Corona A. Cabanilla National High School: Direction: Choose The Letter of The Correct Answer
Corona A. Cabanilla National High School: Direction: Choose The Letter of The Correct Answer
Corona A. Cabanilla National High School: Direction: Choose The Letter of The Correct Answer
Department of Education
Division of Davao Occidental
a) oxygen b) nitrogen
4. The third most plentiful gas in the earth's lower atmosphere is ______.
6. The segment of the atmosphere in which gases maintain an approximately uniform composition is
the ___.
a) homosphere b) exosphere
9. The influence on climate of carbon dioxide is mainly due to its ability to absorb _______________.
a) oxygen b) nitrogen
11. The ozone layer is in that portion of the atmosphere known as the
a) troposphere b) mesosphere
12. Which of the following substances is closely associated with the breakdown of the ozone layer?
14. The amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is steadily growing due to the actions of
15. The difference between weather and climate is that the latter is an accumulation of the former
over an extended time period.
16. The troposphere is the lowest in altitude of all of the divisions of the atmosphere.
17. The atmospheric components helium, krypton, and methane have crucial weather modifying
18. Gases are evenly distributed throughout all levels of the atmosphere.
19. A large increase in carbon dioxide would cause a general climatic shift to warmer climate.
21. Lower levels of air become compressed by the weight of the air above.
22. The basic distribution of heat and cold over the earth is mainly a function of its rotation.
23. Air pressure is generally highest where the land surface is lowest.
b) It is odorless.
c) It is tasteless.
d) It is colorless.
b) three-atomed oxygen
c) more healthy to breath than is oxygen
28. The order of the atmospheric layers from the surface up into the atmosphere is:
30. The sun's radiant energy reaches the earth across space in approximately
a) 0° Fahrenheit b) 0° Celsius
35. In the electromagnetic spectrum, visible light occupies the band between 0.4 and 0.7
a) millibars b) micrometers
37. The only major country still using the Fahrenheit scale for temperature determination is ______.
a) U.S.A. b) Canada
38. The albedo of the Earth system has been determined to be ______ percent.
a) 2 b) 5 c) 15 d) 27 e) 33
39. Earth reradiating energy into space consists mainly of ______ rays.
a) long b) gamma
43. With regard to absorbtion of solar radiation, it is understood that ______ color surfaces are the
most efficient absorbers.
a) dark b) light c) stone d) plastic e) saline
44. The reddish tint of the sun in the late afternoon results from ________.
a) scattering b) condition
46. The observed increase in greenhouse gases in the atmosphere in this century is attributable to
c) volcanoes d) the end of the "Ice Age" e) grass fires set by lightning
47. Which of the following does NOT refer to the transfer of electromagnetic radiation?
a) transmission b) reflection
a) positive b) negative
49. On the average, sunlight received on the earth's surface is only ____ as strong as that received
at the edge of the