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Mark Dvoretsky, Arthur Yusupov, Artur Iusupov, Vladimir Vulfson-Technique For The Tournament Player (Batsford Chess Library) (1995) PDF

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The book focuses on improving technique in endgames through studying examples and analyzing typical positions. It aims to help players identify weaknesses in their endgame play.

The book is based on sessions from the Dvoretsky-Yusupov school for young chess players. It focuses on improving mastery of the endgame through demonstrating effective study methods, general principles and techniques.

The book covers theory of rook endgames, endgames with opposite-colored bishops, typical positions, exploiting advantages, techniques of grandmaster play and examples from students' games.

Batsford Chess Library

Technique for the Tournament Player

Mark Dvoretsky and Artur Yusupov

With a contribution from Vladimir Vulfson

Translated by Steven Lovell

An Owl Book
Henry Holt and Company
New York
Henry Holt and Company, Inc.
Publishers since 1866
115 West 18th Street
New York. New York 10011

Henry Holt® is a registered

trademark of Henry Holt and Company, Inc.

Copyright © 1995 by Mark Dvoretsky and Artur Yusupov

All rights reserved.
First published in the United States in 1995 by
Henry Ho1t and Company. Inc.
Originally published in Great Britain in 1995 by
B. T. Batsford Ltd.

Library of Congress Catalog Card Number; 94-72757

ISBN 0-8050-3900-7 (An Owl Book: pbk.)

First American Edition-l 995

Printed in the United Kingdom

All first editions arc printed on acid-free paper.oo

10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

Editorial Panel: Mark Dvoretsky, john Nunn, Jon Speelman

General Adviser: Raymond Keene aBE
Managing Editor: Graham Burgess
Symbols 4
Preface (Mark Dvoretsky) 5

Part 1: Theory of the Endgame

1 How to Study the Endgame (Mark Dvoretsky) 7
2 Improving your Tcchnique (Mark Dvoretsky) 27
3 Theory and Practice of Rook Endgames
(Mark Dvoretsky, Artur Yusupov) 44
4 From the Simple to the Complex: the theory of
endgames with opposite-coloured bishops
(Mark Dvoretsky) 79

Part 2: Endgame Analysis

5 Typical positions with Rooks and connected
passed pawns (Vladimir Vulfson) 102
6 Adventures on Resumption Day (Mark Dvoretsky) 114
7 Knight Solo (or what pure horsepower is capable of)
(Artur Yusupov) 120

Part 3: Technique
8 Exploiting an Advantage (Mark Dvoretsky) 128
9 Techniques of Grandmaster Play (ArLur Yusupov) 178
10 The Lessons of one Endgame (Mark Dvoretsky) 185
11 Analysis of a Game (Artur Yusupov, Mark Dvoretsky) 195

Part 4
12 Examples from Games by Pupils of the School
(Artur Yusupov) 214

Index of Analysts and Commentators 235

Index of Games 237
Index of Studies 240

!! Excellent move
Good move
!? Interesting move
?! Dubious move
? Bad move
?? Blunder
+ Check
++ Double check
Win White to play and win
Draw White to play and draw
=/- White to play draws; Black to play loses
-/= White to play loses; Black to play draws
+/= White to play wins; Black to play draws
W White to play
B Black to play
Ch Championship
Wch World Championship
(D) Diagram follows
Mark Dvoretsky

You may already be acquainted changed - these days games are

with the first two books based on hardly ever adjourned. Before,
material from the Dvoretsky-Yusu- when you entered an ending, it was
pov school for gifted young chess possible to work out its complexi-
players (Training for the Tourna- ties at home. but now you have to
ment Player and Opening Prepa- do this at the board. If you arc not
ration). In that case you will equipped with excellent know-
already know our guiding princi- ledge and. even more importantly,
ples. We held in the school several an understanding of the principles
sessions devoted to various areas of the endgame. it is far from easy
of chess development. The aim of to cope with this task, especially
the sessions was not at all to impart when you consider the fatigue that
concrete knowledge - we had too builds up during a game. But of
little time for that. It was much course mistakes in the endgame arc
more important to point out weak- the last that occur in a game - there
nesses in our pupils' play and help is no way of putting them right!
them to get rid of them, to demon- Clearly. the importance of techni-
strate the most effective ways of cal mastery of the endgame has
studying chess, to acquaint them sharply increased in our time.
with the general laws, ideas and r have on my bookshelves quite
methods which underpin the game. a few solid tomes on endgame
You are now looking at our third theory. Is it realistic to take in and
book (there will be five in all). It is remember all the information con-
based on our work at the third ses- tained in them? As it turns out,
sion of the school, which was de- there is no need to do this. When
voted to the problem of improving you read the first part of the book.
mastery of the endgame. you will see that your own system
In the last few years the rules of endgame knowledge can and
governing many tournaments and should be extremely compact and
matches have been fundamentally simple to master and remember.
6 Preface

You will discover how to develop involve a combination of chess and

it, and you will come across some psychology. The problem of im-
important sections of the theory of proving technique is treated in the
rook and minor-piece endgames. third part of the book. Here you
The second part of the book is will find both the theory of this
spent analysing complex end- question and its practical appJica-
games that have occurred in prac- tion - both in critical analysis of a
tice. This sort of analysis helps to game between young chess players
deepen and strengthen knowledge and on the highest grandmaster
of the endgame, and assists the de- level.
velopment of aspects of character The concluding part of the book
and thought which are essential to is, as is customary in this series,
every chess player. spent analysing the games of pu-
The technical conversion of an pils of the school.
advantage is a stumbling-block for Practically all the chess players J
many chess players. To improve have trained have had a high leveJ
technical command, it is necessary of technique and an excellent grasp
to develop several important skills of the endgame. In other words. the
involving move selection and deci- methods described in this book
sion-taking; these skills are not have survived the test of time. I
purely to do with chess~ but rather hope you too will find them useful.
1 How to Study the Endgame
Mark Dvoretsky

Many young chess players are all queen endings we will master the
at sea in the endgame. They would specific problems of these varieties
like to improve their endgame play, of endgame.
but have no idea how to do so. All endgame positions can pro-
Chess books have very little to say visionally be divided into 'exact'
about methods of independent and •problematic ' ones. Positions
study of endgame theory. We will that we know and can already
now try to fill in this gap. evaluate, where we can find the
Two basic areas of endgame correct plan of action, we shall call
study can be identified: 'exact'. Notc that these positions
1. Theoretical study (Le. book- are known to us, and not to end-
learning, increase in knowledge of game theory in general. Different
the endgame). chess players have different re-
2. Improvement of general end- serves of exact positions.
game technique. An other positions belong to the
Of course. thesc two areas are problematic. In these cases we do
closely inter-related: progress in not demonstrate our knowledge -
one area will inevitably lead to pro- we struggle, we search for the best
gress in the other. However, we moves, we calculate variations - in
will still look at them separately. short. we play chess.
Many people naively believe
1. Theoretical Study that knowledge of the endgame
consists of a knowledge of dozens
To expand your range of knowl- of exact positions. But is a large
edge it is essential to study system- store of concrete knowledge really
atically many different types of so necessary? Exact positions (ex-
endgame. Here the traditional divi- cept the most basic ones) occur
sion of the material is fully appro- quite rarely in practice.
priate. If we take a thorough look More often than not, the chess
at, for example. pawn, knight or player is obliged to struggle in
8 How to Study the Endgame

problematic situations. He must

apply in them the relevant general
endgame laws along with the more
specific rules, methods of play and
typical evaluations. All this, to-
gether, of course, with the most
important exact positions, will
comprise an integrated system of
endgame knowledge.
I must emphasize again: the
number of positions which need to
be known exactly is relatively
small. It is only in rook endgames
that it is essential to memorize
thirty or forty concrete positions;
in other types of endgame there are The black rook is excellently
even fewer. When you study them, placed on the fifth rank, where it
it is often unnecessary to enter into prevents the white king moving
complicated analysis - it is suffi- forward. 1 f5 is met by l ....:hl,
cient just to remember the general threatening a series of checks from
conclusion. the rear.
Let us take for example rook I ':g6+ ~f7!
endings with f- and h-pawns. They 1. ..Wh7 does not lose either. but
occur quite rarely, but nevertheless it makes the defence much harder.
they do occur, so it would be useful 2 ':gS %tbl!
to gain some understanding of A typical retreat of the black
them. However, it is hardly worth- rook in such situations - here it
while to study all the theory of this keeps the option of checking the
type of ending - it is just too com- enemy king along both ranks and
plicated. What aspect of this theory files.
should the practical chess player 3 l:tcS
include in his arsenal? If 3 h6, then Black must avoid
Above all, he should remember 3...:g1 +? 4 Ciftf5 :hl 5 :g7+ since
that these endgames are, as a rule, hi s king is forced onto the back
drawn. It is useful to look at a prac- rank and so White wins. The wait-
tical ending which illustrates the ing move 3 ...:a1! saves the day,
basic defensive ideas. for example 4 :h5 (4 Ciftf5 :a5+; 4
How to Study the Endgame 9

h711g1+ S ~fS nhl)4 ... ~g8 S fS r~_ ~ ~ ~I

3 •..
4 :'c6+
I'\ ~~W~ ~~ ~,.o....f~
- ~i
I/~~ $~W-
~~ ~~~} ~
The main danger for Black is
!~ ~ ~ •
I ~ _•
that his king might be forced onto
his back rank. This would happen
_• B
I .:~--~
~:% rff~
after 4 ... ~f7'! S 'it>g5 :gl + 6 Ciftf5
':h1711c7+. ~ ~
5 <itJg5 :gl+!
6 cJtf5 nal ~. ~
7 %:tc7+ W
7 l1g6+ rJ;f7. An important theoretical posi-
7 rJ;h6 tion has arisen, which should have
8 %:te7 lIb I been included in our exact knowl-
9 ':e8 cJ;;g7 edge even earlier - when we stud-
10 l1e5 ':al ied endings of :+8 v :.
II ltd5 nn 26 1:et ':a7+
Not a bad move, although it was 27 :e7 :a8
quite good enough to keep the rook It is simplest to keep the rook on
in the comer. the eighth rank, keeping out the
12 l:1d4 1:al white king. Black may also play
13 ':d6 :1a5+ 27 ...:al 28 ~f8 ~g6 29 f7 Ciftf6!
14 rJ;g4 :al 30 ~g8 :gl+!. with a draw, but
14...:1b5 is also quite possible. 27 ....:a6? loses - in the given vari-
returning to our starting position. ation Black has no check along the
15 :e6 :gl+ g-file.
16 ~f5 ':al 28 .ad7 rJ;h7
17 h6+ cJth7! 29 :dl %:ta7+
18 %:td6 .aa2 30 We6 ':a6+
19 <itJg5 ':g2+ 31 lld6 %:ta8
20 ~f6 rJ;xh6! 32 %:td4 ~g8
21 ~e7+ rJ;h7 33 l1g4+ cJtf8
22 f5 %:te2+ Draw
23 ':e6 :La2
24 f6 l1aS! After looking at an endgame of
25 ~f7 ~h6 (D) this kind we can draw certain
10 How to Study the Endgame

general conclusions. We now know 7 ~f8

where Black should put his rook. and Sf7.
And. as Maizelis noted. it is best It is sufficient to play through
to keep the king on f7 until there is this variation on a board just once -
a danger that it will be forced onto there is no need to memorize it.
the last rank. Then it can move to particularly as White has other
g7. and later even to h6. attacking ways of winning.
the white pawn.
Of course, by no means all posi- That is really all that the practi-
tions with f- and h-pawns are cal chess player needs to remember
drawn. The most important excep- about this type of ending. As you
tion has already been mentioned see, there isn't too much to remem-
more than once: when the king is ber and it's not as difficult as all
cut off on the last rank, Black usu- that!
ally loses.
We can now take a look at an-
other, rather more extensive sec-
tion of our system of endgame
knowledge - the theory of end-
games where a rook is confronted
by pawns. Any reference book on
the endgame can serve as the ba-
sis for our study, for example the
monograph by Maizelis Rook
against Pawns, published in 1956
(endgame books, unlike opening
manuals. hardly date). About 400
w positions are examined there. Of
1 f6 :1al course, we cannot absorb and
2 :g7+ <it?h8 memorize all the information. We
2 ... ~f8 is answered by 3 h6 with need to select the most important
the inevitable advance of the h- basic positions for the practical
pawn to follow. player.
3 ~g6 :gl+ But how can we identify what is
4 ~f7 :al most important? This is the main
5 l1g8+ Wh7 problem. This is where the general
6 :eS 1:.a7+ intellect of the chess player. his
How to Study the Endgame 11

ability to work with a book. to gen- motifs at work in an endgame of

eralize and to draw conclusions are rook against pawns.
revealed. Any prior knowledge
(however unsystematic) and prac- Cutting the king off
tical experience in the area of study
will also be of assistance.
Positions in endgames with rook
against pawns arc very dynamic.
and each tempo can have a decisive
influence on the outcome of the
game. Consequently, there is no
great strategy, clash of plans or set
of underlying laws (as. for exam-
ple. in opposite-coloured bishops
endgames). There arc almost no
exact positions which we can rely
on to avoid precise calculation. +1=
The most important factor is a White wins by playing 1 l:tgS!.
knowledge of typical motifs which When the pawn reaches a3, it can
help us to seek out quickly the cor- be eliminated by l1g3 (or, if the
rect move and to calculate vari- pawn is on a2. by l:tg 1 and l1al).
ations more reliably. If it is Black to move, then after
These motifs can best be mas- 1.••~b5(cS)! the position is drawn
tered by examining simple posi- - it is not hard to see that cutting
tions where they arc applied, and the king off along the fourth rank
where their use is not obscured by by 2 l:t.g4 gives White nothing.
excessive analytical detail. After-
wards, the precise contours of the Promoting to a knight
position may be forgotten, but a
notion of the motif will remain. See diagram on following page.
Sometimes such a position - one I l:t.h2+ ~cl
containing a motif of this kind - 2 ~c3 bl~+!
also happens to be an important ex- 3 <t>d3 lDa3
act position; in this case, of course. 4 l1a2 ltJb1!
we must commit it to memory. with a draw. but Black must not
So let us look at some simple play 4 ...liJb5? (in rook against
positions to see the fundamental knight endings, the knight should
12 How 10 Study the f.1zdgame

~ ~ '-~~'~I
3 Wc3
and Black is in zugzwang.
It is useful to note that if Black
had a pawn on bS as well he would

R ,•

= .
~ 'il,
,. 0

r.i ~
~ ~


--~ f~'
~~ ~'i'A!/.~



Jj;fP : I
still lose: 3 ...h4+ 4 cJtxb4liJc2+ 5
~c3 ttJc3 6 ~d3 liJd5 7 l:th4. and
the knight. separated from its king,
will soon perish.


W We have already looked at one case

stay close to the king; once they are of stalemate which is very useful in
separated, the king and knight can practice. Here is another example.
only rarely draw).
A draw also results from 1. .. ~bl
2 Wb3 ~al! 3 l1xb2 stalemate.
However, if the pawn is on the
c-, d-, e- Or f-files, only promotion
to a knight saves Black.
However. with a rook's pawn
not even this method works.

Zwischenschach to win a
W See diagram on following page.
1 ~b4 (c4) a2 I ~f2
2 <t>b3 alliJ+ 2 :r8+!
How to Study the Endgame J3

~~; ~~ ~. ~! I lth2+ ~a3!

~,,~ ~ .:~ yR;: Black obtains a draw by keeping
~ &; ;Y/#. ~?#, the white ldng away from the
z~~/ ~'~#h ~.~ 7~ ~/~(~
.:;;'1: '~i
I',,#.# ~
~h ~
~;t7. ~
1. ..rJi?bl? is a mistake: 2 <t>b3
al4J+ 3 ~c3. As you see, it is
I ~\t>~t, f4%A~~ sometimes necessary to repeat
w,f, ~!
~~ ~
W%~ ~
B material already covered as you
~ ~ ~ ~~~. study new motifs (in this case, pro-
/~~ ~~
~~ ~~
:w.&1 ~~
motion to a knight).
Let us look at a slightly more
B complex example.
A draw results after 2 ~d3? g3 3
2 ••• ~e2
3 :tg8! <it?f3
The zwischenschach (,in-be-
tween-check') has enabled White
to force the black king back one
square from f2 to f3.
4 ~d3 g3
5 :(8+ ~g2 6 ~e2 and so on.

'Shouldering away'

Taking the side route

The twin ideas of 'shouldering

away' and 'taking the side route'
14 How to Study the Endgame

are brilliantly expressed in a fa- one on the fifth and one on the sev-
mous 1928 study by Reti. enth), then the rook cannot SLOp
them. However. it is sometimes
possible to save the day by pursu-
ing the opponent's king when it is
stuck at the side of the hoard.

1 l:t.d2 (d3)!! d4
2 :d1! 'i.t>dS
3 ~d7!
and Black is in zugzwang: on
3...Wc4, 4 ~e6 is decisive, and if
3 ...~e4, then4Wc6.
Wrong is 1 l1dl? d4 2 ~d7 (2
rtJf7 'iStc4 3 ~e6 d3) 2...rtJd5 ! 1 ~f5 rtJh4
(Black prevents White taking the 2 ~4 ~h3
side route) 3 ~c7 rtJc5! (3 ... ~c4? 4 3 ~f3 Wh2
~d6! d3 5 ~e5), and now White is 4 We3! ~g2
in zugzwang. After 4 ... ~g3 5:g 1+ ~h4 6
rtJf4 Wh3 7 ~f3. bad is 7 ... ~h2?? 8
Let us now move on to positions l:.bl, and Black loses because of
where a rook is opposed by two the zugzwang.
connected passed pawns. S ~d3 ~f3
6 ~c3 82
Mating threats to the 7 ~xb2
opponent's king (or 7 l:t.fl +) with a draw.

If the pawns are far advanced (two Zwischenschach before

black pawns on the sixth rank, or capture of a pawn
How to Study the Endgame J5

In this position Fridshtcin re- White wins. due to the fact that
signed against Lutikov (Riga 1954). the black king is cut off along the
He examined the variation 11:.xb3 fifth rank.
c2 2 l:tb4+ ~d5 3 1:.b5+ ~d6 4 Maizelis' book gives a position
l:tb6+ Wc7, but failed to spot the by Sozin. which differs only in that
saving zwischenschach 1l:tb4+!. the white king is on a7. In this case
I should note at this point that after l :lg6! ~d7 there is a second
different players can focus on dif- solution: 2 ~b6 ~e7 3 ~c5 ~f7 4
ferent motifs and rules, depending 11g4 ~f6 5 ~d4! (5 nxf4+'! Wg5 6
on their experience and knowl- :£8 ~g4 7 'It>d4 g2) 5 ... ~f5 6 1:.g8
edge. In the example above you winning.
should take note of the manoeuvre However, with the king on a8
by which the black king escapes the analogous variation no longer
the checks (after I I1xb3?), but you works: I 1:.g6! ~d7 2 ~b7? ~e7 3
can pass over this if you already ~c6 ~f7 4 .:1g4 ~f6 5 ~d5 ~f5 6
know the motif. ng8 f3! 7 ~d4 (7 :xg3 ~f4 81:.g8
f2; 7 nf8+ ~g4 8 ~e4 f2 9 ~e3
The best position for the rook 'it'h3 with a draw) 7 ... f2 8 ~e3
is behind the most advanced f1 ttJ+!.
Which pawn to move?
1 :g6! Wd7
2 1:.g4! g2! See diagram on following page.
3 :xg2 ~e6 There is an easy win with:
4 l:tg5! 1 :xh2 ~xh2
16 How to Study the Endgame

The game in fact continued:

1 ~c6? ':cl+
2 ~b6 l:t.c4!
Threatening 3 ... l:t.h4. covering
the h-file and forcing the promo-
tion of the h-pawn.
3 l:.xh2 nxb4+
4 Ciftc5 l:t.a4
5 ~b5 ltxa5+
with a draw.

W This store of typical motifs

Maroczy - Tarrasch could be extended further. but for
San Sebastian J911 the time being we shall restrict
ourselves to these, the most COID-
2 ~a6! mono Some of the ideas we have
The immediate 1 ~a6! is also examined do not only occur in end-
possible. games of this type. For example,
2 ~g3 the rook should be placed behind
3 b5 rJilf4 the most advanced pawn in almost
4 b6 We5 all cases when it is opposed by two
5 b7 l:t.bl connected passed pawns.
6 rJ;a7 ~d6
7 b8'iV+
Note the move 2 ~a6!' Firstly,
White moves the pawn which the
rook is not standing behind. Sec-
ondly, the remaining pawn is far
away from the opponent's king,
which does not have time to attack
2 a6? is wrong due to 2 ...<i!?g3 3
~b6 Ciftf44 a7 ~e5 5 ~b7 ~d5 6
bS ~c5, and the black king has
managed to attach itself to the b-
pawn. Or 4 bS ~eS 5 r3;a7 ~d6 6
b6':bl! 7 r3;b7 (7 b7 ~c7) 7 ...rJilcS.
How to Study the Endgame 17

Alekhine analyses the natural to those above - sharp rook end-

continuations 36 Ciftc2, 36 Ciftc4. 36 games which enter rook against
g5 and 36 ':h2 and shows that they pawns endgames. Here we will
offer no more than a draw. The meet motifs which are already fa-
only winning move is the fantastic miliar.
36 lXd5!!
However, this move can he ex-
plained clearly in terms of the typi-
cal ideas in such endgames.
"The variations justifying this at
first sight strange move (the rook
attacks a defended pawn and al-
lows the other to advance), will
seem simple if you understand the
basic idea - the black pawns are
1) when they are on squares of
the same colour as the bishop, as B
the white king can then easily block Alekhine - Bogoljubow
them, for example: Gennany/Holland Wch (19) 1929
36 f2
37 l1dl e4 The game continued 70 ... ~g4?
38 ~c2 3i.f4 71 b7 f5 72 bS'i*' l1xb8 73 i:.xb8
39 Jitfl and White won easily by moving
and 40 ~dl. his king over to the pawn. How-
2) when the rook can attack ever, Bogoljubow could have saved
themfrom behind. but without loss himselfby 'shouldering away' the
a/time. for cxample~. king. Necessary was:
36 e4 70 ••• <t>e4!
37 1:.f5 ~g3 The point of this move is to put
38 g5 e3 the black king in the path of its op-
39 ':xf3 e2 posite number.
40 ne3" Of course, we shall meet other
(Alekhine). typical motifs which are applicable
to sharp rook endings. The most
It is also worthwhile to exam- important of them is covering a
ine endgames closely connected file. We have already met this
18 How to Study the Endgame

principle in the analysis of the end- Threatening the covering ma-

game Maroczy-Tarrasch. Now we noeuvre 6 ...l:th4.
can look at a much more complex 6 l:xb2 ~xb2
example. 7 g4 ~c3
8 ~h4 Wd4
9 ~gS cJ;e5
10 h4 We6
and Black wins.
By threatening to cover up the
king, Black has forced his oppo-
nent to give up the rook earlier than
he would like. If the stereotyped
2 ••• 'iStbl
is played, then the covering idea
no longer works and White can
wait for the pawn to reach the
B square bl. In addition. from there it
This position could have oc- will take the king longer to make
curred in the game Lapin-Utiatsky, its way over to the opposite flank.
Briansk 1965. 3 ~g4 b2
1 ••• ~c2 3 ...l1a5 4 l:t.c6 b2 5 l:xg6 ~a2 6
2 :'c7+ l1b6 with a draw.
The only path to victory is now 4 ~g5 ~al
the paradoxical move indicated by 4 ...:b3 is met by 5 ~xg6 or 5
Utiatsky: g4.
2 ••• ~b2!! 5 l1b7 bl~
This is linked to the idea of cov- 6 l:t.xbl+ <it?xbl (D)
ering the king. For example. on 3 White can now obtain a draw by
<t>g4 decisive is 3 ... l:t.a5! 4 l:t.c6 various means. It is useful to exam-
<t>a3! 5 nxg6 b2 6 l:tb6 ':a4+ and ine the resulting variations. as this
7...':b4. . will enable us to repeat and con-
3 ':c6 :a4! solidate our knowledge of rook
4 l1xg6 ~a3 against pawns endings. Moreover,
Also good is 4 ... ~c3 or 4 ...<t>a2. it is necessary to concentrate espe-
5 ':b6 cially hard during this analysis - in
5 ':f6 b2 6 l:t.n11c4 7 l:t.bl ':cI. spite of its apparent simplicity, it
5 ••• b2 does not take much to go wrong.
How to Study the Endgame 19

~: (!1'~ 7$; Y'#'- And so, we should try to build

~~ ~ K~ ~ up our knowledge of endgame the-
~gA ~
~//7 ~
¢Y-..n ~!
~ . ory in the most economical way
~¥;t rt~
:f@~ rJ'4i .. ~~l;
ff.,$f.& ~~ possible, by picking out the most
;~~'~ ~~
~ .~///< ~
;~ ~ ~ commOn motifs and most impor-
Z'-ww. ~~jZ tant exact positions. How best to
w.~ ~
;,~ ~"
~ fK~
~~ master and consolidate the mater-
~.~$~~? ial is another question. Here there
~ ~ ~ ~ is no substitute for studying addi-

I~*~ r~ ~
tional examples, induding com-
plex practical examples (such as
W the one we have just looked at). It is
a) After 7 ~xg6 Wc2 there may useful to solve a number of prac-
follow: tice problems on the theme of
all 8 g4 Ciftd3 9 h4 ~e4 10 h5 study. But, most important of all, I
~f4 11 h6 :a6+ 12 Wh5! with a recommend that you analyse inde-
draw (shouldering away). It is pendently the endgames that you
amusing that Utiatsky suggests 12 come across.
~g7? Ciftg5 13 h7 :a7+ 14 ~g8 What benefit can we derive from
~g6 15 hSliJ+ ~f6 16 g5+ ~xg5 the independent analysis of end-
17lLlf7+, but we already know that game positions'!
after 17 ... ~f6 18 lLJd6 Cifte6 Black 1) We discover new ideas and
should, according to theory. win. motifs which expand our range of
a2) S h4 (according to Utiatsky knowledge, and we refine the in-
this move loses) S.. J%xg3+ 9 ~f6 formation we already have.
':h3 10 ~g5 Wd3 11 h5 ~e4 12 h6 2) After analysing a large quan-
~e513 ~g6~e614~g7! (but not tity of material. we understand bet-
14 h7? l:t.g3+ 15 ~h6 Wf7 16 ter which points are typical and
h8liJ+ Ciftf6) 14 ...~e7 (14 ...:g3+ important and which are chance
15 WfS!) 15 h7 llg3+ 16 ~hS!, factors. As a result, we form our
saving the game due to the stale- ideas on the endgame as concisely
mate. and economically as possible,
b) 7 g4 Ciftc2 8 h4 l:t.g3 9 Ciftf4! without, however, omitting any-
':h3 10 ~g5 ~d3 11 h5 gh 12 gh thing fundamental.
~e4 13 h6 ~e5 14 ~g6 ~e6 15 3) Our analytical abilities grow,
~g7! with a draw, as in the pre- in particular our ability to analyse
vious variation. adjourned games.
20 How 10 Study the Endgame

4) Sometimes chess players

gain the impression that they basi-
cally understand the secrets of
chess. and that finding the best
move is not a problem for them in
most cases. All that is required is
not to lose concentration and to
do a bit of study of the openings.
Analysis helps you to rid yourself
of such illusions; it shows what a
wealth of ideas can sometimes be
concealed in even the quietest- W
seeming position. It teaches you Dreev - Moskalenko
not to take a superficial view. and it USSR Championship of Young
also helps you to develop impor- Masters. Lvov 1985
tant qualities such as precision.
painstakingness, hard work and so placing his rook behind the passed
on. pawn:
5) Analysing your own games 1 ~d7
helps you to diagnose objectively 2 na6 a2
your weaknesses. 3 gS <ibe7
6) Sometimes analysis leads to 4 ~g4 ~f7
interesting results which bring 5 ~h5 l:h2
creative satisfaction. 6 :1a7+ ~e6
7 ~g6 l:b2
Flicking through a copy of In- 8 hS nb8
formator a while ago, I took an in- 9 h6 %:tg8+
terest in an ending annotated by my 10 ~h5 <t>f5
pupil Alexei Dreev (D). 11 l1a5+
A draw results after I %:tel? a2 2 Black resigned
1:.al ~d7, or I %:te3? %:tb4+ 2 ~f5
':a4 3 :'el a2 4 h5 (4 :al <ibd7) Black has a more stubborn de-
4... al ~ 5 1:.xal :lxal. fence:
1 1:.e6+! 1 ... ~b5
The black king is at a cross- In Infonnator there is the fol-
roads. In the game it moved to the lowing analysis:
kingsidc. but White won easily by 2 %:teS+!! Wb6
How to Study the Endgame 21

2 ...~h43:te8~b5 4:tb8+! and before this: a draw could have been

5:a8. achieved by 4 ... a2! (instead of
3 l:t.e3! 4 ...:a4?) 5 :a3 :'b5+ 6 Wg6 :a5
The many exclamation marks 7 l:t.xa2 :'xa2 8 h5 ~c6.
are those of the annotator. Nevertheless the endgame is
3 l:t.b4+ won all the same - it is just that the
4 WfS :1a4 rook must not be put on e3. If we
5 h5 a2 return to the position after 1 :e6+
6 :tel al1W \t>b5 (D):
7 l:t.xal l:t.xal
8 h6 ~c7
9 gS! ~d7
Or 9 ...l:t.hl 10 g6! l:t.xh6 11 g7
l:t.h5+ 12 ~f4 l:t.h4+ 13 ~f3 l:.h3+
14 ~g2.
10 h7 llhl
11 g6
and White wins.
Unfortunately. this whole vari-
ation is a comedy of errors brought
about by Dreev's natural. but in
this case mistaken. desire to place W
his rook behind his opponent's Correct is:
passed pawn at all costs. 2 l:t.el! a2
After 9 gS Black saves himself 3 l:t.al ~c6
by 9 ... l:t.hl! (the black rook really 4 h5 ~d6
does belong behind White's most 5 h6 l:t.h2
advanced pawn) 10 g6 :hS+! (re- S... ~e6 6 h7 l:t.bS 7lha2 ~f6 8
member the endgame Fridshtein- lih2 :h8 9 l:t.h6+ ~g7 10 ~g5.
Lutikov), or 10 ~g6 ~d7 11 ~h7 6 ~gS (f5)!
~e6 12 g6 l:t.gl ! (this we have al- This win is simpler than 6 h7
ready seen in the endgame Ma- l:.xh77 l:t.xa2 l:t.hS, when White
roczy-Tarrasch). must find either 8 :a6+ or 8 l:t.a4.
White should not give up his 6 ••• r3;e7
rook. Instead of S h5?, 5 l:t.el! a2 6 7 ~g6
:at ~c7 7 hS ~d7 S h6 wins. Also possible is 7 h7.
However. Black went wrong 7 ••• ~f8
22 How to Study the Endgame

8 h7 A mistake now is 7 h6? Ith18 g5

and White wins. ~b3 with a draw. However. the
All we now have left to deal with win is still there:
is the rook check on eS. which in 7 gS! :'hl
actual fact deserves not two excla- Or 7 ...Itfl+ 8 ~g4! (8 ~e5?
mation marks, but more like one lIh 1!) 8. ..'.t)h3 9 g6.
question mark. Let us check 8 g6!
2 l:t.e5+?! ~b4!?
After 3 Ite8? Black plays not In 1976 the Soviet champion-
3... ~bS? but 3... a2L An immediate ships were being heJd in Moscow.
draw results after 4 l:t.a8 :'c2! with In the very first round my friend
the threat of S... Itc4+, 6...l:t.c5( c3)+ Boris Gulko adjourned his game
and 7 ...:a5(a3). If 4 l:t.b8+, then against GM Taimanov in a com-
4 ... ~c4 (or 4 ... ~c3) 5 l:t.a8 l:t.b4! plex rook ending. Before the re-
(threatening the covering manoeu- sumption of the game he asked me
vre ... ~b3+ and ... :a4) 6 l:xa2 to help with the analysis.
~b3+ 7 ~f5 ~xa2 8 h5 i:.bS+! (it In order to gain a firmer foot-
is essential to force the king onto hold in some highly intricate vari-
the bad square h4 - this is not hard ations, we had to tum to the theory
to achieve, using the far-reaching of rook endings with f- and h-
powers of the rook) 9 cbg6 :b6+ pawns. The basic information pro-
10 ~g5 :b5+ 11 ~h4 :%bl ! (now vided above was not enough for us.
the rook gets in behind the pawns) However. the positions in question
12 h6 (12 g5 <ibb3 13 g6 l:t.gl!) were nowhere to be found even in
12 ...l:t.hl+ 13 ~g5 <2;b3 14 ~g6 endgame Ii terature, so we had to
~c415 g5 ~d516~h7~e617 g6 supplement official theory with
:gl! with a draw. our own analysis. Here is the cru-
After 2 l:t.e5+?! ~b4!?, the rook cia) basic position that we found
must all the same be returned to the (D):
first rank, but then it becomes ap- The white king is cut off on the
parent that the check was pointless back rank. Does that mean that
- it is necessary to calculate an ad- White should lose? As it turns out,
ditional variation: no. After all. the black king is also
3 l:el a2 hardly in the best position, cut off
4 :%al Ciftb3 on the h-file.
5 hS :bl t ~gl! h4
6 l:t.xa2 ~xa2 2 l:t.g8 f3
How to Study the Endgame 23

42 ••• ~e3
This was the sealed move.
43 l:t.e2+ ~xf3
44 gh gh
45 :eS ~g4
with a draw. Worse is 45 ... nxb2 46 :xh5!
However, jf Black is to move, ~c4 47 :hS, and White should
then he wins by taking away the draw.
important square g I from the op- 46 l:t.xd5 l1xb2
ponent's king. 47 ~el (D)
1 ••• ~h2! After 47 :d4+ ~g3 48 Ciftel f5
2 :g8 49 :d5 f4 50 :g5+ (or 50 :xh5
If 2 l:t.f7 or 2 l:t.h7. then 2 ... ~g3 l:t.b 1+ 51 ~d2 f3) Black plays not
is decisive. 50 ... ~f3? 51 l1xh5. but 50 ... ~xh4
2 ••• h4 51 :g8 ~h3 52 ~f1 ~h2!. reach-
3 :g7 ing a winning position. since the
3 :g4 h3 4 :xf4 ~g3 5 :lf8 black king makes it to h2.
l:t.bl+ 6 ~e2 h2. And now we have come to the
3 .•• h3 culmination of the whole ending.
4 l1g8 f3 The natural move 47 ... f5? is
(or 4 ...:g2). winning. wrong. After 48 ~fl :h2 49 ~gl
24 How to Study the Endgame

The only way to win! If 48 .. .f5?

B ~ ~ ~! 49 'fJ.g7 a draw results: 49...<itth3 50
~ ~
ffff.~ ~A~
~ W#. I ~fl ~h2 (otherwise 51 ~gl) 51
·f~: $.~ ~:t~ ~t~:
r~ rJ'~ !fj/f;, #!~l l1g5.

• ~I!~ ~'l 49 ~fl

. .
~.w"- ~~/-: ~~/I ,J;...~M Nor does 49 :tg7 help in view of
~ ~ ~'d'~ 49 ... l:t.b5! 50 Ciftf2 :f5+ 51 ~e3 (51
w.~ ~
W, ~
~$ ~
W#, <t>g2 l:t.g5+) 51 ... Wh3 with an easy
~ ~ win. Black simply advances his
~.; ~ ~ ~~ king and the h-pawn, and then cov-
~ ~ ~ ~ ers the g-file with his rook, and the
B white king is too far away to SlOp
:xh4 50 ~g2 f4 51 l:t.d3 we reach the rook's pawn.
an 'ordinary' (and hence drawn) 49 ••• Wg4
position with f- and h-pawns, and, Black now has a won position
what is more, with the black rook without any real complications, as
placed awkwardly. On 48 ... f4 there the white king is cut off on the first
follows 49 l1g5+ ~xh4 50 ng8 rank, and the black king has not
~h3 51 ~gl with a drawn position been restricted to the h-file.
as the white king has reached g 1. If 50 l:.g7+ cbfs
49 ... ~f3 (instead of 49 ... !i.t>xh4), 51 lih' ~g6
then 50 ~gl :tbl+ 51 <t>h2 ~f2 52 52 lih8 f5
llxh5 f3 53 l:t.a5 ~f1 54 Wg3 f2 53 l1g8+ ~f6
55 l1a2 l:.b3+ 56 'i.t>g4, and White 54 ~gl f4
gives up his rook for the f-pawn. 55 ~n Wf5
47 •.• ~xh4! 56 ~gl h4
48 l1d7 57 l1g7 'i.t>e4
Also hopeless is 48 :f5 l:t.b7 49 58 :Ia7 ~f3
~f1 (49 ~f2 Wg4 50 :f6 h4) 59 l1a3+ ~g4
49... ~g450:tf2:bl+! 51 ~g2f5. We have already met this posi-
To prevent the king being forced tion when we were discussing the
back onto the first rank, the white basic ideas of endings with f- and
rook must stand guard over the sec- h-pawns.
ond rank, where it is placed too 60 :a8 Ciftg3
passively. Black wins easily by 61 l1g8+ ~f3
pushing his pawns. 62 l:t.h8 .:1bl+
48 ••• f6!! 63 ~h2 ~f2
How to Study the Endgame 25

