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May brought long, hot days,

Now we have our summer

Waking up late but with set rules,
Little homework and easy to be
Lesser studies and lots of fun
Enjoying the days and watching
Fun continues till the end of June
Summer Holidays are best days




I can move!! I can talk! I can walk!

Learning Objective:
To enable the students to learn the various
perspectives of life through the adventures of
Pinocchio and create a character of their own

“There are many little ways to enlarge your world. Love

for books is the best of all”
The Adventures of Pinocchio, also simply known as Pinocchio,
is a novel for children by Italian author Carlo Collodi, written in
Pescia. It is about the mischievous adventures of an animated
marionette named Pinocchio and his father, a poor woodcarver
named Geppetto.

Let us go to the world of books and explore the adventurous

and mysterious world of pixies, fairies and children like you.
Here is a web site for the audio book of „The Adventures of
Pinocchio‟ to listen to your favourite story.

 Children‟s Books at LoyalBooks.com-


Now enjoy doing the activities given below-

Recipe for a magical character:

 Think you have a piece of wood/ any material (cardboard,

thermocol or clay)
 You have used your imagination and carved it or given a shape to
the piece of wood/material.
 You fall asleep and a magical creature (elf/fairy) visits at night
and brings your puppet to life.
 Now use the prompts below and describe your living puppet.

What would you call your


What does your puppet look like? Does it

resemble any animal/toy?

What special feature does your puppet have?
(remember Pinochhio’s nose grew long every
time he lied)


Pinocchio could talk. What unique

thing can your puppet do?


Interesting adventures happen with Pinocchio. What

happens to your puppet at the end of the story?

Draw a picture of how your puppet looks like.

Word Building Game

How many words of three letters or more can you
make form the name PINOCCHIO?

__________ , _____________ , _____________ ,

_______________ , ______________, _____________

________________, _______________, ______________


Note: All this work can be done in A4 size sheets. Make sure to punch the sheets
and tie them together with a ribbon. Children can also take out a print out of the
relevant pages and attach them together.

After the summer break there will be an oratory skills session wherein we would
encourage you to tell us about your living puppet.

ग्रीष्मावकाश गह
ृ कायय 2020-21

उद्देश्य – ववद्यार्थययों में कल्ऩना शक्ति िथा ऩरी कथाओॊ के प्रति रुर्ि का ववस्िार करना |

ृ न ......

1. कल्ऩना कीजजए कक पऩनोककमो आऩका मभत्र है तो आऩको उसकी क्मा आदतें ऩसॊद
आएॉगी औय कौनसी उसकी कौनसी आदतें आऩ फदरना चाहें गे, औय क्मों? इस पिषम
ऩय 8-10 िाक्मों भें एक अनझच्छे द A4 शीट ऩय मरखिए| मरिे गए िाक्मों भें तीनों
सॊऻा , सन्मक्
झ ताऺय, ये फ़ तथा ऩदे न शब्दों का प्रमोग होना चाहहए |

प्रस्िुि कायय अवकाश के बाद (till 05.07.2020) MS TEAMS ऩर HINDI HOLIDAY


मन के भाव ...

 जैसा कक आऩने कहानी भें ऩढा कक पऩनोककमो एक रकडी की कठऩझतरी था, जजसे
एक यात को एक ऩयी ने अऩने जाद ू से जीपित कय हदमा था। महद एक हदन जफ आऩ
सोकय उठे औय आऩका सफसे पप्रम खिरौना जीपित हो जाए तो...
आऩ क्मा कयें गे? आऩको कैसा रगेगा ? क्मा आऩ उसे सफसे छछऩा कय यिें गे?
इस तयह के औय बी पिचाय जो आऩके भन भें आएॉ , उन सफको मभराकय १-२ मभनट का
बाषण तैमाय कीजजए।


 कल्ऩना कीजजए महद आऩ ककसी हदन झूठ फोरें औय आऩकी नाक रम्फी हो जाए
तो... आऩ ऐसी जथथछत भें क्मा कयोगे? कैसे ? १-२ मभनट का बाषण तैमाय

