Oil India Limited: Onshore Emergency Response Plan
Oil India Limited: Onshore Emergency Response Plan
Oil India Limited: Onshore Emergency Response Plan
REV - 01
3) Emergency Situations:
The main role of emergency team at rig site is to respond to a critical condition
requiring immediate operational response, which can be contained and can be
handled by personnel and resources available within the area. The team shall also
ensure that there is little danger to life or the risk of damage to company assets
and/or the environment.
controller shift
All Personnel:
1. If any person happens to be first observer of any incident like Fire, Injury
Accident, Oil spill, Chemical Spill etc, he shall not create panic.
2. He shall inform the nearest person of the incident and ensure that Tool pusher is
3. If he is trained to mitigate accident situation, he shall try to control the situation
with available means.
4. Follow the instructions of Tool pusher.
5. Do not spread rumours.
6. Do not make use of internal & external communication causing congestion in
emergency communication.
7. If evacuation alarm is raised, evacuate through specified emergency exit route
identified at the site to the designated assembly point.
Emergency responsibility:
Incident Controller, Tool pusher (TP):
1. The TP is overall incharge of any emergency situation.
2. He shall ensure that this procedure is implemented and communicated to all rig
personnel in HSE meetings and through in-house training and that those key
personnel are well aware of their roles & responsibilities as defined in this
3. Ensuring all key contact numbers of key personnel Govt officials, Ambulance,
Consented hospitals are with him.
4. Review and update the contact list periodically.
5. He will inform the project head for status of field emergency situation and if
required ask for additional resources from offsite to mitigate the emergency
6. Arrange for medical evacuation if required.
Rig Medical Officer:
1. He is responsible for providing first aid and treatment to injured personnel.
2. Examining the patient and take decision whether medical evacuation is needed.
3. Arrange the required facilities/ medical support needed by the patient during
transportation to hospital.
4. Liaisoning with local hospitals in an emergency situation.
Communication Coordinator:
Transport Persons:
1. Constantly in contact with emergency response team leader.
2. Arrange proper vehicle to mitigate the situation as earliest.
6.2) Members of Emergency team: (These names in this form to be displayed at the
site for all four shifts).
Shift Fire emergency team Medical rescue Spill control Team
To minimize danger & damage from fire or other emergency for the protection of vital plant
equipment & materials, personnel responsible for shutting down critical operations before
evacuation following personnel are responsible for shutting down critical equipment.
2. TP/HSE Officer shall ensure that basic fire fighting is being carried out by rig fire
team. The fire team shall consist of trained personnel and shall fight the fire with the
fire fighting equipment provided. Primary firefighting must not endanger rig
3. Once it is observed that fire is out of control TP/HSE or immediate person will raise 3
long horns for fire alarm. TP will instruct the communication coordinator to contact
the nearest fire service station near the rig site.
4. All the unessential personnel after hearing the alarm shall evacuate to the assembly
point for head count.
5. Any calls not associated with the emergency should be terminated unless permitted
by the TP.
6. If TP observes that, the fire could pose hazard to personnel or equipment, the
Company man should be informed by the TP and instruct the driller to secure the
well as per Standard Operating Practice.
7. The company man shall inform the operator office on the incident and his
assessment of the incident. He shall also discuss the matter with Mines Manager for
any outside help that may be required for fire fighting.
8. TP should keep the company man informed about the developments in the fire
fighting actions / emergency situations.
9. The fire fighting team shall ensure that the item on the fire should be isolated from
all supplies, i.e. electricity, fuel, gas. The power is shut in the incident area.
Isolate/close the valve to stop oil or gas flow.
10. If sealed containers ie. Paint tins, gas bottles, fuel tanks, are present in the area of
fire then all personnel must move them to a safe distance from the fire or take
alternate action.
11. The team shall use relevant fire extinguisher for fire fighting depending upon type
and location of fire.
12. If any person is found to be injured due to fire, the person shall be removed from the
danger area and first-aid shall be administered to him as per medivac procedure.
13. If any person is found missing, identify the last seen location of the missing person
TP will identify search team for rescue operation.
14. In case there are serious injury medical evacuation procedure shall be followed.
15. The fire fighting team will be waiting for the secondary fire services to arrive at the
location and will try to prevent the fire from spreading.
