*Emma is teaching the call & the clap pattern, I am teaching the response.
1. Have students tap on their collarbones to subdivide the 12/8 pattern.
2. Sing the pattern on a neutral da, have students echo the rhythm a few times. 3. Break down the pronunciation of the text. a. 2 words: Dzinoruma, and nyuchi b. Echo one syllable at a time for each word, put them together echoing two syllables at a time, eventually echo both words together. c. These words mean “The bees sting!” 4. Bring back the subdivision tapping and put the words to the rhythm. 5. Explain that this response has two parts, an upper and a lower harmony. Divide students into two groups and assign their parts. 6. Teach solfege for higher harmony: Fa Fa La La Re Do, Mi Mi Sol Sol Re Do a. Echo a few times out of time, then put back into the rhythm. 7. Teach solfege for lower harmony: Fa Fa La La La So, Mi Me Sol Sol Sol Sol 8. Put the two parts together. 9. Try it all together with Emma’s call.
Dancing Moonlight Lesson Plan
*Coshel is teaching the body percussion, I am teaching the recorder and humming
1. Put music up on board.
2. Explain the the piece is in 5/4 meter (if Coshel hasn’t already) and have them tap it on their collar bone and whisper chant 12345 to internalize this meter. 3. Review notes on the recorder: E, D, B, A, G 4. Teach recorder part 1 a. sing the letter names and do the fingerings, making sure that we stay in 5/4 b. play the notes on recorder slowly at first, then work up to tempo 5. Teach recorder part 2 a. same as before but expedited because simpler part 6. Put two recorder parts together, assign half & half 7. Play it with the backtrack 8. Teach humming part a. take the same note you played last on the recorder and hum for 8 measures and an extra half note b. practice the dynamics on the second run 9. Play everything from the beginning of the recorder part (or very top)