भौखिक ऩयीऺा

गछतपिधध- बाषण

पिषम – पऩनोककमो
तनदे श :-

1. ऊऩर दो गतिववर्धयाॉ दी गई हैं ववद्याथी ककसी भी एक गतिववर्ध ऩर भाषण िैयार कर

सकिे हैं |
2. मौखिक अभभव्यक्ति ऩरीऺा अवकाश के बाद जऱ
ु ाई में ऱी जाएगी |
3. भाषण बच्िे याद करें गे |
4. सहायक सामग्री जैसे – कठऩि
ु ऱी, या र्ित्र आदद का प्रयोग कर सकिे हैं|
5. बच्िे भाषण हे िु ददए गए समय का ध्यान रिें गे| कम से कम 1 भमनट िथा अर्धक से
अर्धक 2 भमनट होना िादहए |
6. अंग्रेज़ी शब्दों का प्रयोग वर्जित है |
7. भाषण का आरॊ भ अऩना ऩररिय दे िे हुए करें गे|
8. मौखिक ऩरीऺा का मल्
ू याॊकन ककया जाएगा| क्जसके आधार तनम्नभऱखिि हैं -
 ननम्ननिनित आधार पर मूलयांकन ककया िाएगा –
ि) नवषयवस्तु
ग) भाषा िथा उच्चारण की स्पष्टता

नन्ही कऱम से ....

क दी गई अभ्मास ऩत्रत्रकाएॉ कयें |
पादय एग्नर थकूर,नोएडा/2020-21/ हहन्दी/कऺा-4 ( )

ग्रीष्भािकाश अभ्मास ऩत्रत्रका -1 / जन

नाभ ____________ अनक्र

झ भाॊक_______ हदनाॊक _______

अऩहठत गदमाॊश
तेनारीयाभ की चतयझ ाई के फाये भें अनेक कहाछनमाॊ प्रमसद्ध हैं | कहा जाता है कक एक फाय
याजा ककसी फात ऩय तेनारीयाभ से नायाज़ हो गए | उन्होंने तेनारीयाभ को दयफाय भें फर
झ ामा
औय क्रोध बये थिय भें कहा, “तेनारीयाभ तझभ दयफाय से चरे जाओ औय भझझे कबी अऩना भॉह
झ ना
हदिाना | अगरे हदन तेनारीयाभ दयफाय भें उऩजथथत हझए, रेककन उनका भॉहझ नकरी चेहये से ढका
हझआ था |उन्हें दे िकय सबी दयफायी हॉ सने रगे |याजा की दृजष्ट उन ऩय गई औय िे नायाज
फोरे, “भैंने तझम्हें भॉझह न हदिाने का आदे श हदमा था |तझभ कपय आ गए|” मह सन
झ कय तेनारीयाभ
नम्रता ऩि
ू क
व कहा, “भहायाज ! आऩके आदे श का ऩयू ा-ऩयू ा ऩारन ककमा गमा है | मह दे खिए नकरी
चेहया रगा कय आमा हूॉ , जजससे आऩ भेया भॉहझ ना दे ि सकें |”मह दे िकय सबी दयफायी
खिरखिरा कय हॉ स ऩडे| याजा बी अऩनी हॉ सी नहीॊ योक ऩाए औय उनका गथ झ सा शाॊत हो गमा।

प्रश्न-1 ककसे दे िकय दयफायी हॉसने रगे ?


प्रश्न-2 ‘उन्होंने’ तेनालीराम को क्रोध भरे स्वर से कहा | ‘उन्होंने’ शब्द ककसके कलए प्रयोग ककया गया है ?


प्रश्न-3 भहायाज का गथ झ सा कैसे शाॊत हझआ ?

प्रश्न-4 गदमाॊश का उधचत शीषवक मरिें |


प्रश्न-5 गदमाॊश भें से सॊऻा शब्द छाॉटकय मरिें |

प्रश्न-6 क्रोध , चतझयाई – सॊऻा शब्दों के बेद बताइए |
पादय एग्नर थकूर,नोएडा/2020-21/ हहन्दी/कऺा-4 ( )

ग्रीष्भािकाश अभ्मास ऩत्रत्रका -2 / जन

नाभ ____________ अनझक्रभाॊक_______ हदनाॊक _______

प्रश्न-1 अनुस्वार िथा अनुनाभसक के उदाहरण भऱिो |

ु वार अनन
ु ाभसक

___________________ ______________________

___________________ ______________________

प्रश्न-2 तनम्नभऱखिि शब्दों में से ऋ की मात्रा वाऱे शब्द , र ऩर उ और ऊ की मात्रा वाऱे शब्द

