Abstract Submission Form: Meliawati Ang, Rinjani-Lombok Uggp, Indonesia
Abstract Submission Form: Meliawati Ang, Rinjani-Lombok Uggp, Indonesia
Abstract Submission Form: Meliawati Ang, Rinjani-Lombok Uggp, Indonesia
Meliawati ANG,
Rinjani-Lombok UGGp, Indonesia
Environmental and Forestry Office of West Nusa Tenggara Province, Indonesia
Co-author 2 ( )
Co-author 3 ( )
Development of Instant Sweet Palm Drink Product as an economic solution for Illegal
Logging in Aik Bual Village, Lombok
Aik Bual Village is one of the buffer villages at the foot of Mount Rinjani forest in
Central Lombok in the Geopark area. A dozen years ago this area was known as an
illegal logging area until the community felt the impact of environmental change,
especially lack of water. For a better future, starting in 2011 the community began to
rehabilitate the forest.
To support the economy, the community then began to develop Non-Timber Forest
Products in the form of Instant Drink from palm sugar. This product is produced from
Community Forest Areas managed by the Forest Farmers Group. This product
comes from the water of sugar palm plant (Arenga pinnata) which is crystallized into
flour to last for one year without preservatives. In developing products, many parties
outside the government have been involved, such as the Flora Fauna International
Institute (FFI), Gaia Institution, Transform Institution, etc. Furthermore, the forest in
the village of Aik Bual received a PLAN VIVO certificate and received Payment
Ecosystem Services (PES) from British American Tobacco (BAT) in 2016.
A total of 5% of the total purchase of raw materials from the community is allocated
for the business development of women's groups in Aik Bual. Today, people in Aik
Bual are no longer part of the illegal logging group but turn into the forest guards
because they realize that high-quality of palm sugar products are obtained from
sustainable forest.