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Instrumentation Amplifiers for bioelectric events: a design with a minimal number of parts A.C. MettingVanRijn A. Peper C. A. Grimbergen Department of Medical Physics & Informatics, University of Amsterdam, Faculty of Medicine, Meibergdreef 15, 1105 AZ Amsterdam, The Netherlands Abstract—A design for an amplifier for bioelectric events is presented that has fewer arts than conventional designs. The design allows the construction of amplifiers of @ high quality in terms of noise and common mode rejection, with reduced dimensions and with a lower power consumption. Gain, bandwidth and number of channels are easily adapted to a wide range of biomedical applications. An application example is given in the form of a multichannel EEG amplifier (gain is 20 000), in which each channel consists of three operational amplifiers (one single and one dual), six resistors and two capacitors. The equivalent input noise voltage and current are 0.16 LVime 2d 1 PArms, respectively, in a bandwidth of U.2-40 Hz, and a common mode rejection ratio of 136 dB is achieved without trimming. Keywords—Common mode rejection ratio, DC suppression, Instrumentation ampli- fier. Number of parts. Recording of bicelectric events Med. & Biol. Eng. & Comput, 1994, 32, 305-310 1 Introduction ‘THe SPECIFICATIONS required for an amplifier for bioelectric events are high overall gain (1000-100 000), low equivalent input noise density (<100nV/,/Hz with typical elec- trode impedances) (Cooper ef al, 1969; SILVERMAN er al., 1969), high common mode input impedance (> 100 M&2 at 50 Hz) (PACELA, 1967) and a high common mode rejection ratio (CMRR) (2-80.dB at 50ITz) (ITura and Weaster, 1973). The design of amplifiers for bioelectric events is complicated by electrode offset voltages; DC input voltages of up to 200mV should not result in saturation of the amplifier (Gepoes. 1972) In addition, some features are important to obtain a practical design; no severe demands should be put on resistor matching, nor should additional trimming be necesseay. The importance of a low capacitance between the isolated section of the measurement system, containing the amplifier, and the environment (METTINGVANRUN ef ai, 19918) has two implications for the design of the amplifier; power consumption should be low to enable small.sized batteries to be used as a power supply, and the dimensions of the amplifier should be kept to a minimum, A low power consumption can partly be achieved by minimising the number of active parts (transistors, FETs and operational amplifiers). Small dimensions call for a design with a low total number of parts and without capacitors larger than 100 nF or inductors to allow for surface mount oF thick-film construction 2 Instrumentation amplifiers An amplifier for bioelectric events is an instrumentation a high input impedance, a high CMRR and low noise. There ‘ate (wo groups of designs for instrumentation amplifiers; the long-tailed pair with current feedback (Graeme, 1977) and the designs built with operational amplifiers (op-amps). In principle, the first group offers the best performance, especially when high-quality discrete parts are used (NELSON, 1980), but the realisations tend to be rather complex (METTINGVANRUN ef al.. 1991a). There are some monolithic versions of long-tailed pair designs (e.g. AMPO1 and LM363). However, these ICs lack the flexibility needed in amplifiers for bioelectric events; it is difficult to obtain DC suppression (Smrr et al., 1987) and to adapt the designs for monopolar multichannel recordings (METTING VANRUN etal, 1990). The use of op-amps as active elements is an attuactive way to construct a relatively simple instrumentation amplifier. There are two basic designs; the two op-amp (Fig. 1) and the three-op-amp instrumentation amplifier (Tosey 4 amplifier; a differential amplifier with fixed differential gain, Fig.1 Basic instrumentation amplifier with two operational a ‘amplifiers; features of the circuit are a fixed differential Fist recelved 14 May 1982 and in final form 18 March 1993 toltage gain, a high common mode rejection ratio, high input © IFMBE: 1994 impedances and low noise Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing May 1994 305et al,, 1971; Horowrrz and Hut, 1989). The two-op-amp desig has, in principle, some drawbacks in comparison with the three-op-amp design; the common mode input range is lower, and the matching of the resistors is more critical if a high CMRR is to be achieved (Graeme, 1973). However, these drawhacks become less important at high values of overall gain (as is the case with biomedical measurements), and the important advantage of a simpler design remains. Neither of the above instrumentation amplifiers can be used without modifications as an amplifier with high gain for the recording of bioelectric events, because the electrode offset voltages would cause saturation of the amplifier. The usual solution is to employ the three-op-amp instrumenta- tion amplifier with moderate gain (approximately 30 dB) in the first amplifier stage, followed by several AC-coupled amplifier stages to achieve a high overall gain combined with a low offset voltage at the amplifier output (NEUMAN, 1978; METTINGVANRUN et al, 19915) In’ this paper, instead of the more widely used three-op-amp instrumentation amplifier, the two-op-amp instrumentation amplifier is used as’a basis for an amplifier for bicelectric events. Before modifying the two-op-amp instrumentation amplifier for biomedical applications, some features of the basic circuit are reviewed. The common mode gain of a two-op-amp instrumenta- tion amplifier becomes zero if the relevant impedances (resistors Rj, Ry, Re and impedance Z, in Fig. 1) are chosen according to a If the condition in eqn. 1 is fulfilled. the differential gain of ‘a two-op-amp instrumentation amplifier is given by dow = (S!