Lesson 1: The Equivalence Principle and Tensor Analysis
Lesson 1: The Equivalence Principle and Tensor Analysis
Lesson 1: The Equivalence Principle and Tensor Analysis
set of components to another will play a fundamental role.
had been working on for a few years. Einstein investigated
the consequences of the fact that the laws of physics, in
particular the behavior of light, are the same in different
inertial reference frames. He deduced from that a new ex-
planation of the Lorentz transformations, of the relativity
of time, of the equivalence of mass and energy, etc.
the equivalence principle? It is the principle that says that
gravity is in some sense the same thing as acceleration.
We shall explain precisely what is meant by that, and
give examples of how Einstein used it. From there, we shall
ask ourselves what kind of mathematical structure does a
theory ought to have in order that the equivalence principle
be true? What are the kinds of mathematics we must use
to describe it?
Most readers have probably heard that general relativ-
ity is a theory not only about gravity, but also about geom-
etry. So it is interesting to start at the beginning and ask
what is it that led Einstein to say that gravity has some-
thing to do with geometry.
got promoted to a rocket ship. But I have never been in a
rocket ship, whereas I have been in an elevator. So I know
what it feels like when it accelerates or decelerates. Let’s
say the elevator is moving upward with a velocity v.
in the frame z 0 .
Let’s see what we know for slow velocities. And let’s begin
with inertial reference frames. Suppose that z 0 and z are
both inertial reference frames. That means, among other
things, they are related by uniform velocity. In other words
L(t) = vt (2)
z 0 = z − vt (3)
Notice that this is a coordinate transformation. For
readers who are familiar with Volume 3 of the collection
The Theoretical Minimum, on special relativity, this natu-
rally raises the question: what about time in the reference
frame of the elevator? If we are going to forget special rel-
ativity, then we can just say t0 and t are the same thing.
We don’t have to think about Lorentz transformations and
their consequences. So the other half of the coordinate
transformation would be t0 = t.
We could also add to the stationary frame a coordinate
x going horizontally, and a coordinate y jutting out of the
page. Correspondingly coordinates x0 and y 0 could be at-
tached to the elevator, see figure 2. The x coordinate will
play a role in a moment with a light beam. As long as the
elevator is not sliding horizontally then x0 and x can be
taken to be equal. Same thing for y 0 and y.
vertical axes as actually sliding on each other, and at t = 0
the two origins O and O0 as being the same. Once again,
the elevator moves only vertically.
z 0 = z − vt
t0 = t
x0 = x
y0 = y
F = mz̈ (5)
What could this force be due to? There could be some
charge in the elevator exerting a force on the charged parti-
cle. Or it could just be a force due to a rope attached to the
ceiling and to the particle, that pulls on it. Any number
of different kinds of forces could be acting on the particle.
And we know that the equation of motion of the particle,
expressed in the original frame of reference, is given by for-
mula (5).
(5), since they are equal, and we get
F = mz¨0 (6)
which means that the velocity of the elevator increases lin-
early with time. And after a second differentiation with
respect to time, we get
L̈ = g
t0 = t
x0 = x
y0 = y
z¨0 = z̈ − g (9)
The primed acceleration and the unprimed acceleration
differ by an amount g. Now we can write Newton’s equa-
tions in the prime frame of reference. We multiply both
sides of (9) by m, the particle mass, and we replace mz̈ by
F . We get
mz¨0 = F − mg (10)
F = ma (11)
An example would just be the motion of the Earth
about the Sun. It is independent of the mass of the Earth.
If you know where the Earth is at an instant, and you know
how fast it is moving, then you can predict its trajectory,
without regard for what the mass of Earth is.
Curvilinear coordinate transformations
z 0 = z − vt
therefore better be a straight line in the other frame. Not
only do free particles move in straight lines in space, but
their trajectories are straight line in space-time – they don’t
change speed on their spatial straight lines.
Again, in figure 4, every point in space-time has two
pairs of coordinates (z, t) and (z 0 , t0 ). The time trajectories
of fixed z, represented with dotted lines, don’t change. But
now the time trajectories of fixed z 0 are parabolas lying on
their side.
We can even represent negative times in the past. Think
of the elevator that was initially going down with acceler-
ation g. This creates a decelaration up to, say, t = 0 and
z = 0. And then the elevator bounces back upward with the
same acceleration g. Each parabola is just shifted relative
to the previous one by one unit to the right.
