Carabao Study
Carabao Study
Carabao Study
The Bulgarian Murrah buffalo is a prolific milk producing breed that is tropically
adapted. To take advantage of the animal’s optimum potential to produce milk, it is
important to shorten the calving interval, which is the period between two successive
calving or parturition of a cow. The normal average gestation period of this kind of
animal is 312 days. (Sarabia, 2009). Ideally cows should calve at least twice in three
years. In this way, more calves and milk could be produced; animal selection achieved in
the shortest time possible; and carabao population of good genetics would continue to
Starting with five heifers in 1997, the institutional herd of Bulgarian Murrah
buffaloes of PCC at Mariano Marcos State University gradually grew and is presently
maintained at 50-head, to showcase best practices in managing dairy buffaloes under a
cut-and-carry and farm-residue based system of operation in the Ilocos Region.
Reproductive and productive performances of the female animals are religiously recorded
and form part of the Buffalo Integrated Database System of the agency.
As of December 2010, the calving interval of the PCC at MMSU herd was 22.30
months. This may due to several management factors such as poor observation or
detection of post-partum heat or little time was devoted to heat detection. The success of
AI depends on critical observation of animals to detect heat at appropriate time as late
insemination leads to failure of conception. The performance of herd in general and
female in particular depends on how female animals are being noticed in heat and when
they are artificially inseminated. Acceptance of the male is considered as the most
reliable estrus indicator, but this is not possible in the herd where there is no
vasectomized bull and AI is the priority mating system. Frequent urination, bellowing,
vulva swelling and mucus discharge are referred to be salient signs of heat but their
expression, in buffalo is extremely weak. Ovulation cannot be predicted from the
behavior signs because even when they are shown, they are not reliable. For these
reasons, the application of AI is limited in buffalo, considering that a high conception rate
depends mainly on insemination at a correct time relative to ovulation.
The average length of estrous cycle has been reported to be 21 days in the riverine
type. Several factors such as climate, temperature, photoperiod and nutrition have shown
to affect the length of estrous cycle and degree of heat expression. Estrus behavior in
buffalo has lower intensity than in cows and is therefore much more difficult to detect
(Barile, 2012).
PCC at Ubay Stock Farm in Ubay, Bohol used uterine flushing to ensure
protection of an un-involuted postpartum estrus from infection and lessen the delay of
successive occurrence of heat postpartum. With the help of a teaser bull in heat
detection, the center was able to establish that buffaloes come in heat between 4 a.m. and
6 a. m. (before morning milking) and between 5 p.m. and 7 p.m. (after afternoon
milking). Based on the study, the highest success rate of AI was attained when 73.2% or
63 out of 86 animals showed signs of estrus during the first estrus heat occurrence. The
study also noted that with the use of uterine flushing combined with teaser bull in 86
animals, the average days from calving to first AI service was reduced from 181.8 days
(without flushing) to 62.32 days in 2009. In 2010, an average of 49.20 days to frist
service, was observed. Further, the study showed that AI is best done within 60 days
after calving contrary to the traditional practice of conducting it 60 days after calving
(Marcelo, 2011).
Different signs are studied carefully for detection of heat. Heat detection aids are
very important tools for efficient reproductive management if used in combination with
expert eye (Rao et al, 2013). These techniques include: heat mount detectors, use of
teaser bull, automated systems or hormonal treatments. Cows with detector (KaMar) plus
CHALK marking on tail were more efficient than detector alone. Visual observation with
tail paint is 98% efficient as compared to heat watch alone (91%).
The presence of teaser bull is helpful to identify buffaloes in heat, in this case the
standing estrus is the most reliable sign. Utilizing a teaser bull and inseminating the
animals after the end of heat gave higher pregnancy rates (Barile, 2012).
Being an operations research, this study did away with the conventional
experiment type with different sets of treatments and replications. Improvements and
interventions in management were made from previous year’s accomplishments or
performance of the herd.
Management in 2011:
In 2011, expectant cows were separated from other animals in the herd when
signs of parturition were observed so that cow was not disturbed during calving as
disturbance that may prolong the occurrence of estrus and may cause difficulty of
calving. Immediately after calving, the calf was separated from the dam and placed in
an elevated calf pen located at a grow-out barn. Fifteen days postpartum, laborers were
directed to detect external signs of heat and report immediately to the Farm Supervisor
for insemination. Common external heat signs were bellowing, restlessness, frequent
urination, mounting other animal, stand still when mounted, presence of mucus in the
vulva or tail portion. In-heat animals were inseminated following the mating plan and
morning and afternoon insemination and other standard operating procedure in the
conduct of artificial insemination. During insemination, the condition or tone of the
uterus and presence or absence of mucus discharge was also noted.
previous year. Uterine horns are turgid and coiled and have marked tone during estrus;
they are flaccid with lack of tone during diestrum (Suthar and Dhami, 2010).
