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Cse 551 Mcs

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Foundations of Algorithms
Course Brief

Foundations of Algorithms
(CSE 551)
Note: The information and course outline below are subject to modifications and updates.

About this Course

Algorithms, or a step-by-step process to efficiently reach a desired goal, have been part of human
history since the 1200’s. Algorithms are a fundamental component to any computerized system.
In this foundational course, you will learn learn several different algorithms and be able to explain
how they work and why they are considered good. This will help you:

(1) Evaluate appropriate algorithmic techniques that can lead to more efficient solutions for a
problem, instead of just coding the first idea that comes to mind
(2) Develop sound background knowledge on algorithms that will allow you to navigate the
literature, beyond the context of this class.

In order to achieve this, you will have to work through and understand several algorithmic
techniques and the mathematical background necessary for analyzing the properties of these
techniques and the algorithms based on them.

Specific topics covered include:

yy Greedy Algorithms
yy Divide-and-Conquer
yy Dynamic Programming
yy Amortized Analysis
yy Graph Algorithms
yy Network Flows
yy NP-completeness

Required Prior Knowledge and Skills

• Basic understanding of Asymptotic Notation (Big-Oh), recurrence relations, proofs,
Recursion, Worst-Case Analysis, and basic discrete math (e.g., sets, functions,
logic, graphs, etc.).
• Understanding of basic data structures and algorithms such as Sorting Algorithms, Hash
Tables, Binary Search Trees, Heaps, and Red-Black Trees.
• Basic understanding of Greedy Algorithms, Divide-and-conquer, Dynamic Programming.

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Foundations of Algorithms
Course Brief

• Basic understanding of Graph Algorithms such as Depth-First Search, Breadth-First

Search, Minimum Spanning Trees (Kruskal’s and Prim’s algorithms), and Shortest-paths
(Dijkstra’s algorithm).

Learning Outcomes

Learners completing this course will be able to:

yyIdentify and apply algorithmic techniques to solve a problem

yyApply knowledge of algorithms in multiple contexts using multiple programming languages
yyEvaluate correctness and efficiencies of algorithms

Course Content
yy Video lectures
yy Other videos (animations, demos, etc.)
yy Readings
yy Live sessions (office hours, webinars, etc.)

yy Practice activities and quizzes (auto-graded)
yy Practice assignments (instructor- or peer-reviewed)
yy Team and/or individual project(s) (instructor-graded)
yy Midterm or final exam (proctored, auto-and/or instructor-graded)

Major Project
Description: A team project focusing on algorithmic application to a computer programming
problem with each student being an individual contributor to the project work. The team will work
to fulfill customer expectations by translating user stories into functionality and features. Project
will utilize an agile project methodology.

Artifact: Source code for the network and reports documenting the experimental results

Estimated Workload/ Time Commitment Per Week

Approximately 18-20 hours per week.

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Foundations of Algorithms
Course Brief

Technology Requirements


Software and Other


Course Outline
Unit 1: Stable Matching

Module 1: Solving Stable Matching Problem with Algorithms

Module 2: Well-known Problems in Algorithms

Unit 2: Greedy Algorithms

Module 1: Interval Scheduling and Interval Partitioning

Module 2: Scheduling to Minimize Lateness
Module 3: Optimal Offline Caching
Module 4: Further Examples of Greedy Algorithms

Unit 3: Amortized Analysis and Splay Trees

Module 1: Amortized Analysis

Module 2: Splay Trees

Unit 4: Programming abstractions for the blockchain

Module 1: General Techniques

Module 2: Closest Pair of Points
Module 3: Integer Multiplication and Matrix Multiplication

Unit 5: Blockchain Consensus

Module 1: General Techniques

Module 2: Weighted Interval Scheduling
Module 3: Knapsack

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Foundations of Algorithms
Course Brief

Module 4: Shortest Path: Bellman-Ford

Unit 6: Network Flows

Module 1: Ford-Fulkerson Algorithm

Module 2: Max Flow-Min Cut Theorem
Module 3: Capacity Scaling Algorithm/Edmonds-Karp Algorithm
Module 4: Max Cardinality Bipartite Matching

