CSThesisManual 2017
CSThesisManual 2017
CSThesisManual 2017
Computer Science
Thesis Manual
Cosme, Perla P.
Ponay, Charmaine S.
Sagum, Ria A.
November 2016
Table of Contents
A. General Information
B. General Requirements
A. Thesis 1 Activities
B. Thesis 2 Activities
Chapter IV Forms
A. Thesis 1 Forms
B. Thesis 2 Forms
C. Additional Forms:
A. General Information
1. Mandate
The thesis is a major technical paper required of every student to earn the
BS Computer Science degree. It is intended to give the student an opportunity to
demonstrate his ability to conduct independent research on a specific problem in
computer science or any field where a computer science model or solution may
be employed.
B. General Requirements
1. Prerequisites
Thesis students must be on their third or fourth year of the B.S. Computer
Science program. Specifically, they must satisfy the all course requirements as
stipulated in the BSCS Curriculum. For BSCS Curriculum 2013, the
requirements of Thesis 1 are Design and Analysis of Algorithm (CS 204), and
English 3 (Academic Writing). Thesis 2 requires that one must have a
satisfactory grade in Thesis 1.
3. Delivery
Upon the approval of the thesis proposal, students continue with Thesis 2.
In this course, they shall implement a plan to test the effectiveness and efficiency
of their proposed solution to their thesis problem with the technical guidance of
their thesis adviser. Their proposed solution must be compared to the best
solutions currently available that address their problem or related problems.
Solutions are mostly programmed and coded using an appropriate programming
language. A thesis manuscript is written to document their research. The group
must successfully defend their research to a thesis panel and provide all
necessary documentation.
4. Content
● a algorithm, or
● a method, or
● approach, or
● strategy, or
● procedure
5. Thesis Manuscript
The manuscript is written in two parts. The first part, Chapters 1 to 3, will
be required in Thesis 1. The second part, Chapters 4 to 5, will be covered in
Thesis 2. During Thesis 1, the manuscript is known as the thesis proposal; while
the complete set of Chapters 1 to 5 substantiate the entity of the thesis.
Chapters 1 to 3 are written to present the problem, related results and the
plan on how to address the problem. The proposed solution to the CS problem is
oftentimes highlighted in the Theoretical and Conceptual Framework of the
Study. The title page, certificate of originality and authenticity, table of contents,
list of figures and tables, and reference list complete the thesis proposal
6. Quality of Thesis
3) Sound organization and clear thinking means that in the manuscript and
a) correct grammar is used to precisely articulate ideas, data and results;
b) tables and figures are used to consolidate and illustrate information;
c) facts are logically interpreted to arrive at reasonable conclusions;
d) mathematics and statistics are used to support theories; and
e) ideas are coherently expressed in a straightforward manner.
7. Thesis Defense
● qualifies as a CS thesis,
● preliminary research is adequate, and
● research plan is sound and manageable.
In Thesis 2, the thesis must be defended by the students from the same
panel as in thesis 1 with one additional panel member. Changes in the
composition of the panel members may be allowed only for justifiable reasons
and must be concurred by the thesis coordinator. The purpose of the thesis
defense is to ensure the compliance on the following areas:
The selection of the panel members must be done in consultation with the thesis
coordinator. Each defense must be publicized so that interested parties may
attend. Usually, all thesis groups which were given to “GO” signal to defend are
advised to check their schedule which is publicly announced and posted in a
bulletin board or via eleap. The thesis adviser may attend but only as a non-
participating observer or as an interpreter to the queries of the panel members.
He or she cannot be a member of the panel group. The thesis group may opt to
have a scribe during the defense as “note-taker” or scribe of the details of the
8. Adhering to a Schedule
9. Grading
and executable codes for the test system, test data and results, and a readme
file containing instructions on how to install, or use the system are submitted to
the coordinator. This is archived for future reference.
Each group must maintain an entry in the ICS thesis directory. Contact
information about each member, and the thesis panel members are documented.
Each group must also submit a filled University IP / Research Registry form.
This will inform the UST Office of the Vice Rector for Academic Affairs and
Research of the on-going and recently concluded research in the University.
1. The Student
The student must be in the B.S. Computer Science program in his third or
fourth year. He must be officially enrolled in a computer science thesis course
(THS 1 or THS 2), or CS 291 and CS 292, respectively. He will receive a grade
at the end of the course commensurate with his contributions to the successful
completion of the course requirements.