64 :xh4 f3 51 ~d3
6S 1:[a4 ~f1 5111d8 is clearly stronger.
White resigned 51 lixb2
52 We3 h4
On 66 ~g3 f2 67 l:.a2l:b3+ 68 53 <t>f3 h3
<it>h2 Gulko intended to play the 54 l:t.g4+ ~f5
quickest win - 68 ...l:t.f3!. Also good 55 :f4+ ~e6
is the 'scientific· 68 ...l:t.e3 69 l:t.b2 56 lth4 h2
:e8 70 l1b 1+ ~e2 71 lib2+ ~f3 57 ~h6+ ~e5
72lib3+ :e3 73 l:t.bl ltel. but un- 58 l:t.h8 l:t.c2
der no circumstances 69 ... ~cl?? 59 l:t.h4
(instead of 69 ...:e8 I), as Capa- The threat was ... ~e5-d4-c3-b2-
blanca once played in this position. cl and so on.
After 70 :bl + Wc2. his opponent 59 f5
Vera Mcnchik could have drawn 60 ~g3 (D)
by the obvious move 71 ~g2!, but
there followed 71 I:b2+?? ~f3. ~ ~ ...--~~ ~I
and Menchik resigned. The game ,,~ ~~ r}~ in'
• ~~
•.. ~
t;'$ ~/
r£% !
was played at the Hastings tourna- x''f'~ ~~ .,/$// ,//d
~ ~
~~~~f~ ~~'~ ~~
ment of 1926. This curious inci- d%»' W:~ :W'~ :M%
dent shows just how careful you ~
~ ~
_ m&~
have to be when playing even the ~~
~ ~~~~ft
_w.; r~~
~w- ~.'"
simplest endings. .'f'@"", ~ .<#.d , ~

Gulko and I found another inter- ~

~ ~
~~ ~
~W/:» ~
esting and theoretically important I ~i.~ e _
position by analysing instead of 46
:d5: I~ ~ ~ ~
46 Wc2 B
We examined the following (al- The obvious 60 ... f4+? docs not
beit not totally forced) variation: lead to victory: 61 ~f3 :c3+ 62
46 nb5 ~g2 ~e4 63 ~xh2 (63 :h8!)
47 l:.g5+ ~xh4 63 ...:c2+ 64 ~h3! (64 ~gl? ~e3
48 lIr5 l:tb7 65 l1h8 l:t.c 1+ 66 ~h2 f3 67 :e8+
Also worthy of attention is ~f2 68 l1a8 ~fl) 64 ... Wf3 65
48,.. ~g4 49 l:t.xf7 h4. :'h8 :c7 66 l:1h6 (66 ~h2? ~f2)
49 l:txd5 ~g4 66 ...:e7 67 l:1h8 Wf2 68 :a8! f3
50 l:td4+ ~g5 69 :a2+ :'e2 70 :al (or 70 :a8
26 How to Study the Endgame

Ciftfl 71 ~g3 f2 72 ~f3! ~gl 73 61. ..l:tdl? 62 :'xh2 .:td3+ 63

:tgS+) with a draw. ~e2.
Let us imagine now that it is 62 ~g3 l:t.c2!!
White to move. He has no choice 63 ':h8
but to play 61 :'hS (61 ~f3 is im- 63 ~f3 ':cl !.
possible due to 61 ...l:t.c I ! 62 :'xh2 63 <ite4
l:t.c3+), and the black king can ad- 64 :te8+ <it>d3
vance, moving round its rook aJong 65 l:t.d8+
the first rank to the h-pawn. We After 65 l:t.h8, Black replies with
should note that c2 is precisely the 65 ...l1e2! intending 66 ...~d2.
right square for the black rook. If 65 ••• ~c3
it is on d2 or e2, the white rook is 66 l1b8
no longer forced to abandon the 66 l:t.cS+ is met by 66 ... ~d2 or
fourth rank (White has the move 66...Wb2.
'it>f3 !). If the rook is on b2, the 66 .•• :te2!
route of the black king across the If66 ...~b2?, then 67 ~f4 (or 67
queenside past its own rook be- l1xh2) ~c 1 68 ~xf5 ~d 1 69 ~g4
comes too long. and the black king is not in time.
In other words, we have here a 67 ~f4 ~d2
zugzwang position. It is necessary 68 ~xf5 ~el
to turn the move over to White. 69 ~g4 ~f1
Thus: 70 ~g3 ~gl
60 ':d2 The black king has made it just
61 ~r3 l:t.a2 in time!
2 Improving your Technique
Mark Dvoretsky

We shall now discuss how to raise 4 cd liJxdS

the level of your technique. To do 5 e4 lDxc3
this it is necessary to study ques- 6 de
tions which are common to all (or Andersson likes endgames and
many) endgames. These are issues is a very strong endgame player,
such as the increased role of the and so he is willing to exchange
king in the endgame. zugzwang queens as early as the opening.
(along with mutual zugzwang and 6 ~xdl+
the opposition). the effectiveness 7 <it?xdl f6
of exchanging pieces, and so on. It 8 .i.e3 e5
is especial Iy important to gain a 9 li)d2
feel for the endgame, to develop 9~c4!?
the optimal cast of mind for it. to 9 ••• iLe6
understand the underlying chess- 10 iLc4 ..txc4
related and psychological princi- 10... ~f7looks more logical, but
ples at work. even then after 11 Ciftc2 liJd7 12
The best way of learning all this b4 Black has some difficulties:
is to analyse practical endgames 12.. ,llJb6 13 .i.b3 or 12... hS 13 g3.
played by the great masters of the intending 14 f4.
endgame. As an example we can 11 liJxc4 lM7 (D)
take a look at a game by GM Ulf 12 b4!
Andersson. In the endgame it is essential to
pay attention to your opponent's
Andersson - Franco ideas. and if possible to frustrate
Buenos Aires 1979 his intentions. Here Black wanted
English Opcning to equalize completely by playing
1 liJr3 llJf6 12 ... liJb6?!
2 c4 g6 An inaccuracy! The only real
3 llJc3 dS drawback of Black's position is
28 Improving your Technique

11. ...
~*.~7, &
__ & ~'~.~
~.~.~ ~~ ~.
_ ~ ~r&~A~~~
:a,/VA .-'1'

d 0/.'1
15 a3!
Andersson prepares a queenside
attack by c3-c4-c5. This positional
threat provokes his opponent into a
Wf~ ~ M
~~ ~ ~
;(;~ ~I
dubious attempt to play actively.
15 u.. f5?! (D)
~~ttJ~~~g ~
;~U~~.#., ,••- ~A" • •
-' -~~ ~/-~
i <?~U'J..-~ ~ .,?;
A~ ~ f:NzA~ '%~ / . "r~', / .
aU ~.#, uo~~ '~1 & ~.~ ~ !21$ &
~~ ~~~ ~:;~. J.~.~ .... ~ ~ ~~.
~~ ~#W;.#~ w~MI ~ % ~~&~~
_ #'h. W7'4. ·Yff;
W ?L}
. /
, ~4'x
~£.. I

that hi s bishop is more pac;si ve than /'~.''''7f ~~ A ~2; (h7/1)

"/.. v~ ?~
/%7 0 7/j, ~~
his opponent's. He should have .,'/;'l',

.~ .~;.. ~~" ~/. ~7.'
',?' ~/:'
tried to exchange it by playing 7- '" f1 ~ f.' + :f. ~j .
f .. ~ .' ~~ ~ !
12 ... hS! with ... iLh6 to follow. In ~~ ~ ~$.
~;~ '€I-g;;P; ~At.
~~ 0A ~fN;~"~
the game Andersson-Mestel, Hast- :~?., ~~// '.. ~~ '~~'fFi
ings 1978179 there followed 13 f3 ~_.;ffi ··#A #h~
3i.h6 14 iLf2 ~b6 IS i.xb6! (1S W
~a5? 0-0-0+) 15 ... ab 16 b5 'i.t>e7! 16 ~xb6!!
(in the endgame the best place for The 'automatic' 16 [3 would al-
the king is in the centre of the low Black to develop countcrplay
board - for this reason Black de- by attacking the e4-pawn (... ~b6-
cides not to castle) 17 a4 l:t.hdS+ 18 d7-f6). Andersson changes plan
~c2 ~e6, and Mestcl managed to just at the right moment. One move
keep the balance. earlier the exchange of minor
12... fS !? also deserved attention. pieces offered nothing: 15 iLxb6?!
13 ~a5! 0-0-0+ ab 16 lI.Jc4 b5, but now the eS-
14 ~c2 3i.e7 pawn is under attack.
Now if 14... hS, White would re- 16 ab
ply with IS %:thdl :'xdl (15 ...~e7) 17 ~c4 iLf6?!
16 :'xdl ~h6? 17 ~xh611xh6 18 Black is defending too pas-
c4 :lh7 19 cS lLJd7 20 c6 with an sively. It is true that no good would
advantage. Nevertheless the move have come of 17 ... fe?! 18 liael
14 ... hS is still useful- exchanging l:hf8 19 :hfl, but Black should
rooks would make Black's defen- have considered 17 ...lihf8!? If IS
sive task easier. l:t.ael, then 18 ...bS! 19 ~xe5 fe 20
Improving your Technique 29

lihfl i.g5. After 18 ef ilxf5 19 [3

Black can choose between the
piece sacrifice 19... e4 20 nhel ef
21 I:xe7 fg 22 :lgl :1f2+ 23 Wh3
Ll5 and the quieter continuation
19 ...iLg5!? (threatening 20 ... e4 or
20 ... b5) 20 llhel b5214Je31Lxc3
with an inferior hut defensible
four-rook ending. The variation 19
l:hfl iLg5 (weaker is 19.. Jri.dfS 20
f3 e4 21l:fel) 20 l:t.ael b5 is simi-
lar. W
18 a4! opponent, who has been forced to
White not only strengthens the withdraw from the open d-file.
knight on c4 but also begins an at- 26 ~b3!
tack on the queenside. 18 b5 is less It is characteristic of Andersson
precise due to IS ... fe and 19...ltd5. to take his time like this. He im-
18 i..g7 proves the position of his king at
19 nhel l%he8 every opportunity and waits for a
20 b5! suitable moment to strengthen his
20 a5? is worse due to 20 ... bS. It position further. This is exactly
is first necessary to fix the object of how to exploit an advantage in the
attack (the pawn on b6) and then to endgame - to reduce your oppo-
attack it. nent's options as much as possible.
20 f4 and then~ without rushing, to
21 a5 ba search out new weaknesses in his
22 l'!xa5 b6 defence. "The rule 'do not rush'
23 lIa7 may seem paradoxical to many
Threatening 24liJxb6+. people, but in fact it is illustrated
23 iLf6 by almost all the endings of the
24 l:.eal l:t.e6 great endgame masters. Look at
25 l:t.la6! the cndgames of Capablanca and
White now has the strong threat Flohr and you will see how meticu-
of 26 ~a5 and 27 ~c6. lously, sometimes even tediously,
25 ••• l:t.de8 (D) they exploit their advantage." (Bc-
By means of his active play on lavenets).
the a-file White has tied up his 26 ••• i.d8?!
30 Improving your Technique

This is exactly what Andersson of the c-pawn, and can itself move
was waiting for. forward via b4. Note that White did
27 :a8+ ~d7 not play this a move earlier, as he
28 :a2! feared the reply 32... c6 - he waited
Here it is: a suitable moment to for the black king to reach e7.
regroup. Taking advantage of the 33 ••• <it>e8
awkward position of the bishop on More stubborn is 33 ....:d6, to
dS, White seizes the d-file. which the best reply is 34 l:t.xd6!
28 ~r6 ~xd6 35 c4, intending 36liJd3, 37
29 l:t.d2+ r3;e7 c5+ and 38 <it?c4.
30 l:t.a7! 34 ~d3 JL.g7
Of course. there is absolutely no 34 ...c6 is answered by 35 :dd7!
sense in exchanging an active rook cb36~b4.
for Black's passive rook. 35 c4 ~r6
30 :e8 36 c5 be
31 :d5 <t>e8 37 li:JxcS l:te7
32 h3 37 ...:b6 38 li:Jd7!.
In positions such as this Anders- 38 :a6!
son likes making waiting moves. Excellent technique by White!
32 ••• ~e7 (D) He gains control of the sixth rank
with tempo, he prevents the move
...c7 -c6 and gains the square e6 for
his knight.
38 ••• iLh8
39 r3;e4!
Again Andersson improves the
position of his king at every oppor-
39 iLg7
40 f3 :b8
41 ~e6 iLf6
42 :e6
Black resigned, since 42 ...:b7
43 ':dS+ leads to mate, and on
42...l:t.c8. 43 b6 is decisive.
A classic example of an end-
game virtuoso at work! Studying
Improving your Technique 31

endgames like this will help to de-

velop your feel for the endgame
and your technique.

From the point of view of

method it is instructive to see the
same themes in a more negative
form - to study examples of typical
endgame mistakes.
The following game was played
on the women' s board at the Mos-
cow University Championships in B
1972173. positional error - she puts a pawn
on a square of the same colour as
1 e4 e5 her bishop. 16...i.e6 17 i.e4 ~e7
2 liJf3 lDe6 18 3i.xc6 :ac8 19 iLe4 l:t.xc3 was
3 d4 cd asking to be played.
4 liJxd4 iDf6 17 i.c4 :'g8?
5 lDe3 e6 Another fundamental error -
6 liJdb5 3i.b4 Black does not pay attention to her
7 liJd6+?! ~e7! opponent's possibilities. Correct,
8 iLf4?! e5! of course. is 17 ... ~e7 followed by
9 liJf5+ ~f8 18 ...i.c6.
10 .i.g5 d5! 18 :d6! ~e7
11 i.xf6 gf?! 19 :xc6 l:t.ge8
There is no need to weaken the 20 :xc8 l:t.xe8
kingside pawn structure. The obvi- 21 i.b3 l:t.xc3
ous move was 11 ...~xf6!. 22 <t>d2 :'e8
12 ed i.xf5 23 :'el l:t.g8
13 de i.xe3+ 24 g3 l:t.d8+
14 be 'iixdl+ 25 ~c3 (D)
15 l:t.xdl be White already has the advan-
16 iLd3 (D) tage; she is threatening to play 26
16l:t.d6!? f3.
16 ••• e4? 25 ••• ~f8?
Having gained the better end- It is almost always a mistake to
game, Black immediately makes a remove the king from the centre of
32 Improving your Technique

the contours of the game. This

could have been achieved by mov-
ing the a2-pawn off a light square
(a square of the same colour as the
bishop). Perhaps, after 39 a3!,
White was concerned by the reply
39 ... h5, but after this Black. whose
pawns arc almost all on squares of
the same colour as her bishop, had
to lose.
39 ••• fg
40 hg h5!
the board in the endgame. The When defending a bad endgame
solid 25 ...iLg6 26 f3 f5 was prefer- it is useful to exchange as many
able. pawns as possible.
26 :te2 i.g6 41 gb
27 l:t.d2 :txd2? With the pawn on a3 White
An inaccurate evaluation of the would play 41 ~xe4 i..f7 42 gS!,
position. The bishop ending is lost. removing the f6-pawn which is ob-
More resistance was offered by structing the white king.
27 ...:tc8+. 41 Jl.xh5
28 <t>xd2 ~e7 42 <t>xe4 ~g4
29 <Jte3 f5 43 <t>f4 ~h3
30 ~d4 <it>d6 44 ~e4 i..e6
31 c4 f6 45 a3 i.d7?
32 c5+ ~c6 After 45 ... i.c8 it was still possi-
33 i..d5+ r3;c7 ble to conduct a' stubborn defence.
34 ~c4 h6 The move played loses instantly.
35 ~d4 i.h5 46 c6! i.e8
36 <t>e3 ~d7 Otherwise 47 ~f5.
37 h3 ~e7 47 c7 ~d7
38 ~f4 i.g6 48 iLc6+!
39 g4 Black resigned
A small inaccuracy. In accord-
ance with the principle 'do not A chess player's endgame tech-
rush', White should have strength- nique is based on a thorough un-
ened her position before changing derstanding of the whole arsenal of
Improving your Technique 33

ideas he has accumulated - from a Here is what Capablanca writes

feel for the endgame and an under- about this position:
standing of its basic laws. to the "White's plan is to prevent the
most specific manoeuvres he has advance of the c-pawn (after which
"orne across while analysing his the h-pawn could prove to be
own or other people's games. To il- weak) and to control the whole
lustrate this I shall show you one board to the fifth rank. This is
of my own endgames broken down achieved by moving the king to e3.
into its elementary component the knight to d4 and pawns to h4
parts. and f4. When this position has been
First we will look at four pre- reached White will manage to ad-
paratory positions which arc, in vance his queenside pawns."
fact, quite instructive in their own The following moves are easy to
right. understand - Capablanca methodi-
cally puts his plan into action.
1. Everyone knows that in the 33 ~d4 :'b7
endgame the role of logical think- 34 b4 i.d7
ing is increased. It is essential to be 35 f4 ry!;;e7
able to devise plans, to work oul 36 ~f2 Ita7
the arrangements of pieces and so 37 l:t.c3 ry!;;d6
on. The following endgame is a 38 l:t.d3 ry!;;e7
classic example of this. 39 ry!;;e3 l:t.a4
40 .:tc3 ~d6
41 l:t.d3 ~e7
42 :'c3 ry!;;d6
The necessary arrangement of
pieces has been achieved. Now
Capablanca wants to regroup his
forces by transferring his knight to
c3 (or c5).
43 ttJe2 g6
44 :d3+ ry!;;e6
45 ry!;;d4 l:t.a6
46 :'e3+ 'it>d6
W 47 ttJc3
Capablanca - Ragozin The queenside pawns are now
Moscow 1936 ready to advance. At the same time
34 Improving your Technique

there is the threat of 48 ttJe4+. 62 li)d6+ ~b8

47 •.• f5 63 h4
48 b5 l:t.a8 Black resigned
48 ...':xa3 is met by 49ltJe4+ fe
50 l:txa3 ~xb5 51 :g3. 2. You have of course noted that
49 ~c4 ~e6+ Capablanca twice repeated moves
50 ~b4 e5+ during the course of the endgame.
51 be i.g8 Here is what Sergei Belavencts has
52 ltJb5+ <f.t>xe6 to say about this:
53 :d3! "Repetition of moves plays a
This should be noted: White significant role in the endgame.
does not push his passed pawn, but Quite apart from the fact that it
turns to attack his opponent's king- saves thinking time, we can also
side pawns. This corresponds to- note that by repeating moves the
tally to an important principle of side that is pressing gains certain
exploiting an advantage - 'the psychological advantages. The de-
principle of two weaknesses' . The fender, whose position is worse,
best technical way of converting often fails to hold out, creates fur-
an advantage is to create a second ther weaknesses and makes the op-
weakness in the enemy camp, to ponent's task easier. In addition,
play against it, and then if neces- repetition of moves helps to clarify
sary to transfer the attack back to the position as much as possible.
the first weakness. Taking the word We know that certain devotees of
in a broad sense, a weakness is not the 'pure' art of chess will criticize
just a vulnerable pawn or an awk- us for this piece of advice, but we
wardly-placed piece. but the need cannot help but advise chess play-
to block a passed pawn or to guard ers to repeat moves in the end-
an entry point. game. You have to take all the
53 g5 chances you get. in a game, and
54 l:t.d6+ ~b7 there is nothing ugly or unethical in
55 fg bg the repetition of moves."
56 :g6 :f8
57 :xg5 f4 3. Let us now look at an example
58 li)d4 :e8 from one of my own games.
59 :g7+ ~b6 White has a clear advantage, but
60 l:t.g6+ ~b7 the points of entry are securely de-
61 ltJb5 :f8 fended for the time being.
Improving your Technique 35

opponent cannot do anything. you

should play all the even slightly
useful moves.
39 .i.d8
40 i..a7 %:ta8
41 ~e3
White does not mind repeating
his manoeuvre. While such unhur-
ried manoeuvring is going on, your
opponent does not know what he
should fear most. IGkiani decided
to prevent the advance f3-f4, which
in fact is hardly a threat because it
weakens the e4-pawn.
41 ••• g5?
35 i.d8 42 ltJbc5!
Now I didn't even begin to look There win be no more suitable
at the move 36ltJbcS, since I had moment for the planned invasion
found an opportunity to gain a on c5: the black rook is not defend-
tempo by a straightforward three- ing the b7-pawn, and the bishop is
stage bishop manoeuvre. stuck on dS.
36 ~a7! :a8 42 %:tb8
37 ~e3 43 ltJd7 ltJxd7
Threatening 38ltJbcS. 44 l:Ixd7+ 'l:.e7
37 ••• i.e7 45 ltJc5 ~e8
38 ~b6 46 :xe7+ r3;xe7
Now if 38 ...iLd8. 39ltJbc5 gains 47 :d7+ ~e8
in strength - the b7-pawn is unde- 48 :xh7 ltJc7
fended. 49 h4 gh
38 ••• :ab8 50 gh
Our starting position has arisen Black resigned
again, but now it is White to move.
39 g3 4. Let us look at one more end-
This move takes away the game by Capablanca.
square f4 from the knight, just in Note the fine circular knight ma-
case. Here the principle 'do not noeuvre which enabled White to
rush' can be observed: while your win a pawn.
36 Improving your Technique

53 :a6 :tc7
54 ~a3 i.f7
55 b4 ~e7
56 lIe6 lDb5+
57 ~b2 lLld4
58 l:t.a6 iLe8
59 g4!
Once again, just as in the game
against Ragozin. Capablanca acts
according to the principle of two
weaknesses. He puts off the ad-
vance of his passed pawn for a
while and begins an attack on the
59 ~f6
40 ~c3 llc5 60 llJe4+ Wg7
41 ~e4 1.:tb5 61 ~d6 i.b5
42 ~ed6 Itc5 62 Ita5 ~fl
43 liJb7 Itc7 63 Ita8 g5
44 iDbxaS The threat was 64 ~eS+ ~h7 65
The rest is a typically Capablan- ~f6+ ~g7 66 g5 with mate to fol-
can precise conversion of an ad- low.
vantage. White's first task is to 64 fg bg
improve the position of IDS pieces. 6S bg i.g2
44 i.bS 66 %:te8 l:t.e7
45 li)d6 i.d7 66 ... l:t.xeS 67 liJxe8+ ~fS 68
46 li)ae4 :a7 g6!.
47 ~e4 h6 67 :td8 liJc6
48 f4 iLe8 68 llJe8+ <t>f8
49 ~e5 :a8 69 llJxe7+ liJxd8
50 :el iLf7 70 ~e3
51 l:t.e6 i.g8 Centralization of the king.
52 iDeS :te8 70 ~b7
Having strengthened his posi- 71 <f.t>d4 ~e8
tion as much as possible. White 72 g6 llJb7
now begins to prepare the advance 73 liJe8! li)d8
of his passed pawn. 74 b5 ~g8
Improving your Technique 37

75 g5 Ciftf8 h6, and finally White must make

76 g7+ ~g8 the advance f4-f5.
77 g6 30 4Jd2 i.e7
Black resigned 31 ltJe4 liJd7
32 1:.a6 ~f7
And now look how all this infor- 33 ~f3 liJb8
mation helped me to win the fol- 34 ':a8 tiJd7
lowing ending. 35 i.el liJb6
36 ':a6 liJd5
37 f5 gf
38 gf
The plan indicated has been car-
ried out.
38 ..• :d7
Here I saw that the three-stage
manoeuvre to win a tempo which I
had found two days earlier in the
game with Kikiani could again
prove useful. The only difference
is that here the tempo is won not by
a bishop, but by a rook.
39 l1c6 :'c7
40 l:t.h6! ~g7
41 1:a6 ~f7
29 ':a5 b4 Now it is White to move.
No good was 29 ...c4 30 ~xd4, 42 i.h6 :c8
but 29 ... li)e6 was worth a thought. Now 42 ...:d7 is bad because of
After the move played in the game 43 ':a8 and 44 :thS. winning the
Black has no counterplay whatso- pawn on h7.
ever. 43 l:t.a7 l:t.c7
Now White, along the lines of 44 lIa6
Capablanca-Ragozin, devised an To 44 l:t.a8 there is the reply
arrangement for his pieces. The 44...:c6.
knight clearly needs to be trans- 44 ••• liJc3? (D)
ferred to e4, the king must come up Belavenets was right - Black
to f3, the rook must be put on a6, could not hold out and himself de-
and the bishop on the diagonal c 1- viated from the repetition.
38 improving your Technique

-• • -..
~ -"Bi
:~ ~ ~~~



can bring about a sharp technical
improvement in your play.
In conclusion I offer somc exer-
cises which feature a rook against
.LS~ the opponent's pawns. As you
solve them you will gain somc ex-

.8. •

~ - @"'~~~

~. perience in the practical applica-
tion of the theory of this type of
endgame .


Now White carries out a curious

circular knight manoeuvre remi-
niscent of the one that Capablanca
used against Yates.
45 liJd2! ~d5
46 ~c4 ~f6
The threat was 47 ~e5+.
47 ~d6+ ry!;e7
48 ~e4
After four consecutive moves
the knight has returned to where
it started, but Black's defence is
now completely disorganized. The
threat is 49 ~xf6 ~xf6 50 i.g5.
On 48 ... ry!;f7, 49 l1d6 is decisive.
48 Ji..h8
49 :te6+ ry!;d8
50 i.g5+
Black resigned

And so, by thinking over the

games of great players and the rec-
ommendations they give in their
commentaries, and by considering
your own practical experience, you 2 W Win
Improving your Technique 39

7 W Draw 8 W Win
40 Improving your Technique

Answers to the Exercises 4 l:t.d8! ~e4

5 ~e6 d4
1. Averbakh, 1980 6 ~d6! d3
7 ~c5 Cifte3
1 ~e6! e4 8 ~c4 d2
2 :gS!! 9 ~c3
The only winning move, the The white king is in time to stop
point of which is to place the rook the pawn.
behind the passed pawn with
tempo, and then, having clarified 3. ~oravec,1913
. the position of the black king, to
send the white king round the other The straightforward 1 ~xg7 h4 2
side of the pawn: ~g6 h3 3 ~g5 h2 4 <it?g4 hi Wi
a) 2 ... <it?d2(d3) 3 :d5+f <it?c2 4 leads only to a draw, as S Wg3??
:te5 f ~d3 5 Ciftf5 f. _h8 is impossible. The g7-pawn
b) 2 ... ~f2(f3) 3 l:.fS+! ~g2 4 has to be preserved.
l:.e5! ~f3 5 ~dS!' 1 ~h7!! h4
c) 2... ~e2 3 ~e5 e3 4 <f.t>e4. Another attempt is 1. ..gS!? 2
The hasty 1 :gS? leads to a ~g6 g4 reckoning on 3 <2;xh5? g3
draw in view of 1... <2;f4! 2 <it?f6 e4. 4 ~g4 g2 S <it?h3 ~hl ! with a draw.
Also mistaken are 1 ~d6? e4 2 To avoid stalemate the h5-pawn
:g5 ~d3(d2)! and 1 ~f6? e4 2 must be spared: 3 ~g5!!'
:tg5 ~f3(f2)!, because the white 2 ~g6 h3
king cannot get round the pawn. 3 ~g5 h2
4 ~g4 g5!?
2. Kolesnikov,1989 After 4 ... h l'iW 5 ~g3 Black has
to give up his queen.
The tempting move is 1 ~f7, but 5 ~g3 hlliJ+
after 1••. <it?xd4! White cannot win: 6 ~f3 g4+
2 ~c6 ~e3 3 1:f5 d4 4 l:t.eS+ <2;f2 5 7 <it?xg4 liJf2+
l:t.d5 ~e3 (the move 6 <it?d5! is not 8 <it?f3 liJd3
available), or 21:tf6 ~e3 3 l:te6+ 9 ~e3 liJe5
~f3 4 l:t.d6 <t>e4 S ~e6 d4 (the 10 :a4 ~g2
move 6 ~d6! is not available). 11 l:t.e4
1 ':f8! ~xd4 and, according to theory, the
2 ~f7 ~e4 black knight will soon be rounded
3 l:te8+ ~f3 up.
Improving your Technique 41

4. BroD, 1929 6... ~bl (6 ... ~b3 7 :txe3+) 7 ~b4

a2 8 ~b3.
1 :tc8+! ~e7! 4 ~d6!
1. ..'it'd7 2 l:t.f8; 1. ..'it'f7 2 l:t.c4. Not 4 l:t.xe3+? 'it'b4 5 'it'd6 a4 6
2 l:t.c7+ ~e6 :te4+ ~b5! with a draw (again
3 l:t.c6+ ~e5 'shouldering away').
4 l:t.c5+ ~e4! 4 ••• a4
If 4 ... ~d4, thcn 5 l:t.f5 ~c3 6 4... ~b4 5 ~d5 a4 6 ~d4 a3 7
~g5 g3 7 ~g4 g2 8.:1xf3+. .:1bl+.
5 l:t.c4+ ~e3 5 ~c5 a3
The checks come to an end - On 6 :txe3+ ~a4
611c3+. 6... ~d2 is decisive. 6... ~b2 7 ~b4 a2 8 :te2+ ~bl 9
6 :'xg4! f2 ~b3.
7 :tg3+ ~e4 7 ~c4 a2
8 l:t.g4+ ~e5 8 :tel ~a3
9 l:t.g5+ ~e6 9 ~c3
10 l:t.g6+ We7 White wins.
11 l:t.g7+ ~f8
12 :tg5! fl'ii' 6. Peckover, 1960
13 11f5+ 'ii'xf5
stalemate Two losing continuations are
:b8+? ~a5 2 :tg8 ~a6 and 1
5. V. Sokolov, 1940 ~e3? ~c5 2 l:t.c8+ ~b6! 3 ~f2
gltf+ (or 3... 'it'b7).
The stereotyped I ~e7? lets go of 1 Wd5!! ~b3
the win in view of 1. .. ~b4! 2 l:t.e 1 2 l:t.g3+ ~a4
(otherwise 2 ... ~c3) 2 ... a5 3 ~d6 3 l:t.g4+ ~a5
a4. and the black king •shoulders 4 l:t.g8 ~b5
away' the white king. The move 5 l:t.g7! 'it'b6
... Wb4! must be prevented. 6 :tg6+ ~c7
1 :'bl!! ~a2 7 :tg7+ Wd8
2 :tel! a5 8 ~d6 ~c8
3 ~e7 ~b3 8... ~e8 9 :e7+ and 10 :tel.
Hopeless is 3 ... a4 4 ~d6 a3 5 9 ~c6 ~b8
~c5 ~b2 6 :te2+ (also good is 6 10 :g8+ ~a7
~b4 a2 7 :tc2+: 7 ... ~bl 8 ~b3 or 11 l:tg7+ ~a6
7 ... ~cl 8 :txa2 ~dl 9 ~c3) 12 :tg8 ~a5
42 Improving your Technique

13 ~c5 The same zugzwang position

and Black's king cannot escape. has arisen. but with Black to move.
7 ~g2
7. V. Pachman, 1960/61 8 l:t.al! ~g3
9 ngl+ ~h2
1 l:t.n! c3 9... ~h3 is met by 10 l:t.hl+ and
2 l:t.hl+!! then 10... ~g2 II 1:al! or 10... ~g4
It is very important to transfer II l:t.gl+ ~f5 12 :f1+ r3;e5 13
the rook to gl with tempo. One ltd!.
way to lose is 2 r3;f7? Wh6 3 Wf6 10 l:t.n!
~h5 4 ~f5 ~h4 5 ~f4 ~h3 6 ~e3 and so on.
~h2!, and White is inzugzwang: 7
:al ~g2 or 7 :dl c2 8 ~xd2 8. Khortov, 1982
cxdl'ii'+ 9 ~xdl e3 (9 ... ~g2) 10
~c2 ~g2 I] ~c3 ~f1! 12 'it>d3 Which pawn should be moved?
!i.t>f2. This question can only be resolved
2 ..• ~g6 hy a deep analysis of the variations.
2... ~g7 3 l:tgl+ ~f8 4 l:f1+ 1 g7!! :bS
~c8 5 :hl. 2 ~gl ~g3
3 Itgl+ r3;h5 3 wn r3;f3
4 <it?fS Wh4 4 ~el ~e3
5 ~f4 ~h3 5 ~dl ~d3
6 ~e3 ~h2 6 ~cl :cS+
7 :fl! (D) 7 ~b2 l:bS+
8 ~a3
8 ~al? ~c2.
S ~c3
9 ~a4 ~c4
10 ~a5 ~c5
11 ~a6 ~c6
12 ~a7 :gS!
13 a4 ~d6
14 ~b6!
If 14 ~b7?, then 14... ~e6 15 a5
(15 !i.t>b6 :b8+ 16 !i.t>c7 :g8; 15
~c6l:t.c8+) 15 ... ~f616a6~g617
Improving your Technique 43

Also wrong would be 14 as? 19 a6 Ciftf6

counting on 14... ~e6? 15 <It>b6 20 a7 ~g6
lIbS+ 16 r3;c7 :gS 17 ~c6f :cS+ 21 as'iW
(or 17 ... 'it'f6 18 h7) 18 r3;b7 l:t.gS and the king is just too late.
19 a6, since Black actually replies
14 ... ~c6! 15 a6 l:t.e8(d8) 16 h7 With the pawns on g6 and h7 the
Ite7(d7)+ with perpetual check. king manages to attack them one
14 :bS+ move earlier:
15 ~a6! ~c6 1 h7? :bS
16 rJ;a7 l:t.gS Or 1. .. ~g3 2 r3;gl :bS.
17 as (D) 2 ~gl r3;g3
3 ~f1 r3;f3
4 ~el ~e3
S ~dl r3;d3
6 ~el :eS+
7 'iStb2 l:t.bS+
S rJ;a3 ~c3
9 rJ;a4 ~e4
10 ~aS rJ;c5
11 ~a6 We6
12 ~a7 :thS!
13 a4 r3;d6
14 ~b6 :bS+
15 ~a6 ~c6
16 ~a7 :hS
17 as r3;d6
and now 18 ~b7 ~e6 19 a6 r3;f6
20 a7 r3;xg6. or 18 ~b6 :b8+ 19
'it'a6 r3;c6 20 rJ;a7 ':h8 21 a6
3 Theory and Practice of Rook
Mark Dvoretsky

Of all the different types of end- endings: [hose with a pawn on the
game, rook endings require the a- or h-file. As always, we shall
most careful study. Why is that? begin by analysing the simplest
First of all. they occur more fre- cases. In fact. we are not going to
quently than other types. A good delve too deeply into theory - we
half of the endgames that crop up shall just pick out the most impo~­
in practice are rook endgames. tant positions and their related
Secondly. this area has a well- ideas.
developed theory of positions with
little material (for example rook 1. The stronger side's king
and pawn against rook) which may stands in front of its pawn
well come up in our games. This
theory must be mastered.
In other types of endgame. posi-
tions with a minimal number of
pawns are either fairly straightfor-
ward or else not too significant. In
these cases there is almost no need
to know exact positions - in all
probability we will never have to
use this knowledge. It is enough to
master the typical ideas and tech-
niques. But in rook endings it is
impossible to get by without study- W
ing a significant number of exact The draw is inevitable. The only
positions. possible attempt to release the king
I now offer for your attention from its confinement is to transfer
one section of the theory on rook the rook to b8, but then the black
Theory and Practice of Rook Endgames 45

king will come to stand guard in- 4 <t>b7 l:t.bl+

stead of the rook. 5 <t>cS l:tcl+
1 l:th2 ~d7 6 <it?dS .fIhl
2 l:t.h8 We7 7 nb6+ ~c5
3 l:t.b8 :let 8 ~e6+!
Also possible, of course, is This is the only fine point. 8
3.. .l:[hl. .t!e6? is useless in view of 8 ... l:t.al
4 l1b2 :Sc3 whilst 8 .:1a6? :h8+ 9 ~d7 l:t.h7+
and White cannot strengthen his 10 ~e8 l:Ih8+ 11 ~f7 l:t.a8 is just a
position. draw.
8 ••• ~b5
Let us move the black king and Or 8... ~d5 9 :a6 :h8+ 10 ~c7
the white rook one file to the right. l1h7 + 11 cJ:;b6.
9 l:t.c8 .fIhS+
to ~c7
~~ ~ ~ ~; 11 ~b8

~ ~ ~*.
, /7~
?//7h 2. The stronger side's rook is
~ ~ ~ ~ ahead of the pawn, which is
~/#7f ~
,~ ~
,,7-#/, ~
on the seventh rank
~~:a1, 1fo; I{~/ 1~' :
1.1P'~. fr~~/ " ;,~~/., //~'Z, "
I ~
.I. ~~
. -'ffff , ,,1

W$,i ~:«~ ,.fog ;;{/d

Now White wins, as the black
king cannot reach c7 in time.
1 l:th2 cJ:;e7
2 l:.h8 ~d6
If 2 ... ~d7. then 3 :lb8 ':al 4
~b7 :tbl+ 5 cJ:;a6 1:[a1+ 6 cJ:;b6
l:tbl + 7 ~c5. With the black king W
on d6 it is no longer possible to es- A standard defensive set-up: the
cape via c5 and another route has to black rook is behind the enemy
be sought. pawn, the king is on g7 (or h7). The
3 l:tb8 l1al white rook is tied to the pawn and
46 Theory and Practice of Rook Endgames

cannot leave the square a8. If 1

~b6, then 1. ..l1bl+. The king has
no refuge from the vertical checks.
When the rook has chased the king
away, it returns to a1.
[I should note as an aside that
there are other more complicated
and less reliable defensive sys-
tems: the black king can hide 'in
the shade' of its white counterpart
(on c3, for example), or, if the
black rook is on the seventh rank.
in the shade of its own rook. 1
should just mention these ideas,
but we won't be studying them.
Sometimes they are sufficient for a 3 fg
draw, sometimes not.] and the draw is inevitable, as
Let us add a white pawn on h5. White is left with a knight's pawn
Nothing changes. Black pays no (it is not particularly important
attention to it. The position is still whether it is one or two).
drawn - and also with a white The winning continuation was:
pawn on g5 instead. 2 ~xg3! ~h7
However, a pawn on f5 wins. 3 h4! gh+
After 1 f6+ ~f7 (1 ...<iftxf6 2 ':f8+; 4 ~h3 rJilg7
1...<t>h7 2 f7) 2':h8 Black loses his 5 r4
rook. and the f-pawn advances with
decisive effect.
There is a reason that I have
been dwelling on such elementary 3. The stronger side's rook is
cases; we must keep a very clear ahead of the pawn, which is
idea of them, we must always re- on the sixth rank
member them and use them when
analysing more complicated posi- See diagram on following page.
tions. The main feature distinguishing
t ... hg this position from the previous
In the game there followed: ones is that the white king now has
2 hg? g4+! a refuge from vertical checks - on
Theory and Practice of Rook Endgames 47

the king from vertical checks, but

not from horizontal checks. The
hlack rook must be transferred to
1 ... Itf1+!
2 ~e4 l:.f6!
It is important to attack the pawn
so as not to release the rook from
a8. What should White do now?
On a6-a7 there always follows
... l:t.a6 (the black king. of course,
B will not leave the squares g7 and
a7. It makes its way there to free h7). If White defends the pawn
the rook from the defence of the with his king, a series of checks
pawn. will follow, and then the rook will
The first point to note is that return to f6. For example:
the black king does not have time 3 Wd5 %:tb6
to scuttle over to the queenside: 4 Wc5 %:tf6!
1...rJ;f7? 2 Cifte4 (2 a7? is premature This is the best square for the
in view of2 ... ~g7) and now: rook!
a) 2 ... rJile7 3 a7! <it?d7(f7) 4 5 ~b5
:h8. and so on.
b) 2 ... lia5 is also hopeless: 3 Let us move the white king to f4
~d4 rJ;g7 4 ~c4 rJ;f7 5 ~b4 :a1 6 in the starting position.
~b5 l:t.bl + 7 'it'c6 l:t.al 8 <2;b7
l:t.bl+ 9 rJila7 rJile7 10 :b8 %:tcl 11
~b7 (not, however, 11 l:t.b6 rJ;d7)
ll. .. l:t.bl+ 12 rJila8 :al 13 a7. and a
situation arises that we have al-
ready seen: the black king cannot
reach c7 in time.
Tarrasch considered the diagram
position winning for White, basing
his conclusion on this analysis.
However, a saving plan was later
found. It is based on the fact that
the a6-pawn provides a refuge for B
48 Theory and Practice of Rook Endgames

Now l. .. :tfl+? 2 ~e5 :f6 is should note particularly that the

no longer good due to 3 1:.g8+!. defensive system is exactly the
Black's only plan of defence is to same when your opponent has two
transfer his rook to his third rank. extra pawns on the a- and h-filcs.
The simplest method of achieving
this is by
1 •.• 1:.a5
1...1:.c 1 also draws, but is more
2 ~e4 1:.bS
The threat is 3...1:.b6; White uses
his free move to try to disrupt
Black's plan.
3 :a7+
Or 3 :c8 :a5 4 Itc6 Wf7 5 ~d4
~e7 6 ~c4 ~d7 with an easy draw.
3 •.• Wg6! W
4 :b7 The h-pawn does not help White
Or 4 ~d4 :b6 drawing. at all - the draw is just as elemen-
4 ':a5 tary as in the previous example. On
5 a7 Wf6 1 ~b5 there follows 1...1:.f5+. Hav-
6 ~d4 ~e6 ing chased away the king, the rook
7 ~c4 <t>d6 will continue to keep watch along
8 ~b4 :al the sixth rank. If the white pawn
with a draw. were moved back to as, then the
We should note that here the black rook would be placed on the
kings were engaged in a race to the fifth rank, and so on.
queenside. If the white king were
closer to the pawn, the black king Now let us look at a position
might not make it in time. This with a- and g-pawns (D).
means that the transfer of the rook I ••• ~h7!
to the sixth rank must not be de- 2 ~h5
layed -- this plan should be carried With the threat 3 1:a7+ <2;g8 4 g6
out as soon as possible. and 5 ~h6.
2 ••• 1:.h6+!
The defensive system we have 3 ~g4
examined is very important. You 3 gh? is stalemate!
Theory and Practice of Rook Endgames 49

8 Wc5 l:t.e6 (D)

8...:g6 9 Ita7+ ~g8 10 ~d4.

3 •.• l:t.b6
Strangely enough. the endgame
textbooks fail to analyse this posi- W
tion. I have had to study it inde- White now has two ways to win:
pendently. White is winning. The
main reason is that the black rook A. 9 'fJa7 + rJ;g6
does not have the important square If 9...~g8 then the white king
f6, and so lhe sixth rank becomes returns to the kingside.
too short. 10 ~b5 l:teS+
4 ~f5 11 ~c6 l:t.e6+
Renewing the threat of 5 Ita7+. 12 ~c5!
4 l:t.b5+ Black is in a decisive zugzwang.
5 Wf6 ltb6+
6 'it'e5 B. 9 rJ;b5 Ite5+
6 rJ;f7 achieves nothing after 10 ~c6 l:t.e6+
6 ...:b7+!. 11 ~c5!
6 •.• ':c6 Certainly not 11 ~c7?! :g6 12
Black, of course, has no time to a7? l:.g7+! with a draw.
take the pawn on g5: 6 ... l:t.b5+ 7 Here too Black is in zugzwangf
rJ;d6 (7 ~d4) 7 ... l:xgS 8 l:e8 lIaS We have already seen the variation
9 l:t.c7+ ~g6 10 a7. Il. .. l1eS+ 12 rJ;d6 l:t.xgS 13 l:t.e8.
6 .. ,!~,(g7 also loses immediately and after
owing to 7 'ittfS! l:t.bS+ 8 <2;g4 l:.b6 11 ••• 'it'g7
9 ~h5 and 10 lia7+. Black's king blocks g7, so the
7 <it>d5 l:.b6 rook is deprived of an important
50 Theory and Practice of Rook Endgames

square from where it could give The reply 14...:lg6 is no longer

check. The white king is now able available.
to march boldly forward: 15 a7! :a6
12 ~b5 1:.c5+ 15 ... l:e7+ 16 Wd6.
13 ~c6 1:.e6+ 16 ~b7
14 ~c7 ~h7 White wins.

Artur Yusupov

The practical chess player must be The move 'ii'c3-c4 (either im-
able to orientate himself securely mediately or after the preparatory
in typical positions from rook 41 a6) must be given serious con-
endings. Look how, by making use sideration, but after exchanging
of the ideas outlined above. I queens, Black can give check on dl
managed to save a difficult ending and put his rook behind the passed
against the ex-world champion pawn - this is a very important de-
Anatoly Karpov. fensive resource which is lypical
for rook endings.
As a prophylactic manoeuvre
there is some sense in removing
the king from the first rank in ad-
vance: 41 ~g2!? Now, after the
exchange of queens, the black rook
does not get behind the passed
pawn, but Black still gains suffi-
cient counterplay by continuing
41 ...c5 42 'ifc4 ~xc4 43 1:.xc4 1:.c7
with ... ~f7-e6-d5 to follow, or al-
ternatively 42 a6 1:.a7 43 'iVa5 (43
:a4 f4) 43 ...'ifc6(d6).
41 a6 'iYa2
The pawn must be held up. In
this case the queen moves behind it
In this position it is Karpov's instead of the rook. I though long
move. What possibilities does he and hard about the possibility of
have? continuing the middIegame, but
Theory and Practice of Rook Endgames 51

was unable to find a convincing

continuation, and decided not to
steer clear of the exchange of
42 'iic4+
Karpov didn't spend much time
on this move. He had to reckon
with the threat of a counterattack
by 42... l1dl+ and 43 ...'il'bl.
42 ••• 'iixc4
43 l1xc4 1:.dl+
Of course, the rook transfers it-
self to a position behind the passed
pawn. This crucial technique is Later on every tempo could turn
only a particular instance of a more out to be decisive - the white king
general law of rook endings, which must therefore be obstructed as
says that the rook should always be much as possible on its way to the
active. queenside.
44 ~g2 %:tal 47 ~f1 :'a2
45 ':c6 48 'it'el <t>e8
When a pawn is attacked from 49 Wdl ~d8!
the rear, it is usually preferable to An accurate move. The obvious
defend it from the side than to move is 49 ...<t>d7. but I was wor-
stand in front of it. The rook on c6 ried that after :tg6 the g7-pawn
is extremely active - it controls the would be taken with check. Of
whole of the sixth rank and attacks course, 49 ...:xf2? is premature in
the c7-pawn. view of 50 a7 1:.a2 51 l1xc7, and,
45 ••• ~f8 with his king cut off along the sev-
Sooner or later the white king enth rank, Black loses quickly. Af-
will try to break through to the ter the text the capture on f2 really
queenside. Black begins counter- is threatened.
measures - he transfers his king to 50 l1g6 c5
d7 in order to activate the c7-pawn 50 ... l1xf2? is wrong due to 51
or force the exchange of a few l:Ixg7:a2 5211g6. Black therefore
pawns. activates his passed pawn.
46 f4 (D) 51 <t>cl (D)
If 46 ~g3, then 46...1:.a4. In positions such as this there
52 Theory and Practice of Rook Endgames

comes a point when you have to 56 1:.00 lig4

stop making your moves by com- 57 ~d2 :tg5
mon sense, and instead, after ana- 58 l1xh6 f4
lysing a concrete path to a draw, 59 We2 f3+
you must force events. That mo- Black has absolutely no need of
ment arrived right here. this pawn. If you know for sure that
a position is drawn, then try not to

~ ~
~~ R~4 ~
be distracted by non-essential de-
tails (like, for example, a 'non-
r~ ~ ;p~ ~
~J ~x~ ~~ ~ theoretical' pawn).
0 ~
~:t, ~A:~
;//~%. !a) 60 Wxf3 llc5
_ ~~&~l\
61 nhS
Here I adjourned the game just
~ ~ ~ JM to be safe. To my surprise Karpov
~L ~
~~ ~t&.
WA :m
-~ arrived at the resumption and made
PQ~ '"W%-
~ ~~
oS. ,~ fQ-;
a few more moves.
I~ ~ ~~ ~3~ 61 lig5
I~ ~ iff$; ,{J!j
62 ~e4 l1c5
n 63 ~f4 ltc4+
51 ~c7! 64 'itte5 ':c5+
52 l1xg7+ Wb6 65 ~e6 :g5
53 l1g6+ r3;a7 66 rJ-if7 l:.c5!
54 l1c6 In such positions the c-file is the
Karpov is aiming to remove as best position for the rook. If now
many black pawns as possible. In 67 h6 nc6 68 h7, then it is neces-
the event of 54 l1xh6 :xf2, with sary to place the rook behind the
55 ... l1xf4 to follow, the draw is pawn, but the immediate 68 ... l:t.h6
obvious. loses in view of 69 ry!;g7. Black
54 •.. htxf2 must therefore give check first:
55 l1xc5 nxf4 68 ... l1c7+! 69 ~f6(e6) l1c6+ with
A fundamental position with a- a draw. Note that on the d-file the
and h-pawns has arisen. It would, rook would be too close to the
of course. be possible to play king. so 66 ...:d5 67 h6 :d6 68 h7
55 .. 5Stxa6, but it is technically bet- :td7+ 69 'it'e6 would lose for Black.
ter to force the draw 'by the book', 67 l:h7 rJ-ixa6
especially as there was little time Only now, when the rook has
left to think. reached h7, can the a6-pawn be
Theory and Practice of Rook Endgames 53

taken. With the rook on h8 it 68 h6 :Ic7+

should be ignored. Drawn

Mark Dvoretsky

The ideas we have covered may be and so on. When you know the plan
elementary, but by no means all of defence the moves can be made
chess players are acquainted with automaticaBy - there is nothing
them. Even grandmasters some- elaborate about them.
times 'drift' in standard theoretical However, the very experienced
endings. Here is a tragi-comic ex- grandmaster Szabo had no idea of
ample: how to conduct an endgame of this
type, and lost a totally drawn posi-
tion. It seems that Tukmakov had
no idea either, as in his notes to the
game he made the following com-
ment: "Theory considers this end-
game drawn, but it seems that I
managed to win it quite convinc-
66 ~g2?! ~d6
67 ~f2?! :a2+
68 ~el?
68 ~g 1! would still have led to a
68 ... 1:.al+
69 ~e2
69 <t>d2 is refuted by 69 ...1:.hl!
All White needs to do is wait. 70 1:.xa5 h3 71 :h5 h2 and then
keeping his aim on the as-pawn, so 72...1:.al.
as not to release the rook from the 69 ••• 84
a-file. For example. 66 1:.b5 ~d6 70 l:h6+
67 l1f5 1:.al 68 <t>h2! a4 69 :f4! a3 70 l1xh4 a3 71 :a4 a2.
70 :f3! ~c5 (70 ... a2 71 l1a3) 71 70 <2;eS
l1b3 ~c4 72 l1f3 ~b4 73 IH4+!, 71 :hS+ ~f6
72 ~f2 a3
54 Theory and Practice of Rook Endgames

73 ~g2 .:tcl to us: 48 ...I:.b2!? 49 :'xa6 :Lc2, and

74 l:.aS l:tc3 soon.
White resigned Of course, it is not obligatory to
give up the pawn, but from the
I found another. analogous, ex- practical point of view that is the
ample in the magazine New in hest path to take. You don't have to
Chess, in an article by Tony Miles do any more thinking; you can just
on the 1989 US Championship. He play according to theory. Remem-
analyses an ending from a game ber: that is exactly what Yusupov
played by the winner of the tourna- did in his game with Karpov. Oth-
ment, Rachels, against grandmas- erwise you have to play out a posi-
ter D.Gurevich. Apparently none tion which may be drawn, but is
of them, including the annotator, still unfamiliar, and at the board it
was acquainted with the ideas be- doesn't take much to make a mis-
hind this ending. take.
48 ••• <2;g6
49 hS+ ~f7
A clear example of theoretical
ignorance: Gurevich. like Szabo in
the previous example, sends his
king over to the opposite side of the
board for no good reason.
50 <ltf4 l:t.c6
51 ~c5 ct;e7
52 ~d5 :h6
53 <f.t>c4 l:t.h8
54 l:te5+ ~f6
55 l:tc5 ~e7
56 ~b4 l:t.h6
57 ~a5 ~d6
58 l1g5 ~c7
Miles writes: 'The ending. of 59 a4 <t>d7
course, is drawn. but the defence is 60 l:tg7+ <t>c8
not at all easy.' No; it is very easy if 61 l:t.g5
Black, without staying tied to the Here the game was adjourned.
a6-pawn. immediately adopts the During home analysis it is impor-
system of defence already familiar tant to consult a text-book and
Theory and Practice of Rook Endgames 55

learn the theory of the endings that 71 ••• l1c6

may occur later on - in this case. Black could have forced a draw
that means the theory of endgames by 71. .. ~g7!. To delay this is al-
with two extra pawns on the a- and ready dangerous - Black has to
h- files. However, Gurevich did not reckon with the following plan: the
do this. white pawn moves to as, the rook
61 ~d7 defends everything along the fifth
62 l:t.cS ~d8 rank. and the king heads for b7.
63 l:t.dS+ ~e7 72 <t>gS ~g7
Black changes his plan of de- 73 ltdS :c4
fence and sends his king back to 74 as l:tc6
the kingside. If 63 ... ~c7 he was 7S :ld7+ <t>g8
doubtless concerned by 64 ~b4 76 :a7?! :ld6?
with the threat of supporting the Now it was essential to take the
passed h-pawn with the king. opportunity to play 76 ...l:tc5+ 77
64 ~b4 <ibe6 ~f6 l:t.c6+ (both 77 ... l:t.xb5? and
65 ~cS ~e7 77 ....:xa5? are impossible in view
66 :gS ~f7 of78 ~g6) 78 ~e7 l:t.c5 (or, as rec-
67 ~d5 ~f8 ommended by Miles, 78 ....:h6) 79
68 :'e5 Wf7 l:t.xa6~h7.
69 ~e4 nc6 77 ~fS
70 ~fS :c4 78 ~f6
71 l:t.aS (D) 79 cbeS
71 a5!? Stronger is the continuation
79 ... llh6! 80 ~f5 <t>f8! (but not
80 ... l:t.c6? 81 :e7 ~f8 82 l:t.e6
:'c5+ 83 ~g611xa5 84 h6 l:t.al 85
l1f6+!) 81 ~g5 :C6.
80 :t:1d7 (D)
80 .•• l:t.h6!
Miles makes an amusing com-
ment here: 'If 80 ... ~f8, then 81
l1d6 l:t.c5+ 82 ~f6 <t>g8 (82 ... ~e8
83 h6) 83 l:t.xa6.' However, after his
recommended move 83 ltxa6??
83 ... ~h7! leads to an immediate
draw, whereas 83 ~g6! wins.
56 Theory and Practice of Rook Endgames

I. ~ e' ~{#*~;;.: has a pleasant choice between 85

~fh ~.6
,%?i. ~. ?l~1
'//71?/· ~W/?~
~g6 and 85 ':xa6 cJ;;f7 (unfortu-
~W~ -n~
Jt.rfA '/1/;",
;/.#k nately, 85 ... ~h7 is impossible be-

'~i.~ ~ ~
~ ~ W{#A"'
cause of 86 'l:.e6) 86 'l:.a7+ ~f8 87
l1a8+ ~f7 88 a6 'l:.c5+ 89 ~e4 l1c6
.g ~4 ~ ¥~o
90 a7 ':a6 91 :!hS. The flank as-
sault on the rook's pawn only suc-
~ ~~ ~;U 1:J4 ceeds if the king is on g7 or h7.
~ ~ U'f- ~. 84 ~e6!
, W~" . .¥/~, , ~?, , W#I
~ ~~
The king heads for the a6-pawn.
• & Now there is no escape!
B 84 rj;g7
80 ... ~h8, counting on 811ld6 85 Wd6 ~h7
::'c5+ 82 Itd5 (82 ~f6 ~h7!) 86 lIeS :bl
82... l1c6 83 ~f5 ~g7 8411eS (with 87 ~c6 <t>h6
the threat 85 ':c7+ and 86 l1e6) 88 Itd5 Itb2
84 ... ~f7!. looks tempting, but the 89 l:d7 :1b5
subtle move 81 'l:.e7! enables White 90 .ttd6+ Wh7
to achieve victory: after 81. .. ~g8 91 :td5 rLbl
82 'i.t>f5! 'l:.c5+ (if 82 ... ~f8 or 92 l:.d7+ ~h6
82 ...:h6, then 83 lIe6! and 84 93 I1b7 nal
~g6) 83 lIe5! (but not 83 ~f6? 94 ~b6 ~xh5
llxh5 84 ~g6 ~f8!) White wins. 95 Wxa6 ~g6
This position arose later in the 96 Itb5 Wf7
game, after White's 83rd move. 97 ~b7 l1et
81 <t>f5 98 a6 I:e7+
This was the sealed move; here 99 ~b6 J!le6+
the game was again adjourned. It 100 ~a5
seems that the game can still be Black resigned
saved by Sl. ..Wf8! (not aHowing
82 l1e7) 82 <2;g5 'l:.c6, but here In the last two examples both the
again Black's analysis proved not moves and the annotations of
to be up to the task. grandmasters make a comic im-
81 'l:.e6? pression for one simple reason -
82 Ite7! :c5+ they were not sufficiently familiar
83 'l:.e5 lIel with the basics of the theory of
If 83 ... l1c6 84 :Ie6 'l:.c 1 White rook endings.
Theory and Practice of Rook Endgames 57

Our next step should probably IS ... liJc6. However, my sense of

be to analyse positions closely con- danger had its say, and I became
nected with a type of endgame that suspicious of the position after 19
we have already studied - namely, c4 d4 20 liJc5 b6 21 ttJd3. White
those where each side has two or gains a pawn majority on the
three pawns on the kingside and queenside, he securely blockades
one side has an extra passed pawn the pawn on d4 and controls the e-
on the queenside (this is usually a file. His advantage may not be too
rook's pawn). This sort of situation great. but it is enduring. When I
often occurs in practice. However. showed the endgame to Vaganian.
that is another subject - we shall a specialist in the French Defence.
only mention it here. I will restrict he assessed the position as highly
myself to just one example. where unfavourable for Black.
the same technique was used that Black can probably avoid defeat
we saw in Karpov-Yusupov. and by accurately parrying the threats.
that we should have seen in Ra- but that is a hard and thankless
chels-Gurevich: a pawn sacrifice to task. As an active player, I usually
move into a theoretically drawn tried to avoid a passive defence of
position. this kind; I tried to find a way to
change radically the course of the
game, to force events, either to
clarify the situation or, on the other
hand, to complicate the game as
much as possible.
Returning to the move
18 •.• l:t.e6
I tried to think up .~~~ething af-
19 ttJc5 :'xel +
20 l:t.xel
Then 20...ltJg6 2lliJxb7 l:t.bS 22
B ttJc5 :xb2 23 l:t.e8+ liJfS looks
Bakulin - Dvoretsky very dubious - the pin on the
Moscow 1974 knight is very dangerous. For ex-
ample, White might play 24 g3 f6
Given that on IS ...:te6, 19 ttJc5 25 ltJd7 rJ-if7 26 :xfS+ r;j;e7 27
is unpleasant. I wanted to play l:t.bS.
58 Theory and Practice of Rook Endgames

Another intriguing idea imme- have taken the decision to give up a

diately occurred to me: pawn. Who knows how the game
20 ••• l1e8! would have finished after 18 ...t;)c6,
21 ':xe7 ~f8 but as played I drew casily.
An eye for combinations is 27 g3 g6
sometimes essential even in 'bor- 28 ~g2 t:i;g7
ing' endgames! The subsequent 29 ~f3 hS
course of events is forced: 30 h4 ~f6
22 :txb7 31 ~e3 l:t.c3+
After 22 %:te2 l:t.xc5 the position 32 t:i;e4 %:te2
is approximately equal. 33 f3 l:t.e2+
22 :xc5 34 ~f4 l:t.b2
23 c3 d4 35 l:t.a6+ ~g7
24 ~fl 36 l:t.a3 ~f6
Not 24 l:t.b3?? d3 25 ~fl l:t.c5!. 37 l:t.a6+ ~g7
24 de 38 1:.a4 ~f6
25 be

l:t.xc3 38 ...l:.f2!?
26 l:t.xa7 :te2 (D) 39 g4 hg

.- -- --
40 fg :tf2+
41 ~g3
~ ~ ~ ~
1~ ~ ~~ 42 :£4+
~ ~ ~,~, Also harmless is 42 g5+ ~e5.
~ ~~; ~ ~
~ ~ .~ 42 ••• ~e6

.• .
~ ~ ~ ~
43 a4
;~ 43 m :c3+ 44 <t>f4 f6.
~ ~ ~ ~!
~~~:~~ 43 f5
~ ~ 44 gf+ gf
~ ~ ~~~
U ~ 45 %:to :e4
46 1:.al
~ m~. 47 ~f4
W 48 ~g3
I knew for certain that this was a 48 ~g5 l1g4+ 49 ~h5 ~f6 50
draw, and a fairly simple one at a5?? l:t.gS.
that. and so went for my combina- 48 l:t.c3+
tion without hesitation. Of course, 49 ~g2 l1e4
if I had not studied this type of end- 50 h5 l:t.h4
ing before, I would have hardly Drawn
Theory and Practice of Rook Endgames 59

Artur Yusupov
I now want to show you a few frag- 25 'iVd6 :'xc3
ments from my games where there 26 'ii'xa6 l:t.cc2
arose not theoretical, but purely Of course, the extra passed
practical, rook endings. The first pawn on a5 is very dangerous, but
example, however, is not at all like Black has correctly calculated that
an endgame to begin with. his pressure along the seventh rank
enables him to maintain the equi-
27 'ii'b6
If27 ~a7, then 27 ... d4 28 'ii'a8+
~h7 29 a6 (if 29 'iYf3 'iVxf3 30 gf
l:t.a2 we get approximately the same
as in the game) 29 ...11xf2 30 a7
':xg2+ 31 ~xg2 l:t.xg2+ 32 ~xg2
~g4+ with perpetual check.
27 d4
28 ~d8+ ~h7
29 'ii'h4 gS
30 'ii'h3
Much weaker is 30 'iYg3 l:t.d3 31
f3 l:t.dd2 with dangerous threats
(for example, 32...1if4).
20 iLfS! 30 ••• 'iYxh3
Black carries out exchanges by 31 gh (D)
means of tactics, and makes a posi- It seems that things are bad - the
tional pawn sacrifice - a technique white rook is placed behind the
we have already mentioned more passed a-pawn. However, thanks to
than once. In this case a pawn is a tactical finesse, Black manages to
given up to activate Black's pieces. hold up the pawn from the rear.
21 i.xfS liJxf5 31 :a2
22 lDxf5 ~xf5 32 a6 l:t.xf2!
23 'ii'xc5 l:t.xd2 33 l:t.xa2
24 'iixc7 l:t.c8 Forced.
33 ••• l:txa2
60 Theory and Practice of Rook Endgames

34 lhf7+ Wg8
35 l:t.d7
35 ':f6 d3.
35 ':xa6 the queenside. In this case, how-
36 l:xd4 ry!;f7 ever, White can still play for a win
37 h4 by 33 h4! c3 34 ry!;g2 c2 35 l:tc7
Drawn c 1~ (35 ... g5 is probably simpler,
gaining a theoretically drawn end-
The following example also fo- game of h-pawn against white r-
cuses on the activity of the rook. and g-pawns) 36 ':xc 1 ':xa2 37
Generally speaking, the main prin- ':lc7 with the threat of 38 g4.
ciple of rook endings is that the Barbero carried out an operation
rook should be active (D). which also deserves attention. Tak-
White has a small advantage in ing advantage of the fact that the
view of the fact that his rook is pawn ending is satisfactory for
more active, and also because of Black, he decided to secure his sec-
the slightly unusual position of the ond (White's seventh) rank for his
black king on h6. rook.
Black's most natural continu- 28 llg8
ation is apparently to try to activate 29 ~f1 l:tg7
his rook by 28 ...:d8 29 l:te7 b5 30 30 ry!;e2 l:t.d7
l:txa7 l1d2 31 b3 c4 32 bc be. Were 31 h4
the king not on h6, a draw could be The immediate 31 :re5 deserved
agreed immediately in view of the consideration.
inevitable exchange of pawns on 31 ..• rJilg7
Theory and Practice of Rook Endgames 61

32 lle5! b6
33 ':e6 <t>f7?!
It was necessary to take away
the important square c6 from thc
white rook. Had Black continued
33 ...'t1c7! 34 ':d6 rJilf7 35 h5 rJile7.
the position would have remained
approximately equal.
34 l1c6
The white rook has taken up an
extremely strong position. It cuts
off the opponent's king along the W
sixth rank and hinders the advance 39 b3 ~g7
of Black's quecnside pawns. 40 We4 ~f7
34 .•• ~e7?! 41 'ittf3
It is better to initiate active op- 41 ~e5 is also good.
erations to divert Whitc from his 41 l!te7
planned attack on the kingside: 42 ~g4 ':d7
34...:'e7+ 35 ~d3 Jitd7+ 36 <;bc3 43 ~h4
:Ic7, intending .. J~e2. The threat is 44 g4, 45 rJ;g5, and
35 hS! rJ;f7? on a rook check along the fi fth rank.
Another passive move. 35 ...gh! there foHows f4-f5 or ~h6.
36 ':h6 ~d8 was essential. Oncc 43 .•. ':d2
the king has reachcd c7, Black can Black decides to become active,
advance his b- and c-pawns. but it would have been better to do
36 hg+ hg this several moves earlicr.
37 f4 44 ':c7+ ~f6
Now White already has a serious 45 :'xa7 b5?
advantage. The black king is tied to 45 ... ~f5 would have been more
the g6-pawn, and the rook must de- resilient.
fend his second rank - a pawn will 46 ':c7?!
be lost if it is activated. But, with After 46 ':a5! ~f5 47 rJ;h3 a
Black defending passively. White second pawn would bc lost.
can strcngthcn his position without 46 .•• c4
hindrance. 47 l:tc6+! ~f5?
37 ~g7 (D) More stubborn is 47 ... Wf7, but
38 We3 ~f7 even this docs not save Black: 48
62 Theory and Practice of Rook Endgames

bc be 49 a4! :d4 50 ~g5 :d5+ 51

~g4 l1d4 52 1tc5! ~f6 (52 ...c3 53
as ':a4 54 ~g5) 53 a5, and Black is
in zugzwang (53 ...:e4 54 :tc6+
cJ;;f7 55 ~g5).
48 1:.c5+ ~e6
49 lhbS c3
50 :e5 c2
51 b4 g5+
52 fg :d4+
53 ~h5 l:xb4
54 :xe2
Black resigned

To begin with the endgame was

almost equal. So why did Black 44 ~xg3 ~d3
lose? Firstly, because he defended 45 ':a2
too passively and activated his The main variation is quite in-
rook too late. Secondly. the excel- structive:
lent position of the white rook 45 c3
caused him huge problems. Note 46 h4 c2
the zwischenzug 32 :e5!, which 47 ':xc2 ~xc2
secured the ideal square c6 for the 48 ~f4!
white rook. From c6 the rook tied Of course, 48 h5?? :d4! is bad.
up absolutely all of the opponent's but the apparently similar 48 ~g4?
pieces and pawns. also loses: 48 ... ~d3 49 h5 ~e4 50
The following diagram shows a ~g5 ~e5 51 ~g6 ~e6 52 h6
typical situation: I will soon have ':gl+. From f4 the white king
to give up my rook for the c-pawn. 'shoulders away' the black king
and an endgame of rook against and does not allow it to approach
pawn will arise. Each tempo could the pawn.
be decisive. 48 ~d3
A straightforward approach al- 49 h5 :hl
lows White to save himself. viz.: 50 ~g5 ~e4
43 ... hg? 51 h6 ~e5
43 ... ~d3? 44 1:.f2! (or441:.g2!) 52 ~g6 ~e6
leads to the same thing. 53 ~g7!
Theory and Practice of Rook Endgames 63

Not 53 h7? ':gl + 54 ~h6 r3;n 50 ':cl cZ

55 hSlLl+ ~f6 56 ~h7 Jlg2. and 51 h5 ~d2
Black wins. 52 :hl cl'iV
Whitc's accurate king move en- S3 1:.xcl <2;xcl
sures that the position is drawn: White resigned
53 ...1:.g1 + 54 <bf8, or 53 ... ~e7 54
h7 1:.g1+ 55 Wh8!. Two ideas, typical for this kind
However, my opponent discov- of ending, are clearly revealed in
ered a much stronger possibility: the course of this game:
43 .•. :f1+! 1) the cutting off of the king
44 <2;g4 hg along the fourth rank - thanks to
Now after 45 ~xg3 ~d3 46:a2 this Black was able to win the
c3 47 h4 c2 48 :xc2 ~xc2 Whitc game.
cannot save himself as the king is 2) 'shouldering away' - White
denied the square f4. hoped to save the game by using
45 :dZ+ ~e3 this technique, but Tseshkovsky
46 1:.g2 destroyed my idea by giving a
46 :c2 does not help in view of zwischenschach.
46...:f8! 47 r3;xg3 :g8+, and the
king is placed most awkwardly on In the following, more complex,
the h-file. For example, 48 ~h4 ending. similar motifs come into
~d3 49:a2 c3 50 ~h5 c2 51 :al play.
<iti?d2 52 h4 cl1W 53 l:.xcl ~xcl 54
~h6 ~d2 55 h5 ~e3 56 ~h7 :g I
57 h6 ~f4 58 ~h8 ~g5 59 h7
~g6, or 48 ~h2 ~d3 491:.a2 c3 50
h4 c2 51 1:.al ~d2 52 ~h3 cl'" 53
1:.xcl ~xcl 54 h5 r3;d2 55 ~h4
~e3 56 h6 ~f4 57 <it>h5 l:.g5+ - in
both cases White loses.
46 ':f4+!
47 ~xg3 c3
48 h4 :c4
49 1:.c2 ~d3
Now the fact that the white king
is cut off along the fourth rank is
64 Theory and Practice of Rook Endgames

The assessment of the position The threat is 48 :'c7+ Wf8 49

is not in doubt - White has a large a7.
advantage. A logical move would 47 •.• rJi;f7
now have been: Play may continue:
38 a4! 48 ~d2 l:.g3
It is important to advance the On 48 ... ':a3 there follows 49
passed a-pawn quickly. Black's ~c2 lla5 50 'it'c3 1:.xg5 51 ~b4
passed pawn is not dangerous - on l:tgl 52 <f.t>c5 g5 53 a7 nal 54 <t>b6
... e4-e3 there is always the reply g4 55 <f.t>b7, winning (Black's king
Wfl. is cut off from its passed pawn).
How might the game have de- 49 a7 1183
veloped in this case? 50 'tJ.c7+ r3;e6
38 l1d3 SI <;be2 <t>rs
39 as c3 52 <t>b2 :a6
40 be e3 53 ry!;;b3 ~xgS
The threat is 41. ..:d 1+ 42 'it'g2 54 ry!;;b4
e2. The threat is 55 :c5+ and 56
41 wn ':xc3 1:.a5.
42 a6 :a3 54 ••• ~h6
43 l:tb6 ry!;;f7 The only defence.
43 ... g5 is bad: 44l:tg6+ r3;f7 45 55 ry!;;b5 .:tal
:xg5 l:txa6 46 1:.e5 :a3 47 ~e2 56 ~b6 (D)
.f.ta2+ 48 ~f3 .f.th2 49 ry!;;g3 l:te2 50
,,;;/1, ~"~ j,ffJ/. ~
44 g5
~ y~ W~ ~
If Black now acts passively, he
will find himself in zugzwang (for
example, 44...l:ta2 45 h4).
I~~ ~ ~,~
;~ ~~Yhii _ ~~'
~ ~

There is no choice but to ex-

change pawns: ,I ~ ~ ~ ;~;~I

. .
~ ~/~ ~'~ ~
44 ••.
45 <t>xe2
l:xh3 I.~~fRa.~
iJ//4 ~ ~ ~ i{(//A'Z ~ ~h
Now that White has slightly im-
proved the position of his rook in
~ ~
typical fashion, there follows: B
46 1:.f6+! ~g7 Take a look in Secrets of Chess
47 :c6 Training by Mark Dvoretsky and
Theory and Practice of Rook Endgames 65

you will find in the section 'Rook have a decisive influence on the
against Pawns' (pp. 107-113) an al- outcome of the game - they should
most identical position. Thc best never be overlooked.
defence is: Unfortunately, in mUlual time
56 .•• lIb1+ trouble I let slip an important inac-
On 56 ... g5. 57 ne8! is the most curacy:
precise move. 38 ~f2? I1d3
57 ~c6 :Lal Of course. the king should not
58 ~b7 ktbl+ be allowed to e3.
59 ~c8 1:.a1 39 a4 e3
But even this does not help: 39 .. J%xh3? loses: 40 ':c5 ':b3
60 ~b8 ~g5 41 :txc4 llxb2+ 4 2 ~e3. After the
Or 60 ... g5 61 a8~ l:t.xa8+ 62 inevitable demise of the e4-pawn
~xa8 ~h5 (62 ... g4 6311c5! - CUl- the ideal set-up for White arises -
ling off the king!) 63 cJtb7 ~g4 64 his rook defends both pawns along
Wc6 ~f3 65 1:1f7+! cJte3 661J.g7! the fourth rank without allowing
~f4 67 Wd5, and so on. any counterplay. The king calmly
6 t a8'iY 1:.xa8+ heads towards the a-pawn.
62 ~xa8 ~f4 There was also the intriguing
63 l1f7+! move 39 ...<f.t>f7 with the idea, after
A typical zwischenschach to 40 ktc5?! 'it'e6!. of supporting the
gain a tempo; the hasty 63 ~b7'! passed e4-pawo with the king.
g51eads to a draw. Stronger is 40 as c3 41 h4! (but not
63 ~e4 41 hc l:t.xc3 with a draw). After
64 J:tg7! Wf5 41. ..:td4 42 ~e3! .tIc4 43 l:tc5
65 ~b7 g5 II.xb4 44 l:t.xc3 :a4 45 :re5 there
66 We6 g4 arises the same won position as
67 ~d5 ~4 later in the game.
68 <it?d4 ~f3 40 be (D)
69 ~d3 g3 40 ••• l:t.xe3?
70 :'f7+ Timman makes a decisive mis-
and 71 ~e2. take on the last move before the
You can now see why White time-control. He thought he could
transferrcd his rook to c6 00 moves always advance the pawn to e3. but
46 and 47 - in order to free the be failed to consider the strong de-
square b6 for his king. 'Trivial' laying move 41 :re5!. If Timman
points such as this can sometimes had seen this, then he WOUld, even
66 Theory and Practice of Rook Endgames

. . - -_··w:
-'~Ya- '-'~;-~-~~I

~~A ~% ~~g~A :.:-~"tii~;;4~f0

f.:;/;; f:;:& ~A ~~
'%~ ~ jj~~ ~~~. ri' 1~
%~, ~;~
/~~Z f-'»fff
~'#.~ ~ ,,
'4A/ ~ ~/!;1 ~:7/' :4,,&
:·7#'- M rp'&,
A0)'; ~~
?//'/~/ ~~

:@~ ~.~~~ffAl
.{f.ff y/.~ ,;. ~7,.

