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CRPC One Liners PDF

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3.Crpcextendstothewhol eofI ndiaexceptthestat

eofJammuandKashmi r
sionsofchapter8, 10and11underCr pcshal
Nagalandandtot hetr
ibalar eas,excepti
onappliessuchpr ov i



rom Judi







om magistr













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erm Pol

m Publ i

oanof fencepuni
erm exceeding2year

m notexceedi




thepur poseofCr pcwhosepopul ationexceeds1mi lli
Childr en' scour tunderJuv enileJust iceAct ,2000andPanchay at sAdal at sar enot
mi nal cour ts.
Cour tofSessi onsshal l beest abl i
shedbySt ategov er nment .( Sec.9)
AnAssi st antSessi onsJudgei sappoi ntedbyt hehi ghcour toft heconcer nedst ate
Highcour tmayupont her equestofcent ralofst ategov er
nment , conf eruponany
personwhohol dsorhashel danypostundergov er nment ,allthepower sofa
Judi cial Magi st rate.Suchamagi st ratewi llbecal ledSpeci al Judi cial Magi strate.
(Sect ion13)
Speci al Judi cial Magi strat eshal l beappoi ntedf orat erm notexceedi ng1y earata
me, asmaybedi rect edbyhi ghcour t.
Thel ocal jurisdi ctionofaj udi cial magi stratei sundert hecont rol ofChi efJudi cial
Magi st rate,subj ectt ohi ghcour tscont rol.(Sect ion14)
TheChi efJudi cial Magi st ratemaymaker ul
esorgi v especi alor der sf rom t i
met o
meconsi stentwi thCr pcast odi stribut i
onofbusi nessamongt hesubor dinate
Judi cal Magi strat es( sect ion15)
Thenumberoft hecour tsofJudi cial Magi stratei nadi st r
icti sdeci dedbyst ate
gov er nment .( Sect ion16)
Aper soni sel i
gi blet obeappoi ntedasapubl icpr osecut oronl yifhehasbeeni n
pract iceasanadv ocat ef ornotl esst han7y rs( sec24)
Aper soncanbeappoi nt ed( bycent ral orst ategov er nment )asaspeci al publ ic
prosecut oronl yi fhehasbeeni npr act i
ceasanadv ocat ef ornotl esst han10y rs
Stategov ernmenti saut hor isedt oappoi ntapubl i
cpr osecut orf oradi st rict.
Assi st antpubl icpr osecut orcanbeappoi ntedundersect i
on25ofCr pc.
Districtmagi strat ecanappoi ntaPol iceOf f
icerasanassi stantpubl icpr osecut orfor
thecour tsofmagi st r
at e.
Publ icpr osecut orandassi stantpubl icpr osecut orr epr esentt hegov ernment .
Direct or ateofPr osecut ionasappoi nt edundersect ion25AofCr pcshal lfunct ion
undert headmi nistr ativecont rol ofHeadoft heHomeDepar tmentofSt at e.
Sect ion25Awasi nser tedi nCr pcbyCr pcAmendmentAct , 2005.
Anyof fenceunderI PCmaybet riedbyHi ghcour t, ort heCour tofSessi ons, orany
othercour tbywhi chsuchof fencei sshowni nt heschedul et obet r
iable.( Sec26( a))
Anyof fenceunderanyot herl awshal l,whenacour ti sment ioni nsuchl aw, bet ri
bysuchcour tandwhennocour ti ssoment i
oned, maybet riedbyt heHi ghcour tor
anyot hercour tbywhi chsuchof fencei st ri
ableunder1stschedul e.(sec26( b))
Anyof fencenotpuni shabl ewi thdeat hori mpr isonmentf orl if
e, commi ttedbyany
personundert heageof16y rswhenbr oughtbef oret hecour t,maybet riedbyChi ef
Judi cial Magi st rateorbyanycour tspeci allyempower edundert heChi ldr enAct ,
1960.( Sect i
Highcour tmaypassanysent enceaut hor i
zedbyl aw.( Sec28)
ASessi onsj udgeandAddi ti
onal Sessi onsJudgemaypassanysent enceaut horized
byl awbutdeat hsent encepassedbyanysuchj udgeshal l besubj ectt oconf i
rmat ion
byt heHi ghcour t.( Sec28)
AnAssi st antSessi onsJudgemaypassasent enceupt o10y ear s.( sec28)
AChi efJudi cial Magi stratemaypassasent enceupt o7y earsand/oranyf ine.
(Sect ion29)
AJudi cial Magi strat e1stcl assmaypassasent enceupt o3y ear sand/ oraf i
neupt o
10, 000₹.( Sect i
AJudi cial Magi strat e2ndcl assmaypassasent enceupt o1y earsand/ oraf ineupt o
5,000₹.( Sect ion29)
Sent enceofi mpr isonmenti ndef aultoff inei spr ov idedundersect i
on30( 1) .
Accor dingt owhi chamagi st r
ateshal lnotexceed1/ 4thoft het erm ofi mpr isonment
whi cht hemagi stratei scompet enttoi nflictaspuni shmentf ort heof fence
other wi set hanasi mpr i
sonmenti ndef aul tofpay mentoft hef ine. 
Thei mpr isonmentawar dedi ndef aultoff i
nemaybei naddi t
iont oasubst ant ive
sent enceawar dedbymagi st r
atef ort heof fence.( Sect ion30( 2) )
Whenaper soni sconv ictedatat r
ialof2ormor eof fences, t
hecour tmay ,
subj ectto
sect i
on71, IPC, sent encehi mf orsuchof fencesandsuchpuni shment smayr un
eitherconcur rent lyorconsecut ively.(Sec31( 1))
Incaseofconsecut ivesent encest heper sonshal l notbesent encedt o
impr isonmentf oraper i
odl ongert han14y ear sandal sot hatt heaggr egat e
puni shmentshal lnotexceedt wi cetheamountofpuni shmentwhi cht hecour tis
compet entt oi nflictf orasi ngleof fence.( Sec31( 2) )
Pol iceof ficerssuper iori nrankt oI Omayexer ciset hesamepower st hroughoutt he
local ar eat owhi cht heyar eappoi ntedasmaybeexer cisedbysuchof ficer.( Sec36)
Publ ici sboundt oassi stamagi strateorpol iceof ficerr easonabl ydemandi nghi said.
Sect ion39pr ov idespubl ictogi v einformat ionofcer tainof fencest obegi vent o
pol iceof fi
cer s.
Undersect i
on41apol iceof fi
cercanar restaper sonwi thoutanor deroft he
magi st r
at eandwi thoutwar rant.
Undersec41AaPOshal l,i
ssueanot i
cedi r
ect i
ngaper sonagai nstwhom a
reasonabl ecompl ainthasbeenmadeorcr edi blei nf ormat i
onhasbeenr ecei vedora
reasonabl esuspi cionexi stst hathehascommi ttedacogni zableof fence, t
bef or ehi m oratsuchpl aceasspeci fi
edi nnot i
Iftheper sont owhom anot icei sissuedundersec41Af ail
st ocompl ywi tht he
termsofnot ice, thepol iceof f
icermayar resthi mf ort heof fencement ionedi nt he
not ice.
Ev er yPOwhi lemaki ngt hear restshal linfor mt heper sonar restedt hathehasar ight
tohav ear elativeorf ri
endnamedbyhi mt obei nfor medofhi sar rest .(Sec41B)
Thest at egov ernmentshal l establishapol i
cecont r ol room i nev erydi strictandat
stat el ev el .(Sec41C)
Whenaper soni sar rest edandi nterrogat edbyt hepol i
ce, heshal lbeent i
t l
edt omeet
anadv ocat eofhi schoi cedur ingi nterrogat ion, thoughnott hroughouti nter rogat i
Anyper son, int hepr esenceofaPO, hascommi ttedorhasbeenaccusedof
commi t
tinganon- cogni zabl eof fencer ef usedt ogi vehi snameandr esi dence; he
maybear rest edbyt hePO.
Apr iv ateper sonmayar restanyper sonwhoi nhi spr esencecommi tsacogni zabl e
andnon- bailabl eof f
Amagi strat e, execut iveorj udi ci al,mayhi msel far restoror deranyper sont oar resta
personwhocommi ttedanof f encei nhi spr esence.( Sec44)
Nomemberoft hear medf orcesoft heuni onshal l bear r
est edf orany thingdonei n
thedi schar geofhi sof ficial dut iesexceptaf t
erat tainingt heconsentoft hecent ral
gov ernment .( Sec45)
InthecaseofJogi nderSi nghv s.st ateofU. P. ,itwashel dt hatev enamani f
necessar yduet oci rcumst ancesmayar restawomandur ingdayl ight .
Nowomanshal lbear r
est edaf tersunsetandbef oresunr iseasaddedi nsect ion
46(4)ofCr pcby2005amendment .Howev er, shecanbear rest edi nexcept ional
cumst anceswi tht hepr i
orper mi ssionofJudi cial Magi st rate1stcl ass.
Sec50pr ov idest hatev er yper sonar r
est edwi thoutwar rantshal l bei nf or medof
groundsofar restandi frightt obai l
, i
ft hear resti smadef i
rbai labl eof fence.
Howev er ,ift her ei snon- compl ianceoft hesepr ov i
si ons, then, itshal l rendert he
arrestanddet entionoft heper sonconcer nedi ll
egal andshal l enabl et heper son
arrestedmov ef orhabeas- cor pust oobt ainhi sr elief . 
Sec53, Cr pcpr ov idesf ort heexami nat ionofaccusedbymedi cal pr act itioneratt he
requestofPO.Her e, ther ear er easonabl egr oundsf orbel iev ingt hatanexami nat ion
ofhi sper sonwi llaff ordev idenceast ot hecommi ssi onoft heof f ence.
Sec53At alksaboutexami nat ionofper sonaccusedofr apebymedi cal pr act i
t i
atther equestofPO.
Whenanyper soni sar rest edheshal l beexami nedbyamedi cal of fi
ceri nt heser vice
ofcent ral orst ategov ernment s.( Sect ion54)
UnderSect ion54A, themagi st ratemaydi rectt heper sonsoar rest edt osubj ect
himsel ft oi dent if
icat ionbyanyper son.  
smandat or yt opr oducet heper sonar rest edbef oret hemagi st rat ewi thin24hr s
ofar rest .(Sec57)
Ifaper soni nl awf ul cust odyescapes, t
heper sonf rom whosecust odyheescaped
may ,i
mmedi at elypur sueandar resthi mi nanypl acei nIndi a.( Sec60)
Ever ysummoni ssuedbyacour tshal lbei nwr i
ting, dupl i
cat e, signedbypr esi ding
officeroranyot herof f
iceraut hor i
zedandshal lbeart heseal oft hecour t.( Sec61)
Summonsmaybeser vedbyapol iceof ficer ,oranof f
iceroft hecour t, orbyan
author izedpubl i
cser vant .(Sec62)
Serv i
ceofsummonsoncor por at ebodi esandsoci etiesmaybeef fect edbyser vingit
ont hesecr et ary ,
local managerorot herpr incipal of f
icerofcor por at ionorbyl etter
sentbyr egi ster edpostaddr essest ot heChi efOf ficeroft hecor por at ioni nI ndi a.
Wher et heper sonsummonedcan' t,byexer ciseofduedi l
igence, bef ound, the
summonsmaybeser vedbygi vingi ttosomeadul tmal ememberoft hef ami l
residingwi thhi m, indupl icat e.( Sec64)
Aser vanti snotamemberoft hef ami lywi thint hemeani ngofsect ion64.
Wher esummoncan' tbeser v edaspr ov idedi nsec62, 63or64, theser v i
ngof ficer
shal laffixt hesummoni ndupl icat et osomeconspi cuouspar toft hehouse.( Sec65)
Wher et heper sont owhom asummoni st obeser v ed, i
nact i
veser v iceoft he
gov ernment , thensummonshal lbesentt ot heheadoft heof fice.( Sec66)
Ever ywar rantofar resti ssuedbyacour tshal l bei nwr it
ing, shal l besi gnedby
presidingof ficeroft hecour tandi tshal l beart heseal oft hecour t.( Sec70)
95.Thepol iceof ficerorot herper sonexecut ingawar rantofar r estshal l not i
fyt he
subst ancet her eoft ot heper sont obear r
est edandi fr equi red, shal l showhi mt he
war r
ant .(Sec75)
96.Undersec77, awar rantofar restmaybeexecut edatanypl acei nI ndi a.
97.Aper sonwhoi sav oidi ngexecut ionofawar rantmaybepr ocl aimedabsconded
undersect i
98.Apr ocl amat ionundersect i
on82( 1)r equi ringaper sont oappearmustbepubl ished
ngnotl esst han30day s’timet ot heper sonconcer ned, toappearataspeci fi
placeandatspeci fi
edt i
99.Inor dert ocompel appear anceofaper sonwhoi sabscondi ngi nspi teofawar rant
ofar restbei ngi ssuedagai nsthi m, hispr oper tymaybeor der edt obeat tached
simul taneousl ywi thi ssuanceofapr ocl amat ionundersect ion82, pr ov idedt hatt he
cour tissat isfiedt hatsuchper soni saboutt odi sposeoft hewhol eoranypar tofhi s
proper ty ,ori saboutt or emov ehewhol eoranypar tofhi spr oper tyf rom t hel ocal
ur i
sdi ctionoft hecour t.(Sec83)
100. At tachmentofl andpay ingr evenuet ot hest at egov er nmentofaper son
abscondi ngshal lbemadet hroughcol l
ect oroft hedi st rictwher el andi ssi tuat ed.
(Sec83( 4))
101. Undersec83( 1)( a) ,thecour tmayor derpr oclamat ionandat tachment
simul taneousl y.
102. Aper son, othert hant hepr ocl aimedper son, canobj ectwi thin6mont hsf rom t he
dateofat tachmentont hegr oundt hatsuchcl aimantorobj ect orhasani nt er esti n
suchpr oper ty.Andi ft hecl aim orobj ect ionhasbeendi sal l
owedt hensuchcl aimant
maywi thin1y earf rom suchor derinst ituteasui tt oest abl i
sht her i
ghtwhi chhe
ms.( Sec84)
103. Apr ocl aimedper sonwhosepr oper tyhasbeenat tachedcancl aimt hepr oper ty
orthesal epr oceedsonappear ancewi thi n2y ear sf rom t hedat eofat tachment .
104. Acour tempower edt oi ssuesummonsf ort heappear anceofaper son, may
ssueaf terr ecor dingi tsr easonsi nwr iting, awar rantf orhi sar resti fei t
herbef or e
ssui ngsummonsoraf teri ssui ngt hesamebutbef or et het imef i
xedf orhi s
appear ance, thecour tseesr easont obel ievet hathehasabscondedorwi l
l notobey
thesummonsori fatsucht imehef ailst oappearandt hesummonsi spr ov edt o
havebeendul yser v edi nt i
met oadmi tofhi sappear ingi naccor dancet her ewi thand
nor easonabl eexcusei sof feredf orsuchdel ay .(Sec87)
105. Undersect i
on91, summonst opr oducedocument smaybei ssuedt ot heper son
nwhosepossessi ont heyar e.
106. Sect ion91doesn' tappl yt oaccused.
107. Anycr imi nal cour tcani mpoundanydocumentpr oducedbef orei t.
108. Aper son, whoi sr equi redmer elyt opr oduceadocumentort hingundersect i
91canei t
herat tendper sonal l
yorcauset hedocumentort hingpr oducedi ncour t. 
109. Sect ion92ofCr pcl ay sdownt hepr ocedur ef ort hepr oduct ionofdocument si n
thecust odyofpost al ort elegr aphaut hor ity.
110. Anycour tmayi ssueasear chwar rantf ordocumentort hingbutonl yDi str i
magi st rateorChi efJudi cial Magi stratecangr antawar r antt osear chf ora
document ,par cel orot hert hingi nt hecust odyoft hepost al ort elegr aphaut hor ity.
111. Undersect i
on93asear chwar ranti si ssued.
112. Sear chwar rantundersect i
on93canal sobei ssuedi ncaseswher et hecour thas
noknowl edgeaboutt hedocumentort hingt obei nt hepossessi onofaper son.
113. Adecl arationoff orf eitureundersect ion95canbesetasi debyHi ghcour t
114. Anappl i
cationt oHi ghCour tt osetasi dedecl arationoff orfeitur emustbemade
within2mont hsf rom t hedat eofpubl i
cat ionofsuchdecl arat i
oni nt heof fi
gazet t
e.( Sec96)
115. Sect i
on97, Cr pcr esembl eswi t
ht hewr itofHabeascor pus.
116. Adi st ri
ctmagi strate, sub- div isi
onal magi st rateorj udicial magi strateoft he1st
classmaymakeanor dert ocompel rest orationofabduct edf emal es.(Sec98)
117. Forasear chundersect ion100, 2i ndependentandr espect ablei nhabi t
ant soft he
ocal i
tytowi tnesst hesear chmustbecal led, sear chmemomustbesi gnedby
witnessest osear chandt heat tendanceofoccupantoft hepl acedur i
ngsear chi s
alsonecessar y.
118. Powerofpol iceof ficert osei zecer tainpr oper tyisbyv irtueofsect i
119. Anymagi strat emaydi rectasear cht obemadei nhi spr esenceofanypl acef or
thesear chofwhi chhei scompet entt oi ssueasear chwar rant .(Sec103)
120. Thet erm" cont ract i
ngst ate"i sdef inedundersect i
121. Undersect i
on106Cr pc, pr ov isionf orsecur ityforkeepi ngt hepeaceon
conv i
ctionexi sts.Thepowert or eleaset heof fenderonsuchsecur it
yi swi t
Sessionscour t,Judi cial Magi st rate1stcl assandAppel lateorRev isional Cour t.
122. Thet i
meper iodf orwhi chsecur i
tyi st akenf rom suchper sonf orkeepi ngt he
peacedoesnotexceed3y ear s.( Sec106)
123. AnExecut iveMagi st rat eisempower edundersect ion107t ot akesecur ityf rom a
personf orkeepi ngpeacei not hercases, andt hist i
meper iodf orwhi chsecur ityis
takenshal lnotexceed1y ear .
124. Undersect i
on108Cr pc, anExecut i
v eMagi strateuponr ecei vingi nformat iont hat
aper sonmi ghtdi ssemi nat esedi ti
onsmat ter,t hensuchMagi stratemayt ake
secur i
tyf orgoodbehav iourf rom suchsuspect edper son.Thet imeper iodfort his
secur i
tyist akenshal l notexceed1y ear .
125. Undersect i
on109Cr pc, anExecut i
v eMagi strateuponr ecei vingi nformat iont hat
aper sonmi ghtcommi tacogni zabl eof f
ence, thensuchMagi stratemayt ake
secur i
tyf orgoodbehav iourf rom suchsuspect edper son.Thet imeper iodfort his
secur i
tyist akenshal l notexceed1y ear .
126. WhenanExecut iveMagi st rater ecei vesi nfor mat iont hatahabi tual offenderi s
withinhisl ocal jur i
sdi ct i
on, thensuchMagi strat emayt akesecur i
tyf orgood
behav i
ourf r
om suchhabi t
ual of fender .Thet imeper i
odf orwhi cht hissecur ityi s
takenshal lnotexceed3y ear s.
127. I faper soni nr espectofwhom anor derr equi ringsecur i
t yismadeundersect i
106or117ofCr pci s,att het i
mesuchor deri smade, under goi ngasent enceof
mpr isonment ,t
heper iodf orwhi chsuchsecur ityisr equi redshal lcommenceont he
onofsuchsent ence.
128. Penal tyundersecur itybondcan' tber emi tted.
129. Anor derf ormai ntenanceofwi v es, chi l
dr enandpar ent sunderCr pccanbef il
byJudi cial Magi st rateoft he1stcl ass.
130. Anor derpassedundersect ion125Cr pccanbechal l
engedbyt heunsuccessf ul
partybyf ilingar ev i
si onei therbef oret heSessi onsJudgeorHi ghCour t.
131. Nowi feshal lbeent itl
edt or ecei v emai ntenancef r
om herhusbandundersect ion
125Cr pc, i
fshei sl ivingi nadul t
er yorl iv i
ngsepar atelybymut ual consentorawi fe
withoutsuf fi
cientr easonsr ef usest ol i
v ewi thherhusband.
132. Wi feundersect ion125Cr pcincl udesdi vorcedwi f
ewhoi snotr emar ri
133. I nKhemchandOm Pr akashv s.St at eofGuj arat,itwashel dt hatSecondwi f
person, whose1stwi feisal iv ecan' tcl aim mai ntenanceundersect ion125Cr pc.
134. I nSav it
abenSomabhai Bhat iav sSt ateofGuj arat,itwashel dt hatonl yal egal ly
weddedwi fecancl aim mai nt enanceundersect i
on125Cr pc.
135. Bot hsonsanddaught ersar eliabl eundersect i
on125( 1)(d)Cr pcf orpay mentof
mai ntenancet ot hei rpar ents, whoar eunabl etomai ntaint hemsel ves.
136. Supr emeCour ti nVi jay aManoharAr batv s.Kashi RaoRaj ar am Sawai heldt hat
mar ri
eddaught er swi thindependentsuf f
icientmeansofherownar eliablet o
mai ntainherpar ent sundersect i
on125Cr pc.
137. Ther ei snomaxi mum amountofmai ntenancepr ov idedundersect i
on125Cr pc.
Themagi stratecanor deramont hlyal lowanceofmai nt enanceashedeemsf itand
properi nt hecase.
