Problems ITYM 2016
Problems ITYM 2016
Problems ITYM 2016
Notation 1
1. Rankings of Teams 1
2. Cutting Segments 2
3. Loose Number Sets 3
4. Suprema of Integer Polynomials 4
5. Composite Polygons 4
6. Different Means 5
7. A Colouring Game 6
8. Functional Equations 7
9. Mathematics of Electric Circuits 8
10. Rich Sequences 9
N = {1, 2, 3, . . .} set of natural numbers (positive integers)
Zn = {0, 1, . . . , n − 1} ring of residue classes modulo n
Z, Q, R, C sets of integer, rational, real and complex numbers
R+ set of positive real numbers
Fq finite field of size q = pk
M ⊗N mean-product of two functions M and N
gcd(x1 , . . . , xn ) greatest common divisor of x1 , . . . , xn
P [.] and E [.] probability and expectation
det(A) or |A| determinant of a matrix A
|x| absolute value of x
#M or |M | cardinality of a set M
sup f (x) supremum of a set {f (x) | x ∈ M }
1. Rankings of Teams
A mathematics tournament is being held in Saint Petersburg with n ∈ N participating teams
T1 , . . . , Tn . In the end of the tournament, each team will be ranked according to its rating
(teams can have the same rating). The teams with the highest rating will have rank 1, the
teams with the second highest rating will have rank 2, and so on. Denote by Rn the set of all
possible rankings. In other words,
Rn = (r1 , . . . , rn ) ∈ N
for any integer 1 ≤ t ≤ max(rk ), there exists i such that ri = t ,
3. Show that for every real number x with |x| sufficiently small, one has
X an n 1
x = .
n=0 n! 2 − ex
2. Cutting Segments
Let A and B be two bounded domains in the real plane. We suppose that either B ⊆ A or
B ∩ A = ∅. For positive integers m and n, let A1 , . . . , Am and B1 , . . . , Bn be some points on
the boundaries of A and B respectively. We say that a segment Ai Bj is cutting if it contains
an inner point of the domain B (in other words, it is dividing B into parts, at least two of
which have nonzero area). Denote by CutB (A1 . . . Am , B1 . . . Bn ) the set of cutting segments.
We would like to find all possible values of the cardinality of this set, and in particular its
minimum and maximum, in the following cases:
(i) the points (Ai ) and (Bj ) are fixed on the respective boundaries, and the domain B can
float (move and rotate) strictly inside the domain A;
(ii) the points (Ai ) and (Bj ) are fixed on the respective boundaries, and the domain B can
float (move and rotate) strictly outside the domain A;
(iii) the domains A and B are fixed as well as the points (Ai ) on the boundary of A, and
the points (Bj ) can float on the boundary of B.
A2 A2
B3 B1
B1 B3
A1 A3 A1 A3
Figure 1. Two examples where A and B are triangles in the case (i), and
|CutB (A1 A2 A3 , B1 B2 B3 )| is equal to 0 and 3.
3. Try to find best possible upper and lower bounds for P (100) and P (2016).
lim Pn(n)
4. Is it true that n→∞ ε = 0 for
a) ε = 1/2,
b) ε = 1/3,
c) any ε > 0?
5. We call a sequence very loose if it contains neither four different numbers a < b < c < d
such that a + d = b + c, nor triples a < b < c such that a + c = 2b. Denote by Q(n) the
maximal number of elements in a very loose subset of the set {1, 2, . . . , n}. How the answers
to the above questions change for Q(n)?
6. Suggest and investigate generalisations.
Note. If you use computer programs, then please provide the full source codes and all necessary
instructions so that other participants and the jury members are able to reproduce your results.
5. Composite Polygons
Let ` be a line in the real plane. We will say that a polygon P is divisible by ` if there exist
two finite families of lines F1 and F2 in the plane such that
– the lines in F1 are parallel to `,
– the lines in F2 are orthogonal to `,
– the polygon P is divided by F1 and F2 into parts – each part is either a rectangular
triangle or a rectangle.
We will also say that P is divisible by a segment s if it is divisible by the line containing s.
Finally, a polygon will be called composite if it is divisible by at least one line.