All open cows were subjected to rectal palpation to know the condition of the
uterus. Tone 1 (T1) if the uterus was flaccid or no tone, Tone 2 (T2) if the uterus was
somewhat hard and Tone 3 (T3) if the uterus was very hard and the uterine horns were
coiled. If flaccid, palpation continued to the ovaries attached to the left and right
fallopian tube or oviduct. If corpus luteum (CL) was present, either corpus luteum small
(CLS) or corpus luteum large (CLL) in one of the ovaries, the animal was subjected to
close monitoring until the CL regressed. This was considered to be the best time to
conduct artificial insemination (AI).
Pregnancy diagnosis was also done starting 15 days after AI. When the uterus of
the animals was hard, no fertilization/conception took place. Follow-up AI was done
when the animal had T2 and T3 especially when there was mucus being aspirated from
the vagina. On the other hand, when the uterus was soft and has growing CL, chances
are the animal conceived.
In 2013, vaginal color was included in the observation of heat classified as pale
(V1), slightly red (V2) and Reddish (V3).
Data Gathered:
Days to first heat post-partum – This is the number of days from calving to the
day of first observed estrus. Estrus was based on external manifestations such as
bellowing, frequent urination, mounting other animals or being mounted by other
animals in the pen, presence of mucus on vulva
Tones of the uterus classified as flaccid (T1), hard (T2) or very hard (T3)
AI efficiency:
Pregnancy Rate
Record all insemination data were in the individual animal record and annual
Mating Record from 2011 to 2015. Update Gene Improvement Program (GIP) data base
was updated immediately after each activity. Monthly report was submitted to the PCC
National Headquarters while analysis and reporting was done every quarter.
2011 Performance:
During the first year of the study (2011), in-heat animals were determined by
close monitoring of external heat signs like, bellowing, reddening of the vulva, frequent
urination, restlessness, mounting and being mounted by other animals.
Table 1 shows the number of days to first heat postpartum of cows. One animal
manifested heat within 30 days after calving, while 5 or 33% came into heat between 31
to 60 days. Most of the 15 cows were observed for first heat post partum after 60 days.
From inseminations made on the 15 cows, only 6 or 40% got pregnant. The
animal which came into heat before 30 days got impregnated immediately while only
40% got pregnant from those which came into estrus and inseminated within 31to 60
days. Lesser occurrence pregnancy was observed in those which showed heat later than
60 days.
Table 1: Days to first heat postpartum, PCC at MMSU, 2011
Days to 1st No. of Animals No. Pregnant
postpartum heat
0-30 1 1
31-60 5 2
61-90 1 none
91-150 4 1
151 above 4 2
Total 15 6
Table 2 shows the external heat signs manifested by the animals. There were 30
insemination services conducted to 15 cows in the herd. Only 6 animals got pregnant. AI
efficiency obtained during the first year of the study was 20% with pregnancy rate of
40%. It could also be noted that a very hard uterine horn (T3) and presence of mucus
discharge during AI resulted to more pregnancies (33.33%). This observation happened
to fall on a monthly ovarian/rectal palpation routine activity in the center. Out of the 30
insemination services with very hard uterus (T3), 6 animals got pregnant.
No pregnancies resulted from animals which were inseminated when they showed
behaviors such as mounting, frequent urination and presence of dry mucus in the vulva.
Those with dry mucus had flaccid to hard uterus. This observation somewhat agrees with
Barile (2012) that estrus behavior in buffalo has lower intensity than in cows and is
therefore much more difficult to detect.
Based from the Gene Improvement Program (GIP) data base, the average calving
interval for 2011 obtained was 21.30 months.
Table 2. External heat signs, uterine tone and vaginal discharge observed in
postpartum cows, PCC at MMSU, 2011.
Different Heat Signs No. of
Insemination No. Pregnant AI Efficiency (%)
Before AI During AI Services
T3, M3 5 2 40
T3, M2 4 1 25
T3, M1 2 1 50
T3 12 2 17
Mounting, FU T3 1 None 0
Dry Mucus T2 3 None 0
T1, M2 2 None 0
Dry Mucus T1 1 None 0
Total 30 6 20
T1 – Flaccid M1 – No mucus discharge FU – frequent urination
T2 – Hard M2 – Cloudy mucus discharge
T3 – Very Hard M3 – Clear mucus discharge
2012 Performance:
Accomplishment during the first year of the study was very low. Based from the
pregnancies resulting in animals which had very hard uterus and with mucus discharge,
an intervention was done and been part of daily routine activity in the institutional herd -
the weekly rectal/ovarian palpation.
In 2012, there were 22 cows and first postpartum heat within 30 days was
detected in 8 animals with a pregnancy rate of 50% (Table 3). Three animals which
showed post-partum heat from 31 to 60 days and two got pregnant. Seven animals came
into heat after 60 days and resulted to 86% pregnancy rate. The pregnancy rate for the
whole year, regardless of number of days to first heat postpartum was 77%.