16. The time required to wait for the fire services depends on the distance of the rig
from fire service station. Preparations shall be made for free movement and access
of fire tender to fire to fire location by
I. Posting man at access road entrance
II. Ensuring free access to the fire engine.
III. Passing on relevant fire information to the fireman supervisor, on arrival.
17. The rig superintendent should be in touch with TP and if required mobilize the offsite
resources to mitigate the emergency condition. He should also keep informed the
company man & the ERT leader about the emergency situation.
18. In case there is major injury/accident, Tool pusher shall inform the project head for
appropriate actions. HR coordinator in consultation with project head shall inform to
the family persons of the injured personnel, and arrange further necessary actions.
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Similarly, the TP/DS shall inform the project head on the condition of all workers at
the rig site.
Reporting Procedure:
1. The equipment involved in the fire shall be assessed for damage and reported to
company man. An accident/ incident report shall be prepared & submitted by site
HSE Officer identifying loss of damage to property and personnel injured to Mine
Manager, Mines safety officer, HSE Officer & Fire Officer (OIL), project head & GM
2. The company man shall ensure initial incident notification report submitted to
operator head office within 24 hours of the incident as required.
B: Fire at Camp Site:
1. On outbreak of fire, First observer at site will shout Fire- Fire and try to extinguish
the fire with nearest primary fire fighting equipment if the fire is in incipient stage.
2. Shutdown any equipment that feeds fire, (fan, AC, etc.)
3. Camp boss or HSE Officer and communication coordinator are informed.
4. Camp boss informs the TP, who in turn will inform the company man. Project head
and rig superintendent regarding the incident.
5. Camp boss will alert the fire fighting team, HSE Officer & Medical officer.
6. TP/CB/HSE shall ensure that basic fire fighting is being carried out by fire fighting
team. The fire team shall consist of trained personnel and shall fight the fire with fire
fighting equipment provided. Primary fire fighting must not endanger personnel in
the camp.
7. Once it is observed that fire is out of control, camp boss will inform TP & Company
8. If require TP/HSE will contact the nearest Fire service station.
9. All the personnel hearing the alarm shall evacuate to the assembly point for head
count by camp boss.
10. If any person is found to be injured due to the fire, the person shall be removed from
the danger area and first-aid shall be administered to him. Medical Officer shall be
called to attend the injury.
11. If any person is found missing, identify the last seen location of the missing person
camp boss will identify search team for rescue operation.
12. In case there are serious injury medical evacuation procedure shall be followed by
the camp boss.
13. The fire fighting team will be waiting for the secondary fire services to arrive at the
location and will try to prevent the fire from spreading by available a waterjet or
sand to reduce the heat effect.
14. Preparations shall be made for free movement and access of fire engine to fire
15. HSE Officer shall collect the list of injured / missing personnel and other relevant
16. If required TP shall inform local police station for their support.
17. In case there is any major injury or fatal accident the same is communicated to TP,
Company man and Rig Superintendent.
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18. TP shall inform the project head in case of major injury/ accident for appropriate
actions. HR coordinator in consultation with project head shall inform the family
persons of the injured personnel, and arrange further necessary actions for
rehabilitation of camp.
19. In case fire at camp site damages the local power generator and telecommunication
link the standby equipment should be available to resume the activities.
Reporting Procedure:
1. The equipment involved in the fire shall be assessed for damage and reported to
company man. An accident/ Incident report shall be prepared & submitted by site
HSE Officer identifying loss of damage to property and personnel injured to Mine
manager, Mines safety officer, HSE officer, Fire Officer (OIL), project Head
2. The company man shall ensure initial incident notification report submitted to OIL
office within 24 hours of the incident as required.
C: Flammable or toxic gas leak:
1. The person discovering the gas leak will inform driller.
2. Driller will ensure that TP is informed immediately.
3. TP shall nominate trained person to identify the location of the leakage, type of gas
and the concentration of leakage using explosive meter.
4. The nominated person shall wear breathing apparatus / respiratory mask to carry
out the activity.
5. If the concentration level goes beyond danger level, TP shall raise the gas leak alarm
as identified, and ensure that all activities are that may ignite the gas are stopped
6. The trained person on identification of leakage will try to isolate the leak by shutting
the relevant valve.
7. On hearing the gas leak alarm all persons except drill crew shall immediately
evacuated the area by moving towards the upwind assembly point.
