Chem 26.1 Syllabus - IC
Chem 26.1 Syllabus - IC
Chem 26.1 Syllabus - IC
P AG E /15
College of Science
University of the Philippines, Diliman, Quezon City
Chem 26.1: Introduction to Quantitative Chemical Analysis Laboratory
B. Rationale
Chemistry 26.1 is an existing course that is being reconfigured to reflect alignment with outcome-based
education for effective curriculum planning.
C. Course Outline
Institute of Chemistry, University of the Philippines Diliman Chem 26.1 Lab Manual
P AG E /15
B. Gather data using standard laboratory equipment, modern instrumentation and classical techniques
The course will develop techniques and skills in he systematic collection of data from analytical chemistry experiments.
D. Possess analytical chemistry skills and knowledge needed for further study and/or for entry-level professional employment in the general
The course will provide the relevant skills and knowledge that can match the rigors of graduate studies and/or professional employment.
I. Preserve and promote “Filipino historical and cultural heritage” using tools of analytical chemistry
The course will provide a venue for students to apply the tools of analytical chemistry in preserving and promoting national heritage.
Institute of Chemistry, University of the Philippines Diliman Chem 26.1 Lab Manual
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Program Learning Objectives*
Course Outcomes
Demonstrate the fundamental skills for chemical analysis using classical and instrumental methods. ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Evaluate validity of analytical data using knowledge on statistics and draw pertinent conclusions from
✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
analytical data.
Assess the validity of theories of Analytical Chemistry through laboratory experiments. ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Organize the conduct of the experiment in order to ensure efficient use of resources, generation of ✓ ✓ ✓
✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
quality data, and safety in the laboratory.
A. Demonstrate a broad and coherent knowledge and understanding in the core areas of chemistry: inorganic, organic, physical, biological, and analytical chemistry; and in addition, the
necessary background in mathematics and physics.
B. Gather data using standardized laboratory equipment, modern instrumentation and classical techniques.
C. Identify and solve problems involving chemistry, using current disciplinary and interdisciplinary principles.
D. Qualify for further study and/or for professional employment in the general workplace.
E. Work effectively and independently in multi-disciplinary and multi-cultural teams.
F. Act in recognition of professional, social and ethical responsibility
G. Effectively communicate orally and in writing using both English and Filipino
H. Articulate and discuss the latest developments in chemistry
I. Preserve and promote “Filipino historical and cultural heritage`”
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2. Course Content
Part V. Electrochemistry 8
Institute of Chemistry, University of the Philippines Diliman Chem 26.1 Lab Manual
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3. Course Coverage
Suggested Suggested
Week Learning Outcome/s Course Topic Essential or Key Questions Teaching and Assessment
Learning Activities Tools/Activities
• Apply rules on scientific Part I. Basic Concepts in • What are significant figures? • Lecture • Quiz Whitten, Davies,
writing and plagiarism Chemical Analysis • How should the rules in significant • Practice exercises • Sit-in Exercises Peck, and Stanley,
for lab reports A. Significant figures figures be applied in stoichiometric • Mock formal report Chemistry, 2007, 8th
• Apply the rules of B. Scientific writing calculations? edition
• A set of Formal
significant figures in all • What are the different parts of a reports (FRs) and
calculations scientific paper? How should each answers-to-
1 section be written? questions (ATQs)
• How should references be properly reports to be
cited? accomplished
during the duration
of the semester.
• Journal Club
• Demonstrate correct Part I. Basic Concepts in • What are the advantages of the • Lecture • Quiz Miller, J. N. & Miller,
skill in using an Chemical Analysis weighing by different technique in • Practice exercises • Pre-lab report J. C. (2010).
analytical balance. C. Application of statistics in determining the mass of a sample? • Pre-lab and post- • Recitation Statistics and
• Measure the mass of a analytical chemistry • What statistical treatments can be lab discussions • Laboratory Chemometrics for
substance by weighing D. Ways of expressing applied to the data set? • Experiment 1: performance Analytical
by difference technique concentration • How can statistics be used to Application of Chemistry. Essex,
• ATQ Report for
• Differentiate among the E. Solution preparation evaluate the validity of the acquired statistical concepts England: Pearson
Experiment 1
2-3 in the
different statistical data? • Sit-In Exercises Education Limited.
determination of
parameters and be able • How can statistics be used to weight variation in • Practical Exam
to discern their evaluate whether the data set is coin samples Skoog, West, and
application and precise and accurate? Holler, Fundamentals
• Experiment 2:
limitations. • How can we classify and minimize of Analytical
• Evaluate the quality of a errors we have encountered in the Chemistry, 2014, 9th
dataset based on experiment?
Institute of Chemistry, University of the Philippines Diliman Chem 26.1 Lab Manual
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calculated statistical • How to qualify whether data points
parameters. are to be accepted or rejected?