The point of this figure, of course, is, not surprisingly,
that straight lines in one frame are not straight lines in the
other frame. They become curved lines. The lines of fixed
t or fixed t0 of course are the same horizontal straight lines
in both frames. We haven’t represented them.
We should view figure 4 as just two sets of coordinates
to locate each point in space-time. On set of coordinates
has straight axes, while the second – represented in the first
frame – is curvilinear. Its z 0 = constant lines are actually
curves, while its t0 = constant lines are horizontal straight
lines. So it is a curvilinear coordinates transformation.
But if we want to mock-up gravitational fields with the
effect of acceleration, we are really talking about transfor-
mations of the coordinates of space-time which are curvi-
That sounds extremely trivial. When Einstein said it,
probably every physicist knew it and thought: oh yeah, no
big deal. But Einstein was very clever and very persistent.
He realized that if he dug very deep into the consequences
of this, he could then answer questions that nobody knew
how to answer.
Let’s look at a simple example of a question that Ein-
stein answered using the curvature of space-time created by
acceleration and therefore – if the two are the same – by
gravity. The question is: what is the influence of gravity
on light?
which you could almost explain to a child.
without any gravity the light beam goes in a straight line.
Of course there is gravity on the surface of the Earth, but
let’s neglect it – or transport all our experiment in outer
space in an inertial frame away from any gravitational field.
The only apparent gravity, in the elevator, will be due to
its acceleration.
The equations of motion for the light beam – think of
it, for instance, as one photon – are, in the stationary frame
of reference,
x = ct
Now, let’s replace the unprimed coordinates of the photon
(that is, the coordinates in the stationary frame) by its
primed coordinates (that is, the coordinates in the elevator
frame). Equations (12) become
x0 = ct
qt2 (13)
z0 + =0
In the elevator, the photon trajectory is shown in figure 6.
It is a parabola, whose equation linking z 0 and x0 we can
obtain by eliminating t in equations (13).
Figure 6: Trajectory of a light beam in the elevator
reference frame.
Tidal forces
Exercise 1 : If we are falling freely in a uniform
gravitational field, prove that we feel no grav-
ity and that things float around us like in the
International Space Station.
the gravitational field. My favorite example is a 2000-mile-
man who is falling in the Earth gravitational field, figure 8.
Because he is large, not a point mass, the different parts
of him feel different gravitational fields. The further away
you are the weaker the gravitational field is. So his head
feels a weaker gravitational field than his feet. His feet are
being pulled harder than his head. He feels like he is being
stretched. If he is freely falling he can’t distinguish this
from a stretching feeling.
But he knows that there is a gravitating object there.
The sense of discomfort that he feels, due to the non-uniform
gravitational field, cannot be removed by going to a falling
reference frame. And indeed no change of mathematical
description whatsoever has ever changed a physical phe-
accelerated reference frame. Einstein of course knew this.
What he really meant is:
no matter what, the reverse coordinate change will reveal
that your apparently messy field is only the consequence of
a coordinate change.
By appropriate coordinate transformations you can make
some pretty complicated apparent gravitational fields. They
noneless are not genuine, in the sense that they don’t result
from the presence of a massive object.
a coordinate transformation that removes the gravitational
field? How do we know when the field is just an artifact of
the coordinate system, and when it is a real physical thing,
due to some gravitating mass for example?
If the gravitational field is small enough that it doesn’t
vary between one part of the system and another, that is
when the equivalence principle holds with accuracy. Ein-
stein knew all that. So he asked himself the question: what
kind of mathematics goes into trying to answer the question
of whether a field is a genuine gravitational one or not.
Non-Euclidean geometry
Hermann Minkowski (1864-1909), Polish-German mathematician
and theoretical physicist.
Figure 9: Minkowski geometry.
∆τ 2 = ∆t2 − ∆x2 − ∆y 2 − ∆z 2
∆s is called the proper distance between P and Q.
Riemannian geometry
map of the surface. If it worked carefully it might see hills
and valleys, bumps and troughs, if there were any, but it
would not determine, as we see it, that the page is furled.
We see it because for us the page is embedded in the 3D
Euclidean space we live in. And by unfurling the page, we
can make its flatness obvious again.