8. TP in consultation with company man shall plan to stop the leakage.
9. The fire fighting team shall be informed to ready for any potential fire.
10. TP shall inform the project head regarding the emergency situation.
11. TP in consultation with company man will try to stop the leakage if safe to do so.
12. Company man shall be provided assistance as required until incident scene declared
safe. He shall also inform the Mines Manager, operator regarding incident and any
offsite help required.
13. The rig shall be secured by closing of all entrances using hazard tape and drums.
Main entrance shall be guarded and entry restricted to essential personnel only.
14. TP/HSE shall instruct the security to control the traffic away from the wind direction.
15. Medical officer shall be made available at rig site in a safe area.
16. TP along with crew shall assess situation and develop plan to vent gas from the area.
17. TP shall instruct the communication coordinator to contact the local authorities and
police in case of evacuation is required for venting the gas.
18. Security shall ensure that all Hot works are stopped in the nearby area.
19. Once the venting has been carried out safely, TP shall ensure that the gas
concentration level, All clear signal is given.
Reporting Procedure:
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An Incident/ accident report shall be prepared by HSE Officer identifying loss of damage to
property and personnel injured and send to Mine manager, Mines safety officer, HSE officer,
Fire Officer (OIL), project Head & contractor GM (HSE).
The company man shall ensure initial incident notification report submitted to operator
office within 24 hours of the incident.
D: Serious Injury/ Fatality/ Serious Illness:
In order to respond to an emergency of serious injury the following actions shall be taken:
1. The person noticing the incident shall raise alarm. Check that the surrounding area is
safe enough to reach out to victim (s).
2. Check person for response by calling or gently shaking. Qualified first aiders shall
attend to injured till medical officer arrives.
3. Qualified first aiders will check airways to find out whether they are clear and person
is breathing. Otherwise they will start the first aid to help commence breathing.
4. Check circulation and pulse and if no pulse is observed, inform medical officer.
5. On receipt of knowledge of a serious injury / fatality, the TP shall verify that an
emergency situation exists, to stop drilling activity. In such case he will instruct the
driller, to secure the well following safe operating practice. And raise alarm for
medical emergency and inform the company man and rig superintendent.
6. The TP shall instruct to contact the HSE Officer, Medical Officer and the ambulance is
called to the incident scene.
7. The HSE Officer will inspect the accident site and will immediately record the
following things:
I. Name of the victim
II. Location of the accident / incident
III. Cause of the accident
8. TP/ Medical Officer shall verify that accident / incident site is safe to carry out the
rescue operations for retrieval of the patient(s) from the accident site.
9. In case of a fatality on the rig, nothing in the incident area shall be moved until the
site has been inspected by concerned authorities. The incident scene must be sealed
off and personnel on the rig prohibited from entering the area. Cover for the victim
should also be arranged.
10. Once medical officer has reviewed the casualty, under his guidance TP shall arrange
the local medication or medical evacuation of the casualty as per the medivac
11. Tool Pusher shall inform the ERT leader of major injury / accident for appropriate
actions. HR manager/ executive in consultation with ERT leader, shall inform the
family persons of the injured personnel, and arrange further necessary actions.
12. TP will inform the crew once the emergency is over, after the injured/ sick person(s)
has been transferred for medical care and dangerous situation no longer exists.
13. Company man and Contractor rig superintendent shall keep themselves updated
with the medical emergency situation in consultation with TP.
Reporting Procedure:
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1. HSE Officer shall make an incident / accident report and send to Mine manager,
Mines safety officer, HSE officer, Fire Officer (OIL), project Head & contractor GM
2. Project Head, if required, will carry out the accident investigation and submits the
report to operator and the CEO.
E: Emergency Evacuation:
1. Under emergency conditions like fire, explosion or other operational emergencies
etc. emergency evacuation alarm is raised. Inclement weather condition including
storm, cyclones, high wind speeds and/ or heavy rain conditions may also
necessitate an evacuation.
2. TP shall initiate any further actions as appropriate in order to deal with the
emergency in liaison with company man.
3. All people shall evacuate on hearing of evacuation alarm through specified
emergency exit route identified in emergency exit plan and SINGES at the site to the
designated assembly point.
4. If TP/HSE observes that the emergency conditions could pose hazard to personnel or
equipment, the company man should be informed by the TP and instruct the driller
to secure the well as per Standard Operating Practice.
5. Ensure that all persons move to assembly point and head count is carried out by
Muster Point Controller.