छाॉटकर भऱिें |

(कृऩा , रूऩ , रूई , कृवष , रूठा , रुकना , कृऩाण , रुि , अमि

ृ , रूऩक ,
रूिाऩन , रुझान )

ऋ की मात्रा वाऱे शब्द र ऩर उ की मात्रा र ऩर ऊ की मात्रा

______________________ ___________________ ____________________

______________________ ___________________ ____________________

______________________ ___________________ ____________________
______________________ ____________________ ____________________
प्रश्न-3 तनम्नभऱखिि सॊयत
ु िाऺरों से दो-दो शब्द बनाइए –

1) ति - ____________ _____________
2) त्थ - ____________ _____________
3) द्य- _____________ _____________

प्रश्न-4 रे फ़ िथा ऩदे न के दो -दो शब्द भऱखिए |

रे फ़ ऩदे न

______________ ______________

______________ ______________

प्रश्न-5 वणय – ववच्छे द करें |

1) रे ि - _____________________________________
2) दानव - ______________________________________
3) गड़ु िया - ______________________________________

प्रश्न -6 नीिे भऱिे शब्दों को उनके उर्िि स्थान ऩर भऱखिए |

तझरसीदास , गॊगा ,नदी,भनझष्म ,चतझयाई ,सत्म,िझशी ,ऩिवत, ताजभहर , आगया , बूि , घोडा

व्मजक्तिाचक सॊऻा जाछतिाचक सॊऻा बाििाचक सॊऻा

______________ _______________ _______________

______________ _______________ ________________

______________ _______________ ________________

______________ ________________ ________________

प्रश्न-7 नीचे मरिे िाक्मों भें उधचत पियाभ धचह्न रगाकय िाक्म दोफाया मरिें |

1) यभेश सझयेश भहे श औय िीयें द्र घूभने गए


2) तम्
झ हाया नाभ क्मा है

3) मह ऩझथतक अच्छी है

4)िाह ककतने सझॊदय पूर हैं

* Think of a number!!
One day, while going to school, Pinocchio meets a bear. Pinocchio
decides to have some fun with the bear, so he plays a game of '
Truth or Lie'.


I am a bear! Do you think

I’m telling the truth or lying?

What is a lie?
A lie is something you say
that is not true

Which of the three statements below is a lie?

Explain how you made your choice

= 4 = 10 = 21

1) The sum of and , doubled ,is 50.

2) Five times the sum of and is 140.

3) Triple the sum of and is 93.

Which of the three statements below is a lie?

Explain how you made your choice( observe the smileys)

14 x = 1400

1400 = 14 x x

1) x ›

2) = 100

3) + = 20

Do these sums in your practice notebook. These type of questions

will be taken up in mental maths in the month of July.

 Revise tables from 2 to 12. Dodging tables test will be held after the
summer break.
Do the worksheets given.

Q1. Arrange and add. Write the answer using commas according to periods.

a)14937, 29867 and 54038 b) 37459 , 48693 and 80234

c)12376 , 34984 d) 39087 and 8897

e) 54383 and 26864 f) 48954; 2147 ; 45241

g)14 thousands and 600 tens h)11 thousands,7 thousands

i)5 thousands and 14 thousands j) 13 hundreds and 6 tens

Q2 . Subtract and write the answer using commas according to periods:

a) 35684 from 95325 b) 57624 from 97951

c) 98776 and 64529 d) 75893 and 43568

e) 52321 from 86072 f ) 71364 from 90007

g) 14702 from 25000 h) 50999 from 70000

Q3. Find the difference:

a) 49546 from 60305 b) 395478 from 681337
c) 8 thousands and 16 hundreds d) 5 thousands and 23 tens

e) 62 hundreds and 14 tens f ) 70 thousands and 19 thousand

g) 56 thousands and 12 hundred h) 15 hundred and 62 tens

Q4. Calculate the money :

a) 3 notes of 200
b) 4 notes of 500
c) 2 notes of 2000

Q5. What is the sum of 40711 and 73412 ?