So we want to start with the mathematics of Riemannian
geometry, that is of spaces where the distance between two
points is not the Euclidean distance, but its square is always
positive8 .
In mathematics, they are called positive definite distances.
If this space has the usual Euclidean geometry, the
square of the length of dX m is given by Pythagoras the-
dS 2 = (dX 1 )2 + (dX 2 )2 + (dX 3 )2 + ... (14)
If we are in three-dimensions then there are three terms
in the sum. If we are in two dimensions, there are two of
them. If the space is 26 dimensional, there are 26 of them
and so forth. That is the formula for Euclidean distance
between two points in the Euclidean space.
think of "surfaces" even when those have more dimensions.
And usually they don’t call them surfaces but varieties.
we know when the surface is a really curved surface there
probably won’t even be things that we can call straight
lines. So we just lay out some coordinates and we still call
them X’s.
The values of the X’s are not related directly to dis-
tances. They are just numerical labels. The points (X 1 =
0, X 2 = 0) and (X 1 = 1, X 2 = 0) are not necessarily sep-
arated by a distance of one. Now we take two neighboring
points (figure 13).
This is the formula in any geometry curved or otherwise.
We apply Pythagoras theorem in a small approximately flat
rectangular region to compute the square of the length of its
diagonal. One side along a meridian has length Rdθ. The
other side along a parallel has a length Rdφ but corrected
by the cosine of the latitude. At the equator it is the full
Rdφ, but at the pole it is zero. So the formula is
And then the other would go around the hill the other way.
Simply think on the Earth of going from the North pole to
the South pole.
Furthermore even if there is only one answer, we have to
know the geometry on the surface everywhere in the whole
region where A and B are, not only to calculate the distance
but to know actually where to place the string. So the
notion of distance between any two points is a complicated
But the notion of distance between two neighboring
points is not so complicated. That is because locally a
smooth surface can be approximated by the tangent plane
and the curvilinear coordinates lines by straight lines – not
necessarily perpendicular but straight.
Metric tensor
shown in figure 15. But any reasonably dense lattice, sort
of triangulating the surface, would do as well.
Exercise 2 : Is it possible to find a curved sur-
face and a lattice of rods arranged on it, which
cannot be flattened out, but which can change
We shall see that the initial surface being able to take other
shapes or not corresponds to the gmn ’s of equation (15) hav-
ing certain mathematical properties.
and laid out on a flat plane?
The space is flat if you can find a coordinate transformation,
that is, a different set of coordinates, in which the distance
formula for dS 2 is just (dX 1 )2 + (dX 2 )2 + ...(dX n )2 , as it
would be in Euclidean geometry.
That the initial gmn ’s form the unit matrix, with ones on
the diagonal and zeroes elsewhere – as if equation (15) were
just Pythagoras theorem – is not necessary. But we must
find a coordinate transformation which can make it look
like that.
equation (14) is a more involved procedure than just diag-
onalizing the matrix gmn . The reason is that there is not
one matrix. gmn depends on X. It is the same tensor field,
but it has a different matrix at each point10 . You cannot
diagonalize all of them at the same time. At a given point,
you can indeed diagonalize gmn (X) even if the surface is
not flat. It is equivalent to working locally in the tangent
plane of the surface at X, and orthogonalizing out the co-
ordinate axes there. But you cannot say that a surface is
flat because it can be made at any given point locally to
look like the Euclidean plane.
You can also think of δmn as the unit matrix, with ones
everywhere on the diagonal, and zeroes everywhere off the
For a given set of coordinates, it has a collection of matrices –
one for each point. And for another set of coordinates, it will have
another collection of matrices. And we still talk of the same tensor
field. Its components depend on the coordinates. But the tensor itself
is an abstract object which doesn’t. We already met the distinction
with 3D vectors.
Gravity is curvature.
Obviously, in trying to determine whether we can transform
away gmn (X) and turn it into the trivial δmn (Y ), the first
question to ask is how does gmn (X) transform when we
change coordinates?
We have to introduce notions of tensor analysis which
are rather easy.