+1) @) In practice, the CMRR of a two-op-amp instrumentation amplifier depends on the matching of the resistors and the chosen differential gain. A good approximation for the CMRR with small deviations from the exact resistor ratios is given by MRR = 20 oe -) 4 20log Apr (indB) (3) 2TOLs, where TOL, is the resistor tolerance in %. For example, ifthe usual 1% tolerance resistors are used for an instrumentation amplifier with a gain of 1000, a CMRR of 94 dB is achieved without trimming. The good CMRR of a two-op-amp instrumentation amplifier with a high differential gain is a result of the gain of common mode signals (4c) being less than unity, even in cases where the resistor values differ by a large amount from the ratios given in eqn. 1. This effect becomes readily apparent when the gain of the instrumentation amplifier with R,—0 (resistor ratios maximally unmatched) is considered for both differential and common mode input signals (in this case, Acy © 1. Ape is given by eqn. 2, and CMRR = Api) The op-amps in a two-op-amp instrumentation amplifier contribute equally to the equivalent input noise. The ‘two-op-amp instrumentation amplifier has good noise properties, because an insignificant contribution from noise sources other than the input op-amps can be achieved with Uke yain settings and) source impedances found in biomedical recordings. Note that the noise properties of the 306 Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing two-op-amp instrumentation amplifier are equal to those of the thres-op-amp instrumentation amplifier if the latter has sufficient gain in the first amplifier stage. 3 Novel design for an amplifier for bioelectric events. The two-op-amp design seems attractive for the measurement of bioelectric events because the gain bandwidth product (GBP) of many commerically available low-noise op-amps is high enough to provide for sufficient differential gain in the bandwidth required. For example, both EEG (gain 10 000 and a bandwidth of 30 Hz) and ECG (gain 1000 and a bandwidth of 300 Hz) measurements require a GBP of approximately 300 kHz. Consequently, a single-stage amplifier, with one low-noise op-amp providing all the gain, would suffice. The problem of adapting the two-op-amp instrumenta- tion amplifier to the biomedical measurement situation means providing the amplifier with a proper high-pass response and a. sufficient DC input range, without jeopardising qualities such as high CMRR and low noise. ‘We achieved this goal with the novel circuit shown in Fig. 2 The common mode gain of the modified two-op-amp instrumentation amplifier in Fig. 2 is zero if Zy _ RuRs + RyRo + RsRe R, RRs Provided the condition in eqn. 4 is met, the differential gain Apjr in the passband is Ky Ke Abie = & + DG + 1) 6 Note that eqs. 4 and 5 correspond to eqs. 1 and 2 if the following substitution is made: py, RaRs + Rao + Rake Rs The circuit in Fig. 2 is a two-op-amp instrumentation amplifier with an integrator in the feedback loop (AMP, in Fig 2) ‘The integrator provides a low overall gain for low-frequency input signals. The high-pass corner frequency is set with R and C.. The connection between Rs, R, and the output of AMP, is essential to attain a high CMRR because it limits the gain for common mode input signals Acy to unity (if Ke and Ky were connected to common, the behaviour for differential input signals would be identical, whereas Acy would (4) 6) Ld LoJ rt Fig.2 Novel design of an amplifier for bioelectric events based on ‘the two-op-amp mstrumentation amplifier: high-pass response is achieved with an integrator in the feedback loop May 1994become very dependent on exact resistor matching). As a result, eqn. 3 is valid for the modified two-op-amp instrumentation amplifier in Fig. 2, for frequencies above the high-pass cut-off frequency, and the good CMRR properties of the basic two-op-amp_ instrumentation amplifier are retained. Below the high-pass cut-off frequency, the common mode gain of the amplifier in Fig. 2 rises by 6 dB per octave to a maximal value of unity. Consequently, for frequencies below the high-pass cut-off frequency, the CMRR drops from the value given by eqn. 3 to a value equal to Ayip In Fig. 2, a driven right-leg (DRL) circuit is used as a connection between the signal source and the amplifier common (0 V, the midpoint between the supply voltages). A DRL circuit reduces the common mode voltage by driving Up (Fig. 2) actively to the potential of the amplifier common (METTINGVANRUN ef al, 1990), In addition, a DRL protects the patient from’ the consequences’ of amplifier defects, because a series resistor in the circuit (Ry in Fiy. 2) limits te masini custent ough the ground electrode to a safe level. The common mode suppression of a DRL circuit increases with decreasing frequency. Consequently, the DRL circuit compensates for the decreasing CMRR of the instrumentation amplifier in Fig 2 at low frequencies. In our view, a DRL should be used in every biomedical recording system for interference suppression and patient safety. Therefore, when the instrumentation amplifier of Fig. 2s compared with other designs with respect to the number of parts needed, the