Code of Practice For Metal Arc Welding in Structural Steel Bridges Carrying Rail, Rail-Cum-Road or Pedestrian Traffic
Code of Practice For Metal Arc Welding in Structural Steel Bridges Carrying Rail, Rail-Cum-Road or Pedestrian Traffic
Code of Practice For Metal Arc Welding in Structural Steel Bridges Carrying Rail, Rail-Cum-Road or Pedestrian Traffic
(Railway Board)
Revised -2001
Disclaimer: This Compilation is for educational reference only.
For details refer original correction slips.
LUCKNOW –226011
1. Scope 1
2. Terminology 2
3. Materials 2
4. Drawings and Procedure Sheets 2
5. Butt Welds 2
6. Fillet Welds 4
7. Plug Welds 7
8. Combination of Welds 7
9. Cope Holes 7
10. Preparation of Joint Faces 7
11. Fusion Faces 7
12. Assembly for Welding 8
13. Permissible Stresses in Welds 8
14. Reduction in Permissible Stresses 9
15. Structural Details 9
16. Welding in Solid Web Girders 9
17. Strengthening of Existing Bridges 10
18. Safety Precautions 11
19. Approval and Testing of Welding Procedures 11
20. Approval and Testing of Welders 11
21. Welding Procedures 11
22. Sequence of Welding 12
23. Position of Welding 12
24. Tack Welds 13
25. Inter-Run Cleaning 13
26. Stray Arcing on Work 13
27. Inspection and Testing of Welded Joints 13
28. Inspection Prior to Welding 14
29. Inspection During Welding 14
30. Inspection After Welding 14
31. Acceptance Levels for Quality of Welds 15
32. Non-destructive Tests 15
33. Marking of Defective Welds 15
1.3 For road bridges, the design, 812 Glossary of terms relating to
construction and inspection of welds shall welding and cutting of
comply with the standard specifications and metals.
code of practice for road bridges issued by 813 Scheme of symbols for
the Indian Roads Congress. welding.
817 Code of practice for training
1.4 Any revision or addition or deletion
and testing of metal arc
of the provisions of this code shall be issued
only through the correction slip to this Code.
No cognizance shall be given to any policy 818 Code of practice for safety
directives issued through other means. and health requirements in
electric and gas welding
1.5 The Code makes reference to the operations.
following standards: 822 Code of procedure for
inspection of welds.
1.5.1 Indian Railway Standard
Specifications 1179 Equipment for eye and face
protection during welding.
2062 Structural steel (fusion shall conform to IRS Specification M-39.
welding quality). Wire for CO2 welding shall conform to
3016 Fire precautions in welding
and cutting operations.
3.3 All consumables shall be stored and
4353 Recommendations for handled with care and in accordance with
submerged arc welding of the manufacturers recommendations. This
mild steel and low alloy shall be governed as per relevant para of
steels. IS: 9595.
7307 (Pt-1) Approval tests for
welding procedure. 4. Drawings and Procedure Sheets
7310 (Pt-1) Approval tests for
welders working to approved 4.1 The symbols for welding used on the
welding procedure-fusion drawings and procedure sheets shall be in
welding of steel. accordance with IS: 813. If other symbols
are used, a complete explanation of their
7318 (Pt-1) Approval tests for meaning shall be given.
welders when welding
procedure approval is not 4.2 The fabrication drawings and/or
required – fusion welding of welding procedure sheets prepared for
steel. direction of the welding organisation shall
9595 Recommendations for metal include the following information:
arc welding of carbon and
carbon manganese steel. a) Specification of the parent
metal, and electrodes and/or
NOTE: The latest version of IS Code wire-flux combinations.
/Specifications referred herein, including
their amendments issued from time to time, b) Locations, sizes, actual
are to be followed. lengths and details, i.e. form
of joint, angle between fusion
faces, gap between parts,
2. Terminology
etc., of all welds.