~ ~K~ ?I;~,
.~y~,o/:. ;///.:? ~.,:
~ 0/~
'/// (j;jf
:/;1"/- .z . -"' r·~
tf!:t, ~J

without going into detailed vari- 44 g5
ations, but just by a simple method 45 h4
of comparison, have preferred to 46 ~f4
play 40 ... e3+! 41 ~e2l:.xc3. Here 46 ':e7+ <fot>f8 47 l%e6 Ita3+ 48
the black rook is a little more ac- ~f4! is also good.
tive. and the white king remains a 46 •••
little further from its kingside 47 Itb5
pawns than in the game. After 42 If now 47 ... ry!;;e6. then 48 nb6+
g5 Ita3 43 a5 ry!;;f7 44 l:te5 ry!;;f8 the ~d5 49 :txg6 (or 49 a6), and on
position is clearly drawn. For ex- 47 ... ~g7 there follows 48 l1b7+
ample: 45lte6 llxa5 46 :'xg6 :1e5 Wf8 49l!b6 l1xa5 (49 ... rJ";f7 50 a6)
47 h4 ~f7 48 ':f6+ <fot>g7 4911f3 50 Itxg6 with an easy win. In this
l:t.e4 50 h5 l:t.h4 51 h6+ ~g6. last variation we clearly see the dif-
41 l:.e5! ference the position of the black
Here the game was adjourned. pawn makes - with the pawn on c3
Analysis showed that White wins there would be no win.
without difficulty. 47 ••• e3+
41 .•. :1c4 48 ry!;;xe3 ry!;;e6
We have already discussed the The only chance to become ac-
position arising after 4 1. ..l:xh3 42 tive - in reply to a rook check the
l:.xe4. If 42 ... ry!;;f7 (with the idea of king can now go to f5.
moving the king out Lo g5), the 49 l:b6+ <fot>f5
strongest move is 43 g5!. 50 a6 ry!;;g4
42 a5 :'a4 And what would have followed
43 ~e3 ry!;;g7 (D) on 50... l:xh4? Of course, 51 Itb5+
Theory and Practice of Rook Endgames 67

and 52 :a5 - how could White fail This curious position with a un-
to use the opportunity to put his usual configuration of white pawns
rook behind a passed pawn?! on the kingside arose immediately
51 ':xg6 after adjournment. Only victory
51 :d6? is worse in view of left me with chances of taking first
51 ... ~h5 and 52 ...':xh4. place in the tournament and com-
51 ~xh4 pleting a GM norm, so I had to
52 ~d3 <it?h5 spend all my free day analysing the
53 l:c6 ~xg5 adjourned position.
54 ~c3 ~f5 42 a4! ba
55 ~b3 11al 43 ~c3
56 ~c4 We5 White has an extra piece in play
57 ~c5! - his king. This circumstance will
The finishing touch is 'shoul- have its say jf Black plays 'by the
dering away' . book' (or in actual fact stereotypi-
57 ••• lIa2 cally): 43 ...:1a8? placing the rook
58 <2;b6 behind the passed pawn. White
Black resigned then plays 44 :d2, followed by
l:Ia2 and <t>xc4, whereupon the a-
In conclusion, I offer for your at- pawn will be lost. This sort of de-
tention a highly complex., purely fence is impossible - Black is
analytical endgame. clearly too late with his counter-
The best chance is:
43 ••• eS!
Mestel did not play this move as
he was afraid of 44 l1d2 ~e6 45
<i!?xc4. but afler 45 ....:c8+ 46 ~b5
':a8! (46 ... a3? loses to 4 7 ~a4 ':c3
48 h5) 47 ~c6 (47 %:ta2 <it?d5! 48
':xa4? :b8+) 47 ... a3 48 :1a2 ':c8+
49 ~b7 l:t.c3 50 b5 ~d5 51 b6 ~c4
Black saves himself: 52 ~a8 ~b3
53 J!lxa3+ ~xa3 54 b7 %:tb3leads
to a draw. and if 52 ~a6, then
52... ~b3 53 b7 ~xa2 54 b8i¥ J!lb3
55 ~xe5 ~bl 56 ~el + ~b2 57
68 Theory and Practice of Rook Endgames

~e2+ 'ittbl 58 ~a5 a2 59 'itta4 After 47 b6! Black would have

.uxf3! 60 'iWdl+ ~b2 61 ~xf3 to make a difficult choice between
al~+ 62 cJtb4 'i¥Ja7 with a drawn 47 .. Jlc2+ (A). 47 ... I1xf2 (B) and
queen ending. 47 ... 'it'd6 (e):
I was intending:
44 r1a7! A. 47 :c2+
However. Black now activates 48 <it?b5 l:t.b2+
his rook: 49 <f.t>c6 1:c2+
44 ••. l:td8! 50 ~b7 l1xf2
In this case play should con- Note this weB: Black employs a
tinue: typical technique - first he drives
4S b5! the king to the square in front of its
45 ~xc4 is weaker: 45 ... nd2 46 own passed pawn, and then 'nib-
b5 l:c2+!. bles' at the pawns.
45 ••• 'itte6! 51 <t>a8 l'lxf3
45 ... nd3+? is bad in view of 46 52 b7 l:.b3
~xc4 :lxf3 47 b6 and now either 53 nxa4!
47 ...lixf2 48 Itxa4 or 47 ... ~b3 48 The pawn will have to be taken
b7 Wf5 49 ~c5. in any case, so it is better to do this
46 ~xc4 straight away, in order to hold up
46 b6? is mel by 46...:tbS. the passed e-pawn for a moment.
46 ••. I1d2 53 f5
47 b6! (D) 54 b8'ii' ':xb8+
47 I1xa4 allows 47 ...:c2+!. 55 ~xb8 (D)
Theory and Practice of Rook Endgames 69

The resulting sharp position is, it 48 ... ~c6? loses after 49 1:.a7 [5
would seem, won. Play might con- 50 :xh7 <t>xb6 51 nh6 nxf2 52
tinue: llxg6+ rJ;c7 53 ~d5 54 ~xe5. nxf3
55 .•• e4 49 :tb4 r1c2+
56 l:aS! 50 rvt;b5 (D)
It is important to cut off the
black king. ~.-~~ -}~ 'tj;~ ~~~.:.
56 .•. h6 , , .;/,{,., ;(ff/'. _,'$!~z"" ,,!~.,
wn ftfi&~&
?,~,* . . ~,l •
Or 56 ... e3 57 na3 f4 58 gf~f5
59 ':xe3. {jf{j ~~ qffi .. ;t~
. U ~ $~.r:zi.
57 lia6+!
I~~~~ ~#/'7h.~~ ~
~A ~ I(~A
7 __ ,!7,
58 l'lxg6 e3 " '. "./..t/"
/' ';4
, ~ ~}~ :Jj~ .4~"
59 l:t.g8 <it?e4 ~'~ '4ri/;, b# fd
60 rvt;c7 <f.t>n
~ ~~~~ l'
61 ~d6 e2 : ~i~f!j ~~
·7xp A .:#/.
~i iff.£; ;r&"/..r-
62 :le8 rvt;xg3 ~~ ?$~ rz~ ~~
7/1f__ ~j. ?~J. ~~_
63 Itxe2 f4
White plays either 66 ~e5 or 66 B
h5. 50 rvt;d7!
51 b7 rJ;c7
B. 47 ..• 52 l1c4+ :'xc4
48 l1xa4 53 ~xc4 <it?xb7
48 b7 :J!b2 49 Wc5 is no good in 54 ~d5
view of 49 ... a3!. To begin with I thought that this
48 Wd7?! pawn ending was won in view of
49 Ita7+ ~c6 54... Wc7 55 Wxe5 rvt;d7 56 rvt;f6
50 Xixf7 rvt;xb6 We8 57 r3;g7 h5 58 g4.
51 <f.t>d5 But Black can defend better:
and White ought to win, as the 54 ••• f6!
black king is too far away from the N ow White can achieve nothing.
kingsidc pawns. 55 ~e6
If 55 g4, then 55 ... h5! (neither
c. 47 ••. rvt;d6 55 ... rvt;b6? 56 g5! nor 55 ... Wc?'! 56
48 Itxa4 rvt;e6 rvt;c6 57 g5! is good enough
A draw results after 48 l:xf7 a3 for Black) 56 gh gh 57 rvt;e6 ~c6 58
49 l:t.xh7 a2 50 l:t.a7 l:xf2. ~xf6 Wd5 59 rvt;g5 e4!, and a draw
48 ••• ':xf2 results.
70 Theory and Practice of Rook Endgames

55 <fot>c6 43 nb5?
56 ~f6 ~d5 44 ~xc4 I1d5
57 g4 4S lla7 lld2
Or 57 r3;g7 ~d4 58 Wxh7 ~e3 46 b5
59 ~xg6 ~xf3 60 h5 e4. again In effect Black has lost a tempo.
wIth a draw. In an analogous position, which we
57 000 ~d4 have already analysed. the pawn
58 h5 gh was on e5 and Black was able to
58 ... ~e3 is also possible. introduce the king into play by
59 gb e4! ... ~e6. Now this resource docs not
60 fe ~xe4 exist, and so Black is defenceless.
61 <fot>g7 ~f5 If, for example. 46.. J!xf2. then 47
62 ~xh7 ~f6! b6 ~b2 48 b7 a3 49 ~c5 a2 50
with a draw. ~c6.
46 000 ':c2+
As you sec, it is extremely diffi- 47 ~b4 e5
cult, even with the benefit of home 47 ...l1xf2 48 l1xa4 l:t.xf3 49 b6.
analysis, to find the narrow path to 48 b6 :'xf2
keep Black above the precipice. In 49 b7 ~fS
any case, Black was obliged to play 49 ... l:.b2+ is answered by 50
43 ...e5!. ~c5, threatening 51 :a6+ and 52
The continuation chosen in the 50 g4+! ~f4
game lost without a struggle (D): 51 ':'xa4
Black resigned

This game gives us the opportu-

nity to make some reflections on
the technique of endgame play.
Every tempo, even one that might
seem insignificant (like ... e6-e5 !),
can have a fundamental. maybe
even decisive, bearing on the out-
come of the game. It is always nec-
essary to select carefully the most
precise form for the realization of
B your plans.
111eory and Practice of Rook Endgames 7/


6 B Draw
72 Theory and Practice of Rook Endgames

8 w Draw

9 B Draw 10 B
How do you assess the position?
Is 1... a2 a good move?
Answers to the Exercises
2 ~b6
1. Rinck, 1906 3 lIrs!!

1 £6 Itxe2 2. Trabattoni-Barlov, La Valetta

1... ~b5 2 .:th8 Itd7 3 :le8, or 1979
1... Itd4 2 Ite7 Ite4 3 l:.e8 winning
for White. A draw could have been obtained
2 l:.hS+! by:
2 :h8? :'£2 3 Itrs 'it'b6 4 f7 ~b7 1 Itc6!
5 ~c4Itf5. 2 'it'ht!
Theory and Practice of Rook Endgames 73

3 :xg6! and the draw becomes obvious,

In the game there occurred: for example: 5 a711f7+1 (5 ...:a6?
1 :gS? Itg2+ 6 Wb7) 6 ~d6 :1f6+ 7 ~e5 Ita6.
2 ~hl l:f2!
2...l1xg3? 3 l1xg6!. 4. Vaiser-Martinovic, Vrnjacka
3 'iStgl nf6 Banja 1984
White was in zugzwang and re-
signed after a few moves. 1 ~dl!! gh
2 .:txh4+ ~xf3
3. Romanovsky, 1950 3 l:.hS
3 l:.h3+ ~g2 4 .:th5!:f2 5 ~e I
It is essential for Black to transfer is also possible.
the rook to his third rank. but how 3 ~g4
is this to be achieved? 1....:tn +? 4 ':b5 f5
fails to 2 ~e5 Itf6 3 :1g8+, whi1st 5 ~el
1... .:hl? also loses: 2 :a7+ ~h6 and the game soon ended in a
3 :tlb7 :al 4 a7. draw.
The correct approach is: All other king moves lose:
1 ... ;Ia5+! 1 ~d3? gh 2 J!lxh4+ ~xf3 3 .:th5
2 ~e6 ~g4 and 4 ... f5. The white king is
If2 ~e4, then 2 ...1d.b5 3 Ita7+ (3 stuck on the 'long side' .
':cS l:t.a5 4 :lc6 Wf7) 3 .. 5iJg6 4 I ~el? ~e3! 2 'iStdl gh 3 l:t.xh4
.t:.b7 1:a5 5 a7 ~f6 6 ~d4 We6 7 f5! 4 f4 ~al+ 5 'it'c2 lIfl 6 :lh3+
'iitc4 <it?d6 8 ~b4 :ral (or S... Wc6) J!lf3 7 l:t.hS l:t.xf4.
with a draw. More intricate is:
2 ••• J!lh5!! 1 ~f1? ~xf3
The only way! 2 ...1:.b5? is bad 2 Wgl
in view of 3 :a7+ and 4 .:th7. If 2 ~el :al+ 3 ~d2 gh 4 l:t.f5+
2 ...l:t.g5?, then 3 J!la7+ ~g8 4 'it'f6! ~g3 5 :xf7 h3 6 l:tg7+ ~f4 7
l:ta5 5 ~g6 ~f8 6 l:t.a8+ r3;e7 6 a7 :lf7+ ~e5 8 1:h7 h2.
and Black's king is out of the safe 2 ••• l:tg2+!
zone. Wrong is 2 ... gh? 3 l:t.f5+! (3
3 ~d7 rLxh4? ~g3) 3 ...<f.t>g3 4 l:t.xf7 or
3 :a7+ <2;gS 4 l:t.f7 J!la5 5 Ita7 2 ...g4? 3 ':f5+ Wg3 4 h5! l:tg2+ (or
Ith5!. 4 ...1:.al+ 511fl) 5 ~fl Ith2 6 ~gl
3 l:h6! with a draw.
4 ~c7 :f6! 3 ~hl
74 Theory and Praclice of Rook Endgames

3 ~fl :t.h2 41lxg5 l::thl+ 5l:g1 ~g5 <f.t>c4 50 ~xg6 ~xb4 51 ~xf5
nxgl+ 6 ~xgl Wg4. <ibc4 52 ~g5! (52 ~e5 b4 53 f5
3 g4 b3 54 f6 b2 55 f7 bl~ 56 f8~
4 1:.f5+ Wg3 ~el+) 52 ... h4 53 f5 ~d5! 54 f6
5 h5 Wc6 55 ~g6 b3 56 f7 b2 57 f8'fj'
Or 5 ':xf7. hI W+ 58 rvt;g5 (58 ~g7 'iWb2+ 59
5 ... l:f2! Wg8 'tWf6!), but here too a draw is
and White can resign. the most likely outcome.
(Typesetter's Note: The data-
5. Dorfman-Kholmov, Saratov base confirms that this is a draw)
1981 In the game the foBowing moves
occurred (D):
White ought to have kept excellent
winning chances by playing:
43 Jj,d5! ~e4
43 ...11b8 44 :xd7.
44 nxb5
For example 44 ... d5 45 lib7 ~,
cutting off the black king on the
eighth rank. Of 44 ... rbf7 45 ~e2!
and 46 ~d3.

Instead~ he played the obvious

43 :'xd7? w
However. this is wrong due to: 44 g4 fg
43 ... ne4! 45 l%d4 g3+!
One possibility now is 44 lld4 46 ~xg3
nxd4! 45 ed <f.t>f7: 46Wf3 g2.
a) If 46 d5 rvt;e7 4 7 ~e3, then 46 nxe3+
47 ... ~d7! 48 d6 (48 ~d4 ~d6) 47 ~g4 :tb3
48 ... ~c6! 49 ~d3 ~d7! 50 ~d4 48 f5 ~f7
~xd6. 49 <bf4 gf
b) The relatively best chance 50 <f.t>xf5 sbe7
for White is to head for a queen 51 ~e5 llbl
ending by means of 46 <f.t>g2 We6 52 ~d5 ':cl
47 'itth3 ~d5 48 <f.t>h4 ~xd4 49 Draw
Theory and Practice of Rook Endgames 75

Bologan suggested an intcrest- 61 ~b5 <t>d6

ing way to play for a win: 43 ~f3?! 62 ~a6 Wc6
:e4 44 g4! :'xb4 (44 ... ~f7 45 63 J!lat :'c4
l1xd7+ Clbe6 46 'f:.g7 <2;f6 47 l%b7 64 b7 ':b4
l:txb4 48 g5+ <t>c6 49 ':g7) 45 gf gf 65 l1cl+ ~d7
46 :xd7 (D). 66 nc8
Black resigned

Essential was:
59 ••. <2;g4!
60 l:a4!
Wi th the threat of 61 ~c3+.
60 ••• Wh3!!
Hopeless is 60 ...<it?g3? 61 <2;c5
f5 62 'f:.b4l:c2+ 63 ~d6 :'c8 64 b7
1:b8 65 We7 'f:.h8 66 b8'6' 1:.xb8 67
:xb8 f4 (67 ... ~xh4 68 ~d6 'ittg3
69 ~e5 h4 70 :lb3+ ~g2 71 ~f4
h3 72 J!lb2+) 68 ~d6 f3 69 ~e5 f2
70 .:1f8 ~g2 71 c;3;e4.
61 ~c5 f5
62 llb4 l:xb4!
63 'ittxb4 f4
64 b7 f3
65 b8'ii' f2
and White cannot win.

7. Petrosian-Karpov, USSR Ch
6. Portisch-Pctrosian, Palma de (Moscow) 1976
Mallorca Ct (12) 1974
If 51..!if;h6'! 52 f7 ~h7 (52 ...1:.al
59 ... ~e6? 53 ~g8) 53 h6 ~xh6 (53 ....:al 54
Petrosian's move is too passive, I:xe2 does not help either) 54 ~g8.
and led to defeat: there arises a position from a fa-
60 <it?c5 :lc2+ mous study by Lasker. White wins
60 ... ~d7 is answered by 61 by gradually forcing away the op-
]la8!. ponent's king: 54...1:.g1+ 55 ~h8
76 Theory and Practice of Rook Endgames

l:t.fl 56 ':c6+ ~h5 57 cJ;;g7 :lg 1+ threats 5 ...cJ;;xe5 and 5 ... h3, or 3
58 <t>h71tfl 59 1:.c5+ ~h4 60 Wg7 bth2 ~g4 4 :g2+ Wf3 511h2 ~g3
l1g 1+ 6l ~h6 lIn 62 :c4+ Wh3 and 6...h3.
63 Wg6 l:t.gl+ 64 Wh5 l:t.n 65 It is essential to reach the same
l1c3+ cJ;;h2 66 l:xc2+. position, but with Black to move.
The only saving move is: 1 hta2!! cJ;;h5
51 ••• Wh8! 1...ct;g5 is met by 2 11g2+1:
52 f7 .:tal! 2 ... ~h5 3 nh2, or 2... ~f5 3 l1f2+
The main variation runs: 53 ct;e7 ~e44l:t.f6!.
l:.el + 54 ~f6 11f1+ 55 ~g6 ':gl+ 2 11h2 ~h6
56 ~h6 cl~+! 57 nxcl J!lg6+! 3 :lhl! (D)
with stalemate.
In the game there followed:
53 l1xc2 1:a8+
54 ~e7 .:1a7+
55 Wf6 :1a6+
56 ~g5 Ila5+
57 ~g4 l1a4+
58 ~g3 11a3+
59 ~g2 'it;g7
60:f2 WfS
61 l:t.f5 lia6!
61. .. l1a7? 62 h6 :xf7 63 h7 or
62...l:la6 63 IthS. -/=
62 ~g3 l:h6 Now Black is in zugzwang. He
63 cbg4 cannot win.
Drawn in view of 63 ...l1h7. 3 ~g4
4 l:Igl+ ~f3
8. Makarychev-Vasiukov, Vil- 5 11f1+ 'it;g2
nius 1980/81 (variation) 6 :f6 l1b8
7 lIxe6 h3
Black win win ifhe manages to ad- 8 l:.g6+ <i1a'2
vance his h-pawn just one square 9 1:f6+ 'itte2
further. After the obvious 1 ':a1? 10 .:tg6! h2
~h5 (threatening 2,..h3) 2 :hl 11 l1g2+ ~f3
l1h6! White falls into zugzwang: 3 12 l:t.xh2 l1xh2
cJ;;c7 cJ;;g4 4 :gl+ ~f4 with the 13 e6 Draw
Theory and Practice of Rook Endgames 77

9. Larsen-Kavalek,Solingen (7) The obvious move was 1... Wf7,

1970 in order to meet 2 1:c4 with the
counter-attack 2 ....:1b3!. But White
White wants to play llc4. If Black plays 2 g4!, intending 3 h4 and
is forced to go on the defensive by only then 4 Itc4. After 2 ...We6 3 h4
l::a7, then White's extra pawn with ~d5 White's threat is repulsed, but
a passive black rook will guarantee 4 g5! creates a new threat: 5 llg3
a straightforward win. followed by 6 flg4 or 6 h5 (the
That is exactly what happened rook behind the passed pawn).
in the game: Black's position becomes critical.
1 ••• r;j;g7? The only saving move is:
2 :J.c4 11a7 1 .•. hS!!
Or 2...lIb3 3 ':xa4 l1xg3 4 If 2 l1c4 nb3! 3 Itxa4 :1xg3
l1g4+. there is no check on g4 - the posi-
3 'ittc3 h5 tion is drawn. If 2 h4. then simply
4 ~b4 ~g6 2... lig7 and 3...ng4 will do. The
S :Ic6+ Wr.(/ rook on g4 is very active - it attacks
6 lics ~h6 the white pawn, defends its own
7 ~bS 'fle7 pawn and restricts the mobility of
Otherwise 8 llc4. the white king. Finally. on 2 g4
8 ~xa4 lle3 there is the reply 2... h4!. fixing the
9 g4 hg white pawn on h3 as a target for a
10 hg l:e4+ counter-attack along the third rank
11 ~bS lIxg4 (in case the move .tIc4 is played).
12 a4 llgl
13 as libl+ 10. Moiseev-Bagirov, Moscow
14 ~c6 :1al 1956
15 ~b6 :tbl+
16 :bS l:n Sooner or later Black will have to
17 a6 nf6+ play ... a3-a2 (it is clearly unrealis-
18 ~aS nf7 tic for the king to reach a2). The
19 :b6+ ~gS only question is whether he will be
20 l:tb7 :tift able to create a second passed
21 a7 ~h6 pawn on the f-file at the same time.
22 l:tb6+ rJ;g7 An easy win would have rc-
23 .:1a6 su Ited after:
Black resigned 1 ... gS!
78 Theory and Practice of Rook Endgames

2 hg ~g6 5 :a6! ~h5

3 :a7 a2! 6 l:a4! g5
4 ~h2 Wh5! 7 g4+!!
5 ~g2 g6 This is the cunning point of
6 :la4 ~xg5 White's play - Black will not ob-
Then Black retreats his king, tain a passed f-pawn.
plays ... g6-g5 and ... f5-f4, and The game ended as follows:
achieves his aim. 7 ~xb4
8 gf+ g4
In the game he chose another, 9 Wg2 ':bl
much less successful, sequence of 10 l:xa2 Itb4
moves. 11 Itc2 g3
1 •.• a2? 12 .:1a2 ~g4
2 l1a6! Wh6 13 l1c2 1:f4
After 2 ... g5 3 hg the king cannot 14 Itc8
reach the g5-pawn. After 14 'ilc7 !1f2+ 15 ~gl 1:a2
3 <f.t>h2 ~h5 (D) no good comes of 16 Itxg7+? <it?f3.
Black left the f5-pawn alone be-
cause of such variations.
14 Itf2+
15 ~gl l1e2
16 Ita8 ~f3
17 :1a3+ l:.e3
18 1:31 g2
18. ..cJtg4 19 1:.a8.
19 ~h2!
19 :lbl? Wg3 20 ':al :f3 21
:lbl Itfl+.
19 ~f2
20 :a2+ ];te2
21 Itxe2+ <it?xe2
22 Wxg2
4 From the Simple to the Complex:
the theory of endgames with
opposite-coloured bishops
Mark Dvoretsky

Whatever the type of endgame that

you are trying 10 master, the main
thing is to create a solid base: to
pick out the most important theo-
retical positions, ideas and tech-
niques that lie at the foundation
of our understanding of the end-
game under analysis. As a rule, the
essential basic know ledge consists
of a few fairly simple positions. but
you must understand these posi-
tions in all details and remember B
them well. White is threatening to play e5-
A well-constructed system of e6 (perhaps after a bishop check),
fundamental endgame knowledge and then We5 and f5-f6. To fight
will help you to orientate yourself this plan it is essential to take con-
in more complex situations and to trol of the e6-square - but from
analyse them successfully. I shall where, d7 or h3? Let's examine
now show how that happens using both possibilities.
the example of endings with oppo- 1 ... i.b3?
site-coloured bishops. After this move the position is
lost. First of all White gives an ex-
Connected passed pawns ploratory check with the bishop in
order to determine the position of
Let us examine in detail the follow- the black king. At the same time it
ing elementary ending. is important that the bishop should
80 Endgames with Opposite-Coloured Bishops

prevent the king from wedging it· 1 •.• i.d7!

self between the pawns after White 2 iLg5+ rj;f7
plays e5-e6. From now on B lack plays a
2 ~g5+! waiting game, moving his bishop
This is therefore is the right between c8 and d7. To prepare e5-
move. Then the while king moves e6 White would need to send his
round to assist its e-pawn, taking king round the left side, but that is
the opposite side to the opponent's impossible, as the king is tied to the
king. For example: defence of the f5-pawn.
2 ••• Wd7 The rule becomes clear: the
Or 2.. .rict)f7 3 ~d4 ~a2 4 ~c5 bishop must be placed so that it
i.b3 (4... i.bl is met by 5 e6+ and 6 hinders the advance of one pawn
f6) 5 ~d6 and 6 e6+. and at the same time attacks the
3 'it'f4 .ta2 other.
4 iLh4 ~f7
5 ~g5 We7 We can now use the ideas of the
6 'itth6+ 'it'd7 basic position we have just exam-
7 ~g7 iLc4 ined to analyse other positions. To
8 ~f6 begin with we shall take relatively
and 9 e6+. simple ones.
After the pawns reach e6 and f6, If we move all the pieces one
even if the threat of f6-f7+ is par- rank further up (D). what changes?
ried, White carries out the same
procedure: the bishop gives an
exploratory check and the king
moves round.
Instead of 2 iLgs+, 2 i.b4+ ? is a
mistake due to 2 ... ~f7! (Black's
only hope is to provoke a prema-
ture eS-e6+ and wedge his king in
between the pawns) 3 'it'd4? i.c2!
4 c6+ Wf6 5 e7 i..a4 drawing. As
soon as the pawns are blockaded
on squares of the same colour as
their bishop, the draw is inevitable.
So Black loses with the bishop
on b3. but he draws easily after:
Endgames with Opposite-Coloured Bishops 81

same way (check and king march is impossible; the edge of the board
round), and here. as is not hard to gets in the way.
see, both checks (from g6 and b5) However. if White is to play, he
are equally good. locks his opponent's king in the
The other possibility is: corner by 2 i.c4! and then carries
1 ••• ~d8 out the standard manoeuvre - the
2 iLg6+ king comes round the left side:
Or2~b5+. ~h5-g4-f5-e6-f7.
2 ... ~8 Instead:
3 WfS 1 .•• iLf8!
Now Black loses because of the Now White's standard manoeu-
zugzwang - the difference from vre is no longer possible, but what
the previous position is that be- is to be done about the threat of
cause of lack of space he has no zugzwang? To put Black in zug-
waiting move with the bishop. zwang it is essential to take the g8-
square away from the king:
I'· ~~'l. 7:f@ --1;;~" m 2 ~c4
I&~ ~~ ~ :~. However, after
'R~J~~ 2 ••. iLxh6!
~~ ~(~ ~Ae
~~ ~~ ;$'~ 0 rQ 3 Wxh6
~& '$' ~
the game ends in stalemate.
~ ~ .;7»,
iff#h ~'
The following example is sig-
~ ~~~~
~ ~~.Jil.. ?72fi. ~
k'ff~ nificantly harder.
~ ~ ~ ~.
~W~ ff~ VZ~ .;~ ~~ ~%'J''''
it~ ~~j ~~ ~~ 0_

Moving the pawns along to the
edge of the board brings new fac-
tors into the assessment of the posi-
tion. Let's first consider 1... ~b2. If
Black had time to play 2... ~g8 and
3... ~f8 as well the draw would be
obvious. The point is that with the
king on f8 White's only plan - to
send his king round the other side- w
82 Endgames with Opposite-Coloured Bishops

The black bishop is not in the achieve his aim - to prepare f5-
best position (it really belongs on f6+.
e7 or d8). In the basic theoretical The bishop check from the other
position where we began White side, as we know from the basic
won easily with the black bishop position, does not give anything
placed like this. If we think logi- either:
cally, there is only one factor dis- 1 1Lc4+ 'it;g7!
tinguishing this position from the 2 Wf3 ~b2
basic one which might obstruct the 3 ~c4 ~cl!
standard winning plan - the prox- 4 f6+ ~g6
imity of the edge of the board. But that still does not exhaust
Let's take a look! White's possible ways of playing
'By the book' White should give for a win. He can first tempt the
check from h5, in order to control black king to g7 and only then
the g6-square. The black king transfer his bishop to the e8-h5 di-
should move away to e7, forcing agonal, preparing the king's march
the white king to move round the round the left side.
right side. where there is little 1 ~g4 ~b2
foom for manoeuvre. 2 <t>hS ~g7!
1 i.hS+ ~e7! The threat was 3 Wh6; bad is
If 1. .. ~g7? 2 ~e4 there is noth- 2... !iL.g7? 3 iLc4+ and 4 ~g6.
ing stopping the king advancing 3 ~bS ~c3
round the left side. 4 ~e8 i.d4
2 ~g4 ~b2 4 ... ~f8 5 ~g6 Wg7 is equally
3 ~g6 possible.
There is no other way of moving S i.g6
forward, but now the important If 5 ~g4 (with the threat 6 ~h5,
square g6 is inaccessible to the 7 ~f3. 8 We4 and so on) the black
king. king has time to get to e7: 5 ... ~f8!
3 ••• ~c3 6 ~h5 ~e7, bringing us to the first
4 ~hS variation we examined.
The threat is 5 Wh6, 6 ~h5 and 5 ••• !iL.c3
soon. 6 ~g4
4 ~g7! It seems that White's plan is
S iLh7 ~f7! about to triumph: 6 ... ~f8 is bad in
6 ..i.g6+ ry!;;e7 view of 7 f6, but otherwise White
White has not managed to plays 7 ~h5. Nevertheless, at this
Endgames with Opposite-Coloured Bishops 83

very moment the black bishop pawn through to d3 and prepares to

manages to leap Over to its rightful meet the move ... e4-e3 with the
place. hi shop sacrifice ~xd3!.
6 ••• ~a5 (b4)!! 2 ••• WeS
The move 7 f6+ is not available. 3 i.e2!
7 ~h5 iLd8 (e7) Thc attcmpt to keep the bishop
with a draw. on the queenside is wrong: 3 ~a6,!
d4 4 ~b5 d3 5 i.a6 ~d4 6 ~b5
At one training session Sergei ~d5! 7 J£.a6 ~c5! is zugzwang: 8
Dolmatov and Vadim Zviagintsev iLb7 e3 or 8 ~xd2 ~d4 winning.
were trying to solve a study by 3 ••• d4
Timman. composed in 1989. 4 i.h5 ~r6
After 4 ... d3 5 ~g6 ~d4 6 ~h7
the draw is clear (6 ...e3 7 ~xd3).
5 .ie2 ~f5
Nothing is given by 5 ... Wg5 6
i.c4 (intending ~g8-h7) 6 ... d3 7
iLxd3 ed 8 ~xd2.
6 il.c4!
Not 6 ~h5? d3.
6 ••• d3
7 ~g8
Unfortunately, the crude move 7
~xd2, with the irresistible threat of
W i.xd3, also leads to a draw.
1 <t>e2 7 ~f4
I ~e2? is bad in view of 1. .. c4 8 i.h7 ~eS
or 1. .. rl4. 9 .ig6 <f.t>d4
1 ••• e4 10 i..h7 e3
2 ~dl!? 11 ll.xd3 ~xd3
According to Timman. White Stalemate!
loses in the event of 2 ~xd2 ~e5 3
~b5 d4, as his bishop does not The stalemate defence is pretty,
have time to get to c2: 4 iLa4? of course, but how necessary is it?
~g5+ 5 ~e2 d3+. White therefore Dolmatov and Z viagintsev imme-
leaves the d2-pawn alone and plays diately began to doubt the assess-
for stalemate! He lets the black ment of the position resulting after
84 Endgames with Opposite-Coloured Bishops

the capture of the d2-pawn. Let's then 5 e6+ ~d6 6 ~b4+ ~xd5 7
swap the colours round to make it e7. and the pawn is queened. What
easier to draw parallels with al- else can be tried?
ready familiar ideas. 1 ••• ~c7!!
Black's key defensive idea! It is
~ *'ffiV
~# ~~/'
y~~ -fZ?~-?
important that the pawn should not
_.~£', >;#7, -.$X ,&.~
go to e6 with check (for example,
.~ ~~~ ~ after 2 ~xe2 £J.e4). Without the e2-
~ ??'£? ~: 9/L:
~~w.~~! pawn White would reply 2 e6, but
~ ~~~.t~
J~:d ?Q"J ~~ i here this leads to a rapid draw: 2
{~ ~ ~ ~ e6 iLxe6 3 de e 1~ 4 ~xe] c;3;d6
(~ ~ ~"j ~~ (Black's moves can even be played
~ ~~ ~~ ~ in a different order).
'?¥~U; ';(~
1!J~ ~ i ~ ~),. If 2 ~f4 the simplest is 2 ... ~d3

~ ~:/ ~it
;//~ U, ~... _...J
' (2 ... ll.h3 does not lose either): 3
~g5 ~c4 Or 3 e6 el~ 4 ~xel
W ~d6. Finally, after 2 ~a5+ ~d7 3
The white bishop is in an ideal Wf4 Black uses the basic defensive
position, but the black bishop is not idea in such positions -the transfer
on the best of diagonals. Without of the bishop to f7: 3 ... i.g6! and
the e2-pawn the win would not be 4 ... ~f7 (4e6+~d6).
in doubt, but here White always After moving the pieces around
has to reckon with the possibility a bit we decided that this endgame
of a diversion sacrifice ... e2-el'fV, is drawn and, consequently. that
after which his bishop momentar- Timman's study is incorrect, as
ily loses control over the crucial there is a second solution.
squares in front of its pawns. The Later on, when I was alone, I set
question is whether Black will be up the pieces again and found yet
able to make use of this resource. another winning try based on zug-
1 We3 zwang.
Threatening both to capture the 2 ~el ~d7
e2-pawn and to march the king up 3 i.a5!
to f6. After 1. .. i.g4 (1. .. i.h3? 2 Now 3 ... ~e7? is bad: 4 i.b4+
~xc2) 2 ~f4 no good is 2 ... el iV 3 ~f7 (4 ... ~d7 5 ~xe2) 5 ~d4, and
i.xe 1 ~h5 (with the threat of there is no defence against the
4 ... il.f7) 4 e6+ ~d6 5 ~e4. and if king-march to d6 (the active coun-
2 ... i.h3 3 ~g5 cl 'fV 4 iLxel ~g2. terplay comes too late: 5 ... ~c8 6
Endgames with Opposile-Coloured Bishops 85

~c5 <t>g6 7 e6 ~f5 8 ~d6 i.a6 9 I rang Zviagintsev and showed

~c6! ~f6 10 .il.c3+ r./;e7 II .il.el!. him the plan I had found. Half an
orimmcdiatcly 10 Sl.el). hour later Vadim rang me back and
3 .•. JLg4 told me that the position was drawn
The identical result occurs after all the same!
3 ... ~h3 4 ~f4 (4 il.b4 ~c7!!; 4 7 ••• 'it'g6!!
~xe2 JLg2 5 e6+ ~e7! 6 ~b4+ Black's only chance of saving
~f6) 4 ... We7! 5 ~b4+ ~f7. the game is to transfer the king to
4 ~f4 Sl.h3 f5. After 7 ...Sl.c8? 8 ~e4! Black
It is no longer possible to trans- unexpectedly falls into zugzwang
fer the bishop to 17: 4... ~h5? 5 e6+ and loses: 8... ~g6 9 e6 or 8... ~h3
~d66~e4. 9 Wd4. It is curious that the zug-
5 ~g5 We7! zwang here is mutual: if White is
Otherwise there is no other way to move he cannot win - after 9
of preventing the move ~f6 (as we ~d4 ~g6! we reach the main vari-
already know. 5...il.g2? 6 e6+ ~d6 ation examined below. and after 9
7 ~b4+ <it?xd5 8 e7 is bad). 3i.e I .ih3 l 0 ~d4 the black king
6 ~b4+ ~f7 returns to the queenside: lO ... ~e7
Not 5... ~d7? 6 ~f6. II 3i.b4+ ~d7 12 ~e3 ~c7!!, and
7 Wf4 (D) soon.
White has managed to tempt the 8 We4
black king to f7 and now his king Threatening 9 e6.
sets off in the opposite direction - 8 ~f5+!
around the left side. 9 'it'd4 Sl.eS!
10 ~e5 <Ms
11 Wd6 3i.a6
12 e6 ~c4
(or 12... ~b5), and White cannot

As you see, this analysis turned

out to be fairly difficult and full of
extremely unexpected manoeuvres
from both sides. Nevertheless the
basis of the analysis was still pro-
vided by ideas derived from the ba-
B sic theoretical position.
86 Endgames with Opposite-Coloured Bishops

Separated pawns

In general it is clear that the further

apart the pawns are, the harder it is
to defend. As a child I learnt a light-
hearted rule for assessing positions
like this: if you can reach both
pawns simultaneously with the fin-
gers of one hand, then the position
is drawn; if you cannot (the dis-
tance between the pawns being too
great). then the position is won!
Unfortunately, a guideline like
this is too imprecise to be trusted.
There really arc many situations
here which by no means have to be White hinders his opponent's plan.
studied and memorized. The out- S ••• ~a2
come of the game usually depends 6 i.e6 ~a3
on the ability of the stronger side's With the threat 7 ... b2 8 ~f5
king to break through to the pawn 'itta2.
which is being held up by the 7 i.f5!
bishop, in order to tum it into a Draw
But the following ending abso- Let's examine a more complex
lutely must form part of our basic ending (D).
scheme of knowledge (D). In the first edition of the Con-
1 ~e2 b3 temporary Chess Endings series of
2 ~dl ~b4 monographs (under the editorship
3 ~h7 ~a3 of Averbakh) the analysis of this
4 ~g6 endgame contained a serious error
If now 4 ... b2 (with the threat of - it was discovered by Yusupov
5... ~a2), then White plays 5 ~hl ~ when I gave him this position to
~b3 6~e2. solve. Averbakh himself corrected
4 ••• ~b2 the mistake in the new edition.
S ~f7! 1 ~c3 ~f1
The threat was 5 ... ~al and then 2 ~d4 ~e2
6 ... b2. By attacking the b3-pawn, 3 'it'e5 ~d7
Endgames with Opposite-Coloured Bishops 87

8 r3;g7 ~d7
9 <:J;f7
and Black is in zugzwang.

But with Black to move he saves

the game - he has time to block the
white king's path on the klngside
and to construct a solid defence on
the queenside.
1 'it'd7!
2 ~c3 We6
W 3 ~d4 ll.b71
Averbakh 4 ~c5 ~d7
1954 5 ~b6 iLf3
6 a6 ~c8!
Now wrong is 4 ~f6 ~d3 5 a6? The threat was 7 ~a 7 ~cS S
.ixa6 6 <it>xg6 ~e8, and we reach d7+! Wxd7 9 ~bS.
the already familiar endgame Ber- 7 'iba7
ger-Kotlerman (with colours re- Now the threat of 8 d7+ must be
versed). parried by the bishop. but from
The correct plan is to play for which square. c6 or g4'!
zugzwang. From d3 the bishop de- 7 ••• iLg4!
fends the g6-pawn along one di- After 7 ...iLc6? S .i.b4 Black
agonal and holds up the ad vance of falls into zugzwang: 8 ... iLd7 9
the a-pawn along the other; conse- ~b6 i..f5 10 d7+!: 10 ... ~xd7 II
quently, it has no moves. The white ~b7 or 10... i.xd7 11 a7.
king must not be allowed to e7 - 8 ~b6 i.f3!
therefore, apart from d7, the black Not 8 ... ~d7? 9 ~b7.
king has only two other squares: e8 9 ~c5 ~d7
and dS. The first can be taken away 10 ~d4 We6!
by putting the king on f7, the sec- and White cannot win.
ond by transferring the bishop to
c7. Endgames with several pawns
4 3i.c5 i.fl
5 ~b6 ~e2 Many years ago. when I studied the
6 iLc7 i.d3 theory of opposite-coloured bish-
7 ~f6 'itte8 ops endings. I nOled a few general
88 Endgames with Opposite-Coloured Bishops

laws which, as it turned ont, oper- 1. Drawing tendencies

ate in almost all endgames of this This is probably the best-known
type and help greatly in finding feature of endings with opposite-
your bearings. coloured bishops. Here it is some-
Before expounding my theory times possible to save the game
of endgames with opposite-col- even when two or three pawns
oured bishops, I'll show you an down (as, for example. in the posi-
example which, in spite of its ap- tion just given). And remember the
parent simplicity, still exhibits al- endings with two connected passed
most all the laws which will be pawns - in what other kind of end-
discussed. game can such an enormous mater-
ial and positional advantage prove
Study example insufficient for victory?
The consequences of this law
are clear: the stronger side should
be extremely vigilant. both when
heading for an opposite-coloured
bishop ending and when playing it
out - it does not take much to allow
a drawing counter-chance. For the
weaker side the transition into an
opposite-coloured bishops ending
can sometimes be a lifeline - his
drawing chances usually increase

2. Fortress
A fortress is a system of passive
defence which involves construct-
ing an impregnable position where
Black has no choice but to put waiting tactics are sufficient, since
all his pawns on dark squares. everything is securely blockaded
3 ~e6 ~c7 and defended.
4 tJte4 The main theme ofendings with
He continues just by shuffling opposite-coloured bishops is that
his bishop along the h3-c8 diago- of the fortress. The weaker side
nal. aims to construct a fortress. the
Endgames with Opposite-Coloured Bishops 89

stronger side to prevent this or (if it opposite-coloured bishops this

has already been built). to find a principle remains true only for the
way of breaking it down. stronger side (it is especially im-
In the study example the final portant with regard to connected
position is a fortress. White does passed pawns).
not look for any active counterplay, But the weaker side should,
and his opponent cannot achieve contrary to the general rule, keep
anything. its pawns on the same coloured
In endgames your ability to ana- squares as its bishop - in this case
lyse the position logically and to it is usually possible to defend
think in terms of plans and struc- them securely. A pawn defended
tures is very important. The role of by the bishop can only be attacked
logical thinking increases particu- by the opponent's king, which
larly in endings with opposite-col- means it is safe. In other kinds of
oured bishops. In most cases they ending a pawn like this can be at-
should be 'built' not 'played' - first tacked not only by the king but
you need to search for the arrange- also by another piece (a knight or
ment of pieces and pawns which bishop).
makes your position invulnerable, In the study example the weaker
and only then calculate variations side' s pawn was placed on a light
to check whether you will manage square - the same colour as the
to achjeve the desired formation, bishop, and this factor helps to
and whether it is in fact invulner- make a secure white fortress. The
able. stronger side with the dark -squared
The following laws are either bishop in the starting position has
important general principles for only one pawn (on e6) correctly
building and destroying fortresses positioned on a light square. If the
or else describe the most typical, king came ncar it Black would then
frequently occurring kinds of for- play ... f6-fS and easily exploit his
tresses. material advantage. The only way
of saving the game was to force the
3. Arrangement of pawns e-pawn to advance to a square of
There is a well-known principle the same colour as its bishop.
which advises you to put your
pawns on squares of the opposite 4. Specific features of a posi-
colour La those on which your tion are more important than
bishop moves. In endings with material
90 Endgames with Opposite-Coloured Bishops

In opposite-coloured bishop 6. 'Taking aim' at pawns

endings the number of pawns on A typical defensive technique is
the board often has less importance to attack the opponent's pawns
than even apparently insignificant with your bishop. This either forces
changes in the arrangement of them to advance to the less favour-
pieces and pawns. So in opposite- able squares of the same colour as
coloured bishop endings positional their bishop or else ties down the
pawn sacrifices are always occur- king to the defence of the pawns
ring. Thus in the study example (as in the basic position with two
White is willing to part with a third connected passed pawns or in the
(!) pawn in order to achieve a 'tri- ending Berger-Kotlerman).
fle' - to move the black e-pawn one
square forward. Endgames where the stronger
side has a passed pawn are very
5. The one-diagonal principle common. It must be blockaded by
Both for the stronger and the the king (first system of defence)
weaker sides it is extremely impor- or hy the bishop (second system of
tant for the bishop to defend its defence). Here are the main char-
own pawns and hold up the oppo- acteristics ofthe two defensive sys-
nent's along the same diagonal. tems:
without being torn in two direc-
tions. In the final position of the 7. First defensive method:
study example the bishop defends The weaker side's king block-
the h3-pawn and holds up two of ades the opponent's passed pawn?
the opponent's pawns on f6 and g5 and the bishop defends its pawns.
along the h3-c8 diagonal. This is the basic and usually most
But in the Averhakh position an- reliable method of defence.
alysed above, the bishop defends Attempts to break down theftrst
the g6-pawn along one diagonal defensive system always involve
and holds up the passed a5-pawn creating a second passed pawn,
along the other. This is an unpleas- often by making a pawn break.
ant situation for Black. In the so-
lution and the consequences of 8. Second defensive method:
faulty play you saw two typical The bishop blocks the passed
techniques for exploiting the mi- pawn (sometimes two pawns along
nuses of a bishop tom in two direc- the same diagonal), whi Ie the king,
tions: zugzwang and diversion. to borrow a term from ice-hockey,
Endgames with Opposite-Coloured Bishops 91

keeps to its zone - it defends its

pawns and reduces the activity of
its opposite number.
Attempts to break down the sec-
ond defensive system always in-
volve the king breaking through to
its passed pawn (sometimes after a
preparatory diversionary attack on
the ather flank).

