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Billy Elliot - Activity Worksheet PDF

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level 3 Activity worksheet Teacher Support Programme

Billy Elliot Photocopiable

While reading e Mrs Wilkinson and George said they
Chapters 1–3 would … c
1 Who said what? Work in pairs. Imagine who 1 … he said he wouldn’t take it from her.
said the sentences below and when. 2 … give Jackie and Tony all their fifty pence
a ‘He doesn’t answer my question because I’m from their classes.
right.’ 3 … they saw he was ill.
b ‘He doesn’t want to fight for us because he is 4 … helped any ballet dancer before.
afraid.’ 5 … wanted Billy to be a dancer.
c ‘I have never seen anyone dancing instead of Chapters 13–15
fighting. I can’t believe this.’ 5 Underline the mistakes in the sentences and
d ‘This boy can join the class. I’ll get him some correct them.
shoes.’ a Gary Stewart was Tony’s boss.
e ‘If they see these shoes they will be very b If Tony found out about the money he would
angry.’ call it good money.
Chapters 4–6 c Billy’s father thought that his son couldn’t win
2 Underline the wrong information in the against such good dancers.
sentences and correct them. d After Billy read the letter, he started laughing.
a Jackie was afraid that Tony might go to prison. 6 Are these right (3) or wrong (7)? What and
b When Tony and Jackie saw Gary Stewart at who did Billy see on his last day in Everington?
the supermarket, he had a lot of money. a the head teacher at school c
c On Thursday morning the picket line was b the church c
bigger. c George c
d When Billy visited Michael, he was wearing a d the scabs c
red dress. e his best friend c
e Billy’s dad told him to be proud that he was
different. After reading
7 Pair work: Imagine Billy is on TV. With
Chapters 7–9 another student, ask and answer questions.
3 Billy writes about the things that worry him Student A: Ask Billy about his childhood, his
and make him happy but some information is family, his town, his ballet classes, his best friend,
missing. Finish the sentences. his first girlfriend, the most difficult and the best
a Miss is a very good teacher and person. Today, moments.
after she read my mum’s letter ... . Student B (Billy): Answer all the questions telling
b We have no money and I’m tired … bread things you have never told anyone before.
every day.
c Tony is angry with Dad because he believes 8 Write: What does Billy think?
he is … . a Imagine you are Billy’s grandmother. Write out
d Miss is strange. She is very nice, but today she your feelings in your personal diary. Write
shouted at me because … . about your daughter, your two grandsons, the
strike, etc.
Chapters 10–12 b What did Billy think before, while and after
4 Match and complete the sentences. Write 1–5. reading the letter from the Royal Ballet
a When Mrs Wilkinson offered money School? Write his thoughts.
to Jackie … c
b Jackie thought that his wife, Sarah, … c
c The bosses at the mine let Jackie leave
because … c
d George said that they had never … c

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level 3 Progress test Teacher Support Programme

Billy Elliot Photocopiable

Chapters 1–3 d When the policemen were running after Tony,
1 There are mistakes these sentences. Write the Billy tried to tell him which way to go but Tony
correct information. couldn’t hear him. c
a Jackie,Tony and Billy are interested in the same e Billy was very angry when Mrs Wilkinson hit
things. him on the face. c
b Billy is the first one in the family to box. f The family needed a fire so Billy’s dad broke the
c Jackie believes pickets can stop the government. table into pieces. c
d Jackie and Tony stand on the picket lines to hurt g When Billy and Michael were dancing in the
the scabs. boxing ring, Billy’s dad entered the hall and was
e Nobody danced in Billy’s family. shocked to see them. c
Chapters 4–6 Chapters 10–12
2 Choose the right sentence. Write a or b. 5 Choose the right words.
1 Billy tells his father that he is practising a spin a When Jackie realised how good at ballet Billy was,
because … c he decided to ask Mrs Wilkinson / George for help to
a it is a boxing move. raise more money.
b he likes dancing. b Jackie sold the family piano / Sarah’s wedding ring.
2 When the fat boy knocked Billy down … c c Jackie needed more money, so he decided to ask his
a George started shouting and left. family in London / go back to the mine to work.
b Jackie stopped going to the club. d When Tony saw Jackie crying he got very angry with
3 Billy’s grandmother … c him / he decided to help his father.
a was sad that Billy wanted to be a dancer. e A lot of people bought raffle tickets / sold their own
b took ballet classes when she was young. things to help the Elliot family.
4 Mr Wilkinson believes that … c f On his way to London, Billy learnt that his father
a the miners can’t win. was travelling to London for the first time / his father
b boys shouldn’t dance. was frightened.
5 Michael doesn’t want to dance because … c g When Billy realised that all boys and girls were very
a he’s bad at it. posh and different from him he started crying / did
b he doesn’t want the other boys to laugh at him. not want to dance at the audition.
Chapters 7–9 Chapters 13–15
3 Complete with the correct word. 6 Are these sentences right (✓) or wrong (✗).
hammer spin ballet audition pickets hall a One of the teachers at the audition wished Jackie
a Billy and Mrs Wilkinson practised very hard for the and the miners the best of luck. c
………… . b When the letter arrived, the Elliots opened it. c
b Mrs Wilkinson told Billy to think of his mother c The Elliots were happy because Billy entered the
and to do the biggest, highest ………… . Royal Ballet School but the miners were sad
c The police rode their horses behind the ………… because the strike ended and they lost. c
and hit them on their backs and heads. d The teachers at the audition thought that Billy
d Jackie and Tony were arguing because Tony had a big was a good boy. c
………… in his hand.
7 Number these sentences in the correct order.
4 Are these sentences right (✓) or wrong (✗)? a Billy went home and kissed Nan.Then his father
a Mrs Wilkinson decided that Billy should dance to and brother walked him to the bus stop. c
the song that his mother liked in his audition. c b Tony told Billy that he would miss him. c
b Billy was very frightened when he saw his father c Billy said goodbye to Mrs Wilkinson. c
and brother fighting. c d Billy went to church with his dad. c
c Tony attacked the policeman’s horse with a e Billy saw Michael and said goodbye. c
hammer. c

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