3.2 Electrodes shall conform to IRS 5.1 Forms and details- All details of
Specification M-28. The filler wire and flux butt welded joints shall be in accordance
combinations for submerged arc welding
with IS: 9595 and IS: 4353 as applicable. the thinner part or 3 mm whichever is
greater, the dimensions of the wider or
5.2 Unsealed butt welds of single V, U, J thicker parts shall be reduced at the butt
and bevel types and incomplete penetration joints to those of the smaller part, the slope
butt welds shall not be used. Sketches of being not steeper than 1 in 5 (see Fig. 3).
different types of butt weld are given in Where the difference in thickness of the
Fig. 1. parts does not exceed 25% of the thickness
of the thinner part or 3 mm whichever is
5.3 Intermittent butt welds shall not be greater, the transition of thickness shall be
used. accomplished by sloping weld faces (see
Fig. 4) by chamfering the thicker part or by
5.4 Sealing or backing combination of the two methods (see
Fig. 5), at an angle not steeper than 1 in 5.
5.4.1 Single V, U, J bevel or square butt
welds shall generally be completed by 5.5.2 Where the reduction of the
depositing a sealing run of weld metal on dimensions of the thicker part is
the back of the joints. impracticable, and/or where structures are
not designed to withstand dynamic forces,
5.4.2 Where it is not practicable to deposit the weld metal shall be built up at the
a run of weld metal on the back of the joint, junction with the thicker part to dimension
then single V, bevel or square butt welds, at-least 25% greater than those of the
welded from one side only, may be thinner part, or alternatively, to the
permitted, provided that another steel part dimensions of the thicker member (see
of the structure or a special steel backing Fig. 6).
strip is in contact with the back of the joint
and the edges of the steel parts of the joint 5.6 Butt Welded T Joints - Butt weld in
are prepared as specified in IS: 9595 or IS: T joint shall be reinforced by welding as
4353, whichever is applicable, to ensure shown in Fig. 7 Flange to web connection
complete fusion of the parts to be joined. will also fall under this category.
5.4.3 In all full penetration butt welds 5.7 Ends of butt welds - The ends of
which are to be welded from both sides, the butt joint shall be welded so as to provide
back of the first run shall be gauged out by the full throat thickness. This shall be done,
suitable means to clean sound metal, before in all cases of parent metal more than 20
welding is started on the gauged out side mm thick and preferably in other cases also,
(see Fig. 2). by extending the ends of the butt welds past
the edges of the parts joined by the use of
5.5 Butt welding parts of unequal run-on and run-off plates with a similar joint
cross-section preparation and of reasonable thickness not
less than the thickness of the part joined
5.5.1 In butt welding steel parts in line with and of the length not less than 40 mm (see
each other which are intended to withstand Fig. 8) If run on and run off plates are
dynamic forces, and which are of unequal removed after completion of the welds, the
width, or where the difference in thickness ends of the weld shall be finished smooth
of the parts exceeds 25% of the thickness of and flush with the edges of the abutting
parts. Run on and run off plates are to be minimum nominal leg length plus 2.4 mm
removed after completion of welds by (see Fig. 12) The minimum size of the first
abrasive cut off or by hacksaw blade .To run or of a single run fillet welds shall be as
avoid thermal stress as well as heat given in table-I. Minimum size of fillet weld
affected zone, Oxy-acetylene cut should not shall be as given in table II to avoid the risk
be permitted. If the parent metal is not more of cracking in the absence of pre-heating.
than 20 mm thick, the ends of the butt welds
may be chipped or cut back to sound metal Table-I Minimum size of first run of a
and then filled up with welds having a width fillet weld (Clause 6.2)
not less than one and half time the ‘V’
opening and having the same reinforcement Thickness of thicker part Minimum
as adopted for the faces of the butt weld size
(see Fig. 9)
6 mm up to and including 5 mm.
5.8 Reinforcement of butt welds – 20 mm
Sufficient convexity not exceeding 3 mm,
shall be provided as reinforcement to Over 20 mm up to and 6 mm.
ensure full cross sectional area at the joint. including 32 mm
Where a flush surface is required, the butt
welds shall be first built up as specified Over 32 mm up to and 8 mm.
above and then dressed flush. including 50 mm
6.6 Effective area - The effective area 6.8.6 In a line of intermittent fillet welds,
of a fillet weld shall be the effective throat there shall be a weld at both ends of the
thickness multiplied by the effective length. parts connected. For staggered welds, this
shall apply to both sides.
6.7 Minimum length - The effective
length of a fillet weld designed to transmit 6.8.7 In built up members in whose parts
are connected by intermittent filled welds, slot or the hole, but the later shall not be
continuous longitudinal fillet welds shall be filled with weld metal or partially filled in
used at the end for a length not less than such a manner as to form a direct weld
the width of the part concerned. metal connection between opposite wall.