1. Given a triangle, describe all lines by which it is divisible.
2. Given a convex quadrilateral, describe all lines by which it is divisible.
3. Give a criterion for a non-convex quadrilateral to be composite.
4. A polygon is obtuse if all its angles are greater than π/2. Does there exist an obtuse convex
pentagon which is
a) not divisible by at least one of its sides?
b) not divisible by all its sides?
c) not composite?
5. In how many parts can a composite obtuse convex pentagon be divided by a line `, if
a) ` contains a side?
b) ` is neither parallel nor orthogonal to any of the sides?
6. Different Means
Let M and N be two real-valued functions defined in the domain R+ × R+ . Given any
positive real numbers a and b, one can construct two sequences (an ) and (bn ) satisfying the
following recurrence relations
an = M (an−1 , bn−1 ) and bn = N (an−1 , bn−1 ),
where a0 = a, b0 = b and n ∈ N. If the limits n→∞
lim an and n→∞
lim bn exist and coincide for all
a, b ∈ R+ , then the function
M ⊗ N (a, b) := lim an = lim bn
n→∞ n→∞
is well-defined in R+ × R+ . We will call it the mean-product of M and N .
1. Consider two classical functions – the arithmetic mean A(a, b) = a+b2 and the harmonic mean
H(a, b) = 1 + 1 . For any a, b ∈ R + and n ∈ N , take a n = A(a n−1 n−1 ) and bn = H(an−1 , bn−1 )
, b
a b
with a0 = a and b0 = b.
Prove that the sequences (an ) and (bn ) converge to the same limit. Determine A ⊗ H. Is it
a symmetric function, that is A ⊗ H(a, b) = A ⊗ H(b, a)?
2. Let G(a, b) = ab be the geometric mean.
a) Show that the functions A ⊗ G and H ⊗ G are well-defined in R+ × R+ .
b) Prove that
A ⊗ G(a, b) = π 2 q dx .
0 (x2 + a2 )(x2 + b2 )
c) Find a formula for H ⊗ G.
where p 6= 0 is an arbitrary real number. Investigate the following functions (if they are
well-defined, then find a formula or a Taylor expansion):
a) Hp ⊗ G;
b) Hp ⊗ Hq , for any real nonzero p and q; q
p t·ap +(2−t)·bp
c) Hp [λ] ⊗ Hq [µ], where 0 < λ, µ < 2 and Hp [t](a, b) = 2 .
4. One can instead construct the sequences (an ) and (bn ) as follows:
an = M (an−1 , bn−1 ) and bn = N (an , bn−1 ),
where n ∈ N, a0 = a and b0 = b. If the limits lim an and lim bn exist and coincide for all
n→∞ n→∞
positive a and b, then one can define the Archimedes mean-product of M and N ,
M ⊗A N (a, b) := n→∞
lim an = n→∞
lim bn .
Investigate the following functions (if well-defined, find a formula or a Taylor expansion):
a) Hp ⊗A Hp ;
b) Hp ⊗A G;
c) Hp ⊗A Hq ;
d) Hp [λ] ⊗A Hq [µ], where 0 < λ, µ < 2.
p p 1 1
ap −bp
a +b p p−1
5. Consider other means: Lehmer means ap−1 +bp−1
, Stolarsky means p(a−b) , weighted
versions of means and their convex combinations.
6. Find criteria for a mean-product to be continuous, symmetric, smooth, analytic, homoge-
neous, etc.
7. Try to generalise results to means of more than two variables.
7. A Colouring Game
Alice and Bob play a game on a circle of circumference 1. Initially, the circle is completely
white. In each step, one player picks a real number t ∈ [0, 1] and the other chooses an arc of
length t. All white points in the chosen arc become black and all black points become white.
The players pick numbers alternately, starting with Alice. The game stops after n steps, where
n ∈ N is given in advance. In the end, Alice’s gain, denoted by GA , is the proportion of points
which are white. Bob’s gain, denoted by GB , is the proportion of points which are black.
Figure 3. An example with n = 3. Alice picks t = 1/6 and Bob chooses an arc
on the right. Then he picks t = 1/2 and Alice chooses an arc on the top. Finally
Alice picks t = 1 and Bob chooses the entire circle. Here GA = GB = 12 .
