Studies On Tolerance of Chickpea To Some Pre and Post-Emergence Herbicides
Studies On Tolerance of Chickpea To Some Pre and Post-Emergence Herbicides
Studies On Tolerance of Chickpea To Some Pre and Post-Emergence Herbicides
30(9): 725-731
doi: 10.9755/ejfa.2018.v30.i9.1804
Charsadda-PAKISTAN, 3Department of Agronomy, The University of Agriculture, Peshawar-PAKISTAN, 4Department of Plant Breeding and
Genetics, The University of Agriculture, Peshawar-PKISTAN
Herbicides application is an integral part of farmer’s crop management in modern agricultural systems. Weeds always cause serious
losses in legumes due to poor competition ability. In order to quantify the tolerance of chickpea against some pre and post-emergence
herbicides, a pot study was carried out in the department of Weed science, The University of Agriculture, Peshawar Pakistan during
2012-13 and 2013-14. The pre emergence herbicides includes pendimethalin and s-metolachlor while, the post emergence herbicides
comprised of Clodinafop-propargyl, fenoxaprop-p-ethyl and di-methyl urea. The chickpea variety Karak-I was sown in the pots and the trial
was arranged in CR Design repeated three times. During the investigation data were recorded on different growth parameters of chickpea
plants including both aerial and underground parts. The results revealed the all treatments had a significant effect on all the examined
parameters of chickpea except nodule fresh and dry biomasses. However, the toxic effect of pre emergence herbicides on chickpea was
significantly higher as compared to post emergence herbicides. The minimum number of nodule plant-1 (17.83), plant height (50.50cm),
and seed protein (14.13%) was recorded in Pendimethalin treated pots. However, the highest seed protein content of 21.75 and 21.15 %
were recorded for control and fenoxaprop-p-ethyl treatments respectively. Thus, it is concluded from the present data that chickpea has
less tolerance for pre emergence herbicides pendimethalin and S-metolachlor as compared to post-emergence herbicides so farmers are
advised to give preference to post emergence herbicides instead of a pre emergence while controlling weeds in chickpea through chemicals.
Keywords: Chickpea; Herbicides; Pre-emergence; Post-emergence; Protein; Weed.
INTRODUCTION responsible for low yield in Pakistan are poor soil, inadequate
moisture, insensitive climatic conditions, weeds and
Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) mainly cultivated for human insufficient or even no fertilizers supply (Aslam et al., 2007).
consumption with an annual area grown ranging between Besides all other production constraints, the weeds strongly
9.30 and 12.65 million ha over the recent decade (FAO, 2016). contribute in the yield reduction of chickpea because it is
Being a good source of protein, it plays important role in traditionally grown on residual soil moisture, therefore,
human diet for a large population in the developing world for weed competition poses a major problem in the water use
a healthy daily food (Abbo et al., 2003). Annual crop legumes, efficiency. Loss in chickpea yield and yield components
grown in rotation with cereal crops, can improve yields of increased with increasing density of weeds (Whish et al.,
the cereals and contribute to the total pool of N in the soil 2002). The most important weeds that infest the chickpea
(Fatima et al., 2008). In Pakistan, the chickpea is the most crop under rainfed conditions are Anagallis arvensis L., Lathyrus
important pulse as well as a vegetable crop. On the basis of aphaca L., Convolvulus arvensis L., Cyperus rotundus L., Fumaria
the seed colour and geographic distribution, chickpea has indica, Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers, Medicago ploymorpha L., and
two main types, Desi and Kabuli. Nutritional imbalance and Carthamus oxycantha L. (Saxena, 1976).
week nodulation appears to be the distinct ones, that can be
effective only in a single croping season (Aslam et al., 2010). Various methods are used to control weeds in various
crops, including manual, mechanical, cultural, biological
The yield of chickpea in the developing countries is much and chemical. Weeding manually or through animal drawn
more as compared to Pakistan, the factors which are implements like animal drawn seed drill, animal drawn
*Corresponding author:
Syed Mehar Ali Shah, Department of Weed Science, The University of Agriculture, Peshawar-PAKISTAN. E-mail:
weeder and cultivator are effective, however, very expensive MATERIAL AND METHODS
because of increased cost of labour and fuel. Chemical
weed control is a good supplement to conventional Pot experiments were carried out during two consecutive
methods and is an integral part of the modern crop years 2012-2013 and 2013-2014 at the Department of Weed
production system (Patel et al., 2006). In case of severe Science, The University of Agriculture Peshawar Pakistan
weed infestation, the use of proper herbicide has become to evaluate the response of chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.)
