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The front boundary faces east with the long The house is raised approximately 600mm on stumps
DESPUIG, JERSEY P. boundaries to the North and South. The topography promoting under-floor ventilation. The elevated floor
BS ARCH 3-1 and built environment of the immediate area is clear level also helps reduce visits from low flying insects
of obstructions to light and prevailing breezes. The and toads.
Sunbird House site is generally well suited for a passively ventilated
house design with solar energy technology.

Site earthworks were kept to a minimum as a post

and beam construction style was chosen negating
the need to bench (flatten) the house site. This
choice reduces the disturbance of top soils and the
risk of soil erosion and run-off during the
construction period.

Walls and windows are generally shaded from the
sun by verandahs, roof overhangs or awnings. They
The Sunbird house was conceived as a are strategically positioned to provide additional
demonstration project to break new ground and climate control as they help shade the house.
showcase expertise in tropical design and Outdoor living decks, verandahs and patios are an
construction. It was built at a time when roof integral part of the Cairns lifestyle.
insulation was still an optional extra for many Cairns
builders. Project highlights include the use of
sustainable materials, energy saving technology, low
emission living and passive design principles in
tropical Queensland. The house was awarded a
Passive design principles focus on orientating the
Master Builder's Association Energy Aware Home
house to prevailing south-easterly winds (all
Award in 2002. It was open for inspection to the
bedrooms and living areas face these breezes) and
public for Sustainable House Day in 2008.
creating convection currents through the house by
Sunbird house is of semi-traditional construction and the use of ridge vents, slatted ceilings, high level
its key features include: climatically appropriate (clerestory) louvres and strategic window
passive design; extensive use of sustainably placement.
harvested timbers; materials selected on the basis of
low embodied energy, toxicity and local availability;
solar energy and solar hot water; on-site collection Window systems are designed to be left open even in
and storage of 75% of annual water needs; and a rainy conditions, thus ensuring constant airflow
composting toilet to reduce wastewater and through the house. This also helps to reduce
appropriate native plant site revegetation. condensation and mould in the wet season. Westerly
windows are glazed with tinted glass to further
SITE reduce solar heat loads.

The home is situated in Edge Hill, an inner suburb of

Cairns. It is about 8 km from the city centre and
within a few minutes’ walk to the Cairns Botanical
Gardens. The site is rectangular in shape and slightly
Local employment was considered with timber,
joinery and metalwork all sourced locally.


The house maintains a comfortable temperature

supported by passive design principles therefore
mechanical cooling is limited to ceiling fans and no
air-conditioning is needed.

Energy efficient appliances such as dishwasher,

The house is of 'lightweight' construction, being built washing machine and refrigerator (five star ratings) The site has also been re-vegetated to restore
of timber. This lack of 'thermal mass' means it will reduce energy use. endemic vegetation which will survive with minimal
cool down very quickly in the early evening, unlike a irrigation.
masonry house. The roof and walls are a light colour Energy efficient lighting, especially compact
to reflect heat. fluorescents makes a surprisingly large difference OWNERS/USERS STATEMENT
and the design features lots of natural light.
The home has lots of natural light as houses can be
"It is a practical house in which to live. We bought
quite dark in the wet season leading to increased A covered drying area negates the reliance on an
the house after going to the original open day in
electric light use. electric clothes dryer.
2001. For us it just embraced all the concepts we
wanted from the tropics and had very sensible
The endemic re-vegetation and landscaping in the A solar hot water system has a manual boost switch
applications." Laura
yard area provides further shading and temperature and it only needs boosting a few times a year during
modification opportunities. the cloudy wet season.

MATERIALS The gas stove and cooking has lower greenhouse gas
emissions than electricity from coal fired power.
Materials were selected on the basis of life cycle
Solar panels on the roof produce day time energy
costing and environmental impacts including toxicity,
needs. It is a grid-connect system with battery back-
mining and processing impacts and embodied
energy. High embodied energy concrete and steel
were limited to footings and stumps. The house is It is estimated that the average daily energy
constructed mostly of timbers that were sustainably consumption is 10 kilo-watt hours or less. The solar
harvested on the Atherton Tablelands, including energy system meets or exceeds 100% of this
structural framing, linings, cladding, flooring, joinery demand.
and windows.

There is very minimal use of PVC and copper WATER

throughout the project, with alternative products
such as HDPE used wherever possible, including the All water based appliances are five star rated for
entire water supply and drainage system. water efficiency. All taps and showers are rated for
water efficiency as is the dual flush toilet. A
The roof is fully insulated with a non-fibrous composting toilet as a second toilet further reduces
insulation product, and all walls have been lined with water consumption.
reflective sarking.
Three rainwater tanks can deliver up to 75% of the
annual household water consumption.
TRINIDAD, MOA ALYANNA P. PLANNING AND MANAGEMENT The house is sited to enjoy the views of the nearby
ridgeline to the South and East and to take
BS ARCHI 3-1 advantage of the breezes and ventilation. It is
The owners had a strong desire to achieve a
sustainable lifestyle for the life of the building and surrounded by natural mountain landforms which
engaged an architect who had keen sustainability provide protection from extreme weather events.
Rainy Mountain Residence principles. An integrated approach to landscape, land
use and ecology has been paramount in the design of The house site was prepared using a small 4x4
this project. tractor. Minimal earthworks were required due to the
construction footing method (steel posts).
Research was conducted with long term residents to
understand factors and risks influencing tropical The house site is an integral component of self-
living. A weather station was installed to collect sufficiency goals and all topsoil was stripped,
baseline weather data from the site prior to the stockpiled and re-used in productive garden areas. A
design phase. Research into different sources of perimeter swale was constructed around the top side
timber and their sustainable credentials including of the house to intercept wet season rainfall runoff
durability and suitability for tasks such as termite and redirect it to minimise soil disturbance.
resistance was conducted.
Site waste minimisation strategies include mulching
A local structural engineering company with relevant and composting of green waste, the construction of
knowledge for designing a project that is safe and evaporation trenches for effluent and feeding food
resilient in a region prone to severe tropical weather scraps to chickens.
events was engaged. The architects brief was
documented identifying the requirement for the DESIGN
house design to compliment stand-alone energy and
water systems.
Located in the Wet Tropics of Far North Queensland
the home adjoins World Heritage rainforest and State
Forest and is in close proximity to the Barron River.

