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Procedure System of Control For Non Conformance Control

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Al-Jaber International Company


1 Revision History
Revision Description of
DATE Initiated By Completed By
No# Changes
15th Management Integration for ISO Management
November Representative 14001 and OHSAS Representative
2018 18001 & ISO 31000

2 Distribution List
Sr. No/ Designation Issue Date Distributed by

Projects Manager & Management

01 15th November 2018
Construction Manager Representative
02 Management Representative 15th November 2018
03 Management
CEO 15th November 2018

04 Management
Chairman 15th November 2018

Document Issue Revision Original Revision Document Document Document

Number Number Number Issue Date Issue Date Prepared By Reviewed by Approved By
Manager & CM /PM /MR /
AJB- Chairman
Construction CEO
CFNCC-PR- 1.1 01 01-01-16 15-11-18 Manager


This document contains confidential information. It may be copied in full or in parts only by Al-Jaber
International Company and only for the purpose of Al-Jaber International Company related activities.
Disclosure of any information contained within this procedure to any person (s) outside the employee of Al-
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Al-Jaber International Company
Procedure System of
Original Issue Date: Revision Issue date:
Doc. No: AJB-CFNCC-PR-01 Issue Number: 01 Revision Number: 01
01st January 2016 15th November 2018


1. DEFINITIONS AND ACRONYMS .................................................................................................... 3

1.1 Definitions ........................................................................................................................................ 3
1.2 Acronyms ......................................................................................................................................... 3
2. INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
3. PURPOSE ............................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
4. PROCESS INPUTS ................................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
5. PROCESS OUTPUTS............................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
6. PROCEDURE.................................................................................................................................... 5
6.1 Non Conformance Procedure ........................................................................................................ 5
6.2 Procured Items ................................................................................................................................ 5
6.3 Goods Receiving Inspection.......................................................................................................... 5
6.4 Fabrication, Construction and Installation ................................................................................... 6
6.5 Product Non-Conformance Report ................................................................................................ 6
6.6 Replace / Disposal ........................................................................................................................... 7
6.7 General ............................................................................................................................................. 7

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Al-Jaber International Company
Procedure System of
Original Issue Date: Revision Issue date:
Doc. No: AJB-CFNCC-PR-01 Issue Number: 01 Revision Number: 01
01st January 2016 15th November 2018


1.1 Definitions
Term Definition
COMPANY Mass Group Holding Company & Donaldson Company
COMPANY Joint Venture
Conformity Fulfilment of a requirement

Correction Action to eliminate a detected nonconformity

Action to eliminate the cause of a detected nonconformity or
Corrective Action
other undesirable situation
Permission to use or release a product that does not
conform to specified requirements
Permission to depart from originally specified requirements
Deviation Permit
of a product prior to realization
Action on a nonconformity product to make it conform to the
Nonconformity Non-fulfillment of a requirement
Action on a nonconforming product to make it acceptable for
intended use
Release Permission to proceed to the next stage of the process
Action on a nonconforming product to preclude its originally
intended use

1.2 Acronyms
Acronym Description
DS Degassing Station
IMS Integrated Management System
ECP Evaporative Cooler Project
NCR Non-Conformance Reports
QMS Quality Management System
QA/QC Quality Assurance / Quality Control
RCA Root Cause Analysis
TSC Technical support Services
SGPS Suleimanya Gas Power Station

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Al-Jaber International Company
Procedure System of
Original Issue Date: Revision Issue date:
Doc. No: AJB-CFNCC-PR-01 Issue Number: 01 Revision Number: 01
01st January 2016 15th November 2018

The plant is located in the town of Chamchamal, which is located about 60 Km to the west of
Suleimanya city.

MGH has signed a contract with the Ministry of Electricity in Kurdistan Region to build SGPS with
a Capacity of 1500 MW on basis BOO (Build,Operate and Own). Work Started at site early 2008.
In the first and second phases (simple cycle), eight Frame-9E gas turbines were installed and
operated to produce 1000 MW and the contract for the simple cycle was signed with the
American Company GE and the German Company ABB.

As the Third Phase of the project, MGH started converting SGPS into a Combined Cycle with
additional 500 MWs capacity, by utilizing the gas turbine exhaust heat emissions to produce
steam in Heat Recovery Steam Generators (HRSG), which will used to generate electricity in two
steam turbines. This process increases the production efficiency without using extra fuel. It also
reduces the amount of CO2 emissions and frees the environment from combustion emission.
After the completion of the combined cycle, the plant capacity will be upgraded to 1500 MW.
It is worth mentioning that Sulaymaniyah power station is designed to operate on two types of
fuel, the prime fuel (natural gas) and secondary fuel (diesel).

The main parts of the Combined Cycle are:

- 9E gas turbines manufactured by the American company (GE).
- The steam turbines of the type (C7) manufactured by the American company (GE).
- Boilers(HRSG) of Belgian company (CMI).
- Air cooling systems from the German company (Enexio).
- The main and subsidiary transformers of the French company (Alstom).
- The main control system of the American company (Emerson).
- Gas pressure reduction system from the German company Bilfinger-Rotring.

The substation accompanying the plant is 132 KV for a Simple Cycle and a 400 KV for the
combined cycle, both were supplied by the Swedish company ABB and the power is transferred
from the station site via fourteen high voltage lines connected to the national grid in the
Kurdistan region.