indispensable for the control of weeds, resulting in the towards different pre and post-emergence herbicides.
diversion of nutrient and moisture to the major crop plants
(Rahman et al., 2012). Chemical weed control method is Seed collection
preferred over other weed control methods because it is The seed of chickpea variety Karak-I (Desi) was collected
quicker, more effective and relatively cheaper (Shah et al., from the Agriculture Research Station, Ahmad Wala
1989). Weeds are controlled effectively by using selective Karak, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Pakistan during September,
herbicides. On the other hand, the continuous use of 2012. For minimizing the risk of germination failure and
herbicides may cause weed resistance to herbicides and contamination, the seed was sun dried after cleaning.
weed shift problem (Zhang, 2003).
Experimental design and setup
Avola et al.(2008) verified that chemical control determine a The experiments were laid out in completely randomized
significant depressive effect on plant height and grain yield design (CRD) replicated three times. Total ten seeds of
(25% less than manual weeding and untreated plots), mainly chickpea variety Karak-I was sown that later on thinned
resulted a lower number of seeds to germinate that determine to six seedlings in each pot during both the studied years.
a plant density lower than the planned one. Similarly Kumar The specification of each pot was 18.79 cm in height and
and Singh. (2010) observed some morphological changes in 21.84 cm in diameter.
plants while testing herbicides alone and in combination with
other tank mix. Khan et al. (2004) also found a significant Herbicide application
reduction in shoot length under the application of herbicide Initially calibration was made to know the exact volume
isoproturon and 2,4-D. Barker (2007) reported that the lowest of water and herbicides with recommended doses were
plant height in herbicides treated plots was might be due to applied to each pot individually with a knapsack sprayer
the fact that herbicides greatly reduced the weed infestation, having a jet nozzle except the control pots. Herbicides
but affect the plant by reducing the plant height and other applied along with dosage and time of application is given
growth parameters. The pre- emergence herbicides when below in Table 1.
applied to the soil that make the upper soil layer toxin that
not only affect the weed seed germination but also inhibit the Recorded parameters
crop growth as well to a certain extend. Drew et al. (2007) The data were recorded on the following parameters during
reported that when legumes are exposed to several herbicides, the course of study:
reduced the nodulation and nitrogen fixation in these crops.
Alvi et al. (2003) observed a remarkable reduction in protein Plant height (cm), number of branches plant-1, number of
content of Vigna radiata (L.) R. Wilczek) with the application pod plant-1, number of seeds plant-1, number of nodules
of Atrazine. plant-1, nodule fresh weight plant-1 (g), nodule dry weight
plant-1 (g) and protein content of chickpea seed (%).
Therefore, taking under consideration the herbicide injuries
in legumes in term of growth retardation due to improper Statistical analysis
use of agro chemicals a pot study was initiated with the The recorded data for each parameter was subjected
objective to assess the ill effect of different pre and post- individually to the ANOVA technique by using MSTATC
emergence herbicides on chickpea crop. computer software and then LSD test was run at a
probability level of 5%. (Steel et al., 1997).
Table: 1 ‑ Herbicides used, the dose and the time of application during pot experiment on chickpea
Herbicides Dose ha‑1 Application Time/Stage
S‑metolachlor 1 L ha‑1 Pre‑emergence Direct after sowing
Pendimethalin 2.5 L ha‑1 Pre‑emergence Direct after sowing
Clodinafop‑propargyl 2 kg ha‑1 Post‑emergence 45 DAS
Fenoxaprop‑p‑ethyl 2 kg ha‑1 Post‑emergence 45 DAS
Di‑methyl urea 1.85 kg ha‑1 Post‑emergence 45 DAS
No herbicide/Control ‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑ ‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑ ‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑‑
* Days after sowing (DAS).