1. Depending on n, does there exist a strategy allowing Alice to ensure a gain at least 12 ? And
what about Bob?
2. What maximal gain can Alice ensure? Start with n = 2, 3, 4.
In the next two questions, the game is on the segment [0, 1] which is initially white. In each
step, a player picks a real 0 ≤ t ≤ 1 and the other player chooses a subinterval of length t
within [0, 1]. The white points in the subinterval become black and vice-versa. The gains are
defined in a similar manner.
0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1
3. What is the maximal gain that Alice can ensure (as a function of n)?
4. Find the maximal gains that Alice and Bob can ensure if they are only allowed to pick real
numbers t which are
a) of the form k1 with k ∈ N ;
b) not greater than 12 .
5. Now, the game is on the segment [0, 1] with 3 colours: white, blue and red. All white points
in a chosen subinterval become blue, all blue points become red and all red points become
white. Bob’s gain is the proportion of white and blue points, Alice’s gain is the proportion of
red points. Find the maximal gain that Alice can ensure after n steps.
6. Suggest and study additional directions of research.
8. Functional Equations
Let ]a, b[ be a non-empty open interval of the real line with a, b ∈ R ∪ {−∞, +∞}. We would
like to investigate equations of the form
f (f (x)) = g(x),
where f and g are two real-valued functions defined on the interval ]a, b[.
1. Given that g(x) = ex , does the equation have a solution f which is
a) continuous?
b) differentiable (twice differentiable, etc.)?
c) analytic?
d) presentable as a power series convergent in ]a, b[?
Start with the case ]a, b[= R.
2. Analoguous questions when
a) g(x) = x2 + px + q with p, q ∈ R;
b) g(x) is a polynomial of degree n > 2.
3. Solve the equation f (f (x)) = f 0 (x) for a continuously differentiable function f : ]a, b[→ R.
4. Investigate the equations f (f (x)) = ab f (t)dt and f (f (x)) = f (t)dt, where f : [a, b] → R
R Rx
is a) continuous; b) Riemann integrable; c) Lebesgue integrable.
5. Let M be a bounded closed interval [a, b] or the entire R. We say that a continuous
function g : M → R is a k-square if there exists a continuous function f : M → R such
that g(x) = f (f (x)) for all x ∈ M . Determine the density of k-squares in the set C(M ) of
continuous functions on M for different topologies.
6. Suggest and study other directions of research.
v1 v2
v4 v3
1. Let rij be the resistance (weight) of the edge connecting vertices vi , vj ∈ Γ. We denote
rij = ∞ (or rather 1/rij = 0) if there is no edge between these two vertices. Using Kirchhoff’s
laws define a system of linear equations that allows to compute the resistance Rij between any
two vertices vi , vj in terms of the weights rij .
2. Assume that the graph is built from the edges of a polyhedron in an N -dimensional Euclidean
space and the resistance of any edge is exactly 1 ohm. Compute the resistance between opposite
vertices for the following polyhedrons:
a) a regular polygon in the real plane;
b) a cube in the 3-dimensional Euclidean space;
c) an octahedron in the 3-dimensional Euclidean space;
d) an icosahedron in the 3-dimensional Euclidean space;
e) a cube in the N -dimensional Euclidean space.
3. Assume that you can vary the resistance of each edge in a given interval [a, b]. What are
the maximal and minimal resistances that you can get between two opposite vertices for the
above graphs?
4. Let Sn be the symmetric group of degree n, and let T ⊂ Sn be the set of transpositions
(1 2), (2 3), . . . , (n−1 n). The Cayley graph associated with (Sn , T ) is defined as the undirected
graph having n! vertices corresponding to the permutations in Sn and such that there is an
edge between vertices σ, τ ∈ Sn if and only if τ σ −1 ∈ T .
Assuming that each edge of this graph has resistance 1 ohm, compute the resistance between
the following two “opposite” permutations:
! !
1 2 3 ··· n − 1 n 1 2 3 ··· n − 1 n
and .
1 2 3 ··· n − 1 n n n − 1 n − 2 ··· 2 1