The principle design concepts encapsulate a tropical

lifestyle as well as celebrating and coexisting with
the natural surrounding landscape. This is a The house aspect
comfortable, healthy and sustainable home was orientated to harness the prevailing winds to
environment. The owner builders intently chose local achieve ventilation goals. The house is high-set and
materials and suppliers. The project site was built up-hill from a natural creek to enable cool air to
formerly used as bullock grazing paddocks by local loggers. It flow towards the house in the still summer months.
had not been built on and had been previously cleared so did
The key features are a pavilion style house design
not require any additional land clearing.
that stands alone supported by energy, water and The pavilion style home has 3 bedrooms divided into
waste systems. There is minimal long term separate pavilions. The pavilion style supported a
The site is adjacent to World Heritage National Park
maintenance as it is resilient to tropical weather. The staged construction program enabling pavilions to be
and State Forest and lies within classified Cassowary
site use yields subsistent food production and used for different functions throughout the
habitat. Areas of the block are being progressively
protects and enhances the natural environment. construction phase. For example the laundry could
rehabilitated with native vegetation to provide food
function as a temporary kitchen. Also the pavilion
sources for Cassowaries and other local native
style building can be easily added to at a later date if
species of birds and butterflies.
The pavilion style is serviced by breezes moving Cyprus pine cladding because of its durability and system. Most energy is harvested from photo voltaic
around all four sides and underneath the building. termite resistance, and untreated cladding that will (PV) cells. A variable pitch wind turbine and a small
They have double skinned roofs to maximise grey with age and not require maintenance using scale pelton wheel (micro-hydro) are used as
ventilation to cool the underside of the metal roof exterior paint products. The pavilions are timber and secondary power generators.
and remove the bulk of the heat radiating from the steel post structures with timber floors and metal
underside of the metal roof. Each pavilion has many roofs. The design and installation of the energy systems
ventilation openings to maximise the airflow through have been specifically engineered to operate at an
the room. The design also compliments the use of green timber optimal level for long term reliability and cost
taking into account the expansion and contraction of efficiency. For example the batteries are predicted to
The design with large overhangs eliminates tropical timber framework throughout the wet and dry last for 20 plus years. The energy system design has
rain and sun damage potential and achieves seasons including the floor duck boarding and factored in future potential energy growth demand.
maximum ventilation to minimise mould growth for overlapped cypress cladding. Bolts are accessible for
health reasons. periodic tightening of the structural frame. Finally, the energy system can be monitored using a
smart Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) as a
The building has been designed specifically for storm Timber species were selected with durability in mind solar charge controller.
events. Eaves extend up to 1.5m protecting openings to ensure longevity of the structure. Wherever
and outdoor areas. No gutters are on roofs not used possible, locally-sourced materials were used, WATER AND WASTE
for water harvesting. All glazing is toughened glass especially for the study and kitchen cabinetry and
to withstand a category 4 cyclone event. the front door.
There are nearby permanent creeks providing a
constant fresh water supply although this is
The design consciously enables easy access and No plaster based products are used due to their
supplemented by rainwater harvesting from the roof
inspection zones for termite activity. Steel posts moisture absorbing properties. Products used
as well as diverting it to gardens that support food
assist this. internally allow for maximum expansion and
contraction due to tropical moisture variations
Most importantly, the house design is connected to throughout the year.
The water collected from the main pavilion roof
the outdoors and has elements that promote a self-
surface runs into a 22,500 Litre storage tank.
sufficient existence such as an orchard and vegetable ENERGY
The creek water that is used as a backup has a direct
The pavilion design maximises light and this ensures pressure water driven pump. It supplies water from
that daylight is sufficient for daytime tasks reducing the creek with no energy input apart from the
the need to turn on lights during the day. To further passing water. This water is stored in a holding pond
reduce demand on electricity, the solar hot water and can be used to drive a small scale Pelton wheel
system has a gas booster, the kitchen stove is gas to generate power in times of insufficient solar
and all appliances are selected based on their high radiation to supplement power supply.
energy rating.
Intercept swales also direct water towards the
No mechanical cooling is required as the building is orchard and native gardens.
designed to passively cool. This is achieved by
positioning the house to gain maximum ventilation A separate 5000 Litre tank for firefighting activities is
and each pavilion has many ventilation openings to also on the site due to the proximity of services
maximise the airflow through rooms. Large supported by the rural fire brigade.
overhangs provide plenty of shading from the hot
The owner builders prioritised summer sun.
a specification of high quality materials to achieve
longevity and minimal ongoing maintenance. They After every effort to reduce reliance on electricity
used engineered timber to reduce timber milling and through design is achieved, then the renewable
wastage. They also employed termite resistant energy kicks in, to deliver a standalone energy

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