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Al-Jaber International Company
Procedure System of
Original Issue Date: Revision Issue date:
Doc. No: AJB-CFNCC-PR-01 Issue Number: 01 Revision Number: 01
01st January 2016 15th November 2018


The purpose of this procedure is to ensure that non-conforming product are clearly identified,
segregated and controlled, so that unauthorized or inadvertent use is prevented, their disposition
formally agreed and recorded.

The following process inputs are required for this procedure:
 Material Receiving Inspections
 In-progress Inspections / Testing


The following process outputs are generated as a part of this procedure:

 Identification of Non-conforming Product


6.1 Non Conformance Procedure

 The Non-Conformance Procedure and process shall cover all phases of the
project. That shall include Engineering, Procurement, Fabrication, Construction
and Installation. It covers all product related Non- Conformances during all
phases of the project.

6.2 Procured Items

 Vendor / Supplier shall cover NCR during their own manufacturing process as
per their own procedure.

 However should supplier not raise NCR against the identified product Non-
Conformance, CONTRACTOR NCR procedure shall be adhered.

6.3 Goods Receiving Inspection

 Material shall be checked to ensure conformity to the stated requirements.

 Any material that is identified as not meeting the stated requirements shall be
placed in quarantine and recorded by issue of an NCR.

 Non-conforming materials may be returned to the supplier or have a concession

applied for by the Material Controller / Quality department.

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Al-Jaber International Company
Procedure System of
Original Issue Date: Revision Issue date:
Doc. No: AJB-CFNCC-PR-01 Issue Number: 01 Revision Number: 01
01st January 2016 15th November 2018

6.4 Fabrication, Construction and Installation

 Immediately upon identification of Non-conformity, a reject label shall be placed

on the non-conforming product and the material quarantined.

 If it is not possible to place the material in a quarantine area because of size or

space constraints, the site supervisor shall ensure sufficient additional identity
of the non-conformance to prevent its inadvertent use.

6.5 Product Non-Conformance Report

 These shall be raised for all non-conformances, which require to be reviewed

prior to corrective action being effected.

 A Non-conformance Report shall be raised by the any Project team member,

Material Controller and/or by the QC Engineer / QC Inspector during all phases
of the project.

 After issuing a NCR the product shall be identified with an NCR label with the
NCR number marked on it. The label shall remain on the product until a
concession is granted or the product is rejected, reworked or replaced.

 The original NCR shall be forwarded to the Project QA/QC Manager or his
nominee for authorization.

 The authorized NCR shall be distributed as follows:

 Original filed by the Quality Department

 A copy attached to the Material Received Report and issued to the

Accounts department.

 A copy sent to supplier when products are rejected.

 A copy issued to department concerned with the installation

 A copy sent to Purchasing Section.

 A copy sent to COMPANY.

 The Project QA/QC Manager or his nominee shall verify the completion of any
rectification or re-work.

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Al-Jaber International Company
Procedure System of
Original Issue Date: Revision Issue date:
Doc. No: AJB-CFNCC-PR-01 Issue Number: 01 Revision Number: 01
01st January 2016 15th November 2018
 The nonconformity log shall be updated on a regular basis to reflect the status
of the nonconformities.

6.6 Replace / Disposal

 Rejected material shall be subjected to reclamation procedures where possible
and/or removed from site.

 It is the responsibility of the Project QA/QC Manager (or his nominee) to ensure
that all Quarantine areas are cleared regularly and that materials contained
there are either salvaged or replaced.

 If disposition is to “Re-work”, “Repair” or “Use As-Is” COMPANY Quality and

Engineering evaluate and approve recommended disposition.

6.7 General

 This procedure covers all product related Non-Conformance during all phases
of the project.

 It is imperative that all non-conforming material is clearly identified (i.e. having a

Hold/Concession or Reject label attached).

 Any material is assumed to be satisfactory, unless it is clearly marked with a

Reject and/or Hold / Concession note or if it is placed in the quarantine area.

 When material is returned to the vendor/supplier, the Material Controller shall

issue a goods return note and update the NCR log with the Goods return note
identified for traceability.

 CONTRACTOR shall document and report to COMPANY all product

Nonconformities. Reporting is to be within two business days of identification.
Within five business days of reporting, CONTRACTOR shall present for
COMPANY approval a written resolution proposal for each Non-conformity,
regardless of whether identified by CONTRACTOR or COMPANY.

 CONTRACTOR shall resolve, to COMPANY’s satisfaction, Quality issues

identified by COMPANY.

 CONTRACTOR shall ensure that appropriate improvements and preventive

actions are taken when evidence indicates a potential Nonconformity or other
undesirable potential situation.

 EMIL Quality, Project Management and Engineering group review and approve
all disciplines.

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Procedure System of
Original Issue Date: Revision Issue date:
Doc. No: AJB-CFNCC-PR-01 Issue Number: 01 Revision Number: 01
01st January 2016 15th November 2018
 All major NCR and COMPANY issued NCR, a formal RCA session shall be
conducted with the relevant project personnel in attendance.

 Trend Analysis and Root Cause Analysis (RCA) shall be completed for all NCR
by the Project QA/QC Manager.

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