We can now use this theoretical

base to analyse some concrete situ- B
ations. Let's try to take a logical Fuchs - Kholmov
approach to them: we can deter- Dresden /956
mine which defensive system the
weaker side has used or should In Krogius's book Laws of the
use, in what way this fortress Endgame this outcome is consid-
might be broken down, whether ered to be totally logical. In actual
the pawns are arranged correctly, fact the position is drawn - it is not
whether it is possible to 'take aim' so difficult to sec. provided you
atthe opponent's pawns. whether it bear in mind the drawing tenden-
is worth sacrificing a pawn or two cies of opposite-coloured bishops.
to carry out a particular idea. and 1 •.• f6!
soon. 2 ~d2
In this position (D), Black will White's task is to defend the
probably obtain a passed pawn on kingside with the bishop and not to
the queenside, but it will be block- allow his opponent to create a sec-
aded by the opponent's king (the ond passed pawn there. The move
first defensive system). The only in the game does not spoil any-
winning chance is to create a sec- thing, but simpler was 2 d5! Wxd5
ond passed pawn. To do this. Black 3 Wd3(d2) followed by i.e3-b6-d8
needs to play ... f7-f6, ... ~f5, ... g6- ('taking aim' at the f6-pawn). The
g5, then exchange on h4 and win draw would then become obvious
the h-pawn. In the game Kholmov - after transferri ng hi s ki ng to f5
successfully carried out the plan and playing ... g6-g5. Black would
indicated and notched up the full not be able to make any further
point. progress.
92 Endgames with Opposite-Coloured Bishops

2 ••• c;3;f5 your own), but in any case White's

3 ..tf4? third move is a fundamental error:
Now his opponent can force a instead of finding and building a
passed pawn on the kingside. In secure fortress, he sharpened the
fact the technique of 'taking aim' game to his opponent's advantage.
at pawns would have worked well
again here: 3 Sl.h6! g5 (on 3... Wg4
4..tg7 f5 White plays either 5 .i.h6
or 5 d5) 4 ~g7!, preventing the
move 4 ... c;3;g4. Also good is 3 d5!
Sl.xd5 (3 ... g5 4 d6 i.c6 5 i.d4) 4
~d4 or 4 ~b6 g5 5 i.d8. Obvi-
ously, endgame techniques like
sacrificing your own pawns or at-
tacking your opponent's were un-
familiar to Fuchs.
3 g5
4 ~c7 ~g4 W
5 ~d8 gb Bogoljubow - Ed. Lasker
6 gh Wxh4 New York 1924
7 i.xf6+ <fot>g4
8 ~c3 i.d5 White should win due to his
9 ~e7 b5 menacing pair of passed pawns.
White now resigned - accord- The simplest was to bring the king
ing to Krogius. because of the vari- to the centre: 1 ~f2. Clearly Bo-
ation 10 Sl.d8 h4 11 f3+ ..txf3 12 goljubow was trying to playas
~f2 h3 followed by the transfer of safely as possible - he wanted to
the king to the queenside (the black hinder the move ... a7-a5 and with
bishop will defend its pawn and this aim decided to exchange
hold up the white d-pawn along the rooks. In the game his idea was
h3-c8 diagonal). In fact the move justified.
11 ... i.xf3? is wrong in view of 12 1 :ie7 ~f7
~xh4!; it is necessary to play 2 ':xe7+ ~xe7
11 .. 5bg3!. 3 i.d2!
I must admit that I suspect that Holding back Black's counter-
even after 3 i.f4'! the position was play on the queenside.
not lost (check this hypothesis on 3 ••• ~e6
Endgames with Opposite-Coloured Bishops 93

4 ~f2 ~d6 3 'ittf2!?

5 \t>e3 'ittc5 White's aim with this move (in-
6 ~a5 stead of 3 ab), is not to allow the
and White won easily. blockade of the central pawns.
Remember how essential it is 3 ... ba
to be careful when entering an op- After this reply, however, there
posite-coloured bishops ending. is no win for White - the a-pawn
given their inherent drawing ten- diverts the hishop from controlling
dencies. As Alekhine indicated. the squares in front of the con-
Black could have saved himself af- nected passed pawns. Here is a
ter 1 :c7?: sample variation suggested by
1 ••• I1xc7 Bondarev:
2 !iL.xc7 b4! 4 'it>e3 a2
Pawn sacrifices are a nonnal oc- 5 i.eS+ c;3;f7
currence in these endings. 6 i.b2 ~e6
3 ab 1ta6! 7 d4
4 d4 i.d3! 7 c;3;f4 h6.
Also a standard defensive tech- 7 ~d6
nique - attacking the opponent's 8 dS h6
pawns. They are forced to move to 9 Wd4 hS
a square of the same colour as their 10 c5+ ~d7
bishop. where they completely lose 11 Wc5
their strength. as they can easily be 11 e6+~d6.
blockaded. 11 •.• i.b7
5 e5 jtc4 12 e6+ ~e7
6 ~f2 a6 and White cannot strengthen his
When defending an ending of position.
this type. you must keep the pawn
on squares of the same colour as The next example is taken from
the bishop. the game Kharlov-Khenkin, Co-
7 ~e3 Wf7 penhagen 1993 (see diagram on
S ~f4 h5 following page).
with an obvious draw. This is how the game cnded:
Bearing in mind the principle 1 a61
'specific features of a position are 2 'fIJa7+ ~h6
more important than material' , we 3 'ife3+ ~g7
should a1so investigate: 4 'iWg5!
94 Endgames with Opposite-Coloured Bishops

Liquidating into an endgame

with opposite-coloured bishops is
an important defensive technique
which sometimes helps to save a
difficult position, and so the plan
indicated deserved serious atten-
tion. Grandmaster Khenkin was
afraid that the endgame was lost-
White does after all have two extra
pawns. However. it is in fact a sim-
ple draw, and, besides general con-
B siderations ('drawing tendencies')
Black had underestimated the there is a very conCrete pointer that
strength of this move. can help us. If White gives up the
4 ~d4 g3-pawn there results a drawn situ-
5 c7! i.xg3+ ation which we know well from the
6 ~xg3 game Berger-Kollerman. Ifitis ad-
Black resigned vanced to g4. Black replies ... g6-
g5, and then barricades all the
I do not intend a detailed analy- enemy klng's possible entry points
sis of this endgame. I'll just show into the upper half of the board.
you one way (I'm not saying the Here is a sample variation:
only way, but in my opinion the 4 ~xh3 'iitf6
simplest way) of gaining a draw. 5 Wg4 Jtd6
Why not eliminate immediately While there is time it is useful to
the main enemy - the c6-pawn? force the opponent's pawn onto a
1 ••• 'iHxc6! square of the same colour as his
2 1Wxa7+ bishop.
White gains nothing by 2 ~f7+ 6 b5 JJ..c7
~h6, so there is no real choice, but 7 i.d5 ~e7
Black has a good retort: 8 i.c6 Wf6
2 ••• 'ii'c7! 9 ~f3 c3;e7
The c4-hishop and the g3-pawn 10 g4 g5
are under attack, and so the ex- 11 ~e3 Jtb6+
change of queens is practically 12 ~d3 Wd6
forced: 13 ~c4 ~e5
3 1Wxc7 + i.xc7 The draw is obvious.
Endgames with Opposite-Coloured Bishops 95

4 ab ab
It seems that White is out of dan-
ger - the bishop has securely de-
fended the pawns, the king will
blockade the passed pawn. How-
ever, the bishop is terribly passive
- soon it won't have a single wait-
ing move. If the king too is de-
prived of mobility. zugzwang may
result. This goal. strangely enough.
is quite attainable: the white king
W is graduaIJy forced away to b3, the
Vakhidov - Timoshchenko black king occupies the d3-square.
Tashkent 1982 from where it continues to tie down
the opponent's bishop and at the
Black is not yet threatening to same time threatens to support its
play 1...<fot>g3 in view of 2 g5! and 3 passed pawn. Then both white
i.g8 - he is planning 1... g5! and pieces have no moves. If the pawn
only then 2... Wg3. White now has were any further away - on the a-
to decide how he is going to defend file - the draw would be obvious.
his kings ide pawns and which 5 iLdl Wg3
piece is going to hold back the 6 i.f3 Wf2
passed pawn on the quccnside. 7 <it?c2 b4
In the game he chose the tirst 8 ~b3 ll.c3
system of defence: White trans- 9 Wc4 h6
ferred his bishop to defend the 10 <itfd3 i.e 1
pawns, and left the king on the 11 ~c4 3i.d2
queenside. 12 Wd3 iLc3
1 ~b3 gS! Zugzwang!
2 ~dl 13 ~c4 ~e3
2 h4 gh 3 g5 is no good. Black A second zugzwang! If 14 Wb3.
replies 3... ~g3! (but not 3... <i.irxg5? then 14.. .tit>d3 (the decisive zug-
4 i.e6 ~f4 5 i.f5 <fot>g3 6 i.h3 zwang!) 15 ~a2(a4) <ibc2, win-
with a draw) 4 i.g8 ~xg2 5 i.xh7 ning.
i.c5!. and wins. In the game there followed
2 a6 14 ~d5 b3
3 iLf3 bS and White resigned.
96 Endgames with Opposite-Coloured Bishops

Let us now try to construct the 11 Wxg2

second system of defence -leaving 12 iLe6 ~xh3
the king to defend the kingside. 13 ~f3 cJ;h4
This plan is not totally reliable 14 lLf7 JJ..c7
either- the bishop will have a dou- Again zugzwang caused by the
ble workload: it will not only have bishop being 'tom in two'.
to hold back the enemy passed 15 ~c6 h5
pawn but also defend its own e4- 16 gb ~xh5
pawn, along another diagonal to 17 <itfg3 Wg6
boot. That means that zugzwang 18 ~g4 Wf6
is quite probable here too. 19 i.d5 We7!
1 ll.d5 g5! 20 ~xg5 ~d6
2 'itte2 h6 and Black finally executes the
3 i.b7 ~c5 main idea to destroy the second
4 ~d5 a6 defensive plan - the king breaks
5 ~c4 through to support the passed
No better is 5 i.b7 b5 6 a5 b4 7 pawn.
~xa6~xe4. Was White's position truly lost?
5 ••• b5! Let's try using our knowledge of
6 ab a5 opposite-coloured bishop endings
Black willingly sacrifices a pawn to guess where salvation might lie
in order to create a passed pawn. hidden.
7 ~d5 a4 You should usually check first
8 ~c6 a3 of all the basic (first) system of de-
9 ~d5 i.b6 fence - but how can White defend
Zugzwang! The white bishop his kingside securely with the
has no moves. as it is 'torn be- bishop and prevent the creation of
tween' two diagonals. After 10 a second passed pawn there? The
~fl(el) ~e3 the black king breaks transfer of the bishop to f3 does
through to its passed pawn, and if solve this problem, but it leads in-
10 ~d3 evitably to zugzwang. Is there no
then other way? Remember the tech-
10 Wg3 nique of 'taking aim' at pawns. and
11 ~e2 don't hesitate to sacrifice a pawn to
It is not hard to see that 11 We3 bring it about!
~xg2 12 ~b3 ~xh3 13 i.e6 does 1 g5!! Wxg5
not help either. 2 i.g8! h5
Endgames with Opposite-Coloured Bishops 97

The same thing happens after

2 ... h6. Black achieves nothing by
2... ~f6 3 ~c4 either.
3 i.f7! h4
4 ~c4
The draw is obviolls, since the
bishop can now defend the king-
side without difficulty. White's
moves can be played in a different
order: 1 JLg8 h6 2 g5!! Wxg5 3
2 w Draw
In conclusion I offer a few exer-
cises. While solving them you will
practise applying your theoretical
knowledge. I also recommend that
you acquaint yourself with the
opposite-coloured bishop endings
which are analysed in my book Se-
crets o/Chess Training.


B Draw 4 B Draw
98 Endgames with Opposite-Coloured Bishops

Answers to the Exercises and we have reached the basic

drawn position.
1. Tarrasch, 1921
2. Chekhover, 1950
It is impossible to prevent the ad-
vance of the pawns onto the fifth If White manages to win the d7-
rank (for that you need time to pawn the familiar drawn position
transfer the bishop to c6). But how from Berger-Kotlerman results.
should the bJack pieces be ar- And if he doesn't manage this?
ranged with the pawns on the fifth Then he must at least force the b-
rank? Obviously, by pUlling the pawn to take a step forward onto a
bishop on f7(g8). and the king on square of the same colour as its
d7. This is the set-up that must be bishop, so that the black king can-
prepared. not break through via h2.
Achieving it requires accurate 1 ~e8!
play by Black. 'Taking aim' at a pawn.
I ... ll.c4! 1 .•. <2;e6
Wrong is 1... ~b5? 2 i.b4+! (but 2 Wel!
not 2 i.g3+ We7! 3 d5ll.e8 4 e5 Not 2 i.f7'! dS.
i.f7) 2 ...Wc7 3 d5 SJ.e8 4 e5 i.f7 5 2 .•. i.e 1
e6 - B lack is one tempo short. Or While White is tied up, the black
2... <f.t>e6 3 d5+ ~e5 4 iLc3+ ~d6 5 bishop makes its way to a better
~d4 iLe8 6 c5+. and the bishop has position.
not had time to reach f7. 3 <ibdl i.b2
2 i.g3+ ~c6! 4 ~e2 i.d4
Of course not 2 ... ~e6? 3 Wd2 5 Wdl ~d6
and 4 ~c3. Or S...<2;c7.
3 ~f4 i.g8 6 i.f7!
4 ~e5 ~d7 Again attacking a pawn!
5 d5 i.h7! 6 b2
'Taking aim' at the pawns - 7 ~g6 ~c5
Black does not allow his oppo- 8 ~e2 d5
nent's king to f6. However, the less 9 i.f5 ~b4
precise 5 ... i.f7 6<2;f6~e8! 7 i.f4 10 i.g6 ~a3
i.g8 is also enough for a draw. 11 iLbl! Wb3
6 <it>f4 ~g6 12 Wd1 ~e3
7 e5 i.f7! 13 We2 i.c5
Endgames with Opposite-Coloured Bishops 99

14 'iitdl d4 If 3 ...il.f7, then 4 ~c5 ~h3

15 ~e2 <t>b3 (4 ... a5 5 \t>b5) 5 'ittd6 (threatening
The last hope: bad is 16 <it?dl? 6 ~d7) 5 ...<it?c8 6 i.c3!. or 4 ... ~c8
d3!. 5 ~c6! (with the threat of 6 i.c3)
16 Ciftd3 5 ...ll.e8+ (5 ... a5 6 ~b5) 6 Wd6
and Black cannot make pro- i.f7 7 i.e3! and 8 iLaS.
gress. 4 <2;b5!
The game is prolonged a little
3. Norlin, 1922 by the variation indicated by the
author: 4 ~c5 i.b3! 5 Wb5! ~b7 6
The typical plan is to march the Wb4! and 7 ~c5.
king to the pawn held up by the 4 ••• cJtb7
bishop. in other words to the f8- The threat was 5 Wa6.
square, but then Black will ad- 5 ~c5 iLb3
vance his a-pawn, diverting the 6 Wd6 We8
bishop from the defence of the c7- 7 .te3
pawn. and 8 i.a5, after which the king
The only winning chance is to finally heads off to win the bishop
transfer the bishop to as. from for the g -pawn.
where it will defend its own pawn
and hold back the opponent's along 4. Nirnzowitsch-Tarrasch, Bad
one and the same diagonal. How- Kissingen 1928
ever. the c7 -pawn must first be
defended by the king. at the same Black must decide how he is going
time not allowing ... a7-a5-a4. If to fight against the threatened at-
the black pawn advances to a4, the tack by the king on his kingside
position wi II become drawn. for pawns. The 'active' L .. f4'l is hope-
example: I Wc5? a5! 2 ~b5 a4 3 less: 2 iLg5 e3 (2 ... f3 3 g4). and
~b4~c8. Whi lC has a pleasant choice be-
1 ~c3! i.f7 tween 3 fe and 3 f3 e2 4 i.h4 fol-
2 Wb4 i..e6 lowed by <t>gl-f2. First let us see
3 i.e5! what happened in the game.
It is important to free the d6- 1 ••• e4?
square for the king in advance. 3 The transfer of pawns to a
~c5?! is imprecise in view of square of the same colour as their
3 ... i.h3! with the threat 4 ... a5. bishop is. generally speaking, a
3 ..• ~e8!? sensible positional idea (imagine
100 Endgames with Opposite-Coloured Bishops

that White played c2-c4, b2-b3, a2- This is already desperation in a

a4 - then the b6-pawn would turn hopeless position. On 11. ..iLd7
into a serious weakness). The Nirnzowitsch gave the following
move made by Black is bad, not in variation: 12 it.h2 il.c8 (l2 ... it.e8
itself. but because it does not help 13 <t>g5 i.d7 14 ~f6, and the white
to solve the main problem in the king breaks through to the queen-
position - the defence of the king- side) 13 a4 ba 14 ba ..td7 15 a5
side pawns. SLc8 16 i.al, and Black is in zug-
2 ~g3 <it>e8 zwang (l6 ... i.a6 17 ~g5 i.c8 18
3 Wf4 ~d7 c;3;f6).
4 i.b4 We6 12 gf .ltd7
5 i.e3 i.d7 13 ~g5 ~f7
If the bishop is kept on g6 and 14 fS iLc6
the king holds back the future 15 ~4
passed pawn on the queenside (the The standard plan: the king
first defensive system), White will heads for the passed pawn which
attack the bishop at a suitable mo- the bishop is holding up.
ment by h3-h4-h5 and will ohtain a IS We7
second passed pawn. For example, 16 We5 i.e8
S ... i.g6 6 ~g5 ~dS 7 g3 b5 8 h4 17 <ibxe4 i.c6+
~c6 9 b3 cb 10 cbWb611 a4 ba 12 18 ~eS i.e8
ba <iba6 13 a5 WbS 14 h5 .i.e8 IS 19 ~d5 i.f7+
~xf5 i.xh5 16 <f.t>xe4 with an easy 20 <2;c5 .i.e8
win. Black therefore leaves his 21 i.eS i.d7
bishop on the queenside. Unfortu- 22 c;3;b6 ~f7
nately for him. the king is unable to 23 f6 i.c8
defend the h7- and f5-pawns si- 24 f4 ~e6
multaneously, and so the bishop 25 ~a6! <f.t>f7
will be tom between the defence of 26 b4 ~e6
the f5-pawn and the battle with 27 a4 ba
the passed pawn. 28 b5
6 g3 b5 Black resigned
7 <t>g5 9;;f7
8 h4 ~c8 As usual, we ought first to ex-
9 ~h6 ~g8 amine the possibility of construct-
10 b3 cb ing the first defensive system -
11 cb f4 leaving the king on the kingside
Endgames with Opposite-Coloured Bishops 101

and defending the pawns using 2 i.n!

the bishop. If you remember the 3 h4 h5!
principle of 'taking aim' at pawns, 4 ~f4
then the solution (indicated by Otherwise White's position can-
Averbakh) will seem quite simple. not be strengthened.
1 ••• ~b5! 4 ... ~xg2
2 ~g3 The hlack hishop easily man-
2 g4 fg 3 hg ~e2 4 ~g3 ~f3. ages to defend the kingside pawns.
5 Typical positions with Rooks
and connected passed pawns
Vladimir Vulfson

I would like to show you a fairly advantage is recommended to

complex analysis of an ending avoid pawn exchanges. but here is
from one of my games. Once you an exception to this rule.
have got to grips with it you will 1 ••• g4!
find it easier to orientate yourself Black wants to tie his oppo-
in the theory of rook endings with nent's rook to the defence of the
connected passed pawns. g3-pawn. Clearly 2 :th4 is hope-
less. so I focused mainly on 2 hg
':xg4. White's position is difficult:
311h6+ ':g6 gives nothing, so he is
forced to play 1:.h3, but the rook is
exceptionally passive here.
Now Zlotnik played a move
which I had examined during my
2 ~b2
The idea is clear - to avoid the
capture of the g3-pawn with check.
This is an interesting move. and
during the game I thought it was
very strong. but after careful analy-
sis I began to doubt this. The point
is that when Black removes the g-
This is the adjourned position. pawn and a position with con-
and it is my move. Master Don- nected passed pawns results, the
chenko suggested an excellent idea basic method of defence is to try
for Black. Usually the side with the to wedge the king in between the
Typical positions with rooks and connected passed pawns 103

pawns and hlockadc them. But ~-r:.~ ~
here the king, by solving a separate w.:f':i ~~ ~i7d ~~I
~ ~~ ~; ~~
:~gz;~: >${:~»~ ~~~~'4:. ~'~.t.'~.
problem (connected with the g3-
pawn), voluntarily moves away ' f:~~~7.#.~ /,- ,."'i'fh
~)} ,.'.
/." ~
, ~j~;}
from the queenside pawns.
2 gh I~,~
~.~ ';if.Z:;
;;.,n.~ '~;t;/1 ~
A :;1/..//

1~1 ~~ ~~f/ 0 ~t
3 l:t.xh3 l:t.g4 ~%f:
x;~zn:~h IFa;
4 l:t.h8 ~;$7. <:;t%, f?/Z
W%~ ~~
Of course, White cannot expect ~
." 1.';
to achieve anything with the rook "~~ fZ~ ?~; r}~
On h3, and so he activates his rook. ~-:WA ~t; ~/?~ ~l?
Black's reply is forced, because B
4 ...l1xg3 is met by 5 .:1a8 with an r3;e7 8 llc5 llb4+ 9 Wa3 Wd6 10
immediate draw. l:hS. On lO ...:bl there follows 11
4 ••• as cJ.ta2. B lack cannot strengthen his
'Passed pawns must be pushed.' position since his king cannot es-
5 l1c8 cape the horizontal checks.
Once again it is not possible to 6 ••• We6?
take on g3 because of 6 :'c6+ with The obvious move was 6 ... r3;eS !.
7 rJ.c5 to follow. I also reckoned Why did I reject this move? The
with the move 5 l1a8. which forces reason is psychological. My oppo-
one of the pawns to move forward nent was the Master Zlotnik. a
and the king to wedge in between chess teacher in the sports institute.
them very quickly. However. I I had great respect for him; he was
think this would also have failed to for me an authority. When you are
save the game for White. facing an opponent like this you
S •.• l1gS develop a certain complex. you be-
The rook defends the pawn from gin to be afraid of everything and
the side. In positions of this kind, then it becomes difficult to make
this is the best place to put the rook. active moves.
The black king is now free and can Besides, I didn't realize that this
go anywhere. was a position where every tempo
6 g4!? (D) counted; I thought that the king
If the pawn is taken, there results could always go and take the g4-
a typical drawn position with con- pawn, and in the meantime it
nected passed pawns - it occurs wouldn't be a bad idea to help out
quite frequently: 6 ...:lxg4? 711c6+ the queenside pawns.
104 Typical positions with rooks and connected passed pawns

After 6 ... ~e5 what would have I would like to discuss this posi-
happened? Let us try to provoke tion in more detail.
one of the pawns into advancing: 7 White has managed to activate
1:.a8. Black replies 7 ... a4, and if 8 his rook to a significant extent. If
~a3(c3), then simply 8 ...:xg4. the pawn were on g5 he would
The king has not had time to reach probably draw the gamc. but with
b4. and after 9 :lb8 :lg3+ 10 <f.t>a2 the pawn on g4 his rook has rather
l:tb3 Black wins. less room for manoeuvre. Black
If 8 1:.b8 (instead of 8 ~a3). then now has two winning plans:
8 ... 'ittd4 9 ~a3 <t>c5 10 l1c8+ ~b6 1) to move the king over to help
II :lb8+ Wc6 12 :c8+ ~b7 and the queenside pawns;
13 ....:xg4 wins. Black is not afraid 2) first to take the g4-pawn with
of the king being cut off along thc the king, and only then to return to
sixth rank - the rook will free the the queenside.
king by ...:c4-c6. Let us first look at a simpler
And so, the move 6 ... ~e5 was plan:
very good. but in the game I played 8 ••• ~c5
differently. Obviously. if Black can put his
7 liel pawns on a4 and h4, he wins easily.
White wants to put his rook be- White's task is therefore to hinder
hind his passed pawn. the advance of the pawns. to lure
7 ..• 'it'd6? the rook away from g5, and to be-
7...~d5 is much stronger. gin pushing his own passed pawn
S 1:.g1 (D) forward.
First let us look at:
9 cJ.tb3
On 9... b4 (with the threat of
IO ... ~b5) there follows 10 ~a4
Wb6 11 l:.nl1xg4 12 :lf5! (sim-
.pler than 12 1:.f6+ ~c5 13 Ciftxa5)
with an immediate draw.
Now let us investigate:
9 a4+
10 Wa3 Wb6!
11 'it'b4
Hindering 11. ..<J?a5.
B 11 ... ':e5!
Typical positions with rooks and connected passed pawns 105

White has two defences against will be no win. The only route to
the threat of 12 ...:e3: 12 :tg3 and the win is a zwischenschach:
12 ~c3 (no good is 12 ~a3? l1e2, 12 •.• :tc5+!
since the king is in a mating net). If 13 ~b2, then 13 ...:!g5. and
After 12 l:tg3 lte4+ 13 ~a3 ~a5 the b-pawn gallops forward to the
(with the threat of 14 ...:e2) 14 fourth rank. If 13 <f.t>d4 Black can
~b2(a2) b4 the black pawns queen either move his pawns forward im-
earlier than the g-pawn. 13 Wc3 is mediately or play 13 ... :gS first.
no better in view of 13 ... b4+ 14 There remains only:
~d3 a3! 15 ~c211e2+. and so on. 13 ~b4 l:c4+
Let us examine: 14 ~a3
12 ~c3 (D) N ow the straightforward ad-
Here Black's win is not at all ob- vance 14... ~a5? gives nothing: IS
vious. ~a2 b4 16 g5 b3+ 17 ~a I! a3 18
g6 b2+ (there is just one tempo too
-~ ~ f.~ ~; few for 18 ... a2 and ... ~b4-a3) 19
~fM ow$; ~;14 "w~ Wbl ~b4 20 g7 ~b3 21 l:1g3+
r~~;r W~~
~J ~~
~ ~
~ Wb4 22l:gl.
-~ ~ ,~W~ ~A
~~ ~
W~ Correct is:
/~ff; • ~~ z. -~
'~~ ~~
14 ••• l:Ic2!
&~ ~~ r~A~:~ The threat is 15 ... ~a5.
.~ ~~ ~o~ 15 ~b4 J!lb2+!

.~/'~~/ ,~y~~ ,~< ~ / . Nothing is achieved by lS ...:f2
16 ~c3; it is first necessary to c1ar-
jfy the position of the white king.
Now 16 Wa3':f2 17 ~b4:f3 is
B bad.
In training sessions on the tech- 16 ~c3 a3
nique of realizing an advantage 17 g5 b4+
an important principle had been 18 ~c4 a2
mentioned: you should use any op- 19 :tal
portunity for even the slightest If 19 g6, then 19...l:.hL
strengthening of your own position 19 b3
and weakening of your opponent~s 20 g6 :tbl
position. Here Black can move his 21 g7
king forward. but in response the Note by John Nunn and Graham
white pawn will advance and there Burgess: The original manuscript
106 Typical positions with rooks and connected passed pawns

continued 21. .. nxal 22 g8~ Itcl+ 23 cJtd5

23 ~xb3 al~. with the comment There is no perpetual check after
that Black's king can escape from 23 ':xcl bxclW'+ 24 ~b3 al~.
the perpetual check. However, the Other king moves allow Black to
database gives this VlH+ll v't'U posi- promote with check.
tion as a draw; Black cannot evade 23 ••• ktc5+
the checks after 24 ~b8+. If he Black must improve his rook
tries to put the king on. say, h7. position as much as possible before
then White replies \~~e4+, continu- he promotes, or else White will
ing with diagonal checks except again give perpetual check.
when the king is on the long diago- 24 <f.t>d6 :c6+!
nal. but then a lateral check serves Now 24 ... bxa 1'ii' is tempting,
just as well (for example. with the but surprisingly there is no clear-
king on g7 White can play 'ffJe7+ cut escape from the barrage of
and here Black cannot interpose checks after 24 ~bS+ ~a6 25
his queen). If, on the other hand. ~a8+ Wb5 26 Wh7+ ~c4 27
Black's king heads back to the W'f7+ ~b4 28l1fb7+ nb5 29 'iWe4+
queenside then, with the black king ~b3 30 'ii'e6+!.
on cS, for example. White plays 25 Wd7
~g4+. meeting ... <f.t>b8/h7 with Or 25 ~d5 bxal~ 26 'ifbS+
~b4+. Black is never able to inter- .t1b6 27 ~e8+ Wa5 28 'iVa8+ ~b4
pose his rook. 29 ~f8+ ~b3 and the checks run
However. more detailed analysis out.
showed that Vulfson 's assessment 25 ••• bxal'ii'
was correct, but Black has to adopt 26 'ii'b3+
a different strategy. The rest of this 26 'iWbS+ <f.t>a5 27 ~a8+ (27
variation is our analysis. ~a7+ Wb4 leads to the same thing)
21 ••• b2! Wb4 28 ~b7+ ~a3 29 'ffa7+ Wb3
22 g8'iV 30 ~b7+ Wc2! 31 Wi'xc6+ 'iYc3 32
After 22 ':xa2 nc 1+ 23 <f.t>d4 'iVa4+ <f.t>b2 33 'fHb5+ ~c 1 34
b l'iV 24 g8't5' the normal rule for ~f1 + Wc2 and the triangulation
such positions applies: whoever has left White without any further
gives the first check wins. After checks.
24 .. :iib4+ Black either mates or 26 ••• ~c5
wins White's queen within a few Now the king can escape: 27
moves. 'ffJa3+ (27 'f:Yc2+ cJtb4 28 ~e4+
22 ... ':cl+! ~a3 29 ~e7+ ~b3 30 ~f7+ l1c4)
Typical posilions with rooks and connected passed pawns J 07

~d4! 28 ~b4+ ~e3 29 ~e7+ ~f3

and Black can interpose his queen
next move.
As you can see, the win is very
complicated. In addition, White's
defence can be strengthened at the
very start of the variation. Instead
of 9 Wb3?!, he can playa more
cunning move:
9 ~a3!
The point is that the pawn will
not reach a4 with check.
9 ••• a4 14 gS
9 ... ~b6 is no better due to 10 Here the black rook cannot in-
l1g3!. tervene on e2. Black has to push
10 .:tg3! the pawn:
Now if 10... ~b6 11 ~b4 a posi- 14 ••• b4+
tion of mutual zugzwang arises. Where should the king retreat '!
with Black to move. Black gains The outcome of the game depends
nothing from 11 ...:te5. since there on this.
is no threat of 12 ...:e3, and White 15 Wa2!
simply moves his pawn forward. Naturally, this is the right move.
After II ... Wa6(c6) 12:'g 1 l:.e5 the with the point that the a-pawn does
move 13 ...:e3 is no longer fatal not advance with check.
and again 13 g5 can be played. 15 •.. a3
Let us try Black nevertheless plays this,
10 ••• ~c6!? but without gaining a tempo!
It ~b4 ~b6 (D) 16 g6 ~a4
Now it is White who is in zug- The threat is 17 ... b3+ with mate.
zwang. We a1ready know that 12 White loses after 17 1:.g1 b3+ 18
1:.g110ses to 12...1:.c5. so let us try: ~al a2, but he can defend by:
12 :g2 :e5 17 Jitg4! :!e2+
t3 ~a3! 18 ~al!
The difference compared to the Now the following line is dan-
position of the rook on g 1 is imme- gerous only for Black:
diatelyapparent. 18 a2
13 ••• ~aS 19 g7 ~a3
J08 Typical positions with rooks and connected passed pawns

20 :g3+ b3 us see what happened in the game

21 l1xb3+! ~xb3 itself.
22 g8'i'¥+ 10 a4+?
and White even wins. 11 ~b4 Wxg4
So we have discovered that after 12 .:1a3?!
8...~c5 White manages to draw. My opponent start~ on the path
In the game I chose: to defeat. He probably thought that
8 ... ~e5 he could keep out my king along
As you see, the king has ended the third rank, but in fact this is a
up on e5 all the same, but instead of bad place for the rook.
doing this immediately it has lost 12 ••• ~f4
tempi by wandering between the 13 l:c3??
squares e6 and d6. Any rook move along the third
9 ~b3 rank loses - it was essential to
White intends, by playing l:a I, move away.
to force the advance of one of the 13 ... :tg3
pawns and then to slide his king in My rook is being transferred to
between them. b3, after which the pawns will
9 \t>f4 queen on their own. Black won
10 .:1al (D) easily.

How should White have de-

fended? Suppose we do not know
the theory of endgames with this
arrangement of pawns -let's try to
proceed purely by common sense.
It is useful to consider the ques-
tion 'What does Black want to
achieve'!'. He probably wants to
bring his king to b2, after which it
will be possible to give up the b5-
pawn and queen the a-pawn. Let us
try to obstruct the advance of the
king by cutting it off vertically.
12 :0 ':f5
13 Itel ~f4
14 :te2 l:.e5
Typical positions with rooks and connected passed pawns 109

15 .:!d2 ~e3 and if 26 I1c8, then 26 .. .rJi?d2, and

16 l:dl llg5 the king approaches the pawns. It
17 lld8 ~e4 now has an excellent refuge on a5
18 l%dl fifS from horizontal checks. This is one
It is important nol to put the rook of the important won positions.
on e5 - otherwise the king will he Here is the basic drawn position,
driven away by a check from cl. which it is also essential to know:
18 ... l:t.d5 is premature owing to 19
lIel +. White needs to play for zug-
zwang. His king is ideally placed
on b4. so he must improve the posi~
tion of his rook.
19 nd2 l1d5
20 :tc2
Now 20 :1e2+ ~d3 is useless for
20 ••• ~d3
21 :s.c8
21 nh2 is also good.
21 ••
0 ~d2
22 l1c7 ~dl
Up until this moment White has
not been taking any particular risks Could a position like this have
and could have defended in various arisen in our game? Of course it
different ways. However. he now could. White could always have
has to make a precise move (23 put his rook on the third rank. The
.u.c3 or 23 l:h8), as Black has cre- only plan to fight for a win is:
ated the concrete threat of playing 1 Wc2
23 ...l:.d2. For example: 2 l:t.h2+ l:d2
23 nc8? l1d2 3 nh3!
24 lic3 It is important to control the
Or 24 ~xb5 a3 25 ~b4 a2 26 square a3.
:a7 ~cl. 3 '0' Wb2
24 ..• At first glance it seems that
25 ~a3 White is doing badly - Black in-
Now on 26 llh3 there follows tends 4 ... lld4+ and 5 ... a3, bUllet
26 ... ~c2, threatening 27 ...:b3+. us check this:
110 Typical positions with rooks and connected passed pawns

4 l:g3 Jitd4+ 11 l%gl is hopeless: 11. ..l:.xg4.

5 ~c5! 11 ... ~xg4
Not 5 ~xb5? a3 6 l:.g2+ ~c3 7 This pawn configuration is
:g3+l:.d3. clearly stronger than a4-b5. since
If the rook moves away to e4, after the sacrifice of the a5-pawn
then there is nothing to stop White the remaining b-pawn is more dan-
taking the b5-pawn and after 6... a3 gerous than the a-pawn and offers
beginning horizontal checks. The more winning chances. The black
king is forced to move away to the king approaches the queenside
d-file, then the rook attacks the a- without obstacle (121Ifl :f5, and
pawn and the game is drawn. That so on). Let llS see what defensive
was the conclusion reached by methods White can use with the
Kasparian. pawns on b4 and as.
I discovered in this position yet
another interesting nuance: Black Firstly: playing for stalemate
can try:
5 ... ltdl!
Once again, the b5-pawn cannot
be taken.
6 ~b4
This is essential.
6 .•. :lbl
Now, however, the pawn really
does have to be captured:
7 ~xb5! a3
8 ~a4 a2
9 ltg2+
The crucial square bl has been
taken away from the king. so the
position in drawn!

Let us return to the position after

White's tenth move. We have seen
that lO... a4+? leads to a draw. Now
we shall analyse Secondly: the attempt to put his
10 b4! king in the way
11 ~a4 (see diagram on following page)
Typical positions with rooks and connected passed pawns / I J

~ ~
{?,4'% ~
,,7/-;-; ~ -~I
77~, _////~
?~ 1%~ %z";: /~j/~
I;~jf'4 ttY~
~~ 'z~j( ~ftZ~b ~Uk1

I~ ' _~~~,7/ji. /~"/

'A" f41J./; ""~J.:..FO~t,
~•. ~;
~ ~
-: ,',
-//,£,,_>;'9, '¥#' ~~~ ~'#.~_/f%~ /b~ ?!f.-z;
A ~~~I
X: z" 0 ·z Z

• p'%. 'k::f-
" Z,7,

1 ~~}~~I
~ ~~£ %4': -'/h~i
:/fj, '%#/~

1; I

The problem with the king's ~e3 and 2 ild 1+ WcS 3 ~a4 ne3
position on b3 is that it can be are both hopeless. You can see that
checked along the third rank. the key square for the king in end-
"1 00. Wd4 games of this type is d4; it is very
2 l:a4 important to occupy it! The further
Or 2l:a211e3+ 3 ~a4 (forced) course of events depends on cir-
3 ...<it>c3. cumstances: if the white king is on
2 nc3+ a4, then the way is clear for ...'it>d4-
3 Wb2 Wc4! c3-b2(c2). If the king is on b3, it
4 llxaS lle2+ can be checked and the black king
and a well-known theoretically can aim for c5 and bS.
won position results. It would seem that everything is
Black wins in almost the same straightforward, but take a look at
way if the opponent's rook is on a8 the following exceptional position
(instead of al): 1. .. ~d4 with the (D):
idea of ...:!e3+. What is the assessment? Draw!
The king has no way through.
Thirdly: cutting otT the black We are arriving at a general rule
king vertically for endgames of this type:
What is the simplest way of win- If the black king is cut off in its
ning here? Let's improve the posi- own side o/the board, the position
tion of the rook: is drawn.
1 .00 ':c5 But if it breaks through to the
The threat is 2....:e3+. removing opponent's half, the position be-
the blockade of the pawns. 2 ~a4 comes won.
112 Typical positions with rooks and connected passed pawns

Why did White continue 9 ~b3

here? It is much more logical to
move the rook immediately:
9 nat!
Now Black cannot reply ... b5-
b4. There might follow:
9 ..• a4
10 Wa3
Not 10 Wc3 owing to lO ...!1xg4
11 lXbl nc4+.
10 ••• ~d5
B White had no reason to fear
10... l:xg4 since he has the reply
A general conclusion also needs lilibl, resulting in an immediate
to be made about this endgame: draw.
Black's plan of taking the pawn 11 ~b4 ~c6
with the king wins, but the plan of 12 :lgl
moving the king over to help out We have reached an already fa-
the queenside pawns only draws. miliar drawn position.
However, the following analysis
forces some serious corrections to What a Jot of mistakes the two
these seemingly fixed conclusions. players made in this endgame! The
I once took a closer look at the po- reason was inadequate know ledge
sition after the move 8...~e5. of the theory of rook endings; they
had no 'lighthouses' to help orien-
tate them.
And so, in the game moving the
king to the kingside (this was un-
fortunately delayed) should still
have led Lo a draw. Then I returned
again to the position after 8... ~c5 9
~a3 (D).
The only move we analysed se-
riously was 9 ... a4. but there is one
other idea:
9 b4+!
B 10 ~a4 l:d5!
Typical positions with rooks and connected passed pawns 113

The threat is 11. ..:t:.d3. There is Hopeless is 13 ... <it?b4? 14 g6 b2
no sense in the king returning: 11 15 g7 :d8 16 g8~ :xg8 17 l:t.xg8.
Wb3 cJ;bS (threatening 12 ...:d2), when 17 ... bl Wi? fails to l8 l:Ib8+.
and White loses. If 11 l:c 1+ ~b6 On 13 ... ~c4? both 14 g6 b2 15 g7
12 l:t.nl1d3 13 nf6+ Wc5 14 nf5+ l:.d8 16 l:Ig4+ and 14 <f.t>a5 b2 15 g6
<t>c4 15 ~xa5 b3 Black wins, since <f.t>c3 16 ~a4 are possible.
his passed pawn queens sooner However, a very subtle solution
than his opponent~s, and in addi- can be found:
tion it is supported by the king. 13 ••. l:.d7!!
Let us investigate the following 14 g6 :g7
line: This way White's king is com-
11 <t>xa5 !1d3 pletely paralyzed and he cannot
12 ~a6 prevent ... ~b4-a3.
Otherwise mate; 121Ic 1+ is bad Black wins after 15 l:tg5+ ~b4
in view of 12...':c3. 16 ~b6 (or 16 l:.g4+ <f.t>a3 17 WbS
12 •.. b3 b2) 16••• b21711b5+ Wc318 :cS+
13 g5 (D) (White is hoping to force the king
The direct 13 ... b2? (intending to bland return to g5. but Black re-
14...:a3+ and 15 ...l:t.a1) only leads plies ... ) 18.•.~d4! 19 :b5l:txg6+.
to a draw in view of 1411bll1a3+ So our initial conclusion has
(or 14 ....:d2 15 g6) 15 ~b7 :lb3+ been exchanged for the opposite
16 c3;c7 ~b4 17 ~d7! ~a3 18 one: the plan of moving over to
~e6( e 7). and the white king para- help the pawns turns out to be
doxically manages to join its own stronger than that of marching the
pawn. king to the g4-pawn.
6 Adventures on Resumption Day
Mark Dvoretsky

There is the saying 'You're as Taimanov, offering his services.

lucky as a first prize-winner' . From 'Thanks, Mark Evgenievich. but
the examples given below you will I'd like to work with Mark IzraiJe-
sec that at the 1976 USSR Cup (the vich' , replied Smyslov.
national club competition) in Tbi- Of course, it is flattering to en-
lisi our team 'BurevesLnik' really joy the reputation of a good ana-
did have some luck. But luck On its lyst, even if it can sometimes be
own is not enough for a team which something of a burden - I had my
on paper was by no means the own adjourned game as well. The
strongest to win by such a huge following morning Smyslov and I
margin (before the final round we sat down to look at his position.
were 7 points ahead of our nearest After three hours of exceptionally
rivals). The friendly atmosphere in intensive work my head was split-
the team, goodwill and coopera- ting, but we did think we had found
tion made a large contribution to a way of saving the game.
our victory. Also important was
our superiority in analysing ad-
journed positions (although you
might not believe this from the ex-
amples below) - a good dozen ad-
journed games had outcomes that
were pleasantly unexpected for us.
The day before the resumption
day our top board Smyslov ad-
journed his game against Tal in a
cri tical position. At the team meet-
ing he said he would need assis-
tance analysing for the next day. W
'Of course, of course, let's look Tal - Smyslov
at the position together' , said Mark Tbilisi 1976
Adventures on Resumption Day 115

Of course, playing 42 g5? .:1xh5 instructive. as it illustrates typical

43lLJf6+ 'iitg6 is not a good idea, so ideas in this position and difficul-
Tal's sealed move was obvious: ties that Black faces.
42 lLJxd6
Black replies: A. 43_. :d.bl
42 ••. cd 44 'it'f3!
Now taking the b6-pawn en- 44 g5? is premature because of
ables Black to activate his king: 44...:g1.
4311xb6 'it'h6! 44 :xd6+ (44 f41? 44 ••. a4
ef 45 ':xd6+ also docs not win for 44...11h4? is met by 45 Wg3 and
White) 44...<t>g5 45 [3 e4! and now 46g5.
Black has enough counterplay for a 45 <f.t>e4 a3
draw. for example 46l:tg6+ ~f4 47 46 .:1d7+ ~h6
fe a4. White should choose the 46... ~g8 47 :a7 nb3 is really
sharper: bad; White continues 48 ~f5 or 48
43 lIxd6! (D) h6.
47 ~f5!
Threatening 48 g5+ ~xh5 49
l:h7 mate.
47 ligl
48 :a7 :tg2
49 f4! ef
50 ':xa3 :g3
51 :tal! f3
Bla~k cannot play 51 ...:tc3 52
52 ~f4 ':g2
52 ... l1h3 53 Itbl f2 54 ':xb6+
B 'it'h7 55 ':bl :b3 56 lIn ~h6 57
We now have a choice between :txf2.
43 ... lIbl (A) and 43 ... b5 44 :a6 a4 53 ~xf3 :d.c2
(B). In both cases White replies by 54 l:tbl
pushing his king forward. The and Black fails by one tempo to
queenside pawns are not advanc- blockade the pawn securely by es-
ing too quickly - in the meantime tablishing the familiar drawn posi-
the black king will come under tion with the king on g5 and the
threat. The following variation is rook on c5.
116 Adventures on Resumption Day

Even in such complicated end- after this move: 46 ~g2 :4.a147 g5

games. where every tempo is criti- b4 48 g6+! (not 48 1:.a7+? Wg8 49
cal, it is not always worth diving g6 ':c 1 50 h6 ':c8) 48 ... ~h6 49
straight into the whirlpool of vari- lla7 with the decisive threats 50
ations. First it is necessary to give Ith7+ and 50 g7 <t>h7 51 h6 fol-
the position logical consideration lowed by 52 !ta8. Smyslov would
and to look for a further plan, a therefore have followed the main
general idea to carry out. What do line of analysis - 45 .. Jlcl!. After
you think this idea is? the move in the game Black has
It turns out that Black should one additional possibility.
transfer his rook to the eighth rank. 45 :lel+
Firstly, from there it will cover the 46 rJ;f3 (D)
king; to mate the king. White will

have to advance the king and both
pawns. and that will take time. Sec- '///?:'Yr.'" ~'pf' /P?4f
ondly, it will be possible to place ~
I ~ ~~ ~fS~' i(~ ~~ «~
the rook behind a pawn and start
pushing it. giving up the second
1:. ~ ~ ~~~ ~A
1~.4t. • '#~ ~.:. #~ 0
pawn. ;&~'. ~ ~< f/?j
I~~~, f~~:&~~'g
So we have found the correct .~ ~8i~
W~ ~ ~;rlh~
plan. Now it just needs to be car- ffJA .
w ~~I
ried out as precisely as possible.
@f:# fff'fo. ~ ~-.p. ----'I
B. 43... b5
This is the move Smyslov actu- B
ally played. 46 •.• :'cl
As Tal noted after the game, the 46 ... e4+ 4 7 ~f4 l:Ic2 was also
move 43 ...1:.bl was still possible, quite possible. We analysed sharp
but only as part of the plan given variations such as 48 ~g5 l1xf2 49
above: after 44 ~f3 a4 45 ~e4 it is l1a7+ ~g8 50 h6 e3 51 ~g6 1:.f8
necessary to play 45 ...l:.h4+! 46 and could not see a win for White.
~f5 %:tf4+ 4 7 ~g5 J!lf8. But on the other hand our basic de-
44 1:.a6 a4 fensive plan seemed to be enough
4S ~e3 for a draw, so it was not easy for
We considered 45 ~f3 to be Smyslov to make a choice. He
more precise. Tal was worried by knew perfectly well that, given the
the reply 45 ...a3, but Black loses shortage of time for analysis, there
Adventures On Resumption Day 117

could be a mistake lurking in any 2 ~d2 Itb4 3 f5 nbS.

variation. The only question was 2 1:.b4+
where it was most likely to be. 3 ~c3 ':xf4
47 Cifte4 l1c4+ ?! 4 J:xb2 :th4!
This is how we intended to with a draw.
transfer the rook to the eighth rank. Smyslov's discovery is instruc-
It's true that the position of the tive and pretty, and I think it has
white king improves, but the e5- quite some significance for the the-
pawn remains untouched. We re- ory of rook endings; however we
jected 47 ...l:tc8!, since we regarded had no time to check it through
as Jost the position arising after 48 thoroughly. When Smyslov asked
~xe5 l:b8 49 g5 b4 50 l:a7+ ~g8 me which defensive plan he should
51 1:.xa4 b3 52 1:.al b2 53 l:hl. choose, I could only shrug my
Not long before resumption Va- shoulders in reply. Not receiving
sily Vasilievich came up to me. any advice, he said he would think
'You know', he said. 'it seems about it again over the board. He
that the three white pawns don't finally opted for the main variation
win: which we had intended from the
'It can't be!' I replied, amazed, very beginning. Unfortunately, that
and tried to refute his conclusion, was where an error had crept in.
but couldn't. Here is the basic posi- Play continued (D):

B 48 ~f5 1:.f4+
1 1:.b3+ 49 ~g5 1:.f8
2 ~d4 SO h6!
118 Adventures on Resumption Day

Now the penny dropped. During

analysis we gave check at some
stage on a7, after which the win
disappears. In such sharp endings
every tempo is precious - White
leaves the king on h7 in order to ad-
vance the pawn to g6 with check.
50 .•• b4
51 :'xa4?
An unexpected amnesty at the
very last moment. The winning
continuation was 51 ~h5! b3 52 g5 w
nb8 53 g6+ <2;h8 54 h7 ~g7 (or V. Kozlov - Dvoretsky
54 ... b2 55 ~h6) 55 :a7+ Wf6 56 Tbilisi 1986
51 ••• Itb8 41 1:.xdl!
52 :'a7+ This was the sealed move.
Now 52 ~h5 b3 53 g5 b2 54 g6+ 41 ••• ~xdl
Wh8! no longer works. 42 f6 1:.a8
52 ~h8 After 42 ... ~e3+ 43 ~xe3 de 44
53 :'a2 b3 Wf3 1:.a8 45liJb3 1:.a3 46 ~cl b3
54 l1h2 e4 47 llJxb3 :'xb3 48 g6 iLf8 49
55 'ittf6 Wh7 llJxe5 Black cannot make his extra
Draw rook count.
43 llJb3
On the very same day I too was 43 g6? is weaker in view of the
resuming an adjourned game (and reply 43 ... hg 44 hg 1:.xal 4S iLh6
it was also a sharp endgame with :a7! 46 f7 :xf7 47 gfb3.
passed pawns on both sides). It had 43 :a3
been adjourned earlier than Smys- 44 g6 bg
loy's game, and so I had had time 45 bg ~f8
to examine it, but, for obvious rea- 46 ~xe5!
sons, there had been no time left to The simplest path to the draw.
check through the variations (D). 46 ~c 1 b3 4 7lLJxb3 Itxb3 48 ~h6
Analysis showed that. amazing lLJe3+ 49 ~xe3 de 50 ~f3 was also
though it may seem, there was a quite possible. I just wanted to
forced draw from this position. check whether my opponent would
Adventures on Resumption Day 119

muddle up his move order by entered this variation all the

playing 46 .ih6? In this case, after same, I made a typical mistake by
46 ... lJ.Je3+ 47 Sl.xe3 (47 ftJxe3 instantly making the moves I had
~xh6 48 tiJf5 ~f8 49 g7+ ~xg7 intended earlier.
50 fg+ ~h7 51 ftJc5 b3) 47 ... de 48 You must always be alive to the
lDc I. Black plays not 48 ... b3?, but possibility of a hole in prepared
48 ...11c3!. analysis - not all details can have
46 •.. l:xb3 (D) been worked out with equal care.
Maybe there was no sense in
checking through again the vari-
ations I had prepared earlier, but I
should still have taken a fresh look
at the position to avoid some crude
47 ••• ~g8
48 ltJh6+ ~xh6??
48 ... ~h8 was essential, with a
draw. The move in the game should
have led to defeat after the zwis-
chenzug 49 f7+!.
W 49 ~xh6?? l:tb2+
47 ltJf7+ 50 Wg3 l:t.f2
I was expecting 47 ~h6 i:.b2+ Now it is Black who wuns.
48 ~g3 :f2 49 ~xf8 I:xf6 50 51 f7+ l:txf7
~xb4 with a drawn endgame. The 52 gf+ ~xr7
move chosen by White in the game 53 iLcl ~e6!
had not even been considered in 54 ~f3 ltJc3!
analysis, as I thought that after 55 ~f2 b3
47 ... ~g8 48 tiJh6+, exchanging on White resigned
h6 followed by transferring the
rook to f2 would keep an extra pawn As you see, luck really was on
for Black. And when my opponent our side in this tournament!
7 Knight Solo (or what pure
horsepower is capable of)
Artur Yusupov

'There are horses which are trained The Romanian player went for
to help their masters to attack any- this position in the mistaken belief
one who appears before them with that he could bui ld an impregnable
a naked blade ...' fortress.
Michel Montaigne 45 ••• f4!
46 ~e2
At the end of the 16th century peo- If 46 gf, then 46 ...ttJd6! 47 f3 (or
ple probably took the French phi- 47 ~d2liJf5 48 h5 ~f6 49 ~el
losopher's word for it. I have been rJ;g7) 47 ... gf 48 ~e3 liJf5+ 49
fortunate enough to find out from ~xf3 tiJxd4+ 50 ~g4 liJxb3. and
my own experience the unusual Black wins.
qualities of the horse. 46 •.• liJd6!
After the game Gheorghiu men-
tioned that he had looked at this
knight move during his home
analysis. Nothing would come of
46 ... ~f5 because of 47 ~d3. and
on 46 ... liJf6 there would follow 47
47 Wd3
Black would face a sterner ta'ik
after 47 f3. Clearly, 47 ... gf+ 48
~xf3 tiJf5 49 ~xf4 tiJxd4 lets the
win slip. as White can activate his
bishop: 50 ~f2 tiJxb3 51 ~b6. for
example 51. ..ltJc 1 52 ~e3! ltJa253
..txaS b3 54 ~d2 h5 55 ~c7 b2 56
<;bc2 ltJc3 57 <t>xb2 ltJxa4+ 58
Knight Solo 121

Wc2. or 51. .. liJd2 52 ~xa5 b3 53 While would also fail to save

~c3li)c4 54 g4 b2 55 iLxb2liJxb2 the game after 48 iLd2 because of
56 a5. 48 ... fg 49 fg lbxg3 50 iLf4liJf5! 51
The correct continuation runs iLc7 g3.
47 ...liJf5r 48 fg liJxd4+ 49 <t>d3 48 fg
4Jf3 50 ~f2lbe5+ 51 <it?e2 (on 51 49 fg ~f6
'it'd2 there follows 51. .. liJxg4 52 50 h6
~b6 fg) 51 .. .f3+ 52 ~fl (analo- White's last hope is the vulner-
gous variations result after 52 ~d2 ahle position of the black pawns
liJxg4 53 iLb6 ~e5 54 iLxa5 <f.t>e4 on the queenside. The careless
55 i.xb4 f2 56 ~e2 d4) 52 ... liJxg4 50... ~xh6·!? is met by 51 iLxb4!.
53 i.b6 cJ.te5 54 ~xa5 <f.t>c4 55 50 ••. ~g6!
i.b6 (or 55 ~xb4 cJte3 56 i.el f2 Less convincing is 50 ... 'it'e6 51
57 ~xf2+ liJxf2 58 a5 d4 59 a6 d3 ~f2 4Jxh6 52 iLe3 with drawing
60 a7 d2 61 a8~ dl~+ 62 ~g2 chances. In making his move,
~h1 mate) 55 ...d4 56 a5 f2! 57 Black had to calculate the variation
~g2 (57 a6 ~f3 58 ~xd4 tiJh2 which occurred in the game.
mate) 57 ... d3 58 a6 d2 59 a7 f1~+, 51 ~d2 liJxg3
and White loses. 52 iLxb4 ab
47 •.• liJf5 (D) Not 52 ... lt:Je4? 53 ~xa5 g3 54
53 a5 (D)

Now White is in zugzwang and
is forced to destroy his own for-
48 h5
122 Knight Solo

a queen it has to make only three In this position the game was ad-
moves, while the black knight can journed for the second time. After
only reach a8 in four. An unpleas- the first adjournment I managed to
ant surprise awaits Black if he tries win a pawn thanks to the strenuous
to queen his own pawn: 53 ...ibf5? efforts of the white knight. which
54 a6 g3 55 a7 g2 56 a8~ glli' 57 carried out a heroic raid from the
~g8+. However. as we know. a rear by liJg4-f6-g8xh6-g8-e7-c6-
well-trained horse is capable of ex- d4-e2-g3. Nevertheless, I still be-
traordinary deeds ... lieved a draw was the most likely
53 ••• lLlh5!! outcome. After a relatively brief
54 'it'e3 analysis it emerged that there was
Black also wins after the con- no real winning plan other than the
tinuation 54 a6liJf4+ 55 ~e3 liJe6 exchange of the g-pawn. After this
56 a7 !i:Jc7. White is left with only one object
54 iDf6 of attack - the c4-pawn. It seemed
55 Wf4 <it?xh6 that Black could quite easily solve
56 a6 liJd7 the problem of how to defend it.
57 a7 iDb6 However, serious work on the posi-
58 ~xg4 ~g6 tion brought me some hope, as I
59 ~f4 ~f6 began to realize that the piece on
60 ~g4 llJa8 g3 was truly a 'Montaigne' knight.
White resigned 59 ~e5
60 ~h5 f6
61 g5 fg
62 'it'xgS
Black is at a crossroads, as the
bishop can defend the pawn from
different sides. The plan chosen by
the Chinese player for a long time
also seemed to me to be the strong-
62 000 iLc6 (D)
Black keeps his bishop on the
squares b7 and a8, while the king,
when it is forced away from e5,
will head for d3.
63 tiJf5 iLa8
Knight Solo 123

67 t;Je5! ~b7
Or 67 ...'i!th4 68 t;)d7. and Black
68 i1Jf7!
Black resigned. as there is no
satisfactory defence to the threat of
69 li.Jg5 (for instance 68 ... <2;c4 is
met by 69 llJd6+).