• Classify the different
types of experimental
error which can affect • How can a solution of a certain
the result of the analysis. concentration be prepared from solid
• Identify outliers in a reagents or concentrated solutions?
dataset. • How can the initial/final
concentration of a solution be
determined using dilution or aliquot
• Define ways of
• Calculate concentrations
of solutions given the
volume of solution and
amount of solute.
• Calculate the amount of
solute needed given the
volume and
concentration of the
• Reinforce the mole
approach in dilution
• Identify dilution factor
and aliquot factor
• Calculate initial/final
concentration and
amount of solute present
in solutions using aliquot
and dilution factors
• Explain the theory of Part II. Chemical Kinetics • What is chemical kinetics? • Pre-lab and post- • Quiz Petrucci, Herring,
3-4 Madura, and
chemical kinetics. lab discussions
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• Explain the rationale • How do experimental parameters • Experiment 3: • Pre-lab report Bissonnette, General
behind the design of the such as temperature and presence Iodine clock • Recitation Chemistry: Principles
kinetic experiment. of catalysts affect reaction rate? reaction • Laboratory and Modern
• Execute necessary • How can important information about performance Application, 2011, 10th
caution in the the chemical reaction be deduced • Mock FR for
measurement of reaction from kinetic data? Experiment 3
rates. • How does the kinetic data support • Sit-In Exercises
• Explain the effect of the proposed mechanism for the • Practical Exam
experimental factors on Iodine Clock Reaction?
the reaction rate.
• Apply statistics in
deriving relevant
information from
chemical kinetics data.
• Explain the nature of the
Iodine Clock reaction
using derived
parameters such as
reaction order, rate
constant, activation
energy, and Arrhenius
• Propose a mechanism
for the reaction by
referring to kinetic data.
• Illustrate the common- Part III. Chemical Equilibrium • What are the components of a buffer • Pre-lab and post- • Quiz Petrucci, Herring,
ion effect in acid-base A. Common Ion Effect solution? lab discussions • Pre-lab report Madura, and
equilibria. B. Buffers • How does the properties manifested • Experiment 4: • Recitation Bissonnette, General
• Differentiate between by the buffer solution differ from Common ion Chemistry: Principles
• Laboratory
effect and buffers and Modern
5-6 buffer solutions and solution of weak acids/ bases? performance Application, 2011, 10th
solutions of weak acids/ • What is the Henderson-Hasselbalch • ATQ Report for edition
bases. equation and how can it be used in Experiment 4
the pH calculation of buffer • Sit-In Exercises
solutions? • Practical Exam
Institute of Chemistry, University of the Philippines Diliman Chem 26.1 Lab Manual
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• Correlate the properties • How to calculate for the amounts of
of buffer solutions to its acid/base and salt needed to
functions. prepare a buffer solution?
• Apply the Henderson- • What accounts for the discrepancy
Hasselbalch equation in between the experimentally
preparing buffer measured and theoretically
solutions. calculated pH of the buffer
• Demonstrate correct solutions?
laboratory techniques in • Why is it important to calibrate the
buffer preparation pH meter prior to the experiment?
• Execute proper use of a
pH meter.
• Interpret the relationship
between experimentally
measured pH
measurements from
theoretically calculated
ones solved from the
• Explain the theory Part III. Chemical Equilibrium • What is solubility equilibrium? • Pre-lab and post- • Quiz Petrucci, Herring,
behind solubility C. Solubility Equilibrium • What does molar solubility and lab discussions • Pre-lab report Madura, and
solubility product constant (Ksp) • Experiment 5: • Recitation Bissonnette, General
Part IV. Volumetric Analysis represent? Determination of Chemistry: Principles
• Determine the • Laboratory
A. Double Indicator Titration the solubility and Modern
experimental Ksp and • How can titrimetric analysis be performance
product constant Application, 2011, 10th
molar solubility (s) of a employed in calculating for s and Ksp • ATQ Report for edition
of calcium
sparingly soluble salt. of a sparingly soluble salt? Experiment 5
• Discuss the effect of • How does factors such as • Experiment 6: • ATQ Report for
temperature, common- temperature, common-ions, and Quantitative Experiment 6
ions and diverse-ions on diverse-ions, affect the solubility analysis of soda • Sit-In Exercises
the experimental s and equilibrium of substances? ash by double • Practical Exam
Ksp. indicator titration
• Account for the
difference in • What is titrimetric analysis?
experimentally • What is double indicator method?
determined and
Institute of Chemistry, University of the Philippines Diliman Chem 26.1 Lab Manual
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theoretically calculated s • To what acid-base systems is the
and Ksp. double indicator applicable?