138. Themaxi mum l imi tof500₹t hatcoul dbepai dtot hewi fei nmai ntenanceunder
section125Cr pcwasr emov edi n2001.
139. Adi vor cedwi fewhor emar ri
edi snotent i
edt omai nt enanceundersect i
140. I nMohdAhmadKhanv s.ShahBanoBegum case, theSupr emeCour theldt hat
section125Cr pci sappl icabl et oal l irrespect i
veoft hei rr eligion.
141. Undersect ion125Cr pc, amagi st rat ehast hepowert ogr anti nterim
mai ntenanceandt heexpensesoft hepr oceedi ngs.
142. I ll
egi timat emi norchi l
di snotent itledt oclaim mai nt enanceundersect i
143. Anor derf ormai ntenanceori nt er i
m al lowancecanbecancel l
edundert he
rcumst ancesst atedundersect ion125( 5)ofCr pc.
144. Per i
odofl i
mi tationf orexecut ionoft heor derofmai nt enanceundersect i
Crpci soney earf rom t hedat eonwhi chi tbecomesdue.
145. Al t erat i
onofmai nt enancecanbedoneundersect ion127Cr pc
146. Anyj udi cialMagi stratei snotcompet entt ouset heci v ilfor cesf ordi sper sal of
assembl yundersect ion129ofCr pc.
147. Undersect ion130Cr pc, ar medf or cescanbeusedt odi sper seassembl yfor
mai ntainingofpubl icsecur i
ty .
148. Undersect ion133Cr pc, aDi st ri
ctMagi strateorSub- Div i
sional Magi stratemay
preventenv i
ronment al pol l
ut i
149. Acondi ti
onal or derf orr emov al ofpubl i
cnui sanceundersect i
on133Cr pcmay
bepassedbyDi strictMagi str ate,Sub- Di v i
sional Magi strat eorExecut iveMagi strate.
150. I faper sonagai nstwhom anor derundersect i
on133Cr pci smade, appear sand
showcauseagai nstt heor der ,themagi strateshal ltakeev i
dencei nt hemat t
erasi n
151. Thecondi ti
onal or dermadeundersect i
on133Cr pccan' tbechal l
engedi nCi vil
Cour ts.
152. I nMadhuLi may ev s.SDM Monghy r, i
twashel dt hatpr ov isi onsofchapt er8of
Crpcbei ngi npubl icinter estar enotv iol ati
veofAr ti
cl e19oft heConst it
utionofI ndi
153. Thepr ocedur ewher eexi stenceofpubl icr ighti sdeni edi spr ov idedi nsect i
137Cr pc.
154. AMagi st ratehaspowert odeal wi thur gentcasesofappr ehendeddangeror
nuisanceundersect i
on144Cr pc.
155. I nGul am Abbasv s.St ateofUP, itwashel dt hator derundersect i
on144Cr pcis
amenabl et owr i
tj urisdict ioninv iolat ionofanyFundament al Right s.
156. I nMadhuLi may eVs.SDM Monghy r,
sect ion144Cr pcwashel dt obe
const itutional l
yv alid.
157. Anypubl i
cnot icei ssuedoranor dermadewhi chpr ohibitscar ryingar msi n
processi onormassdr illormasst rai ningwi thar msshal lremai ni nf orcef ornot
mor et han3mont hs.
158. ADi st rictMagi st r
atemay ,
pr ohi bi tagr oupofmi l
itantsofcer tai ncommunal
organi sat ionf orm conduct i
ngt raini ngi fmember swi t
har msi npubl icpl ace,for
preser vat ionofpubl i
cpeaceandsaf et ybypubl icnot i
ceoror der .
159. I nNandi Ram v s.Chandi Ram, itwashel dt hatt heobj ectofpr oceedi ngsunder
sect i
on145Cr pci st owar dof fdangerofbr eachofpeaceandnott odet ermi nethe
160. Undersect ion145Cr pci nconnect ionwi thadi sput eini mmov abl epr oper ty
Execut iv eMagi st ratepr i
ort opassi nghi sorder sasr egardst opossessi onov ersuch
proper tyt akesi ntoconsi der ati
onaper i
odof2mont hs.
161. Undersect ion145Cr pci ndi sput esast oimmov ablepr oper ty,theexecut i
v e
magi st ratecandeci det hequest i
onofact ual possessi on.
162. Ar ev i
si oncanbef iledagai nstanor derpassedbySub- Divisional Magi strate
undersect ion145( 6)Cr pci nthecour tofSessi onsJudge.
163. Sect ion147Cr pcdeal swi thdi sput esconcer ningr ightofuseofl andorwat er.
164. Pol iceshal l tryt opr ev entcogni zabl eof fences.( Sec149)
165. Powert oar resti nor dert opr ev entcommi ssi onofCogni zabl eof fencesi s
prov i
dedundersect ion151.
166. I nLal itakumar i vsSt ateofUP, i
twashel dt hatapol iceof f
iceri sboundt o
registeranFI Ruponr ecei v i
nganyi nf or mat ionr elatingt ocommi ssi onofa
cogni zabl eof fenceundersect ion154ofCr pc.
167. FI R( Fi rstInf or mat ionRepor t)i sonl yar epor taboutt hecommi ssi onofacr ime.It
ni tselfi snotasubst ant ialpieceofev idence.
168. I nor dert oqual i
fyt obeanFI R, thei nformat ionneednotcont ainal lt
hepossi bl
detailsoft hei nci dentbuti tmustcont ainasmuchofdet ailsasar esuf f
policeof ficert obel i
ev et hatacogni zabl eof fencehasbeencommi ttedandt he
ntent ionoft hei nfor manti stomakear equestt ot hepol iceof ficert omakeacase.
169. FI Ri snotapr ivil
egeddocument .
170. FI Ri snotapr ivatedocument , i
t'sapubl icdocument .
171. FI Ri snotapr esumeddocument .
172. Achi l
dcanl odgeanFI R.
173. Al unat iccanl odgeanFI Rdur inghi sl ucidper i
174. Acaser egar di ngt hecommi ssi onofacogni zabl eof fencei sr egi st eredundersec
154ofCr pcbyt hepol ice.
175. I nt hecaseofMadhuBal av s.Sur eshKumar ,theSChel dt hatwhenev era
Magi st ratedi rect sani nv est igat i
ononacompl aint,thepol icehast or egi stera
cogni zabl ecaseont hatcompl aintt reatingt hesameast heFI Randi nvest igateinto
176. Thef oundat ionofi nv est igat i
onunderCr pci sFI Randi tshal lbesi gnedbyt he
persongi vingi nf or mat ionaboutt hecommi ssi onofcogni zabl eof fence.
177. Zahi raHabi bul l
ahShei khv sSt ateofGuj ar atcasei sr elatedt odef ect ive
nv estigat ion.
178. I nPr iyadar shi niMat toocaset hepr osecut ionwi tnesswaspr osecut edf orper j
179. When2FI Rsr elatingt ot hesameof fencehav ebeenl odged, itcanbe
nv estigat edbyt hesamei nv est i
gat i
onagency .
180. Undersect ion154( 3)Cr pc, anyper sonaggr iev edbyr efusal ont hepar tofof f
nchar geofpol icest at i
ont or ecor dt hei nf or mat i
oni ncogni zabl eof fencemaysend
theinf or mat i
oni nwr iti
ngandbypostt oSuper intendentofPol ice.
181. I nSakhaRaov sSt at e, itwashel dthatanFI Rmaybel odgedbywayoft elephone
182. I finanFI R, 1sti nf ormat i
oni saboutacogni zableof fenceandt heot heri snon
cogni zabl eof fencet hent hewhol ecaseshal lbedeemedt obeCogni zabl e.
183. Undersect ion154noper iodi spr escr ibedast owhatshoul dbet hedur at i
nv estigat ion.
184. I rregul ar it
yundersect i
on156( 2)meansacasewher et hePOi nv est igat edt he
casewhi chhi sar eaMagi strat ewasnotcompet entt ot ry.
185. I rregul ar it
yundersect i
on156( 2)i sapersecur abl eI r
r egul ar ity.
186. I nARAnt ul ayv sRSNay ak, theSChel dt hatonceor derofi nv estigat ioni smade
byMagi strat eundersect ion156( 3),hecan' tint erferei ntoi nv est i
gat i
onev eni fPOi s
mal afidel yconduct ingt hei nv est i
gat ion.Or deroff airinv est i
gat ioncanbemade
undersect ion482byt heHi ghCour t
187. I nSaki riVasuv sSt ateofUP, itwashel dt hati ncaseofunf ai ri nvest igat i
ont he
Magi st ratemaymakeanor deroff airinv est i
gat i
onbyexer cisingi tsanci ll
ar ypower s.
188. I nDhar meshbhai Vasudevbhai vsSt at eofGuj ar at,itwashel dt hataMagi strate
cannotpassanor dert oquasht heFI Rasi twoul damountt owi thdr awal ofi tsear l
order .
189. Thedi stinct ionbet weenapol icei nv est igat i
onor der edundersect i
on156( 3)and
theonedi rect edundersect i
on202, Crpcwasl aiddownbySCi nDev ar apal li
Lakshmi nar ay anaReddyv sNNar ay anaReddy .
190. Acompl aintbecomesaFI Rwheni ti ssentt opol i
cef ori nv est igat ionundersec
156( 3)ofCr pc.
191. Apol i
ceof ficer, withoutanor derf r
om aMagi strateandwi thoutawar rantcan' t
arrestaper sonwhoi ssuspect edofcommi ttinganon- cogni zabl eof fence.
192. I nnon- cogni zabl ecase, thei nv est i
gat ionst ar t
saf t
erobt aini ngor der sf rom
concer nedMagi strate.
193. Whent hei nf or mat i
ongi vent oaPOi sr egar dingcommi ssi onofanon-
Cogni zabl eof fencet hent hePOwi l
lreducet hati nformat ioni ntoNCR. (sect ion155)
194. Per mi ssiont oinv est i
gat ei ntoanon- cogni zabl eof fencecanbegr ant edbya
magi st ratehav ingj ur i
sdi ct i
ont ot r ythecase.( Sec155( 2) )
195. I ft hePOr ef usest or ecor dt hei nfoi nNCRdi aryt hent hecompl ainantcanf i
applicat ionbef or et hemagi strateundersect i
on155( 2) .
196. Or dert oi nv est i
gat easpassedbymagi strateundersect i
on155( 2)i sapr e-
cogni zanceor der .
197. I ft hePOi nv est igat edanon- cogni zabl ecasewi thoutt heper missi onoft hear ea
magi st rat etheni twi l
l amountt oani ncur abl ei r
regul aritywhi chwi ll vi
tiatet hewhol e
proceedi ng.Suchi rregul arityi st obedeal twi thaspersect ion465andi twi llbeseen
whet hert her ei sf ail
ur eofj ust iceornot . 
198. I nKeshavLal v sSt ateofBi har , i
twasi nv estigat i
onofanon- cogni zabl ecase
withoutmagi st er ial orderwi l
l beani r
r egul arityandt heaccusedmayr aisean
object ionandt hepr oceedi ngquashedbyHi ghcour tundersect ion482Cr pc.
199. Undersect i
on465ofCr pct her ei sapowdert oquasht hewhol epr oceedi ngi f
therei sani r r
egul ar ityandbecauseoft hati r
regular i
tyt her ei saconsequentf ail
ur e
ofjust ice.
200. I fanFI Ri sl odgedandaf teri nv est igat i
ont hepol icer epor tf i
ledsay st hati twasa
non- cogni zabl ecaset hensec2( d)expl anat i
onsay st hatt hi spol i
cer epor twi llbe
consi der edasacompl aintandi tscogni zancewi l
l bet akenundersect ion190( 1)( a).
201. Thepol i
cer epor tofacogni zabl ecaseandnon- cogni zabl ecasewi llbef i
undersect i
on173( 2)Cr pc.
202. Onr ecei ptofFI Rf orcommi ssi onofanof fencet heof ficeri nchar geoft hepol ice
stationwi l
lsendt hecopyt oconcer nMagi strateundersect ion157Cr pc.
203. Thei nfor mat ionr eceiv edbypol iceof fi
cermustnotbemer ecr y ptici nformat i
thisi s, wher et heonl yintent ionoft hei nf ormanti st oinf ormt hepol iceof fi
ceroft he
occur renceofanof fenceandnotofhi st aki nganyact i
ononi t.
204. Occur renceRepor tisacopyofFI Ral ongwi thanendor sementbyt he
Invest igat i
ngof ficert hathei sinv est i
gat ingt hecaseofnot .(sect i
205. Uponr ecei vinganegat iv eoccur rencer epor tthemagi st ratemayor dera
prelimi nar yinqui ryundersect i
on159t ochecki ft herei saneedf ori nv estigat i
oni n
thecaseornot . 
206. Or derpassedundersec159f orpr el imi nar yinqui ryisaSuoMot oor der .
207. I fnooccur rencer epor ti sf iledbyt hePO, thennoor derundersect i
mader at heror derundersect ion156( 3)wi llhav et obepassedf ori nvest igation.
208. Occur rencer epor tcanal sobef i
ledbyt heSuper i
nt endentofPol i
ceundersect ion
158, Cr pc.
209. Ani nquestr epor tmustcont ai nt heappar entcauseofdeat h.
210. ThepowerofaPOt orequi reat t
endanceofawomanwi tnessi nacogni zabl e
offenceext endst onotcal lingt hatwomant opol i
cest ation, butgoi ngper sonal l
yt o
thepl acewher esuchwomanr esi des.( Sec160)
211. I nKamal Nat hv sSt ateofTami l Nadu, i
twashel dt hatundersect i
on160, Crpca
womanwi tnessmaybecal ledt ogi v ei nf or mat i
onofcommi ssi onofacr imeatot her
placet hanherr esi denceal soi fi tisnecessar yint hei nter estofj ust i
ceandpr ior
permi ssi onf rom Magi str
at ehast obet akeni nt hisregar d.
212. I nSt at eofUPv sSat i
sh, itwashel dt hatDel ayi nexami ningwi tnessesby
nv est igat i
ngof fi
cerdoesnoti psof act omakepr osecut i
onv ersionsuspect ,
nv est igat i
ngof fi
cershoul dbecat egor ical l
yquest ionedi naspectofdel ay ed
exami nat ion. 
213. Aper soncanbesummonedasawi tnessundersect ion160, Crpcbyt hepol ice
officeri nv estigat i
ngt hecase.
214. Undersect ion160( 1)i tispr ov idedt hatamal echi ldbel owt heageof15y ear sor
amanabov et heageof65y ear sorawomanorament allyorphy si callydi sabl ed
personcan' tbecal l
edatpol icest at i
215. Thei nv est igat ingof f iceri snotboundt or educei nwr itinganyst atementmadet o
himi nt hecour seofexami nat ionundersect ion161ofCr pc.
216. St at ement sundersect i
on161, Cr pcar er ecor dedbypol icedur ingi nv est igat i
217. St at ement sr ecor deddur ingi nv est igat i
onundersect ion161, Cr pccan' tbeused
atacr imi nal trial exceptt ocont radi ctt hewi tness.  
218. I nNandi ni Sat pat hyv sPLDani ,itwashel dt hataper sonhasar ightt opr ot ecti
undersect i
on161( 2), Cr pcagai nstquest i
ons, theanswer sofwhi chwoul dhav ea
tendencyt oacr imi nal char geagai nstt hem.
219. Thepr ohi bitionappl iesonl yi nt hei nqui ryandt rial oft hatpar ti
cul arcasedur ing
theinv est i
gat i
onofwhi cht hest at ementwer emade.Thus, ist hatst atementhasany
otherev i
dent iar yusef orsomeot hercaset heni twi llnotbepr ohi bitedundersect i
162( 1).
220. Sect ion162pr ov i
dest hatnost atementmadebyanyper sont oaPOi nt he
courseofi nv est igat ionshal l
, i
fr educedi nwr iting, besi gnedbyt heper sonmaki ngit.
221. I ti st hedut yoft hepol iceof ficert oi nfor mt hatt heper soni snott osi gnsuch
statement sr educedi ntowr iting.( sec162)
222. Notonl yt hewr ittenst atement sbutt heomi ssi onscanal sobeusedf or
contr adi ction.( Sec162( 1)pr ov iso)
223. St at ement smadeundersec161ar ei nt hecour seofexami nat ionand
statement smadeundersec162ar ei nt hecour seofi nv est igation.So, scopeof
section162i sbr oadert hansect i
on161ofCr pc.
224. Sect ion162( 2)pr ov idest hatst at ement smadebyanyper sont oaPOi nt he
courset oani nv est igat ioncanbeusedasDy ingDecl ar at ionundersec32( 1)orasa
discov er yst atementundersec27oft heI ndi anEv idenceAct ,1872.
225. Aspersect ion163nopol iceof fi
cerorot herper soni naut hor ityshal lof ferany
Inducement , thr eatorpr omi seasment ionedi nsec24ofI ndianEv i
denceAct .
226. Thepol iceof fi
cershoul dnotpr ohi bitanyper sonf rom maki nganyst at ement sif
theyar emadev olunt ar ily.( Sec163)
227. UnderSec164aspeci al pr ocedur ei spr ov i
dedf orr ecor dingconf essi onsaswel l
asst at ement smadedur ingt hecour seofi nv estigat ion.
228. Conf essi onshoul dber ecor deraspersect ion281ofCr pc.
229. Thedocumentofconf essi onasr ecor dedundersec164Cr pci sapr esumed
documentundersect i
on80ofI ndi anEv idenceAct .
230. Themagi strat ewi llrecor dt heconf essi onofanaccusedwhenhei sf or war ded/
sponsor edbyt hepol iceof ficer .
231. Recor dingofst at ement sbyaMagi strateundersec164( 5)shal l beofsponsor ed
witnessesonl y. 
232. Conf essi oncanber ecor dedbyanymagi strat ewi t
horwi t
houtj ur i
sdi ction.( Sec
164( 1))
233. I faConf essi oni sr ecor dedbyJudi cal Magi strat eout si deI ndi at henSec164wi l
notappl yt osuchconf essi onandi twi llbeconsi der edt obeext rajudi cial conf ession.
234. Bef or eanaccusedmakesaconf essi onundersec164, hewi l
l begi v enawar ni
thathei snotboundt omakei tbyt heMagi str ate, also, magi strat ewi l
lmakesur e
thattheconf essi oni smakev ol unt aril
yandamemor andum mustbemadeatt he
footofconf essi onbyMagi st rat e.
235. AnExecut i
v eMagi st rat ei snotaut hor izedt orecor daconf essi onal statement
undersect ion164ofCr pc.
236. I faMagi st r
at eadmi ni st er soat hbef or er ecor dingt heconf essi onofanaccused,
theconf essi onal st atementi sbadi nlawandi nadmi ssi blei nev i
237. I nSt at eofUPv s.Si nghar aSi ngh, i
twashel dt hatwhent heconf essi onoft he
accusedper soni snotr ecor dedi nt hemannerpr ov i
dedi nsec164ofCr pc, oral
evidenceoft heMagi strat ei snotadmi ssibl et opr ov et hatt heconf essi onwasso
238. Undersect i
on164ofCr pci tisnott hedut yoft heMagi strat et or ecor dt he
confessi onal statementi nt hef or m ofquest ionsandanswer s.
239. St at ement s, othert hanaconf essi on, ofaper soncanber ecor dedev enatt he
stageofi nv estigat ionbyadmi ni steringoat hofsuchper sonbyt heMagi st r
at eunder
section164( 5).
240. Anon- conf essi onal st atementr ecor dedundersect i
on164ofCr pci snota
subst ant i
v epi eceofev i
241. Undersect i
on164AofCr pc, themedi cal exami nat ionofar apev i
ctim shal lbe
conduct edbyanyr egi st er edmedi cal pract itionerwi tht heconsentoft hev icti
m orof
anyper soncompet entt ogi vesuchconsenti nherbehal f.
242. Whenasear chi sr equi redt obeconduct edout sideI ndi a, acr imi nal cour tmay
undersec166- AofCr pci ssueaLet terofRequest .
243. Apol icer emandi spossi blef oraper sonal r
eadysentt oj udi cial cust ody .
244. Ont henon- compl et ionofi nv est igationi e. ,f
ailureoft hepr osecut iont of i
chargesheetwi thint hepr escr ibedper iodof90or60day s,asgi veni nsect ion167of
Crpc, theaccusedshal l ber el easedi nDef aul tBai lifhei spr epar edt oanddoes
shbai l.
245. TheconceptofDef aul tbai l ist obeexami nedi nl ightofar ticle22r eadwi t
cle21i e., t
hef undament al rightagai nstunl awf ul det ent i
246. Thedef aultbai l canbecancel undersect i
on439( 2)byCour tofSessi onsorHi gh
Cour t.ThesameMagi st rat ewhogr antedt hebai lundersect ion167cannotcancel
thebai l.
247. Thei nv est igat i
ngof ficershal l within24hour sofar restofaper sont ransmi tt o
thenear estJudi cial Magi str ateacopyoft heent ri
esi nt hedi ar yr elat i
ngt ot hatcase
alongwi thaccused, ift hei nv est igationi snotcompl etedwi thi n24hour s.
248. Wheni nv est i
gat ionnotcompl etedwi t
hi n24hour s,thel ar gestper iodf orwhi ch
anaccusedcanber emandedt opol icecust odyi s15day s.( Sec167( 2))
249. I nCBISpeci al I
nv est i
gat ionCel l
, NewDel hi vsAnupam JKul kar ni, i
twashel dt hat
thebur denofpr ovingt henecessi t
yofpol icer emandl iesont hepr osecut i
onandt he
courtwi l
l nor mal l
yber el uct antordi sincl i
nedt ogr antpol icecust odyunl essi tfi
compel li
ngr easonsf ort hesame.