6.9 Fillet welds applied to the edge of 6.11.2 The dimensions of the slot or hole
a plate or section shall comply with the following limits in
terms of the thickness of the steel part in
6.9.1 Where a fillet weld is applied to the which the slot or hole is formed.
square edge of a part, the specified size of
the weld shall generally be at-least 1.5 mm (i) The width or diameter to be not less
less than the edge thickness, in order to than three times the thickness or 25
avoid melting down of the outer corner, (see mm whichever is greater.
Fig. 14). (ii) Corners at the enclosed ends of
slots to be rounded with a radius not
6.9.2 Where a fillet welds is applied to the less than 1.5 times the thickness or
rounded toe of a rolled section, the specified 12 mm whichever is greater.
size of the weld shall generally not exceed
(iii) The distance between the edge of
3/4 of the thickness of the section at the toe
the part and edge of the slot or hole
(see Fig. 14).
or between adjacent slots and/ or
holes not to be less than twice the
6.9.3 Where a fillet weld equal in size to
thickness when measured along the
the thickness of the section at the toe of a
direction of stress and five times the
rolled section or at the square edge of a
thickness when measured normal to
plate is required from design considerations
the direction of stress.
and is specially designated in the drawing,
the toe or edge shall be specially built up 6.12 End Returns - Fillet welds
with weld metal in such a manner as to terminating at the ends or sides of parts or
ensure full throat thickness, full fusion area members shall be returned continuously
and no injury to the parent metal (see Fig. around the corner for a distance of not less
15 & 16). than twice the size of the weld. This
provision shall apply particularly to side and
6.10 End fillets - When end fillets are end fillet welds joining brackets, beam
used alone, each fillet shall be returned as a seatings and similar attachments at the
side fillet for a minimum length equal to tension side of such connections.
twice the size of the weld, and this returned
length shall be disregarded in calculating 6.13 Bending about a single fillet - A
the strength of the joint. single fillet weld shall not be subjected to
bending moment about the longitudinal axis
6.11 Fillet welds in slots or holes of the fillet (see Fig. 17).
6.14.2 If longitudinal fillet welds are used i) Butt welds in flanges and web are
alone in lap joints of end connections, the made by automatic sub-merged
length of each fillet weld shall be not less arc welding prior to assembling web
than the perpendicular distance between and flanges together,
them. The transverse spacing of longitudinal ii) Weld reinforcement is dressed flush
fillet welds used in end connections shall both at top and bottom by
not exceed sixteen times the thickness of grinding/machining and
the thinner part connected. The longitudinal
fillet welds may be in slots in addition to iii) Weld is tested by
those along the edges, to comply with this radiographic/ultrasonic method.
10. Preparation of Joint Faces
dimensions for material upto and including 13. Permissible Stresses in Welds
12 mm thick and ±2 mm for material over 12
mm thick. The tolerance on the included 13.1 Since fatigue strength of welded
angle between the fusion faces of a V structures depends upon the constructional
preparation is recommended to be ±5 details, this shall be decided before the
degree and for U and J preparations + 10 permissible stresses and consequently the
degree. For an automatic process, closer size of members and weld sizes are
limits are necessary and particular determined.
requirements depend on the characteristics
of the process. 13.2 Stresses due to dead load, live load
and impact, stresses resulting from
11.3 It shall be ensured, if necessary, by curvature and eccentricity of track, and
suitable non-destructive tests that the fusion secondary stresses as defined in clause
faces and adjacent surfaces shall be free 3.3.2 (a) of IRS Steel Bridge Code, shall
from cracks, notches or other irregularities only be considered for effects due to
which might be the cause of defects or fatigue. All other items mentioned in clause
would interfere with the deposition of the 3.1 of IRS Steel Bridge Code and
weld. secondary stresses as defined in clause
3.3.2 (b) there of should be ignored when
11.4 Fusion faces and the surrounding considering fatigue.
surfaces shall be free from heavy scale,
moisture, oil, paint or any other substance 13.3 Butt welds - Stresses in butt welds
which might affect the quality of the weld or shall not exceed the permissible stresses of
impede the progress of welding. Certain the parent metal as specified in IRS Steel
proprietary protective coatings are specially Bridge Code.