• Why is the double indicator method
necessary for the analysis of
• Explain the concept of polyprotic analytes?
double-indicator titration. • How is the composition of the
• Evaluate the sample established from volumetric
applicability of the titration data?
• Explain the steps
involved in double-
indicator method.
• Identify the composition
of a soda ash sample
based from volumetric
data from double
titration sample.
• Apply the concept of
stoichiometry for
standardization of titrant
and calculation of
analyte concentration
using acid-base titration
• Demonstrate correct
techniques in performing
double-indicator titration.
• Explain the principles Part IV. Volumetric Analysis • What are the principles behind • Pre-lab and post- • Quiz Skoog, West, and
of complexometric A. Complexometric Titration complexometric titration? lab discussions • Pre-lab report Holler, Fundamentals
titration. • What are the chemical reactions • Experiment 7: • Recitation of Analytical
9-10 • Explain steps involved involved in complexometric titration Quantitative Chemistry, 2014, 9th
• Laboratory
determination of edition
in complexometric using EDTA? performance
titration. total hardness in
drinking water by
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• Apply the concept of • Why are the specific steps in titrant complexometric • FR / ATQ Report for
stoichiometry in preparation, standardization, and EDTA titration Experiment 7
calculating the sample analysis done? • Sit-In Exercises
concentration of • How can the concentration of metal • Practical Exam
analyte using ions in solution be determined using
complexometric complexometric titration?
• Demonstrate correct
skills in performing a
titration experiment.
• Explain the principles of Part IV. Volumetric Analysis • What are the principles behind the • Pre-lab and post- • Quiz Skoog, West, and
redox titration, in C. Redox Titration modified Winkler redox titration? lab discussions • Pre-lab report Holler, Fundamentals
• What are the pertinent chemical • Experiment 8: • Recitation of Analytical
particular the Winkler
reactions involved in both the Quantitative Chemistry, 2014, 9th
Method in dissolved • Laboratory
determination of edition
oxygen determination. standardization and unknown performance
sample quantitation part of the dissolved oxygen
• Explain steps involved in content by Winkler • FR / ATQ Report for
Winkler titration modified Winkler redox titration? Experiment 8
redox titration
• Perform interference • Why are reagents specifically • Sit-In Exercises
masking. delivered in succession in both the • Practical Exam
• Apply the concept of standardization and unknown
stoichiometry in sample quantitation part of the
10-11 analysis?
calculating the
concentration of analyte • What are the importance of the
using redox titration data sampling and sample pretreatment
• Demonstrate correct precautions that was observed in the
techniques in water experiment?
sampling, sample • How can dissolved oxygen level be
pretreatment, and derived from volumetric data?
titration for the modified
Winkler method.
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• Explain the principles Part V. Electrochemistry • What is electrochemistry? • Pre-lab and post- • Quiz Skoog, West, and
behind • What are the characteristics of lab discussions • Pre-lab report Holler, Fundamentals
galvanic cells and how do they differ • Experiment 9: • Recitation of Analytical
from electrolytic cells? Determination of Chemistry, 2014, 9th
• Discuss the • Laboratory
Electrode edition
significance of the • What is an electrochemical cell? performance
Nernst Equation • What is standard reduction potential, • ATQ Report for
• Identify the Ecell and standard electrode half Experiment 9
components of an reduction potential (Eocell) quantified? • Sit-In Exercises
electrochemical cell • What is the Nernst Equation? • Practical Exam
• Illustrate galvanic and • How is Faraday’s Law utilized in the
electrochemical cell prediction of expected amount of
• Demonstrate the theoretical product?
proper skill in using a • Does observation on the electrolysis
mutimeter in measuring of selected halides correlate to
potential of an theoretical predictions?
electrochemical cell.
• Calculate Electrode
11-12 Potential using the
Nernst Equation
• Demonstrate the
proper skills in setting-
up a galvanic and
electrochemical cell.
• Measure cell potential
of a galvanic cell.
• Measure half-cell
potential of electrode
• Calculate the amount
of species reduced or
oxidized after passage
of current through
Faraday’s Law
• Elaborate upon
observations on the
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electrolysis of various
• Explain the principles Part VI. Common Instrumental • Explain the principles behind • Pre-lab and post- • Quiz Skoog, West, and
behind potentiometric Methods potentiometric titration lab discussions • Pre-lab report Holler, Fundamentals
titration A. Potentiometry • Determine the equivalence point of • Experiment 10: • Laboratory of Analytical
• Determine the titration using the different Quantitative performance Chemistry, 2014, 9th
determination of edition
equivalence point of potentiometric titration plots (first • ATQ Report for
titration using the derivative and second derivative the purity and
Experiment 10
different potentiometric plots) • Sit-In Exercises
constant of
titration plots (first • Apply the concept of stoichiometry potassium • Practical Exam
derivative and second in calculating the amount of analyte hydrogen
derivative plots) present in the sample using phthalate by
• Apply the concept of equivalence point obtained from potentiometric
stoichiometry in potentiometric data titration
calculating the amount • Calculate other values using
13-14 of analyte present in titration data (i.e. % purity and Ka of
the sample using a weak acid)
equivalence point • Demonstrate proper skills in the
obtained from conduct of a potentiometric titration
potentiometric data experiment
• Calculate other values
using titration data (i.e.