6. In case the head count does not tally, TP/HSE shall be informed. TP shall identify a
search team to initiate rescue operations.
7. In case of blow out or explosion the TP shall instruct the communication coordinator
to inform the district authorities for demobilization of people from nearby villagers
to safe location.
F: Road tanker Fire
1. On receipt of such information by the rig site, the communication coordinator shall
be informed and he will try to ascertain following from the caller:
I. Location of tanker
II. Nature of fire
III. If there is any injury
2. Communication coordinator shall inform TP. TP shall instruct the communication
coordinator to contact the HSE Officer and to activate the fire team.
3. TP will inform the company man and the project head on the incident any off site
help requirement.
4. Radio Officer/ HSE Officer will be informed and if required he will contact nearby
police station to cordon off and clear the public from the vicinity of tanker.
5. The fire team along with the medical team will be deputed to the location for fire
fighting and medivac if required.
6. If required, communication coordinator shall contact the nearest fire service station
and inform the emergency location.
7. Project head through Tool pusher will inform the district authorities of the
emergency response action and inform of any additional help required.
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8. HSE Officer shall keep communication with TP and organize additional facilities like
ambulance external medical support etc, if required.
9. HSE Officer will prepare the chronological report of the emergency situation and
send report to project head & GM (HSE). An initial incident notification shall be sent
in the required format by the company man to operator office within 24 hours of the
G: Vehicle Missing/ Accident
A vehicle will be considered missing if the vehicle reporting to the destination is unduly
delayed and no information is available on the delay till 2 hours.
1. Security shall maintain the log book for vehicular movement in and out of the rig
2. All vehicles moving out of rig site shall inform the TP.
3. TP will instruct the HSE Officer to collect the information to carry out assessment:
a) Person(s) traveling to /from the rig left on time
b) Person(s) traveling had no other stops on route they would delay their
expected time of travel.
c) Person(s) were informed of the correct rig location and rig no.
d) Person(s) are not at the rig camp.
e) Sufficient time has been allowed for the journey and any other circumstances
that may cause delay in expected time of travel
f) Full name(s) and address of missing person(s)
g) Date and time last seen and by whom
h) Description of vehicle, (make, type, colour, vehicle number), also fuel if
4. The search route shall be selected to cover the likelihood of the route taken by the
person(s) missing and rescue team including first aiders will be sent by TP/HSE to
trace the route and rescue if any accident has occurred.
5. HSE Officer shall collect the list of missing personnel and other relevant information.
6. If required communication coordinator will report to the local police station for their
7. The emergency team shall assess the site damage and take necessary actions to
isolate the accident site.
8. If the vehicle is in contact with power lines, stay clear and advise occupants if they
are responding to the call to stay in vehicle.
9. Emergency team shall ensure that all residual risks have been eliminated before
evacuating the trapped / injury casualty.
10. If there is oil (diesel/petrol) spillages cover the same with sand.
11. Cooperate with police and investigation if arrives at incident location. (Do not admit
liability or make any promise)
H: Oil Spill
On being informed that an oil spill has occurred, the following actions shall be taken:
1. The person reporting oil spill, if aware of location of leakage and finds it controllable
will shut the relevant valves.
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A patient, whose illness or injury may be serious but does not require immediate
medical treatment. Special evacuation arrangements are not required, and the patient
may be sent to the clinic. This is not EMERGENCY Medical Evacuation.
A patient who seriously ill or injured, requiring urgent medical treatment. The patient
must be transported to the clinic as fast as possible. This is an EMERGENCY Medical
Various scenes / situations are described and the action to be followed is given below
with the duties of various personnel.
Warning: Do not enter enclosed space unless it has been declared safe by the HSE
1. On declaration of the enclosed space as safe by the HSE Officer.
2. Either the doctor enters the enclosed space or trained persons in fire rescue
operations bring the IP out of the closed space.
3. The doctor inspects the patient and if stretcher is needed, guides the crew in getting
the IP onto the stretchers for taking him out of the enclosed space or onto the
4. The basket stretcher kept on the rig floor tied with 4 nylon ropes can be used for
lifting out patients from tanks & cellar pit.
5. On the advice of doctor further action will be initiated. If needed the IP will be
transferred to the medical bunk at site or to the hospital.
2. Move the person to a cool place indoors. Place the feet higher than the head to
avoid shock.