formulated with the intention that they
should not interfere with welding. The use of 13.4 Fillet welds
such coatings is not excluded by the
requirements of this clause but shall be 13.4.1 The basic permissible stress in fillet
demonstrated by means of specimen welds welds based on a thickness equal to the
that the coating complies with the above throat thickness shall be 100 N/mm2 (10.2
requirements. kg/mm2) where a fillet weld is subjected to
shear stress in two directions, the actual
12. Assembly for Welding stress shall be taken as the vector sum of
the separate shear stresses and shall not
12.1 Parts to be welded shall be exceed 100 N/mm2 (10.2 kg/mm2).
assembled such that the joints are easily
accessible and visible to the operator. 13.4.2 Load carrying fillet welds in
dynamically loaded structures shall be
12.2 Jigs and manipulators shall be used, designed such that the stress on the total
where practicable, so that the welding can effective area of fillet welds does not exceed
be carried out in the most suitable position. the relevant values specified in Table for
Jigs shall maintain the alignment with the Class ‘G’ Constructional details, Appendix
minimum restraint so as to reduce the ‘G’ to IRS Steel Bridge Code, subject to a
possibility of locked in-stress. maximum of 100 N/mm2 (10.2 kg/mm2).
13.4.3 Load carrying fillet welds in 15.3 Packings - Where a packing is used
dynamically loaded structures shall be between two parts, the packing and the
designed so that secondary bending welds connecting it to each part shall be
stresses are not developed (e.g. single lap capable of transmitting the load between the
joints shall not be used). parts, except where the packing is too thin
to carry the load or permit the provision of
14. Reduction in Permissible adequate welds, when it shall be trimmed
Stresses flush with the edges of the narrower part
and the load shall be transmitted through
14.1 The permissible stresses for field the welds alone, the welds being increased
welds of structural members shall be in size by an amount equal to the thickness
reduced to 80% of those specified in of the packing.
clauses 13.3 and 13.4. Field welds shall not
be adopted for bridges carrying road/railway 15.4 Arrangement of welds
loading without the specific approval of the
Board. 15.4.1 Fillet welds at right angles to the
lines of principal stresses in a plate
14.2 If over-head welds are unavoidable, subjected to tension shall be avoided in
the stresses permitted shall be 80% of dynamically loaded structures.
those specified in clauses 13.3 and 13.4
and modified by clause 14.1 if field welding 15.4.2 Accumulation of weld joints in a
is involved. single location shall be avoided (See Fig.
14.3 In structures subjected to dynamic
loading, tensile or shear stresses in butt 15.4.3 Sizes or lengths of fillet welds shall
welds shall not exceed 66°% of the be sufficient to provide for better distribution
permissible stresses as specified in clause of stress. Excessive sizes or lengths shall
13.3 and as modified by clauses 14.1 and not be specified.
14.2 as applicable, unless the welds are
examined radiographically, ultrasonically or 16. Welding in Solid Web Girders
other non-destructive testing methods which
are equally effective and present 16.1 Flange plates
satisfactory evidence to the Engineer that
welds are meeting the quality requirement. 16.1.1 Each flange shall, as far as possible,
particularly in dynamically loaded structures,
15. Structural Details consist of a single section rather than of two
or more sections super-imposed. The single
15.1 Changes in section shall be gradual section may comprise a series of sections
and re-entrant notch-like corners shall be laid end to end and effectively welded at
avoided. their junctions.
15.2 Attachment of fittings and making 16.1.2 If the use of curtailed flange plates
openings at locations of severe fatigue can not be avoided the end of the plate shall
stress shall preferably be avoided. be tapered in plane to a rounded end and
welded continuously round the end.
16.1.3 In dynamically loaded structures, 16.3.3 Fillet welds placed on one side only
flange plates laid end to end shall be joined of the stiffener shall not be used.
by butt welds, and welded cover plates shall
not be used. Joints in flange plates shall be 16.3.4 Intermediate stiffeners carrying
butt welded and dressed flush before cross bracings or diaphragms shall not be
assembling. connected to the web by intermittent fillet
16.1.4 Where the flange consists of more
than one section, the butt joints shall be 16.3.5 Intermediate stiffeners shall be
staggered. located away from web splices.
16.1.5 Welded cover plates, where used in 17. Strengthening of Existing Bridges
structures not subjected to dynamic loading,
shall have enough welds on either side to 17.1 All provisions of this code, applicable
develop the load 5% more than that of the to new welded bridge work, shall apply
element spliced. equally to strengthening of existing bridges
except as modified by clauses 17.2 to 17.7.
