Gaptopedia: Join The Knowledge Tribe!
Gaptopedia: Join The Knowledge Tribe!
Gaptopedia: Join The Knowledge Tribe!
GAPTOPEDIA K n o w M o r e . S p e a k B e t t e r.
Name: India’s Largest Selling GK Program
Earth Day
National Rail Museum
03 Profiles
Raja Birbal
02 Global Update
Restaurant On W
Not To Be Missed!
Titan Arum
Colour Me 11
Brain Teasers 13
Born This Month 14
Videos This Month 14
Mixed Bag 15
Mixed Bag 15
Quick Facts 16
Published by Greycaps
Copyright: This book is a reading and teaching material. It has been researched and published with great care to ensure
the author/s do not in any way violate the copyrights (exis�ng or intellectual property rights) of anybody. In the event
of us having not found or not being able to trace any source, or if any copyright has been inadvertently infringed, do
no�fy us at and we shall ini�ate correc�ve ac�on.
All rights are reserved by Greycaps. No part of this publica�on may be produced or
transmi�ed, in any form or by any means, without prior permission.
Disclaimer: This book strives to be completely authen�c and accurate. The research for a volume such as this, takes several months and we have
tried to ensure that the facts are updated. However, it is possible, at �mes, that something researched and compiled by us may have changed a�er
the par�cular sec�on of the book has been published. In such cases the updates and correc�ons would appear only in the next volume. Readers are
requested to keep this in mind before using the informa�on for any purpose.
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