Chemistry Questions
Chemistry Questions
Chemistry Questions
B H(product)(reactant)
the first ionization energy can be attributed to the C H(product)=H(reactant). D H(product) = Zero
17. Consider the reaction represented by the following
A decrease in screening effect equation: H2(g) + ½O2(g) → H2O(g) ΔH = -285.8Kj
B increase in screening effect mol-1 ΔH represents enthalpy of
C decrease in nuclear charge A formation B hydration. C neutralization D solution
D increase in nuclear charge 18. The collision theory proposes that
2. How many unpaired electron(s) are there in the nitrogen A reactants collide more frequently to bring about reduction in
sub-levels ? the reaction rate
A 1 B 0. C 3. D 2 B all collisions of reactants are effective
3. The maximum number of electrons in the L shell of an atom C reactants must collide with a certain amount minimum
is. A 18. B 32. C 2. D 8 amount of energy to form products
4. Elements in the same period in the periodic table have the D the fewer the collisions the faster the reaction rate
A chemical properties. B physical properties 19. Consider the reaction represented by the following
C number of shells. D atomic number equation: N2(g) + 3H2(g) ΔH = -92 Kj mol-1 . Finely divided iron
5. If an atom is represented as 2311X which of the following is used as catalyst in the reaction in order to
deductions is correct? A lower the value of ΔH
A it contains 12 protons. B it forms a covalent chloride B increase the time for attainment of equilibrium
C its atomic number is 23. D it is an alkali metal C shorten the time for attainment of equilibrium
6. If the relative molecular mass of an element is not a whole D decrease the yield of ammonia
number, it can be deduced that the element is 20. Consider the reaction represented by
A naturally radioactive. B abundant in nature H+(aq) + OH-(aq) → H2O(l). The energy change taking place in the
C a transition metal. D an isotopic mixture reaction above is enthalpy of
7. The experiment that showed that atoms have tiny positively A formation. B hydration. C neutralization D solution
charged nucleus was first carried out by 21. Which of the following processes is an endothermic
A Moseley B Rutherford. C Milikan. D Dalton reaction?
8. In the periodic table, electrical and thermal conductivities A Dissolving NH4Cl in water
are properties of elements that B Adding of concentrated H2SO4 in water
A decrease across the period and increase down the group C Dissolving NaOH pellets in water
B increase across the period and decrease down the group D Passing SO3 gas into water
C decrease across the period and down the group 22. The activation energy of a reaction can be altered by
D increase across the period and down the group A adding a reducing agent. B applying high pressure
9. How many electrons are in the L shell of 3115P? C using a catalyst. D change the temperature
A 2. B 5. C 8. D 18 23. Which of the following statement is true of an endothermic
10. Which experiment led to the measurement of the charge reaction?
on an electron? I Heat is absorbed from the surrounding
A Scattering α - particles. B Discharging-tube experiment II The heat content of the products is more than that of the
C Oil-drop experiment. D Mass spectrometric experiment reactants III The enthalpy change is positive
11. Which of the following gases contains the least number of IV The surrounding is at lower temperature than the system. A
atoms at s.t.p.? I only B I & II only C I, II &III only D I, II, III &IV
A 1 mole of butane. B 3 moles of ozone 24.What does ΔH mean in the following equation?
C 4 moles of chlorine. D 7 moles of argon Cl(g) + e- → Cl-(g) ; ΔH = -363 KJmol-1
12. Milikan's contribution to the development of atomic theory A Ionization energy B Electron affinity
is the determination of C Dissociation energy D Heat of atomization
A positive rays. B cathode rays 25. Consider the following equation.
C charge to mass ratio D charge on electron Ag+(aq) + Cl-(aq) → AgCl(s) ; ΔH = -65.7 Kjmol-1. From the
13. The shapes of CO2, H2O, and CH4 respectively are equation, it can be deduced that
A bent, linear and tetrahendral A direct combination is involved and the reaction is
B bent, tetrahendral and linear endothermic
C linear, bent and tetrahendral B a solid is formed and heat is evolved
D tetrahendral, linear and bent C activation energy is high and catalyst is required
14. Which of the following statements is correct about the D the reaction is endothermic and occurs at high temperature
periodic table? 26. How much heat will be liberated if 8g of hydrogen burns in
A Elements in the same period have the same number of excess oxygen according to the following
valence electrons. equation? 2H2 + O2 → 2H2O, ΔH = -571.7 kj (H = 1)
B The valence electrons of the elements in the same period A 142.9kj B 285.9kj C 571.7kj D 1143.4kj E 2286.8kj
increase progressively across the period. 27. If the change in free energy (∆G) of a reaction is negative, it
C Elements in the same group have the same number of can be deduced that the reaction will
electron shells. I not proceed in the direction indicated II be reversible III not
D The non-metallic properties of the elements tend to occur at room temperature IV be feasible
decrease across each period A IV B I and II. C III and IV D I, II and III E I, II, III and IV
15. The stability of ionic solids is generally due to the 28. In which of the following changes is ΔS negative?
A negative affinity of most atoms B crystal lattice forces A H2O(l) →H2O(s) B C(s) + ½O2(g) → CO(g)
C electron pair sharing. D positive ionization potentials C PCl5(g) → PCl3(g) + Cl2(g) D NaCl(s) → Na+(aq) + Cl-(aq)
16. In a chemical reaction, ΔH is positive when 29. Given for the reaction,
N2(g) + 3H2(g) → 2NH3(g) ΔH = 92kj. What is the enthalpy of the 28, calculate the relative molecular mass of Y.