16.1.6 The flange plate, welded directly to
the web plate, shall not be more than 50 17.2 Where a compression member is
mm thick when steel conforms to IS: 2062. strengthened by welding while under load,
the work shall be carried out in such a way
16.2 Web plates - Splices in the webs of that -
plate girders and rolled sections used, as
beams shall be made by butt welds dressed (a) The least radius of gyration is
flush on all faces, in the case of dynamically substantially increased; and
loaded structures. In the case of structures
(b) Large compression shrinkage
not subjected to dynamic loading, splice
stresses are not induced in the
plates may be used independently and not
extreme fibres.
to reinforce a butt-welded splice.
17.3 Strengthening of existing bridges by
16.3 Intermediate stiffeners welding shall not be done unless tests prove
that the parent metal is suitable for the
16.3.1 Where intermediate stiffeners are purpose.
connected to the web by intermittent fillet
welds placed in pairs, one weld on either 17.4 The details of design for
side of the stiffeners, the effective length of strengthening shall be made taking into
each weld shall be not less than four times consideration the weakening effect of stress
the thickness of the stiffeners, subject to the raisers on the fatigue strength of the parent
provisions of clause 6.7. metal.
21.8 All welds should be done by 23.1 For fabrication of steel bridge girders
submerged arc welding process either fully the following positions of welding shall be
automatic or semi-automatic. Carbon-di– adopted.
I) Flat and horizontal position for Submerged cleaning of toes of the welds. Visible defects,
Arc Welding (SAW) and such as cracks, cavities and other deposition
faults, if any, shall be removed to sound metal
II) Horizontal or horizontal-vertical position for before depositing subsequent run or layer of
welding done using manual metal Arc weld.
welding (MMAW) or CO2 welding.
Note – Different positions have been shown 26. Stray Arcing on Work
diagrammatically in Fig. 23. 26.1 Stray arcing shall be avoided as this can
23.2 All butt welds by the submerged arc process leave local hard spots or cracking which are to
shall be made in the flat position. Fillet welds may be removed by mechanical means and be
checked by inspection depending upon the
be made in either flat or horizontal-vertical
position. The size of the single pass fillet welds
made in the horizontal-vertical position shall not 27. Inspection and Testing of Welded
exceed 8 mm.
24. Tack Welds 27.1 Inspection and Testing of Welded Joints.
Inspection of the welded bridge girders carrying
24.1 Tack welds shall be not less than the rail or rail-cum-road traffic weather of
throat thickness or leg length of the root run to be completely welded type or partially welded type
used in the joint. The length of the tack weld shall shall be done by the RDSO certified
not be less than four times the thickness of the fabrication inspection unit set up in each zonal
railway headed by an officer not below JA
thicker part or 50 mm whichever is the smaller
grade under CBE of that railway. Alternatively
zonal railway may engage specialized third
24.2 Where a tack weld is incorporated in a party (RDSO or any other public sector
welded joint, the shape, size and quality shall be undertaking having expertise in fabrication
suitable for incorporation in the finished weld and inspection) for fabriocation inspection of girders.
it shall be free from all cracks and other welding For ensuring quality of fabrication, QAP to be
defects. Tack welds, which are prone to cracking, prepared by fabricating agency and
shall be cut out and rewelded. approved by the inspecting agency. (ACS
02 dtd 11.07.2018).
24.3 Tack welds shall not be made at extreme 27.2 The Inspector designated by
ends of joints. the purchaser shall ascertain that fabrication
by welding is performed in accordance with
25. Inter-Run Cleaning the requirements of this code. Inspection of
welds shall also be carried out in accordance
25.1 Each run of weld bead shall be thoroughly with this Code. For the provisions which
are not incorporated in this Code, IS:822
cleaned to remove particles of slag, spatters, etc.
“Code of procedure for inspection of
before the subsequent bead is super-imposed welds” shall be followed.
during multi-pass welding. Similarly, each layer of
weld should be thoroughly cleaned of slag,
27.3 He shall be furnished with complete
spatters, etc, before depositing subsequent layers
of weld with particular reference to thorough
detailed drawings showing the size, length, 28.2.2 After the parts are assembled in
type and location of all welds, which are position for welding, the Inspector shall
required to be made. check for incorrect root gap, improper edge
preparation and other features that might
27.4 He shall be notified in advance of affect the quality of the welded joint.
the start of any welding operations.