Q6.What is the difference of 82731 and 37128?

Q7. Find the total money due in this bill. If a 500 note and 200 was paid to
the shopkeeper, then what was the amount received as change?

Butter 165

Cheese 150

Bread 65

Ketchup 98
Q8. Find the total money due in this bill. If a500 note and 100 was paid
to the shopkeeper, then what was the amount received as change?


Maggi 140

Cold drink 105

Choco-pie 120

Ice cream 75
Q1. If a train travelled 6,200 km ; 7,222km and 5,822 km in three
consecutive months. Find the total distance travelled by the train in the
three months.

Q2 . Soma had 64000.She spent 29400 on a washing machine. How much

money is still left with her?

Q3. Manoj purchased 78532 buttons from a manufacturing unit. He sold

25832 buttons in a month .How many buttons are left with him?

Q4. There were 9280 pupils in a school .On a rainy day 1215 were absent.
How many were present that day?

Q5. In a town there are 48654 men, 47781 women and 15625 children. Find
the population of the town.

Q6. A black and white TV costs 8,000 and a colour TV costs 5000 more.
What is the price of the colour TV ?

Q7. What number is 1500 less than 6700?

Q8. Manisha collected 372 sea shells and Vipul collected 258 sea shells. They mix
the shells together and then distributed 257 shells among children. How many
sea shells are left with them?

Q9. What number is 807 more than the largest 5 digit number? Write the
answer in word also.

Q10. One summer month an ice cream store sold 18476 ice cream cones in the
first week and 23,580 cones in the next week. How many more cones
were sold in the second week than the first?

Q11. There are 35,278 students in Class III, 32,184 students in Class IV and
25,375 students in Class V in the schools of a city. Find the total number
of students reading in Classes III, IV and V.
Q12. Keshav bought a shirt for 1298 from the mall and paid 2000 .How
much money will he get back ?

Q13 . Mr.Chandra has 4908 m of land. He grows grass to feed his animals .
He feeds 3240 kg of grass to his horses and 1670 kg to his cows .How
much grass does he feed his animals ?

Q14. A milk-dairy produces 25,545 litres of milk every day . It supplies

15,625 litres of milk to a milk-depot which is 20 km away and the rest to
the market. How much milk is supplied to the market?

Geppetto carves the puppet, which he names


1. Name the material that was used to carve the puppet.


2. Give some examples from your daily life in which the same material is



3. From which part of the plant we get this material?

4. What will happen if you throw this puppet in water? Sink/Float
To check whether your answer is right, do the activity with a pencil/wooden
scale/wooden spoon.

5.What will happen if the puppet is made of metal? Will it sink or
To check whether your answer is right, do the activity with a
metal scale/steel spoon.




6. Observe the vegetables and fruits that you get from the market
in the summer season. Find out which one will float/sink in water
after doing the activities.


Note: The answers will be written in the EVS notebook. The

discussion of the same will be done during the live session in the
month of July.
Fr. Agnel School, Noida
Academic year 2020-2021

Computer Holiday Homework

Class - 4

Dear Parents,

The ability to solve problems is a trait that is useful to life in general. We all want our
children to become excellent problem solvers so that they can overcome any adversity
.Learning to code gives children the chance to learn this skill while they are young and
can help them in life. This is one of the big reasons why it is important to learn coding .

Keeping this in mind, we are introducing coding in a playful manner because we

believe what children learn through play and fun, they learn better .

We are sharing Login details and steps which children need to follow to access the
coding portal. We sincerely believe that children will accomplish their coding task and
will have lots of fun doing this.

Sample of Login detail:

Children need to open the portal / website by following step 1 mentioned in the Login Detail.
Enter the section code to join the class. Section code is mentioned in step 1 of the Login

Select your name by clicking on ‘ Choose your name’. (Name is mentioned in step 2)
Enter the secret words mentioned in step 3 of Login details and click on Sign in. (It may ask
you to enter your age. Enter your age and click on ok). A screen similar to the one shown
below will appear.

The screen will show the entire list of lessons and under every lesson there will be many
levels. Click on 1 level of the first lesson. Follow the instructions given and complete the task.

Best of luck!!!

Note: The Login details of all the students will be uploaded on CampusCare.

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