250. Thecour twi l
lcount15day s’ ti
mef rom t hedat eofpr oduct i
onofaccusedbef ore
him.Thati sev eni ncaseofsur r endert hecount i
ngofi nitial 15day swi l
l startwhen
theaccusedi sf ormal l
yar rest edandpr oducedbef or et heMagi st rateundersect ion
167Cr pc.
251. Undersect i
on167( 2A)ofCr pcanExecut iveMagi strat ei sempower edt ogr ant
remandf oramaxi mum per iodof7day s.
252. Undersect i
on167ofCr pcf orof fencesot hert hant hosepuni shabl ewi thDeat h,
mpr i
sonmentf orl i
feori mpr isonmentf oraper i
odnotl esst han10y ears, t he
detent i
ondur i
ngi nv est igat ioncanbeaut hor i
sedf orat ot al per i
odof60day s.
253. Undersect i
on167ofCr pc, f orof fencespuni shabl ewi thDeat h,impr i
sonmentf or
ifeori mpr i
sonmentf oraper iodnotl esst han10y ear s, thedet ent i
ondur ing
nv estigat i
oncanbeaut hor isedf orat otal per i
odof90day s.
254. Wher euponani nv est i
gat ioni tappear st ot hePOt hatt herei snotsuf fici ent
evidenceorr easonabl egr oundofsuspi ciont oj ust ifyt hef orwar di
ngoft heaccused
toaMagi strate, suchof ficershal l
,ifsuchper soni si ncust ody ,releasehi m ona
bond.( Sec169)
255. ConceptofCl osur eRepor torf i
nal repor tispr ov i
dedundersect ion169Cr pc.
256. Cogni zancei st akenoft heof fenceandnotoft heaccused, theref orei fan
accusedhasabscondedev eni nt hatcaset hecogni zancecanbet akeni nhi s
257. I f,uponani nv est igat i
on, itappear st ot hePOt hatt her eissuf fi
cientev idenceor
reasonabl egr oundofsuspi ciont ojust i
fyt hef or war di ngofaccusedt oaMagi strate,
suchof fi
cershal l forwar dt heaccusedundercust odyt oaMagi str
at eempower edt o
takecogni zanceoft heof fenceuponapol icer epor tandt ot rytheaccusedor
commi thi mf ortrial.( Sec170)
258. Conceptofchal l
ani spr ov idedundersect ion170Cr pc.
259. WhenCl osur er epor ti sf iledbyt hepol i
ceof f
icer ,ie., thatt her eseemst obeno
offencecommi t
tedi fwhi cht hei nfor mat ionr ecei vedbyhi m, andt heMagi st rate
agreeswi thhi m.Theni nsuchacasePr ot estPet itioncanbef il
260. UponPr ot estPet iti
ont her emaybeahear i
ngorf ur theri nv est i
gat i
onbutdespi t
allthisift hemagi strat est il
l deni est ot akecogni zancet hent heonl yr emedy
availablewi ththei nfor manti st of i
leanappl i
cationundersect ion482bef or eHi gh
Cour t.
261. I nVasant iDubeyv sSt ateofMP, i
twashel dt hati ft her ei sacl osur er epor tfi
byt hePOt hent heMagi st rat ecan' tcompel thePOt oconv ertt heCl osur er epor tinto
achar gesheet .
262. Sect ion172ofCr pcmakesi tmandat or yforani nv est igat i
ngof fi
cert omai ntaina
CaseDi ar y.
263. Thecasedi ar yundersect ion172ofCr pci susedf orai dini nqui ryort r ial t
ot he
cour t.
264. I fthepol iceof fi
ceri scont radi ctedbycour tont hebasi sofcasedi aryt hen
accusedcanal sof urthercont r adicthi m undersect i
on145ofI ndi anEv idenceAct .
265. I nPul ukur iKot tay av sEmper or,itwashel dt hati ft hePOhasnotr ecor dedt he
casedi ar ytheni tini tsel fwi ll notbef atal tot hepr osecut i
oncaser ather ,thecour t
willseekanexpl anat ionf rom t hei nv est igat i
ngof ficer.
266. I nShamshool Kanwarv sSt ateofUP, itwashel dt hatt heaccuseddoesnothav e
ther i
ghtt oobt aint hecopyofcasedi ary .Howev er ,i
ft hei nv estigatingof ficerusesi t
forrefreshi nghi smemor yort hecour tusesi tforcont radi ctingt heInv est igat ing
Officerthent heaccusedmayobt aint hecasedi ar yf orcont radict i
ngt he
nv estigat i
ngof fi
cerundersect ion145or161ofI ndi anEv idenceAct .
267. Apol icer epor tont hecompl et i
onofi nv estigat ioni st obef or war dedt oa
Magi st r
at eempower edt ot akecogni zanceoft heof fence.( Sec173( 2) )
268. I nDi neshDal mi av sCBI ,itwashel dt hatt hechar gesheethast obef i
sect i
on173( 2)whent hepol i
ceof fi
ceri ssat i
sf iedt hatsuf f
icientmat er i
al hasbeen
gather edf ort aki ngf urtherpr oceedi ngi e. , t
aki ngcongni zanceagai nstt heaccused.
269. I nSt ateofKer alaVsBabu, itwashel dt hatsect ion173( 2)pr ohi bitst heuseof
casedi ar yatt hei nquiryort rial oft hesamecase.I tnowher epr ohi bitsi tsusei n
someot hercase.
270. I nMCMeht av sUni onofI ndi a, i
twashel dt hatt her epor tundersect ion173( 2)is
onlyanopi nionoft hePOandi tisnotbi ndi ngupont hemagi strat e. 
271. Pol icer epor tisnotapi eceofEv i
272. Af tert hef il
ingofchar gesheet ,postcogni zancest agecommencedandatsuch
stageor dercanbepassedf orJudi cal Cust odyundersect ion309( 2).
273. Thei nv est igat i
oni nr elati
ont or apeofachi l
dmaybecompl et edwi t
hin3mont hs
from t hedat eonwhi cht hei nfor mat ionwasr ecor dedbyt heof f
iceri nchar geofthe
policest ation.( Sec173( 1A) ) 
274. I nev er ycaseofPol i
cer epor t, t
hemagi strat eisboundt ogi vecopyofdocument s
totheaccused.( Sec207)
275. Suppl yofcopi est oaccusedwher et hemagi st
rat et hinkst hatt hecasei s
exclusi velyt riabl ebyt hecour tofSessi ons.( Sec208)
276. Subsequent / furtherI nvest igat i
oni spr ov i
dedundersec173( 8)ofCr pc.
277. Addi tional chal l
ani nacasei sal l
owedont heev idencef oundi naddi t
nv estigat ion.
278. Af teri nv est igat i
onper tainingt oanof fenceofmur der,thenpol i
cef il
cancel lationr epor t.Suchr epor tcanbeaccept edbyaMagi st rate.
279. Whent hecour tfindst hatt her ei sgr ossi rregul ar i
tyt henonl yanor derofRe-
nv estigat ioncanbemadebyHi ghCour tundersect ion482Cr pcorunderar ti
oftheConst itut ionofI ndia.
280. I nquestRepor tisgov ernedbypr ov isionsundersect i
on174- 176ofCr pc.
281. Whenev ert her ei sanunnat ur aldeat handt hePOhasasuspi ciont hati ti
causedbysomeonet hent hisi nquestr epor thast obepr epar edt of i
ndoutt he
appar entcauseofDeat h.
282. Whent heof ficeri nchar geofapol icest ationr ecei vesi nf ormat iont hataper son
hascommi ttedsui cidet henheshal limmedi at elygi vei ntimi dat iont her eoft othe
near estExecut iveMagi strateempower edt ohol dInquest s.( Sec174)
283. I nquestr epor tshal lbesi gnedbysuchpol iceof ficerandot herper sonsandshal l
bef orwar dedt ot heDi stri
ctMagi strate.( Sec174( 2) )
284. Di strictMagi strate, Sub-Di visional Magi st rate,Execut i
v eMagi st rateandpol i
cerhav et hepowert ohol dI nquest s.
285. Whent hecasei soft henat ur erefer redt oi nsec174( 3)cl ause( i)or( ii
near estMagi st rat eempower edt ohol di nquest sshal l,andi nanyot hercase
ment i
onedi nsec174( 1),mayhol dani nqui ryi ntot hecauseofdeat hi nsteadofori n
addi ti
ont ot hei nv est i
gat i
onhel dbyt hepol i
ceof f
icer .(Sec176)
286. Undersect ion176( 1),itismandat or yf orExecut iveMagi st r
at et oconduct
Inquestpr oceedi ngs.
287. Undersect ion176( 1A)i tismandat or yf orJudi cial Magi st ratet oconductI nquest
Proceedi ngs.
288. I ncaseofcust odi al deat h, thei nquestpr oceedi ngswi l
lbeconduct edbyJudi cial
Magi strateundersect ion176( 1A) .
289. Sect ion177pr ov i
dest hatwher ev ert heconsequenceoft heof fencewas
commi tted, i
tmustbet r
iedbyt hecour thav ingj ur i
sdi ctionov ert hatar ea.
290. Sec178pr ovidest hatwher ei tisuncer tai ni nwhi chofsev eral pl acesanof fences
wascommi t
tedorwher ei twaspar tl
ycommi tt
edi noneandpar tl
yi nanot heror
wher etheof fencei sacont inui ngoneandcont inuest obecommi ttedi nmor el ocal
areast hanoneori tconsi st sofsev eral act sdonei ndi f
f erentl ocal ar east heni tmay
bei nquiredi ntoort ri
edbyacour thav ingj ur isdictionov eranyofsuchar eas.
291. Accor dingt osec179of fencemaybet riabl eatt hepl acewher et heof fencehad
beendoneorwher eitsconsequenceensued.
292. Sect ion180pr ov i
dest hatpl aceoft rial wher eacti sanof fencebyr easonof
at i
ont oot herof fence.
293. Sect ion181( 1)pr ov idest hatanyof fenceofbei ngat hug, ormur dercommi tted
byat hug, ofDacoi ty,ofDacoi tywi thmur der , ofbel ongi ngt oagangofdacoi ts,orof
escapingf rom cust ody ,maybei nqui redi nt oort ri
edbyacour twi thinwhose
urisdictiont heof fencewascommi ttedort heaccusedper soni sf ound.
294. Anyof fenceofki dnappi ngorabduct ionofaper sonmaybet riedbyacour tin
whosej urisdicti
ont heper sonwaski dnappedorabduct edorwasconv eyedor
conceal edordet ained.( Sec181( 2))
295. Anyof fenceoft hef t,ext or ti
onorr obber ymaybet ri
edbyacour twi thinwhose
urisdictiont heof fencewascommi ttedorwher et hest ol enpr oper tywaspossessed
byanyper sonori twasr ecei v edbyanyper sonorr etained.( Sec181( 3)
296. Anyof fenceofcr imi nal mi sappr opr iationorofcr i
mi nal breachoft rustmaybe
edbyacour twi thinwhosej ur i
sdi ctionof f encewascommi ttedoranypar toft he
propertywasr ecei vedorr etai nedbyt heaccusedper son.( Sec181( 4) )
297. Of f
encescommi t
tedbyl ettersmaybet r i
edbyacour twher esuchl etterswer e
sentorr eceived.( Sec182( 1) )
298. Of f
encesr el
at edt oBi gamymaybet r i
edbyacour twher et heof f encewas
commi ttedorwher etheof fenderl astr esi dedwi thhi sorherspousebyt he1st
mar ri
age.( Sec182( 2) )
299. Wher et heof fencei scommi t
tedonj our neyorv oy agei tcanbet riedbyacour t
throughori ntowhosel ocal jur isdict i
ont hatper sonort humbpassedi nt hecour seof
thatjour neyorv oy age.( Sec183)
300. Sect ion184ofCr pct alksaboutt hepl aceoft rial forof fenceswhi char e
commi ttedbyanyper sonwhi chmaybechar gedwi t
hort r
iedt oget herorwher et he
offencei ssucht hati tiscommi t
tedbysev er alper sonsandt heymaybechar ged
withort r i
edt oget heraspersect ion223ofCr pc.
301. Sect ion186ofCr pcgi v espowert ot heHi ghCour ttodeci dei nwhosej uri
sdi ction
thecasewoul dfal l
.Her et he2ormor ecour tshav et akencogni zanceoft heof fence.
302. I nOm Hemr ajani v sSt at eofUP, i
twashel dt hatwhenanof fencehasbeen
commi ttedbyanI ndi anout sideI ndi at henhecanbet riedany wher ewher everhei s
foundandnotor di narilyathi spl aceofr esi dence.( Sect ion188)
303. Thecogni zanceofanof fencecanbet akenbyJudi cial Magi st rat eundersect ion
190ofCr pc.
304. Sect ion190ofCr pcpr ov idesf ort aki ngcogni zancebyt heMagi st rateupon
recei vingacompl aintoff act swhi chconst itutessuchof fenceoruponpol icer epor t
ledundersect ion173orsuomot oi ncaset hemagi strat er eceiv edsome
nf ormat ionr egar dingcommi ssionofanof fence.
305. Whenacasehasbeeni nst it
ut edagai nstanaccusedundersec190( 1)(c)i e. ,suo
mot ouponi nfor mat ionr ecei vedbyMagi strate, theaccusedshal lbeent itl
edt ohav e
hiscaset riedbyanot hermagi strat e.( Sec191)
306. Non- compl iancewi tht hepr oceedi ngi ssec191i sani ncur ablei rregular ity.
307. Maki ngov eroft hecasesbyChi efJudi cial Magi strat et oot hercompet ent
Magi strat esunderhi m.( Sec192)
308. Sect i
on193ofCr pcput sabaronCour tofSessi onf r om t akingcogni zanceof
anyof fenceunl esst hecasehasbeencommi ttedt oi tbyMagi strat e.
309. Except i
ont oSec193ofCr pcar esect ions199( 2)andsec319, ie.,i
nt hese2
casest heCour tofSessi oncant akecogni zanceoft heof fence.
310. I faconspi racyi smadeagai nstst at et hent hecogni zancewi llnotbet aken
unlessandunt ilthest ategov ernmentort hecent ral gov er nmentort heDi strict
Magi strat egi v est heper mi ssionf ori nst it
ut ionoft hesui t .(Sec196)
311. Pr ov isionr el atingt ot hepr osecut ionofpubl icser v ant sandj udgesi spr escr ibed
undersect ion197ofCr pc.
312. Sect i
on198deal swi thpr osecut ionf orof fencesagai nstmar riage.
313. Cour tcant akecogni zanceofanof fencepuni shabl eunderchapt er20, IPConl y
uponacompl aintmadebyaggr i
ev edper son.( Sec198( 1) )
314. I faper soni sduet ohi sbei ngunder18y rsofageorbei ngi diotorl unat i
tohi ssi cknessorawomanwhobecauseofherl ocal cust omsoughtnott ospor es
npubl ic, thenwi tht hel eav eoft hecour tsomeot herper soncanmakeacompl aint
onhi sorherbehal f.(Sec198( 1)(a) )
315. I fthehusbandoft hewomani sser v ingi nar medf or cesandt hecommandi ng
officeri ssuesacer ti
ficat epr ecl udi nghi mf rom obt aini ngl eav eofabsencet oenabl e
himt omakeacompl ai ntt hananyot herper sonasaut hor izedbyt hehusbandmay
makeacompl ai ntonhi sbehal f
.( Sec198( 1)(b) )
316. Wher eanof fencehasbeencommi ttedagai nstawomanwhi chi spuni shabl e
undersect ion494or495ofI PC, thenacompl aintmaybemadebyherf ather ,
mot her ,br other , sister ,daught erorf atherormot her 'sbr ot her/si sterwi thoutt he
per mi ssi onoft hecour t
.Buti fanyot herper sonwhoi sr elat edtot heaggr iev edby
blood, mar riageoradopt iont henl eav eoft hecour tisr equi red.(Sec198( 1) (c))
317. Undersect ion198( 2) ,Noper sonot hert hant hehusbandoft hewomanshal lbe
deemedt obeaggr iev edbyanyof fencepuni shabl eundersect ion497or498ofI PC. 
318. Nocour tshal ltakecogni zanceofanof fenceundersect i
on376ofI PC, wher e
suchof fenceconsi stsofsexual inter cour sebyamanwi thhi sownwi f
e, wi febei ng
under15y ear sofage, i
fmor et han1y earhasel apsedf r om t hedat eofcommi ssion
oft heof fence.( Sec198( 6) )
319. Sect i
on199ofCr pcdeal swi thpr osecut ionofdef amat ion.Her et hedef amat ion
sofsomehi ghdi gni tar yr egar di nghi sconducti ndi schar geofhi spubl icdut y.
320. Fort hecaset obet r
iedbyCour tofSessi ondi rect ly,t heCompl aintundersec199
mustbemadebypubl icpr osecut orwi t hin6mont hsandwi thsanct ionf rom t he
appr opr i
at egov ernment . 
321. Undersect ion199, f
ort hef i
rst6mont hsJudi cial Magi strateandCour tof
Sessi onbot hhav econcur rentj ur isdi ctiont ot akecogni zanceoft heof fence.But
aftert heexpi ryof6mont hsJudi cial Magi str atehast heexcl usi vej urisdictiont ot ake
thecogni zanceoft heof fence.
322. Acompl ai nti sanal l
egat ionmadei nwr itingoror all
yt oamagi stratebyany
personot hert hanapol i
ceof fi
cert hatt heof f encei scommi ttedbyknownor
unknown.( Sec2( d))
323. Uponacompl aintt oaMagi st rat e, hewi llexami net hecompl ainant .Thepur pose
oft hisexami nat i
oni st of indoutei thert odi smi sst hecompl aintori ssuet he
processes.( Sec200)
324. Undert heexami nat i
onofsec200onl yt hosewi tnesseswi l
l beexami nedasar e
present .Her e, Magi st ratedoesn' ti ssuesummonorwar r antt ocal l t
hewi tnessesf or
exami nat ion.
325. AMagi st rat ecan' tdi smi sst hecompl aintwi thoutexami ningt hecompl ainantand
witnessesot her wi sei twi ll bei ncur abl ei rregul ari
t y.( Sec200)
326. Wher et hecompl ainthasbeenf iledbypubl icser v antorcour tini tsof fi
cial duty
thent heMagi st rateneednotexami net hecompl ainantandt hewi tnesses.( Sec200
prov iso)
327. Theexami nat i
onundersec200shal l besi gnedbycompl ainant ,wi t
theMagi st rat easnon- signi ngwi l
l bei ncur abl ei r
regul arity.
328. ASar panchi sconsi der edt obeaPubl i
cSer vantf ort hepur poseofsec200.
329. Undersect ion201, apr ocedur ei spr escr ibedf orcaseswher et heMagi stratesi s
notcompet entt ot aket hecogni zanceoft hecase.Her e, Magi st r
at ewi lldirectt he
compl ainantt ot hepr opercour t.
330. Anymagi str ateonar ecei ptofcompl aintofanof fenceshal l,wher eaccused
residesout si det hej ur i
sdi ct i
onoft hatMagi st rate, ormaypost ponet hei ssueof
process.( Sec202)
331. Thepur poseofsec202i st ocheckwhet herornott her ear esuf f
icientgr ounds
forpr oceedi ng.  
332. Nosuchdi r ect i
onofi nv est i
gat ionori nqui ryshal lbemadeundersec202ofCr pc
ft heof fencecompl ainedofi str i
abl eexcl usi velybyCour tofSessi onsori nacase
wher ecompl ainantandwi tnesseshav enotbeenexami nedexcepti nt hecasewher e
thecompl ainti smadebyacour t.
333. I nRosi eandanot herv s.St at eofKer ala, itwashel dt hatsect ion202( 2)pr ov isoit
smandat oryt oexami neal lthewi tnessesandi ft heaccusedf indst hatal lthe
witnesseshav enotbeenexami nedt henhemayassoonaspossi bler aisean
object ionbef or et heCour tofSessi onandt heCour tofSessi onmayr emandt he
casebackt ot heMagi st rat etoexami net hewi tness.
334. I nv est igat ionundersec202i sapostcogni zancei nv estigat ion.
335. I nv est igat ionundersec202i sundert hecompl etesuper visi onoft hemagi strate.
'sr epor ti sal sot obef iledundersect ion202onl y.
336. Thepur poseofi nvest igat ionundersec202i st of i
ndoutwhet hert oi ssue
processesornot . 
337. Fort hepr oceedi ngofsec202i t'sr equi redt hataf terconduct ingt heexami nat i
ofsec200t heMagi stratehasdeci dedt oissuet hepr ocessbuthehassome
uncer tai
nt yi nhi smi ndandhencet opr ov i
deext raassur ancet ohi msel fhe
conduct edt hepr oceedi ngofei t
heri nv est i
gat ionori nqui ryaf terhav ingpost poned
theissueofpr ocess.
338. Magi strateundersect i
on202exami net hewi tnessesonoat h.Thesewi tnesses
areaddi t
ional wi tnesseswhower enotexami nedi nsec200
339. St at ementofsec202i spr ev i
ousst atementandcanbeusedf orcont radictionor
corrobor ation.