Table 3. Days to first heat postpartum, PCC at MMSU, Batac City, 2012.
Days to 1st
No. of Animals No. Pregnant
postpartum heat
0-30 days 8 4
31-60 days 3 2
61-90 days 7 6
91-150 days none none
151 above 4 3
Total 22 17
Table 4 shows the external heat signs manifested by the animals. A total of 61
insemination services were conducted to the 22 cows, resulting in 17 pregnancies with AI
efficiency of 28% and 77% pregnancy rate. As in the previous year, the presence of
mucus and a hard to very hard uterus was a good indication of heat. A very hard uterine
horn (T3) and presence of mucus discharge during AI resulted to more pregnancies.
clear mucus discharge during insemination. This observation corroborates the report of
Suthar and Dhami (2010) that manual checking of the female reproductive tract is
another method of detecting estrus.
Based from the Gene Improvement Program (GIP) data base, the average calving
interval for 2012 was slightly reduced from 21.30 to 20.20 months.
Table 4 : Different heat signs, in 2012
2013 Performance
On the third year of the study (2013), there were 24 cows and 2 animals came into
first postpartum heat within 30 days with a pregnancy rate of 50% as shown in Table 5.
Three animals which showed post-partum heat from 31 to 60 days and two got pregnant.
The pregnancy rate for the whole year, regardless of number of days to first heat
postpartum was 62.5%.
Days to 1st
No. of Animals No. Pregnant
postpartum heat
0-30 days 2 1
31-60 days 3 2
61-90 days 2 1
91-150 days 7 5
151 above 10 6
Total 24 15
Table 6 shows the external heat signs manifested by the animals. A total of 57
insemination services were conducted to the 24 cows, resulting in 15 pregnancies with AI
efficiency of 26% and 62.5% pregnancy rate. This trend is close to that obtained in 2012.
The results also affirm the earlier observation that very hard uterine horn (T3) and
presence of mucus discharge are good indicators of heat.
Frequent urination was the only external behavior observed during the year.
However, the color of the vagina was included and was good indicator of heat as
manifested in Table 6.
Based from the Gene Improvement Program (GIP) data base, the average calving interval
for 2012 was slightly reduced from 21.30 to 20.20 months.
The number of inseminated animals and number of pregnant animal with the
corresponding conception rate in 2012 and 2013 as a result of monitoring the ovarian
activity by ovarian palpation is shown in Table 7. During the weekly rectal palpation,
corpus luteum from small corpus luteum (CLS) to large corpus luteum (CLL) were
observed in the either both of the ovaries. The CLS and the CLL were monitored until
they matured and regress – thus the animal was ready for insemination. In some
instances, during weekly palpation CL especially CLS could hardly felt or palpated. This
is the reason why there were animals ready for insemination at the time of palpation. .
Inseminated animals with observed corpus luteum had a higher conception rate than no
observed CL.
Table 7: Result of Ovarian Palpation
# of Insemination # of Pregnant
AI Efficiency (%)
Observations Services Animal
2012 2013 2012 2013 2012 2013
With Corpus Luteum 19 26 12 11 63% 42%
No Corpus Luteum
(CL) at the time of 12 31 5 4 42% 13%
The summary of the herd performance from 2011 to 2013 is shown in Table 8.
Calving rate for three years is from 21.3 for 2011, 20.2 for 2012 and 19.5 for 2013.
Pregnancy rate is from 40 %, 55% and 65 % for 2011, 2012 and 2013 respectively.
Likewise AI efficiency is 20 % for 2011, 28% for 2012 and 26% for 2013.
AI Efficiency (%) 20 28 26
Postpartum heats were observed as early as 30 days after calving. In 2011, there
were 5 postpartum heat (90) days observed with 60% AI efficiency. A total of 25 animals
were inseminated within 90 days postpartum in 2012 and 2013 with 64%. Likewise,
combinations of very hard uterine tone and with clear mucus discharge had a high AI
efficiency followed by hard uterine tone with clear mucus discharge. However, there
results of high efficiency from the combinations of T3 and M3 and T2 and M2
It is recommended therefore to continue the weekly rectal/ovarian palpation to all
open cows including the newly calved (15 days post-partum) animal to increase number
of animals detected with heat signs, increase artificial insemination activity and increase
the number of pregnant animals within 90 days postpartum.
Foote. R. H. 1974. Estrus detection and estrus detection aids. Journal of Dairy Science.
Accessed in
Philippine Carabao Center. 2009. (Sarabia et al. Eds) Dairy Buffalo Production
Handbook. Science City of Muñoz, Nueva Ecija: Philippine Carabao Center. 31-
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Philippine Council for Agriculture Resources and Research Development. 2002. The
Philippines Recommends for Carabao Production. Los Baños, Laguna:
Rao, T. K.S., N. Kumar, P. Kumar, S. Chaurasia and N. B. Patel. 2013. Heat detection
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