formation of ammonia from its element? A 112
A -46 kj mol-1 B -184 kj mol-1 C +46 kj mol -1 D + 184 kj mol-1 B 120
30. The volume of a given mass of gas is Vcm3 at Pmm Hg. C 56
What is the new volume of the gas if the D 14
pressure is reduced to half at constant temperature? 41. 25cm3 of a gas X contains Z molecules at 15oC and 75 mm
A v/2 cm3. B V cm3. C 4V cm3. D 2V cm3 Hg. How many molecules will 25cm3 of
31. The stability of the noble gas is due to the fact that they another gas Y contain at the same temperature and pressure?
A belong to group zero of the periodic table A2Y
B are volatile in nature B2Z
C have no electron in their outermost shells CY
D have droplet or octet electron configurations DZ
32. 0.0075 mole of calcium trioxocarbonate (IV) is added to 42. 56.00cm3 of a gas at s.t.p. weighed 0.11g. What is the
0.015 mole of a solution of hydrochloric acid. vapour density of the gas? [Molar volume of a
The volume of gas evolved at s.t.p is gas at s.t.p. = 22.4dm3]
[Molar volume of a gas at s.t.p = 22.4 dm3] A 11.00
A 224cm3 B 22.00
B 168 cm3 C 33.00
C 112 cm3 D 44.00
D 100 cm3 43. Two cylinders A and B each contains 30 cm3 of oxygen and
33. A gas exerts pressure on its container because nitrogen respectively at the same
A the molecules of a gas collides with the walls of the temperature and pressure. If there are 5.0 moles of nitrogen,
container then the mass of oxygen is
B some molecules are moving faster than others A 3.2 g
C of the collisions of the molecules with each other B 6.4 g
D of the mass of the molecules of the gas C 80.0 g
34. The basic assumptions in the kinetic theory of gases that D 160.0 g
the collisions of the gaseous molecules are 44. Equal volume of CO, SO2, NO2 and H2S were released into
perfectly elastic implies that the a room at the same point and time. Which of
A forces of attraction and repulsion are in equilibrium the following gives the order of diffusion of the gases to the
B gaseous molecules can occupy any available space opposite corner of the room? [S = 32, C =
C gaseous molecules will continue their motion indefinitely 12, O =16, N = 14, H = 1]
D gases can be compressed A CO, SO2, NO2, H2S
35. 300cm3 of a gas has a pressure of 800 mm Hg. If the B SO2, NO2, H2S, CO
pressure is reduced to 650 mm Hg, find its volume C CO, H2S, SO2, NO2
A 243.75 cm3 D CO, H2S, NO2, SO2
B 396.23 cm3 45. An increase in temperature causes an increase in the
C 738.46 pressure of a gas because there is an increase in
D 1733.36 cm3 the
36. Which of the following decreases when a mass of gas is A average velocity of the molecules
compressed to half its initial volume? B number of collisions between the molecules
A Average intermoleclar distance B Frequency of collisions C density of the molecules
C Number of molecules D free mean path between each molecule and the other
D Atomic radius of each particle 46. The number of molecules of carbon (IV) oxide produced
37. Calculate the mass of chlorine gas which occupies a volume when 10.0 g of CaCO3 + 2HCl → CaCl2 +
of 1.12 dm3 at s.t.p. H2O + CO2 is [Ca = 40, O = 16, C = 12, NA = 6.02 x 1023, H = 1,
[Cl = 35.5, Molar volume of a gas at s.t.p = 22.4 dm3] Cl = 35.5]
A 1.80g A 1.00 x 1023
B 3.55g B 6.02 x 1023
C 7.10g C 9.02 x 1023
D 15.50g D 6.02 x 1024
38. In the industrial production of H2 from natural gas, the CO2 47. Ammonia gas is normally dried with
produced along with the H2 is removed by A concentrated sulphuric acid
A washing under pressure B quicklime
B drying over phosphorous (V) oxide C anhydrous carbon chloride
C passing the mixture into lime water D magnesium sulphate
D using ammoniacal copper (I) chloride 48. The oxidation of ammonia in excess air produces
39. The density of a certain gas is 1.98 g dm-3 at s.t.p. What is A NO
the molecular mass of the gas? [Molar B N2O
volume of a gas at s.t.p = 22.4 dm3] C NO2
A 26.0 g D N2O4
B 31.0 g 49. In which of the following reactions can the oxidation
C 54.0 g number of nitrogen be said to have increased?
D 44.0 g A FeSO4(aq) + NO(g) → Fe(NO)SO4(s)
40. A gas X diffuses twice as fast as gas Y under the same B 2NO(g) + O2(g) → 2NO2(g)
conditions. If the relative molecular mass of X is C NO(g) + Cl2(g) → NOCl2(g)
D NO(g) + Br2(l) → NOBr2(l)
50. 2FeCl2(s) + Cl2(g) → 2FeCl3(s). The reducing agent in
the reaction above is
A FeCl2
B Cl2
C FeCl3
D Fe