340. St at ement sundersect ion202ar enotsubst ant i
v epi eceofev i
341. Sect ion203t alksaboutdi smi ssal ofcompl aint.
342. Acompl ai ntmaybedi smi ssedundersec203, if,afterconsi der i
ngt he
statement sonoat hoft hecompl ai nantandt hewi tnessesandt her esul toft he
nqui r
yori nv est i
gat ionundersec202i ssucht hatt heMagi stratei snoti fheopi nion
thatther eisanysuf ficientgr oundf orpr oceedi ng, heshal ldismi sst hecompl aint.
343. I ffirstcompl ai nti sdi smi sseduponmer itst hent herewi llbenoSecond
compl aint .
344. I nPoonam ChandJai nv sFazr u, i
twashel dt hati fther ear enewf actswhi cht he
compl ainanthav epr ov edt hathecoul dnothav eknownear l
ierev enwi thdue
igencet hensecondcompl ai ntwi l
lbeal lowed.
345. I nacompl aintcasepr ocessesar eissuedundersec204
346. I nSubr amani am Set huRamanv sSt at eofMahar asht ra,itwashel dt hatI ssueof
processi sani nt erlocut oryor derandr ev isionwi llnotl i
ei ncaseofi nterlocut ory
347. Fi l
ingofl istofwi tnessesbyt hecompl ai nantbef or ei ssuanceofsummonsor
war r
antt otheaccusedundersect ion204i smandat ory.
348. Sec205ofCr pcempower st hepr esi di ngof ficert odi spensewi tht heper sonal
attendanceoft heaccusedatt het imeofr ecor di ngofst at ement sofwi tnesses.
349. I f,i
nt heopi nionoft heMagi stratet aki ngcogni zanceofapet tyof fence, thecase
maybesummar ilydi sposedofundersect ion260ofCr pc, theMagi strateshal lissue
summonst ot heaccusedr equi ringhi m ei thert oappeari nper sonorbypl eader
beforet hemagi str ateonapar t i
cul ardat e, ori fhedesi rest opl eadgui lt
yt ransmi t
beforet hespeci fieddat e,bypost ,thesai dpl eai nwr iti
ngandt heamountoff ine
specified.( Sec206)
350. Undersect i
on206pet t
yof fencesmeananyof fencepuni shabl eonl ywi thf i
exceedi ng1000₹.
351. Undersect i
on207ofCr pc, theaccusedshal lbesuppl i
edwi tht hecopyofPol ice
reportandot herdocument sbyt heMagi str ate.
352. Undersect i
on209ofCr pc, whenacasei si nst itut edonapol icer epor tor
otherwi set hani napol i
cer epor t,andi tappear st ot heMagi strat et hatt heof fencei s
ableexcl usi vel ybyt heCour tofSessi ons, heshal l commi tthecaset oCour tof
Sessionaf tercompl yi
ngwi tht hepr ovisionsundersec207or208.
353. Undersect i
on323, acasei scommi ttedt oCour tofSessi onwher et heMagi st r
nkst hatt hecaseoughtt obet ri
edbyCour tofSessi ons.
354. Sect ion210pr escr ibest hepr ocedur et obef ollowedwhent her ei sacompl ai nt
caseandpol i
cei nv est igationi nr espectoft hesameof f ence.
355. I nsect i
on210, theMagi strat ewi llst ayt hecompl aintcasepr oceedi ngsandwi l
requiret heconcer nedPOt osubmi tthepol i
cer epor t.
356. I fthepol icer epor t
, i
nsec210, isagai nstt hesameaccusedt henMagi stratewi l
takecogni zanceagai nstt heaccusedonpol icer epor tandbot hcompl aintcaseand
Pol i
cer epor twi llbet riedt oget herasi fi tisapol icer epor tcase.
357. I fthepol i
cer epor t, i
nsec210, say st hatt hechar gesheeti sagai nstsomeot her
accusedort hati tisi nt hef or m ofaCl osur er epor tagai nstt hesameaccusedt hen
thecompl aintcasewi llrev i
v e.
358. I ncaseofmer geroft hecompl aintwi tht hepol i
cer epor t
, thepr ocedur etobe
followedf irthet rial shal l beoft hecasei nstitut edont hepol icer epor t.(Sec210)
359. Char gei st hest ageatwhi cht het ri
al startsandi nqui ryends.
360. Cont ent sofchar gear egi v enundersect ion211.
361. Sect ion211( 7)r elat edt opr ev i
ousconv iction.
362. Sec236ofCr pcsay st hatunt i
l t
heaccusedi sconv ictedi nt hepr esentcase,
prev iousconv i
ctionwi llnotbeal lowedt obepr ov edi npr esentcasei nor dertost op
thebi asnat ureoft hej udge.
363. Sect ion212say st hatchar geshal l cont ainsuchpar ti
cul ar sast ot imeandpl ace
oft heal legedof fenceandt heper sonagai nstwhom t heof ficewascommi tt
edt o
givenot icetot heaccusedoft hemat terwi thwhi chhei schar ged.
364. Sect ion213say st hatmannerofof fencei sal sot obest at edi nchar gei nsome
365. Sec214say st hati fanywor dusedi nchar ge, itwi l
lhav esamemeani ngwhi chi s
giveni nI PC.( Par i Mat eria)
366. Sect ion215t al ksaboutef f
ectofer ror s.
367. I ftheer rori smat erial def ecti npar ticul arsoft hechar gewhi choccasi oneda
ur eofj ust i
cet hent heaccusedmayr aiseanobj ectiont osuchdef ectandt he
cour tmaysetasi det hej udgment .(Sec215)
368. Al ter ationandaddi ti
onofchar gesar epr ov idedundersec216.Suchal ter
at i
addi tioncanbemadeatanyt imebef or et hej udgment .
369. I fsuchal terationoraddi tionaf fectst heaccusedorpr osecut orthent hecour t
mayei therdi rectanewt rial oradj ournt het rial forsuchper i
odasmaybenecessar y.
370. Cour tmayal tert hechar gebef oret hej udgmenti spr onounced.
371. Sect ion217pr ov idest hatwhenev erachar gei sal ter edoraddedbyt hecour t,the
accusedshal lbeal lowedt or ecal lorr e-summonandexami newi t
hr efer encet osuch
alterat ionoraddi tion, anywi tnessal readyexami ned.
372. Aspersect ion217newwi t
nessesmayal sobecal ledf orexami nat ion.
373. Sect ion218say st hatf orev erydi stinctof fencet her eshal l beasepar atechar ge
andev er ysepar at echar gemustbet riedsepar atel ybuti ft heaccusedper sonbyan
appl icat ioninwr itingaskst heMagi st r
at et oj oint hechar gesagai nsthi m andt he
Magi str ateisal sooft heopi ni ont hatsuchj oindert heaccusedwi llnotbepr ejudi ced
thesuchchar geswi llbej oinedt ogether .
374. Sect ion219say st hatwhen3of fencesoft hesameki ndar ecommi t
tedbyt he
accusedwi t
hin1y eart heymaybechar gedt oget her . 
375. At temptoft heof fenceandt heof fencear edeemedt obeof fencei ft hesame
kind.( Sec219)
376. Of fencesi fthesameki ndundersect ion219Cr pcmeanswhent heyar e
puni shabl ewi tht hesameamountofpuni shmentundert hesamesect ionoft heI PC
orofmayspeci al orl ocal law.
377. Sect ions219, 220, 221and223ar et heexcept iont ot her ul ethatf orev ery
distinctof fenceofwhi chanyper soni saccused, ther eshal lbeasepar atechar ge:
378. I f,Inaser iesofact ssoconnect edt oget hersoast of or mt hesamet ransact i
thet heaccusedmaybechar gedwi thev er ysuchof fence.( Sect ion220( 1))
379. Oneormor eof fencesofcr imi nal br eachoft rustordi shonestmi sappr opr i
ofpr oper tywi llbeconsi der edasasi ngl eof fencebecauseofsect ion212.( Secti
220( 2))
380. Wher et heact sal legedconst i
t uteof fencef allingwi thin2ormor esepar ate
definitionsofanyl awbywhi chof fencesar edef i
nedorpuni shed, theper son
accusedoft hem maybechar gedwi thandt r
iedatonet rial foreachofsuch
offences.( Sec220( 3))
381. I ft heof fencei sconst itut edofsev er al actsandeachi ndependentacti san
offenceandactcombi nedconst i
t uteasepar at eof f
ence, thenaccusedwi llbe
chargedwi t
hal l theof fences.( Sec( 220( 4) )
382. Wheni ti sdoubt f ulwhi choft heof fencehasbeencommi ttedbyt heaccused, the
accusedmaybechar gedwi thhav ingcommi ttedal loranyofsuchof fencesorhe
maybechar gedi nt heal ter nat ive.( Sec221)
383. I ft heaccusedi schar gedwi t honeof fenceandi tappear si nev i
dencet hathe
commi tt
edadi fferentof fencef orwhi chhemi ghthav ebeenchar gedwi th,hemay
beconv i
ct edoft heof fencewhi chhei sshownt ohav ecommi tted, althoughhewas
notchar gedwi thi t
.( Sec221( 2) )
384. Whenev ery ouf rameachar geofmaj orof fenceandami norof fencei spr oved
theni nt hatcasey oudon' thav et of rameanewchar gesepar atel y.( Sec222)
385. Joi nderofchar gei spr ov idedundersect i
on224ofCr pc.
386. Per sonsaccusedoft hesameof fencecommi ttedi nthecour seoft hesame
transact ionmaybechar gedt oget her .( Sec223( a))
387. Per sonsaccusedofanof fenceandt heper sonsaccusedofabet mentorat t
tocommi tsuchof fencemaybechar gedt oget her .(Sec223( b) )
388. Per sonsaccusedofdi ffer entof f encescommi ttedi nt hecour seoft hesame
transact ionmaybet ri
edt oget her .( Sec223( d) )
389. Per sonsaccusedofanof fencewhi chi ncludest hef t,ext ort i
on, cheat ingor
criminal mi sappr opr iationandr et aini ngofsuchpr oper tymaybechar gedt ogether.
390. Wi thdr awal ofr emai ningchar gesonconv ictionononeofsev eral char gesis
providedi nsect ion224.
391. Compl ainantwi tht heconsentoft hecour tort hecour toni tsownwi thdraws
chargesagai nstt heaccused.( Sec224)
392. Suchwi thdrawal will hav et heef fectofanacqui ttalonsuchchar ge.( Sec224)
393. Cr pcpr ov idesf ort r
ial bef or eaCour tofSessi onsf rom sect ion225t o237.
394. Pr osecut ioncaseshal l bepr esent edbypubl i
cpr osecut or.( Sec225)
395. Thepr osecut ionshal lopent hecasebydescr i
bi ngt hechar gebr oughtagai nst
theaccusedandst atingbywhatev i
dencehepr oposedt opr ov et hegui ltoft he
accused.( Sec226)
396. I fuponconsi der i
ngt her ecor doft hecaseanddocument ssubmi t
ted, t
hej udge
consi der st hatt her ear enotsuf fi
ci entgr oundsf orpr oceedi ngagai nstt heaccused,
heshal ldischar get heaccusedandr ecor dhisr easons.( Sec227)
397. I fcour tisoft heopi niont hatt heaccusedhascommi ttedt heof f encebutt he
casei snotexcl usivel yt riabl ebyCour tofSessi onst hent hecour tmayormayi t
framet hechar gesandt ransf ert hecaset oChi efJudi cialMagi st rateorJudi ci
Magi strat e1stcl ass.( Sec228)
398. I fthecasewasexcl usi vel ytr i
abl ebyCour tofaccusedt hent hecour twi l
laski f
theaccusedpl eadsgui l
t y.Ift heaccusedpl eadsgui lt
yt hent hej udgeshal l r
ecor d
thepleaandmayconv i
cthi mt her eon.( Sec229)
399. I ftheaccusedr ef usedt opl eadgui l
ty,hej udgeshal lfi
xadat ef orexami nationof
witnesses.( Sec230)
400. Undersect ion231ofCr pc, thej udgeshal l pr oceedt ot akeal lsuchev idenceas
maybepr oducedi nsuppor toft hepr osecut ion.
401. Undersect ion232ofCr pc, aSessi onsj udge, duringsessi ont ri
al,mayor der
acquittal oftheaccusedper son, ev enbef or epr onounci ngj udgment .
402. Whent heaccusedi snotacqui ttedundersect i
on232, thenheshal lbecal l
upont oent erinhi sdef enceundersect i
403. Ar gument si nvolv i
ngsummi ngupoft hecasebypr osecut orandt her eplyt o
them byaccusedwi ll bedoneundersect i
404. I nKeharSi nghVsSt ate, itwashel dt hatt het rialinpur suanceoft henot i
forhol dingt hesi tti
ngsoft heSessi oncour tinTi harj ailwasnoti llegal.
405. Sessi onsJudgecant ryacasepuni shabl ewi thlifei mpr isonmentordeat h
penalty .
406. Pr ovisionsf orJudgmentofacqui ttalorconv icti
onar epr ov i
dedundersect i
235i naSessi onst rial.
407. Conv icti
ononPl eaofGui ltinaSessi onst rial ispr escribedundersect ion229.
408. Sect ion236say st hatPr ev i
ousConv ictionoft heaccusedwi l
l notbet akeni nto
consider at i
onbyt heJudgeunt iltheaccusedhasbeenconv i
ct edundersect i
409. Sect ion237say st hatwhenacasei sinst itut edundersect i
on199( 2)ofCr pc, the
procedur eoft rialadopt edi nsuchacasei st rial ofwar rantcasei nstitut
otherwi set hanapol icer epor t.
410. Ther oleofaj udgei nt rial ist obei mpar tial, playapr oact iver ol ewhileexer cising
hispower sofexami ningt rueororr e-exami ningmat erialwi tnessesandal sot he
accusedper sonaf t
ert hepr osecut i
onev idencei scl osed.
411. Accor dingt osect ion237( 8), whenanor dert opay mentofcompensat i
ont oan
accusedper soni smade, thecompensat ionshal lnotbepai dt ohi m befor et he
periodal lowedf ort hepr esent ationofappeal hasel apsedori fanappeal i
present ed, befor etheappeal hasbeendeci ded.
412. I fadeat hsent encei spassedi nat ri
al bef or ecour tofSessi onst heni twi llbe
sentt ot heHi ghCour tf ori tsconf irmat ionandpr ovisionsofchapt er28( sec366- 371)
woul dappl y.
413. Whenadeat hsent encepassedbyacour tofSessi onsi ssubmi tt
edt oHi ghCour t
forconf irmat i
on, t
heconv ict edper soni scommi ttedt oj ailcust odyunderawar rant.
414. Whenacasei ssubmi ttedt ot heHi ghCour tf orconf irmat i
on, i
thast hepowert o
ectf ur therinqui r
yt obemadeoraddi tional ev idencet obet aken.( Sec367)
415. Addi tional ev i
dencedi rect edt obet akenbyt heHi ghCour tundersect ion367can
bet akenei t
herbyHi ghCour titsel fori tmaydi rectitt obet akenbyCour tof
416. Poweroft heHi ghCour tt oconf i
rm orannul theconv ictioni spr ovidedunder
sect i
on368ofCr pc.
417. Power soft heHi ghCour tundersect ion368ar et hati tcanei therconf irmt he
sent enceorpassanyot hersent encewar rant edbyl aworannul theconv i
orderanewt rialont hesamechar gesoramendedchar gesori tmayacqui tthe
418. Noor derofconf i
r mat ionbyt heHi ghCour tshal lbemadeunt i
lper iodal lowedf or
prefer ri
nganappeal ie.
, 30day shasexpi red.Al so, ifanappeal hasbeenf il
ed, then
until i
tisdi sposedof .
419. Sect ion369say st hatwhent heHi ghCour tconsi st sof2ormor ejudgest hent he
conf irmat ioncanbemade, passedorsi gnedbyatl east2oft hem.
420. Whent her eisadi ff
er enceofopi ni onandt hej udgesar eequal l
ydi videdi n
opini ont hent hemat tershal lbehear dbyanot herj udgeandt heopi nionoft hatj udge
willdeci det hedeci sionoft hecase.( Sec370)
421. Tr ial ofwar rantcasesbymagi strat eiscov eredunderchapt er19( sec238- 250) .
422. Sect ion238put samandat eupont heMagi strat et osat isfyhi msel ft hathehas
compl iedwi tht hepr ovisionsofsect i
423. Tr ial ofWar r
antcasei sdi videdi nto2par tsie., whent hecasei sinst itutedupona
policer epor tandwhent hecasei si nst i
tut edot her wi set hanonapol icer epor t. 
424. Undersect ion239, theMagi strat emaydi schar get heaccusedi ft hechar ge
agai nstt heaccusedappear st obegr oundl ess.  
425. I fuponexami ningt hepol icer epor tanddocument s, themagi stratei soft he
opini ont hatt her eisgr oundofpr esumi ngt hatt heaccusedhascommi ttedt he
offencet henheshal lfr
amet hechar gesagai nstaccused.( Sec240)
426. Sect ion241t alksaboutt hecasewher etheaccusedpl eadsgui ltybef oret he
magi strate.
427. I ft heaccuseddoesn' tpleadgui l
tyt hent heMagi str atewi llfixadat ef ort he
exami nat i
onofwi tnesses.( Sec242)
428. Conv i
ctionoracqui ttal i
nt r
ial ofwar rantcasebymagi stratei sprov idedi n
sect i
429. Undersect ion249, theaccusedmaybedi schar gedi nt heabsenceof
compl ainant .
430. Undersect ion250, ifacasei si nst i
tut eduponacompl aintoruponi nformat ion
givent opol iceof ficerorMagi strat e,andt heMagi st ratei soft heopi niont hatt her e
arenor easonabl egr oundsf ormaki ngt heacqui sitionagai nstt heaccused, thenhe
willei t
herdi schar gehi m oracqui thi m.
431. Wher et heaccusat i
onagai nstaccusedi sf oundt obewi thoutr easonabl ecause
undersect ion250, theMagi st ratewi llor dert hecompl ainantori nformantt o
compensat et heaccused.
432. Compensat ionor derundersect ion250shal lnotexceedt heamountwhi cht he
Magi stratei sempower edt oi mpose.
433. Tr ial ofsummonscasebyMagi str atei spr ov idedunderchapt er20( sect ions251-
434. I nsummonscaset hehear ingoft heaccusedonsent encei snotnecessar y .
435. Sect ion253ofCr pcpr ov i
dest hatwher et heaccuseddesi rest opl eadgui ltyt o
thechar gewi thoutappear ingbef or et heMagi st r
at e, heshal ltr
ansmi tt ot he
Magi stratet heamountoff inei mposedbypost ,andt heMagi stratemayconv i
accusedonsuchPl eaofGui ltinhi sabsence.
436. Sect ion253deal swi thconv ict ionofPl eaofGui l
ti npet t ycases.
437. I nasummonscaset heMagi strat ecanst opt hepr oceedi ngsatanyst age
wi t
houtpr onounci ngj udgment .( Sec258)
438. Poweroft hecour ttoconv er tasummonscasei nt owar rantscasei spr ov i
undersect ion259.
439. I nthei nter estofj usti
ceaMagi st rat ehast hepowert ot ryasummonscaseasa
war rantcase, wher eint heof fencet obet riedt her eunderi spuni shabl ewi th
mpr isonmentexceedi ng6mont hs.
440. Summar yt rial ispr ovidedunderchapt er21( sec260- 265)
441. Thepowert ot ryacasei nsummar ywayi swi thChi efJudi cialMagi strat e, a
Met ropol i
tanMagi st rateandanyMagi strat eoft he1stcl assasempower edi nt his
behal fbyt heHi ghCour t.
442. I nsummar yt rial maxi mum puni shmentofi mpr isonmentcanbe3mont hs.
443. Of f
encesnotpuni shablewi thdeat h, impr i
sonmentf orlifeori mpr i
sonmentf ora
term exceedi ng2y ear smaybet riedsummar i
444. Lur kinghouset respasscanbet riedsummar ily.
445. Thef t,wher et hev alueoft hepr oper tyst olenexceeds3000₹can' tbet r ied
summar i
446. Chapt er21AofCr pcdeal swi thPl eaBar gai ni ng.
447. I nKasambhai Abdul Rehmanbhai Shei khv s.St at eofGuj arat(1980) , t
hecour t
rejectedt hei deaofPl eabar gai ningi nt hegr oundt hati fisagai nstpubl icpol i
cy .
448. I n1991, t
he12t hl awcommi ssi oni ni ts142ndr epor tandl aterin1996i ni ts
156t hr epor tr ecommendedt hei ntr oduct ionofPl eabar gaini ng.
449. Mal i
mat hcommi tteeuponr ef or msi nCr i
mi nal Just iceSy stemsmadet he
recommendat i
oni ni nt r
oduct ionofPl eabar gaini ng.
450. TheconceptofPl eaBar gai ningwasi ntroducedi nsect ion265A- Lwi thef fect
from 5t hJul y2006.
451. Thechapt erofPl eaBar gaini ngi saddedt oCr pcbyCr i
mi nal Law( Amendment )
Act ,2005.
452. Pl eabar gai ni ngcanbedoneonl yofof fencespuni shabl ewi thimpr isonmentl ess
than7y ear s.(Sec265A)
453. I nPl eabar gai ningchar ger emai nst hesamebutsent enceget sr educed.
(Sent enceBar gai ning)
454. Pl eabar gai ni ngcanbedonei nacasei nst i
t uteduponapol i
cer epor tora
compl aintcase.
455. I nSt ateofM Pv sMadanLal , i
twashel dt hatt her eshal lbenomedi ationi nr ape
456. Pl eabar gai ni ngcan' tbedoneofacasei nwhi cht heof f enceaf fect st hesoci o-
economi ccondi tionsoft hecount r yori fithasbeencommi ttedagai nstawomanor
achi ldbel ow14y ear sofage.  
