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What Are The Causes of Low-Pressure and High Pressure Hazards?

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What are the causes of low-pressure and high pressure
The objective here is to provide students with knowledge of the role
of jet streams and Rossby waves in controlling the formation of
weather systems.

Linked to this, students need to have knowledge and understanding

of the term ‘hazard’ and the causes of low-pressure and high
pressure hazards in either tropical or temperate climates.

"Where has the Ferrel Cell gone - sir?"?

What are Rossby waves and jet streams?

Source: http://www.s-cool.co.uk/alevel/geography/introduction-to-weather-
Rossby waves are high altitude, fast moving westerly winds, which
often follow an irregular path. The path that they take changes
throughout seasons, as shown in the diagram below:

NP = North Pole.

R = Ridge.

T= Trough.

Of greater importance, are jet streams that are found to exist within
Rossby waves. They help in the rapid transfer of energy around the
globe, as they are very fast, narrow bands of air that can reach
speeds of over 200km per hour. Five jet streams exist, with three
having significant importance:

Jet stream: Location: Characteristics:

40 degrees Divides the Ferrel and polar cells.
North and Gives wet or fine weather on Earth's
Polar front
South of the surface, and is strongly associated
equator. with anticyclones and depressions.
25-30 degrees
North and
Subtropical Divides the Hadley and Ferrel cells.
South of the
Easterly Equatorial
A seasonal jet stream
equatorial regions.

How were Rossby Waves Discovered?

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What controls where they form?

Source: Warburton (adapted)

It is thought that Rossby waves may be caused by the presence of
substantial mountain barriers such as the Rockies, the Andes or the
Tibetan plateau. Mountains help to create the wave like pattern. The
ridges swing northwards and upwards around the barrier in a ridge
and then swing downwards and southwards on the leeward side.

What is the purpose of Rossby Waves?

Rossby Waves are like rivers of air in the upper troposphere and
they gradually meander. The meander loops get bigger and bigger
until their wavelength from trough to trough could be as much as
8000 kms. When the Waves are well developed and cover a wide
range of latitude they are said to have a low zonal index - which
leads to the formation of ridges of blocking, high pressure
systems and dry stable conditions. When they are almost
straight and cover a narrow zone of latitude they are said to
have a high zonal index - which leads to a succession of low
pressure systems and unsettled weather. The waves evolve then
they straighten up and then meanders form again in an endless
cycle. The wave evolution cycle lasts about 6 weeks. But what is
the purpose of this?

Mouse off = High zonal index

Mouse over = Low zonal index
Move the mouse over this image to see a contrasting "low zonal
index" situation.
Adapted from Source: http://intranet.st-

The diagram shows that as a wave develops (in the mid-latitudes of

the northern hemisphere) cold Polar air is dragged southwards and
surrounded by warmer Tropical air. Similarly loops of warmer
Tropical air are moving north and being cut-off by cold Polar air. In
this way heat transference is occurring - cold air moving south and
warming; warmer moving north and cooling. When the loops
become very pronounced, they detach the masses of cold, or warm,
air that become cyclones (depressions/low pressure) and
anticyclones (high pressure) areas that are responsible for day-to-
day weather patterns at mid-latitudes.

Source: http://www.answers.com/topic/rossby-wave

What is the relationship of Rossby Waves to surface high and

Source: Warburton
Surface high pressure areas and surface low pressures are thought
to correlate to particular parts of the wave trough section of the
Rossby Waves. The surface conditions in each location is the
opposite of what is happening in the Upper Air.

How is air movement different in Highs and Lows?

Source: Witherick
A large proportion of day to day weather conditions (in Temperate
areas like the U.K. )are the result of the movement of depressions
and anticyclones. In a depression the surface air winds blow
inwards and clockwise (convergence) but in the upper air above
there is a compensatory outwards movement (divergence). With an
anticyclone the surface air moves away clockwise from the centre
(divergence) but in the upper air there is convergence.
Convergence and divergence provide a vital link between upper air
movements in the Rossby waves and surface weather systems.

What is the effect of different Rossby wave positions on the UK

The jet stream is a current of wind, high in the atmosphere (around
30,000ft), that circles the globe in a series of waves, known as
Rossby waves. The track of these waves has a huge impact on the
weather conditions around the globe as they are responsible for
steering and driving Atlantic low pressure systems.

During the autumn and winter months the waves of the jet stream
are directed towards the UK, bringing bands of wet and windy
weather quite typical of these seasons. However, during the
summer, the jet stream usually shifts northwards and steers the
depressions away from the UK. This northward shift also allows an
area of high pressure, known as the Azores high, to nudge
northwards, bringing more summery dry, sunny and warm weather
to the UK.

Source: http://www.bbc.co.uk/kent/content/articles/2008/09/08/weather_bad
Both in 2009 and last 2008 the jet stream stayed to the south (see
above) which continued to steer Atlantic depression after Atlantic
depression towards the UK. This meant that the summer was
plagued by spells of unseasonably wet and windy conditions which
were more apt for the autumn and winter months.

Both high zonal flow and low zonal flow can bring wet
depressions to the U.K.!
Source: http://weatherfaqs.org.uk/node/144

Worked answer - How can Rossby waves influence surface

weather conditions?
Source: Spencer

Fun Quiz on Rossby waves

What is the function of the mid-latitude waves and identify the main
forces that govern the wave pattern? Describe the relationship
between upper air circulation and surface anticyclones and
depressions. (20)

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