Let us relurn to the position after

64 i1Je7. Instead of 64... ~d6. there
1 W is a more cunning move:
Of course not 63 ... ~d5 because 64 ll.b7
of 64li:Je7+. 65 ihg6+ ~d5 (D)
64 li:Je7!
While must hinder the transfer
of the black king to d3. Thus 64
~h6,! only draws after 64 .. 5iJd5 65
~f4 ~c4 66llJf5 'it>d3.
64 ••• ~d6
More precise is 64 ...Ji.b7, which
will be examined below.
65 llJg6 'iStdS
66 ~f4
White's idea becomes clear. His
winning plan involves occupying
the key square e5 with the knight. 2 w
From there the knight not only cov- Now White must choose a
ers the squares d3 and c4. but also square for his king with great care:
aims at d7 or f7. 66 ~f4 (A) or 66 ~f5 (B).
66 .•. ~c5
If Black plays the natural A. 66 ~f4 ~c4
66... ~c4 White wins by 67 lDe5+! 67 lDcs+ ~c3 (D)
~c3 68 li:Jd7!. The threat is 69 This is a position of mutual zug-
llJc5. on 68 ... cJtc4 there follows the zwang. Black loses if it is his
fork 69 ~b6+. and if 68 ... ~b4, move: 68 ... Wd269li:Jd7; 68 ... i.a8
then simply 69 ~f6. 69 tiJd7 'it>c4 70 lbb6+; 68 ... ~b4
J24 Knight Solo

4 W
ttJfS wins, and if 1. .. ~dS. then 2
<Ji>f4 with the irresistible threat of
3 ttJg3). In this case the winning
move is:
1 li)fI ! iLb7
On 1. .. ~dS there follows 2ltJd2
~e5 (3 Wf4 was threatened) 3
B. 66 s.t?f5!! ttJc4+ We6 (3 ... ~d5 4 liJb6+) 4
This is the winning move. ~f4 and 5 lLld2.
66 ... ~c4 2 ftJh2 'iitd5
After 66 ...i.cR+ 67 ~f41l.b7 68 3 ttJg4 ~c4
ftJe5 i.a8 69 ftJd7 Black is de- 4 ttJe5+ 'iitc3
fenceless. 5 ~f4
67 ltJe5+ ~c3 and the familiar situation from
68 <f.t>f4 position 3 occurs again.
and the position we looked at So the defensive system with the
arises again, but this time with bishop on b7 -a8 has met a tricky
Black to move. refutation.

We still have to decide what B lack could have tried another

would happen if Black carried out defensive method with the bishop
his plan more accurately, in other on g2-hl. Let's examine the fol-
words if he obtained the position in lowing important positions.
diagram 1 with his bishop on a8 In this position (D) White wins
(D) (if the bishop is on b7, then 1 irrespective of who is to move.
Knight Solo 125

5 liJb6 il.c2
Otherwise White plays ltJb6-a4-
6 liJc4
Although White has not man-
aged to transfer the knight to c3. he
has made some substantial gains:
the black bishop has been forced to
move to the bl-h7 diagonal, where
it is less well placed.
6 Wd5
S W 7 liJd2 i..d3 (D)
1 ttJg6+ \t;d5
2 !i.t>f4 i.f1
If 2 ... ll.e2. then 3 liJf8 r ll.f3 4
iLlh7 c;3;c4 (SliJf6+ was threatened)
3 liJe7+ <f.t>e6
Black loses immediately after
3...<t>d6 in view of 4liJg8f ~g2 5
4 liJc8!!
This move seems silly at first
glance, until you notice the goa) of
the knight's unusual route - the c3- 6 w
square. 8 Wf5
4 ••• ~d3 Black is in zugzwang and has
Other continuations also fail to to let the knight through to fl
save Black: (8 ... ~e2 9liJxc4 ~d3 10 f3).
a) 4 ... i.g2 5 liJb6 'ittd6 6 lba4 8 ..• i.c2
!i.t>dS 7 liJc3+. 9 liJn Sl.dl
h) 4 ... ~d7 SliJb6+ 'l.t>c6 6liJa4 Or 9... ~c4 10 ttJg3 WdS 11 ttJhS
and 7lDc3. with a win.
c) 4...ll.bS S ~xe4 !i.t>d7 6 ttJb6+ 10 f£lh2 i.c2
~c6 7liJdS. 11 lDg4 ~c4
d) 4 ... ~d5 SliJb6+ ~cS 6liJd7+ 12 llJf6 ~d3
!i.t>d67liJf6. 13 liJxe4 'it'e2
126 Knight Solo

14 ~f4 A crucial position of mutual

and White wins. zugzwang. If BJack is to move. he
is forced to occupy the square f3
Here I ought to make a short di- with his bishop. thus allowing the
gression and refer the reader back knight to reach fl .
to the beginning of this interesting 6 ••• .iLr3
endgame, where I gave the 'white 7 t;)f1 .i.dl
knight's strenuous efforts' their 7 ...i.g2 is bad owing to SliJd2!
due. In order to destroy the last i..h19 ~g3.
bastion of Black's defence - the e4 8 llJh2 i.c2
pawn - the white knight has had to 9 <it?f5
make a truly epic journey (f4-g6- If 9lf'1g4. then 9...We6.
e7 -c8-b6-c4-d2-fl-h2-g4-f6-e4). 9 ••• ~c4
In the position from position 5 it 10 llJn! ~d5
could also be Black to move. After IO .. .<it d3 White plays 11

1 i.f1 tiJg3.
2 ~g6+ ~d5 11 ttJg3
3 ~r4 i..g2 12liJh5 follows, and White wins
4 llJh4! i.f1 as in position 6.
If 4 ... i.h 1, then 5 Wg3 I ~c4 6
~h2. forcing the exchange of the
bishop for the knight.
5 lLlf5 i.g2
6 ttJg3 (D)

7 =/-
Knight Solo 127

because of 3 liJg6+ ~d5 4 ~f4

.ih I 5 li)h4 \f,(c4 6 ~g3 <t>d3 7
Cifth2 ~e2 8 <ibxhl ~xf2 9 tiJf5) 2
~f4 i.hl!.
1 ..• ~d5
Or I ... ~f3 2liJh4 .id 1 3llJg6+
~d5 4 'it'f5 £l.f3 5 Wf4 - this is
analogous to the main variation.
l. .. ~h I is bad due to 2lDh4!.
2 lDh4! it..n
3 ~f5! iLc2
4 ltJg6 i.f3 9 W
5 ~f4 ~g2 the move to his opponent. After
5...Sl.e2 6 liJe7+ ~e6 7 liJf5 4 ... ~c8 5 Q)hS i.h3 6liJf4 position
~dS 8 liJg3 iLf3 is also hopeless 5 results.
because of 9liJfl (see position 7). 4 ~g6! ll.g4
6 llJh4 ~f1 Or 4... i.c8 5 lhhS ~d5 6liJf6+
7 tiJf5 ll.g2 and wins.
8 4:Jg3 5 lDh5 ~f3
We now have before us the zug- On S...ll.h3. 6llJf4 is possible.
zwang familiar from position 7. 6 ttJf4 ~hl
White wins. 7 ~g5 i.f3
We have already met this posi-
The win is even harder if Black tion in the notes. l'11 remind you of
makes the first move: the winning method:
1 ..• iLh3! (D) 8 liJg6+ ~d5
Obstructing the important ma- 9 ~f4 i.hl
noeuvre lDg3-fS-h4. 10 liJh4 ~c4
2 ~h4! 11 'it'g3 ~d3
White tries to forfeit his move. 12 ~h2 \.t>e2
2 ••• ll.c8 13 ~xhl ~xf2
Or 2 ... ~g2 3 ~g41tf3+ 4 ~g5 14 liJf5
i.g2. and position 8 has resulted. Here the author ends his analy-
with White to move. sis of this intriguing ending. I
3 ~h5! .i.d7 would be very grateful to readers
If 3 ... .ih3, then 4 ~g5. and for any corrections. refinements or
White has managed to hand over refutations.
8 Exploiting an Advantage
Mark Dvoretsky

Chess players suffer from many people tire more, others Jess. It is
mseases. One of the most common often in the very Jast minutes that
and most serious is poor technique the outcome of a game is decided,
for exploiting an advantage. Even so a player who keeps enough en-
champions sometimes suffer from ergy in reserve for the end of the
this disease - think back for exam- session can pick up a fair number
ple La the 1990 World Champion- of extra points.
ship match between Kasparov and Grandmaster Yusupov always
Karpov. plays with deep, intense concentra-
How often, after a game which tion and spends a lot of time and
has ended badly for us, we turn energy on solving problems which
with annoyance to Our opponent. arise in the first half of the game.
trainer or any spectator and com- but in the last part of the game he
plain, 'I had a totally won posi- often lacks the necessary energy
tion!' However. there's no use and makes serious blunders. For
complaining about fate - a better example, this is the only reason he
idea is to sit down and think about failed to win his 1989 Candidates
the reasons for your mistakes, to Match with Anatoly Karpov. Yusu-
try to understand what defects in pov continually outplayed his re-
your play or your personali ty lie nowned opponent, but was not able
behind these failures. I now stop to to tum this into wins due to his ex-
consider the basic factors which treme fatigue towards the end of
prevent the normal conversion of the game. Take a look at one of the
an advantage. most painful examples (D).
38 a31
1. Exhaustion towards the end of 39 :ta6 ':f2+
a game 40 ~el 82
It is obvious that a pJayer is going 41 f5
to get tired after several hours of Yusupov had seen that he would
intense concentration. But some not have time to take the rook:
exploiting an Advantage 129

42 naS
Otherwise Black plays ... h6-hS-
42 Wd7
43 lidS h5!
44 I:xb5 ~xd6
Why did Artur not play this
move (38 .. Jl.xh2)? He himself ad-
mitted that by this moment his
brain had simply switched off; he
couldn't see any possibilities other
than 38 ...a3?
If you are often let down by fa-
tigue. then it may be that there is
something wrong with your physi-
41 ...l1xh2 42 f6 lIh 1+? 43 ~e2 al ~ cal preparation. The prescription in
44 I1xal :txal 45 f7. He therefore such cases is clear - you need to
played: take more exercise, spend mOre
41 ••• ~d7 time on sport, especially endur-
There followed: ance exercises (for example, slow
42 f6 ~e6 but long-distance running). On
43 :a8! ~xd6 tournament days make sure that
44 f7 .fixf7 you maintain a sensible routine
4S l:t.xa2 ~e5 allowing you time to rest and accu-
46 kla6 mulate energy before the game. Fi-
and here a draw was agreed. nally, you can save energy during
the game by taking short mental
Instead Black could simply have breathers while it is your oppo-
taken the pawn: nent's move. These are all fairly
38 ••• nxh2! serious questions which require
39 1ila6 special attention, not just a quick
39 fS is met by 39...l1f2+ fol- mention.
lowed by 40 ...11xf5.
39 Z1f2+ 2. Failure to keep your nerve
40 ~el l:.xf4 It is very important to maintain full
41 ~e2 l1e4 concentration throughout the game
Black is winning easily. c.g.: and be unswervingly attentive to
130 E."xploiting an Advantage

everything that is happening on c) 25 I:xdS+ ~xd8 and now:

the board. However, not every- cl) 26 ~xc6 ~d2.
one's nervous system is equipped c2) 26 "ilixa7 'iVd2.
to stand up to this extended strain. In all cases Black keeps counter-
Often a chess player really concen- play and the outcome of the game
trates only at the crucial moments remains unclear.
of the game, and when he thinks Meste} found an excellent solu-
his main problems are behind him, tion:
he loses vigilance and starts to he 25 l!xd8+ ~xd8
careless. This is usually where mis- 26 .i.c4!!
takes creep in. The bishop will provide a solid
defence for the king on fl. The
queen for the time being remains
on h7. from where it defends the
b2-pawn. The a7 - and c6-pawns
are weak, and White will soon cre-
ate a passed pawn on the queen-
26 ~d2
27 .tn Wg7
28 a4! as
29 ~b6 hS
Black's last frunt hope is to
weaken the defences of the white
king by advancing his g- and h-
pawns. He has no other chance.
30 'iYxa5 ~xb2
White has a healthy extra pawn. 31 'iYb4 ~al
but he now has to resolve a tricky 32 a5 g5
question: which of the positions he 33 86 g4 (D)
can go for leaves the least counter- It is clear that Black's position
play for his opponent'? The follow- is completely hopeless. However,
ing possibilities instantly come to it is very dangerous, once you be-
mind: lieve this, to let down your guard
a) 25 l:t.el ~c5 (or 25 ...:d2). and stop checking variations. For
b) 25 ~xc6 lIxdl+ 26 i.xdl example. if 34 'ifbS ~c 1 35 a7?
'iNxa2 (stronger than 26...'iWxe5). (35 'Rfb6! is the correct move), then
Exploiting an Advantage 13 J

;7/(;" --XJg "'"-~i ..~ 38 i.d3 1Wd2+

/7~ kt~ ~~
ff:{ ~ 'tMff'0
~7 ~' &'~
/ .7, 39 .te2 1Wd4+
ffih w& . JA .. ~ 40 'ittel 't!:Vc3+
A 1~; & fj#j & [~: 11;; 41 <f.t>f2
. 0 ~ff't: .. $:1;;. ~d y/ff,
~; ~
,~h ~·~i
!{.,;J;<"" /.~£
~\illi ~Z 7; ~P:t£- & l~
'~; ,!!{'? ~,~ . . ~~ How can we train the nervouS
{/Yu;' -,;- '~7. /;y" ~-9'-#.
I system to withstand extended peri-
I {kJ
ff//;f ~
~~ ~A;N1
:'Q~ 0 g
ods of effort? Here too physical
~ .,
} __
~Z,~ ~ f!.W'/;
% .. "
preparation is probably essential
('mens sana in corpore sana');
W some degree of self-training, even
after 35 ... liJe3! 36 fe ~xe3+ 37 yoga, is probably useful. Also pos-
Whl 'ficl(el) a draw results. Now sible is specifically chess-orien-
34 'fib7! is strong, securing the ad- tated preparation. You can practise
vance of the pawn to queen and playing through specially selected
keeping the option if necessary of exercises where you have to find a
defending the bishop from a6. An- long series of only moves. You can
other idea deserving attention was also try to play isolated games or
34 g3!, after which Black has not a even whole tournaments insisting
single sensible move. on maximum concentration for the
34 'ii'b6 h4 whole game.
3S a711
Here it is - White relaxes a step 3. Time trouble
away from victory. He should not Almo~t every chess player can re-
have allowed ... g4-g3. White wins call disastrous cases of time-
easily after 35 g3!. trouble adventures where the fruits
35 g3! of all the preceding hard work are
36 ~a6 gf+ lost. However. I'll still show you
37 ~xf2 yet another example accompanied
If 37 ~hl ~c 1 38 a8~, White, by an instructive self-assessment
paradoxically enough, is actually given by an ex-World Champion.
losing - after 38 ... liJg3+! 39 hg hg Black's position is, of course,
there is no defence against mate by absolutely hopeless. On 46 ... ~xd5
the queen on h6. there follows 47 l1dl+ ~e6 (or
37 .•. 'ii'xc3 47 ... ~e5 48 .i.c6) 48 ~c3. Ty lor
Again mate is threatened. tries his last chance in time trouble:
132 Exploiting an Advantage

49 ':xb7 liJc5+
50 ~e3 liJxb7
and the players soon agreed to a
Once again, I won't go into de-
tail about how to fight against time
trouble. I'll just mention the two
basic methods:
1) 'anti-time trouble games'.
2) writing down clock times
with the aim of later analysing the
B causes of time trouble.
Alekhine - Tylor Points are lost not only in your
Nottingham /936 own time trouble but also in your
opponent's. This happens because
46 ••• liJxa4 chess players often neglect basic
47 ~d3?? principles in such situations. If you
Alekhine has the following to have the better position, never try
say about this in the tournament to exploit time trouble. Act and
book: play in exactly the same way as
'An awful move, and the fact usual. without even thinking about
that White was in serious time your opponent's shortage o/time.
trouble in my view can just as little Why? By playing quickly and not
serve as a justification as, for ex- giving your opponent time to think
ample, a criminal's excuse that he about his moves. you are in effect
was drunk at the moment he com- forcing yourself into the same time
mitted the crime. The inability of trouble. Your opponent is com-
an experienced master to handle pletely focused and determined in
his clock should be considered just a difficult situation, whereas you
as great a sin as a blunder: on the other hand, lulled by your
White would have won by 47 advantage in time and position. are
~xa4 ':xbl 48 ~xbl 'ittxd5. and waiting for the flag to fall and can-
now the simplest is 49 i.e8! ~e5 not function at full intensity.
50 h5 ~f4 (SO ...gh 51 i.xh5) 51 hg Some players consciously fall
hg 52 i.d7. into time trouble in difficult posi-
47 ~xd5 tions. relying on this psychological
48 ~c4+ ~d6 effect. and quite often they manage
Exploiting an Advantage J 33

to tum round an unfavourable posi- 15 de lLlxc5

tion. 16 h3
If 16 l:tac 1. then ) 6 ... ~f5. and
Black has tactical ideas based on
the weakness of the f2-square.
Therefore TseitJin first wams to
drive away the knight.
16 ... lLlxf2!?
This piece sacrifice is Black's
best practical chance.
17 Wxf2 ~xe3
18 be liJe4+
19 Wgl?
Here I hand over to Sergei Ma-
•Such a cavalier attitude to your
own materia) can only be ex-
plained by the opponent's time
Only 14 moves have been made, trouble. After 19 ~el llJxg3 (the
but Black's position is extremely line 19...~c7 20 i.f4 e5 2) liJxe5!
difficult, and in addition he had al- tixe5 22 .it.xe4 is in White's fa-
ready used up almost all his time-· vour) White would have certain
he had only 6{!) minutes left for 26 problems consolidating his posi-
moves. tion. but Black would not have fuB
White must clearly develop a compensation for the piece. Maybe
rook on c 1 as soon as possible so as Tseitlin preferred - at any price -
to create pressure down the c-file. attack to defence. believing that the
However, the immediate J51:acl only significant factor was the dif-
is met by 15 ... h6. It is best to play ference on the clock faces?!'
15 h3! and, after the knight re- 19 ••. i.xe2
treats, 1611ac 1. If IS ... h6, then 16 20 i.r4
i.f4 e5 17 de 4.Jgxe5 18 :'ac 1. If 20 lIdS, then Black continues
Against an opponent in time 20 ... e6 21 lIeS i.xf3 22 i.xf3
trouble it is best to take an unhur- liJxg5 23 :'xg5 f5, and the white
ried approach. just strengthening rook is out of play.
your position and trying not to give 20 i.xdl
any counterplay. 21 ':xdl 'ii'xe3 (D)
134 Exploiting an Advantage

21. ..'iWc5+!? 22 iVxcs ttJxc5 was 24 ~xf4 'ii'e3+ 25 ~xe3nxe3 26

probably more reliable. intending .t:.d7 11c8 27 lixb7 :tc I + 28 \tf2
...1:.ac8 followed by .. J7 -f6 and !ta3 the game enters an unclear
... e6-e5 with an excellent endgame endgame.
for Black. 23 ••• iVcs+ (D)

22 ~a4 eSt? 24 ~d4??
'On 22 .. :f¥c5+ 23 ~h2 ttJc3 24 This is symptomatic: in spite of
~c2 a sharp middlegame arises his opponent's time trouble (or, to
where Black's chances are not be precise. because of it) it is While
worse, but where White has the op- who makes the decisive error. Es-
portunity to organize an attack on sential was 24 'itth2 llJc3 25 't'Hd4
the king, which I thought would be (otherwise 25 ....:xe5) 25 ...~xd4
unpleasant in lime trouble. The 26 l:Ixd4. when Makarychev gives
move played forces exchanges. the following variation: 26 ... g5! 27
and at the same time the strong po- i.xg5! (27 liJg4 gf 28 liJf6+ Wf8
sition of the knight on e4 is pre- 29 liJxe8 fg+ 30 ~xg3? l1Je2+)
served for a time' (Makarychev). 27 ...l1xe5 28 ~f611c5 29 1:.d7! and
As you sec, an experienced player here White has reasonable draw-
can sometimes calculate variations ing chances. However. 27 i.d2! is
and make a fair assessment of the stronger. when White's position is
position even in time trouble. preferable.
23 ttJxe5 24 l1ad8!
23 ..txeS? is bad because of 25 ~e3 :'xd4
23 .. :~'c3+!. and after 23 'i!Uxe4 ef 26 ~xd4 1Wc2
exploiting an Advantage 135

27 Ital ':xe5! against two on the same flank. The

White resigned main conclusion is: by putting his
It is interesting that Makarychev pawns on h5 and g6 Black creates
spent only three minutes on the an invulnerable fortress - the en-
moves given here - half of the time emy king cannot get to Black's
he had left at the point where we pawns (DJ.
joined the game.

4. Inadequate knowledge of end-

game theory
In most cases conversion of an
advantage takes place in the end-
game. Obviously, if you do not
know your way around the theory,
then the probability of mistakes
sharply increases.

Obviously. White must prevent
Black constructing this defensive
system by playing g3-g4!. If it is
Black to move, then he should play
... h7-h5!.
Unfortunately, neither player
knew this position. Wolff-Browne
50 ~g2? i.d4?
51 ~f3? g6??
Now Black loses the e-pawn
(which could have heen avoided hy
putting the king on f6), and his h-
It is quite possible (although it pawn remains backward.
does not have to happen) that S2 ~e4 i.f6
Black will lose the e-pawn, and so S3 l1a7+ ~g8
it is helpful to know something 54 g4!
about endings with two pawns At last!
136 Exploiting an Advantage

S4 i.e3 he would undoubtedly have played

S5 'D.e7 ~f6 59 h4! followed by 60 h5.
56 'D.xe6 ~f7 59 ••• i.f6
57 :a6 i.e3? 60 ~f4 i..b2?
The bishop should have been 60 ... h6L
placed on h4 and ... h7-h6 should 61 1:.e7?!
have been played. If the white 61 h4!.
pawn stood on h3. then White re- 61 ~f6
ally could achieve nothing (I dis- 62 g5 ~d4
covered this fortress some time ago 63 h4 ~b2
when analysing with Boris Gulko 64 ~g4 i.e5?!
one of his adjourned positions). 64 ...Sl.a3! 65 h5 gh+ 66 ~xh5
With the pawn on h2 the king can Sl.b4 is more stubborn. For many
march to h3, with ~g3 and h2-h4 years this kind of position was con-
to follow. However, it is not easy to sidered drawn, but recently the
carry out this plan, and in addition problem composer Noam Elkies
White must reckon with the strong found a winning plan.
reply ... h7-h5! in response to h2- 65 ':e6! i.b2
h4. 66 :ta6 ~e3
58 l1a7+ ~g8 (D) 67 ':a4! i.e5
68 h5! i.e3
No better is 68 ... gh+ 69 ~xh5
~d6 (the threat wa~ 70 1:.a8+ ~g7
71 ':a7+ Wg8 72 ~h6) 70 l1a8+
Wg7 (70 ... i.f8 71 g6) 71 'D.a7+
~g8 72 g6 hg+ 73 ~xg6 (D).
Yet another important theoreti-
cal position! Black loses ifhis king
is locked away in the comer (with a
light-squared bishop, on the other
hand, that would be a draw). As is
not hard to see, fleeing the danger-
ous corner does not work due to the
59 l:d7? unfortunate position of the bishop:
If Patrick Wolff had known dur- 73 .. /litf8 74 ~f6 <fot>g8 (74 ...~e8 75
ing the game about the system of ~e6) 75 l:.g7+ ~h8 (75 ... <t>f8 76
defence with the bishop on h4. then :td7) 76 ~g6 with a win.
Exploiting an Advantage 137

basic idea of defence (not allowing

the king to get to your pawns) -
you do not have to memorize any
complicated variations. Secondly,
this assessment (draw!) automat-
ically becomes applicable to posi-
tions with a white g- or h-pawn
against a pawn on g6 (White can
advance g3-g4 and take on g4 with
a pawn or a piece). But the main
thing is that the given position is
B the most universal and informative
69 h6 ~r7 one. It very often happens that nei-
70 :'e4 1t.eS ther player's pawns have advanced
71 ~f3 i.d6 beyond the second or third rank -
72 :leS We6 and then it is clear that Black must
73 l:t.h8! Wf5 strive to play ... h7(h6)-h5!, and
74 l1xh7 'ittxg5 White to play g2(g3)-g4!.
75 :'d7
Black resigned One method of converting an
advantage is to reach familiar theo-
In the second number of the retically won endgame positions.
American Chess Journal Grand-
master Wolff gave an excellent
commentary on this endgame. By
studying his analysis you will, for
example. discover how While wins
if he remains with a pawn on h5 or
g5 against the black pawn on h7.
All this is very interesting and use-
ful, but still not essential. But the
fortress in the last but one diagram
absolutely must enter your arsenal
of endgame knowledge. Why this
fortress in particular? First of all, W
here it is sufficient to take in the as- Larsen - Torre
sessment of the position and the Leningrad IZ 1973
J38 Exploiting an Advantage

The simplest route to victory is

to sacrifice the c5-pawn. After 78
<fot>g5! l:xc5 79 ~g6 with 80 llh8+
to follow an elementary theoretical
position arises which is completely
hopeless for Black. as his king is
on the 'long' side.
78 :Ie7?!
Larsen decides to hold on to
both pawns. which. of course. is
also good enough for victory. Why
then should this decision be criti- W
cized? The reason is that after 78 85 lId5 ll.c2
~g5! the game would effectively 86 ':d6 %tel
have heen over - Larsen would 87 f7+ r3;xf7
have entered theory that he knew 88 r3;f5 r3;e7
well. There would have been no 89 nd7+ r3;e8
chance of a mistake. However. af- 90 Wf6 l:el
ter the move chosen he continues 91 lld5 liel
to play an unfamiliar position and 92 kId6 htf1+
the likelihood of a mistake re- 93 We6 .:tel+
mains. 94 r3;d5 lidl+
78 ~d8 95 Wc5 I1xd6
79 I:c6 Wd7 96 rJ;xd6 ~d8
80 :ld6+ r3;e7 (D) Draw
81 f6+?
And here is the decisive mis- 5. Poor technique for converting
take which leads to a draw. White
t an advantage
had to play either 8 L l:e6+ Wf7 82 We shall examine this problem in
c6 or 81 :IdS. a little more detail. Grandmaster
81 rJ;f7 Igor Zaitsev once pronounced the
82 c6 cbg6 profoundly true thought. 'Tech-
83 ~f3 ':el! nique is the art of the past'. If that
This is the point - the king can- is the case. then a reliable method
not get through to either of its of improving technique is to study
pawns. classic examples, and especially
84 ~f4 .:1e2 examples from the games of top
Exploiting an Advantage 139

players renowned for their mastery I wiH show you two examples
in that particular area. That means from my own games.
people such as Rubinstein, Ca-
pablanca. Alekhine. Petrosian. An-
dersson, etc. By analysing their
games, by thinking about why they
so simply and effortlessly exploit
even what seems a very slight ad-
vantage, you gradually begin to
pick up their approach to these po-
sitions, the principles that they
consciously or unconsciously fol-
low to convert their advantages.
and the techniques they use. We
shaH now examine the most gen- W
eral of these principles and tech- Dvoretsky - Butnoris
niques. Kiev 1976

Minimizing the opponent's White stands better. of course.

counter-chances His opponent has a bad dark-
squared bishop and as a conse-
It is very important/or every chess quence weaknesses on the dark
player to master 'prophylactic squares. How am I to improve my
thought' - the ability to ask your- position? The obvious plan is to
self constantly: 'What does my op- transfer the knight from d2 to d5:
ponent want to do,' what would he f2-f3, ~e3-f2, lLld2-fl-e3. It looks
do if it were his move now?'. Pro- as if I could start with either 22 f3
phylactic thinking becomes espe- or 22liJfl. 22 g3 is also sensible,
cially important when you arc taking away the square f4 from the
converting an advantage. Here the black knight. So which of the three
principle of reducing your oppo- moves is the most precise?
nent's possibilities to a minimum. You must look carefully to see
of not allowing him to generate the what active resources your oppo-
slightest counterplay or carry out nent has, and what he may be in-
any useful operations to improve tending (0 do. The move 22 ... ~f4
his position, becomes almost fun- shouldn't worry us too much - af-
damental. ter 23 g3liJe6 the knight threatens
140 Exploiting an Advantage

nothing from e6 and does not con-

trolthe d5-square which White is
aiming for. The attempt to organ-
ize counterplay on the kingside by
means of 22 ...'Y&'e6! followed by
23 ... f510oks more serious. For ex-
ample, 22li:JfI ~e6 (with tempo!)
and 23 ... f5. Or 22 g3 ~e6 23 ~b3
f5!, and there is no time for 24
'iWxb7? in view of 24 ... f4. How-
ever, after 22 t1 ~e6 23 ~b3 the
capture on b7 is already a serious
threat and B lack is forced to move chance to become active and com-
across either his rook or his queen plicate the game. Few people enjoy
to defend the pawn. So this is the passive defence without counter-
order of moves which enables chances. and in such situations
White to face his opponent's coun- the likelihood increases of further
terplay fully armed. blunders or imprecise moves, aU
22 f3! liJf4 of which make it easier for the
23 g3 liJe6 stronger side to realize his advan-
24 f£ln f6?! tage.
2S ~g2! 27 4.Jb8
Another accurate move. 25iLf2? 28 ltJb6 'iVe6
is premature in view of 2S ... ttJg5 29 ~a4! ttJb5
followed by ...~e6. 30 l1d5 blxdS
25 Wh7 31 ttJexd5
26 i.f2 liJc7 The threat is 32 c4 li:Jd4 33
27 ttJfe3 (D) ttJxf6+ (or 33 ~xe8).
White has carried out the plan he 31 ••. lidS
intended and has increased his ad- 32 1Wc4 'iVc6?
vantage. When we analyse games. 32 ... ~d6 is more resilient. Now
we tend not to focus on modest White lands the decisive blow.
moves like 22 f3! and 25 ~g2!, but 33 ttJe7! Ji.xe7
yet these were the moves that made 34 \if7+ ~h8
sure events developed in the calm 35 iVxe7 'ii'd6
manner White wanted, without 36 \Wf7 g5
his opponent having the slightest 37 .i.xc5! 'ii'd2+
Exploiting an Advantage 141

38 ~h3 tiJd7 rules over the position, cements the

39 i.e7 .figS queenside and makes the bS-rook
40 liJd5! kIg7 passive and out of play, Clearly. if
Or40 ... g4+41 fg'tWg5 42lDxf6. the knights arc exchanged, the
41 'iYe8+ rook is transformed instantly - it
Black resigned attacks the pawns on b6 and g5.
The best move becomes clear:
29 .•• h5!
Black keeps all the benefits of
his position and prevents his oppo-
nent's one promising idea.
This is how the game ended:
30 Itd2 f6
31 ttJf3 ~c4
32 b3 l'!c6
The white rook has fallen into a
33 h4 g4
34 liJel ttJc7
35 :txh5 ~g6
White resigned

Black has an undoubted posi- 'Do not rush!~

tional advantage. When I ask what
Black should play in this position, The mind of a chess player who is
people usually suggest either trying to convert an advantage
29 ....:c2 or 29 ... f6 and 30 ....t.c4. should not at all be focused on try-
And why not'! - White doesn't ing to win as quickly as possible.
seem to have any counterplay. No-one has yet offered prizes for
However, try to think seriously the minimum number of moves.
about what you would playas Your attitude to the game must be
White if you were to move. Then as reliable as possible; you must
you will find an idea which offers use all the resources of your posi-
reasonable chances of a successful tion. while limiting totally your
defence - the manoeuvre liJe5-g4- opponenfs active possibilities. It
e3 with the aim of exchanging the doesn't matter if you have to make
powerful knight on dS. This knight a dozen extra moves, as long as
142 Exploiting an Advantage

these moves make your task easier when I had excellent chances of
and bring you closer to victory. If laking the first prize. All I had to do
in a sharp middlegame you may be was beat Leonhardt ..." (Spiel-
tempted by the image of a tiger mann).
throwing itself on its prey and tear-
i ng it apart, in the endgame you
should try to imitate a python,
slowly strangling the life out of its
The rule 'do not rush!' was first
formulated (although still not ade-
quately explored) in study mater-
ials on the endgame prepared by
Master Belavenets. In fact, this
brief fonnula contains within it
various aspects of endgame tech-
nique; we shall examine some of B
them from the following examples. Leonhardt - Spielmann
San Sebastian 1912
'Do not rush!' by no means
gives you a licence to squander There followed:
tempi. On the contrary, every op- 1 ••• 'iitxd4?
portunity to win a tempo must be 2 g6
taken into account and exploited. It now became apparent that
"You need to have considerable Black had fallen into zugzwang.
presence of mind not to seize your (I should note that this particular
prey immediately, but to do so only zugzwang is mutual- any move by
after several strong preparatory White would worsen his position
moves. Anticipating victory. you and lead to defeat.)
often find it difficult to make an ob- 2 'ittd3
jective assessment of the position. 3 l:.d7 d4
"I believe it was due to this fac- 4 g7
tor that I dropped half a point in Having advanced his pawn to
one of my most important games - the seventh rank, White easily par-
the most annoying such incident in ries all his opponent's attempts.
my career. It was at the end of the For example: 4... ~c3 5 nc7+ ~b3
San Sebastian tournament of 1912, 6 :ld7 or 4 ...:tgl+ 5 ~b2 ~e3 6
f..xploiting an Advantage J43

':e7+ ~d2 7l:d7 d3 8 :d.e7 Wd19 5 :lg7

k1d7 d2 10 l:.e7 followed by ~bl­ Look at this position. White has
b2-hl. still not done anything useful,
4 l!g6 while Black has captured a pawn,
5 ~b2 lIgi put his king on d3, and he now
6 cJtb3 wins easily:
Draw 5 d4
6 g6 llc2+!
Of course, Black had to play: 7 Wbi
I ... ~c3! 7 ~dl :tc6 8 :tg8 Wc3 9 g7
2 l'!c7+ ilc7.
On 2 ~dl, the simplest win is 7 •.. l!c6
2 ... b3, although 2 ... Wxd4 is also 8 !1b7
possible. Or S1:[g8 Wc3 9 g7 1:[c7.
2 •.• Wxd4 8 llxg6
Now Black picks up a pawn 9 ~xb4 ~c3
with tempo due to the attack on gS. 10 ~b8 !1g1+
3 'f:.gT 11 Wa2 d3
Forced since 3 l:b7 ;.r.xgS 4
l:.xb4+ We3 is bad. If your opponent has no coun-
Now Black wins yet another terplay, then before changing the
tempo: pattern of the game and starting
3 ~c3! decisive action, you should make
4 :ic7+ Wd3 (D) all the even slightly useful moves
that you can.

See diagram on following page.

2S J!lc4!
White plans ~f3 and e2-e3. It is
very important that the c5-pawn
should come under attack after the
bishop moves away. The pawn will
have to be defended by the rook,
and then the white bishop will take
up an active position on d5, the
king will gain the excellent square
e4, and the rook can be transferred
J44 E.'xploiting an Advantage

White's plan, but it is useful in it-

self - clearly the pawn stands bet-
ter on a4 than on a2. Now Black
will not obtain any counterplay by
transferring his rook to a6, and if
While somehow manages to get to
the a7-pawn he will have a passed
a-pawn. We do not know whether
any of the points mentioned will
prove significant, but that is not
important. You should take any
w opportunity to improve your posi-
Reti - Romanovsky tion even slightly.
Moscow 1925 31 r3;e7
32 ~dS ':c7
to the kingside along the fourth 33 llh4!
rank. The black king is ready to go to
28 ~f8 d6. defending the cS-pawn, so
29 ~f3 lIc8 there is no longer any point in
30 e3 ~c3(D) keeping the rook on c4. It is trans-
It was better to p]ay ... ~b2. ferred to the kingside to support a
pawn offensive in this part of the
33 h6
34 ~e4 ~f6
35 :hS
Black now has to do something,
as the threat is g3-g4. h2-h4 and
g4-gS+. He should probably have
played 3S ... g6! 36 fg (36 l:t.xh6?
WgS) 36 ... 'i!txg6 37 l:t.fS as (pre-
venting a4-aS-a6 followed by :fS-
f2-a2-a5-b5). White could develop
an initiative by h2-h4-h5+ and
31 a4! l:t.fS-fl-h l-h4-g4, but the outcome
Excellent technique! This move of the game would have remained
does not form an essential part of unclear.
exploiting an Advantage J45

Romanovsky tried to find a tac- h-pawns should prove decisive.

tical solution to the problem, but But with the pawn on a2 this end-
the combination he prepared met game would almost certainly be
an effective refutation. drawn.
35 •.• ':d7?! R6ti found a more convincing
36 g4 and aesthetic solution.
Not, of course, 36 h4? g6, and 39 i.e6! fe
the white rook is trapped. Or 39....:te7 40 lixf7 l:.xf7 41
36 g6 fg+.
37 .fIxh6! 'iit>g5 40 fg! :d8
38 l1h7 ~xg4 (D) 41 .fIxa7 ~gS
42 g7 ~h6

~ ~ ~ _I
43 as
The passed a-pawn makes a de-
cisive entry. Now we can see the
~~ ~
W~ ~&~'
. . ~.~ true value of the move 31 a4!. If the
~Wm ~~~~~
.1;&.1 ~;
pawn were sti)] on a2, White would
not be able to win.
_~ ~~~{*r~:
¥f~W. ~~~~ 43 ••. ~h7
8 rRffi:
~ r}ff;
fa ~
~i7i 44 a6 :d6
~ ~~ ~ t.t1~ The threat was 45 .fIb7 and 46
~@~;~~~/~~ ~7/J~.~ ~ ~7.J a7.
~~ t;~ ~~ ~Wi 45 h4
W White brings his last reserves
Now It IS c1ear what Roma- into battle.
novsky's idea was. If 39 fg?? f5 45 i.e1
or 39 i.c6 fe 40 1:J..xd7?? gf White 46 h5 il.h4
is unexpectedly mated. On 39 f6 47 h6
Black intended 39... ~g5. How- Black resigned
ever, after 40 i4xf7! ~xf6 41
i..xg6 :xh7 42 .txh7 he probably In cases where your advantage
would not be able to save himself is insufficient for a straightforward
in the opposite-coloured bishops win, it is worth manoeuvring a lit-
ending. While wi II attack and win tle, without changing the basic pat-
the a7 -pawn (perhaps transferring tern of the position, in order to
his bishop to c4 in preparation), af- confront your opponent with var-
ter which one of the passed a- and ied, even if not especially ilifficuit,
146 ExpLoiting an Advantage

problems. Only when he can no means of threats on the kingside

longer endure this extended pres- dark squares.
sure, overlooks something and
makes an error is it time to start
decisive action.
This tactic of testing out your
opponent's endurance is some-
times worthwhile even in positions
where you have a large advantage.
By provoking him into an error you
can make it much easier for your-
self to convert the advantage.
As Mikhail Botvinnik remem-
"In Moscow in 1936 during the W
3rd International Tournament I Dvoretsky - Cooper
witnessed the resumption of the Philadelphia 1990
game Capablanca-Ragozin. The
ex-World Champion had an extra 18 iLxg7
pawn and what looked like a won 18 ..tg5 is also quite good, but
position. However, I was surprised ) 8 ~h2? would have been a defi-
to see that Capablanca did not in- nite mistake in view of the strong
itiate any active manoeuvres and reply 18... f5!.
instead adopted a waiting game. In 18000 Wxg7
the end, his opponent made an im- 19 lDh2 h5
precise move, the Cuban won a Counterplay along the c-file also
second pawn and soon the game. had to be considered. In reply to
'Why didn't you try to convert 19...:'c2 White has the strong se-
your material advantage straight quence 20 ttJg4 ~h4 21 ':ac 1!
away?' I ventured to ask the great l!ac8 22 ';:xc211xc2 23 g3 (23 nc 1
chess virtuoso. He smiled indul- ':xc 1+ 24 ~xc 1 is also quite good;
gently: 'It was morc practical to the white queen infiltrates into
wait' ." the enemy camp along the c-file)
In the following position. there 23 ...'iWxh3 24 'iff6+ ~g8 25 ~d8+
is no doubt that White has a tangi- ~g7 26~f6.
ble positional advantage. He finds 20 :ael l:t.xel
a convincing plan to exploit it by 21 :txel :'e8
Exploiting an Advantage 147

22 ':xc8 i.xc8 Besides, the move f2-f4 always re-

23 g4! mains as an option.
This is the whole point! 23 ... hg 25 iDf3 Wg6
24 liJxg4 is really bad for Black, 26 ~d3+ ~h6
and 24 ...~h4 can simply be met by Here I noticed that I could win a
25 'ii'f6+ (of course, White does pawn by 27 ~d2 (with the threat
not have to give this check imme- of 28 ~xh4) 27 ... cJtg6 28 'iVc2+
diately) 25 .. :i:Yxf6 26 ef+. Black ~h6 29 'iVc I Wg6 30 ltJxg5 V!'xg5
does not want to allow a pawn ex- 31 ~xc8. The queen endgame is
change on h5, and 23 ...fNh4 is met certainly won, but again I did not
simply by 24 ~g2 and 25li:Jf3. want to force events and tried to
23 g5 extract the maximum benefit from
24 'iVe3 h4 (D) the cramped arrangement of my
opponent's forces.
27 'iVa3 a5
28 1Wc5 ~g6
29 ~g2
A useful prophylactic move
which in some variations avoids a
queen check on c 1.
29 ••• b6
30 'iVc2+
30 ~d6? is no good in view of
30 ... ~xd6 31 ed f6!. And if Black
sends his bishop out to a6. then
W White can win quickly by putting
After 25 f4!? the h4-pawn is of his queen on 06. It is worth check-
course doomed, but this would ex- ing whether your opponent will
pose the white king a little, which make a mistake.
could give Black some counter- 30 ••• ~h6
chances. 31 'iVc6 iLa6?
I preferred not to change the pat- A mistake! The correct move, of
tern of the position for the time be- course, was 31 ... Wg6. In that case I
ing and tried to achieve success would probably have settled for
through positional manoeuvring, winning a pawn by 32 'ii'c2+ ~h6
by tying the black pieces to the 33 ~c 1 ~g6 34 llJxg5 ~xg5 35
defence of the weak g5-pawn. 'tlixc8, although I would certainly
148 ~xploiting an Advantage

have made sure first whether I had the material balance is mostfamil-
extracted the maximum from the iar and standard. This is where you
type of position currently on the will have more experience. and so
board. you are less likely to make a mis-
32 ~d6! 'iYc8 take in your assessment o/the posi-
33 ~e7 'iVg8 tion OT in the subsequent pla)'.
34 'iWf6+ In the event of38 f6?! ~e3 39 f7
Black resigned ~xe6 40 f8~ l!1xf8 Black gains a
pawn for the exchange and can still
It was much easier (not quicker, hope to confuse the issue. The sim-
but easier) for White to win be- ple capture on d4 is much more
cause he did not rush to force sensible. The game should then
events. come to a rapid conclusion.
38 i.xd4 'iVa4
39 iLe5 ltJc4
Now the simple move 40 ~e4
forces an absolutely won endgame
- all Black can do is resign. I saw
this. of course. but started to look
for something even better.
Noticing that 40 b3 is refuted by
40 ...ltJxe5. for some reason I com- .
pletely forgot about the same move
as a reply to 40 lle4 and analysed
only 40 .. :i~·xc2. After discovering
W the blow 41 iLxc7+! and calculat-
Dvoretsky - Baikov ing the consequences, I played the
Moscow Ch 1972 fatal move.
40 l:te4?? ltJxeS
White has a decisive advantage, 41 l1xe5 f1xc2
but which of the two plausible 42 lIdS 'iYct+
moves, 38 ~xd4 and 38 f6. is his 43 Wh2 'ii'xb2+
best? 44 <f.t>h3 ':xd5
If you have a choice between fa- 45 i.xdS c6
vourable positions with different Here the game was adjourned.
material balances, if all else is The situation has turned around
equal, choose the position where completely - White's position is
Exploiting an Advantage 149

now entirely hopeless, due not only a mistake because of fatigue and
to Black's extra pawn but also to ruin the position.
the dangerous position of the white
king. Admittedly, I managed to
confuse matters on resumption and
save the game.
I assessed my gross blunder on
the 40th move as simply an inex-
plicable brainstonn, but when I
showed the game to ex-World
Champion Tigran Petrosian, he
was of a very different opinion.
'Explain to me why you decided
not to go in for the endgame. You
were in no doubt that it was easily
won. And if you sec a simple solu-
tion, why bother calculating other
variations; why go looking for
some sharp sequence?' White's position is totany won.
An obvious moral emerges from Karpov should have sealed his next
this sad story: always choose the move, in which case his opponent
simplest means of converting your would almost certainly have re-
advantage where the chances of signed without resumption. How-
you making a mistake are minimal. ever, for some reason the World
Avoid unnecessary complications, Champion made some more moves
and never play for aesthetic effect. at the board and in the end let slip
all his advantage.
You should always consider any 41 J!lxd6 ~xd6
~trifles'which might help you to 42 ~c7?!
convert your advantage. If. for ex- White rejects the obvious 42
ample, you don't have much time ':xa4 because of the reply 42 ... hS,
left before the time control. take which. however, does not change
every opportunity to repeat moves. the assessment of the position. In
And when you have reached the theory the desire to find the most
time control, always adjourn the precise way of exploiting your ad-
game if you have a won position. If vantage is commendable, but you
you don't do this, you might make have to check through the variations
150 Exploiting an Advantage

accurately. which Karpov failed to Karpov missed, as now both cap-

do. As it so happens, Mikhail Tal tures on b2 enable Black to save
made an analogous error in his an- the game. Sensing this, Korchnoi
notations when he recommended decided to adjourn the game just
42 l:td4 ~c8 43 ~c5. Instead of here, so that his opponent wouldn't
42 ... lLJc8? Black plays 42 ...%1el + know which option he had taken.
43 ~c2 l:e2+ 44 ~c 1 (44 ~d3

l:xb2 45 :txd6 :lxa2) 44 ...a3! 45 ;{/ffi 1&\ ~/~ r.l>.... 'l~
_"//7.# i'J}~
_ .#~.
:lxd6 l:txb2. making White' s win
doubtful. So the straightforward f~ ~ ~j,. ~
capture of the a4-pawn is the most ~ ~ ~
reliable path to victory.
:~ ~ ~~~
42 ••• .:1el+ I ~
"1((; ~)A~
1M#. ~ 0 ¥£1x
43 ~c2 iDeS
Karpov simply overlooked this ~, ~~~
. ~~ ~ ~
simple reply. Now, to avoid further 8~
~Q~ ~i.~.
.~~ W ~,
l~ ~ ~ ~ i
errors, it was absolutely essential
to ask the arbiter for the envelope
and seal a move. However, the B
World Champion carried on in the 47 ••• ab
same way. In the variation 47 ... :'xb2 48
44 iL.a5 a3 ':xe8+ ~h7 49 ~xa3 (49 .tc3
45 J!lbS 1'le7 l:Ixa2 50 1:.f8 f6 or 50 :le7 ~g8)
Of course, 45 ... l:te2+ 46 ~d3 49...:'xa2 Black then plays ...f7-f6,
l:txb2 is insufficient in view of 47 ... h6-h5. obtaining a drawn posi-
l:xe8+ ~h7 48 1:.e2. tion - too few pawns remain on the
46 i.b4?? board.
Karpov decides out of inertia 48 i..d2
that the check on e2 is still harm- If 48 i.c3. then 48 ... bl'iV+! 49
less. Of course. 46 ba (or 46 b4) ':xb 1 l:Ixa2 50 J!lb8l:.g2 5 I 1:.xe8+
wins easily. ~h7. and we reach approximately
46 .•. l:.e2+ the same drawn position as in the
47 ~d3? (D) variation 47 ...1:.xb2. There might
Inertia again. 47 i..d2! ab 48 a4 then follow 48 l:te4 h5 49 gh :h2
was essential. still keeping excel- 50 ':g4 f6 51 We4 1:.xh5. and to
lent winning chances. It is hard to avoid ... g7 -g6 the white rook will
understand what exactly it was that have to guard the g-filc.
Exploiting an Advantage 151

48 I:c7 different areas of the board - that

49 a4 lId7+ will make it much harder for your
SO ~c2 ~h7 opponent to defend.
51 l:txb2 h5!
52 gh iDd6
53 1:a2 llJxf5
54 as lDd4+
55 ~c3
55 ~bl is met by 55 ... ~b3, then
giving up the knight for the a-
55 ltJc6
56 a6 l:.dS
57 ~f4 ~f5
Not 57 ...l'1xh5? 58 :!h2!.
58 ~d6 ndS W
59 ~g3 :tg5 Alekhine - Samisch
60 ll.f2 r1xh5 Baden-Baden 1925
61 ~c4 l2Ja5+
62 Wc3 ltJc6 How should White convert his
63 l:a4 ~g8 extra pawn? Should he try to queen
64 Wc4 l/.Ja5+ it? In this case it will be blockaded
Draw on b6, and at the same time the
white king will become exposed
The principle of two and there will be the risk of perpct-
weaknesses ual check. I should remind you that
queen and knight can be fairly dan-
In essence, this principle is one gerous in tandem if they come near
consequence of the more general the enemy king. Only if the queens
law we have just been discussing - are exchanged can the white king
'do not rush!' . If your opponent is move up confidently to support its
condemned to passivity. don't try pawn.
to achieve victory on one point of 34 'ii'd4!
the board - there may be adequate 'With this and the next move
resources to defend it. Take a White marks out the correct win-
broader view, exploit weaknesses ning plan, which involves advanc-
(and if possible create new ones) in ing the kingside pawns. The passed
J52 Exploiting an Advantage

b-pawn should only be advanced advance is a constant threat). If

later, when the danger of perpetual now 39... ~g7, then 40 h6+!'
check disappears after the ex- 39 ••• ~c6
change of queens: This concrete 40 Jie4!
and incisive assessment of the po- Of course not 40 i..xh7? 't'Ixf3
sition is characteristic of Alekhine 41 'Y&'xb6? ~d1+ with perpetual
- in his commentaries there are check. If he wanted. White could
many such instructive points. now exchange queens and after 40
34 ••• 'iile7 'li'e4 'Y&'xe4 41 ~xe4 h6 42 ~c2
35 i..d3! gradually win the minor-piece end-
'Perhaps the most difficult move game. However, the move in the
of the game - it prepares an attack game is much stronger as it allows
On h7. Black is now powerless to White to fix the weakness on h7.
do anything.' (Alekhine). 40 'iilb5
35 ~c7 41 h6 'iYb3
36 g4! <rite7 42 ~c2! (D)
37 h4 lbb6
38 hS gh
39 gh (D)
Exploiting an Advantage 153

45 iLxh7 44 ~g2
Black resigned In the endgame you should
never forget about improving the
position of your king.
44 •.• :f.b7
4S lIe8+
Before attacking the h-pawn it is
useful to lure the black rook away
to a more passive position.
45 lie7
46 l!h8 f6
47 h4 nb7
48 ~f3 (D)

Kotov - Pachman
Venice 1950

White has a positional advan-

tage due to his better pawn struc-
ture and the weakness of Black's
c6-pawn. However, these factors
alone are not enough for a win.
42 ••• ~f6?
43 g4!
A typical move. White fixes a B
second weakness in the enemy 48 ltf7
camp - the h7-pawn. For this rea- 49 :'e8+ :e7
son B lack should have played 50 l:t.d8!
42 ... h5!' Note that 42 .. .f57 is much White wants to put his knight on
weaker after 43 h3 followed by g3- c5. It is important that after the ex-
g4. and if Black replies 43 ... h5. change of minor pieces the black
then after 44 h4 he still acquires a rook should remain tied to the de-
second weakness - this time on g6. fence of the c6-pawn. A passive
43 ••• ~e6 rook is a very serious liability in a
Or 43 ...cibg5 44 h3 h5 45 f4+ rook ending.
<f.t>h4 46 <f.t>g2. 50 ••• :a7
154 b"'xploiting an Advantage

51 lDc5+ We? (D) 56 lld6 l:a6

57 gS!
~a ~a~ ~~ ~~~?/ White clears the way into the en-
~ ~
,,' :6;
emy camp for his king .