457. Theappl i
cat ionf orpleabar gai ningwi llbef iledbyanaccusedal ongwi than
affidav i
tst atingt hatt heappl i
cat ioni sv olunt arilyf iled.(Sec265B)
458. Thepr ov isionsofPl eaBar gai ni ngar eappl icabl eaf teri ssuanceofpr ocessunder
sect i
459. Theappl i
cat ionf orPl eaBar gai ni ngwi l
l bef iledbyt heaccusedi nt hecour tin
whichheof fencei spendi ngf ort rial.
460. I ftheappl icat ionofpl eabar gai ningwasf i
ledv olunt arily,thent hecour tshal l
providet imet oPubl icpr osecut orort hecompl ainant ,andt heaccusedt owor kona
mut ual l
ysat i
sf act or ydi sposi tion.
461. Undersect ion265E, themannerofdi sposal oft hecasehasbeenpr escr ibed
whenaMut ual lySat isfact or yDi sposi t
ionhasbeenwor kedout .Thecour tshal l
awar dt hecompensat iont ot hev ictim accor dingt ot hedi sposi t
ionorheart he
esont hequant um ofpuni shmentorr eleaset heaccusedonpr obat i
conductoraf teradmoni tionaspersect i
462. Aspersect ion265G, noappeal shall li
eagai nstanyj udgmenti ncaseofpl ea
bargai ning.Onl yexcept ionsbei ngSLPunderar t
icle136andwr itPet itionunder
cle226or227oft heI ndi anConst i
tut ion.
463. Sect i
on265Ipr ov idest hatt hePer iodofdet ent ionunder gonebyt heaccusedt o
besetof fagai nstt hesent enceofi mpr i
sonmenti mposedunderchapt er21A.
464. Sec428ofCr pcdeal swi tht heconceptofset tingof fie. ,deduct i
onoft heper i
ofdet ent ionunder gonebyt heaccusedagai nstt hesent enceofi mpr isonment
mposed, i
nt hesamemannerast heyappl yt oot herpr ov i
si onsofCr pc.
465. Sect i
on265Jsay st hatchapt er21Ashal lhav eov erridingef f
ectov erany thi ng
nconsi st entcont ai nedi nanyot herpr ov isionofCr pc.
466. Sect i
on265kpr ov i
dest hatt hest atement sofaccusedshal lnotbeusedf orany
purposeexceptf ort hepur poseofchat21A.
467. Pr ov isionsf ort heat tendanceofper sonsconf inedordet ainedi npr isonsar e
cover edunderchapt er22( Sec266- 271)
468. Powert or equi ret heat tendanceofanaccusedi swi thJudi cial Magi strate1st
assandJudi cial Magi st rate2ndcl asswhoseor dert opr oducet heaccusedi s
count ersi gnedbyChi efJudi cial Magi st rate.(Sec267)
469. Theaccusedcanbepr oducedbyanor deroft hecour tatanyi nqui ry,trial orot her
proceedi ngunderCr pc.
470. Thepowert oexcl udecer tainper sonsf rom bei ngpr oducedbef oret hecour tis
witht heSt ategov er nment .( Sect ion268)
471. Thepowerofaof ficeri nchar geofapr isont oabst ai nf rom car ryingoutt he
court'sor derf orpr oduct ionofaccusedi sgi venundersect ion269.
472. Wher et hepl acewher eaccusedi sr equi redt obepr oducedf orgi vingev idencei s
notmor et han25kmsf rom t hepr ison.t heof fi
ceri nchar geofapr isonshal lnot
abstai nt heaccusedwher et heaccusedi scommi ttedunderat ri
al orunderr emand
pendi ngt rial orpendi ngapr elimi nar yinv est i
gat i
on.( Sec269pr ov iso)
473. Powert oi ssuecommi ssi onf orexami nat i
onofwi t
nessi nprisoni spr ov i
dedi n
section271ofCr pc.
474. Chapt er23( Sec272- 299)ofCr pc, deal witht heev i
dencei ni nqui ri
esandt rials.
475. Thel anguageofacour ti stobedet er minedbyt hatst at es'Hi ghcour t.(Sec272)
476. Sect i
on273Cr pcpr escr ibest hatal lev i
dencet akeni nt hecour seoft het r i
al or
otherpr oceedi ngsshal l bet akeni nt hepr esenceoft heaccusedori nt hepr esence
ofhispl eader .
477. I nsummonscase, theMagi strat eshal l
,ast heexami nat ionofeachwi tness
proceeds, makeamemor andum oft hesubst anceoft hel anguageoft hecour t.(Sec
478. I nwar rant scase, theev i
denceofeachwi tnessshal l,ashi sexami nat ion
proceeds, bet akendowni nwr it
ingei therbyt heMagi strat ehi msel forbyhi s
dictat i
oni nopencour t.( Sec275)
479. Theev idencet akendowni nsummonscase, war r
ant scaseandbef or eCour tof
Sessi onsbesi gnedbyt heMagi st r
at eandshal lfor m par toft her ecor d.
480. Recor di nt rial bef or eCour tofSessi onsi spr ov idedundersect i
481. Ev i
dencei nwar rant scaseandbef oreCour tofSessi ons, translat ionofr ecor dof
evidencegi venbywi tnessi fnoti nl anguageoft hecour t
, hast obet ransl ated.( Sec
482. Whent heev idenceofawi tnesst akenundersect ion275or276i scompl eted, it
shall ber eadov ert ohi mi npr esenceofaccused.( Sec278)
483. Whenev ertheev idencegi venbyaccusedi snoti nt hel anguageunder stoodby
accused, itshal lbei nt er pret edt ohi mi nopencour tinal anguageunder st oodbyhi m.
484. Sect ion280ofCr pcpr ov idesf orr ecor dingr emar ksr espect ingdemeanorof
evidencewi tness.
485. St at egov er nmenthast hepowert odet ermi nei nt hel anguageofasubor dinat e
cour t.
486. Sect ion281pr ov idest hatwhenev ert heaccusedi sexami nedbyaMet ropol itan
Magi st rate, theMagi strat eshal lmakeamemor andum oft hesubst anceofsuch
exami nat ion, whi chshal l besi gnedbyt heMagi st rate.
487. I ft heexami nat ioni sconduct edbyanyMagi st r
at eot hert hanaMet ropol itan
Magi st rate, orbyaCour tofSessi on, thewhol eofsuchexami nati
onshal l be
recor dedi nf ull bysuchMagi strateorJudge.( Sec282( 2))
488. Sect ion282pr escr ibest hatani nt erpret erisboundt oi nterprett ruthf ully.
489. Ev eryHi ghCour tmaypr escr ibet hemanneri nwhi cht heev i
denceofwi tnesses
andt heexami nat ionoft heaccusedshal lbet akendowni ncasescomi ngbef or eit.
490. Sect ion284pr ov idest hatwheni nt hecour seofi nqui ry ,t
rialorot herpr oceedi ng,
tappear st oaCour tthatt heexami nat i
onofawi tnessi snecessar yf ort heendsof
ust i
ce, andt heat tendanceofsuchwi tnesscan' tbepr ocur edwi t
delay ,expenseorot heri nconv eniencewhi cht hecour tconsi der sunr easonabl e,it
mayi ssuecommi ssi onf ort heexami nat i
onoft hewi tness.
491. Sect ion284pr ov idesf ori ssui ngcommi ssionf ort heexami nationoft he
presidentort heVi cePr esi denti tI ndi aasawi tness.  
492. Commi ssionsshal lbedi rectedt ot heChi efMet r
opol itanMagi strat eorChi ef
Judici al Magi strat e, wi thi nwhosel ocal j
urisdict i
ont hewi t nessi st obef ound.( Sec
493. Uponr ecei ptoft hecommi ssi on, theCJM orCMM, orsuchMagi st rateorJudi ci
Magi st rateasappoi nt ed, shal lsummont heWi tnessbef or ehi m orpr oceedt ot he
placewher et hewi tnessi sandshal ltakedownhi sev idencei nthesamemanneras
nt rialsofWar rantcase.( Sec286)
494. Thepar tiest oanypr oceedi ngi nwhi chacommi ssioni sissuedmayf or war dany
nt errogat oriesi nwr itingwhi cht hecour torMagi stratedi r ectingthecommi ssion
mayt hi nkr elev antt ot hei ssue, andi tshal l bel awf ulfort heMagi strat et oexami ne
thewi tnessuponsuchi nter rogat ories.( Sec287)
495. Sect ion288Cr pcpr ovidest hataf tert hecommi ssi oni ssuedundersect ion284
hasbeendul yexer cised, itshal lber etur ned, t oget herwi t ht hedeposi tionoft he
witnessexami nedt her eunder .
496. Accor dingt osect ion289ofCr pc,ev er ycasei nwhi chacommi ssioni si ssued
undersect i
on284, thei nqui ry, tri
al orot herpr oceedi ngmaybeadj our nedf ora
edt imer easonabl ysuf f i
cientf ort heexecut ionandt her eturnoft he
commi ssi on.
497. I f
 sev eral per sonsar econv i
ct edbyJudi cial Magi strat e1stcl assf ort heof f ence
ofrobber y, theycanbechar gedandt riedf ordacoi tyont hesamef act s.
498. Sect ion290pr ov i
desf orexecut ionoff oreigncommi ssion.
499. Sect ion291t alksaboutdeposi t
ionofmedi cal wi tness.
500. Sect ion292t alksaboutev idenceofof ficer sofmi nt .
501. Sect ion293pr ov i
desf orr epor tofGov ernmentSci ent i
ficExper t .
502. Wher et hegenui nenessofanydocumenti snotdi sput ed, suchdocumentmaybe
readinev i
dencewi thoutpor t i
ngoft hesi gnat ur eoft heper sont owhom i tpur por t
tobesi gned.( Sec294)
503. Whenanyappl icat ioni smadet oanycour tandal legat ionsar emadet herein,
respectinganypubl icser vant ,t heappl i
cantmaygi veev idenceoft hef act sal l
egedi n
theappl i
cat ionbyt heaf fi
dav it.( Sec295)
504. Theev idenceofanyper sonwhoseev idencei sofaf or mal char act ermaybe
givenbyaf fidav it.(Sec296)
505. Af fi
dav i
t st obeusedbef or eanycour tunderCr pcmaybeswor noraf fir
beforeanyJudgeoranyJudi cial Magi st rateoranyExecut i
v eMagi strat eorany
commi ssi onerofOat hsoranynot ary.( Sec297)
506. Pr ovisionspr ov ingpr ev i
ousconv i
ctionar eenv isagedundersect ion298ofCr pc.
507. Sect ion299pr ov i
dest hatexami nationofwi tnessi nt heabsenceofaccusedcan
508. Aper sonaccusedofanof fencebef oreacr i
mi nal cour tcanbecal ledupont o
giveevidenceonoat h, onhi sownr equesti nwr i
509. TheGener alpr ov isionsast oi nquir i
esandt r
ialshav ebeenpr escribedunder
chapter24( Sec300- 327) .
510. Sect ion300pr ov i
dest hataper sononceconv ictedoracqui tt
edcan' tbet ried
againfort hesameof f ence.  
511. Sect ion300t alksaboutt hepr inciplesofAut ref oisConv ictorDoubl ej eopar dy .
512. Aper sonacqui ttedorconv i
ct edofanyof f encesmsgbeaf terwar dst ri
ed, wi th
theconsentoft heSt at eGov er nment ,foranydi stinctof fencef orwhi chasepar ate
chargemi ghthav ebeenmadeagai nsthi m att hef ormert rial.(Sec300( 2))
513. ThePubl icPr osecut ororAssi stantPubl icPr osecut ori nchar geofacasemay
appearandpl eadwi t
houtanywr ittenaut hor i
tybef oreanycour tinwhi cht hatcasei s
underinqui r y,tri
al orappeal .( Sec301)
514. Nopol i
ceof fi
cershal lbeper mi tt
edt oconductt hepr osecut ioni fhehast aken
partinthei nv estigat ioni nt ot heof f
encewi thr espectt owhi chtheaccusedi sbei ng
prosecut ed.( Sec302)
515. Sect ion303ofCr pcpr ovidest hatanyper sonaccusedofanof fenceoragai nst
whom pr oceedi ngsar ei nstitut edunderCr pc, hast her i
ghtt obedef endedbya
pleaderofhi schoi ce.
516. Wher ei tappear st ot hecour tt hattheaccuseddonothav esuf fi
cientmeanst o
engageapl eader ,thecour tshal l assignapl eaderf orhi sdef enceatt heexpenseof
517. Pr ov i
sionoff reel egal aidi spr ovidedundersect ion304ofCr pc.
518. Pr ocedur ewhencor por at ionorr egisteredsoci etyi sanaccusedi sprov i
undersect ion305ofCr pc.
519. Wher eacor por ationi st heaccusedper soni nani nqui ryort ri
al,itmayappoi nta
represent at i
v efort hepur poseoft hei nqui ryort rial andsuchappoi ntmentneednot
beundert heseal oft hecor por ation.( Sec305( 2) )
520. Chi efJudi cialMagi strat e, Met ropol i
tanMagi st r
at eorMagi str
at eoft he1stcl ass
cant enderpar dont oaccompl i
ceundersect ion306ofCr pc.
521. Par donundersec306canbet ender edt oanaccompl icewhenhei snoti na
positiont ost andt rial duet oi nf i
rm heal t
horwhenhei sdecl ar edinsaneorhe
under takest omakef ull andt r uedi sclosur eoft hef act sr elat i
ngt ot heof f
522. Theef f
ectofpar donundersect ion306ofCr pci sDi schar ge.
523. Anyper son, whohasaccept edat enderofpar donmadeundersect i
has, eitherbywi l
fullyconceal ingany t
hingessent i
al orbygi vingf alseev idence, not
compl i
edwi tht hecondi ti
onsi nwhi cht het enderwasmadei st obecer ti
PublicPr osecut or.
524. Undersect i
on308, anaccompl ice,whodoesnotcompl ywi t
ht hecondi t
pardon, maybepr osecut edandt r
iedsepar at elyf ort heof fenceofgi vingfal se
evidencebutwi tht hesanct ionofHi ghCour t
525. Powert opost poneoradj our npr oceedi ngsi spr ov idedundersect ion309ofCr pc.
526. AMagi st ratecani nspectf ort hepr operappr eci ationofev i
denceundersect ion
310, anypl aceoft hecommi ssi onofof fencedur ingt ri
al .(Local i
nspect ion)
527. I fawi tnessi sexami nedasapr osecut i
onwi tness, thenl ateroni fanappl icat ion
smadef orsummonst hent het ri
al cour tmaycal lthewi tnessundersect ion311of
528. Sect i
on311ofCr pcpr ov idest hatt hecour thaspowert osummonanyper sonas
awi tnessatanyst ageoft rial .
529. Thecour tmayexami neper soni nattendance( cour twi t ness)undersect ion311
ofCr pc.  
530. Thecour tshall summonandexami neorr e-cal landr e-exami neanysuchper son
fhi sev idenceappear st oi tt obeessent ialtot hej ustdeci sionoft hecase.
531. I nZahi raHabi bul lahShei khv sSt ateofGuj arat ,itwashel dt hatifitisessent ial
fortheendsofj ust icet henhewi tnessshal lbesummonedev eni fitamount st o
ficat i
onofmi st akeoft hepr osecut ion.
532. Undersect i
on311A, poweri sgi vent oMagi strat eof1stcl ass, i
fhei ssat isfied
thatitisexpedi entt odi rectanyper sont ogi vespeci mensi gnat uresorhandwr i
533. AnyCr i
mi nalCour tmay , i
fi tt hinksf ir,orderpay mentont hepar tofGov er nment ,
ofther easonabl eexpensesofanycompl ainantorwi tnessat tendi ngf orthepur pose
ofanyi nqui ry,tri
al orot herpr oceedi ngbef oresuchcour t.( Sec312)
534. Dur ingt rial,statement sofanaccusedper sonar er ecor dedbyt hecour tunder
sections313ofCr pc.
535. Undersect i
on313ofCr pc, pur poseofexami nationofaccusedi st oenabl et he
accusedper sonallyt oexpl ainanyci rcumst ancesappear i
ngi nt heev i
denceagai nst
536. Whenexami nedundersect ion313, Crpc, aci rcumst ancei ncr imi nat ingt he
accusedi snotputt ot heaccusedf orhi sexpl anat ion.Thesai dci r
cumst ancecannot
beusedagai nstt heaccusedbecausei tisinadmi ssiblei nev idence, itbecomes
rrelev antf orpur poseofev idenceandl awmandat est hati tcannotbet akeni nto
consi derat ion.
537. Undersect ion313ofCr pc, thest at ementoft heaccusedi snotonoat h.
538. Undersect ion313ofCr pc, ther eisaDi rectDi aloguebet weent hecour tandt he
539. Byv irt
ueofsect i
on313( 5)ofCr pc, t
heexami nat i
onofaccusedundersect i
313canbebot hor al aswel l aswr itt
540. Theev ident i
ar yv alueofst atement sofaccusedundersect ion313Cr pci smer el
ndicat i
vei nnat ure.
541. AnyI rregul ar ityi nt heexami nat i
onofsect i
on313ofCr pci sacur abl eirregul ari
undersect i
on465Cr pc.
542. I nDhar ampal Singhv sSt ateofPunj ab, itwashel dt hati nexami nat i
onofsect ion
313, thecour twi llputonl yt hosef actswhi char eadv erset otheaccusedandi tshall
putt hef act sandnott hei nf erencet hatt hatcour thasdr awnupont hosef act s.
543. I ft heaccusedhasnotbeenal lowedanoppor tunityundersect ion313wi th
respectt osomef act s, t
henhemayopposet headmi ssibili
tyoft hosef act sagai nst
him ont hegr oundsofv iolat ionofpr i
nci plesofNat ural Justice.
544. I nBasv aRaj RPat ilvsSt at eofKar natakai twashel dt hatev eni nt hecases
whichdonotf al l undert hepr ovisio,theexami nat ionofsect ion313canbe
dispensedwi thbutnoti nt ot alit
yi e.,ifitisf oundt hatper sonal exami nat i
onoft he
accusedwoul dcausehi mi rrepar ablel ossesandt heaccusedst atest hathedoesn' t
havemat er i
al expl anat i
ont ot hepr osecut ionev idencet hent hecour tmayconduct
theexami nat ioni nwr iti
545. I n2009, 313( 5)wasaddedi nCr pc.
546. Anypar tyt oapr oceedi ngmayaf terthecl oseofhi sev i
dence, addr essconci se
oral argument s, andmay ,bef oreheconcl udedt heor al argument s, ifany ,submi ta
memor andum t ot hecour tset ti
ngf or thconci sel yt hear gument sinhi ssuppor t.(Sec
547. Sect i
on315oft heCr pcr el atet ot heaccusedper sonascompet entwi tness.
548. Undersect ion315, anaccusedshal lbecal ledasawi tnessonl yuponhi sown
requesti nwr iti
549. Thef ailur eofaccusedt ogi veev idenceshal lnei t
herbesubj ectt oanycomment
bypar ti
esorcour tnorshal l gi veriset oanypr esumpt i
onagai nsthi msel forany
otherper sonf aci ngchar gesal ongwi thhim att hesamet ri
550. Aspersect ion316ofCr pc, noi nfluencebymeansofanypr omi seort hreator
other wise, shal lbeusedt oanaccusedper sont oi nducehi mt odi scl oseorwi t
hhol d
anymat t
erwi thinhi sknowl edge.
551. Atanyst ageofani nqui r yort r
ial,iftheMagi strateorJudgei ssat isf i
edf or
reasonst ober ecor ded, thatt heper sonal attendanceoft heaccusedbef oret he
cour tisnotnecessar yint hei nterest sofj ust ice, ort hataccusedper si stent l
disturbst hepr oceedi ngsi ncour t.Thecour tmay , i
fhei srepr esent edbyapl eader ,
dispensewi thhi sat tendance.( Sec317)
552. I ft heaccusedi sunabl et ounder st andt hepr oceedi ngsandsuchpr oceedi ngs
resultsi nt oconv ictionoft heaccused, t
hent hepr oceedi ngsshal l bef orwar dedt o
theHi ghCour twi thar epor toft heci rcumst ances, andi tshal l thenpasst hereon
suchor der sasi tt hinksf i
553. Thepowert opr oceedagai nstot herper sonsappear i
ngt obegui ltyofof fencei s
providedundersect ion319.
554. ThepowerofAddi tional pr osecut ionhasbeenpr ov i
dedundersect ion319Cr pc.
555. TheCour tofSessi onscant akedi rectcogni zanceofAddi tional pr osecut i
undersect ion319ofCr pc.
556. Powerundersect ion319ofCr pccanbeexer cisedbyaMagi strat eandt heCour t
ofSessi onsbot honl yaf terther ecordi ngofev idencedur i
ngt hei nqui ryort rial.
557. Sect ion320pr ov i
desf orcompoundi ngofof fences.  
558. Compoundi ngundersect ion320i sal lowedofsuchof f
enceswhi char emor e
personal kindsofwr ong.
559. AsperSect i
on320( 8),compoundi ngofof fenceshal l hav et heef f ectofacqui t
oftheaccusedwi thwhom t heof fencehasbeencompounded.
560. Sect ion320( 9)pr ov i
dest hatnoof fenceshal l becompoundedexceptaspr ov i
undersect ion320.
561. I nVenkatandot hersv s.St ateofMahar asht ra,itwashel dt hati fany
compoundi nghasbeenal lowedbyt hecour tbey ondsect ion320t hent hatwi l
l be
consi der edt obeabadl awandneednotbef ol lowed.
