Learn Oud 3: Mr. Tareq Al-Jundi
Learn Oud 3: Mr. Tareq Al-Jundi
Learn Oud 3: Mr. Tareq Al-Jundi
Level : Advanced
Number of videos : 28
Learn the Oud 3 series with the Oud player Mr. Tareq Al Jundi is considered
a start to any player who is seeking true skill in play- ing the Oud instru-
ment. The course uses templates like Sama’ee and Longa as a method of
exercise to transfer the regular Oud player to an expert Oud player. Longas
and Sama’ees are consid- ered a necessity to improve your playing. Mr. Al
Jundi extracts ex- ercises from these Sama’ees and also explains oriental
scales ad ehythmic signs used in them. This series you will learn Nahawand
Kafseer Hanim Longa, Noa Athat Sama’ee, Andalsi Acrostic “Lamma Bada
Yatathanna” and many other Longas
Lesson 1 - Right and Left Hand exibility exercises
Mr. Tareq Al Jundi starts o the rst lesson in the “Learn to play Oud 3”
series by giving exercises needed to warm up and enhance right and left
hand exibility before starting to play Oud at this stage. These exercises
are ascending and descending exercises on Ajam scale. The instructor
move on to introducing the Minor Harmonic scale, then advises to apply
the scale excercises on Al Bayat, Rast, Hijaz and other scales.
Lesson 1 - Right and Left Hand exibility exercises
The lesson starts with introducing Al Longa template and Al Serto tem-
plate. Moving on to introducing some of the symbols needed to play
Longas on Oud, such as segno, iterative melody, verses and chorus. After
that Mr Tareq gives an application on Serto Naha- wand of Jameel Baik
Al Tanbouri Mr Tareq focuses also on the idea of extracting exercises
from tracks and practicing each bar sepa- rately. Further, Mr Tareq Al
Jundi continues by giving the Serto Na- hawand of Jameel Baik Al Tan-
bouri. Track, and moves on to other verses, also talking about the Chro-
matic scale while giving tips re- garding the position of the thumb.
Lesson 2 - continued
Lesson 3 - playing the entire Serto Nahawand
The instructor starts with new exercises for the pick and the hands on
Ajam scale. He alters speed and talks about reversed pick. The instructor
applies on Al Bayat
Lesson 4.1 - continued
Mr Tareq divides the sentences into parts and plays them slowly while
focusing on each part separately to make sure he plays each part accu-
rately. He them moves on to give the same exer- cises on Al Bayat Re
scale while talking about how important it is to have the pick at a 45
angle and not a 90
Lesson 5 - The Half state of Al Ajam and Al Nahwand scales
The lesson starts by de ning the Half state of playing. The in- structor
explains the standard state and then the Half state. He elaborates the
Half state of Al Ajam scale on the Oud.
Mr Tareq provides the exercise needed for the Half state of Al Na-
hawand scale, while preparing through the exercise for the up- coming
Al Longa.
Lesson 6 - Nahawand Kafseer Hanim Longa
The lesson starts by introducing Al Longa and a bit of its history. Then Mr
Tareq Al Jundi moves on to explaining Al Longa parts on the Oud.
The instructor continues explaining Al Longa parts, while talking about
dissecting Al Longas on the Oud and extracting exercises from them.
Lesson 7 - Playing the entire Nahawand Kafseer Hanim Longa
In this lesson we learn Al Husseini scale and its relation to Al Bayat, how
the scale operates. The instructor gives other exam- ples such as Lovers’
scale, and he talks about Al Rukouz.
Lesson 8.1 - continued
Mr Tareq talks about doubling the time while reading the musi- cal
And continues on the subject of reading the notes of the verse and dou-
bling the time when reading.
Mr Tareq continues on the subject of reading the notes of the verse
while doubling the time when reading.
doubling time
Lesson 10.1 - Teaching Sama’ee Thaqeel rhythm
In this lesson we are introduced to the Sama’ee Thaqeel rhythm, and Mr.
Al Jundi explains some of the rhythmic symbols like Dum, Tak and Es. He
else explains division by 2 which is the opposite of doubling.
Lesson 10.1 - continued
Mr. Tareq continues to explain the Sama’ee Thaqeel rhythm and analyzes
it for better understanding and gives an exercise on Sam’ee Thaqeel
rhythm. He also emphasizes the importance of this rhythm and its exist-
ence in various Oud tracks.
Lesson 11 - Andalusi Acrostic “Lamma Bada Yatathanna”
Here the instructor talks about the structural form of the Sama’ee tem-
plate. He explains the Sama’ee which is on the Bayat scale.
Lesson 13 - continued
The instructor here explains the third verse of Ols Arabic Sama’ee Bayat.
He talks about Al Hijaz scal and then moves on to the fourth verse of Al
Saba scale.Mr. Tareq plays the Old Arabic Sa- ma’ee Bayat track entirely,
and he talks about the possibility to play with your ngers without the
pick in some special cases.
As was the case in the previous lesson, Mr Tareq gives daily hand exercis-
es using Chromatic scale and continues to explain the im- portant hand
exercises and moves on to giving exercises to strengthen the fourth
nger when playing the Oud.
Lesson 17 - continued
Tareq Al Jundi continues explaining the second and third verse of Noa
Athar Sama’ee by Jameel Oweis. He discusses the transferenc- es exist-
ing in the Sama’ee and explains once again Al Nakreez scale. Tareq Also
gives an exercise on alteration.Mr. Al Jundi also contin- ues alteration
exercises in playing the Oud.
Lesson 20.1 - the fourth verse and changing the scale
The instructor here moves on to talk about the fourth verse and chang-
ing the scale.
The last lesson in the Learn the Oud series 3 starts with an exercise on o
set before moving on to explain the third verse in Shahrazad Longa.
The last lesson in the Learn the Oud series 3 starts with an exercise on o
set before moving on to explain the third verse in Shahrazad Longa.