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Basis Sets in Quantum Chemistry

C. David Sherrill
School of Chemistry and Biochemistry
Georgia Institute of Technology
Basis Sets
• Generically, a basis set is a collection of vectors which
spans (defines) a space in which a problem is solved
• î, ĵ, k̂ define a Cartesian, 3D linear vector space
• In quantum chemistry, the “basis set” usually refers to the
set of (nonorthogonal) one-particle functions used to build
molecular orbitals
• Sometimes, theorists might also refer to N -electron basis
sets, which is something else entirely — sets of Slater
Basis Sets in Quantum Chemistry
• LCAO-MO approximation: MO’s built from AO’s
• An “orbital” is a one-electron function
• AO’s represented by atom-centered Gaussians in most
quantum chemistry programs — why Gaussians? (GTO’s)
• Some older programs used “Slater functions” (STO’s)
• Physicists like plane wave basis sets
Slater-Type Orbitals (STO’s)
φST O a b c −ζr
abc (x, y, z) = N x y z e

• N is a normalization constant
• a, b, c control angular momentum, L = a + b + c
• ζ (zeta) controls the width of the orbital (large ζ gives
tight function, small ζ gives diffuse function)
• These are H-atom-like, at least for 1s; however, they lack
radial nodes and are not pure spherical harmonics (how to
get 2s or 2p, then?)
• Correct short-range and long-range behavior
Gaussian-Type Orbitals (GTO’s)
a b c −ζr 2
abc (x, y, z) = Nx y z e
• Again, a, b, c control angular momentum, L = a + b + c
• Again, ζ controls width of orbital
• No longer H-atom-like, even for 1s
• Much easier to compute (Gaussian product theorem)
• Almost universally used by quantum chemists
Contracted Gaussian-Type Orbitals (CGTO’s)
• Problem: STO’s are more accurate, but it takes longer to
compute integrals using them
• Solution: Use a linear combination of enough GTO’s to
mimic an STO
• Unfortunate: A combination of n Gaussians to mimic an
STO is often called an “STO-nG” basis, even though it is
made of CGTO’s...