562. I nHasi MohanBur manv sSt ateofAssam andanot her ,itwashel dt hati fthe
offencedoesnotf all withinsect ion320t hencompoundi ngcannotbeal lowedbuti f
thepar t
ieshav ecompr omi sedt hent hemi nimi zat i
onofsent encecanbedone.
563. Compoundi ngundersect ion329ofCr pci ssi mi lartoor der23r ule3ofCPC.
564. Guar di anr equi rest heper mi ssionoft hecour tfort hecompoundi ngofof fences.
565. Wher et hev ictimi sdeadt henhi sLRscancompoundt hemat terwi t
ht he
permi ssi onoft hecour t.
566. Wher eanof fencei scompoundabl eundersect ion320ofCr pc, thent heabet ment
ofsuchof fenceoranat temptt ocommi tsuchof f
encewi llalsobecompoundabl ein
thelikemanner .
567. Of fencesi nwhi chcompr omi secanbear ri
v edatbet weent hepar t i
esar ecal l
compoundabl eof fences.
568. Of fenceundersect ion307ofI PCi snotcompoundabl eundersect i
on320Cr pc.
569. Of fencesundersect i
on353ofI PCar enotcompoundabl eundersect ion320
570. Of fenceundersect ion388ofI PCi snotcompoundabl eundersect i
on320Cr pc.
571. Wher et heaccusedhasbeencommi ttedf ort rialorwhet herhehasbeen
conv i
ct edandanappeal ispendi ng,nocomposi ti
onoft heof f enceshal lbeal lowed
exceptwi tht hel eav eoft hecour ttowhi chhei scommi tt ed.
572. Hi ghCour torCour tofSessi onact ingi nt heexer ci
seofi tspower sofRev ision
undersect ion401mayal lowanyper sont ocompoundanyof f encewhi chsuch
personi scompet entt ocompound.  
573. Of fenceshal l notbecompoundedi ft heaccusedi sbyr easonofapr ev i
conv i
ct i
onl iablet oenhancedpuni shmentorpuni shmentofdi ffer entki ngofsuch
574. Sect ion321t alksaboutwi thdr awal from pr osecut ion.  
575. Thepubl icpr osecut ororassi stantpubl icpr osecut ori nchar geofacasemay ,
witht heconsentoft hecour t,atanyt imebef oret hej udgmenti spr onounced
withdr awf rom t hepr osecut ion.( Sec321)
576. Wi thdr awal undersect i
on321canei therbegener allyori nrespectofanyoneor
mor eoft heof fencesf orwhi cht heaccusedi st ri
577. Thepubl icpr osecut ori nchar geofacasewi thper mi ssionofcour tcanwi t
hdr aw
acasef rom pr osecut ionundersect i
on321Cr pc.
578. Pr osecut ionofacasei nv olv i
ngmi sappr opr iationofpr oper t
ybel ongi ngt othe
cent ral gov ernmentcanbewi thdr awnbyt hepubl icpr osecut orappoi nt edbyst ate
gov ernmentonper missi ongr ant edbyCent ral gov ernment .
579. I ft hewi thdr awal ismadebef or et hef rami ngofchar get heaccusedi sdischar ged.
580. I ft hewi thdr awal ismadeaf tert hef rami ngofchar get hent heaccusedi s
acqui ttedi nr espectofsuchof fences.
581. Undersect ion322ofCr pc, ifdur i
ngt het r
ial orenqui ry,Magi strat ei ssatisfied
thathedoesn' thav ejurisdi ct i
ont ot r
yt hecase, thenhewi l
lsubmi tt hecaset oChi ef
Judi cial Magi st rate:
582. Condi ti
onsunderwhi chcasecanbet r
ansf er redbyJudi cialMagi st ratetot he
ChiefJudi cialMagi st
r ateundersect i
on322ar et hatt hecaseshoul dbet ri
orthecasei sspeci fi
cal lytriabl ebyot herMagi strateort heMagi stratet r
y i
casedoesn' thav et hej urisdi ct iont ot ryt hecase.
583. Sect ion323t alksaboutt hosecaseswhi choughtt obet riedbyt heCour tof
Sessi onsi npubl i
ci nterestorf orwantofsev er epuni shmentori nsuchcaseswhi ch
aremor et echni cal.
584. Sect ion323pr escr ibesonl yt hepowerofcommi t
tal wher eassect ion209
prescr ibesbot hpoweraswel laspr ocessofcommi t
585. Acr i
mi nal casecanbecommi ttedt ot hecour tofSessi onsbyJudi cialMagi strate
undersect ion209Cr pc.( BoundofCommi t
586. Sect ion324ofCr pct alksaboutt rialofper sonspr ev i
ousl yconv ict edofof fences
agai nstcoi nage, stampl aworpr oper ty.
587. Whenev eraMagi st ratei sofopi nion, afterhear ingt heev i
dencef orpr osecut i
andt heaccused, thatt heaccusedi sgui l
tyandheoughtt or eceivesev ere
puni shment ,thensuchMagi st ratei sempower edt oinf l
ict,theMagi st ratemay
forwar dt hecaset oChi efJudi cial Magi st r
at eundersect i
588. Thepower sofChi efJudi ci al Magi stratewhenacasei ssubmi ttedt ohi m under
sect i
on325ar et hathei sfr eet ot akef urtherev idenceormayt aket rial Denov oor
maypr oceedt hecasef rom t hepoi ntwher eher ecei vedi tori tmayacqui tthe
accusedorhemayconv i
ctt heaccusedwi thwhat everpuni shmenthewant stogi v e.
589. Whent heper sonal attendanceoft heaccusedhasal readybeendi spensedwi th
orwher et hej udgmenti st hatofacqui ttal,t
hepr esenceofaccusedmaybe
dispensedwi thatt het i
meofdel iveringt hej udgment .
590. Sect ion326ofCr pct alksaboutconv i
ctionorcommi tmentonev idencepar t l
recor dedbyoneMagi st rateandpar t
lybyanot her .
591. Fort hepur poseofenqui r i
ngl yort ryingof fences, acr iminal cour tshal lbe
deemedt obeopencour t.(Sec327)
592. Pr ov isionsast oaccusedper sonsofunsoundmi ndar epr ovidedi nchapt er25
(Sec328- 339)
593. Undersect ion328, l
egal pr ot ect ionhasbeenpr ov i
dedt oanaccusedwhoi sof
unsoundmi nd.
594. Sect ion329pr escr ibest hepr ocedur ei ncaseofper sonofunsoundmi ndi st ri
befor et hecour t.
595. I fatt het rial ofanunsoundper son, nopr i
maf aciecasei smadeoutagai nsthim,
thecour tshal ldischar gehi m anddeal wi thhi mi nthemannerpr ovidedi nsec330.
596. I fatt het rial ofanunsoundper son, apr imaf aciecasei smadeagai nstt he
accused, thecour tshal l post ponet het rialf orsuchper iodasi sr equiredf ort he
treatmentoft heaccused.
597. Sect ion330pr ov idesf ort her eleaseofper sonofunsoundmi ndpendi ng
nv est igat i
onort rial.
598. I fapr imaf aci ecasei smadeagai nstanaccusedandt hecasei sonei nwhi ch
bailmaybegi ven, thecour tshal lreleasehi m onbai l;prov i
dedanunder taki ngi s
takenf rom af riendorr elativ et hathi str eatmentwi llbedoneonr egularbasi sandt o
prev enthi mf rom doi ngi njur yt ohi msel fort oanyot herper son.( Sec330( 1) )
599. I fapr imaf aci ecasei smadeagai nstanaccusedandt hecasei sonei nwhi ch
bailcannotbegr ant edt hent hecour tshal lordert heaccusedt obekepti nsucha
placewher er egul arpsy chiat rict reat mentcanbepr ov i
ded.( Sec330( 2))
600. Sect ion331ofCr pcpr ov idest hati ft heunsoundnessoft heaccusedhasceased,
thent hecour tshal lresumet hei nqui r
yort rial andr equiret heaccusedt oappearor
bebr oughtbef or esuchMagi st rat eorCour t.
601. Sect ion332pr ov idest hat , ifaf terappear i
ngbef orethecour t,aspersect i
theaccusedi sst illunabl et omakehi sdef ence, theMagi strateshal ldeal wi ththe
accusedi naccor dancewi t
ht hepr ov i
sionsofsect i
602. Sect ion333say st hatatt het imeofi nqui ryort r
ial,thecour thasr easont o
believ et hatt heaccusedcommi ttedt heactwasunsoundandt husi ncapabl et o
knowt henat ureoft heact ,theMagi strat eshal lproceedwi tht hecase.
603. Sect ion334say st hatwhenev eraper soni sacqui t
tedupont hegr oundt hatatt he
meofal legedof fence, hewasbyr easonofunsoundnessofmi nd, incapabl eof
knowi ngt henat ur eoft heact ,thef indi ngshal lstatespeci fi
cal lywhet herhe
commi ttedt heactornot .
604. Whenev eraper soni sacqui ttedont hegr oundt hatatt het imeofal legedact ,
wasi ncapabl et oknowt henat ur eoft heact ,or dersuchper sont obedet ainedi n
safecust odyi nsuchpl aceandmannerast heMagi strateorcour tthinksf i
t.( Section
605. Sect ion336pr ov idest hatt hest ategov ernmentmayempowert heof f i
ceri n
char geofaj ail todi schar geanyoft hef unct i
onsoft heI nspect or-Gener al ofPol i
undersect i
606. Aspersect i
on337, wher eaper soni sdet ainedi njailasperpr ovisionsunder
sect i
on330( 2) ,andt hev isitorscer tifyt hatsuchper soni scapabl eofmaki nghi s
defence, heshal l bet akenbef oret heMagi st rateorCour t.
607. Whenaper soni scer ti
fiedf itt omakehi sdef enceundersect i
on337, the
Magi strateorCour tshal ldeal wi thsuchper sonundert hepr ovisionsofsect i
608. Aspersect i
on338( 1)ofCr pc, whent heI Gofpol i
ceort hev isitorscer tifyt hatt he
persondet ainedundersect ion330( 2)orsect i
on335i sf ittober eleasewi thout
dangerofhi sdoi ngi njuryt ohi msel fort oanyot herper son, theSt at egov ernment
mayappoi ntacommi ssi ont ogi v ear epor t.
609. TheCommi ssionasappoi nt edundersect ion338( 1)shal l makeaf or mal i
nqui ry
ntot hest ateofmi ndofsuchper sonandshal l repor ttot heSt at egov er nment ,
whi chmayor derhi sr eleaseordet ent ionasi tthi nksf it.
610. Accor dingt osect i
on338, whenev eranyr el ativeorf ri
endofanyper sondet ained
undert hepr ov isionsofsect ion330or335desi rest hatheshal lbedel iv eredt ohi s
careandcust ody ,t hest ategov er nmentmay , upont heappl icat ionofsuchr el
at iveor
end, ordersuchper sont obedel i
v er edt ohi m.
611. Pr ov isionsast oof fencesaf fect ingt heAdmi nist rationofJust icear epr ovided
underchapt er26( Sec340- 353) .
612. Sect ion340pr ov i
dest hepr ocedur eincasesment i
onedi nsect ion195.
613. Sect ion344say st hatSummar ypr ocedur ef ort rial againstwi tnesseswhi chgav e
seev idence.
614. Sect ion345ofCr pcpr ov idesf ort hepr ocedur ei ncasesofcont emptunder
sect i
on175, 178, 179, 180orsect ion228ofI PC.
615. Sect ion348pr ov i
dest hatwher et heCour thasundersect ion345adj udgedany
offendert opuni shment ,thecour tmay ,
ini tsdi scr et ion, di
schar get heof fenderor
remi thi spuni shmentonapol ogy .
616. Accor dingt osect i
on349ofCr pc, ifawi tnessoraper sonhasbeencal ledt o
produceat hingordocumenti ncour tref usedt oanswersuchquest ionsasputt o
him ort opr oducet hatt hingwhi cht hecour trequi reshi mt opr oducewi t houtany
reasonabl eexcuse, thecour tcansent encehi mt osi mpl eimpr isonmentupt o7day s.
617. I ft heper sonsentt osi mpl ei mpr isonmentundersect i
on349cont i
nuest or efuse,
hemaybedeal twi thbypr ov i
si onsofsect i
on345or346ofCr pc.
618. Sect ion350pr ov i
dest hatawi tnessmaybet riedsummar i
lyi fher ef usedt o
attendatt hepl aceandt i
mei nobedi encet osummons.
619. Appeal sf rom sect ion344, 345, 349and350shal lbef il
edundersect i
620. Thepr ov isionsr egar dingJudgmentar epr escr ibedunderchapt er27( Sec353-
621. Aspersect i
on353ofCr pc, thej udgmentshal l bepr onouncedi nopencour t.
622. Aspersect i
on354, thej udgmentshal lbewr itteni nt helanguageoft hecour t
shal lcont aint hepoi nt sofdet er mi nat ion, ther easoneddeci si ont her eon.
623. Whent heconv ict ioni sf oranof fencepuni shabl ewi thdeat hor ,inal ter nativ e,
withi mpr isonmentf orl ifeorf orat erm ofy ear s, thej udgmentshal lstat et he
reasonsf ort hesent enceawar ded, and, incaseofsent enceofdeat h,thespeci al
reasonsf orsuchsent ence.( Sect ion354( 3))
624. Sect ion355t al ksaboutj udgmentbyMet ropol itanMagi strat e.
625. Sect ion357ofCr pccont ai nst hel awr elatingt ocompensat oryj ust ice.
626. Thecompensat iont ov ictim undersect ion357ofCr pccanbepassedbyt heTr i
cour torAppel latecour tort heRev i
si onal cour t.
627. TheVi ctim Compensat ionSchemeundersect i
on357Awasi ncor por at edi n2009.
628. Vi ctim Compensat i
onSchemehasbeenpr ov idedunderCr pcbyCr pc
(Amendment )Act ,2008.
629. Aspert heVi ctim compensat ionscheme, ev er yst ategov er nmenti nco-
ordinat ionwi tht heCent ral Gov er nmentshal lpr epar easchemef orpr ov idingf unds
forthepur poseofcompensat i
ont ot hev ict i
m orhi sdependent swhohav esuf fered
ossori njur yasar esul toft hecr ime.
630. Sect ion357Bpr ov i
dest hatt hecompensat ionpay ablebyt hest ategov er nment
undersect ion357Ashal l bei naddi tiont opay mentofPunet ot heVi cti
m under
section326Aorsect ion376DofI PC.
631. Tr eat mentofv ictim hasbeeni ncor por at edunderCr pcbyCr iminal Law
(Amendment )Act ,2013undersect ion357C.
632. Thehospi tal runbyt hecent ral gov ernment ,thest at egov er nment ,l
ocal bodyor
anyot herper sonscont rav eneshepr ov isionsofsect ion357C, shall bepuni shed
undersect ion166BofI PC.
633. I nLaxmi vsUni onofI ndi a,theSupr emeCour thasgi vendi rect i
onsf ort he
medi cal tr
eat mentoft hev ictim ofaci dat tack.
634. Magi st
r atebywhom t hecasei shear dmayawar dsuchcompensat ion, not
exceedi ngonet housandr upeest obepai dt oanyper songr oundl essl yar r
est edby
theper sonsocausi ngt hear r
est .(Sec358)
635. Themaxi mum def aul tsent encet hatcanbeawar dedi ncaseofnon- pay mentof
compensat ionundersect ion358ofCr pci s30day s.
636. Sect ion359ofCr pcpr ov idest hati nanycompl ai ntofnon- Cogni zabl eof fence,
thecour tmayor dert heaccusedt opaycost st ot hecompl ainant ,i
naddi t
iont ot he
penal tyi mposeduponhi m.
637. Thepr ov isionsofSect ion360ofCr pcshal l notappl yt oanyper sonabov ethe
ageof18y ear swhoi sf oundgui lt
yofhav ingcommi ttedanof fenceundert he
Schedul edCast esandt heSchedul edTr ibes( Pr ev ent ionofAt rocities)Act ,1989.
638. Sect ion360ofCr pct alksaboutor dert or eleaseonpr obat i
afteradmoni tion.
639. Whenaper sonnotunder21y r
sofagei sconv ictedofanof fencepuni shable
withf ineorwi thi mpr isonmentf orat erm upt o7y rs, andnopr ev iousconv ictionif
provedagai nstt heof fender ,i
fitappear st ot hecour tbef or ewhi chhei sconv i
regardbei nghadt ohi sage, char terorant ecedent s, thecour tmay ,insteadof
sentenci nghi m atoncet oanypuni shment ,directt hatheber eleasedonhi sent ering
ntoabondandt okeept hepeaceandbeofgoodbehav iour .(Sec360( 1))
640. Whenaper sonunder21y r
sofageoranywomani sconv i
ct edofanof fencenot
punishabl ewi thdeat hori mpr i
sonmentf orl if
e, andnopr eviousconv i
ctioni spr oved
againstt heof fender ,ifi tappear st ot hecour tbef or ewhi chhei sconv icted, regard
beinghadt ohi sage, char terorant ecedent s,thecour tmay ,inst eadofsent encing
him atoncet oanypuni shment ,directt hatheber eleasedonhi sent eringi nt oabond
andt okeept hepeaceandbeofgoodbehav i
our .(Sec360( 1) )
641. I faper soni sconv ictedoft heft, thef tinbui lding, di shonestmi sappr opr i
at i
cheat ingoranyof fenceunderI PCpuni shabl eupt o2y rsorwi t
hf i
neonl yandno
previousconv ictioni spr ov edagai nsthi m, t
hecour tmayi nst eadofsent enci nghi m
toanypuni shment , releasehi m af terdueadmoni tion.( Sec360( 3) )
642. Anor derundersect ion360canbemadebyanyAppel l
ateCour torbyt heHi gh
Cour torCour tofSessi onswhenexer cisingi tspower sofRev ision.  
643. I fthecour tissat i
sf iedt hatt heof fenderhasf ailedt oobser veanyoft he
condi tionsofhi sr ecogni zance, i
tmayaf terhear i
ngt hecaseagai nsthi m, pass
sentence.( Sect ion360( 9))
644. Undersect ion362ofCr pc, ther eviewofaj udgmentorf inal or deri spr ohibi t
exceptt ocor rectacl er i
cal orar ithmet ical er ror.
645. Sect ion362ofCr pcpr ovidest hatnocour tshal l alterthej udgmentaf t
eri fhas
beensi gned.
646. Accor dingt osect ion363ofCr pc, whent heaccusedi ssent encedt o
mpr isonment ,acopyoft hej udgmenti st obegi vent oaccusedandot herper sons.
647. Chapt er28( Sect ions366- 371)deal swi thpr ovisionsr elat ingt o" Submi ssionof
Deathsent encesf orconf irmat i
on" .
648. Sect ion366pr ovidesf ort hesubmi ssi onofdeat hsent enceofdeat hbyCour tof
Sessionst ot heHi ghCour tforconf ir
mat ion.
649. Sect ion367pr ovidest hepowerofHi ghCour ttodi r ectf urtheri nqui ryor
onal ev i
dencet obet aken, ifr equiredi nt hecase.
650. Sect ion368pr ovidespoweroft heHi ghCour ttoconf i
rm sent enceorannul
conv i
651. Onbei ngsubmi ttedt hesent enceofdeat hbyCour tofSessi ons, theHi ghCour t
mayconf ir
mt hesent ence, annul t
heconv i
ct i
onormaypassanyot hersent ence
warrant edbyl aw.
652. Themi nimum numberofj udgesoft heHi ghCour twhi char er equi r edt osi gnt he
confirmat ionofdeat hsent encear e2.( Sec369)
653. Conf irmat ionofdeat hsent encecanbedeci dedby2ormor ej udgesofHi gh
654. Sect ion370pr escr i
best hepr ocedur ei ncaset hej udgesi nacasear eequal ly
dedi nopi nion, i
e.,thecaseshal lbedeci dedi nt hemannerpr ov idedbysect i
655. Onconf ir
mat ionorr ev ersal oft heor derofdeat hsent encebyHi ghCour t,the
HighCour tshal lsendadul yseal edandat test edcopyofor dert ot heCour tof
Sessions.( Sect ion371)
656. Chapt er29( Sect ions372- 394)deal swi tht hepr ov isionsofAppeal s.
657. Sect ion372pr ovidest hatnoappeal tol ieunl essaspr ov i
dedf orbyCr pc.
658. Undersect ion372ofCr pc, av i
ct i
m canf ileanappeal agai nstt heor derof
659. Sect ion373pr ovidesf orappeal sf r
om or der sr equi ringsecur ityorr efusal to
acceptorr ej
ect ingsur etyf orkeepi ngpeaceorgoodbehav iour . 
660. Accor dingt osect ion374, anyper sonconv ictedonat rial heldbyt heHi ghCour t
ni t
sext raordinar yor i
ginal cr i
mi nal j
urisdi ctionmayappeal tot heSupr emeCour t.
661. Undersect ion374( 2)ofCr pc, theSessi onsCour texer cisedpowerofappeal fr
conv i
ctionst ot heHi ghCour t.
662. Anyper sonconv ictedonat rial byanAddi tional Sessi onJudgef oranof fencei n
whichsent enceofi mpr i
sonmenti smor et han7y ear smayappeal toHi ghCour t.
(Sec374( 2) )
663. Sect ion375say st hatnoappeal i
ncaseswher et heaccusedpl eadsgui lty,except
forthecasesr el atingt ot heext entofl egal ityoft hesent encepassedbyCour tof
Sessions, Met ropol itanMagi strat eorMagi strat eof1stor2ndcl ass.