The X’s and Y ’s are related because if you know the co-
ordinates of a point P in one set of coordinates then in
principle you know where the point is. Therefore you know
its coordinates in the other coordinate system. So each co-
ordinate X m is a function of all the coordinates Y n . We
can use whatever dummy index variable we want if that
helps avoid confusion. In fact we write simply
X m (Y )
Likewise each Y m is assumed to be a known function of all
the X n ’s.
Y m (X)
Said another way, when we change a little bit X 1 , and
change a little bit X 2 , and change a little bit X 3 etc. the
point X moves to a nearby point, and the displacement is
dX m .
f (a, b)
∂f ∂f
Figure 17: df = da + db
∂a ∂b
it is the green area.
Let’s spell out even more explicitly what equation (18) says:
the total change of some particular component Y m is the
sum of the rate of change of Y m when you change only X 1 ,
times the little change in X 1 , namely dX 1 , plus the rate
of change of Y m when you change only X 2 , times the little
change in X 2 , namely dX 2 , and so forth.
Figure 18: Small displacement, and two sets of coordinates.
the Y frame. For the object to be a contravariant vector
its two sets of components must satisfy
X ∂Y m
(V 0 )m = p
Vp (19)
can be rewritten
∂Y m p
(V 0 )m = V (20)
∂X p
People will figure out that there is an implicit summation
just by looking at the equation. They will see that the left
hand side of equation (20) has no index p, while the right
hand side has an index p, so it must be summed over.
Whenever there is a repeated index like p, that seems
not to make sense, because it appears on the right side of
the equation, but disappears from the left side, it really
stands for summation over that index.
in the space, a value that is not multi-dimensional but sim-
ply a number, and which doesn’t change if we change coor-
The wind velocity is not a scalar field because at every
point it has a vector value. It is a vector field. And if we
tried to consider only the first component of the vector rep-
resenting the wind, it would not be a scalar field, because
it would not be invariant under change of coordinates.
side, which doesn’t show up on the other side, it must mean
that it is summed over. That is Einstein summation con-
vention. It made life a lot easier for publishers and printers
who didn’t have to put in summation signs all over the
place. And it makes mathematics texts on certain topics
less cluttered and easier to read.
∂X p
(W 0 )m = Wp (23)
∂Y m
Contravariant vectors
∂Y m p
(V 0 )m = V (24a)
∂X p
Covariant vectors
∂X p
(W 0 )m = Wp (24b)
∂Y m
Covariant and contravariant vectors and tensors
So the next step, for us now, is to talk about tensors with
more than one index.
The best way to approach tensors with several indices
is to consider a special very simple case. Let’s imagine the
product of two contravariant vectors11 . We consider the
two contravariant vectors V and U , and we consider the
V mU n
Let’s define T mn as
T mn = V m U n (25)
It is not the dot product nor the cross product. It is going to
be called the outer product or the tensor product. Anyway, it is an
operation which, to two things, associates a third thing.
four dimensional space, there will be 16 components V m U n .
In that case T mn , as we saw, represents one component but
also the entire collection of 16 components.
∂Y m p ∂Y n q
(T 0 )mn = V U
∂X p ∂X q
The four terms on the right hand side are just four numbers,
so we can change their order and rewrite it
∂Y m ∂Y n p q
(T 0 )mn = V U
∂X p ∂X q
∂Y m ∂Y n pq
(T 0 )mn = T (26)
∂X p ∂X q
Anything which transforms according to equation (26) is
called a contravariant tensor of rank 2.
∂Y l ∂Y m ∂Y n pqr
(T 0 )lmn = T
∂X p ∂X q ∂X r
What kind of things are tensors like that? Many things.
Products of vectors are particular examples, but there are
other things which are not products and still are tensors
according to the above definition.
∂X p ∂X q
(W 0 )m (Z 0 )n = Wp Zq
∂Y m ∂Y n
So here we have discovered a new transformation property
of a thing with two covariant indices, that is two downstairs
More generally let’s call it Tmn – a different object, but
we still use T for tensor. It is a tensor with two lower indices
and it transforms according to this equation
0 ∂X p ∂X q
Tmn = Tmn (27)
∂Y m ∂Y n
Next lesson, we will also see how the metric object g trans-
forms. And we will discover that it is a tensor with two
covariant indices.
Then the question we will ask is: given that equation (27) is
the transformation property of g, can we or can we not find
a coordinate transformation which will turn gmn into δmn .