~ '.ff~itJ.""
WP'i ~ ~ •

, " .~.
~'''~ & ~*-:'
{) ~./~ ~~
~I"~ & 1(,./(ff"
The game continued: 57••• fg 58
hg rJ;;f7 59 r3;g3 (not immediately
59 Wf4 :a4+ 60 We5'!? 11c4 mate)
?P:0 h; ~#f:;/ /'7/~p
'/(~ ?At ~ A ~K~ 59•••r3;e7 60 f3 kta3 61 r3;r4 l1a4+
~Zk r~ ~~L)~ 62 ~e5 1:.a3 63 rLxc6 l1xe3+ 64
~ ~ ?Atrtr.~
/,G/ W W/J:
f:{If~ ~~;
I Wxd5 l:d3+ (64 ...:xf3 65 l:.c7+
• h~ 1'7& ,qj ~~/u/
and 66 l1xh7 wins for White) 65
~e4 nc3 66 f4 nel
IW ~2
:;';:~ . ~f: q!i
/'f~ .
67 llc7 ~d8?
W The fatal error. Speelman points
52 ncS! out that Black could still have
Good technique. 52 :'h8 is bad drawn by 67 ... r3;e6 68 Itxh7 i%c4+
in view of 52 ... ~xc5 53 de Ita5! 54 69 ~f3 l:xc5 70 'J1g7l!c6!, selling
nxh7+ ~fS. Now the c6-pawn is up a stalemate defence. Spotting
under attack and nlack has no such ideas after a long and arduous
time to activate his rook. 52 ...:c7 defence is never easy.
can be met by 53 l:.hS. Can you see 68 1:xh7 1:.xc5
how awkward it is to defend two 69 :1f7
weaknesses - c6 and h7 - at the Black resigned
same time, and how much easier it
would be just to defend the weak Here I hand over to Viktor Kor-
c6-pawn? chnoi:
52 ~xc5 (see diagram on following page)
53 de~d7 'In spite of isolated imprecise
54 Ith8 ~e6 moves, I consider my play in the
54 ... 1:.a5 55 l:xh7+ ~e6 (the middle of this game to he my best
king cannot retreat to f8) 56 l:.g7 is achievement in the match. Never-
no longer good. 'Trifles' of this theless, I was unable to round off
kind playa very important part in my subtle strategy - at the decisive
converting an advantage. moment I did not have the know-
55 1:.d8 r3;e7?! how. What was Black' s task? I will
Spcc]man gives 55 ...:'c7 as a permit myself to quote Bondarev-
better defence. sky: "The weakness on c2 restricts
Exploiting an Advantage J55

30 ~h2 hg
31 hg g6?!
32 gS!
'Now a draw becomes the most
likely outcome: the pawn position
is dead both on the kings ide and the
queenside.' (Korchnoi). The game
ended in a draw on the 51 st move.

B Grandmaster Kotov long remem-
Spassky - Korchnoi hered the advice given to him and
Kiev Ct (5) 1968 Smys)ov by the experienced mas-
ter Makogonov at the international
White's forces. but he can still de- tournament in Venice in 1950.
fend one weakness. Korchnoi's 'Don't complicate the game -
task was to generate play on the why bother? Exchange queens,
kingside so as to create a second leave on the board a rook and two
weakness in his opponent's camp." or three minor pieces each. Then
'r could see that moving the h- you'll win easily. Which piece
pawn looked too routine to be best, should you retain. which should
but I rejected the continuation you exchange off? Not too many
29 ... g5 hecause of the concrete modern chess players can make a
variation 30 ~d2 f6 31 ~el!, and correct decision here. They under-
White neutralizes his opponent's stand tactics, but you arc superior
advantage. But the best move .- to them in this area:
29.. .f5 (as given by Flohr) - I over- When you are trying to convert
looked! The point of this move is an advantage, you constantly have
not only that after the exchange on to think about how appropriate it is
g4 the f- and g-pawns become even to exchange one piece or another
weaker; also significant is the fact The following rule is one of the
that after the exchange of queens most general indicators.
Black could, by playing ... g7-g6 If there is Q material advantage,
and ... h6-h5. create a distant passed the stronger side should aim to ex-
pawn: change pieces, while the weaker
29 .•. h5? side should try 10 exchange pawns.
J56 Exploiting an Advantage

Another pawn exchange. and

this time the strong white e5-pawn
36 ef+ ~xf6
Alekhinc wrote: 'It goes without
saying that these exchanges have
significantly increased Black's
chances of a draw.'
37 lbc5 lXg4
38 ltJe4+ We7
39 ~f2 figS!
W 40 Wf3
Vidmar - Thomas If 40 liJd3, then 40 ... 11f5!, pre-
Nottingham J 936 venting the move 41 liJe5.
40 ••• liJb5 (D)
White has a decisive advantage.
He should now move his knight off
c5 and then play l1c5, aiming to
exchange the active black rook.
One possibility is 32liJc4 Ilad8 33
lieS (the prophylactic move 33
g3!? is also strong) 33.. J:d3+ 34
We2113d4 35l:1c4. Even simpler,
clearly. is 32 ftJd7 (with the threat
of 33 ttJb6) and 33 ':c5.
Vidmar attempted to carry out
the same idea, but did so very inac-
curately, overlooking counterplay
connected with the exchange of
pawns. After the exchange of the e5-
32 liJb7? g5! pawn the passed pawn on c6 is sig-
33 g3 gf+ nificantly weakened. as Black can
34 gf l:1g8 attack it by playing his king to the
The first unpleasant upshot of d6-square.
White's mistake - the passive rook 42 11xd5 eel
on a8 enters the game. 43 :c5 ttJd4+
35 ':4c2 f6! 44 ~e3 liJf5+!
Exploiting an Advantage 157

Much worse is 44 ... lhxc6? 45 55 liJd3 nxb3

l1xd5 with a significant advantage 56 lId7+?!
to White. Stronger is 56 h4. but even then
45 'it'd3 ~d6 Black could defend himself suc-
46 ':xa5 ltxc6 cessfully by activating his rook:
47 :a7 ':c4 56...1:.b8 followed by ...1:.g8.
48 ':xh7 ':xf4 56 <fot>xd7
Black has managed to exchange 57 lbc5+ ~d6
another two pairs of pawns. and 58 ttJxb3 ltJe3!
all his remaining pieces and pawns There are too few pawns left on
are excellently placed. A draw is the board for White to expect vic-
now the most probable outcome. tory in the knight ending.
49 <fot>e2 kIc4 59 h4 ltJc4+
50 'it'd2 .:td4+ 60 ~c2 ~e5
51 ~e2 ~c4 (D) 61 li)xd4 ~xd4
62 b4 We4
63 <it?c3 liJb6
64 b5 ~f5
65 Wd4 <fot>g4
66 ~c5 ltJa4+

You should however remember

that the rule just formulated is too
general to be trusted uncondition-
ally - there are no such universal
laws in chess. It is just a guideline;
W the particular features of a position
52 ~dl d4 often require a quite different ap-
Simpler was 52...:d4+ 53 ~c2 proach.
1d.c4+, given that 54 ~b3? llJd4+ In the following diagram. the
55 ~a4 b3+ 56 ~a3 l:.a4+! 57 passed a-pawn promises Black
<t>xa4 ba is no good. some counter-chances. but White's
53 ~d2 b3! material advantage should still be
Thomas forces the exchange of enough for victory. Not, however,
yet another pair of pawns. by the plan chosen by Ehlvest.
54 ab l:.b4 36 iLg6? ~c7!
158 l:!.xpioiling an Advantage

and you, in accordance with the

principle 'Do not rush!', are pa-
tiently manoeuvring, huilding up
your advantage little by little. If
your opponent puts up a deter-
mined defence, technique will al-
most certainly not be enough for
you to carry the game through to
victory - at some poi nt you will be
forced to abandon positional ma-
noeuvring and start calculating
variations accurately and searching
out a concrete path to victory. This
is where many chess players stum-
ble, a phenomenon which has vari-
37 i.e4 ~c6 ous contributing factors. There is
38 ~xc6 Wxc6 the carelessness caused by over-
The exchange of bishops is un- eager anticipation of victory which
successful. as the white rook is we have already discussed. And
forced to take up a passive position there is the understandable desire
in front of the opponent's pawn. to act 'in comfort'. not straining
39 ~n a4 too hard. not exposing yourself to
40 'itte2 a3 the risk of going wrong in a forced
41 <f.t>d3 a2 sequence. It can indeed he difficult
42 ~al ~xc5 to gel past the critical moment
and the draw becomes clear. when you have extracted all you
White should either have used can from the principle 'Do not
his passed pawns more actively by rush!' , and it is now time to find a
playing 36 g4!? (threatening g5- concrete variation to exploit the
g6-g7), or else centralized his king advantage you have achieved and
in preparation: 36 f3!? a4 Wf2. heneficially change the character
of the game.
6. Unfocused activity at the I have noticed that superb posi-
decisive moment tional players like Flohr and Kar-
pov arc exceptionally successful
Let us suppose that your opponent at converting advantages against
is deprived of any real counterplay players of a slightly lower calibre.
Exploiting an Advantage 159

They manoeuvre, prevent any ac- difficult position. He should have

tive possibilities for their oppo- castled.
nents. who cannot withstand the 12 'tWa3! liJa5
pressure. make mistakes and de- 12... cd is better.
stroy their position themselves. 13 b3 i.e7
However. against opponents of 14 de f6
equal stature they often fail to con- It is always a bad sign if you
vert even very large advantages. have to make moves like this, but
The reason is that if you arc facing on 14... hc there follows 15 lbe5
stiff resistance. you must not pass ~xg2 16 ~xg2 d6 17 ~a4+ ~f8
over the right moment for concrete 18 lLld7+ <t>g8 19 ~xc5.
and precise action. and this is by no 15 ~h3 ~f7 (D)
means the strong point of posi- The threat was 16 i.xc6. and if
tional players such as these. 15 ...iilc7, then 16 cb.

Flohr - Keres
USSR Ch (Moscow) 1950
Queen's Indian Defence

1 li.Jf3 c5
2 e4 liJf6
3 g3 b6
4 St..g2 14b7
5 0-0 e6
6 liJe3 iLe7
7 d4 liJe4?!
7 ... ed. W
8 'iYc2 White's advantage is beyond
8 d5. question. He has an extra pawn. the
8 llJxe3 black king is stuck in the centre,
9 'iYxc3 i.f6 and the points d7 and c6 are clearly
10 i.e3 f£le6?! weak. Note. however, that all the
lO... d6. factors I have mentioned are not
11 .:tadl lieS? permanent but temporary. Imag-
A serious mistake. after which ine that Black plays ... bc and
Black lags behind considerably in ... d7 -d6. then he consolidates his
development and so falls into a position. In other words. it is time
160 Exploiting an Advantage

for White to act quickly and deci-

! ~.xit!,"~" _,I
16 l1d2? I~
ft ~~~~.\
Boleslavsky's commentary on
the Flohr's move is instructive.

& •.
.. , ~
•~~ ~
...... u

~ (/./J ~~ ~:/~
:.·.r£~ ~, '{ :-.y"/~ ~6'A
~Was White really unable to
come up with anything other than I~~4i)~ ~
;'Q;; ~ ~I r~ f£.#,

I ;::~w;?t ,~nAti%
~i ~~ ~~ ~ /f":'\
this over-positional doubling of ~t.t.JroJ.AI
rooks? If he wanted to play posi- ,A~ ~
"0 iA{ U, 0 ~l
tionally, then he should have ~ ~1f9'~1f9'~ I
~4 l'j~J§Mif;~~ .
played 16 lLJd4 i.xc5 17 'ii'a4 (17
~c 1!? - Dvorelsky). and Black has B
to exchange on d4 to avoid a worse 2a) 17 .. .lLlxe3? IS fe ll.xf3 19
fate. However, the position called !1xd7.
for different measures to be taken 2b) 17 ...i.c6 18 i.xe6+! ~xe6
and after the energetic blow 16 b4! 19 ftJd4+ Wf7 20 liJxc6 l:Ixc6 21
White would have obtained an irre- llxd7 'iie8 22 cb l/.Jxe3 23 fe, and
sistible attack. Here are some sam- White. with four pawns for a picce
ple variations: and a crushing position, wins with-
1) 16 ... liJc6 17 cb (17 ':d2 is out difficulty.
also strong - Dvoretsky) 17 ...ab 18 2c) 17 ...i.d5 18 l:.xd5 ed 19
~b3 liJxb4 (l8 ... i.xb4 19 cS - ~b7 <f.t>e8 20 ~xd5 liJxe3 21 fe
Dvoretsky) 19 i.xe6+ <f.t>xe6 20 ~c7 22 l:.dl :1d8 23 cb ~c6 24 b7
i.xb6 ~xb6 (20 ... ~e8 21 c5+ \'&xd5 25 I1xd5 ry!;f7 26 b5. and the
ibd5 22 e4) 21 c5+ ll.d5 22 l1xd5 powerful white pawns decide the
(22 'i&e3+ - Dvoretsky) 22 ...iLxc5 game.
23 .:1fdl! (of course, 23 ':xc5+ is 'After the move made by White
also enough for victory; On the the situation changes with ama7jng
whole you should nOt carry on ana- rapidity.'
lysing variations if the assessment I should add that after 16 b4!
of the continuation you are cur- ftJxc4 the move 17 "iixa7 really is
rently analysing is clear - Dvoret- extremely strong. On the other
sky) 23 ... i.xf2+ 24 <ibg2liJxdS 25 hand. 17 'iWb3 (intending 17 ... b5?
~xd5+ ry!;e7 26 'ii'xd7+ <f.t>f8 27 18 iLxe6+! ~xe6 19ltJd4+ and 20
1!VxcS+, and White wins. liJxb5) is much worse in view of
2) 16...liJxc4 17 Viixa7 (D) and 17 ...liJxe3 18 fe iLxf3. but even af-
now: ter 17 ...3i.d5 18 l:t.xd5 ed 19 'ii'd3
Exploiting an Advantage 16/

ltJxe3 21 fe then, compared to the 22 ltJc2 is better.

analogous variation with 17 'it'ixa7, 22 •.• li:Jd4
the a7-pawn remains on the board. 23 l:.xd4
16 be A combination needed to be
17 l:.fdl d6 found earlier. Now Black confi-
18 {bel dentJy makes his extra exchange
Another passive move. 18 ~f4 count.
was obvious, forcing the awkward 23 cd
reply IS .. .l:Ic6 (if lS ... ~xf3 19 ef 24 ~xd4 ~a6
ltJc6. then 20 Sl.xd6ltJd4 21 htxd4 25 g5 fg
cd 22 ~xc6+! ~xe6 23 l%e1+). 26 f4 g4!
18 .•• Vi'b6 27 ~xg4 h3
The d6-square is easy to defend 28 ~e3 l:.h6
and there is nothing that can add to 29 tbel l%g6
the pressure on e6 - the f4-square 30 Vi'xh3 'ii'c6
will be taken away from the white 31 ll'lf3 ~e4
knight by ... g7-gS. 32 ~g3 Wg8
19 ~el h5! (D) 33 l':d3 :tf8
34 i.e3 e5!
35 Vi'g2 ef
36 .itd2 ll.d8
37 h3 :e8
38 Wfl d5!
39 l:td4 'iYbl+
40 .tel de
41 l:Ixc4
and White resigned in view of
41. .. ~a6.
This whole game convincingly
illustrates one of the postulates of
Steinitz's theory - the player with
the advantage should attack when
in danger of losing this initiative.
In this pithy formula the word 'at-
h4 tack' should be understood in a
ltJc6 broad sense: it is often essential to
find some clear variation, a forced
162 Exploiting an Advantage

combination - in other words a two minor pieces for a rook with

precise and energetic way of ex- 26 ...ltJxe4! 27 fe (not 27 g4ltJg5)
ploiting the advantage. 27 ... i.xd I 28 ':xd 1 de. he keeps
excellent chances of saving the
game. Clearly there is no point in
White going in for this exchange
and so the move played by Petro-
sian should be considered the
23 'fic7
24 ~e5 i.d6
25 i.xd6 4.'lxd6
26 nfdl
White now threatens both 27
Xl.xd5 and 27 e4lLlxc4 28 g4.
26 ••• ttJb5 (D)

:-1. ~-!
~th ~1
'.-RA 'm I'i~
~~ ~ ~,~ & t&~
23 ':cl _ ;lfit; ~Vj .. ~__
1 ,/y/:: w/~ ~~ ~~~
A natural move which main- . ~;t&~ ~ ~/-
I jff}~ • ~ffi7 "'~d- ,v

~~~,~ ~J..~\
tains a serious positional advan-
tage for White. The c6-pawn really /f":'\ ~:- p;~ ~ ~
is weak, the knight has the excel- t.-l.j~ /~ ~ ,,;A
0~A~ ~§AA~M
lent square c5 and the h5-bishop is 1{~O~ ~#O~~
out of play. ~~ii ~~~il.~
Could White not play more ac- ~
,M ~1Fr~
~ I§. 1//4 ~
curately by 23 ~h3 instead? After
23 ...:'b7 24 ':cl :'c7 White wins a W
tempo compared to the game - he White's advantage has crystal-
has moved his bishop out to a more lized. He now has many tempting
active position. If 23 ....:c7. then 24 continuations, but it is not so easy
~e5 ~d6 25 ~xd6 ltJxd6 26 e4, to select the strongest of them. For
exploiting the fact that the rook has instance:
stayed on dl. 1) If27ltJc5 (with the threat of
However. this fact can also be 28 ltJa6) , then 27 ... a5 28liJd3 (the
exploited by Black! By giving up threat is 29ltJf4, then 30 a4 and 31
Exploiting an Advantage J63

liJxd5) 28 ... a4 29liJf4ll.g6. and no 28 e3

straightforward win is apparent. 28 ~fl !?
2) On 27 :cS Black can reply 28 ~f7
27 ... fS (defending against 28 e4) 29 ~n ltJd6
28 l!dc llie7!? (28 ...li)d4 29 ~f2 30 .:ic3
l:t.ac8) 29 Wf2 £Le8 or 29 l:t.xc6 30 Sl.a6!?
':xe2 30 ll.fl itJd4!. 30 •.. \.t>f8?
3) The strongest line is 27 g4! Not an obvious mistake. Black
~g6 28 f4, which depends on a should have seized conlrol of the
tactical finesse: 28 ... f6 (or 28 ... f5) important square f4 by playing
is impossible because of29 l!xc6!. 30... gS!. After 3llDcS as 32 ':dc I
If 28 ... i.c4 then 29 ll.xe4 de 30 ;Ie7 followed by ... .i.e8 White
Wf2 and Black's position is hope- would have difficulty increasing
less in view of the weakness of the the pressure.
c6- and e4-pawns. However, Black 31 ttJc5 a5
fares no better with 28 ...iLh 7 29 f5 32 lidcl :J.e7
(29 thc3 !?) 29 ... g6 30 e4 de 31 33 ll.h3
i.xe4 lIe8 32lDcS when White has Threatening 34 liJd7+ and not
a crushing advantage due to the allowing 33 ... ~e8, on which there
tragi -comic position of the black would follow 34 ltJe6+ and 3S
bishop and the terrible threat of33 ltJd4.
a4. 33 ••• :aa7 (D)
4) White had one other promis-
ing possibility: 27 ltJc3 !?, under-
lining the vulnerability of Black's
central pawns. The idea of g3-g4
and f3-f4 could be set in motion a
move later.
Instead ...
27 ~f2?!
Petrosian continues to improve
his position, by bringing his king
towards the centre, but his advan-
tage now decreases somewhat as
Black's bishop manages to defend
the queenside pawns.
27 .•. f6!
164 Exploiting an Advantage

to find a decisive way to break 35 ndl (D)

through his opponent's defences. The exchange sacrifice 35 llJd3
There is such a possibility, and it is ll.e8 36 .I!xc6 .i.xc6 37 }lxc6ltJe8
not even too difficult to find. After 38 ltJc5 deserved attention. Petro-
34ltJd3! .i.e8 35 lLlf4 there are the sian wants to transfer his knight to
twin threats of 36 ltJe6+ 9;;;f7 37 d4 by a long route - via d3-c l-e2,
llJd4 and 36 ':xc6ll.xc6 37ltJg6+. but during this time Spassky man-
The only defence is 35 ... ~f7, but ages to activate his forces.
then White can win by 36 l:txc6!
~xc6 37 llxc6 ltJb5 38 ll.e6+
i%xe6 (forced) 39llJxe6, and it is
not too difficult to make the extra
pawn count (on 39 ...a4 there fol-
lows 40 b4).
34 a41
It is possible to tidy up your po-
sition at your leisure if your oppo-
nent is unable to use the time to
strengthen his defences. Here this
is not the case. The principle 'Do
not rush!' is useful, but it must not
be abused. 35 ~g7
Petrosian clearly intended 35 36 ltJd3 il.e8
llJd3 il.e8 36lbf4 cJ:;f7 37ltJe2 fol- 37 l2Jcl f5
lowed by liJd4 and wanted to de- 38 ltJc2?!
prive his opponent of the possible 38ll.g2 g4 39 f4 is belter, with a
reply 37 .. liJb5. In general terms it probable draw.
is useful to fix the black pawn on 38 g4!
a5 and take the b5-square away 39 ~g2 gf
from the knight. But if White is go- 40 iLxf3 ltJe4+
ing to play this, he should do so af- 41 ll.xe4 fe
ter he has transferred his knight to Now it is Black who holds some
f4, because Spas sky now prevents initiative due to the strategic threat
the main danger. of transferring his king to d6 after
34 ••• g5! the exchange of one pair of rooks.
Now the f4-square is under con- On resumption the game ended in a
trol. draw.
txploiting an Advantage J65

Transformation of an White intends to strengthen his

advantage central pawns by transferring his
king to e3 and, if necessary, putting
The best way of exploiting an ad- his bishop on fl. His rook will then
vantage sometimes involves fa- be free to oppose the advance of
vourably changing the character of Black's queenside pawns. At this
the position. rejecting some advan- moment Stein probably thought
tages which already exist in favour that it would not be too easy to
of new ones. This technique is convert his advantage by normal
called 'transformation of advan- means.
tage'. If your opponent makes an unex-
pected move which makes it more
difficult for you to carry out your
plans, it is useful to ask yourself:
'What is the drawback o/my oppo-
nent's move?'. Even after asking
this question, it is not easy to reach
the decision made by Stein - it
does not correspond to the unhur-
ried character of the previous play
or to the plan intended by Black.
26 ••• fS!?
By opening the f-file, where the
white king happens to be for a mo-
ment, Black threatens the d3-
pawn. Of course. only a dynamic
and un stereotyped player could
Black has a large positional ad- make a move like this, which frees
vantage. He has securely block- the white bishop and knight.
aded hi s opponent' s central pawns. 27 ef il.xfS
the g2-bishop is bad and the white 28 <f.t>e2
knight also lacks all mobility. The I would prefer to part with the
most natural plan. which Stein al- pawn immediately by moving the
most certainly had in mind. is king back to g 1.
based on the advance of the queen- 28 .•• llJg4!
side pawns. Black now threatens 29 ...llJxf2
26 'it>n 30 ~xf21t.g4+ 31 ~e3 i.xdl.
J66 Exploiting an Advantage

29 l:.b2 lbxh2 (D) psychological effect of Black's un-

expected operation - its objective
strength is still open to doubt:
27 ll.h3!? (D)

Converting the extra pawn is not
30 ~e3 ':a4 B
31 i.e4 1txe4 This reply, suggested by Kai-
32 lbxe4 f£lg4+ danoy, deserves serious attention.
33 ~d2 lbf2 After 27 ... g4 28 .tg2 no good is
Remember: if you have a mater- 28 ... lDxd3? 29 nxd3 l:t.xd3 30
ial advantage it is advantageous to liJxd3 fe+ 31 llJf4; nothing much
exchange pieces. is offered by 28 ... fe 29 1txe4 or
34 liJxf2 ':xf2+ 28 ... f4 29 gf ':xf4 30 We2. Instead
35 ~c3 ':a3+ of 27 ... g4 the combination involv-
36 l:t.b3 l:.axa2 ing a capture on d3 looks tempting.
37 ':b5 ~g6 However. on 27 ...':xd3 there fol-
38 ':d5 lIfS lows 28liJxd3 fe+ 29 li:Jf2ll.xh3+
39 l:td6+ lIf6 30~e2.
40 l:d7 l:tg2 Stronger is:
41 d4 l:xg3+ 27 ••• lDxd3
White resigned Black anticipates the variation
28 it..xf5?! lDb4!! 29 ':xd4 li:Jxc2
Stein acted energetically and 30 i.xe6 ':xf2+ 31 'it>xf2 liJxd4
was rewarded by complete suc- with a won minor-piece ending (32
cess. However, I think that what .tf5 llJxf5 33 ef g4! 34 ~e3 is bad
needs to be stressed here is the due to 34... ~f6 35 ~f4 h5).
Exploiting an Advantage 167

White defends by: If 27 ... f4 28 gf gf, White has the

28 eft t;Jxf2 good move 29ll.h3 !.
Or 28 ... iLxf5 29ll.xf5 and now 28 ~xe4 ttJg4
29 ... l:.xf5 30 Wg2 or 28 ... ttJb4 29 Now ESchlosser points out that
:xd4 ttJxc2 30 fe l:.xf2+ 31 ~xf2 White has the simple move:
ttJxd4 32 We3. 29 l:tfl!
29 lixd4 lDxh3 For example 29 ... liJxh2 30 l:1hl.
30 g4
with an unclear ending. The transfonnation of an advan-
I think that in reply to 27 .i.h3 tage - the abandoning of advan-
Black should retreat the bishop by tages already accrued in favour of
27 ... il.d7!. but even here White other advantages - is a fairly com-
keeps some drawing chances ina plex technique which is accessible
position an exchange down after only to players with a subtle un-
28 i.xf5 i.a4 29 l:dd2 i.xc2 30 derstanding of the game. You have
lIxc2 or a pawn down after the to assess the situation correctly.
continuation 30 ... liJxd3 31 nd2 weigh up the pluses and minuses of
ttJxf2 32 ':xd4 ttJxc4 33 g4. the decision you are considering.
so as not to swap good for bad.
But the strongest reply to Steints Moreover. it is not easy psycho-
26 ... f5, it would seem, is a calm logically to take radical decisions
move: in a favourable position and to give
27 <it?e2! (D) up advantages acquired earlier.
In the following position. from
Petrosian - Bannik. USSR Ch
(Riga) 1958. White played an un-
expected move :
(see diagram on following page)
18 ~c5!
Why? Here is Petrosian's expla-
"When I was considering this
move it was essential to weigh up
carefully all the factors for and
against. It looks illogical, as White
B voluntarily exchanges his 'good'
27 ••• fe bishop for his opponent's 'bad' one
168 Exploiting an Advantage

threat of 23 ... a5 and 24 ...l:.e5), is

wrong in view of 23li)a6+ ~b7 24
ltJb4 followed by ltJc2.
19 ':xdl 3i.xc5
20 ltJxc5 l1e8
21 ~e4 l:t.e6
No better is 21 ...':f8 22 g4 ':f7
(22 ... ttJc8 23 ttJc5 :f7 24li:Je6+)
22 g4 a5
23 lld3 ltJd7
W 24 ~c2
instead of exchanging bishop for 24 <ibd2!?
knight (18 i.xb6+) and securing 24 b6
his advantage. However, if you 25 :f3 ~d8 (D)
look deeper into the position it be-
comes apparent that after a possi-
ble exchange of rooks on the d-tile
and the transfer of his king to e6
Black will cover all his weak
points and create an impregnable
position. His 'bad' bishop will play
a significant part in this."
I can myself add that on 18 g4
l:.xd 1+ 19 l:.xd 1 l1d8 20 ':xd8
cbxd8 21 il.xb6+ ab 22 ~c2 White
also retains excellent winning
chances. He transfers his king to e4 W
and his knight to d3 with the idea 26 a3 c5
of a pawn assault on the queenside By threatening to tie his oppo-
or, if appropriate, even e2-e3 and nent down completely by means of
f2-f4. b3-b4 and c4-c5 White has pro-
18 ••. ':xdl+ voked a weakening of the impor-
The pawn sacrifice recom- tant d5-square.
mended by Petros ian, 18 ...ll.xc5 27 ~c3 We7
19 ttJxc5 l:t.he8 20 ':xd8 ~xd8 21 28 l:t.d3 ':c6
ttJxb7+ cbc7 22ltJc5 e4 (with the 29 lIdS llJf8
Exploiting an Advantage J69

30 llJg3 li)e6
31 itJfS+ <t>e8
32 e3 liJc7
32 ...ltJd8 followed by 33 ... ~f7
is more resilient.
33 l:tdl ~e6
34 'it'd3!
The time has come to activate
the white king.
34 ltc7
35 ~e4 l:tc6
36 li)d6+ r3;e7
37 liJfS+ ~e8 When your opponent is condemned
38 liJd6+ ~e7 to passivity, you can often find
39 liJfS+ tJte8 assistance from an extremely im-
When converting an advantage portant endgame technique - zug-
experienced players often reson to zwang.
repetition of moves, not only to 43 l:t.d2! rtJf7
gain time on the clock but also in If 43 ...ltJd7 decisive is 44 'it'f5
the hope that the opponent will try <Jtd8 45 e4 <t>e8 46 f3 ~d8 47
to change an unfavourable posi- ':xd7+! tJtxd7 48 ttJxf6+. Note
tion and. in the course of rejecting carefully: before sacrificing the
the repetition, will make his own exchange it is sensible, according
position worse. to the principle 'Do not rush!', to
40 a4 li)d8 make two preparatory pawn moves,
41 liJh6! thereby strengthening the position
Not allowing 41. .. ttJf7. to the maximum.
41 ••• lLJe6 On 43 ....:e6 there also follows
42 liJg8 liJf8 (D) 44 'it'f5 r3;f7 45 l:t.d8 l:t.c6 46lbh6+
There is a nice variation after ~g7 47 ~e4! lDe6 48 l1d7+!
42 ... ~f7 43 ':d7+! ~xg8 44 ~d5. ~xh649~d5.
After 42 .. .liJf8, 43 ~d5 ~d7 is 44 li)h6+ ~e8
useless, and on 43 ~f5 there fol- 45 liJfS liJe6
lows 43 ... ~f7 44 liJh6+ ~g7 45 46 l:t.d6! (D)
:d8lt)e6 46 l1e8 liJc7, and White The exchange of rooks intensi-
loses his knight. How is he to break fies the threat of infiltration by the
through his opponent's defence? white king.
J70 Exploiting an Advantage

we have discussed for converting

an advantage.

In conclusion I offer you a few

exercises. in each of which the
player who is to move has winning
chances with accurate play.
Your task j s to choose the tech-
nically best method of play.

46 :xd6
47 li)xd6+ 'it'd7
48 llJb5 l£Jg7
This leads in one move to zug-
zwang. but that was also the result
of the variation 48 ... llJf8 49 Wf5
fJbe7 50 llJc3 li)d7 51 llJd5+ ~f7
52 e4 h6 53 f3.
49 h6 llJe8
50 ~d5 f5
51 'it'xe5 fg
52 llJc3 'it'c7
53 llJe4 r.bf7 B
54 <t>f5 g3
55 fg g4
56 lLlg5+ ~g8
57 We6 llJc7+
58 fJbd7 llJa6
59 e4 llJb4
60 e5 ltJd3
61 e6
Black resigned

An excellent endgame - it dem-

onstrates many of the techniques
Exploiting an Advantage 17J

4 B

7 w
J 72 Exploiting an Advantage

Answers to the Exercises 30 ltJxa2!

31 l2Jxb2 f£lb4
1. Keberl-Szabo, Budapest 1951 32 .lacl ab
33 ':bl lhe2+!
23 •.• a5! 34 ~f4
24 lZ\cl a4! 34 ~e2 ~a3 35 .:txb2 ~xc4.
By advancing his a-pawn Black 34 g5+
has prevented the equalizing ma- 35 ~e5 ltd6
noeuvre ltJe2-cl-b3. has prcparcd 36 c5 lie6+
the development of his rook by 37 Wf5 ltJe3 mate
':a8-a6-b6 or a4-a3 followed by
':a4, and. finally. has created the 2. Bastrikov-Kiselev, Sverdlovsk
conditions for an attack against his 1946
opponent's queenside. If now 25
ltJd3, then 2S ...l:d8 26 ~fll1d4. Nothing comes of 22 llgl+ ~h7
Here is how the game ended: 23 l1g7+ ~h6 or 23 l1g5 f6 (if
25 <it?f2 a3 23 ... ~h6? then 24 i.e3) 24 fixh5+
26 ~e2 ll.b2! ~g6. It is essential for White to
27 :c2 prevent the important defensive
27 ltJd3 ltJa4!. move ... f7-f6.
27 l;ldS 22 lle l! l1feS
2S i.n ~a4 On 22 ... e6 or 22 ...l1ac8 strong is
29 ~d3 ~e3+ 23ltJc5.
30 ~e3 (D) 23 l:gl+!
Now 23 ... ~h7 24 fig7+ ~h6 25
llxf7 is bad.
There then followed:
23 ~fS
24 ~c5 :edS
25 l':.g5! b6
26 :txh5 e5
27 iLxe5! be
2S ll.f6 ~e8
29 :th8+ ~d7
30 ':xdS+ ':xdS
31 ~xdS WxdS
32 ~f3
Exploiling an Advantage J 73

White's distant passed pawn Miles soon exploited his advan-

guarantees him an easy win. tage:
32 r3;e7 52 h5
33 ~e4 We6 53 liJxh5 ~d7
34 ~f4 f5 54 ~f3 l1g8
35 h4 ~f6 55 ~f4! ':xg3+
36 h5 ~e6 Or 55 ...liJe4 56 CiJxd5!.
37 ~g5 56 <i.t>xg3 ~e4+
Black resigned 57 <fot>g4 4.Jxf6+
58 ~f5 lDe4
3. Miles-Nikolac, Wijk aan Zee 59 ~xd5 ltJd6+
1979 60 \t>e5 ~f7+
61 Wf6
Nothing is achieved by 48 IU5 Black resigned
l1g5. An unhurried move prevents
Black's only sensible plan of ... b6- 4. Skembris-Torre, Lucerne
b5-b4 and puts him in zugzwang: Olympiad 1982
48 a4!
On any knight move away from The white pieces are almost devoid
e4. 49 I1f6+ is decisive. Bad is of active possibilities, but he still
48 ...l:.g5 49 nh7, and if 48 ...,l;.h4, has one chance to become active:
then 49 ~g6! and 50 lDe5, but not We2!. baving in mind the sally
49 llf5? because of the pretty reply tvb5!. For example, 30... h6? (a
49 .. .l1hl+!. pseudo-prophylactic move which
48 ••• <fot>c6 is useful in general terms but which
49 lIf5! does not meet any concrete threat
It becomes clear that 49 ...l1g5 hy the opponent) 31 VWe2! ~xb3
no longer defends the pawn owing (in the endgame White will easily
to 50 ltJxd5! l:txf5 51 CiJe7+ and 52 achieve a draw) 32 ~b5 b6 33
li)xf5. liJf3, and the weakness of the f7-
49 ••• ltJd6 point guarantees White sufficient
This move gives White the counterplay.
chance to strengthen his position: 30 •.• a6!
50 11f6 nh4 Black parries his opponent's
51 g3 ~g4 only active idea, and he will soon
52 Wg2 create threats on the queenside by
Black is still tied up. sending his knight over there.
174 Exploiting an Advantage

31 g4 fiJe7 4 ~cl ~c2!

32 liJe2 Si..d2 4 ... ~h5 is also good enough to
33 liJgl liJc6 win.
Threatening 34... ttJa5. 5 iLd6
34 Sic7 itJb4 Or 5 c4 b6.
35 iLa5 liJc2 5 ... a3
36 .i.xd2 'ii'xd2 6 ba ~xc3
37 ~g3 tiJxe3! then ...iLa4, ... b7-b5 and ... ~Q3-
38 'ii'a3 llJdt e2-f3-g2.
39 f£lf3 'iYxf2+
40 ~f4 g5+ 6. Smirin..Vogt, Saltsjobaden
White resigned Rilton Cup 1988/9

5. Gragger-Barcza, VarnaOlym- If 33 Itxa5? then 33 ...1H3 34 l:.h5

piad 1962 (variation) IIxg3 35 :'xh7+ Wg8 and the
passed g-pawn guarantees Black
If the passed pawn is blocked by a counterchanees which are quite
bi~hop, then the winning plan usu- sufficient for a draw.
ally involves the king breaking In order to eliminate Black's
through to support its passed pawn. counterplay. the bishops must be
However. this does not work im- exchanged. The winning move is:
mediately: 33 ~e4! iLxa4
1 ~e4? The alternatives arc as follows:
2 ~e2 i.hS+ a) 33 ... ~xe4 34 :'xe4 :lg8 (or
3 ~f2 \.t>d3 34... h5 35 ':e5) 35 ~d2!?, intend-
4 ~c7! a4 ing ~e3-f4.
5 ~d6 ~c2 b) 33 ... Ite8 34 llxe8+ i.xe8 35
6 i.a3 i.xb7 i.xa4 36 c4, and Black will
with a draw. have to give up his bishop for a
First the white king must be tied pawn.
down to the defence of its queen- c) 33 ... Itf1+ 34 ~d2 ':gl 35
side pawns, and then the king can ~xc6 be 36l:t.xa5, and the a-pawn
break through on the opposite is much stronger than the enemy
flank. passed pawns, e.g. 36... Itg2+ 37
1 ~c4! ~d3l:.xg3+ 38 Wc411g1 39 :re5
2 iLc7 a4 g3 40 ~f3 g241 b3!.
3 i..eS ~b3 34 l:t.xa5 ~e8
Exploiting an Advanrage J75

Or 34... ~c6 35 ~xc6 bc 36 Ilg5 his pieces. The winning move was
and White wins. 271Wg2! (with the threat 28 l:.e5)
35 i.xb7 27.•.l1fe8 28 h3!.
Black's position is hopeless. In In the game there followed
the game there followed: 27 1We6+? 'ii'xe6
35 lU1+ 28 llxe6
36 ~d2 ll.g6 Usually piece exchanges are
37 c4 :t2+ the simplest means of exploiting a
38 ~c3 rv!;;gJ material plus. But here. firstly.
39 :J:g5! there is a formal material balance
and Black overstepped the time on the board, and secondly (and
limit. even more importantly) the fewer
Grandmaster Bologan found an- pieces remain on the board, the
other, also very promising plan for more significant becomes the role
White to exploit his advantage: of pawns.
33 l:.g5!? i.xa4 28 ••• Wf7
34 ldaS 29 %:tfet
34%:txg4 ~c6 is weaker. If 29 lIe5, then 29 ...:tfe8. and
34 ••• ~c6 after 30 ltfel we reach approxi-
35 l:.g5! ~f3 mately the same position that re-
Or 35 ....:g8 36 ':h5. sulted in the game. And on 30
36 l:t.h5 1":.f7 !1xd5 there follows 30...:e3 31
37 'ittd2 ~b I (31 l:.d 1 <it>e6) 31. .. %:e2 with
The black pieces are completely sufficient counterplay for Black.
tied up. Having centralized his 29 :tfeS
king, White will begin to advance 30 ':xe8 l1xe8
his queenside pawns. 31 :Xe8
31 .:r.dl l:.e3 32 Wf2%:th3.
7. Smyslov-Botvinnik, Moscow 31 ••. ~xe8
Wch (3) 1954 White is not able to exploit his
extra piece, as his king has no-
Although Black has three pawns where to penetrate - the black
for the piece. his position is diffi- pawns are in the way. And what an
cult. Smyslov could have finished excellent target for attack they
the game in the middlegame by were in the middlegame!
h2-h3, destroying his opponent's 32 ~c3 rv!;;d7
pawn chain and opening lines for 33 a5 i.d8
176 Exploiting an Advantage

34 ~b4 b6 the e-file, whereas the black rook

35 a6 il6 on the c-file, a long way from the
36 ~c3 ~e6 white king, is extremely active and
37 ~g2 g5 ties down the white pieces .
38 ..te2 g6 I wanted to seize the c-file my-
39 iLdl ~e7 self. I therefore began to exam-
40 ~d2 ~d8 ine:
41 .ie3 26 :tdl! ~f7
Here the game was adjourned. 27 1:.cl!
The players agreed to a draw with- Now 27 ... ~d2 is hopeless in
out resunting. view of 28 :tc7+ and 29 g3. White
can quietly strengthen his position
8. Dvoretsky-Zilbershtein, Ordz- by g2-g3. 1:.c2, ~g2-f3, while his
honikidze 1978 rook constantly threatens to pene-
trate the enemy camp along the c-
Where should the rook retreat, to file. The resulting position is more
e2 or dl? You may be tempted to comfortable for White than after
think 'Docs it really matter- surely 26lie2.
White keeps his extra pawn in both Black can hardly sacrifice a sec-
cases?'. But it is by no means ad- ond pawn by 26 ...:tc8 27 ~xf6
visable to go about exploiting an :tc2 28 a4 ba 29 ba (29 ... ~c5 30
advantage so casually - if you do, i.d4; 29 ...:ta2 30 l1al). I also had
you will very often be disap- in reserve the idea of entering a
pointed. You need to try to clarify bishop ending: 27 l1cl 1:.xcl+ 28
the difference between the two ~xc I f5 (28 ... ~f7 29 ~e2 ~e6 30
moves and choose the one that is in ~d3 ~d5 31 g4) 29 ~e2 ~f7 30
some way better and more precise ~d3 ~e6 31 ~d4, and White
than the other. should probably win gradually.
On 26 :te2 Black continues with The further course of the game
26 ... l:tc8. when 27 :te6 1:.c2 is no confirmed that my assessment was
good. When you have a clear ad- correct - it turned out to be very
vantage, you do not feel inclined to easy to exploit the advantage.
complicate the game and weaken 27 1:.d8
the queenside pawns by 27 a3 i.f8. 28 1:.c2 :tdl+
The normal continuation is 27 g3 29 Cifte2 .:tel +
cJ;f7. Note that the black king pre- 30 ~f3 :bl
vents our rook becoming active on 31 i.d4! 1:.dl
Exploiting an Advantage J 77

32 ~e4 a5 37 f4 ltd5+
33 g4 i.d6 38 ~e4 l1d2
34 :c6 ~e5 39 h4 I1xa2
35 il.xeS Or 39... hS 40 gS fg 41 hg.
35 i..e3 followed by f2-f4 is also 40 'iitfS l:f2
strong. 41 :lxf6+ ~g8
3S l1el+ 42 :a6
36 ~d3 l:t.xe5 Black resigned
9 Techniques of Grandmaster Play
Artur Yusupov

The game I want to show you was 5 liJbd7

played at one of the famous grand- 6 d3 e6
master tournaments in the Span- 7 b3 iLd6
ish town of Linares. In the first 8 ttJa3
stage of the game the players con- A non-standard plan. Now if
ducted a tough manoeuvring strug- Black plays ...c6-eS the manoeuvre
gle in an approximately equal ttJa3-c2-e3 will reveal a certain
position. There then arose an end- weakness in Black's central pawns.
ing which was somewhat better for However, if B lack declines to oc-
Black. It is instructive to follow cupy the centre White's idea pre-
through the typical endgame tech- sents no danger.
niques which enahled me first to 8 ••• 0-0
increase my advantage and then 9 liJc2 :e8
convert it into a win. Black is in no rush to reveal his
Salov - Yusupov 10 iLb2 a5
Linares 1991 Having decided that the advance
Rcti Opening ...e6-cS is unprofitable for the time
being, Black carries out another
1 liJf3 liJf6 idea typical for these positions - he
2 g3 d5 tries to 'chain up' his opponent's
3 3i.g2 c6 qucenside. If now 11 a3. then
4 0-0 i..g4 11 ...'ii'b6, and White suddcnly has
5 c4 problems defending his b3-pawn.
We have reached a typical posi- 11 :tbl!
tion from the Rcti Opening. In my A deep prophylactic move. In
opinion, SliJeS!? 3i.fS 6 c4 is inter- reply to 11 ... a4, besides 12 b4,
esting, as in the game this active Black must reckon with 12 ba!?
knight move is impossible after :'xa4 13 ..txf6 and 14 :'xb7.
Black's reply. 11 ••• ~h5 (D)
Techniques o/Grandmaster Play 179

11 ... eS is premature in view of To avoid losing a tempo after

12 cd cd 13 lLle3 (attacking the b3-b4.
bishop) 13 ... i.h5 14 ttJh4. So why 16 i.d4
pot retreat in good time? 16ltJeS, with equality, deserved
16 'iYb8
17 iLal (D)
White believed that he had
slightly improved the position of
his bishop and worsened the posi-
tion of his opponent's queen.

Ii.~illt ~i.~*~~
~m; ,,~~ _ ~j

~;#, i ~4i)~ ~J'
/6-i~ Afa.,

,,~ i~ , . ~. I?%;
~~ ~,~ • .t
12 ltJe3
White again puts the breaks on ~~~~
7/.?£, lf~ ~
~, ~

... e6-eS. Now it is difficult for both :~8~~~JI':\~~

~~ ~#'~ W$;'~~~
sides to start active operations. As U'AillJ~·r
~ A ;e:,~"
~ .."~o'/,~~+~~ 'Z:
,/$§ ". ~ ~ z!%'
usual in such situations, the players
begin to manoeuvre without any
~ ~ ~:~
~ ~
clearly defined plan. They operate B
only by short-term positional or 17 ••• e5!?
tactical ideas. After all the convoluted ma-
12 ••• i.c5 noeuvring I decided the time had
13 'ii'd2 come to become active in the cen-
In the event of 13 d4 i..f8 the e4- tre, as the move It)c2-e3 does not
square would he weakened. need to be feared - the a3-pawn
13 •.• 'ii'b6 needs constant attention. Never-
14 a3!? 'ii'a7 theless this advance still has certain
Black prepares to play ... as-a4 dra whacks - it weakens the d5-
when possible. For example, on IS pawn and the fS-square.
:tfd 1 Black has at his disposal 18 ltJh4 'ii'd8!?
IS ...a4 16 b4 3i.xe3 17 fe dc. It is favourable for Black for the
15 ~c2 il8 queens to be facing each other - the
180 Techniques o/Grandmaster Play

fact that the white queen is unde- intermediate operation. However,

fended may prove significant. White had no real choice at this
19 ~f5 point: 23 ba? is bad in view of the
The position is approximately line 23 ... dc 24 dc liJe4 (threatening
equal. The slight pressure exerted 25 ... liJg5) 25 Wxd7 ~xd7 26
by the white pieces is cancelled out ~h6+ gh 27 i.xd7 ':'cd8 28 ':xb7
by Black's better pawn structure. ~c5. whilst 23 b4? fails to 23 ... dc
19 Jlg6 24 dc ~e4 25 Wxd7 (25 'fie3 ~g5)
20 liJh4 Sl.h5 25 .. :fQxd7 26 ~h6+ gh 27 3i.xd7
21 ~f5 i.g6 ~e7 28 i..h3 (or 28 :tbdl li..lf6)
22 i.h3'!! 28 ... ~d2.
A 'grandmaster draw' would bc 23 ••• ab!
the logical outcome after 22 ~h4. 24 l:Ixb3
Wanting to keep the game alive, No good was 24 dc bc2 25 ':xb7
Salov lets slip a fundamental in- in view of 25 .. .lbc5 26 c7 Wd5.
accuracy - he loses control of the 24 ••• ~c5
e4-square. I was ahle to take ad- 25 .ttbbl ~xd5
vantage of the 'hanging' position Black's position is now prefer-
of the white pieces. able - his opponent has a weak
22 ••• a4! (D) pawn on a3.
The long-awaited advance! 26 liJfe3
On 26 )lfd I Salov was clearly
concerned by 26 ...c4!'! 27 d4 e3!.
26 •.• ~g5
Black carries on playing to ex-
ploit his small advantage in pawn
structure. 26 ... liJc7!? 27 ~c4 f6 is
also possible, maintaining the ten-
27 i.g2 ~xe3
28 'iYxe3
28 h4!? deserved attention. For
instance, after 28 ... ~h6 29 ~xe3!
:'xa3 thc pawn deficit would be
23 cd compensated for by the bad posi-
1 had reckoned with this possi- tion of the black queen. Ifit retreats
bility and had prepared a simple to another square White captures
Techniques of Grandmaster Play 181

on e3 with his queen, thus avoiding I decided to gaining some time

the subsequent damage to his pawn on the clock by repeating moves.
structure. 36 '1l.dl ~b3
28 'iYxe3 37 cJtel li)c5
29 fe (D) The knight cannot be kept on b3
in any case, and Black transfers it
to a4, intending to advance his
queenside pawns.
38 :ib4 liJa4
39 Wd2?!
A natural move. but not the best,
since it does not prevent B lack car-
rying out his plan. 39 '1l.db1! .ta2
40 1:.a I i.e6 41 '1l.ab 1 is stronger;
then the pressure on b7 does not al-
low ... c6-c5 to be played.
39 ••• c5
B 40 Itbbl?
The endgame is, of course, more An error in time-trouble. By
pleasant for Black, but it is not easy playing 40 '1l.b5! ~e8 41 ':bb1 b5
for him to increase his advantage. White could have brought his
29 ••. r6 bishop into the defence: 42 iLd5!.
Preparing ....lLf7. 40 ••• '1l.d7!
30 i.e3! '1l.a7 41 Itdcl e4
31 i.b4 iLf7! Here Salov spent a lot of time.
32 'it>f2 clearly assessing which was the
Salov defends according to the lesser evil - the loss of a pawn or
laws of the endgame - he covers up passivity - and he chose the second
his weaknesses and brings his king option. In the variation 42 Itb5 cd
to the centre. 43 liJb4 (or 43 ed ll.c4 44 '1l.xb7
32 IZ'Ib3 ;axd3+) 43 ... de+ 44 cJtxe2 White
33 iLxf8 ~xf8 does not seem to have full compen-
34 '1l.b2 '1l.e7 sation for the pawn.
Being short of time. it is useful 42 liJb4 liJe5
to over-defend the important b7- 43 l'itc3 (D)
pawn. Now 43 ... liJb3+ 44 <t>e1 '1l.xa3 is
35 '1l.tbl lM2! not convincing because of 45 dc.
182 Techniques of Grandmaster Play

The bishop is trapped in a cage,

and it cannot get out. After the
game Salov said with feeling that it
would be better if it didn't exist at
all - then he could at least try to
create some kind of counterplay on
the kingside.
47 h3
Trying to bring the bishop to
47 ••• g6! (D)
B The last black pawn occupies a
43 •.• e4! square of the same colour as its
This move is officially against bishop. Rules are all very well. but
the 'rules' (pawns are supposed to concrete considerations come first!
be on squares of the opposite col- It is important to have ... h5-h4! in
our to their bishop), but in fact it is reply to g3-g4.
extremely strong, as it locks in the
44 d4
44 ••• h5!
44 ... liJb3+ 45 ~el ':xa3 46
3i.xe4 ':a4. plunging forward with
the knight and then advancing the
pawns, also looks good. However.
since in this case the white pieces
are activated, I preferred to play
against a second weakness in my
opponent's camp - the bishop
which is locked out of the game
(the first weakness is the a3-pawn).
45 ~el
Better is 45 h3, so as to have the
reply 46 g4 to 45 ... f5.
45 liJa4
46 l:t.c2 f5
Techniques of Grandmaster Play 183

1%J4. If White opts for 50 liJc3 lDxc3 Black has the decisive
lLlxc3 51 l1xc3 b5 (and ... Itda7) 55 ... lt:Jc4+ 56 ~clliJxe3.
then Black effectively has an extra S5 ~cJ ..tb3
piece. 56 ~xc3 ..txc2
50 .•. rj;g7 57 ~xc2 :'xa3
51 nfl iLe6 I expected my opponent to re-
I didntt want to defend the h4- sign here. but he unexpectedly sac-
pawn with the king t as I was con- rificed a knight.
cerned that after 51. .. ~h6 52 1:.f4 58 It:Jxe4 fe
Wg5 53 gf gf 54':c 1 it would be at- 59 ..txe4 1:.xe3
tacked by the rook from gl. Instead 60 iLd3 l1g3
of that, Black exploits the absence 61 'it>d2
of the white rook from the queen- The time control had passed,
side and starts the decisive action and I immediately sealed a move,
there. This is all in accordance with to avoid any extraordinary occur-
the principle of two weaknesses. rences at the board. I could, of
52 nf4 liJb6 course, have continued with an ex-
53 gf gf tra rook. but my belief is that you
54 l:txh4 (D) should not do that in a won posi-
tion. Fatigue after six hours of play
sometimes leads to mistakes. such
as 61 ...liJd5?? 621:.h7+.
61 ••• 'it'g8
I should note that, in spite of the
extra rook, r analysed the ad-
journed position fairly precisely to
make life easier for myself on re-
sumption. There were, after all,
one or two stumbling blocks left to
62 ~c3
B Not the most stubborn. Now
54 •.• c3+! Black forces the exchange of mi-
The quickest way of exploiting nor pieces.
the advantage. The pawn is at- 62 liJd5+
tacked three times. but nothing can 63 Wc4 llJe3+
take it. For example. in reply to 55 64 ~c5 :tg5+
184 Techniques a/Grandmaster Play

65 ~b4 liJf5 rush to force events, but slowly

66 St..xf5 l:.xf5 strengthened his position.
67 e4!? 2) Rather than limiting myself
In such situations it is often to a straightforward attack against
useful to ask the question: why is one weakness (the a3-pawn), I
my opponent not resigning? If tried to operate on a broad front,
67 ... l:.xd4+?? White's last trap striking at my opponent's defences
would have come into effect: 68 from various sides. I played against
~c3 :a4 (or 68 ... nfd5) 69 :tg4+L the d3-pawn and restricted the
67 ••• :tf1 light-squared bishop - the point is
68 d5 r!c7 that during the game it is very diffi-
White resigned cult to switch from the defence of
one point to another (especially in
In my opinion, the way Black time-trouble).
exploited his advantage in this po- 3) Having achieved a won posi-
sition is quite instructive. He made tion. Black did not rush to chalk up
use of several important techniques mentally his point on the tourna-
for this kind of endgame: ment chart, but carried on playing
1) When short of time he re- carefully, maintaining his vigi-
peated moves, and then he did not lance to the very end.
10 The Lessons of one Endgame
Mark Dvoretsky

I won't get to the promised end- and interesting and in some way
game for a while yet, because I first new to me, I immediately try to fix
want to reflect on some general as- it in my mind along with the posi-
pects of studying chess. tion where it occurred. I also write
A t the board we operate by down examples which demon-
moves and variations. but these arc strate effectively rules and assess-
based on our understanding of the ments that I have known for a long
game. the development of which time - they too ought to be prac-
depends to a significant degree on tised from time to time, ifpossihle
the study and training that has been in a vivid and memorable form. As
carried out earlier. For this work to a result I have managed to accumu-
be productive, it is not enoughjust late a fairly wide collection of the
to remember concrete information most varied chess ideas, illustrated
- it is important that chess images by excellent examples.
should be formed in your mind on As a matter of fact. young chess
the basis of this material. The most players, when they read books or
vivid images. which stay in our listen to a lecture, pay most atten-
memory for the longest time, arc tion to variations, and fail to take in
original and deep general ideas the judgements of the author. I am
manifested in incisive. convincing sure they lose a lot here - often the
variations. most valuable information is con-
In the game commentaries of centrated in the actual words. It is
great players there are many sometimes worth dweHing even on
thoughts scattered about which are the simple, apparently banal things
valuable for Our chess-playing de- - by rcpeating them and discover-
velopment. When studying com- ing new limits to them, you can
mentaries like this I often look at strengthen and deepen your knowl-
the words even more than the edge of chess.
moves. As soon as an idea flashes Of course. everything is much
before me which seems original more complicated in practice than
J86 The Lessons of one Endgame

on paper. Most commentaries in 'On prospectless positions'. LFail-

chess magazines and books are ure to think logically', 'Problems
superficial, and sometimes just of managing your time when se-
awful. Once a certain experienced lecting a move' , and so on. Genu-
master explained to me how he inely important questions about
worked. You put two fingers to the chess were posed here. The hook
page with the text on it and see that would be excellent if it actually
there are only moves under them - managed to answer them. How-
in other words, it is time to make a ever, the author unfortunately went
comment. You write something into almost none of the problems
like "The Ruy Lopez always leads he had identified. Most of the ex-
to a tense, complicated struggle" - amples were either poor or superfi-
and your fee goes up by a rouble. cially analysed, and in addition
The ability to distinguish be- they had only a very weak link to
tween real feelings and thoughts the theme under examination. With-
and this kind of verbal facade will out adequate analytical material it
be of use to you, and not just in is impossible to come to serious
chess. conclusions. The author had sim-
Often you find the opposite situ- ply inserted in his chapters the first
ation. The author seems to have in- episodes that came to mind which
teresting ideas, but he is not able to corresponded to the title even
illustrate them with decent exam- slightly. You look at the title and
ples. If a grandmaster is comment- you are interested to see how the
ing on one of his own games, then author understands the problem
(here is not usually any problem: under discussion. You read on, and
his general thoughts are closely you see that he displays no under-
tied up with what is happening on standing; he gets away with just
the board. But as soon as he starts general phrases.
writing an article or book on a dif- The correct order of work must
ferent theme the difficulties begin, be nOl from theme to example. but.
as he may not have suitable mater- on the contrary, from an interest-
ial to hand. ing. well-analysed example to the
I remember that I was once general conclusions that follow
flicking through one book in par- from it. This is the way we shall
ticular. The titles of many chapters study the classical endgame which
seemed very interesti ng to me, for I now offer you - as a matter of
example: 'Playing by analogy'. fact, it is one of my favourites.
The Lessons of one Endgame J87

The legacy of the famous mas- precise, possible plans) we have at

ters of the past is a priceless source our disposal. It is useful to generate
for improving your game. One plenty of ideas straight away - oth-
point I would like to make is that it erwise, if you plunge into calcula-
is important not to be satisfiedjust tions too early, it won't be long
with quickly playing through the before you overlook something re-
variations from the book on a board ally important.
- you must instead check them One obvious move is 39 c5.
through and understand them. White threatens 40 1:.d6+. winning
Then you will he able to extract a the c6-pawn.
great deal of interesting and ex- The second suggestion is 39
tremely valuable information even ~d4, hoping to transfer the king to
from a relatively small quantity of cS.
material. Yet another plan is 39 h4 with
the idea of 40 g4, 41 l:h2 and so on
- the white rook wi Il occupy the
ideal position behind the passed h-
As you see, White has a multi-
tude of tempting possibilities. In
order to make the correct choice, it
will be essential to take into ac-
count our opponent's chances of
Let's take the moves in order.
We'l1 begin with:
W 39 c5
Capablanca - Alekhine On 39 ... 'it>e5?! there follows 40
New Y01* 1924 :1d7. If 39....:1b4?! nothing is given
by 40 :td6+ ~e5 41 1:.xc6 1:.xc4+
White is to move. He has an ex- and 42...1:.a4, but 40 ~f4!. with 41
tra pawn, but exploiting this advan- ~d6+ to follow, is much more dan-
tage is not easy (remember the gerous. The best defence was indi-
half-joking, half-serious aphorism cated by Alekhine:
by Tarrasch, 'Rook endings are al- 39 nb5!
ways drawn'). Let's decide what 40 lld6+ ~e5
possible moves (or. to be more 41 1:.xc6
188 The Lessons of one Endgame

41 :d7 can be met by 41 ...':a5 on the fifth rank - it controls c5 (if

or 41. ...:xc5. 42 ~b4, then 42 ... a5+) and is able
41 •.• 1:.a5 to attack any of the white pawns.
Black intends to play 42 ...1:.a3+ White has achieved nothing.
followed by 43 ...l1xa2+. Now that It remains only Lo check:
the activity of his pieces has in- 39 h4
creased so much, it is clear that The obvious reply is:
Black will not lose. 39 ••• :th8!
Let us examine: 39 ... f5? is bad due to 40 ef+.
39 ~d4 (D) 40 g3
Now White is preparing 4 I nh2
_ f~?1 ¥f~ ~~ and 42 g4. How should this plan be
~ ~ • B opposed? The same rook manoeu-
~ ~,~
jp;&: ~~ vre saves Black again:
DAe*~AB 40 ••• 1:.h5!
I~ • ~ ~ 41 1:.h2 :a5!
I _l\~l\~ ~ Now 42 g4? brings nothing in
~ 0 ~ 0 .<¥// ~$, view of 42 ... ~e5 43 h5 1:.a3+ and
~ ~ ~ ~ i 44 ...1:.xa2+. On 42 ~f4 there fol-
~~ ~ ~~ni lows 42 ... f6. preparing. in case of
~~~~~. g3-g4. to exchange the most dan-
~ - _.dJJ__._~=~~U,------, gerous enemy pawn by means of
B ... g6-g5+L
The king must clearly not be We have established that White
allowed to c5. 39... <f.t>d6? 40 e5+ is gets nowhere by straightforwardly
no use, so the reply is forced: carrying out any of the plans we
39 ••• 1:.d8+ thought up. How then should he
40 ~c3 continue playing for a win?
N ow the threat c4-c5 becomes Note that Black always saved
more serious, since the c5-pawn himself by transferring the rook to
can now be defended by the king. the fifth rank. Let us remember
However, White's idea is not hard about prophylaxis -let's try to pre-
to prevent: vent our opponent' s main defen-
40 ••• 1:.h8! sive idea.
41 h3 ':h5 Alekhine suggests an amazing
(41. ..:'h4 is also noteworthy.) move:
The rook is extremely well-placed 39 h3!! (D)
The Lessons of one Endgame J89

