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Modeling and Simulation of High Speed Spindle, Current Problems and Optimizations

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Andrei Gheorghita 1, Mariana Rotariu 2, Marius Turnea 3, Mihai Ilea 4, Dragos Arotaritei 5
University Politehnica of Bucharest,
Splaiul Independentei 313, Bucharest, Romania
andu_ghe@yahoo.com, +40720272072
University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Grigore T. Popa”,
Str. Universitatii 16, Iasi, Romania
rotariu29@yahoo.com, +40723133560
University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Grigore T. Popa”,
Str. Universitatii 16, Iasi, Romania
marius.turnea@gmail.com, +40766416165
University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Grigore T. Popa”,
Str. Universitatii 16, Iasi, Romania
ileamihai2004@yahoo.com, +40744869328
University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Grigore T. Popa”,
Str. Universitatii 16, Iasi, Romania
dragos.arotaritei@gmail.com, +40742181273

Keywords: ball bearing, rotating shaft, temperature analysis, vibration analysis

*Corresponding author:
E-mail: andu_ghe@yahoo.com, +40720272072

1. Introduction:
Rotating machineries like lathes, grinding machines, milling machines are very important
and useful for modern manufacturing processes. The assessment of a good functionality and a
performance issue involves the deformation, vibrations and temperature due basically to unbalance of
the main spindle, friction effects in bearings, cutting forces, chatter, and cooling systems. The effects
can be a poor quality of the manufacturing product but also the wear or even destruction of machine
as effect of a long time stress reflected by unfit functionality.
Spindle bearing systems belong to rotating machinery class and the operations of cutting
material involves an analysis of dynamical model of the spindle bearing system. Many of the research
articles use the approaches that are proposed for rotor dynamic analysis but in the spindle shaft case,
the approach is more complex.
The dynamic behavior of spindle-bearing system is essential to be understood in order to
design a performant machine that uses this system. The design can be less or more complex and the
models used in simulation can vary from case to case depending on the tradeoff between accuracy of
result and complexity of model and calculus.
There are many types of bearings used for rotors in rotating machinery and one of the most
frequently type is angular contact ball bearings. The angular contact ball bearing offers some
advantages in rotating machinery worth to be mentioned: good stiffness properties, low friction, long
lifetime, and a good ration between cost and effectiveness especially at high speed. The critical
subsystem in the rotating machinery is made by ball bearings that transfer the contact force, heat due
to friction and vibration that goes thru the other elements to the cage of machine. The modeling of
bearing dynamic influences the results of dynamic analysis for shaft bearing system. The spindle
bearing system has at least two sets of bearings mounted in different positions depending of design
condition and optimization objectives.
There are many studies that analyze the theoretically and experimentally the dynamic
behavior of machines that use spindle shafts, lining, rolling bearings, and spindle-bearing systems.
There are also few review papers that deal with this subject. The purpose of this paper is to present
structured view of the main approaches in dynamic modeling of spindle-bearing systems along with
main possible optimizations.

2. Materials and methods

An overloading of the shaft and the bearings decreases the lifetime of ball bearings and a
better milling is performed only at a higher speed. We suggest an optimization of these objectives by
using genetic algorithms with a formula objectively weighted between the two requirements and the
analysis of the compromise through representation in the form of the Pareto front [8].
Durability (in millions of revolutions, meaning 106 rotations) for a ball (contact point)
which is the subject of a nominal load Q is, according to the theory of Palmgren:

( )
L= c
Q (1)
0. 41 1 .39 0. 3
R r (1∓γ ) γ
Qc =99 .1 ( D r−R ) (1±γ ) 1/3 cosα ( ) D1 .8 Z−1/3
0.41 1 .39 0.3
2f (1∓γ ) γ
Qc =99.1 ( ) 2 f −1 (1±γ ) 1/3 cosα ( ) D1 .8 Z−1/3

The sign above is for the inner ring and the one below is for the outer ring. Taking into
account both the inner ring i and outer ring o, their lifetime is:

L=( L−e −e
i +Lo ) (4)

For the contact point e=10/9 (ball bearing, angular contact), while for the roller e=9/8. For
rolls, with a contact line l, the formulas become:

L= c
Q ( ) (5)
29/27 2/9
(1∓γ ) γ
Qc =552
(1±γ )1/4 cosα ( ) D29/27 l7/9 Z−1/4
The sign Q is a sum for all the other Z balls, while each force Q j =Q(ψ ) , 2/(Z-1):
Z 1/3
Q= ∑ Q3j
Z j=1 ) (7)
It can be noticed that the durability of ball bearings is a function that depends on the
geometrical characteristics and the material of the bearing, on the pre-gripping force and the
rotational speed of the shaft which, in turn, determines the angle of contact [5].
The angle of contact of the ball bearing towards its inner and outer running track is
constant in the absence of a centrifugal force. However, the value of this angle is greater if you apply
a pre-gripping force. Under conditions of free pre-gripping:

Pd d o−d i−2 D
cos α 0 =1− =1−
2 BD 2(f o + f i−1 )D (8)

Preloading for a contact angle is calculated iteratively, method used to assess the durability
of a bearing 7012AC, where i is the step:

Fa 1. 5
cos α 0
α (i+1 )=α (i+1 )+
ZD 2 K
−sin α
cos α ( −1 )
1. 5 0. 5
cosα 0 cos α 0
cos α (
−1 ) +1 .5 tan(cos α
−1 ) cos α 0

In the formula (9) the displacement constant is a function of curvature and is taken from
graphics or tables. Flow-through, however, should be considered as values of angles for each ball
(Fig. 1- 2).

Fig. 1 Positions of the balls in the radial plane yz (x is the bearing axis) and the forces
acting upon the bearing [1].
Fig. 2 Shifting centers of curvature. The position of the ball bearings [1]

3. Results & Discussion

The optimization version used is usually a function of durability, and then it selects a speed
of rotation from which the pre-gripping force is derived. If, however, we consider that the durability
and rotational speed are variables included in the cost, then the pre-gripping force can be deduced
from the charts from Fig. 3. In the charts, which are calculated for a set of gears, however, from 500
in 500 revolutions per minute, you cannot calculate intermediate solutions, and as a result, there are
necessary interpolations to deduce the approximate charts for intermediate speeds.

Finally, calculating the maximum angles, which are valid for ψ=0 , for a ball bearing
type 218, one obtains:

Fig. 3 Angles
αi and αo (for =0)
The balls are made of steel, but in the case of ceramic balls, both the ball mass, material
constant and the centrifugal force and moments. As a result, it is expected that the internal and
external angles of contact with the inner and outer ring should be smaller.
LT’s lifetime, calculated approximately, once the iterations don’t improve the solution, is:

Fig. 4 LT function of pre-gripping force and the speed of rotation of the shaft, flow-through.

Fig. 5 LT, details on the pre-gripping force, high flow.

The algorithms of linear or nonlinear optimization with or without constraints, based

on gradient or free-derivative are very appropriate for an issue with a small number of variables
Fig. 6 Desired lifetime for bearing, the bearing flow

An efficient solution is to use evaluative algorithms, in particular genetic algorithms.

The greatest difficulty, however, is to define the function objectively, although in certain cases
the convergence of the algorithm may be an issue that requires basic variants of the algorithm.
A proposed formula can be a weighted linear combination (weights w1 and w2 w1, w2
with subunits = 1.0) of those two objectives, a multi-objective solution type:

f cost =w1⋅f 1 +w2 f 2 , f 1 =1/ LT , f 2 =1/speed (10)

It is observed that minimum solutions may be obtained for pairs of values, whether f1 is
lower and f2 greater or vice versa, a so-called Pareto front convex, which through the selection of a
point, in the compliance with an objective, be it for example f1, f2, is obtained for a minimum of the
cost function.

4. Conclusions
The calculation of durability of the entire bearing involves some laborious calculations and
some rather large matrices. On the other hand, the stiff matrices of the bearing should be included in
the shaft-bearings matrix assembly, which could lead to difficult numerical resolutions of the radial
displacements in the nodes that shape the tree with finite elements.
The equations which result from the angles i and o present a lot of circular dependencies;
as a result, the convergence of solutions in the case of numerical methods depends on the initial
solution, which in this case must be pretty close to the final solution. Since the variations in relation
to the static case can be very large, the viable solution is to fragment the space of combinations of the
two angles for an i, in the range 0-2. If this fragmentation is very fine (the domain of values for
which we are trying different initial solutions), it can be explosive and as such infeasible.

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