calculations;
r/s2 revolution per second squared mechanical equipment.
acceleration, linear m/s2 metre per second squared Vehicles; mechanical equipment;
kinematics; calculation of dynamic
forces; exploration geophysics.
cm/s2 centimetre per second Soil dynamics.
|jm/s2 micrometre per second Gravitational acceleration anomaly
squared (geophysics; gravity and magnetic
adhesion kN/m kilonewton per metre Ply in conveyor belt
admittance, mS millisiemens Electric circuits
electric MS microsiemens and components.
altitude m metre Aircraft; meteorology.
amplitude mm millimetre Vibration; waveform.
angle, plane rad radian Engineering and scientific calculations;
phase relationships; drill string rotation
in drilling mechanics.
degree Degree and decimal degree are used in:
machine design; modulating control
motor stroke; bore deflection and pin
angle of downhole equipment in drilling
mechanics; wave phase relationships;
angle of entrance of ship hull.
minute Degree, minute and decimal minute are
used in navigation bearing and sextant
second Degree, minute and second are used in
angular deviation See deviation, angular.
area km square kilometre Topography; drainage area: watershed;
reservoir; catchment basin.
ha hectare Surveying and land measurement.
m square metre Surface area of tanks and small
reservoirs; small land area; cross-
section of earthwork, channels, large
pipes; paving, floors, walls, roofing,
brickwork; building components such
as windows, glass insulation,
reinforcing mesh, wood products;
furnace grate, refrigerator shelf;
ship deck; load calculations.
Quantity Unit Symbol Unit Name Typical Applications
Quantity Unit Symbol Unit Name Typical Applications
Quantity Unit Symbol Unit S^ame Typical Applications
Quantity Unit Symbol Unit Name Typical Applications
density, magnetic flux T tesla Magnetic circuits.
ml miilitesla
MT microtesla
nT nanotesla
density of heat flow kW/m2 kilowatt per square metre Boilers.
W/m2 watt per square metre Walls and windows.
depth m metre Mine shafts; boreholes, wells; water;
snow; buried depth of transmission
cables; pipes; also on charts.
dm decimetre Spacing of draft marks on ship's hull.
cm centimetre Dipsticks.
mm millimetre irrigation watering; rainfall; penetration
of preservatives.
deviation, angular mrad/m milliradian per metre Pipeline.
diameter See dimensions, linear.
dielectric strength See strength, dielectric.
diffusion coefficient mm2/s Square millimetre per second Thermal studies.
diffusivity, thermal mm /s square millimetre per second Thermal studies.
dimensions, linear km kilometre Length of transmission lines, long pipes
and channels.
—breadth m metre Overall dimensions of buildings,
—circumference dams, ships, tents and tarpaulins,
—diameter sporting criteria
—height Length of building materials generally,
—length beams, spans, trenches, curbs, fences,
—radius conduit, wire, cable and rope, logs,
—thickness poles, lumber, trees, carpets, fabric,
—width anchor cables, conveyor belts, magnetic
tape, boats and canoes, recreational and
sporting criteria.
Width of roads, right of way, truck
Height of columns, masts and towers,
waterfalls, hydraulic head, diving
boards, survey heights, conduit bend
radius and depth of cover.
Thickness of aquifer, well drawdown
and level.
cm centimetre Dimensions of human body, clothing,
linen, cookware, household appliances,
shipping container, paper cut size.
Length of sporting accessories shoe
lace, slide fastener, knitting needles.
Width of carpet, cloth, paper rolls,
sporting accessories.
Diameter of paper roils, balls and bats
in sports.
mm millimetre Dimensions in buildings, of building
components, equipment racks and
frames, machinery, vehicles, tools,
fasteners, wood knots; also on technical
Height of curb, carpet pile.
Width of conveyor belt, cloth (if less
than 30 cm), curb, slide fastener.
Thickness of baking utensils, conveyor
belt, cable sheath, insulation film, ice
formation on towers and masts, drilling
fluid filter cake, fabric, yarn, panel
materials, sheet metal and plate,
Diameter of anchor cables, cables,
wires, conductors, conduit, ropes, bars,
Radius of drilled wells. Deflection of
Length of conduit couplings, fibres.
Quantity Unit Symbol Unit Name Typical Applications
Quantity Unit Symbol Unit Name Typical Applications
energy, per unit volume MJ/L megajoule per litre Volumetric heating value of liquid fuel.
energy, specific MJ/kg megajoule per kilogram Psychrometric calculations; specific
energy of fuel.
energy, surface mJ/m2 millijoule per square metre Chemical analysis.
enthalpy MJ megajoule Engineering and scientific calculations.
kJ kilojoule Gas processing.
enthalpy, molar J/mol joule per mole Gas processing.
enthalpy, specific MJ/t megajoule per tonne Steel.
kJ/kg kilojoule per kilogram Petroleum pipeline.
entropy kJ/°C kilojoule per degree Refrigeration and air conditioning.