% purity and Ka of a
weak acid)
• Demonstrate proper
skills in the conduct of
a potentiometric
titration experiment
• Explain the principles of Part VI. Common Instrumental • What are the principles behind • Pre-lab and post- • Quiz Skoog, West, and
molecular absorption Methods spectrophotometry? lab discussions • Pre-lab report Holler, Fundamentals
spectrophotometry B. Absorption Spectroscopy • What are the applications of • Experiment 11: • Laboratory of Analytical
15-16 C. Ion Exchange Quantitative Chemistry, 2014, 9th
• Distinguish the spectrophotometry in analytical performance
Chromatography determination of edition
components of a UV-Vis chemistry? • ATQ Report for
instrument copper (II)
Experiment 11
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• Apply the principles of • What are the advantages and concentration by • FR for Experiment
UV-Vis limitations of using spectrophotometry 12
spectrophotometry in spectrophotometry as an analytical • Experiment 12: • Sit-In Exercises
calculating the amount method for chemical analysis? Quantitative • Practical Exam
of analyte in the sample • How is the amount of analyte in the determination of
total ion
• Demonstrate the skills in sample determined using
concentration by
measuring absorbances spectrophotometry?
ion exchange
of solutions using a chromatography
single-beam UV-Vis • What is the basis of separation in
spectrophotometer Ion-Exchange Chromatography
• Explain the concept of • How are a number of factors able to
ion exchange affect the separation of components
chromatography in IEC?
• Discuss the effects of • What are the relevance of the
factors affecting the sequence of steps involved in IEC
separation in ion separation of analytes?
• How is the amount of analyte
calculated from the eluted H+ from
• Calculate the total ion the IEC column?
concentration of analyte
solution using ion
• Explain the steps
involved in an ion
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4. Course Requirements Total Grade
Grading System percentage equivalent
Experimental Laboratory Performance 40% 70% 95.00 and above 1.00
Practical Exam 15% 90 – 94 1.25
Answers to Questions 15% 85 – 99 1.50
80 – 84 1.75
Theoretical Long Quizzes 20% 30% 75 – 79 2.00
Formal Report 10% 70 – 74 2.25
65 – 69 2.50
60 – 64 2.75
Total 100% 55 – 59 3.00
50 – 54 4.00
49 and below 5.00
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Four Sit-In Assessments will be administered. A student who missed a test is entitled to a make-up sit-in
exercise at the end of the semester, provided a valid excuse. Otherwise he/she will be given a grade of zero
for that sit-in exercise.
s. Students are prohibited from uploading their written reports to file sharing sites (e.g., etc.). Letting
others copy your work is also a form of cheating, and thus will be a ground for disciplinary action.
t. Any student found to violate University rules on intellectual dishonesty shall be subject to the
investigation process as prescribed by existing University guidelines.
Student Handbook 2012
Article III Definitions
Intellectual dishonesty – any fraudulent act performed by a student to achieve academic advantage or
gain for oneself or others, including but not limited to:
a. Plagiarism, defined as “the appropriation of another person’s ideas, processes, results or words without
giving appropriate credit” ;
b. Fabrication, defined as “making up data or results” ; falsification, or “manipulating research materials,
equipment, or processes or changing or omitting data or results such that the research is not accurately
represented in the research record” ; distortion and/or destruction of data;
c. Copying or providing the means or accessing means to copy exam answers, homework, projects,
laboratory experiments, term papers, etc.; possession and/or use of cheat devices during an examination;
allowing another person to take an examination in one’s name, and/or impersonating another student or
allowing someone to impersonate oneself in an academic activity; and manipulating a corrected exam
d. Submission of the same work in two or more courses without the instructors’ consent; and
e. Other acts analogous to a, b, c, and/or d.
Other Requirements
• Personal protective equipment (PPE): lab gown, goggles, closed shoes, long pants
• Two (2) bluebooks for each written exam
• Pre-lab notebook (8.5” x 11”, lesson plan style)
• Lab materials
− Wash bottle − (5) spatulas
− Detergent − (3) rolls of tissue paper
− Masking tape / sticker label − (2) round rags
− Permanent marker − Filter paper (one whole)
− (1) aspirator − Aluminum Foil (per class)
− (5) Pasteur pipettes
Institute of Chemistry, University of the Philippines Diliman Chem 26.1 Lab Manual