DRL circuit should not be regarded as a particular complexity of the design in Fig. 2. Besides the high CMRR, the good noise properties of the basic two-op-amp instrumentation amplificr are retained as well in the modified two-op-amp instrumentation amplifier in Fig. 2. The extra noise generated by AMP, is divided by the factor Ry/(Ry + Ry) (approximately 10-30 in typical biomedical applications: see Section 4) before it is added to the input of AMP,. Consequently, the equivalent input noise level of the circuit is not significantly higher than the combined input noise of op-amps AMP, and AMP, The low-pass corner frequency of the modified two-op- amp instrumentation amplifier depends on the GBP of op-amp AMP, and the selected differential gain (the op-amps in this Section are assumed to be internally compensated): GBP, Ane where GBP, is the gain bandwidth product of op-amp AMP, and ‘Apyy is the differential gain of the amplifier. ‘The slope of the amplitude characteristic is —6 dB per ‘octave above this frequency. It was established that the differences in GBP between different op-amps of one type were only a few percent for most popular types. Consequently, employing the limited GBP of op-amps was found to be a convenient method of providing the needed low-pass response with sufficient accuracy in the cut-off frequency. ‘The design is unconditionally stable, und no resonances occur with typical compensated op-amps and the usual gains used in recordings of bioclectrie events (sce the Appendix). S-san = ™ 4 Practical considerations The output voltage of op-amp AMP, in the circuit shown in Fig. 2 is equal to the DC voltage between the amplifier inputs (Ep and E,) multiplied by the ratio (Rs + Ra/Rs. Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing However, as the output voltage of op-amp AMP, is limited by the supply voltage. the DC input range is determined by the resistor ratio (Ry + R,/R, and a high value for this ratio reduces the maximum allowable electrode offset. On the other hand, a low ratio (Ry + Rq)/Rs allows noise from AMP, to contribute significantly to the total amplifier noise. Therefore, a trade-off has to be made between the DC input range and the total noise figure. The oflset voltage at the amplifier output U; of the ciseuit in Fig. 2 is the input offset voltage of op-amp AMP, ‘multiplied by the resistor ratio (R, + Re)/R,. In cases where a high differential gain Ap,p is chosen, the output offset can become unacceptably high, even if AMP, is of a low offset type. A solution is the addition of a second integrator, as shown in Fig. 3 (integrator around AMP,). The output offset of an amplifier channel (U, ... Uy) in Fig. 3 is equal to the input offset of op-amp AMP, Ihe op-amps used tor the integrators in the circuits shown in Figs. 2 and 3 should have low input bias currents (ic. JFET, MOSFET or CMOS type up-amps) (o allow the selection of large resistances Ry and Ry (which is necessary to reduce the size of the integrator capacitors C, and C,) without producing large offset voltages between the inputs of op-amps AMP, and 4MP,_ As the closed-loop gain for noise voltages across the resistors Ry and Ry is much smaller than Aprs, thermal noise generated by these resistors, as well as current noise generated by the input bias currents of op-amps AMP and AMP, generally does not add significantly to the total amplifier noise. The design is easily expanded to more channels, as shown in Fig. 3. Each channel amplifies the signal between its input (E,...Ex) and the Eo reference input (monopolar configuration). Note that the common mode input impedance is equal for all inputs, an important condition to prevent interference (METTINGVANRUN ef a/., 1990) A reduction in the bandwidth can be accomplished with a capacitor parallel to resistor Re. However, appropriate modification of Z, will then be necessary to retain a high CMRR. A better method is to reduce the gain-bandwidth- product (GBP) of op-amp AMP, as the CMRR does not depend on the bandwidth of this op-amp. Depending on the type of op-amp, several methods are available; for example, capacitance feedback from the output to one of the offset pins, selection of a proper compensation capacitor (uncompensated op-amps), or the selection of a proper set current (programmable op-amps). ‘An increased bandwidth can be achieved when an uncompensated op-amp is employed for AMP,. As the ratio of the open-loop gain to the closed-loop gain is small in designs with a high differential gain, stable operation can be realised with much less compensation than is provided in a compensated op-amp (Horowitz and HILL, 1989). The application of an uncompensated op-amp is attractive because the power consumption of such an amplifier at a given combination of gain and bandwidth is lower than is the case with the application of a compensated op-amp with a high GBP (see the Appendix) Latch-up may occur if the common mode input range of op-amps AMP; and AMP, is smaller than the output voltage swing of the op-amps AMP, and AMP, . Therefore, some combinations of op-amps require appropriate output clamping of op-amps AMP, and AMP, The output AMP, may be used to drive guarding and DRL circuits (METTINGVANRUN ef al, 1990}, as shown in Fig. 3. Adding these circuits will effectively reduce the susceptibility (0 powerline induced interference; the effective CMRR may be increased up to 50 dB at 50 Hz, and interference currents in the electrode leads are prevented. May 1994 307
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