J/°C joule per degree Celsius Fuel.
entropy, specific kJ/(kg.°C) kilojoule per kilogram Refrigeration and air conditioning.
degree Celsius
exposure, light lx.s lux second Photography.
field strength, electric MV/m megavolt per metre Electrical strees in gas, liquid and solid
media; dielectric value of insulating
kV/m kilovolt per metre Gradient of electric fields.
V/m volt per metre
rnV/m millivolt per metre Broadcasting and antenna field
patterns; magnetotellurics.
pV/rn microvolt per metre Broadcasting and antenna field
patterns; magnetotellurics; radio noise
field strength, A/mm ampere per millimetre Transformer leakage field strength.
fineness See specific surface.
finish, surface mm millimetre Coated abrasives.
Mm micrometre Machining.
flow rate See rate.
flux, heat mW/m milliwatt per square metre Geothermics.
flux, magnetic mWb milliweber Magnetic circuits.
flux, radiant mW milliwatt Antennae; continuous wave laser.
force MN meganewton Rope pull force in hoists; buckling force
(load) in columns; downhole
equipment bearing load.
kN kilonewton Forces in columns, piles, ties,
prestressing tendons, cables; rated
dead load of drilling equipment.
daN decanewton Drilling mechanics, e.g. load on bit
N newton Automobile hand brake lever effort,
pedal effort, clutch spring force;
drag bar pull force; frictional force in
drilling fluids testing.
force per unit length MN/mm meganewton per millimetre Roll force per unit width in rolling mill.
N/mm newton per millimetre
kN/m kilonewton per metre Corrugated board ring crush; linear
force distribution.
fraction, mass Note: It is recommended that these
fraction, mole fractions be expressed as
fraction, volume dimensionless numbers, i.e. without any
associated unit.
frequency GHz gigahertz Electronics and communications.
MHz megahertz Electronics and communications; radio
interference; ultrasonics.
Quantity Unit Symbol Unit Name Typical Applications
Quantity Unit Symbol Unit Name Typical Applications
intensity, luminous cd candela Lighting,
intensity, magnetic See density, magnetic flux.
intensity, sound W/m watt per square metre Acoustics.
length See dimensions, linear.
level elevation m metre Surveys, maps and charts.
linear expansion See coefficient, linear expansion.
load or loading See mass, force or stress.
load carrying capacity See capacity, load carrying, or capacity,
loss, fluid See volume, fluid loss.
luminance cd/m2 candela per square metre Lighting.
magnetic field See field strength, magnetic.
magnetic flux See flux, magnetic.
magnetic flux density See density, magnetic flux.
magnetic permeability See permeability, magnetic.
mass Mg megagram Large masses; air cargo; rating of hoists
and cranes.
tonne Large masses such as grain, coal, fuel,
structural steel, reinforcement, concrete,
wood, heavy equipment, ship's cargo,
truck loads, dead load on structures;
rating of lifting equipment.
kg kilogram Mass of items in general.
g gram Mass of small items such as mail,
groceries, etc.
mg milligram Mass of very small items such as
mass concentration See concentration, mass.
mass fraction See fraction, mass.
mass, molar mg/mol milligram per mole Gas, vapour.
mass per unit area kg/m kilogram per square metre See also density, area.
Slabs, plates and similar items of
uniform thickness; load distribution on
floors - not to be confused with force
and stress calculations.
g/m2 gram per square metre Thin sheet materials, coatings; fabric.
mass per unit length kg/m kilogram per metre See also density, linear.
Wire rope, electric cable, beams, bars,
tubular goods and similar items of
uniform cross-section; load on
conveyor belts, beams; ice load on
gram per metre Cord, wire, and similar items of uniform
cross section.
modulus of elasticity GPa gigapascal Young's modulus, rigidity modulus, bulk
MPa megapascal modulus, of materials.
modulus, section m3 cubic metre Midship section of ship.
mm cubic millimetre Properties of structural shapes and
sections (beams, columns, etc.)
modulus, tensile kPa kilopascal Properties of materials.
molality mol/kg mole per kilogram Anion and cation (drilling fluid).
molar concentration See concentration.
molar enthalpy See enthalpy, molar.
Quantity Unit Symbol Unit Name Typical Applications