3. Inform the doctor/medic and the HSE Officer
4. First aider will look for following symptoms:
Very high temperature (104oF or higher)
Hot, dry, red skin, no sweating
Deep breathing and fast pulse, then shallow breathing and weak pulse
Confusion or Hallucinations
Loss of consciousness
5. In absence of medic, the first aid provider will remove the clothing and either wraps
the person in a cold wet sheet or sponge the person with towels or sheets that are
soaked in cold water. Or spray the person with cool water. Fan the person.
6. If available put ice packs or cols compresses on the neck, under the armpits, and on
the groin area.
7. Once persons temperature gets to 101oF, place him or her in the recovery position.
Do not lower the temperature the temperature further.
8. Don’t give fever reducing medicine.
9. On arrival of the doctor, he has to take the decision on patients condition and if
required transfer the patient to nearby hospital.
10) Rig Operational Emergency:
In the event of a Rig Operational Emergency the focus is on drilling technical aspects,
therefore the emergency is coordinated by the well officering task force. The driller will
inform the tool pusher about the emergency who in turn will inform the company man for
taking other necessary actions to deal with the emergency situation. The TP shall
immediately contact the project head and apprise him of the situation and further guidance,
as wee as company man should inform to operational head of operator for further
10.1) WELL KICK:
A) While Drilling:
1. Once the well has kicked following courses of actions will be taken:
2. Crew leader (Driller/asst driller) is to alert the drilling crew and stop the rotary table.
3. Pull the Kelly above rotary table until the lower Kelly cock is above drill floor and
stop pumping.
4. TP shall be informed of the well kick.
5. The TP shall verify the readings and mud level and inform the company man (Drilling
supervisor). On his instructions, the driller will shut the well following standard
operating procedures.
6. Company man shall be contacted and informed about the situation. He shall be
provided with all assistance required to normalize the situation by TP.
7. Further actions shall be taken as per procedures for flammable or toxic gas leak.
8. The emergency situation will be ended by the client drilling task force commander
I. The influx is found not to contain H2S.
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Once the well has kicked following courses of actions will be taken:
1. Crew leader (Driller/Asst driller) is to alert the drilling crew and set the slip, tool joint
above 1 mtr rotary table.
2. TP/Driller makes sure that FOSV is properly make-up in open condition, after making
up close it.
3. Driller lift the string to adjust proper height for closing BOP
4. TP/Driller makes sure that man at flow line to check flow & man at control panel to
close BOP if necessary.
Potential Blow Out:
A potential blow out situation may include:
i. Kick with high pressure approaching pressure limits of equipment or formation.
ii. Kick in combination of losses
iii. Kick in combination with malfunctioning pressure control equipment.
iv. Kick with pipe off bottom
The actions to be taken when a well has kicked and the driller has closed the well in as per
standard shut-in procedure are as follows:
1. A brief and accurate assessment of the situation shall be made the following:
a. Identify cause of problem
b. Collect all data possible, to complete well control sheets.
c. Determine risks to personnel and drilling rig with particular consideration
given to H2S presents. At any time if the situation is endangering personnel,
the TP in conjunction with the company man shall take action to evacuate the
d. Identify possible options to overcome the problem.
e. When a situation indicates a kick with losses, then determine the loss zone.
f. Determine if cement or a barite plug can be used if required as a last resort.
g. If practical, estimate the likelihood to the situation deteriorating and a full
blowout occurring.
h. If at any stage in the emergency the recognized “Safe area” is not considered
sufficiently distant from the danger area, all personnel must be evacuated to
an alternative area.
2. Any personnel involved must be trained in the use of Breathing apparatus and
confirm to all requirements of working in an H2S environment.
3. TP shall ensure that only an experienced group of three or four people will attempt
any repair activities.
4. Working to the “Buddy system” must be strictly enforced. Also a standby rescue
crew must be kept ready in attendance.
5. All remaining personnel must stay well clear of the danger area, i.e. at one of the
upwind safe assembly points.
6. The situation should be regularly monitored using gas analyser by HSE Officer.
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12. The emergency situation will be ended by the client’s drilling task force when:
i. Primary or secondary control of the well has been re-engineered and
situation is confirmed as stable.
ii. The blowing well has been sealed and no longer giving cause for
10.2) Rig Failure:
Rig failures include:
I. Sub structure collapse
II. Mast failure
III. Rig foundation collapse
IV. Draw works breakdown
V. Complete mud pump failure
VI. Total power failure