28.3 Verification of operator’s
27.5 He shall have free access to the qualification - Welding shall be permitted
work being done at all reasonable times by to be performed only by welders and
the contractor and facilities shall be welding operators who are qualified in
provided so that during the course of accordance with requirements of clause 20.
welding he may be able to inspect any layer
of weld metal. He shall be at liberty to reject 28.4 The Contractor shall, if so required,
any material that does not conform to the prescribe the welding procedure to be
provisions of this code and to require any followed. Before any welding on the actual
defective welds to be removed and re- job is allowed under the contract, the
welded. Inspector shall verify, in accordance with the
provisions of IS: 9595 and IS: 4353 as
28. Inspection Prior to Welding applicable, that the procedure prescribed is
28.1 Parent metal
29. Inspection During Welding
28.1.1 All plates and sections shall be
inspected in the contractor’s works before 29.1 Filler material - Filler material shall
fabrication. Verification of the quality of be tested periodically to ensure that the
parent metal shall be carried out by specified quality is being consistently
reference to the relevant test certificate. The maintained.
Inspector may, at his discretion, ask for spot
checks to be made on the chemical 29.2 While welding is in progress, visual
composition and physical properties of the examination shall be employed to check
material. details of work, such as proper arc, arc
length, speed of weld deposit, sequence of
28.1.2 Freedom from harmful defects such welding, cleaning of slag after each run in
as cracks, surface flaws, laminations, and multi-run welding, electrode spattering,
rough, jagged or imperfect edges shall be manipulation of the electrode, employment
verified by visual examination of the of proper current and voltage etc. Particular
material prior to welding. Dimensions of care shall be taken during the early stages
parts shall be checked by measurement. of the work.
(Ref. Clause 7)
A-2 Welding shall generally be carried out in flat position using a copper block plate of
25 mm minimum thickness as a backing surface. This plate shall have a depression
of about 3 mm at the center and in the line of the hole.
A-3 Electrodes conforming to IRS M-28 with type-I covering shall be used.
A-4 For welds to be made in the flat position, the arc shall be carried round the root of
the joint and then carried along spiral path to the center of the hole fusing and
depositing a layer of weld metal in the root and bottom of the joint. The arc shall
then be carried to the periphery of the hole and the procedure repeated, fusing and
depositing successive layers to fill the hole. The slag covering the weld metal shall
be kept molten, or nearly so, until the weld is finished. If the arc is broken, except
briefly for changing the electrodes, the slag must be allowed to cool and be
completely removed before starting the weld.
A-5 For welds to be made in the vertical position, the arc shall be started at the root of
the joint, at the lower side of the hole, and carried upwards along a zig zag path
depositing a layer about 5 mm thick on the exposed face and fused to the side of
the hole. After cleaning the slag from the weld, subsequent layers shall be similarly
deposited to fill the hole.
A-6 For welds to be made in the overhead position, the procedure shall be the same as
for the flat position except that the slag shall be allowed to cool and shall be
completely removed after depositing each layer until the hole is filled.
A-7 All plug welds shall be finished with reinforcement of about 3 mm which shall then
be dressed flush.
(Ref. Clause 31)
Acceptance Levels for Welds
t l w
i) ≤18 mm ≤ t/2 and ≤6 mm ≤1.5 mm
ii) >18 mm and ≤75 mm ≤ t/3 ≤1.5 mm
iii >75 mm ≤ 25 mm ≤1.5 mm
b) Linear group* Aggregate length should not exceed 8 percent of
length of group, which in turn should not exceed
12t in length
c) Individual and randomly Maximum dimension in any direction: 6 mm
oriented (Not parallel to weld axis)
4) Copper inclusions
(Detected by visual examination or Not permitted
by radiography)
5) Profile defects
a) Undercut Slight intermittent undercut permitted, provided it
does not form a sharp notch ; depth should not
exceed 0.4 mm
b) Shrinkage grooves and root Same as for under cut, depth should not exceed 1.2
concavity mm
c) Excess penetration h≤3 mm. Occasional local slight excess is
d) Reinforcement shape The reinforcement shall blend smoothly with the
parent metal and dressing shall be as specified in
drawing or required for NDT techniques.