a b c −ζi r 2
(x, y, z) =N ci x y z e (1)
Figure from Szabo and Ostlund, Modern Quantum Chemistry.
Types of Basis Sets
Minimal: One basis function (STO, GTO, or CGTO) for each
atomic orbital in the atom
Double-zeta: Two basis functions for each AO
Triple-zeta: Three basis functions for each AO
... and etc. for quadruple-zeta (QZ), 5Z, 6Z, ... Having
different-sized functions allows the orbital to get bigger or
smaller when other atoms approach it
A split-valence basis uses only one basis function for each core
AO, and a larger basis for the valence AO’s
H atom, minimal basis: One 1s AO, one (STO, GTO, or
CGTO) basis function
C atom, minimal basis: 1s, 2s, 2px , 2py , 2pz AO’s (5), so 5
basis functions
C atom, double-zeta basis: Two basis functions per AO, so
10 basis functions
C atom, split-valence double-zeta basis: 9 basis func-
tions (why?)
Counting Basis Functions
Note: When counting basis functions with a basis set that
includes CGTO’s, each CGTO counts as a single basis function.
We do not count the “primitive” GTO functions inside a CGTO
as “basis functions.”
For example, in a 6-31G* basis, carbon has one “basis function”
representing the 1s atomic orbital, not six.
Polarization Functions
• As other atoms approach, an atom’s orbitals might want
to shift to one side or the other (polarization). An s orbital
can polarize in one direction if it’s mixed with a p orbital.
• p orbitals can polarize if mixed with d orbitals
• In general, to polarize a basis function with angular
momentum l, mix it with basis functions of angular
momentum l + 1
• This gives “polarized double-zeta”, or “double-zeta plus
polarization” basis sets, etc
Counting Polarization Functions
• We know there should be 5 d functions (usually chosen
as dx2 −y2 , dz2 , dxy , dxz , and dyz ); these are called “pure
angular momentum” functions (even though they aren’t,
• Computers would prefer to work with 6 d functions (dx2 ,
dy2 , dz2 , dxy , dxz , and dyz ); these are called “6 Cartesian d
• dx2 + dy2 + dz2 looks like an s orbital
• Similar answers are obtained using 5 or 6 d functions
• For f functions, it’s 7 versus 10 f functions
• Common reason for disagreement between calculated
results and literature values — different number of polar-
ization functions
• Some basis sets were developed using 5d’s [cc-pVXZ,
newer Pople basis sets like 6-311G(3df)], some using 6 d’s
[older Pople basis sets like 6-31G(d)]; results don’t change
much, but it is more consistent to use the same number of
polarization functions as the basis set designer
• Different programs have different default values for number
of polarization functions — can make it hard to compare
across programs if you don’t notice it
Diffuse Functions
• Diffuse functions have small ζ exponents; this means the
electron is held far away from the nucleus
• Necessary for anions, Rydberg states, very electronegative
atoms (fluorine) with a lot of electron density
• Necessary for accurate polarizabilities or binding energies
of van der Waals complexes (bound by dispersion)
• It is very bad to do computations on anions without using
diffuse functions; your results could change completely!
Anatomy of a Basis Set: H atom, STO-3G
A basis set of Contracted Gaussian-Type Orbitals (CGTO’s)
needs to specify the exponents (ζi ’s) and the contraction
coefficients (ci ’s). These are given below in the format used by
the Gaussian program (exponents first)
H 0
S 3 1.00
3.42525091 0.154328970
0.623913730 0.535328140
0.168855400 0.444634540
Anatomy of a Basis Set: C atom, STO-3G
C 0
S 3 1.00
71.6168370 0.154328970
13.0450960 0.535328140
3.53051220 0.444634540
SP 3 1.00
2.94124940 -0.999672300E-01 0.155916270
0.683483100 0.399512830 0.607683720
0.222289900 0.700115470 0.391957390
STO-3G and other basis sets by John Pople use “SP” shells,
which share exponents for s and p functions
Pople Basis Sets
• Developed by the late Nobel Laureate, John Pople, and
popularized by the Gaussian set of programs
• STO-3G is a minimal basis set in which each AO is
represented by 3 Gaussians (3G), chosen to mimic the
behavior of a STO
• Pople’s split-valence double-zeta basis set is called 6-31G;
the core orbital is a CGTO made of 6 Gaussians, and the
valence is described by two orbitals — one CGTO made of
3 Gaussians, and one single Gaussian
Anatomy of a Basis Set: C atom, 6-31G
C 0
S 6 1.00
3047.52490 0.183470000E-02
457.369510 0.140373000E-01
103.948690 0.688426000E-01
29.2101550 0.232184400
9.28666300 0.467941300
3.16392700 0.362312000
SP 3 1.00
7.86827240 -0.119332400 0.689991000E-01
1.88128850 -0.160854200 0.316424000
0.544249300 1.14345640 0.744308300
SP 1 1.00
0.168714400 1.00000000 1.00000000
More on Pople Basis Sets
• 6-31G* [or 6-31G(d)] is 6-31G with added d polarization
functions on non-hydrogen atoms; 6-31G** [or 6-31G(d,p)]
is 6-31G* plus p polarization functions for hydrogen
• 6-311G is a split-valence triple-zeta basis; it adds one GTO
to 6-31G
• 6-31+G is 6-31G plus diffuse s and p functions for non-
hydrogen atoms; 6-31++G has diffuse functions for hydro-
gen also
• In a basis like 6-311G(3df,2pd), we add 3 sets of d functions
and one set of f functions to heavy atoms, and 2 sets of p
functions and one set of d functions to hydrogen atoms
Designations of Basis Set Size
It is useful to refer to how large a basis set is by listing how
many sets of functions it has for each angular momentum type.
H atom, minimal basis: 1s (1 function)
C atom, minimal basis: 2s1p (5 functions)
C atom, double-zeta basis: 4s2p (10 functions)
C atom, split-valence double-zeta basis: 3s2p (9 func-
Dunning’s Correlation-Consistent Basis Sets
• Thom Dunning pointed out that basis sets optimized at
the Hartree-Fock level might not be ideal for correlated
• The “correlation consistent” basis sets are optimized using
correlated (CISD) wavefunctions
• cc-pVXZ means a Dunning correlation-consistent, polarized
valence, X-zeta basis; X=D,T,Q,5,6,7
• Functions are added in shells. cc-pVDZ for C atom consists
of 3s2p1d. cc-pVTZ would be 4s3p2d1f. cc-pVQZ would
be 5s4p3d2f1g.
• The Dunning basis sets are designed to converge smoothly
toward the complete (infinite) basis set limit
• A prefix “aug” means one set of diffuse functions is
added for every angular momentum present in the basis;
aug-cc-pVDZ for C atom has diffuse s,p,d
• Somewhat cheaper versions of aug-cc-pVXZ are the “cal-
endar basis sets” of Truhlar; pretending “aug” stands for
“August,” basis sets with truncated diffuse functions are
represented by earlier months in the calendar. jul-cc-pVXZ
removes diffuse functions on H atoms. jun-cc-pVXZ re-
moves diffuse functions on H atoms and also the highest
angular momentum subshell from heavy atoms. Earlier
months in the calendar (may-, etc.) remove the next-
highest remaining angular momentum subshell of diffuse
• Functions describing core correlation are denoted by the
letter “C” in the cc-pCVXZ or aug-cc-pCVXZ basis sets;
you should use basis sets like this if you do not freeze core
electrons in post-Hartree-Fock computations like MP2,
CISD, CCSD(T), etc.
• For 2nd row elements Al-Ar, the original d polarization
functions were not tight enough; revised in cc-pV(X+d)Z
basis sets
Convergence of Vibrational Frequencies for
BH, CH+ , and NH

Figure 1. Convergence of CCSD(T) re and ωe toward the CBS limit

derived for valence-only (cc-pVNZ) basis sets.

Temelso, Valeev, and Sherrill, J. Phys. Chem. A 108, 3068 (2004).

Convergence of Bond Lengths for BH, CH+ , and NH

Temelso, Valeev, and Sherrill, J. Phys. Chem. A 108, 3068 (2004).

6434 Helgaker et al.: Molecular equilibrium structures

FIG. 3. Normal distributions r(R) for the errors in the calculated bond distances. The distributions have been calculated from the mean errors in Table III and
the standard deviations in Table IV ~pm!. For easy comparison, all distributions have been normalized to one and plotted on the same horizontal and vertical

Helgaker et al, J. Chem. Phys. 106, 6430 (1997).

General Comments
• The bigger the basis, the better? Usually — need to
balance with correlation method; e.g., cc-pVQZ is great for
CCSD(T), but overkill for Hartree-Fock
• STO-3G should not be used: too small
• Hard to afford more than polarized double-zeta basis sets
except for small molecules
• Anions must have diffuse functions
• In our experience, cc-pVDZ is not necessarily better than
6-31G(d,p); however, cc-pVTZ is better than 6-311G(d,p)
or similar
• Convergence of ab initio results is disappointingly slow
with respect to basis set for non-DFT methods (see, for
example, papers by Helgaker or Dunning)
• DFT is less dependent on basis set size than wavefunction-
based methods (see, for example, papers by Angela Wilson)
• Best resource for getting basis sets:
• I couldn’t mention all the important basis sets — others
are out there!

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