Fig.3. Chickpea number of pods plant-1 as affected by different Fig.4. Chickpea number of pods plant-1 as affected by different
herbicides. herbicides.
and control plots respectively. On the other hand minimum herbicide applied treatments on nodulation and other related
(23.66 and 23.67) number of seeds plant-1 calculated for parameters in the leguminous plants are reported by different
pendimethalin and di-methyl urea respectively. Some time herbicides e.g. alachlor, metribuzine and trifluralin caused a
the herbicide toxicity showed long persistence and strong reduction in nodulation in soyabean (Mallik and Tesfai, 1985).
action against all kind of weeds, therefore due to the strong Moreover, the herbicidal application decline in nodulation
toxicity action fenoxaprop-p-ethyl are recommended to might be due to the inhibition of symbiotic process between
apply at early growth stage of weeds probably before legume crop root and with the bacteria responsible for
reaching to five leaf stage (Mu et al., 2007). In the present nitrogen fixation. However, the reduction in the nodulation
study the post-emergence herbicide fenoxaprop-p-ethyl could possibly be due to deceasing in nitrogenase activity
showed a little injury to the chickpea that probably due that can be correlated with the photosynthetic apparatus
to the well establishment of the chickpea seedling before disturbance with the nodule alteration (Zaidi et al., 2005). The
the application of fenoxaprop-p-ethyl as this herbicides application of commercial herbicides significantly declines
applied as a post-application to the weeds and crop as the nitrogen content in the shoot possibly due to disturbance
well. While the pre-emergence herbicides when applied to in nodule growth or hormones responsible for nodulation
the soil that make the upper soil layer toxic that not only (Khan et al. 2004).
affect the weed seed germination but also inhibit the crop
growth as well to a certain extent. In other studies Khan Nodule fresh weight plant-1 (g)
et al. (2004) found considerable decline in chickpea yield The nitrogen fixing capability in legume can judge by the
when they applied the herbicides fluchloraline and 2,4-D. accumulation of fresh and dry matter in the nodule. The
Moreover, they observed 46.3% and 45% yield reduction herbicide application in chickpea giving non-significant
in chickpea, while applying high doses of fluchloraline. (P ≤ 0.05) differences among the tested herbicides (Fig. 6).
The analysis of the data showed that the highest (3.05 g)
Number of nodule plant-1
Generally in legume plants number of nodules is considered fresh nodule weight was recorded in clodinafop-propargyl
as an index for accessing the fixation of N2 and efficiency of followed by fenoxaprop-p-ethyl (2.97 g) where as the lowest
rhizobium specie. Therefore, it plays a fundamental role in the nodule fresh weight (2.80 g) was recorded for control. The
growth and development of a leguminous crop plant. Under lower nodules in the herbicide treated pots might be due
the current investigation all the tested pre and post-emergence to limited nitrogenase activity in the affected soil or due
herbicides depicted variable results in term of nodule number. to the leaves chlorosis of the chickpea that were unable to
The data revealed that the maximum (21) nodule plant-1 was synthesize more glucose for the crop plant after exposed
counted under the application of fenoxaprop-p-ethyl followed to herbicides. In earlier studies Datta et al. (2008) also
by clodinafop-propargyl (20) where as the least number of reported that the most tolerant chickpea genotype received
nodule plant-1 (17.83) were noted in pendimethalin (Fig. 5). damaged when exposed to higher pH and herbicide rates
Drew and Ballard. (2010) reported that when legumes are and caused leaf chlorosis that significantly reduced plant
exposed to several herbicides that reduced the nodulation and height, nodulation and shoot and root dry weight. They
nitrogen fixation in these crops. In addition the application of further observed that the injurious impacts were more
metribuzine strongly decreased the nitrogenase activity that serious with the sensitive chickpea genotype than the
can be related to the damage caused in the photosynthetic tolerant one. In similar studies (Khan et al., 2011) reported
process and also the alteration in the nodule cortex structure that higher doses of herbicides suppressed the growth of
(Fernandez et al., 1996). Likewise, the negative impact of root nodule bacterium (Mesorhizobium ciceri).
728 Emir. J. Food Agric ● Vol 30 ● Issue 9 ● 2018
Khan, et al.
Fig.5. Chickpea number of pods plant-1 as affected by different Fig.7. Chickpea dry nodule biomass plant-1 (g) as affected by different
herbicides. herbicides.
Fig.6. Chickpea number of pods plant-1 as affected by different Fig.8. Chickpea seed protein content (%) as affected by different
herbicides. herbicides.
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