664. Sect ion376say st hatnoappeal i
npet tycases.
665. Ther eshal lbenoappeal byaconv i
ct edper sonwher eaMagi st rateof1stcl ass
passedonl yasent enceoff i
nenotexceedi ng100₹.( Sec376)
666. Sect ion377pr ov i
dest hatappeal stobef i
ledbyt heSt ateGov ernmentont he
groundsofi nadequacyofsent ences.
667. Forappeal sundersect ion377, theSt at eGov ernmentwi l
ldi rectPubl i
Prosecut ort of ileanappeal agai nstsuchsent ences.
668. Anappel latecour t,whi l
edi sposingofanappeal underCr pccannotenhancet he
punishmentwi thoutpr ovidinganoppor tuni tyt oaccused, toshowcauseagai nst
suchenhancementnori nf l
ictgr eaterpuni shmentt hant het rial cour twascompet ent
toawar d.( Sec377)
669. Sect ion378t alksaboutappeal incaseofacqui ttal tobef iledbyPubl ic
Prosecut orupont hedi rectionofDi stri
ctMagi strateort heSt ateGov ernment ,ast he
670. Noappeal t
ot heHi ghCour tundersect ion378( 1)or378( 2)shal l beent ert
ai ned
exceptwi t
ht hel eav eoft heHi ghCour t.
671. Anappeal agai nstanor derofacqui ttal byJudi cial Magi strat e1stcl assi n
respectofanof fenceundersect ion138ofNegot iabl eI nstrument sActcanbef il
nHi ghCour twi thl eav eofCour t.
672. Theappeal agai nstanor derofacqui ttal passedbyt hecour tofJudi cial
Magi stratef irstclassshal l li
et ot heCour tofSessi ons.( Sec378)
673. Thej udgmentofacqui ttal passedbyJudi cial Magi strat eisappeal ablebef ore
SessionsCour tinanyCogni zabl eandNon- bailableof fence.( Sec378)
674. I finacr imi nal appeal anaccuseddi esandhi snearr elat i
veswi sht ocont i
theymustappl ywi thin30day s.
675. Wher et heHi ghCour thas, onappeal rev ersedanor derofAcqui ttalofan
accusedper sonandconv ictedhi m andsent encedhi mt oDeat hort oi mpr isonment
feorf ormor et han10y rs, t
heaccusedmayappeal t
ot heSupr emeCour t.(Sec
676. Sect ion380pr ov i
dest hatwhenmor et han1per sonar econv ictedi nonet rial,
andanappeal abl ej udgmentoror derhadbeenpassedi nr espectofanyofsuch
person, alloranyoft hem shal l havear ightofappeal .
677. Sect ion381t alksabouthowt heappeal stoCour tofSessi onsar ehear d.
678. Sect ion382pr ov i
dest hatPet iti
onofappeal shal l beaccompani edbyacopyof
udgmentoror derappeal edagai nst.
679. Sect ion383pr escr i
best hepr ocedur ewhenappel lanti sinj ail.
680. Thepet itionofappeal oft heappel l
anti njailisf or war dedbyt heof ficeri nchar ge
ofthej ail68t hepr operAppel l
at eCour t
.( Sect ion383)
681. Summar ydi smi ssal ofappeal isprov i
dedundersect ion384ofCr pc.
682. Sect ion384pr ov i
dest hatnoappeal pr esent edbyt heappel l
antshal lbe
dismissedunl essar easonabl eoppor t
uni tyofbei nghear di spr ov i
dedt ot he
appellantofhi spleaser .
683. Sect ion385pr ov i
desf orhear ingofappeal snotdi smi ssedsummar ily,i
e. ,
t he
Appel l
ateCour tshal lcausenot i
ceoft het i
meandpl aceatwhi chsuchappeal willbe
684. Sect ion386pr ov i
desf ort hepower soft heAppel lateCour t.
685. TheAppel l
at eCour tundersect i
on386ofCr pci sempower edt or everse, alteror
enhancet hesent enceoft heappel l
686. I nthecaseofenhancementofsent enceundersect ion386, anoppor tunityt othe
accusedmustbegi vent oshowcauseagai nstsuchenhancement .
687. Sect ion387pr ov idest hatther ulescont ainedi nchapt er27r elat ingt oj udgment s
shal lappl yt ot hej udgmenti nappeal ofaCour tofSessi onsorChi efJudi cial
Magi strat e. 
688. Sect ion388pr ov idest hatwhenev eracasei sdeci dedonappeal byt heHi gh
Cour t
, i
tshal lcer ti
fyi tsor derorj udgmentt ot hecour tbywhi cht hef inding, sent ence
oror derappeal edagai nstwasr ecor dedorpassed.
689. Thecour tt owhi cht heHi ghCour tcer t
esi tsjudgmentoror dershal lthereupon
makesuchor der sasar econf ormabl et ot hej udgmentoror deroft heHi ghCour t.
(Sec388( 2))
690. Sect ion389pr ov idest hatwhenanappeal byaconv i
ct edper soni spendi ng, the
appel latecour tmayor dert heexecut ionoft hesent encebesuspendedandt hecour t
canal sor eleasehi m onbai l,aftergi v i
ngt hepubl i
cpr osecut orisgi venan
oppor tuni tyt oshowcausewhysuchbai lshoul dnotbegr ant ed.
691. Sect ion390pr ov idest hatwhenanappeal ispr esentedagai nstt heacqui ttalof
accused, theHi ghCour tmayi ssueawar r
antf ort hear restofsuchaccused.
692. Thepr ov isionsr elat i
ngt ot heAppel l
ateCour tspower st ot akef ur therev idencei s
prov idedundersect i
693. Sect ion391pr ov idest hatindeal ingwi thanyappeal theAppel lat eCour t,ifit
thinkst hataddi tional ev i
dencei snecessar y
, itshal l r
ecor di tsr easonsandei t
takesuchev idencesi tself,ordi rectitt obet akenbyaMagi strate.SuchMagi strate
willthencer tifysuchev idencet ot heAppel l
at eCour t
,whi chshal lpr oceedand
disposeoft heappeal .
694. Undersect i
on392ofCr pc, thepr ocedur ewher et hej udgesofcour tofappeal ar
equal lydi vided, i
spr escr ibed.
695. Abat ementofappeal si spr ov i
dedundersect ion394ofCr pc.
696. Pr ovisi onsr elat i
ngt oRef er enceandRev isionhav ebeenpr ov idedi nchapt er30
(Sect ions395- 405) .
697. Sect ion395t al ksaboutRef er encet oHi ghCour t

698. Sect ion395pr ov idest hatwher eanyCour t
.Issat isfi
edt hatacasependi ng
bef orei ti nv olvesaquest i
onast ot hev ali
dityofanyAct , Or dinanceorRegul ationor
ofanypr ov i
si oncont ainedi nanyAct , OrdinanceorRegul at i
on, thedet ermi nat ionof
whi chi snecessar yf ort hedi sposal oft hecase, andi soft heopi niont hatsuchAct ,
Ordi nanceorRegul ationorpr ov isioni si nvalidori noper ativ e,buthasnotbeenso
decl aredbyt heHi ghCour tort heSupr emeCour t,itshall ref erthesamef ort he
deci sionoft heHi ghCour t.
699. Sect ion396pr ov idest hatwhenadeci siont akenbyt heHi ghCour tundersect ion
395, i
tshal lsendacopyofsuchor dert ot hecour tbywhi cht her ef er encewasmade,
whi chshal l disposeoft hecaseconf ormabl yt othesai dor der .
700. TheHi ghCour toranySessi onsJudgehast hepowert ocal lforr ecor dst o
exer cisepower sofRev i
sion.( Sec397)
701. Undersect i
on398, theHi ghCour tort heCour tofSessi onsmaydi r
ectt heChi ef
Judi cial Magi strateoranyMagi stratesubor dinat et oittomakef urt heri nquir yinto
anycompl aintwhi chhasbeendi smi ssedundersect i
on203or204( 4)ori ntoacase
ofanyper sonaccusedofanof fencewhohasbeendi schar ged.
702. Sect ion399deal swi ththeSessi onsJudge' spower sofRev ision.
703. Sect i
on399( 3)pr ov idest hatwher eanyappl icat i
onf orr ev i
sioni smadebyoron
behal fofanyper sonbef or et heSessi onsJudge, thedeci sionoft heSessi onsJudge
thereofi nr el
at iont osuchper sonshal lbef inal andnof urt herpr oceedi ngsbywayof
Revisionatt hei nstanceofsuchper sonshal lbeent ert ainedbyt heHi ghCour t
704. Sect i
on400pr ov idest hatt heAddi t i
onal Sessi onsJudgeshal lhav eandexer cise
hepower sofaSessi onsJudgei nr espectofanycaset ransf erredt ohi m.
705. I nHar nam Si nghv sSt at eofHP, Just iceKr ishnaI y ermadeanobser vat ion, "that
toomanyappeal sandr ev i
si onsar eabaneoft heI ndianJudi cial St stem, inv olvingas
tdoesst er il
eexpenseanddel ayandf rui tlesschaseofper f
ect ion. "
706. Anor derofbai lgr ant edbyaMagi str at ei sani nterlocut or yor derf orthepur poses
ofRev isi
onal power soft heHi ghCour toraSessi onsCour t.
707. Thent heSessi onsJudgeort heHi ghCour tcal lsf ort oexami net her ecor dofany
proceedi ngbef or eanyi nfer iorcr i
mi nal cour t,iti sknownasRev ision.
708. Hi ghCour tspowerofRev isioni spr ov idedi nsect ion401ofCr pc.
709. ThecaseofDeenav sUni onofI ndi ar elat est ohangi ngasamodeofexecut i
710. Whi leexer cisingt hepowerofRev i
si onunderCr pc, theHi ghCour tcannotconv ert
afindi ngofacqui t
tal intooneofconv iction.( Sec401( 3) )
711. Sect i
on401( 4)pr ov idest hati fanappeal liesbynoappeal i
sbr oughtt henno
proceedi ngbywayofr ev i
si onshal lbeent er tai ned.
712. Sect i
on402( 1)pr ov idest hatwhenev eroneormor eper sonsar econv ict edatt he
samet ri
al makeanappl i
cat iont oaHi ghCour tf orr evisi onandanyot herper son
conv i
ct edatt hesamet ri
al makesanappl icat iont ot heSessi onsJudgef orr ev ision,
theHi ghCour tshal l deci dewhi choft he2cour tswi lldi sposeoft heappl icat ionsof
713. Sect i
on402( 4)pr ov idest hatwher eanappl icationf orr ev isioni st r
ansf er redby
theHi ghCour ttot heSessi onsJudge, nof ur t
herappl icat ionf orr ev i
sionshal lli
et o
theHi ghCour tort oanyot hercour tatt hei nst anceoft heper sonwhoseappl icat ions
forrev isionhasbeendi sposedofbyt heSessi onsJudge.
714. Sect i
on403pr ov idest hatt hecour texer ci singi tspowerofRev isionwi llnothear
anypar tybut ,ifitthi nksf it,whenexer ci si ngsuchpower s, hearanypar tyei ther
personal l
yorbypl eader . 
715. Sect i
on404pr ov idest hatwhent her ecor dofanyt rial i
scal ledf orbyt heHi gh
Cour torCour tofSessi ons, theMagi strat emaysubmi tt her ecor dal ongwi tht he
groundsf orsuchdeci sionoror derandt hecour tshal l consi dersuchst atement s
beforeov errulingorset ti
ngasi det hesai ddeci sionoror der .
716. Aspersect ion405, whenacasei sr ev isedbyt heHi ghCour toraSessi onsJudge,
tshal lcer tif
yi tsdeci siont ot hecour tbywhi cht hef i
ndi ng, sent enceoror derr ev ised
wasr ecor dedorpassed, andt hecour tt owhi cht hedeci sionoror deri ssocer tified
shallt hereuponmakeor der si nconf or mi tyoft hedeci sionsocer ti
717. Pr ov i
si onsr elatingt oTr ansf erofCr imi nal Casesar epr ov idedunderchapt er31
(Sections406- 412)
718. Powert oTr ansf ercasesbySCi spr ov idedundersect ion406.
719. Powerundersec406Cr pci ssi mi lart opowerundersec25ofcpc.
720. Appl i
cat i
onf ortr ansf erundersect ion406i st obef iledbyei therAt torneyGener al
ofIndi aort hepar t
yi nt erest ed.
721. Powert oTr ansf ercasesbyHi ghCour tispr ov i
dedundersect ion407.
722. Hi ghCour tmayexer ciset hispowerundersect i
on407oni tsownorby
applicat i
onofpar tyi nt erest edorbyar epor tofl owercour t.
723. Ev eryappl icat ionf ort het ransf erofcasesbyt heHi ghCour tshal lbemadeby
mot ion, exceptwhent heappl icanti sAdv ocat eGener al oft heSt ate,suppor tedby
dav it.(Sec407( 3) )
724. Sect ion408ofCr pcdeal swi tht hepoweroft heSessi onsj udget ot ransf ert he
casesandappeal s.
725. TheSessi onsJudgemayexer ciset hepowerundersect ion408ei t
heroni tsown
oront her epor toft hel owercour toront heappl icationofapar t
yi nterest ed.
726. Sect ion409t alksaboutwi t hdr awal ofcasesandappeal sbySessi onsJudge.
727. Sect ion410t alksaboutt hewi thdr awal ofcasesbyJudi cial Magi strat e.
728. Pr ov i
sionsr elat ingt omaki ngov erorwi thdrawal ofcasesbyExecut ive
Magi stratear epr ov idedi nsect ion411.
729. Sect ion412pr ov idest hataSessi onsJudgeorMagi str atemaki nganor derunder
section408, 409, 410or411shal lrecor di tsreasonsf ormaki ngi t.
730. Pr ov i
sionsr elat ingt oExecut ion, Suspensi on, Remi ssi onandCommut at i
Sent encesar epr ov idedi nchapt er32( Sect ions413- 435)
731. Sect ion413pr ov idest hatwheni nacasesubmi t
tedt ot heHi ghCour tf ort he
conf i
rmat ionofasent enceofDeat h, theSessi onsCour tr ecei vest heor derof
conf i
rmat ionorot heror deroft heHi ghCour tther eof, i
tshal lcar ryoutt hator der .
732. Sect ion414pr ov idest hatwhenasent enceofdeat hi spassedbyt heHi ghCour t
nappeal orr ev ision, theCour tofSessi onshal l
, onr ecei v ingt heor der, car ryoutt he
order .
733. Sect ion415say st hatt heexecut ionofsent enceofdeat h, i
ncaseofappeal of
udgmentf rom t heHi ghCour tt ot heSupr emeCour t
, shal l bepost ponedunt ilthe
periodal lowedf orpr ef er r
ingsuchappeal hasexpi r
edorunt il
suchappeal i
disposedof .
734. Sect ion416ofCr pcdeal swi tht hepowerofHi ghCour tt ocommut et hesent ence
ofdeat ht ol ifei mpr isonmenti npr egnantwoman.
735. Ev erywar rantf ort heexecut i
onofasent encemaybei ssuedbyei thert heJudge
ofMagi strat ewhopassedt hesent ence, ort hesuccessori nof fi
736. Sect ion417pr ov idest hatt heSt at eGov ernmentmaydi recti nwhatpl aceany
personl i
abl et obei mpr isonedorcommi ttedt ocust odyshal lbeconf i
737. Sect ion418pr ov idest hatwher et heaccusedi ssent encedt oimpr isonmentf or
ifeorf orat er m, t hecour tpassi ngt hesent enceshal lfor war dawar r
antt ot hej ailin
whichhei st obeconf ined.
738. Aspersect ion419, ever ywar rantf orexecut ionshal l bedi rect edt ot heof f
iceri n
chargeoft hej ail i
nwhi cht hepr isoneri st obeconf i
739. Sect ion420pr ov idest hatt hewar rantshal lbel odgedwi tht heJai l
or .
740. Sect ion421say st hatwhenanof fenderhasbeensent encedt opayaf ine, the
cour tpassi ngt hesent encemayt akeact ionf ort her ecov er yoft hef i
nei nei therori n
botht heway s, i
e. ,itmayat t
achandsel lanymov eabl epr oper t yoft heof fender
and/ orissueawar rantt ot hecol lect oroft hedi stricttor eal iset heamountasar rears
oflandr evenuef rom t hemov eabl eori mmov eabl epr oper tyoft hedef aul t er
741. Sect ion422pr ov idest hatt hewar ranti ssuedundersect ion421maybeexecut ed
withint hel ocal j
ur isdi ct i
onofsuchcour tsandi tshal l aut hor i
set heat tachmentand
saleofanypr oper tyout sidesuchj ur i
sdict i
742. Sect i
on424t alksaboutsuspensi onofexecut ionofsent enceofi mpr isonment .
743. Sect i
on424say st hatt heexecut ionoft hesent enceofi mpr i
suspendedbyt hecour tandr eleaset heof f
enderont heexecut i
onbyt heof fenderof
abond, condi ti
onedf orhi sappear ancebef or ethecour tont hedat esonorbef or e
whichpay mentoff ineori nst allmentt her eofhast obemade.
744. I fthef ineori nst al l
mentundersect i
on424i snotmadeonorbef orethedat e
xed,thecour tmaydi r ectt hesent enceofi mpr isonmentt obecar r i
edi ntoexecut i
745. Sect i
on425say st hatev erywar rantf orexecut ionofasent encemaybei ssued
herbyt heJudgeorMagi st r
at ewhopassedt hesent ence, orbyhi ssuccessori n
746. Sect i
on426say st hatsent enceonescapedconv i
ctst ot akeef fecti mmedi ately.
747. Sect i
on427pr ov idest hatt hesent enceonof fenderal readysent encedf or
anotherof f enceshal l commenceatt heexpi rati
onoft hei mpr isonmentt owhi chhe
hasbeenpr ev i
ousl ysent enced, unl esst hecour tdi rectsthatt hesubsequent
sentenceshal lrunconcur rent lywi thsuchpr ev i
oussent ence.
748. Theexecut ionofdeat hsent encecanbepost ponedi ncaseofpossi bilit
appeal i
nt heSupr emeCour tandi ncaseofpr egnantwoman.
749. Sect i
on428pr ov idest hatt heper i
odofdet ent i
onunder gonebyt heaccusedt o
besetof fagai nstt hesent enceofi mpr isonment .Pr ovidedsuchper iodofdet ent i
shouldnotbei mpr i
sonmenti ndef aul tofpay mentoff i
750. Sect i
on430pr ov idest hatwhenasent encehasbeenf ul l
yexecut ed, t
heof ficer
executingi tshal l ret urnt hewar rantt ot hecour tfrom whi chi tisi ssued, wi t
endorsementt hatt hesent encehasbeenexecut ed.
751. Sect i
on431pr ov idest hati fanymoneyi spay ablebyv irtueofanyor dermadeby
thecour tandnomet hodofr ecov eryi spr ov i
ded; itshall ber ecov eredasi fitwer ea
752. Sect i
on432deal swi tht hepowerofappr opr i
at egov ernmentt osuspendorr emit
753. I faper soni si nj ai lthenanappl icationf orsuspensi onorr emi ssi ont ot he
appropr i
ategov ernmentwi llbemadet hrought heof f
iceri nchar geoft heJai l.
754. Appr opr iateGov er nmentmeansi ncaseswher et hesent encei sf oranof fence
againstanyl awr elat ingt omat tert owhi cht heexecut ivepoweroft heUni onex tends,
theCent ral Gov er nmentandi not hercases, theGov ernmentoft heSt atewi thi n
whicht heof fenderi ssent enced.
755. Sect i
on433t alksaboutt hepowert oAppr opriateGov ernmentt ocommut e
756. Deat hsent enceofanaccusedmaybecommut edt of i
nebyt heappr opr i
at e
governmentundersect ion433ofCr pc.
757. Appr opr iategov ernmentcancommut ethesent enceofi mpr isonmentofl i
f e.
758. I ncaseofsent enceofdeat h, powert osuspend, r
emi torcommut eisconf erred
uponst at easwel l ascent ralgov ernment .
759. Gov ernmentcancommut et hesent enceofl ifei mprisonmentt o14y ears.
760. Sect i
on433Apr ov idesr est ri
ct i
ononpower sofr emi ssionorcommut ation.  
761. Wher easent enceofi mpr i
sonmentofl i
fei simposeduponconv i
ctionorwher e
thesent encehasbeencommut edtoi mpr isonmentofl i
feundersect i
on433, such
personshal lnotber eleasedf rom t hepr isonunl esshehasser v edatl east14y ears
ofimpr isonment .
762. I nAshokKumarGol uv sUni onofI ndi a,theconst itutional v alidityofsect ion433-
Awasuphel d.
763. Sect ion434say st hatt hepower sconf er redundersect i
ons432and433i ncase
ofdeat hsent encescanbeexer cisedconcur rentlybybot hSt ateandCent ral
Gov ernment .
764. Sect ion435say st hatt heSt ateGov ernmentt oactaf terconsul tati
onwi thCent ral
Gov ernmenti ncasesofof fencesi nv est i
gat edbyt heDel hi Speci al Police
Establ i
shmentorcasesi nv olv i
ngt hemi sappr opriationordest ruct i
toanypr oper tybel ongi ngt ot heCent ral Gov ernmentorof fencecommi tt
personi nt heser viceoft heCent r
alGov er nment .