I ~ ~~ -~~-~ 42 1.1xcS ::'a3+

I ~ f/':l- ~~ ~.
I 43 Wd4 ~xh3

~9~ • ~~ 44 11a5
. ~~A~~·r~'f~jl·
~'7%- ~/*#'; U' ¥",%1'- %'7~ and White has excellent winning

I~}y/£!~ ~ ~ chances.
y~~ 0A r.t~ A 1%~ %/f;~;: It is characteristic that Capa-
~.::r## ~f*P
,;rh~ 0 ~~%
,?f."$; ~'~
.p/?/t: blanca - a chess player with fantas-
~~ ~~ ~ ~~A
I 1/%# ~ ~ ~~Ol tic intuition - was not able to make
'18~ ~~-: ~
i ... ~~~
'~n<" ,///,~
the correct decision indicated by
Alekhine - a chess player of a quite
different tum of mind. A move
B such as 39 h3!! cannot be made in-
Now on 39...11hS the h-pawn is tuitively. based on 'general consid-
not hanging and White replies 40 erations' - it could only be found
cS. After 40...i!h4 the continuation after deep and concrete penetration
41 nd6+ is unconvincing due to into the secrets of the position.
41. .. ~cS 42 l:1xc6l:xc4+ and then Many years ago I helped Mik-
43 ....:a4. but41 ItdS! is strong. At hail Botvinnik to hold classes in his
the same time Black should now school. Once, on Botvinnik's re-
reckon seriously with 40 ~d4. e.g. quest, I prepared a big endgame
39 ... l1bl(b4)40Wd4~d641 eS+. exercise for the young Garry Kas-
or 39 ... f6 40 ~d4 :dS+ (40 ... ~d6 parov, which actually included
41 cS+ 'it'e6 42 Wc4) 41 ~c3 nb8 independent analysis of the end-
42 cS WeS 43 Zid6 with a clear plus game CapabJanca-Alekhine. Garry
for While. 39... ~eS is dangerous found another way of preventing
because of 40 ':d7. There remains: the transfer of the black rook to the
39 •.• c5 fifth rank - the move 39 g3! !. I like
40 ':d5 this move perhaps even more than
If 40 h4. then 40 ... :b4r~ but Alekhine's recommendation, as it
not 40 ....:hS 41 g3 nhS 42 .:th2. contains in addition the active idea
and now the fifth rank has become 40 h4!. Furthermore I can see no
too short. drawbacks: for example. on 39...gS
40 ••• I1h2 White has the pleasant choice be-
41 g4 tween 40 h4 and 40 :tf2 with the
41 l:t.xcS :xg2 42 .:1aS is also threats 41 l:t.fS or 41 ~d4.
good. Let us now examine how the
41 ..• l:xa2 game actually continued.
J90 The Lessons of one Endgame

39 h4?! l':h8 this also means that his rook will be

40 g3 nhS! tied to the defence of the cS pawn.
41 %:h2 :a5 44 .•. I:hS
42 'it'f4 45 llc3
42 g4? ~e5; 42 ~d4? cS+. Threatening an exchange of
42 ••• f6! (D) pawns that is advantageous for
White: 46 1:.a3 1:.xc5 47 nxa 7.
45 a5!
46 .tIe2 lIeS
47 lie3 l:h5
48 ~f3! ~e7!
Both 48 ... ~eS,? 49 :.ta3 and
4S ...:eS? 49 g4 are wrong.
49 ~g4! (D)

,; ~
~ ~',
~ ~
~ ~;
W ~.l~
:«:1 ~;f ~A~
_ ~

The main danger has been liqui- ~t

:'AIIJI.f :~~
Q; ~W
dated - on 43 g4 there is the reply
~~ l\ ~~ rlh ~F!1
w/? 0 ~ \§( ~Q-;
43 ... gS+L The game now acquires
I~~ ~~L 'ff~~~ tl:S~
'I'W~ ~ ~ ~ ~'~
a manoeuvring character. Capa- WW'fr " WAf '!k
£ff'<: 7:.W· ~ V~
blanca skilfully places one prob- i~~~ ~ ~ ~
!~ ~ ~ ~
lem after another before Alekhine,
so that Alekhine has to conduct an
extremely alert defence. B
43 :.tc2 l:.e5 White wants to strengthen his
Otherwise after 44 cS the rook position by Wh3 and g3-g4. How
would be cut off from the kingside can this plan be opposed?
and would no longer prevent White 49 ••• ~r7!
playing g3-g4 and h4-h5. 50 l:c4!
44 cS In reply to SO ~h3 Alekhine had
A double-edged move, but oth- prepared SO ... gS f Sl ~g4 ~g6. He
erwise White's position cannot be then exchanges pawns on h4 and
strengthened. White restricts the moves the rook back and forth be-
mobility of the enemy rook, but tween e5 and hS.
The Lessons olone Endgame 191

50 ••• Wg7! The logical consequence of all his

White's subtle manoeuvres have previous strategy would be the
forced the hlack king (which has variation 56 <it?e3! .;tc3+ 57 Wd4
to control the g6-square) to move lixg3 58 ':xa5 Wf7! (extremely
away from the centre. Capablanca dangerous is 58 ...l1g4 59 na7!
sees that the most suitable moment axh4 60 a5, and with the king cut
for transforming his advantage has off along the seventh file the
arrived. He gives up his extra passed a-pawn should decide the
pawn, but in return he activates his outcome) 59 na8 (or 59 h5). In
rook to the maximum and chases Alekhine's opinion, Black can
the enemy king back to the last hold on, but he would at least be
nmk. forced to conduct an extremely
51 :ld4! l:xc5 precise defence.
52 Itd7+ ~r8 Unfonunately, Capablanca did
S2 ...<f.t>h6? is no good: 53 nf7. not want to sharpen the game and
53 ~f4 chose another plan which led to a
53 bta7 is more precise. since draw by force.
now Black can play 53 ...11c2!? 56 g4?! g5+!
53 ~g8 57 hg :'xgS!
54 ~a7 cJtfS Of course not 57 .. .fg+ 58 cJte3 -
55 a4! Wg8 (D) there is no reason to give White a
passed pawn.
58 Ita6 l':c5
59 <t>e3 cJtf7
60 Wd4 Itg5
61 l1xc6 Itxg4
62 I1c5 :tgS!
In this position the players
agreed to a draw in view of the
variation 63 ':xg5 fg 64 ~e5 ~g6[
65 ~d6 ~f7! (on 65 ... g4 66 e5
Black would still have to defend
the queen ending) 66 cJte5 (66 e5?
W ~e8; 66 ~d7 ~f6) 66... ~g6!.
White has strengthened his posi- What theme should we link to
tion to the maximum and now it is the above Capablanca-Alekhine
time to start decisive operations. endgame? If you stop to think, you
192 The Lessons of one Endgame

will see that there is no simple an- of an advantage (move 51); finally.
swer to this question - as we study the crucial importance of. at some
this endgame various areas, all moment or other (move 56), reject-
equally important for the practical ing further positional manoeuvres
chess player, are revealed to us. Let and selecting a concrete variation
us recall what we have seen: based on precise calculation.

1) An excellent example of a 4) A demonstration of the im~

rook endgame in practice. portance of prophylactic think-
Amongst the multitude of typical ing.
endgame assessments and tech- Without this, of course, it would be
niques which the players used I impossible to find the brilliant so-
want to single out one of the rela- lution on move 39. Even after that
tively less trivial ideas. which is Alekhine's defence was based on
here expressed extremely clearly. consideration of all his opponent's
An open line which a rook strives acti ve plans and rigorous opposi-
to occupy can be not only a file. as tion to them.
is usually the case. but also, as
here, a rank.. 5) Food for thought on chess
players of an intuitive mode of
2) A model of precise defence. thought.
It is instructive to follow how Alek- We saw what decisions for them
hine, not losing his presence of arc difficult or simply impossible.
mind in a difficult position. move The conclusion is clear: even if you
by move patiently solved all the have fine intuition, you should still
problems that arose before him. develop your ability to immerse
yourself in the concrete details of a
3) Different aspects of the prob- position and, if necessary, to calcu-
lem of exploiting an advantage. late variations precisely.
Here there are several points to be For a chess player it is very im-
made: the importance of searching portant to assess objectively the
for and then frustrating your oppo- strengths and weaknesses of the
nent's counterplay (at the very opponent he is about to play. This
beginning of the endgame); maxi- assessment can be made after ana-
mum strengthening of White's po- lysing his previous games. Some of
sition before changing the pattern them can be especially informa-
of the game; timely transformation tive.
The Lessons of one Endgame 193

In the 1920s Alekhine was pre- Later on, in his famous article
paring for his match for the world The New York tournament oJ 1927
title against Capablanca. This is as a prologue to the world cham-
what he noted at the end of the New pionship match in Buenos Aires,
York tournament in 1924. Alekhine again emphasized the
"At this tournament I made one significance of his game against
very reassuring observation, a real Capablanca. uThis game, in fact,
discovery for me. The point is that, was the starling point for my un-
although in our first game Ca- derstanding of the chess-playing
pablanca outplayed me in the individuality of Capablanca."
opening, achieved a winning posi- I now give you a few more of
tion in the middlegame and pre- Alekhine's assessments of the style
served a significant part of his of his historical opponent, all of
advantage in the rook endgame, which arc confirmed by the end-
in the end he still let slip the win game we examined. They may
and had to settle for a draw. That seem excessi vely severe, which to
gave me food for thought, if you some extent is explained by the ex-
consider that Capablanca really tremely strained personal relations
wanted to win this game, as he was between the two champions. Nev-
trying to catch up Lasker. who was ertheless, objectively these assess-
leading the tournament and who ments seem to me to be true (of
just the previous day had won course, only on a large scale, tak-
against me. I was convinced that, ing into account the extremely high
had I been in Capablanca's place, I level of the chess that is at issue).
would have won the game without ..... Capablanca is by no means
fail. In other words. I noted in my an exceptional master of the end-
opponent a small weakness: he be- game; his skills in this stage of the
comes less certain when he is faced game are above all technical in na-
by stiff resistance! [ had already ture. and other masters in some ar-
discovered earlier that Capablanca eas of the endgame are clearly
sometimes let slip minor inaccura- overtaking him or have overtaken
cies, but I did not suspect that he him (for example. Rubinstein in
could not rid himself of this fail- rook endings)."
ing even when all his forces were " ... In Capablanca's games over
concentrated on the task at hand. the years you can observe ever-de-
That was an extremely important creasing penetration into the de-
discovery for the future!" tails of the position, and the reason
194 The Lessons of olle Endgame

for this is an unshakeable (I am still opposition. As a result of getting

talking about the period up to Bue- away with moves which were not
nos Aires) belief in the infallibility the best, he on the one hand grew
of his intuition. The saddest thing unaccustomed to the concentration
for Capablanca is that this system during play which is the only guar-
of his almost without exception antee against elementary over-
proved sufficient to find 'good' sights, and on the other hand his
moves, as in positional terms it self-assurance grew infinitely and
was faced by more or less feeble became almost self-deification ..."
11 Analysis of a Game
Mark Dvoretsky

At the 1990 world under-14 cham- Emelin - Schwartzman

pionship Vasia Emelin took second Fond du Lac Wch U-141990
place. trailing behind only the re- French Defence
nowned Judit Polgar. He anno-
tated in detail one of his games. I e4 e6
against the Romanian player 2 d4 dS
Gabriel Schwartzman. Today we 3 llJd2 liJf6
will analyse this game together. 4 e5 lDfd7
Why this game? Well, first of an 5 c3 c5
it is always interesting to come into 6 i.d3 llJc6
contact with reaBy honest analysis. 7 lDe2 cd
You know, when you read phrases 8 cd f6
like 'such-and-such a move de- 9 ef lDxf6
served attention' , there is nothing 10 ttJf3 ~d6
to talk about. Yes, it probably did 11 0-0 V)fjc7
deserve attention. It's quite an- 12 ll.g5 0-0
other matter when the commenta- 13 iLh4
tor tries to decide what really was Dvoretsky. Note the opening
correct and what was wrong. You variation. White has chosen one of
may agree or disagree with Eme- the most insidious plans against the
lin's assertions, but there is at least system played by his opponent.
something to think about here. This is the point: White does not
Secondly, this game fits in insert the moves 12llJc3 a6.1 first
nicely with the basic theme of our saw this line in the game Zapata-
session. From the opening the Chernin, Subotica IZ 1987.
game immediately entered an White threatens the exchange of
endgame favourable for White. dark-squared bishops by 14 ..tg3.
Throughout the game Emelin was which is favourable for him, for
faced by the problem of the techni- example: 13 ... lDg4 14 ~g3 (but
cal exploitation of an advantage. not 14 h3? l1xf3 !). The standard
J 96 Analysis of a Game

reaction 13 ...lLJh5 is dubious in Zifroni sacrificed a pawn, but

view of 14 'ii'c2. when 14... g6 is did not receive sufficient compen-
bad: 15 iLxg6! hg 16 'iWxg6+ I:iJg7 sation.
17 lLJg5. There remains only the 20•••~c4 21 'iYxb7 l:t.f7 22 'ifb3
freeing central advance ... e6-e5. 'iYxb3 23 ab 11c2 24l:tablllb7 25
but then there appears in the black mel!. Now I am intending 26 l:t.e3;
camp an isolated pawn on d5. Black cannot take on b3 because of
which in the coming endgame will iLdl.
be a weakness. 2S•.• Jitd2 26 l:t.ed 1 l:t.xd 1+ 27
13 e5 i..xdllbe4.
14 de lDxeS At this point I made a mistake:
15 ltJxeS ..txeS 28 i..g4?1t was necessary to play
16 iLg3 ~xg3 28 l1c 1 ltJd2 29 :'c3 l:t.e7 30 ll.g4
Emelin. In one of the earlier l:t.el+ 31 ~h2 ttJf1+ 32 ~h3 ~f7
rounds of the World Championship 33 iLf5 g6 34 ':c7+ ~f6 35 ~d3
I reached the Same position. My with a clear advantage.
opponent Zifroni played 16•••iLg4. Yusupov. And why did you play
He exchanged on e2 and I quickly a different move in the game; what
managed to attack the dS-pawn. caused the error?
17 ~b3 (D.: 17 l:tc 1 'iYd6 18 f3 E. I thought the move I played
i..d7 19 'iWd2 is strong. with the was better; I just didn't notice
threat 20 f4) 17•••~xe2 18 iLxe2 some elementary detail in my cal-
i..xg319hgl:t.ac8(D.: 19...'iYb6l?) culations.
20 iLfJ (D) 17 hg! (DJ

Analysis of a Game 197

D. Strange as it may seem, it ap- 1 am preventing the move ... a5.

pears that this natural recapture is a Y. This is an important point. If
novelty! In the game Zapata-Cher- Black could put a pawn on a5 with-
nin already mentioned, and in the out being punished he would solve
two earlier games that I managed his problems.
to discover, played by Radulov and 20 ... a6
Smyslov against Vaganian (Lenin- E. My opponent is afraid that r
grad 1977), White took on g3 with will fIx the a7 -pawn by playing b4-
the knight, which is a little weaker. b5. He intends to exchange bishops
It was precisely the move 17 hg! on b5 if he gets the chance.
that Yusupov and I once analysed He could defend in a different
together and. as I remember, we way: 20 ...:fc8, then ... l:t.c7 and
failed to come up with a clear path ... b7-b6. but this still would not
to equality for Black. change the assessment of the posi-
Y. Maybe Black should steer tion.
clear of the subsequent exchanges Y. Do not rush. In the endgame
and play the middlegame. Say, it is always very important how
17 ... iLd7, then ... 'iVd6, hoping in you arrange your pawns. Show us
the future to organize an attack by the variations that you analysed at
... liJg4 if the opportunity presents home.
itself. Here too White's position is E. 20 ...l:.fc8 21 f3 'J:.c7 22 ~f2
preferable, but in the endgame. b6(D)
deariy. his advantage is greater,
and in addition his opponent has
no chance of creating counterplay.
17 1ib6
18 1ib3 'iYxb3
19 ab ~d7
E. 19... a5 20 b4 results in the
loss of a pawn after, for example.
20... b6 21 ba ba (21 ...:!xa5 22l1xa5
ba 23 :al ttJg4 24 f4) 22 b4 a4 23
li)c3 i.d7 24 b5 l:.fb8 25 nxa4
l:t.xa4 26li)xa4, and 26 ... ~xb5? is
impossible because of the reply 27 W
:bl. 23 :a6 ~c8 24 :a3 a5 25 l%fa 1
20 b4! %:tea7 (after 25 ...l:Ib8 26 ba ba 27
198 Analysis of a Game

111a2 l:t.a7 28 :xa5 l:t.xa5 29 ':xa5 even so, perhaps this is how Black
ltxb2 30 ':a8 White wins) 26 ~e3 should have defended.
..td7 27 'it?d4 rJ-if7 28lbc3 ~e6 29 21 lbd4
iLb5! - after the exchange of bish- D. White blockades the isolated
ops it is not clear how the pawn pawn. BU1, as Larsen noted in his
weaknesses can be defended. time, you should always examine
D. In the variation found by the more direct plan as well - the
Emelin there are several instructive attempt to take the pawn. In this
points relating to the technique of case that means 21 .t:.a5!? followed
exploiting an advantage. For ex- by l:t.dl and lDf4.
ample, the timely centralization of 21 :'ac8
the king, the transformation of an 22 f3 .:re8
advantage at the end (the exchange 23 ~f2 'JleS (D)
of the opponent's passive bishop in
order to 'work over' his pawns).
The move 23 :'a6! is character-
istic. You could move the rook to
a3 immediately, but it is useful to
lure the black bishop to a worse
square first.
Y. It is not essential to play 29
i.b5. It is tempting first to improve
your position on the kingside: 29
g4. However, your selection here is
a matter of taste.
Let's go back a little, to the posi- W
tion after 23 l:t.a6. Black has one 24 l:t.rel?
other idea - 23 ...ltf8!? (instead of E. I wanted to transfer the king
23 ...iLc8). It is desirable to defend to the centre, but this move is not
the a7-pawn with the rooks from the best; 24 nfc I! is stronger. If
the side. Of course, problems re- 24 ....t:.ee8. then simply 25 I1c5
main for Black here as well: 24 with the advantage. The attempt at
l:t.fallbg4+ 25 ~gllbe5 2611xa7 counterplay by 24 ...l:.f8 does not
l:t.xa7 27 ':xa7 lbxd3 28 ':xd7 work. since White replies 25 :'c7.
lbxb4. White still stands better - The check on g4 clearly gives
his rook is more active, and Black nothing; 25 ... i.b5 also bad is due
has more pawn weaknesses. But to 26 lbxb5 ab 27 :'xb7 liJe4+ 28
Analysis oj a Game 199

<t>gll2Jxg3 29 l:taa7 ':g5 30 ~xbS. 1971. There Mecking defended in

After 25 ... ~c8 there follows 26 a similar way and it led to no good
];lac 1, then the king moves away to for him.
gl. and it is not clear why Black Y. The position is worth pausing
has allowed the rook to the seventh over more carefully. We now meet
rank. an extremely important problem in
Y. Here a simple principle oper- the endgame - how to arrange your
ates: in the endgame, the open file pawns. The fate of the game may
further away from the king is more depend on how Black decides to
important (but in the middlegame arrange his pawns.
this principle is reversed). White If we are guided by purely struc-
should therefore fight for the c-file tural considerations, then the move
and not exchange the rook on e5. 26 ... h5 !? deserves serious atten-
which is placed rather senselessly. tion. For White it would he useful
24 l:t.xel to stretch his opponent's defence
25 Wxel ~7 by creating objects for attack on
26 ~d2 (D) the kingside. From this point of
view, White's advance g3-g4 is ex-
tremely unpleasant. The move
... h7-hS prevents it. On ... h7-h6
Black has more problems in the
knight endgame - after the ex-
change of bishops it will be hard to
chase the knight away from the f5-
It was probably worthwhile for
White to advance the pawn to g4
even on the previous move, instead
B E. If 26 ... h5 I just strengthen my
26 •.• g6?! position by playing 27 l:te 1 with
D. It is amusing - Black has put the threat 28 :e5.
all his pawns on squares of the Y. Yes. you're suggesting the
same colour as his own bishop. If most natural plan. Let's have a
you remember, at the previous ses- look. Black is probably right to
sion we analysed the game Poluga- offer the exchange of rooks by
evsky-Mecking from Mar del Plata 27 ...l:t.c8 (D).
200 Analysis of a Game

E. Then I play 28 l:t.cl. and if variation 28 iLf5 ..txf5 29liJxf5+
28 ...l:t.c8. then 29 l:t.xc8 i.xc8 30 <f.t>f8 30 c3Jd3. Let's continue it~
iLf5. 30 ... nc4 31 b5lLJd7! - Black ob-
D. That is not dangerous in view tains counterplay.
of 30 ... ~xf5 31 ttJxf5 lLJe8. then Y. The exchange of bishops on
32 ... ~e6. White should probably f5. although it creates dangerous
not exchange on c8 - 29 l:c5 r is threats, does not win the game on
stronger. If 29 ... c3Je7, then 30 i.f5 its own. It has minuses as well -
is extremely unpleasant. Black vulnerable points appear in the
needs to think about the move white camp. for example the c4-
29 ... g5 !'?, removing the g7-pawn square is weakened.
from attack. E. White should probably oper-
Y. Vasia anal ysed the move ate more precisely. I suggest 28
... h7-h6. Let's check his analysis. :e 1+ 'it>d6 29 b3. The threat of 30
E. If you play 26 ...h6. then after i.f5 is renewed.
27 g4 c3Je7 (D) I exchange bishops D. Black would have to reply
on the f5-square. The knight will 29 ...l:t.e8 30 l:cl (30 l:t.xe8liJxe8)
reach f5, and it cannot be chased 30...:C8.
away from there. Sooner or later E. But then 31 Itxc8 i.xc8 32
White will get to the weak pawns i.f5.
g7 or b7. My opponent therefore D. No matter, there is a defence
decided to cover up the f5-square for the time being: 32... ~d7 33
immediately. ~xd7 ~xd7 34liJf5 ltJeS.
D. Is it all so clear? In your an- E. After 35 ~d3 White has a
notations to the game you give the clear advantage.
Analysis o/a Game 201

D. Black's position is certainly can defend. It seems to me that. of

unpleasant, but he retains some all the pawn moves on the king-
counterplay. The obvious move is side, he chose the worst one.
35 ... ~c6, intending to attack the Note that in many variations the
white pawns on the b-file. defensive plan is linked to the
Y. It turns out that the move b2- transfer of the king to the centre, to
b3 did not only have advantages! d6, or to exploiting the open c-file.
D. The exchange of bishops on All these resources became avail-
f5 is a double-edged. decision, as able because White exchanged the
the 'bad' black bishop is being wrong rook on the 24th move.
exchanged. Of course, White re- Let's now return to the game
ceives important squares in return (D).
and attacks the enemy pawns, but
if Black manages to parry the im-
mediate threats, his position could
E. One more try. I won't give
check on el, I'll play 28liJb3.
Y. It seems that we've already
talked you out of the exchange of
bishops. Alright then, let's check
this one. The action Black takes is
obvious to begin with: 28 ... ~d6 29
lLJc5 iLc6, and if 30 l1e I, then
Black plays 30 ....:te8. On 30 iL.g6 I W
play 30 ...l1c7, in order to have the 27 g4 liJe8
move ... 'l:.e7. Y. The knight has no prospects
All the same, the exchange of on f6 - it needs to be moved from
bishops on f5 is a good idea; it just there. The only question is whether
needs to be put into practice more to do this immediately. or whether
precisely -let's say, 28 b3 Wd6 29 to prevent the move g4-g5 first.
~f5. Black should move his knight E. It was better for Black to
from f6 (it is not doing anything choose 27 ... h6. On h7 the pawn is
there), but where to? weaker than on h6. Then I intended
Let's draw our conclusions. On to play 28 'l:.hl ry!;g7 29liJb3 (D).
both 26 ... h6 and 26... h5 White On 29 ...l1e8 there foHows 30
keeps the better chances, but Black liJc5 iL.c8 (30... i.c6 is bad in view
202 Analysis of a Game

~'='~~ ?~ ~ counterplay. This kind of active

~;;& .e. ;j)J% '1;21 2;Jt,! possibility must always be reck-
I~,~.t~ It. I oned with.
I'~ ~ D. White still preserves a large
~ ~,~ ~ I advantage by 36ltJc7 nc8 37 ncl
..txbS+ 38 ~d4 or 38 <bd2. Check
UJ'/ ~ ~ ~~~I
fQ" ~A ,off:, f~~ on e6 is threatened, and the d5-
I'i\ ~~L/// ~ M/hZ y~~
~~~A~~~~ pawn is under attack. Moreover. if
~Nf ~ p/7f A ~(;-:
~~ ~
~ ~(,
'/l#/ 'R
White doesn't want to enter com-
plications, he can play 32 ltJxd7
~ ~ ~:-U ~.~ (instead of 32 ~d4) 32 ... il.xd7 33
B ~d4.
of 31 lIcl nc8 32 ~xa6 ba 33 E. Another arrangement is no
il.xa6 :c7 34 b5) 31 Wc3 tiJd7 32 better for Black: 29 ...:c7 30 ltJc5
~d4. If 32...liJxc5 33 be i.e6 34 i.c8 31 ~e3 b6 32liJa4...
lIel then the position is totally won D. Wait a minute, you're over-
(b2-b4 • .:te5, ~d3-c2-b3). and if looking 31 ... a5!.
32... liJf6, then 33 ~c 1 followed by Y. In addition White should
ltJa4, and the rook penetrates along reckon with 30 ... d4!? (D) (instead
the c-file. of 30 ... i.c8). The threat 31 ...ltJdS
Y. Even to a casual observer it appears.
is obvious that White's advantage
has increased sharply. However,
we still need to examine the active
defence: 32... ltJe5 with the threat
33 ... ~c6+.
E. The check can be prevented
by the move 33 b5!.
Y. Yes. after 33 ... ltJxd3 34ltJxd3
ab 35 lIel White has a decisive ad-
vantage. What else can we think
up? Let's try 33 ... b6!? 34 lbxa6
ltJxd3 35 ~xd3 il.d7. Then 36 ~d2
..txb5 37ltJc711e2+ is no use.lf36 W
~d4 the pawn cannot be taken, but D. Remember: earlier. when an-
the move 36....:e2 has appeared. alysing the move 26 ... h6, Vasia
Black has unexpectedly obtained underestimated the rook move to
Analysis ofa Game 203

c4 which actually gave Black ex-

cellent counter-chances. When you
have the better endgame, you must
all the time check to make sure
your opponent doesn't wriggle out
and become active. It seems to me
that it is a characteristic of Vasia's
to underestimate his opponent's
possibilities. This is dangerous,
and it is bound to lose him many
points, especially when he is ex-
ploiting an advantage. If you miss W
something. counterplay can flare this way - changing the pattern of
up instantly, and there is nothing the game sharply, allowing some
left of your former advantage. material or positional concessions
E. After 30 ... d4 White can play in order to activate your forces.
31 Itel lDdS 32 ne4. White can double his oppo-
Y. Then I would have to reply nent's pawns: 30 iLxb5 ab 31ltJcS.
32 ... ttJxb4 33 l:xd4 ttJxd3. I have I had in mind 31 ... b6 32liJe6+ ~f7
exchanged pawns - that is an 33liJd41:.c4 34 r3;d3 h5.
achievement for Black. 33 lle7+! Y. Unfortunately, after 3S b3!
~f6 34 :xd7 :txcS is more dan- White has a large advantage.
gerous. The rook ending after 3S D. Yes, that's true. It seems that
':xb7 ttJxd3 36 'it>xd3 is worse. of the best defensive plan is still
course, but it by no means has to be 29 ...1:.c7!.
lost. I have some doubts about 29
D. One more defensive plan liJb3. Is it right for the knight to
should be examined: 29 ...iL.b5!? leave the excellent square d4? In
(D). For example, 30 ttJc5 iL.xd3 my opinion, 29 :tel ~f7 30 1:.e5
31 ~xd3 as. ':e8 (the threat was 31 gS) 31 1:.xe8
E. Then 32liJe6+ r3;f7 33 ltJd4. and 32 ~e3 deserves attention.
D. Of course, after 33 ... ab 34 Y. Whatever difficulties await
1:.xh6 the position is in White's Black later on, it is clear that the
favour, but Black retains some move 27 ... h6 should have been
counterplay: 34....:c 1 or 34 ... ~g7 played. The prospect of the king-
followed by ... liJd7. In difficult situ- side squeeze by g4-g5 is just too
ations it is often worth defending in unpleasant.
204 Analysis of a Game

~ ~ ~!
Now we return to the game (D).
r~ -~~ w$;, ~~
~.(? ~ W~ ~~
~A~ ~ ~,
,& ~ m.r. ~;~/' ~7./

.~ m..L~.l~l
f:t/)'~ W~.& ~//.
.~ ~Aft
~/~f/, 0& ;/~~
/. ~J
U ~
~~ ~
<"%# ~
I~ R~~8.
~ ~
~ ~8~
~f& W$

@'{; ~
::r/~ ~
~ ~

to stop and say: 'White has an ad-
w vantage'. Yes, he does have some
28 l:t.a5? advantage, but is it enough for vic-
E. It was necessary to play 28 tory? In game situations there is no
g5! first, fixing the h7 -pawn, and particular reason to search for an
only then to think where to put the answer to this question - it is
rook: to transfer it to c5 or to put it enough to realize whether your
on hI. position has improved or deterio-
28 ••• i..e6 rated, whether you have extracted
Another possibility is 28 ... liJc7. from it the maximum possible. But
Then after 29 g5 cJ:;e7, it is best to when a position arises that can be
withdraw the rook to al with the evaluated precisely. try to establish
threat of 31 l:t.h I. If White plays the truth in your analysis.
the imprecise 30 ':c5?!. then after 34 ~e3 iLf5 35 ..te2 ~e5 36 f4+
30 ... ~d6 31 l:t.c I li)e6 (White can cJ:;d6 37 .tf3 b6.
meet 31. .. ~e5 32 ~e3lLJe6 by 33 E. Black needs to take his pawns
f4+!. when 33 ... lt:Jxf4? is impossi- off light squares.
ble due to 34liJf3+) 32 ':xc8 i.xc8 38 ~d4 iL.e6 39 g3 as 40 ba ba.
3 3lLJxe6 .ixe6 (D) we reach a won Now I want to seize the h3-c8 di-
bishop ending. agonal with the bishop and set my
Y. Here you have done some kingside pawns rolling.
very deep and interesting analysis; 41 i.g2 (zugzwang) 41 •••iL.f7
please show it to us. 42 ..th3 i.e8 43 iLc8.
D. It's a good thing this analysis Y. Black would like to force the
has been done! The simplest isjust bishop away from the c8-square by
Analysis of a Game 205

43 ... Wc7, but there then follows 44 _. -. ~ ~JL •

.ie6. Now if he could reach the
same position with the bishop on
f7 ... but I can't see how that can be
D. If 42 ....i.g8 (instead of the
move 42 .....te8). then 43 f5!.
43••• iLf7.




~ ~





E. My opponent must reckon I ~ ~ ••

with the move f4-f5. For example. !~~
on 43 ... ~a4 I have the decisive 44
f5 i.c245 f6 .i.b3 46 f7 r3;e7 47 B
iLe6 and 48 .i.xd5. D. A great piece of analysis. The
44 g4 .i.e8 45 ~b7 .i.f7. After white bishop wanders all over the
45 ... ~d7 46 iLxd5 iLxg4 47 i.g8 board. The main variation is more
Black loses the h7-pawn. than 30 moves long!
46 f5 ~g8 47 i.a6 .if7 48 ..td3 But is it all correct? In one of his
i.e8 49 ~bl .i.f7. Instead 49 ...a4 articles Bent Larsen asserted that
is bad due to 50 .i.c2 with zug- long variations are never error-
zwang. free; when he sees them a murder-
50 .i.a2 .i.g8 51 .ib3 ~f7 52 ous instinct awakens within him
~a4. and he wants to bury the whole
Again zugzwang. analysis immediately.
52 •••~g8 53 fg (53 ~e8 c-Ji;e7) Y. Let's return to the position af-
53 ••• bg 54 ~e8 ~e6 (54 ....i.h7 55 ter 58 b3. The white b-pawn is vul-
.i.f7) 55 iLxg6 i.xg4 56 i.f7 .i.f3. nerable - that is suspicious. Given
Now playing 57 g6? is premature: that everything else loses, let's try
57 ... ~h5 58 .i.e8 i.g4 59 g7 ..te6 allowing the white king to reach
60 i.g6 .i.g8 61 i.f5 rvt;e7 62 rvt;e5 e5.
d4! with a draw. 58 ... rvt;c6! (D) 59 rvt;e5 r3;c5 60
57 i.g8! i.e4 58 b3 (D) .i.e6 rvt;b4!. Black's task is to give
58••• ~c2 (58 ...iLf3 59 g6, or up the bishop for the g-pawn.
58 ... r3;c6 59 We5 with the threat White has twO possible moves: 61
i.g8-e6-f5) 59 i.xd5 a4 60 ba i.f5 and 61 ..txd5.
.i.xa4 61 g6 i.e2 62 g7 Jut7 63 a) 61 i.fS i.xf5 (61. .. rvt;xb3 62
~a2 rJ;e7 64 rJ;e5 rvt;e8 65 rvt;f6, g6) 62 rvt;xf5 d4. The pawns queen
and White wins. at the same time.
206 Analysis of a Game

b) 61 .ixd5 SJ..c2 (or 61. .. ~g6 D. Black replies 60 ....tf3. We

62 ~f6 i.c2), and how can White have arrived at the position that we
strengthen hi s position? had after the 56th move, only the
white pawn has moved to b3.
r ~
,,~~ ~
;J7f%~ ~~~
u ~~I /J
Y. So. we can't yet sec a win. We
need to search to find out if White's
W'h .'- ;
-tf'~.~.~ ~~ (iP.<j :
,'%7Ifi ~~
,;&, ~;&
;;//,~ ~h
_.~ play can be strengthened. Vasia,
.i/$ 'm' W%.£ ~
1ff4, ~f'~ look into thi s at home. and bring
~ w~ (1;~ 1{,'-o/
W ~,~~ ~ your analysis to a conclusion.
We now continue the analysis of
~ ~A~ ~

~...IL ~
/.0 ~,-/.(.
WJA the game.
~~~ ~ ~ I 29 b5?!

,~ ~~~;fA
~ ~"~
~ t;;t~
i7G __
E. Here I rushed. It was again
necessary to fix my opponent's
pawn by 29 gS!.
W Y. You began activities on the
D. Perhaps White should, in- queenside, not having finished
stead of 59 ~c5, employ the plan matters on the kingside.
of 59 i.f7 followed by 60 g6. Now E. I miscalculated: I examined
the black bishop doesn't have time 29 ... ab 30 l1xbS /tJd6 31 !1b6 rj;e7
to get toh5 viaf3. If59 ... ~b5 I was and thought that I could win a
intending 60 i.xd5 .tg6 61 ~c3 pawn by 32lbb5. I missed the re-
threatening 62 iLc4+ and 63 i.d3. ply 32 ...l1c6.
E. Even simpler is 60 g6 iL.xg6 Y. Even after 32 ...lbxb5 Black
61 ~xg6 ~b4 (61. .. a4 62 iL.e8+) does not lose a pawn (33 nxb7+
62 ~c2. Absolutely hopeless is /tJc7).
60 ... ~b4 61 g7 iL.h 7 62 i.xd5 - the 29 ab
white king goes to h6. 30 l:t.xb5 llJd6 (D)
Y. Yes. that is true. but I can 31 :b6?
change my plan of defence too. On D. I was observing this game
59.in I play 59... 'it>d6! 60 g6 ~e7 while it was being played. From
61 ~e5 i.e2 with a draw. the side. of course, you don't pick
It seems that here mutual zug- up all the details. but I was still left
zwangs begin. White can try out 59 with some general impressions. I
iL.e6 (given that on 59 ... ~b5 60 thought that the white rook had
iL.xd5 we found a win) 59 ... ~d6 wandered somewhere it didn't
60.tn. belong. that it was short of space
Analysis of a Game 207

amongst the black pieces and should pester the opponent, nol
pawns, and because of that Black giving him the opportunity to
later had excellent chances of sav- strengthen his position at leisure.
ing the game. If Black did not have Rook activity is one of the impor-
a knight. the rook would be excel- tant principlcs of endgame play.
lently placed on b6 - it would tie E. White would reply 34 ltJe2,
the enemy rook to the defence of preparing ~d4 and ttJf4. The rcply
the b7-pawn. But the knight on d6 34...I:d 1 is not available in view of
severely restricts the aclivity of the 3SltJc3.
white rook. D. But there is the possibility
31 :a5! is much stronger. The 34...l:hl! 35 ~d4 ll.c6 36 ltJc3
rook goes either to a7 or to hI via ~h4+ or 36ltJf4:!d 1. Your pieces
al. First, of course, it will be nec- look nice. but it is not easy to make
essary to cover the c4-square by progress - the black rook gets in
playing b2-b3. Useless is 31 ...l1c4 the way.
32ltJc2. and if 31 ...ltJc4+ 32 iLxc4 E. The move 36 f4 prevents the
b1xc4 33 ~d3 (intending 34 nbS) check from h4.
White's advantage is not in doubt. D. Then, say, 36 .. Jldl, and 37
31 ~e7 ltJc3? ltJfS+ is impossible.
32 g5 il.d7 Y. The actual moves are not the
33 We3 (D) point here. It is clear that White has
33 ... i.c6 departed from the correct path. His
D. Schwartzman plays the entire rook on b6 is inactive; it is only at-
game very passively. I would have lacking the b7-pawn. which is se-
preferred 33 ....:cl !? The rook curely defended by minor pieces.
208 Analysis of a Game

If it stood on al all this counterplay

would not have arisen, on the con-
trary, the white rook would itself
have generated threats from hI or
An advantage is usually accu-
mulated thanks to trifles. but it can
also be lost due to trifles. So it is
here: White has lost a significant
portion of his advantage due to the
'trifle' of the unfortunate position
of his rook. In the endgame that has B
arisen, the rooks are the strongest 34 ••• l:xc6?
pieces. and their activity has enor- E. Good drawing chances were
mous significance. Both players offered by 34... bc!. After 35 ~d4
underestimated the importance of the most precise reply is 35 ...:c7!.
this factor. Weaker is 35 ... ~d7 36 ~c5 (36
E. It is not essential to play 35 ~e5 l:t.e8+ 37 ~f6?? :e7 and the
<t>d4 - the rook can be extracted king is in a mating net) 36...l1c7 37
via b4. :tb8.
D. But then you have to lose D. Still. the king move looks
time. In addition, the move ~d4 natural- it frees the rook from the
forces the black bishop to take up a defence of the c6-pawn. I suggest
passive position on c6. And if 35 we check 35 ... ~d7 36 ~c5liJf7L
l:tb4 you must always consider the The enemy king is too strong on c5
exchange of minor pieces on f5. - we must try to drive it away. If 37
34 liJxc6+ ? (D) :b7+, then 37...:c7. and on 37 f4 I
E. I probably should have reply 37 ...liJd8 38 f5 ~c7!. White
moved the rook away. I was just keeps the better chances. but the
sick of playing against this bishop game is not one-sided, and the situ-
and decided to exchange it. ation becomes fairly tense.
D. You see, with your rook on Y. Maybe White should ex-
the a-file the bishop wouldn't have change rooks all the same: 37
troubled you in the slightest. Here, l:tb7+ :c7 38 ':xc7+ ~xc7 39 f4.
however, the bishop restricts the D. I ought to move the knight to
rook, but it still wasn't worth ex- b 7, but not necessarily via d8 - I'll
changing. try 39... liJd6, holding up f4-f5.
Analysis of a Game 209

Y. Thcn 40 g4 ltJb7+ 41 ~d4 should aim to make the strongest

~d642 f5. moves even in your opponent's
D. The g-pawn will have to be time-trouble. That is still the most
given up, but in exchange Black effective strategy.
can become active in the centre: Show us what happened in the
42 ... c5+ 43 'it'e3 c4 44 fg hg 45 game.
iL.xg6 ~e5 followed by ... d5-d4+. 35 l:tb4 'fJ..c7
If Black can exchange off the 36 ~d4 ~e6
queenside, the draw is not too far 37 :'b6 :'cl (D)
away. E. My opponent clearly be-
E. I examined one other defen- lieved me that after 37 ...:c6 the
sive idea in the minor-piece end- position is lost. He should in fact
ing: when f4-fS is played, playing have played this move, but he was
.. .EiJf7. taking on g5 and blockad- in serious time trouble.
ing the remaining white pawn with Y. Was the time trouble mutual?
the knight. E. No, I still had time left.
Y. A good plan. It seems that Y. And what move was the time
Black really does have good draw- control, the fortieth?
ing chances. E. The fiftieth.
E. I don't sec how White can Y. Well, in that case he's in a bad
win even after 35 ....:c7. For exam- way. It is almost impossible to hold
ple: 36 :'b8 :'e8 37 :Xc8llJxc8 38 a position like this in time trouble.
<2;c5 rJild7 39 f4li:Jd6 40 b4 Wc7 41
..tbl ~d7 (worse is 41 ... ffi 42 bS
cb 43 i.a2) 42 g4 rJ;c7 43 rJild4 (43
fSllJf7) 43 ... ~d7 44 ~eS ~e7.
Y. Of course. you shouldn't have
taken on e6 and allowed Black to
connect his pawns - after that it
seems that the game shOUld have
ended in a draw.
E. Schwartzman didn'( have
much time left and I wanted to
change the position in some way in
his time-trouble.
Y. That approach pays off by no
means all the time. As a rule. you
210 Analysis of a Game

40 l:t.b3 He probably achieves his objec-

Threatening 41 ~xd5. tive more simply by 47 <t>e4 (in-
40 Cifte6 stead of 47 l1b3). and if 47,..e2.

41 q;cS (D)

then 48 ~f3.
42 ~c2 l:t.cl (D)
Y. 42... l:Ixg410ses because of 43
':b6. But isn't it possible, by play-
ing 42 ...:g2, to give White a bit of
trouble? If 43 l:t.e3+ ~d7 44 ~a4+,

~ ~A~
then 44... b5. If 43 i.d3 the rook
~~ ~ ~~ "~~ will return to gl. The assessment of
~~ ~
~ ~~m
~p ~ the position is still unclear to me; it
~~ ~A_ ~
/:$~ was possible to defend in this way.
~.~ ~ • r~l E. White should still be better.

