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St. Mary'S Church 40 Park Lane Rothwell Leeds Es Clergy Father Éamon Mcgeough Telephone 0113 2824453

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Mary's Church
40 Park Lane
LS26 0ES Telephone 0113 2824453
Clergy Father Éamon McGeough
Web site https://october18th.wixsite.com/stmarysrothwell

Registered Charity no. 249404


Monday 8th July 10.00 a.m Mass

Tuesday 9th July 10.00 a.m No Service

Wednesday 10th July 10.00 a.m Mass (Eileen McNicholas)

Thursday 11th July 10.00 a.m Eucharistic Service

Friday 12h July 10.00 a.m Mass (Doris Dillon)

Saturday 13th July 6.00 p.m Vigil Mass (Pro Pop)

Sunday 14th July 9.30 a.m Mass (Ron Dickenson)

11.00 a.m Mass (Doris Dillon)

Welcome to Dexter David Riggs who will be Baptised

into our Catholic Community this Sunday

Last week’s Collection Total £831. Many Thanks!

Pews - Please try to leave the pews
tidy after Mass - Thank you.

SVP COFFEE MORNING After both masses this Sunday the 7th.
A RETREAT WITH A DIFFERENCE: Places are still available on the Foyer de Charité Retreat will
be held at Hinsley Hall, the Diocese of Leeds Pastoral Centre, from Sunday 21st July (6pm) –
Saturday 27th July (2pm). The theme is God’s Plan for the Fullness of Time, and the preacher
will be Mgr Keith Barltrop. Foyer retreats are held mainly in silence, with three talks a day,
and offer a holistic way of deepening our faith in the Church’s teaching and our life in
Christ. The suggested donation is £350. For further information or to book a place, contact
Mgr Barltrop: keithbarltrop@rcdow.org.uk or 07879 953953.

HALL HIRE Our hall is available for parishioners to use for their social events should you wish.
Please contact the hall manager (Steph Power) for details on 07729761340.

CONFIRMATION 19TH NOVEMBER 2019 Can any individual who does not attend Rothwell St
Mary’s school and would like to be confirmed this year, please make contact. Fr Èamon.

RED BOXES Can anyone with a red box that needs emptying, please bring it to church Thank
you. Toni McElroy.

A DAY OF FORMATION FOR READERS OF THE WORD- Will be held at Hinsley Hall on Sat. 13th
July, from 10am-1pm, in preparation for the Year of Scripture, 2020. We will discuss the
nature and meaning of Scripture, and how to best proclaim God’s Word at Mass (with
practical exercises). For more information, or to confirm a place, please email

July 2019 in the Cellarium of Fountains Abbey. Entry is via The Visitor’s Centre where there is
ample parking; a shuttle bus is available for those who find the walk too much. Disabled
access is via the West Gate where all parking is reserved for the disabled. Special
arrangements can be made for wheel chairs.

Hospitality is love. It is an openness to the unknown and the unfamiliar; it is being open
to the stranger, to what frightens us, to what we may not like. It is being prepared to
accept people who may stand on our toes or rub us up the wrong way – because of
course there are differences between people, and those differences may be the source
of irritation, or even of pain.
We can start enthusiastically enough, but sometimes it is hard to remain open
when we come up against our own insecurities. So the spirit of hospitality needs to be
cherished and cultivated and fostered.
It will be worth it because hospitality, as well as being challenging, is life-giving.

[Divine love] is a love that clothes us, enfolds and embraces us and… completely
surrounds us, never to leave us.


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