765. Pr ov isionsr elat i
ngt obai l andbondsar epr ovidedi nchapt er33( sections436-
766. I nabai l
ableof fence, thebai l i
st obegr ant edasamat terofr i
ghtbot hbyt he
policeof ficerandt hecour t.(Sect ion436)
767. Sect ion436Apr ovidest hatt hemaxi mum per iodf orwhi chanundert rial pri
canbedet ainedone- hal foft hemaxi mum per i
odofi mpr i
sonmentspeci fi
edf orthat
offence, pr ovidedi tisnotanof fencef orwhi chpuni shmentofdeat hhasbeen
specifiedasoneoft hepuni shment s.
768. Undersect ion437ofCr pc, aper sonaccusedof ,orsuspect edof ,t
commi ssi onofanynonbai lableof fencei sar restedordet ainedwi thoutwar rantybe
anof ficeri nchar geofapol icest ati
onorappear sori sbr oughtbef oreacour tother
thant heHi ghCour torCour tofSessi ons, hemayber el easedonbai l
769. Undersect ion437, apol iceof fi
cercanr eleaseanaccusedonbai linnon- bail
770. Per sonwasar restedf ornonbai labl eof fencebutcour tthi nksof f
encei sbai l
theper sonshal lber eleasedonbai l
.( Sec437( 2)
771. Aspersect i
on437( 3),thecour tcani mposecondi tionsonbai l.
772. Cour tr eleasesonbai lundersect ion437( 1)or( 2)orundersect ion167( 2) ,t
cancel lat i
onofsuchbai lundersect ion437( 5) .
773. Sect ion437Apr ovidest hatbef oreconcl usi onoft rial andbef oredi sposal ofthe
appeal , thecour ttry i
ngt heof fenceshal lrequi retheaccusedt oexecut ebai lbonds
withsur et i
774. Ont heappl i
cat ionmadehi m per sonappr ehendi ngar restonanaccusat i
hav i
ngcommi ttedanon- bai lableof fence, theHi ghcour tort heCour tofSessi ons
mayundersect i
on438Cr pc, givethedi rect iont hati nt heev entofsuchar resthe
shallber eleasedi nbai l
775. I nGur ubaxSi nghv sSt at eofPunj ab, thecour thel dt hatAnt ici patoryBai l canbe
forlimi tedorunl i
mi tedper iod.
776. I nSal auddi nv sSt ateofMahar asht ra, Supr emeCour thel dt hatant icipat orybail
shoul dbegr ant edonl yf oral ongerper iod.
777. DKGaneshBabuVs.PTManekar ani sacaser elatingt oant i
cipat orybai l.
778. Undersect ion438, t
hecour tcani ssueani nter i
m or derf ort hegr antof
anticipator ybai l
.Uponsuchi nt er i
m or der ,publ icpr osecut orshal l begi v enan
oppor tuni tyofbei nghear d.
779. Undersect ion439( 1) ,theHi ghCour tort heCour tofSessi onscangr antbai l
780. Undersect ion439( 2)ofCr pcj ur isdictiont ocancel thebai lv est swi tht heCour t
ofSessi onandt heHi ghCour t.
781. Hi ghCour torCour tofSessi onsundersect ion439ofCr pc, cansetasi deor
modi f
yt hecondi tionsi mposedbyaMagi stratewhengr ant i
ngbai l.
782. I nRam BabuTi war i bsSt ateofM P, i
twashel dthati ft hebai lhasbeengr anted
byCour tuponsomei l
logi cal ,irrelev ant ,i
r r
egul arandabsur dconsi der ationst henthe
bailmaybecancel l
edont hatgr ound.
783. I nRaj eshRanj an@ PappuYadavv sKal yanChandr aSar kar , itwashel dt hatthe
accusedhast her i
ghtt of i
lebai lappl i
cat i
oni nsuccessi v emanner .Butonceabai l
appl i
cationhasbeenr eject edt hent henextbai l appl i
cat i
onshoul dbebasedupon
somenewanddi fferentf act s.
784. Rej ect i
onofbai lisatpr e-bai l stagewher eascancel lat ionofbai lisatpost -bail
785. I funnecessar yamounti si mposedi nt hebai lbond, theni tcanber emov edor
modi f
iedundersect ion440byt heHi ghCour torCour tofSessi on.
786. Sect ion441say sthatbef or eanyper soni sr eleasedonbai l
, abondf orsuchsum
ast hepol i
ceof f i
cerorcour tt hi nkssuf f
icientshal lbeexecut edbysuchper sonand
suret y.
787. Suchsur ety, undersect ion441, shall cont inuet oat tendunt i
l other wi sedi r
byt hepol i
ceof f i
cerorCour t.
788. Sect ion441say sthatt heSur et ymustgi veadecl arat ionast ot henumberof
personst owhom hehasst oodsur et y.
789. Undersect ion442, asspi nsast hebondhasbeenexecut ed, theper sonf or
whoseappear ancei thasbeenexecut edshal lber eleased.
790. Sect ion443pr ov i
dest hati finsuf fici
entsur ger i
eshav ebeenaccept ed, thecour t
mayi ssueawar rantofar restdi rect ingt hatt heper sonr eleasedi nbai lbebr ought
befor eitandmayor derhi mt of indsuf f
icientsur eti
791. Sect ion444pr ov i
dest hatanysur etymayatanyt i
meappl yt ot heMagi st r
dischar get hebond.Onsuchappl icat ionbei ngmade, theMagi st rateshal lissuehi s
war rantofar restdi rect ingt hatt heper sonsor eleasedbebr oughtbef or ehi m and
thensuchper sonwi llbeaskedf ornewsur etyandt henr eleasesuchSur ety .
792. Sect ion445pr ov i
dest hatt hecour tmayper mi ttheper son, requi redt oexecut ea
bond, t
odeposi tasum ofmoneyorGov er nmentpr omi ssor ynot et osuchamountas
thecour tmayf ixi nl i
euofexecut ingabond.
793. Sect ion446pr escr ibest hepr ocedur ewhent hebondhasbeenf orfeited.
794. Aspersect i
on446whent hebondhasbeenf orfei
ted, thecour tshal lr ecor dthe
groundsofsuchpr oofoff or feitur e, andmaycal luponanyper sonboundbysuch
bondt opayt hepenal tyt her eofort oshowcausewhyi tshoul dnotbepai d.
795. I fsuf f i
cientcaseasundersect i
on446( 1)i snotshownandt hepenal tyi snotpai d,
thecour tmaypr oceedt or ecov ert hesameasi fsuchpenal tywer eaf i
nei mposed
byitunderCr pc.
796. Anor derpassedbyaMagi st r
at eundersect ion446ofCr pci sappeal abl et o
Sessi onsJudge.
797. Sect ion446Apr ovidesf ort hecancel lationofbondandbai l
bond, ie., wher ea
bondi sf orappear anceofaper soni nacaseandi tisf or feitedf orbr eachofa
condi t
ion, t
hebondexecut edbysuchper sonaswel lasbondexecut edbyt he
surger i
esshal lstandcancel led.
798. Sect ion447pr ov i
dest hatwhent hesur et ybecomesi nsol ventordi es, orwhenhe
bondi sf orfeitedundersect i
on446, theCour torMagi st r
at eof1stcl assmayor der
theper sonf rom whom suchsur etywasdemandedt of urni shf reshsecur ity.
799. Sect ion448pr ov i
dest hatwhent heper sonr equiredbyt hecour tt oexecut ea
bondi sami nor ,
thesov ietmayaccept ,inl ieut hereof ,abondexecut edbyasur ety.
800. Sect ion449pr ov i
dest hatappeal from or der sundersect ion446, ifmadeby
Magi strate,shal lbemadet ot heSessi onsJudge, andi ftheor deri smadebyCour t
ofSessi ons, appeal t
ot hecour tt owhi chappeal l
801. Sect ion450pr ov i
dest hatt heHi ghCour torCour tofSessi onmagdi rectany
Magi stratet olev ytheamountdueonbondf orappear anceorat t
HighCour torCour tofSessi ons.
802. Thepr ov i
sionsr elatingt oDi sposal ofPr oper t
yar econt ainedi nchapt er34
(Sections451- 459) .
803. Sect ion451pr ov i
desf oror derf orcust odyanddi sposal ofpr oper typendi ngt r
ncer taincases.
804. Sect ion452ofCr pcpr ov idesf oror derf ordi sposal ofpr oper t
yatconcl usionby
dest r
uct i
on, conf i
scat i
onordel iv eryt oanyper soncl ai mi ngt obeent itl
edt o
possessi ont her eof.
805. Sect ion453say st hatwhenaper sonpur chasedst olenpr oper t y,wi thoutknowi ng
tt obest ol
enandt hecour tonappl icat i
onofsuchpur chaserandi nr est itutionoft he
stolenpr oper tytot heper sonent it
ledt ot hepossessi ont her eof ,or dert hatoutof
suchmoneyasum notexceedi ngt hepr i
cepai dbysuchpur chasesbedel iveredt o
806. Sect ion454pr ov i
desf ort heappeal sagai nstor derundersect ion452or453.
807. Sect ion455pr ov i
desf ort hedest ructionofal lthecopi esoft hel ibel ousmat t
whichar eint hecust odyoft hecour tori nt hepossessi onoft heper sonconv i
ct ed
undersect i
on292, 293, 501or502ofI PC.
808. Sect ion456pr ov i
dest hatwhenaper sonhasbeenconv i
ct edofanof fence
nv olvi
nguseofcr imi nal for cet odi spossessanyper sonofanyi mmov abl epr oper ty
thecour tmay , i
fitthi nksf i
r, or dert hatpossessi onoft hesameber est or edt ot he
809. Sect ion457pr ov i
dest hatwher eapr oper tyhasbeensei zedbyanypol iceof f
andhehasn' tpr oducedi tbef or et hecr imi nal cour tdur ingani nqui ryort rial, t
Magi stratemaymakesuchor derashet hinksf itrespect i
ngt hedi sposal , deliv eryto
personent i
tledori ftheper soncan' tbeascer tained, respect ingt hecust odyand
product i
onofsuchpr oper ty.
810. Undersect ion457( 2) ,iftheper sonent itledi sknown, theMagi stratemayor der
thepr oper t
yt obedel iveredt ohi m onsuchcondi ti
onsashet hi
nksf i
tandi fsuch
personi sunknownt henMagi st ratemayi ssueapr oclamat i
onandi faper sonwant s
toclaim suchpr oper ty,heneedst oest abl ishhi scl aim wi thin6mont hsf rom t he
dateofsuchpr oclamat ion.
811. Sect ion458pr ov i
dest hati fnoper sonappear st oest abl ishcl aim wi thi n6
mont hsofpr ocl amat ionundersect ion457, theMagi strat
emayor derthepr oper t
yt o
beatt hedi sposal oft heSt at eGov er nment .
812. Accor di ngt osect ion459, i
ft hepr oper tysei zedundersect ion457i saper i
shabl e
proper ty,thent heMagi stratemayor dert obesol d.
813. ByCr i
mi nal Pr ocedur e(Amendment )Act ,2005, insect ion459ofCr pct hewor ds
esst han10₹hav ebeensubst i
t utedbyt hewor dsl esst han500₹.
814. Pr ov i
si onsr elat i
ngt oi rregul arpr oceedi ngshav ebeenpr escr i
bedunderchapt er
35( Sect ions460- 466)
815. UnderCr pct hei rregul ari
tieswhi chdonotv i
tiatet hepr oceedi nghav ebeenst ated
nsect ion460.
816. UnderCr pct hei rregul ari
tieswhi chv i
tiatet ri
al hav ebeenst at edi nsect ion461.
817. Whenani rr
egul arityi scausedi nat tachmentandsel li
ngofpr oper tyunder
section83byaMagi strat e,itwoul dmaket hepr oceedi ngsVoi d.
818. Sect i
on462ofCr pcpr ov i
dest hatnof indings, sent enceoror derwi l
l besetasi de
mer elybecausepr oceedi ngswer ei nwr ongpl aceexcepti ncasesi nwhi chi t
occasi onedaf ai l
ur eofj ust i
819. Sect i
on463pr ov i
dest hati ft hepr ov i
si onsofsect ion164orsect ion281ofCr pc
hav enotbeencompl iedwi thbyt heMagi st raterecor dingthest at ement ,i
withstandi ngany thingcont ai nedi nsect ion91ofI ndi anEv idenceAct ,t
akeev i
nr egar dt osuchnon- compl i
820. Sect i
on464ofCr pcpr ov i
dest hatnof indingofacour tshal l bedeemedt obe
nv ali
dmer elyont hegr oundt hatnochar gewasf ramedoront hegr oundofany
error,omi ssi onsori rregul arityi nt hechar ge, unlesssucher rororomi ssionwas
mat erial error .
821. Sect i
on465ofCr pcpr ov i
dest hatnof inding, sent enceoror derpassedbyacour t
ofcompet entj ur i
sdi ct i
onshal l ber ev ersedoral teredbyacour tofappeal ,
conf i
rmat ionorr ev isiononaccountofanyer ror,omi ssionori rregul ari
tyint he
compl aint, summons, war rant ,pr ocl amat i
on, order ,judgmentorot herpr oceedi ngs
unlessaf ailur eofj ust i
cehasoccasi onedt hereby . 
822. I famagi st ratewhoi snotempower edbyl awt ot ryanof fendersummar i
so, t
hent hepr oceedi ngsar ev itiated.
823. I fapr esi dingJudgef ail
st osi gnanddat eoft hej udgment ,i
tamount st o
procedur al irregul ar i
tycur ableundersect i
on465( 1)ofCr pc.
824. AMet ropol itanMagi stratemayr eleaseanaccusedonbai li
nnon- bailable
offenceexceptwhent her ear er easonabl egr oundsf orbel iev i
ngt hathehasbeen
yofanof fencepuni shabl ewi thdeat hori mpr isonmentf orl i
f eort her ear e
reasonabl egr oundsf orbel iev ingt hathehasbeengui l
tyofacogni zableof fenceand
hasbeengui ltyofcogni zabl eof fenceandhehasbeenpr ev i
ousl yconv ictedofan
offencepuni shabl ewi t
hi mpr isonmentf or7y rsorhehasbeenpr ev iouslyconv i
n2ormor eoccasi onsofacogni zabl eof fencepuni shabl ewi thi mpr i
sonmentf or3
825. I nacaset hest at ewant st oappl yf orcancel lat i
onofbai lofanaccused.Asper
thedeci sionoft heSupr emeCour tint hecaseofSt ate( Delhi Admi nistration)v .
SanjayGandhi ,thef actt hatt heaccusedhasat tempt edt ot amperorhast amper ed
witthewi tnessi nt hecaseagai nsthi m maybet heappr opriategr oundf orseeki ng
cancel lationoft hebai l
826. Acour thasnoownert or el easeawomanonbai l i
ft heof fencei spuni shabl ewi t
deat hori mpr isonmentf orl i
f e.
827. Anaccusedshal l notber el easeonbai l byacour tifhehadbeenconv icted
prev iousl yin2ormor eoccasi onsofacogni zabl eof fencepuni shabl ewi th
mpr isonmentf ort hreey earsormor e.
828. Necessi tyf ori dent ificat i
onbywi tnessdur i
ngi nv est i
gat i
onshal lnotbesuf fi
groundf orr ej ect i
onofbai l.
829. Sect ion466pr ov idedt hatnoor derofat tachmentt obeunl awf ul mer elybecause
ofdef ectorer rorinsummons, conv iction, wr itofat tachmentorot herpr oceedi ngs
at ingt her eto.
830. Chapt er36( section467- 473)deal swi tht hepr ov isionsr elatingt ol i
mi tationf or
takingcogni zanceofcer tainof fences.
831. Aspersect ion467, Per i
odofl imi tat i
onmeansper i
odspeci f i
edundersect ion
468ofCr pc.
832. Per i
odofl imi t
at i
onf orof f encepuni shabl ewi thf i
neonl yis6mont hs, for
offencespuni shabl ewi thi mpr isonmentupt o1y ear ,is1y earandf orof fences
puni shabl ewi thi mpr i
sonmentexceedi ng1y earbutnotexceedi ng3y ear s, i
s3y ears.
833. Thecommencementoft heper iodofl i
mi tat i
oni sei theront hedat eofof fenceor
wher et hecommi ssi onwasnotknownt ot heper sonaggr ievedbyof fenceort othe
policeof ficer ,t hedayonwhi chof fencecomest ot heknowl edgeofsuchper sonor
ont hatdaywhent hei dent ityoft heof fenderi sknownt otheper sonaggr i
ev ed.( sec
834. I ncomput i
ngt heper i
odofl imi t
at ion, thet imedur ingwhi chanyper sonhasbeen
prosecut ingwi thduedi l
igenceanot herpr osecut ionshal lbeexcl uded.( Sec470)
835. Forexcl usi onundersec470shal lnotbemadeunl esst hepr osecut ionr elatest o
thesamef actandi spr osecut edi ngoodf ai thi nacour twhi chf rom def ectof
ur i
sdi ctioni sunabl et oent er tai nit.
836. Sect ion470( 2)say st hati ft hepr osecut ionhasbeenst atedbyi njunct i
onoror der
thensuchper iodshal lbeexcl uded.
837. Sect ion470( 3)say st hatwher ebef or ei nst itutingapr osecut i
on, thepr ev ious
consentorsanct i
onf rom t hegov ernmenti sr equi redt hensuchper iodf orobt aining
theconsentorsanct ionshal l beexcl uded.
838. Wher et heper iodofl imi tat i
onexpi redonadaywhent hecour ti scl osed.The
cour tmayt akecogni zanceont hedayi nwhi cht hecour treopens.( sect ion471)
839. I ncaseofcont i
nui ngof fence, af reshper iodofl imi tat
ionshal l begi natev ery
momentoft het imedur ingwhi cht heof fencecont i
nues.( Sec472)
840. Thecour tmaymakecogni zanceofanof fenceaf tert heexpi ryoft heper iodof
imi tation, ifi tissat isfiedont hef act sandi nt heci rcumst ancesoft hecaset hatt he
delayhasbeenpr oper lyexpl ai nedort hati tisnecessar ysot odoi nt hei nterestof
ust ice.( Sec473)
841. Mi scel l
aneouspr ov isionsar epr ov idedunderchapt er37( Sect ions474- 484) .
842. Sect ion474say st hati fanof fencei striedbyt heHi ghCour tot her wi set han
undersect i
on407, itshal lobser vet hesamepr ocedur easaCour tofSessi onswoul d
obser ve.
843. Sect ion475deal swi tht hepr ovisi onsr elat ingt odel i
veryt ocommandi ngof f
ofper sonsl iablet obet riedbyCour t-
mar ti
844. Sect i
on477pr ov idest hatt heev eryHi ghCour tmay ,wi tht hepr ev iousappr ovalof
theSt at eGov ernmentmaker ul es.
845. Sect i
on478deal swi tht hepower soft heSt ateGov ernment ,af terconsul tation
witht heHi ghCour t,toal terfunct ionsal l
ocat edt oExecut iveMagi st rate.
846. Sect i
on479say st hatnoJudgeorMagi st rateshal ltryanycasei nwhi chhei s
per sonal l
yi nterested.  
847. Wher eanyJudgeorMagi strat eisper sonal lyint erest edi nacase, heshal l neither
trynotcommi tf ort ri
al suchcases, norshal l hearanyappeal insuchcase, pr ov i
priorper mi ssionofi tsappel l
at ecour thasbeenobt ained.( Sec479)
848. Sect i
on480pr ov idest hatapr act i
cingpl eaderwi llnotsi tasMagi st r
ateint he
cour tswher ehepr act i
cesori nanycour twi thint hel ocal jurisdict i
onoft hatcour t.
849. Sect i
on481pr ov idest hatapubl icser vanthav inganydut yt oper for mi n
connect ionwi tht hesal eofanypr oper tyshal l notpur chaseorbi df ort hepr oper t
850. Sect i
on482ofCr pcsay st hati nher entpower scanbeexer cisedbyt heHi gh
Cour t.
851. Undersect i
on482ofCr pcaj ointt rialcanbespl itup.
852. Ahi ghcour tunderi t
si nher entpower sconf erredundersect ion482ofCr pc, can
quashpr oceedi ngofcasependi ngbef oreacr iminal cour t.
853. For m no.42oft hesecondschedul eofCr pcpr escr i
bedt hemodeofexecut ionof
sent enceofdeat ht hatt heconv ictbehangedbyt heneckunt ilhebedead.
854. I nSt ateofHar yanav s.Bhaj anLal , i
twasdi rect edbyt heSupr emeCour ttot he
HighCour t
st oexer cisej ur i
sdict ionundersect ion482ofCr pc.
855. Whi leexer cisingi nher entpower sundersect i
on482ofCr pc, theHi ghCour tcan' t
reviewi tsownj udgmentofor derort ogi v epol i
cecust odyf r om j udi cialcust odyort o
conv er ti tselfintoacour tofappeal whenl egi slatur ehasnotaut hor izedi texpr essly
orindi rect l
856. Sect i
on483ofCr pcpr ov i
dest hatt herei sadut yuponev eryHi ghCour tto
exer cisei tssuper int endenceov ert hecour t
sofJudi cialMagi stratesubor di
nat etoi t
857. Of fencesagai nstot herl aws( exceptI PC)ar epuni shabl ewi t
hi mpr isonmentf or3
year sandupwar dsbutnotmor et han7y earst heni twi l
lbecogni zabl eandnon-
bailabl e.
858. Cl assi fi
cationofbai labl eandnon- bailableof fencesi nCr pci spr ov idedunderf ir
schedul eofCr pc.
859. For m no.32oft hesecondschedul eofCr pcpr ov idedt hef ormatf orframi ngof
Char ges.

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