~ ~ilB • ! Y. Yes, but the question now

stands on another plane: is there a
B forced win Or can Black defend
41 .•• l:t.gl successfully? His rook has become
E. The rook ending is hopeless: active and is attacking your pawns.
41 ... ltJe4+ 42 i.xe4 de 43 l1b6+ You can't say any more that White
~f7 44 :xb7+ ~e6 (44 ... ~g8 45 has a clear advantage - you need
fte7) 45 :b4 :el 46 ~d4 e3 47 to check in concrete variations
l1b3 e248 l:t.e3+~d649~e4:g1 whether you can break through
50 ':xe2 ':xg4 51 l:t.h2. your opponent's defence.
D. The black king should have
moved over to its kings ide pawns:
48 ... ~f7 (instead of 48 ... 'i!td6?).
For example. 49 ~e4 ~f8 50 ~f3
(if 50 b4. then 50 ... l:tbl 51 ':xe2
l:Ixb4+) 50 ... l1fl + 51 q;xe2 l:t.xf4
with a draw. After 49 We5 q;g7 50
b4! (50 ~e6? l:t.f1; 50 f5 is met by
50 ... <t>f7! or 50 ... l:t.gl) 50 ...:bl
51 :xe2 l:t.xb4 52 :d2 :b7 (or
52....:b5+ 53 l:t.d5) 53 We6 White
probably wins, but this whole vari-
ation is rather complicated.
Analysis of a Game 211

43 %:tc3 l1el E. He could also have tried

44 l:th3 I:.e2? 46 ...ltJc4+ 47 iLxe4 de, but I have
Y. What for? He should have time to take the g6-pawn and stop
gone back to ci. What would you the passed c-pawn. For example:
have done then? 4811g7 e3 49 l1xg6+ rJ;;f7 5011f6+
E. I'd have defended the bishop ~e7 51 f5 l:t.g2 5211e6+ r3;f7 53
by 45 l:t.h2. g6+ <il:;g7 54 l1xe3 l:t.xg4 55 :'c7+
Y. Black has the reply 45 ... ltJc4. cM6 56 l:.f7+ We5 57 g7.
True, after 46 l:.e2+. 46 ...Wd7 is D. White advanced his pawns
bad because of 47 iLa4+. but you with tempo, exploiting the position
can retreat by 46 .. .rict)f7 when 47 of the enemy king. We need to
~xd5? is impossihle in view of check 49 ... ~d7 50 f5 l:.g2. Maybe
47 ... l:t.xc2!. The result of the game this is lost too, but maybe not.
becomes unclear. By the move Y. That was probably Black's
44 ... l1e2? your opponent played last chance.
into your hands; he let you activate 47 ~c6 ltJc8
your bishop. If he hadn't been in 48 (5+ <ibe5
time trouble it is likely that you 49 fg l1b3
would have had to pay for your ear- 50 ~r5 l1c3+
lier positional blunders 28 l1a5?, 51 ~7 b5
31 l1b6? and 34 lDxc6+? 52 g7 lbb6+
45 ~d3 l1xb2 53 ~c8 l1a3
46 l:t.xh7 (DJ 54 g8'iY
Black resigned

D. Well, what do you think?

Y. The endgame turned out to be
fairly instructive. It contained sev-
eral interesting points.
The first problem that con-
fronted both players was how to ar-
range their pawns. First there was a
clash on the qucenside. With the
move b3-b4 While threatened to
squeeze his opponent. who found
B nothing better than to reply ...a7-
46 ••• b6+ a6. In theory, with light-squared
212 Analysis of a Game

bishops it is better to keep your activity. which is extremely impor-

pawns on dark squares. tant even outside rook endings.
Then an analogous problem White put his rook on b6 where it
arose with the kingside pawns. It did almost nothing. Black in his
was probably worth playing ... h7- turn also delayed the activation of
h5 in order to hold up the activation his rook.
of the white pawns by g3-g4. Black As usual in endgames. the play-
clearly chose the worst set-up and ers more than once had to evaluate
allowed himself to be squeezed. the effectiveness of the possible
The point connected with the piece exchanges. And by no means
exchange of rooks is interesting. It all the time were they up to this
is important to remember that in task.
the endgame you must aim to seize I was very impressed by the
with the rook the file further away analysis of the bishop ending. No
from the enemy king so that it can- matter that we found a weak point
not prevent rook penetration along in it. When solving complex prob-
this file. lems such blemishes are practi-
The game could have provided a cally inevitable.
clear demonstration of the princi- The commentary is On the whole
ple of two weaknesses. but Vasia very substantial, but I have the im-
did not play g4-g5 in time to fix the pression that Vasia got a bit tired
second weakness on the kingside towards the end and stopped pay-
(the first weakness was the isolated ing attention to his opponent's re-
pawn in the centre). If he had sources.
played this move before making By the way, in positions like
the advance b4-b5, then he would this. where you have a small ad-
surely have broken down his oppo- vantage and your opponent is de-
nent's defence in more convincing prived of counterplay, it is very
fashion. At the same time he broke important to keep an eye on his po-
the rule 'Do not rush', which re- tential activity and not allow him to
quires you to strengthen your posi- initiate double-edged skirmishes.
tion as much as possible before Excellent examples of this can be
starting active operations which ir- found in Karpov's games. There is
reversibly change the character of no way he would have allowed
the game. Black to get the rook out to cl.
The basic theme of the sub- D. In this case, underestimating
sequent stage of the game is rook the opponent's possibilities was
Analysis of a Game 213

reflected more in the variations and When I was watching the game I
less in the game itselC perhaps sensed that White's technique for
because Black played passively. exploiting his advantage was poor,
However. in other games from the but this impression could have
same tournament this same short- been wrong - it was very interest-
coming hindered Emelin a great ing for me to check it by seeing the
deal. Just recall his game against analysis. Now we know that White
Zifroni, the first half of which we really did make a few positional
saw. He even managed to lose a blunders. Exploitation of an advan-
clearly better endgame with an ex- tage is. in my opinion. one of
tra pawn! In the last round, after Emelin's weakest sides, which is
outplaying his opponent in excel- usually the case with players who
lent style, Vasia made a gross blun- tend to underestimate their oppo-
der. let the win slip. and as a result nent's resources. He must tackle
trailed Judit Polgar by half a point. this problem seriously.
12 Examples from Games by
Pupils of the School
Artur Yusupov

As we have already remarked in

OUr previous books. one of the
most important resources a chess
player has at his disposal for self-
improvement is serious analysis
of his own games. The examples
given below were annotated by our
pupils and became the subject of
discussion during group or individ-
ual lessons. The young players'
analysis was subjected to critical
evaluation. The results of these dis- W
cussions make up the basic mater- Baikov - Zviagintsev (14)
ial of this chapter. I hope that Moscow 1990
readers will also find it useful to
get to know the endings given be- After the natural
low, among which you will find 49 i.xf7+
both successful solutions and typi- Black had to defend passively.
cal mistakes. since 49 ...~b2? loses in view of 50
f4 a4 51 e4 a3 52 e5 a2 53 ~xa2
Opposite-coloured bishops ~xa2 S4 ~c4 i.a3 55 g4 ~b2 56
f5 gf 57 gf ~c2 58 f6 i.b2 59 f7
Two examples from the games of i.a3 60 e6, and B lack is defence-
Vadim Z viagintsev provide a good less against the transfer of the king
supplement to the chapter on the to d7 followed by e 7.
theory of endings with opposite- The correct
coloured bishops. 49 ••• Wb4
Examples from Games by Pupils of the School 2 J5

led to an interesting situation. It 50 f4 a4

is hard to give a straightforward 51 e4
assessment. White is expecting to White intends e5 followed by
make two connected passed pawns ~c4. g2-g4. f4-f5. Nothing was
quickly. On the other hand, we al- achieved by 51 i.g8 in view of
ready know about the strong draw- 51 ... a3.
ing tendencies of endgames like 51 •.• i.gl! (D)
this: a minimal material advantage The already familiar technique
can prove to be insufficient for vic- of 'taking aim' at pawns (see the
tory. chapter on opposite-coloured bish-
Let us try to note the particular ops).
features of this position. Two de-
tails will help Black to defend him-
1) The passed a-pawn can di-
vert or restrict the mobility of the
white bishop - at the same time it
indirectly defends the kingside
pawns, which are on light squares.
2) The comer square h8 is inac-
cessible to the opponent's bishop.
This last factor may enable Black
to save the game with a lone king
against king, bishop and h-pawn - w
an important defensive resource in 52 h3
many endgames. 52 e5100ks more logical, but af-
In theory, it is already possib1e ter 52••• a3, Black still holds the
to predict the future course of position, according to analysis by
events. White will push his f- and Zviagintsev. Let's examine his
e-pawns, if necessary strengthen- variations: S3 h3 (53 h4 is no im-
ing them by adVancing the g-pawn. provement in view of 53 ... h5!? 54
B lack must try to slow down this ~e4 i.f2 55 f5 gf+ 56 ~xf5 i.xh4
assault and ideally achieve a block- with a draw) 53••• ~c5 54 ~e4
ade on the dark squares. However. i.f2! 55 i.a2 iLh4 56 g4 (56 'it>f3?
the black king is poorly placed and ~d4!).
cannot for the moment take part in Now 56 ... i.el? is bad due to 57
the defence. f5 i.h4 58 f6 i.g5 59 i.b3 i.h4 60
216 Examples/rom Games by Pupils a/the School

~f4 h6 61 f7 ~e7 62 h4, followed 56 ~d5 a3 57 ~d6) 55 ~c4 ~d6

by 63 h5, and the wruteking breaks there follows 56 f6. Instead of the
through to the g8-square. It is es- text, 52 ...a3 53 e5 ~c5 was more
sentialto play 56.••'it'c6!, bringing solid, bringing the game to one of
Black's king closer to the passed the variations examined above.
pawns. It turns out that even two 53 ~e3?! ~c5
connected passed pawns are insuf- 54 .ia2 a3 (D)
ficient for victory; 57 f5 ~7 58
Ciftf4 <it?d8 59 f6 h6! 60 ~e4 ~e8
61 3i.b3 <it?d8 62 <it?d5 (or 62 'it'd3
i.g5 63 ~c2 a2!! 64 i.xa2 i.f4 65
e6 J.e5) 62•••..tg5 63 ~e6 ~e8 64
.ta2 i.h4 65 .ib1!? eMs 66 c;3;d7
.ig5 67 ~c6 ~f7 68 i.a2+ We8
69 .ib3 ~d8 70 !i.t>c5 i.h4 (not
70 ...siJc7?, which is met by 71 f7
.ie7+ 72 <it?d5 and 73 We6) 71
~b4 a2!! 72 i.xa2 i.g3 73 e6 i.e5
74 f7 (74 e7+ We8) 74.•.rJ;e7 with
a clear draw. w
It is worth taking note of the di- 55 g4
version sacrifice of a pawn. which Greater practical chances were
enabled Black to construct an im- offered by 55 ~f3 followed by 56
pregnable fortress. This typical g3.
technique, which occurred during 55 •.• ~c6!
the analysis of the study by Tim- 56 e5
man. illustrates well the principle Both 56 h4 h6! and 56 g5!? arc
that the spel:ijic nuances of a posi- insufficient for victory. The move
tion are more important than in the game allows Black to sim-
material. plify the position immediately.
52 ••• .ih2?! 56 g5!
In the game this move paid off 57 fg i.xe5
totally, but Black should also have 58 ~e4 ~d6
reckoned with 53 f5!. Then after 59 <it?f5 3i.g7
53 ... g5 or 53 ... a3 White has the 60 h4 ~e7
unpleasant 54 ~d4. After 53 ... gf 61 h5 i.c3
54 cf ~c5 (54 ... i.e5 55 ~e4 .if6 62 g6
Examples from Games by Pupils of the School 217

62 h6 is answered by 62... i.d2!. position or weaken your oppo-

62 h6 nent's.
63 g5 hg In the diagram position White
64 h6 ~f8 had the opportunity to weaken his
and here the players agreed to a opponent's pawn chain by:
draw. 50 i.g8!
You should note here the gener- Two remarks need to be made
ally skilful play of Zviagintscv, here:
who managed to coordinate his First of all, this threat must be
forces quickly and spoil White's made quickly, since, with the pawn
plan by attacking his pawns at the on a4, the threat to the h7-pawn is
most appropriate moment. But did easily parried by the move ... a3.
White use all his resources? Let's However, that does not contradict
return to the position after Black's the principle given above, as the
49th move. words 'do not rush' should not be
understood as an invitation to tread
water. The essence of the principle
is that, before making decisive
changes in the position. you should
try to squeeze the maximum out of
the already existing structure.
The second remark relates to
endgames with opposite-coloured
bishops. We know that. as a rule, it
is advantageous/or the defending
side to place its pawns on squares
of the same colour as its bishop.
W The present example is interesting
In the chapter 'Exploiting an ad- precisely because it shows that you
vantage' Mark Dvoretsky, when must not blindly follow rules by the
talking about the technique of ex- letter without taking into account
ploiting an advantage, emphasized the particular features ofthe posi-
the important principle ·00 not tion before you. White's plan in-
rush!'. One aspect of this principle volves the advance of his kingside
is paying attention to details. You pawns. The fact that the g6-pawn
should not spurn even the slightest will be undefended forces Black
opportunity to strengthen your to advance it or exchange it, thus
2 J8 Examples from Games by Pupils of the School

handing over the key square f5 to Nevenheless Black's defensive

his opponent. That was probably resources are still not exhausted
the one little detail that was miss- (we should again recall the draw-
ing in White's winning mecha- ing tendencies of endings with op-
nism. posite-coloured bishops). Let us
50 ... h6 try:
51 f4 (D) 51 ••• Wb5!
The hurried 51 i..f7 g5 52 <f.t>e4? Now after 52 i.f7 g5 53 f5 ~c6
is weaker in view of the reply the black king enters the battle
52... ~c3!' against the passed pawns in time.
For example: 54 f6 a4 55 We4 ~d7
t:~AW~ ~
55 g4 (D).

~ ~ ~ ~
fi~~~~~ ~~ ~~' ~ ~'~
~ ~ ~A~I: "~~~~~
~ WfA ?JrA ~.. ,
W . ~ ~*~jL~
~ ~
fW f
.y.{h' ~~~~':"
~~~ ~
~4?i ~~~~~' " 1.~
I{ rs
'tf:" :~I
~ . .~ ~'~

,.~ BAn~
_W~Q;, ~
~w, ~ ~/,':; _I -;

~jJ f~
w~ ~;~8~
~ ~/
i ~ ti;l;,w~l: 8 ~.'
¥~ Z~ ~~;.'
I'~ ~
m ~
Wf, ~
,;7!/': ~~ ~/~ ~;'
I. ~~ ~~ ~j ~d

After the text, however, if Black ~~~~
tries to defend as in the game itself, B
he will not manage to build a for- Now the stereotyped 55 ... a3 is
tress: 51 ... a4 52 e4! i..gl 53 e5 a3 no good in view of 56 i..a2! ~e8
54 h3 Wc5 55 g4 Wc6 56 f5 gf 57 (56 ... iLb6 57 <r!;f5! i..xe3 58 ~g6
gf ~d7 58 ~e4 i.c5 59 f6 ~e8 60 and now 58 ... i.d4 59 f7 sbe7 60
Wf5 ~f8 61 i..c4 ~b4 62 e6 h5 63 ~xh6 or 58 ... ~e8 59 'it'xh6 <f.t>f8 60
~g5, and so on. Wh5 i..d2 61 h4 gh 62 ~xh4) 57
No relief is brought by 51 ... i.d6 ~d3!! ~d7 58 e4 ~d6 59 c;3;c4.
52 g3 (with the threat e3-e4-e5) and there is no defence against 60
52... g5, when White can play 53 f5 e5+. Incidentally, after 56 ~b3?
~c5 54 ~e4 ~c6 55 ~b3! ~5 56 (instead of 56 i..a2!) a defence
~e5! i.xe3 57 ~6 followed by 58 could be found: 59... a2! 60 3i.xa2
[6. i..a3.
Examples/rom Games by Pupils o/the School 219

It is essential to play 55 ... ~b6r! iLf7 ~h4 58 St..xg6 (58 g3 a3!)

56 i.c4 Cifte8!, when both 57 ~d3 58 ... ~7! (but not 58 ...a3? 59 i.bl
.id8 and 57 Wf5 iLxe3 58 Wg6 9;;;c7 60 f5) (D):
~d4 are useless.
52 e4! i.gl!
53 e5!
Not 53 h3? .ih2.
53 .•• ~xh2
S4 ~e4 a4! (D)
Otherwise 55 i.n g5 56 f5 wins

,,#4; ~
~~$: .~~~~~
h':£'~ ~
~ H
~7 ~
~~ ~
,,~ z ..
a) Now on 59 i.c2 the obvious
..!t ~
59 ... a3 60 iLb3 Wd810ses in view
~~ ~~fN~
~~ W ~p ~~
''l/#'t of 61 ~f5! ~g3 (or 61. .. ~e7 62
W.4./ "4$:', ~#.< ~~
~~~~~~~ 9;;;g6) 62 ~f6. It is not advisable to
W~ ~ ~iA~ hang on to the pawn - the blockade
~#;j ~~d ~~ 0 W
r~': ~~ ~,1 ~ is more important: 59 ... ~d8! 60
~ ~ ~ WA i.xa4 ~e7 61 ~f5 ~el 62 ~b3
W ~d2 with a draw.
The primitive 55 g4? ~c6 56 f5 b) The most dangerous is 59
gf+ 57 gf ~d7 58 f6 ~e8 59 i.c4 g3! a3! 60 gh! (60 i.bl 3i.xg3)
a3 60~f5 (60Wd5 ~f7!) 60 ... ~f8 60 ... a2 61 e7 al'YW+ 62 Wf5 'ilUbl+
61 e6 i.d6 62 ~g6 ~b4 63 ~xh6 63 ~f6. but I don"t quite see how
i.c5 leads to a draw. The white White wins after. for example,
bishop cannot gain control of the 63 .. :iVb4! 64 f5 'ii'xh4+ 65 ~f7
important e8-square, and so the 'ii'c4+ 66 ~g7 ~d4+ 67 f6 tid7 68
black king easily obstructs any at- ~f8 (68 i.f5 ~e8 69 ~e6 ~d6; 68
tempt by the enemy king to help its i.f7 ~g4+ 69 Wf8 'iib4) 68 ...~d6
pawns. 69 ~g8 (threatening 70 e8liJ+!)
Study-like finesses arise in the 69...'iWe6+ (or 69 ...~b6).
variation 55 e6?! ~c6 56 'it'e5 ~g3! 55 i.f7! a3
(otherwise 57 e7 ~d7 58 ~f6) 57 56 e6! a2
220 Examples/rom Games by Pupils of the School

57 e7 al1W 68 1Wd8+ ~c5

58 e81V+ (D) 69 1Vc7+. Ciftb5
70 i.d7+ (D)

.. ~4!11
~~ ~/,
';."#~ .

.~:#/f ~
~ ~'f~i
:#~ -'/.I
~,~.~~~ ~//. ~ I
~~~ ~ ~ 1
~ ~\t>~
~ ~W1 ~~i
. . i&.
~ ~& ~ ~
~~ ~
.,;/a ~~~
~ ~
illli ~7 ~ ~
B ~---.;~ ~ /~
This position is clearly forced. It B
is not possible to mate the black 70 ••• <f.t>b4
king, so White's aim is to exchange Moving away to a6 (as in the
queens and then to capture the g6- analogous position with the bishop
pawn and win the bishop in return on eS) now loses: 70 ... r3;a6 71
for the e-pawn. This plan is entirely ~c6+ <f.t>a7 72 ~c5+ ~b7 73
feasible, but not without difficulty. ~c6+ Wc7 74 ~b5+ r3;b7 75
58 ~c5 'iVc6+ r3;b8 76 t'Ud6+ ~b7 77
59 'iVc8+ Wb6 i.c6+ ~b6 78 ll.d5+ r3;b5 79
60 ~b8+ ~c5 ~c6+. and so on.
61 'ii'c7+ 'it'b5 71 1Wb6+ ~a3
62 'ii'b7+! 72 'ii'aS+ ~b2
Nothing is offered by 62ll.eS+ 73 1Wxal + 'it>xal
'l.t>a6! 63 ~c6+ r3;a7 64 ~c5+ 74 Sl.e8 ~b2
Wb8!. Or 74 ... g5 75 f5 i.d6 76 i.h5
62 Wc5 ~b2 77 f6 Wc3 78 ~d5 i.a3 79 f7
63 'iVd5+! ~b6 ~d3 80 g4 followed by ~e6-d7-
64 ~d6+ ~b7 e8.
64... ~b5 is bad due to 65 i.e8+. 7S iLxg6 ~c3
65 i.dS+ ~c8 76 f5 ~c4
66 i.e6+ ~b7 77 f6 ~c5
67 ~d7+ Wb6 78 f7 i.d6
Examples/rom Games by Pupils a/the School 221

79 iLh5 ~f8 the affirmative and play continued

80 <t>f5 ~d6 as follows:
81 ~g6 We7 35 l:t.xa2
82 ~h7 <f.t>f6 36 l:t.d3! l:t.al+
83 ~g8 r3;e7 37 <t>g2 l1a2+
84 g4 38 <2;h3 ~c4
and Black is in zugzwang. 39 l:t.d8+ <2;g7
So it seems we have proved the 40 i.xf4 i.f1+
win for White - to do this we re- 41 Wg3 ':g2+
quired 35(!) moves of analysis 42 r3;h4 .:n
(done jointly with Mark Dvoret- 43 g5!
sky). Such long variations are and White has preserved two ex-
rarely flawless, so it is quite possi- tra pawns, since on 43 ...:xf3 there
ble that the readers will find either follows the decisive 44 ..tc5+ ~g6
a defence for Black or a shorter 45 ~g4. The game ended in vic-
path to victory for White. tory for White on the IOOth move.
Let's examine the consequences
of the rook exchange:
35 ••• l1e3
36 ':xe3 fe
Now 37 iLxe3?? ~xa2 38 'iitf2
(D) would be a blunder - in spite of
White's two extra pawns, the posi-
tion is drawn. Consider:

How should Black defend this

position, by 35 ...l:t.xa2 or 35... l:t.e3?
In other words, is the position after
35 ...l:t.e3 lost? DUring the game
Black answered this question in
222 Examples from Games by Pupils of the School

a) If Black defends passively,

there are certain dangers, which
are illustrated by the following
variations: 38 ... ~b3 39 <2;g3 i.dl
('taking aim' at White's pawns)
and now;
~ ~
~ ~ - -.


al) 40 h4 r:J;g7 41 h5 r:J;h7 42
~ ~
;~~ ~~A~
~;~ 0 ~,~
~:r ~~ ~~.~ A ~.0,
~d4 ~e2 43 g5 ~d 1 44 ~f6 ~e2 ~
"W:4 ~1
45 ~f4 i.dl 46 ~e4 .ic2+ 47 'itte5 ~ .
..t ~.~B/~' r?'~~#J.,
~ ~~
'~-1 ~~"~
~ ,,;~
~~ W~
. y.
~dl 48 ~f4 ~e2 49 h6 ~g6 50
<2;e4 ~d I 51 f4 ll.c2+ 52 ~e5
~b I. Now nothing is achieved by W
53 f5+ ~h7 54 ~c7 ~c2 55 Wf6 bl) 39 Wg3 fg 40 fg ~h7 41 h4
~bl 56 ~b4 ~c2 57 Ji.d2 ~bl 58 il.e6 42 h5 ~d7 43 ~h4 ~e6 44 g5
~e5 Ji.c2 59 g6+ fg 60 f6 ~b3 61 ..tf7.
~d6 ~g8. 53 Ciftd6 is a little more b2) 39 h3 ~f7 40 ~g3 fg 41 hg
tricky, threatening to move the ~g6 42 f4 ~e6.
king to g8, but Black parries the b3) 39 g5 ~g7 40 h4 <i.t>g6 41
threat by 53 ...~h7! 54 'itte7 ~g8 Ciftg3 ~b3 42 ~f4 ~dl.
55 ~c3 ~c2 56 ~f6 ~bl 57 f5 b4) 39 gf ~bl 40 f6 ~f7 41
~h7!. ~d4 ~h7. Black will continue,
a2) 40 f4!? ~h7 41 f5 ~e2 42 depending on the situation, by ma-
~f4 Wh6 43 ~e5+ Ciftg7 (with the noeuvring his king between the
present structure the king must not squares f7 and g8 or his bishop
be allowed to f6, as then White along the bl-h7 diagonal or the
plays g4-g5-g6) 44 g5 ~d145 h4 squares h7 and g8.
i..e2 46 ~d4 ~dl 4 7 ~c5 ~g4 Of course it is advantageous for
(47 ... Ji.c2 is quite possible, as on White to preserve the passed a-
48 h5 there is 48 ... ~d 1 f 49 h6+ pawn. One extremely important
Wh7 50 Ciftf6 i.c2) 48 ~b4 ~d149 principle for exploiting an advan-
~d6 i.c2! 50 iLc3+ Wg8 51 Cifte5 tage - the principle of two weak-
Wg7 52 h5 i.dl! 53 h6+ ~h7 54 nesses - remains in force for
~f6 ~c2 with a draw. as in the pre- opposite-coloured bishop endings
vious variation. (there is more detail on this princi-
b) The simplest way of building pie in the chapter 'Exploiting an
a fortress is 38 .. .f5! (D). Then the advantage'). White's passed a-
possibilities are: pawn and his passed pawn on the
Examples from Games by Pupils of the School 223

kingside tcar the opponent's de- ~g3 ~c4 54 a6 i.d3 55 <t>b6 el'iV
fence in two. The fact that White 22~xel ~b8.
will lose his extra material for a Correct is:
while has no essential significance: 41 <iit>e3 f6!?
the nuances of the position are 42 <t>d4 ~f7
more important than material. 43 ~c5 ~b7

Thus play should continue: 44 a5 (D)
37 a4 ..txf3 (D)
fr~: _ ~ (($~'

I. W~ 1n~.m'~
~~ ~
~.L~ ~W~
~ ~ • B

.. - .
~ ~ ~ ~
~ ~ ~LSIj

~~ ~
~ ",(f'~ ~~
~ ~ ~
Now if 44 ... i.g2 45 h4 i.f3 46
a6 ~xg4 47 a7 ~f3. then not 48
Ciftb6? Ciftg6 49 ~c7 ~h5 50 ~el f5
51 ~b8 f4 52 a8'iV ~xa8 53 ~xa8
f3 54 ~b7 <2;g4 55 ~c6 ~h3 56 h5
A. 38 h3 e2 rj;g2 57 h6 f2 with a draw, but 48
39 ~d2 ~b7! rj;d4! ~g6 (48 ...~e649 rj;e3 ~d5
40 Ciftf2 ~a6 50 h5) 49 ~e3 ~b7 50 ~xe2 ~h5
Now Black has placed his 51 ~el with a~ easy win - the king
bishop ideally and White comes up again heads for the a7-pawn.
against serious difficulties. Thus A more stubborn defence is:
41 g5? rj;g7 42 h4 Ciftg6 43 ~e3 is 44 ••• rj;e6!
bad in vicw of 43 ... f6144 gf<2;xf6 4S ..tel!
45 Ciftd4 ~e6 46 ~c5 ~d7 47 'iitb6 Not 45 Ciftb6? iLg2, which is
~d3 48 as (48 ~b7 ~+ 49 ~b8 analogous to the variation above.
Ciftc6) 48 ... ~c8 49 rj;a7 ~c7 50 h5 45 iLg2
~c4 51 h6 ..td3 52 i.el ~c8 53 46 h4 ~f3
224 Examples from Games by Pupils of the School

47 a6 ~xg4 40 a7
48 <it;d4 i.f3 40 iLxe3 is also good.
49 ~e3 ~c6 40 ••• ~f8
SO a7 f5 Black's only hope is to move his
S1 ~xe2 f4 king over to the a7-pawn. and then
52 ~d3 it will be sufficient for him to give
and White will still have to over- up his bishop for the h-pawn.
come technical difficulties. 41 h4 e2
41. .. ~e8 42 h5 ~d7 43 h6 +-,
B. 38 as! 42 ~f2
This is White's strongest con- and Black cannot defend against
tinuation. White's plan as indicated above.
38 ••• ~xg4 (D) So we have reached the conclu-

•R . _*Bi
sion that the exchange of rooks
loses, although it forces White to
~ play fairly accurately.
• ,.
~~ •

~~ ;~ ~..JL~
u B~

From the opening to the

The following game was played at

~ ~ r.~ 1~ the second session of the school,
I ~
.~ ~
~ ~
}17ft ~
which was devoted to opening
~ e
~ ~
~ ~
preparation. We suggested to the
young players that they play 'an
W open hand': they told their oppo-
39 a6 ~f3 nents in advance which opening
After 39...e2 40 'ittf2 ~f3 41 variation they were going to play.
~d2 ~c6 42 h4 Black is defence- They were then supposed to master
less against White's plan of ad- the theoretical recommendations
vancing one pawn to h6, another to in the given opening variation. to
a7, taking the e2-pawn and bring- analyse recent games and to think
ing the king over to the queenside. up new ideas so as to surprise their
It is important that the white bishop opponents.
defends its pawn and prevents the In modern chess openings, de-
advance of the opponent's passed bates are sometimes settled after
pawn along the same diagonal. twenty or even thirty moves in a
Examples from Games by Pupils of the School 225

distant endgame. This was what

happened in the game we are about
to analyse.

Kiriakov (15) - Svidler (14)

Daugavpils 1990
Grunfeld Defence

1 d4 lbf6
2 e4 g6
3 lbe3 !ii.g7
4 lbf3 dS B
5 cd lbxd5 18 .•• l:t.ae8
6 e4 lbxe3 The latcst word in this variation
7 be 0·0 is the immediate exchange of bish-
8 l:tbl c5 ops. In the game Sakaev-Ftacnik,
9 ..te2 lbc6 Dortmund 1992 Black achieved
10 dS ~eS equality after 18 ... ~xb2 19 l:t.xb2
11 ~xeS ~xeS f6 20 i..c2!? l:tae8 !? (with the idea
12 'iVd2 b6 of ... f6-f5). Instead of 20 ...l:t.ae8,
13 f4 - i..g7 Stohl's recommendation in lnfor-
14 c4 e5 mator48, 20 ... ~e5 21 ~xe5 fe, is
15 i..b2 less precise since after the move in-
The alternative is 150-0. dicated by Kiriakov, 22 l:t.fbl!,
15 ... ef White keeps better prospects in
The other possibility 15 ... ~d6 view of the threat a2-a4-a5.
occurred in the game Komarov- 19 ~f6!?
Smejkal, Bad Mergentheim 1989. This is more precise than 19
published in lnformator 48. ..txg7 rJilxg7 20 a4 f5 with equality,
16 1Wxf4 as occurred in the game Vaiser-
16 ~xg7? is bad in view of the Stohl, Biel 1989.
zwischenzug 16 ...~h4+, and if 17 19 iLxf6
g3 fg 18 ~h6, then Black plays 20 'ii'xf6 'ii'xf6
18... g2+!' 21 l:t.xf6 ~g7
16 'iVe7 22 l:t.bf1!? (D)
17 0·0 ~d7 2211d6 i..a4 23 :fl f6 is worse
18 ~d3 (D) -Stohl.
226 Examples from Games by Pupils of the School

•-r_ .K. •- The move in the game docs not

enable Black to solve his problems.

. •
~ ~ _A~im,

~ ~
~ ~Am
~. ~
22 •••
23 :6f3

The possibility of the move

...lLfS makes White nervous and


B.il.~ ~
~ ~
he incorrectly removes his rook
from its active position. More pre-
cise was 23 :lf4!, and now on
23 ... i.f5 there would follow the
simple 24 Itc6.
B 23 ••• ~g4 (D)
White has the initiative in the
endgame that has arisen. Of course
the pressure along the f-file is not
too unpleasant for Black on its
own. The real problem is that his
opponent has an extremely simple
plan for strengthening his position
on the qucenside: White wants to
play ~c2, a4-a5 and create a sec-
ond weakness in the black camp.
Therefore Stohl's suggestion for
changing the character of the game
by 22 ... ~f5!? 23 ef ~xf6 24 fg+ W
~g7 (24 ... ~e5?? 25 g7) 25 gh l:.e3 White wants to begin play on the
deserved serious attention. If now queenside by 24 ~c2, and then 25
26 ~f5, then Black replies with a4 or 25 :a3. The main problem of
26 ... l:.d8 27 1:tf4 .:tee8. After 26 Black's position is that his theo-
:!d 1 Black has a choice between retically good bishop is not taking
three moves: an active part in the game. The only
a) 26 ... f5 27 d6 <t>xh7 28 d7. object ofBJack's counterplay is the
b) 26 ...l1d8 27 ~f2 l1e5 28 a4 e4-pawn. But 23 ... f5? does not
a6 29 l1bl (Stohl). work in view of 24 g4. It was there-
c) 26 ...l1e5!? (intending ... b6- fore worth thinking about transfer-
b5 and ... f? -f5) 27 g4 b5 28 iLf5 be ring the bishop to g6 by 23 ... f6, and
29 Ciftf2!? then ...g6-g5 and ... L8-g6.
Examples/rom Games by Pupils a/the School 227

24 l:t3f2 iLd7?! 29 l1xfS gf

Even now it was not too late for 30 l1xf5 l1e4
24 ... g5! with the idea ... ~h5-g6. 31 d6! ':d4
With his actual move Black em- 32 l:t.d5 Wf6!
ploys waiting tactics which might 32... l1xd5? 33 cd rJ;f7 loses in
not have deserved to payoff. view of 34 g4 ~e8 35 g5 ~d7 36
2S a4 h4 'it'xd6 37 h5 Ciftxd5 38 g6 hg 39
25 ~c2!? h6.
25 ••• ':ee8 33 l:txd4 cd
26 i..e2 (D) 34 <2;f2 <it?e6
On 26 as there is 26 ... ba 27 l1al 35 rJ;e2
(27 l:tbll1b8) 27 ...a4 28 i..c2l:te5, White fails to use all his winning
but instead 26 h4 deserved atten- chances. Black's task would have
tion. Lulled by his opponent's ac- been mOre complicated after 35
tivities, White wants to play at his rJ;f3 ~xd6 36 ~e4 ~c5 37 'iitd3.
own convenience, and underesti- After 37 ...~b4 38 'it>xd4 rJ;xa4 39
mates Black's freeing break. rJ;c3! (D) it may appear that White
wins. However, Black is saved by
an unorthodox defence.

26 ••• (5!
A subtle solution to Black's de- B
fensive problems, the assessment 39 ... b5 40 g4 and now 40 ... a6!!
of which depends on the pawn end- (or indeed the reverse move order,
ing that arises by force. 39 ...a6 40 g4 and now 40 ... b5!, but
27 ef ~x(5 not 40 ... ~a3?? in view of 41 c5 ~,
28 ~xf5 l1xf5 winning) 41 h4 (41 cb ~xb5)
228 Examples from Games by Pupils of the School

41. .. ~a3, and in the queen end- and the players agreed to a
game arising after 42 c5 b4+ 43 draw.
~d2 b3 44 c6 b2 45 c7 bl~ 46
c8'iV Black should avoid defeat. Exchange
35 ••• 'iitxd6
36 Wd3 ~e5! (D) Is it worth exchanging queens and
Now 36... ~c5? loses because of entering the endgame? How can
37 g4. we assess the consequences of an
exchange of rooks? You often find
you have to answer questions like
this during a game. It is not surpris-
ing that in the endgame, when very
few pieces are left, it is especially
important to tackle the problem of
exchanges correctly.

37 g3 h6!
38 h3 h5!
39 g4 bg
40 hg <f.t>f4
41 ~xd4 ~xg4
42 Ciftd5
A draw results after 42 a5 <f.t>f4! B
43 a6 (43 ab ab 44 ~d5 'itte3) Mugerman - Makariev (14)
43 ... ~f5 44 Ciftd5 ~f6 45 ~c6 We6 Moscow 1989
46~b7 ~d7.
42 .•• ~f4! Black should have taken into
Not 42 ...~f5?? in view of 43 a5! consideration that his pawn struc-
ba 44 c5, winning. ture on the kingside is spoiled and
43 ~c6 ~e5 in the endgame is vulnerable to at-
44 ~b7 ~d6 tack by the enemy king. It was
45 Wxa7 ~c7 therefore not a good idea to swap
Examples from Games by Pupils of the School 229

queens. After the correct continu-

ation 25 .. .'it)a8 26 ':xd2 ~c6 (fol-
lowed by 27 ...~cl+. 27 .. :~Wf3 or
27 ... a6) Black would have had
25 ••• 'Wic7?
26 %:txd2 'Wixe5?!
Again a bad decision. The ex-
change On e5 only improves his
opponent's pawn structure (the e5-
pawn holds two opposing pawns
on its own). Stronger is 26 ... f6!.
to which White should reply 27 29 f4 %:tal?!
'We3. retaining somewhat the better 30 a3 nel
chances. Instead the pawn end- 31 <t>h3 :'c5
game after 27 ~xc7+ ~xc7 28 32 ~h4 l:d5
':c2+ (28 ~g2!'!) 28 ... ~d7 29 33 :lc2+ ~d8
l:xc8 ~xc8 30 'ittg2 ~d7 31 <f.t>h3 34 ~g5
We7 32 ~h4 r:J;f7 33 ~h5 cJ;;g7 34 Black has now achieved a totally
f3 is drawn: hopeless endgame.
a) 34 ... h6! 35 g4 ~h7 36 g5 hg
37 fg ~g7 =. The assessment of the position
b) Note that 34... ~h8? 35 ~h6 depends largely on whether or not
~g8 36 g4 ~h8 is wrong in view Black can send his king over to the
of 37 h3! (but not 37 h4? ~g8 38 kingside. In this case he will be
g5 e5!) 37 ...Wg8 38 h4 (zugzwang) forced to allow the exchange of
38 ... ~h8 39 g5 fg 40 hg winning. rooks.
27 fe (D) Thus:
In spite of the material equilih- 27 r;!;c7
rium, Black's position is critical. 28 ':c2+
How is he to defend against the Not 28 ~g2? l1g8. with an ac-
white king marching over to the ceptable position for Black.
weakened kingside pawns? In the 28 ••• ~d7
game Black did not manage to 29 l:t.xc8 ~xc8
solve this problem: An interesting pawn endgame
27 l1cl+? has arisen. White directs his king
28 ~g2 ~c7 towards the opponent's pawn
230 Examples from Games by Pupils of the SchooL

weaknesses. and the black king 36 ••• f6

rushes to the defence. In the event of 36... ~g7 37 g4 fg
30 ~g2 ~d7 38 fg <it?h7 39 g5 hg 40 ~xg5. the
31 ~h3 ~e7 presence of a distant passed pawn
The active counterplay comes decides the outcome.
too lale: 31. ..<t>c6 32 ~h4 ~d5 33 37 ef e5
f4 <;!te4 34 ~g5 ~f3 35 ~f6 ~g2 38 g4 e4 (D)
36 Wxf7 ~xh2 37 <;.t;xe6 Ciftxg3 38 38 .. .f4 39 g5 e4 does not save
~xf5 h5 39 e6. Black either because of 40 g6+
32 ~h4 (D) ~g8 41 ~xh6 cf 42 g7 f2 43 'it'g6
and 44 f7 mate.

39 fe fc
40 ~h4 Wg6
A. 32 ~f8 41 ~g3 ~xf6
33 ~h5 Ciftg7 42 'ittf4 e3
34 ~g5 43 ~xe3 ~g5
Not 34 f3? in view of 34... f6!. 44 ~f3 ~h4
34 h6+ 45 ~f4 ~h3
35 ~h5 ~h7 46 g5 hg
36 f3 47 ~xg5 ~xh2
As will become clear from the 48 ~f4 Ciftg2
following variations, it is better 49 CifteS ~f3
technique to insert the moves 36 b4 50 ~d6 Cifte4
h5. 51 ~c7 b5
Examples/rom Games by Pupils o/the School 231

52 <t>b7! Now White achieves nothing af-

52 ~c6 b4 53 'ittb5 b3 is wrong: ter either 35 ~g5 h6+ 36 ~h5 (36
54 ab <it?d3 55 <j(a6 <it?c2 56 b4 ~b3 ~f4 'it'f6) 36... e5. or 35 f3 because
or 54 a4 <it?d3 55 <it?b4 ~c2 56 'it'a3 of 35... Wf6! 36 g4 fg 37 fg ~e5.
a5 stalemate! It looks logical to strengthen the
52 ••• 'it'd 3 position by:
52... a5 53 ~b6. 35 h3 h6
53 ~xa7 b4 As will become clear from the
53 ... ~c2 54 b4 <it?c3 55 a3. variations given below. any move-
54 ~b6 <it?c2 ment by the black pawns on the
55 b3 queenside only makes White's task
and White wins. easier. For example: 35 ... a5 36 a4
h6 37 g4 fg 38 hg 'it'h7 39 f4 'it'g7
B. 32 ••• f6 40 g5 hg 41 fg e5 42 Wh4 Wf7 43
White's task is more compli- ~g3 ~g6 44 ~g4 e4 45 'it'f4 e3 46
cated after this move. ~xe3 'ittxg5 47 ~d4 ~f5 48 ~c5
33 ef+ Wxf6 ~e4 49 ~b6 'it'd4 50 ~xb7 ~c5
34 ~h5 rj;g7 (D) 51 ~a6 ~b4 52 b3.
34... ~e5 35 ~h6 ~e4 36 ~xh7 36 g4
<it?f3 37 'ittg6 'it'xf2 38 'it>f6 ~g2 39 Certainly not 36 f3?? e5 37 g4
~xe6 ~xh2 40 ~xf5 'it'xg3 41 f4.
'it'e5 brings the game to a variation 36 fg
just examined. 37 hg 'it'h7 (D)

232 Examples/rom Games by Pupils a/the School

N ow the straightforward 38 f4?

does not achieve White's aim. Af-
ter 38... <iftg7 39 g5 hg 40 fg e5 41
'it'h4 9;;f7 42 'it'g3 ~g6 43 ~g4 e4
44 ~f4 e3 45 ~xe3 ~xg5 46 ~e4
ct>f647 <i.tfd5 ~e7 the white king
does not break through to the
queenside pawns. Now it is dPpar-
ent why the black pawns on a7 and
b7 should stay where they are.
A draw also results after 38 g5?
hg 39 ~xg5 ~g7 40 ~f4 ~f6 41 W
~e4 e5 (but not 41 ... 'it'f7? 42 We5 42 b6 ab
'it'e7 43 f3 Wd7 44 ~f6 ~d6 45 f4 43 ab ~g7
~d7 46 ~f7 ~d6 4 7 ~e8 b5 48 From the point of view of the
b4, and if 48 ... e5, then 49 f5 wins) first plan (the creation of a distant
42 ~d5 'it'f5 43 b4 (on 43 f3 Black passed pawn) the situation has not
has both43 ... ~f6 and43 ... ~f444 changed. but as concerns th~ sec-
~e6 ~xf3 45 ~xe5 'it'e3 46 ~d6 ond plan, White's position has
~d3 47 9;;c7 b5) 43 ... b5 44 ~c5 a6 been strengthened fundamentally.
45 ~d5 e4 46 a3 ~f4 47 'it'e6 'it'g4! 44 g5! bg
48~e5 ~f3. 45 ~xg5 ~f7
Let us recall the principle do 4 46 ~r4 ~6
not rush!' and try to strengthen the 47 ~e4 ~r7
position some more by advancing No help is 47 ... e5 48 ~d5 ~f5
the queensidc pawns: 49 ~d6 ~f4 50 ~c7 'i!tf3 51 'i!txb7
38 b4! ~xf2 52 ~c6 e4 53 b7 and White
This move could also have been wins.
inserted earlier. 48 'it'e5 ~e7 (D)
38 '0' 9;;g7 49 f3!
Black has to adopt waiting tac- It is useful to note that White
tics - otherwise White will win by wins thanks to his two tempi in re-
creating a distant passed pawn on serve.
the kingside (f2-f4 and g4-g5). 49 ••• ~d7
39 b5 ~h7 50 ~f6 'it'd 6
40 a4 ~g7 Or 50 ... Wc6 51 ~xe6 ~xb6 52
41 a5 ~h7 (D) f4 ct;c7 53 f5 ~d8 54 ~f7 b5 55 f6
Examples from Games by Pupils of the School 233

However, Black had one other

defensive option.
27 ••. f4!? (D)

b4 56 ~g8 b3 57 f7 and White
queens with check.
51 f4 Wd7
52 Wf7 Wd6 W
53 ~e8 With this move he would change
Having gained the 'side opposi- the character of the game and, as is
tion' the white king 'takes the side shown by the variations given be-
route' . low. he would manage to hold the
53 ••• ~c6 defence.
54 ~e7 <it?xb6 28 Wg2
Or 54.. '<~(d5 55 <2;d7. Or 28 ':d7?! f3!, whilst 28 gf
S5 'it'xe6 crt;c7 ':c4 2911d8+ rv!tc7 30 :Ih8 :txf4 31
56 f5 ~d8 nxh7 ~c6 32 rv!tg2 Wd5 33 rv!tg3
57 <;!;;f7 Wxe5 34 .t:.h5+ f5! 35 l:t.h4 l:xh4
36 rv!txh4 rv!tf4 37 rv!th5 ~f3 38 ~g5
So 27 .. .rv!i;c7 led to an objectively f4 39 h4 e5 is a draw.
lost pawn endgame. In a practical 28 ••• fg
game situation it is hardly possible 29 bg
to calculate the whole endgame. In 29 rv!txg3 is met by 29 ... l:t.g8+
addition, the probability of a mis- and then 30... 'it'c7.
take by White is fairly high. In any 29 ••• l1c5
case, the continuation 27 ... 'it'c7 30 f4
gives more chances of salvation Neither 30 l:t.d7 l:t.xe5 31 :'xf7
then the move 27 ... l:t.c 1+? that was h5 nor 30 l:t.d8+ ~c7 31 l:t.f8 llc2
chosen in the game. is dangerous. (Typesetter's note: In
234 Examples/rom Games by Pupils o/the School

the second line, White can con- Or 31 ~f3 h5!? 32 :th2 ~d7 and
tinue 32 l:t.xf7+ ~c6 33 ':e7! with Black holds on.
good winning chances, for exam- 31 ..• h6!?
~d5 35
ple 33 ... l:t.xb2 34 l:t.xe6+ 32 ~g4 :tel
l1e7 h5 3611h7. and the white king will not be
30 r3;e7 able to break through to the black
31 ~h3 pawns.
Index of Analysts and

Alekhine 1~93, 132. 151, 156, 187

Averbakh 101
Boleslavsky 160
Bologan 75, 175
Bondarcv 93
Bondarevsky 155
Capablanca 33
Dolmatov 83
Donchenko 102
Drecv 20
Elkies 136
Emelin 196
Flohr 155
Gheorghiu 120
Gulko 22
Kaidanov 166
Kasparov 189
Khenkin 94
Kiriakov 225
Korchnoi 154
Krogius 91
Lasker 75
Maizclis 10,15
Makarychev 133
Mestel 67
Miles 54
Nirnzowitsch 99
Petrosian 149.167
Schlosser, F. 167
Smyslov lIS
236 Index ofAnalysts and Commentators

Speelman 154
Stohl 225
Tal /16,150
Tukmakov 53
Utiatsky 18
Vaganian 57
Vulfson /02-113
Z viagintsev 83,215
Index of Games

Alekhine-Bogoljubow, GennanylHolland Wch (19) 1929 17

Alekhine-Siimisch. Baden-Baden 1925 151
Alekhine-Tartakower, Vienna 1922 16
Alekhine-Tylor, Nottingham 1936 J32
Andersson-Franco. Buenos Aires 1979 27
Andersson-Mestel, Hastings 1978179 28
Baikov-Zviagintscv, Moscow 1990 214
Bakulin-Dvorctsky. Moscow 1974 57
Bastrikov-Kiselev, Sverdlovsk 1946 172
Berger-Kotlerman, Arkhangelsk 1948 86
Bogoljubow-Ed.Laskcr. New York 1924 92
Capablanca-Alekhine, New York 1924 187
Capablanca-Ragozin, Moscow 1936 33
Capablanca-Yates, New York 1924 36
Dorfman-Kholmov, Saratov 1981 74
Dreev-Moskalenko, Lvov jr 1985 20
Dvoretsky-Baikov. Moscow Ch 1972 148
Dvoretsky-Butnoris, Kiev 1976 139
Dvoretsky-Cooper, Philadelphia 1990 146
Dvoretsky-Kikiani, Kiev 1970 35
Dvoretsky-Privorotsky, Kiev 1970 37
Dvoretsky-Zilbershtein, Ordzhonikidze 1978 J76
Ehlvest-Andrianov, Tallinn 1981 158
Emelin-Schwartzman, Fond du Lac Wch U-I4 1990 195
Emelin-Zifroni, Fond du Lac Wch U-14 1990 196
Flohr-Keres, USSR Ch (Moscow) 1950 159
Fridshtein-Lutikov, Riga 1954 15
Fuchs-Kholmov, Dresden 1956 91
Gheorghiu-Yusupov, Lucerne 1985 120
Gligoric-Smyslov. Moscow 1947 8
Gragger-Barcza, Varna Olympiad 1962 174
Karpov-Korchnoi, Baguio City Wch (22) 1978 149
238 Index of Games

Karpov-Yusupov, linares 1991

Karpov-Yusupov, London Ct (6) 1989
Keberl-Szabo, Budapest 1951
Kharlov-Khenkin. Copenhagen 1993
Khaunin-Fridman, Leningrad 1962
Kiriakov-Svidler. Daugavpils 1990
Komarov-Smejkal, Bad Mergentheim 1989
Kotov-Pachman. Venice 1950
V.Kozlov-Dvoretsky. Tbilisi 1986
Lapin-Utiatsky, Briansk 1965
Larsen-Kavalek, Solingen (7) 1970
Larsen-Torre, Leningrad IZ 1973
Leonhardt-Spielmann, San Sebastian 1912
Ljubojevic-Yusupov. Linares 1991
Makarychev -Vasiukov. Vilnius 1980/81
Maroczy-Tarrasch, San Sebastian 1911
Mestel-L.Popov. Malta Olympiad 1980
Miles-Nikolac. Wijk aan Zee 1979
Moiseev-Bagirov, Moscow 1956
Mugennan-Makariev. Moscow 1989
Nirnzowitsch-Tarrasch. Bad Kissingen 1928
NN-A.N.Other, Moscow University Ch 1972/73
Petrosian-Bannik. USSR Ch (Riga) 1958
Petrosian-Karpov, USSR Ch (Moscow) 1976
Petrosian-Spassky. Moscow Wch (12) 1969
Portisch-Petrosian, Palma de Mallorca Ct (12) 1974
Rachels-D.Gurevich, US Ch (Long Beach) 1989
Radulov-Vaganian. Leningrad 1977
Reti-Romanovsky. Moscow 1925
Sakaev-Fta~nik, Dortmund 1992
Salov-Yusupov, Linares 1991
Skembris-Torre. Lucerne Olympiad 1982
Smirin-Vogt, Saltsjobaden 1988/89
Smyslov-Botvinnik, Moscow Wch (3) 1954
Smyslov-Vaganian, Leningrad 1977
Spassky-Korchnoi, Kiev Ct (5) 1968
Index of Games 239

Taimanov-Gulko, USSR Ch (Moscow) 1976 23

Taimanov-Stein, USSR Ch (Tbilisi) 1966/67 165
Tal-Smyslov, USSR Cup (Tbilisi) 1976 114
Trabattoni-Barlov, La Valetta 1979 72
Ma.Tseitlin-Makarychev, Krasnoiarsk 1981 133
Vaiser-Martinovic, Vrnjacka Banja 1984 73
Vaiscr-Stohl, Biel 1989 225
Vakllldov-Tirnoshchenko, Tashkent 1982 95
Vidmar-Thomas, Nottingham 1936 156
Wolff-Browne. USA Ch (Durango) 1992 135
Yusupov-Barbero. Mendoza 1985 60
Yusupov-Li Zunian, Lucerne 1985 /22
Yusupov-Mestel. Esbjerg 1980 67
Yusupov-Timman. Tilburg Ct (6) 1986 63
Yusupov-Tseshkovsky, Moscow 1981 62
Zakharov-Dvoretsky, Ordzhonikidze 1978 14/
Zapata-Chernin. Subotica IZ 1987 195
Zlotnik-Vulfson, Moscow 1983 102
Zviagintsev-Onishchuk, Berlin 1993 221
Index of Studies

Averbakh, 1954
Averbakh, 1980
Bron, 1929
Chekhover. 1950
Horwitz and Kling, 1851
Iq1ortov, 1982
~olesnikov, 1989
.Moravec, 1913
. Norlin, 1922
V. Pachman. 1960/61
Peckover. 1960
R~ti. 1928
Rinck. 1906
Romanovsky, 1950
V. Sokolov. 1940
Tarrasch, 1921
Timman. 1989

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