Unit 7: Polynomial Time Reductions and NP-Completeness

Module 1: Polynomial-Time Reductions

Module 2: Classes P and NP
Module 3: NP-Completeness

Unit 8: Introduction to Approximation and Randomized Algorithms

Module 1: Traveling Salesman Problem

Module 2: List Scheduling
Module 3: Knapsack
Module 4: Skiplists

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Foundations of Algorithms
Course Brief

Professor Andréa Richa joined Arizona State University (ASU) in 1998. She is currently
affiliated with the Biomimicry Center at ASU, and the Biosocial Complexity Initiative in
general. Prof. Richa’s main areas of expertise are in distributed/network algorithms and
computing in general. More recently she has focused on developing the algorithmic
foundations on what has been coined as programmable matter, through her work on self-
organizing particle systems (SOPS) (see sops.engineering.asu.edu ). Her work has been
widely cited, and includes, besides SOPS, work on bio-inspired distributed algorithms,
distributed load balancing, packet routing, wireless network modeling and topology control,
wireless jamming, data mule networks, underwater optical networking, and distributed
hash tables (DHTs). Dr. Richa received the 2017 Best Senior Researcher award from the
School of Computing, Informatics, and Decision Systems Engineering (CIDSE). She was
the recipient of an NSF CAREER Award in 1999, an Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions
on Mobile Computing, and the keynote speaker and program\general chair of several
prestigious conferences. In particular, Prof. Richa was the Program Committee Chair of
the 31st International Symposium on Distributed Computing (DISC), 2017, one of the
top two conferences in distributed computing. Prof. Richa has also delivered several
invited talks both nationally and internationally. For a selected list of her publications and
other accomplishments, CV, and current research projects, please visit www.public.asu.
edu/~aricha or sops.engineering.asu.edu.

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Foundations of Algorithms
Course Brief

About ASU

Established in Tempe in 1885, Arizona State University (ASU) has developed a new model
for the American Research University, creating an institution that is committed to access,
excellence and impact.

As the prototype for a New American University, ASU pursues research that contributes to the
public good, and ASU assumes major responsibility for the economic, social and cultural vitality
of the communities that surround it. Recognizing the university’s groundbreaking initiatives,
partnerships, programs and research, U.S. News and World Report has named ASU as the most
innovative university all three years it has had the category.

The innovation ranking is due at least in part to a more than 80 percent improvement in ASU’s
graduation rate in the past 15 years, the fact that ASU is the fastest-growing research university
in the country and the emphasis on inclusion and student success that has led to more than 50
percent of the school’s in-state freshman coming from minority backgrounds.

About Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering

Structured around grand challenges and improving the quality of life on a global scale, the Ira
A. Fulton Schools of Engineering at Arizona State University integrates traditionally separate
disciplines and supports collaborative research in the multidisciplinary areas of biological and
health systems; sustainable engineering and the built environment; matter, transport and energy;
and computing and decision systems. As the largest engineering program in the United States,
students can pursue their educational and career goals through 25 undergraduate degrees or 39
graduate programs and rich experiential education offerings. The Fulton Schools are dedicated
to engineering programs that combine a strong core foundation with top faculty and a reputation
for graduating students who are aggressively recruited by top companies or become superior
candidates for graduate studies in medicine, law, engineering and science.

About the School of Computing, Informatics, & Decision Systems Engineering

The School of Computing, Informatics, and Decision Systems Engineering advances

developments and innovation in artificial intelligence, big data, cybersecurity and digital forensics,
and software engineering. Our faculty are winning prestigious honors in professional societies,
resulting in leadership of renowned research centers in homeland security operational efficiency,
data engineering, and cybersecurity and digital forensics. The school’s rapid growth of student
enrollment isn’t limited to the number of students at ASU’s Tempe and Polytechnic campuses as
it continues to lead in online education. In addition to the Online Master of Computer Science,
the school also offers an Online Bachelor of Science in Software Engineering, and the first four-
year, completely online Bachelor of Science in Engineering program in engineering management.

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