A thesis group of at most four (4) students enrolled in the same section of
a thesis course is formed to pursue research on a CS problem. The following are
the tasks of the thesis group:
1) identifies the CS problem the members of the group want to address;
2) formulates an innovative solution to their CS problem;
3) conducts all necessary research processes needed;
4) seeks the guidance of the thesis coordinator and the thesis adviser for
5) consults with the technical English faculty member to produce a well-
formatted professional manuscript in good style;
6) works cohesively as a group, manages its activities and ensures that each
member contributes significant output;
7) defends their thesis and completes all requirements;
8) offers refreshments, honoraria, tokens and certificates of participation to
the panel members to show their appreciation of their time and expertise.
Thesis panels members cross examine the thesis proposal and the thesis
during the defense. Defense panels in Thesis 1 have three (3) members,
whereas defense panels in thesis 2 have (4) members. The thesis coordinator is
usually a member of these panels. The thesis coordinator also recommends and
approves membership of individuals in the panels based on their knowledge of
the thesis topic. It is advisable to have the panel members of Thesis 1 also be
panel members in thesis 2 for the same thesis group.
The CS thesis work is divided over two courses: Thesis 1 and Thesis 2.
The thesis proposal is created, written and defended in Thesis 1. The proposal
is implemented, evaluated and defended in Thesis 2. The following sections
detail the activities in each course.
A. Thesis 1 Activities
1 Orientation: The coordinator identifies to the students the thesis
process, the requirements, the resources and the roles of the various
stakeholders. Thesis groups are formed.
2 Mostly Research Week: The students look for thesis topics, read
scholarly work on the field of interest and identify CS problems they
intend to solve.
3 Individual Thesis Proposals: Each student writes a skeletal thesis
proposal identifying a CS problem, its significance, related literature,
and provide high-level ideas on how to solve the problem. The
coordinator evaluates each proposal.
4 Group Thesis Proposal: Each group decides on a thesis proposal it
would pursue. The group develops the proposal by digging deeper
into the literature and explores alternative ideas to solve the problem.
The coordinator evaluates the proposal and recommends potential
thesis advisers and panelists.
5 Agreement with Technical Adviser: The group prepares the thesis
proposal form and discusses their proposal to potential thesis
advisers and panelists. The group contracts a thesis adviser and
have their proposal form approved.
6 Mostly research week: With the guidance of the adviser, the group
researches to provide more breadth and depth to their proposal.
They should collect as much relevant information as possible in
preparation to thesis writing.
7 Mostly research week and preliminary draft of Chapter 1: The group
makes a preliminary draft of chapter 1 and the adviser guides the
group to improve the draft.
8 Chapter 1, first draft: The coordinator checks the progress of Chapter
Each group selects a thesis proposal from among the evaluated individual
proposals of each member of the group, or by coming up with a new proposal it
would like to pursue. The group works to improve on the details of their
The group pursues their thesis proposal under the guidance of the thesis
adviser. The adviser provides advice as to the technical content of the thesis.
The adviser works with the group to ensure the research is of acceptable quality.
The coordinator checks on the progress of the thesis work.
Before writing the manuscript, the group must fully understand their
computer science thesis problem. It must gather reliable information from
scholarly publications. It must determine the factors involved in the problem: the
causes and effects. It must study previous attempts to solve the problem, similar
problems, and related problems. It must cross-reference each piece of
information to its original publication.
It is very important to find an appropriate basis for the research. The basis
is a previous study that currently gives the best solution to the problem, or a very
similar problem. It will serve as a point of comparison on the effectiveness and
efficiency of the proposed solution. A scientific process must be determined to
fairly evaluate the proposed solution against the basis. A plan must be provided
on how to conduct this evaluation.
The results of the research about the thesis proposal must be documented
in a manuscript. The thesis coordinator provides guidelines on how to format
the manuscript. The thesis manuscript template is intended to help the thesis
groups follow this format.
The group members draft the manuscript. To improve its quality, other
members of the group must proofread the document checking for spelling and
grammar errors, understandability, organization of material, correctness,
completeness and proper citation of ideas to their sources as listed in the
references section. It is highly recommended that the group consult a technical
English expert to review their manuscript.
The group works with their thesis adviser to ensure the technical content
of the manuscript is correct and properly documented. The thesis coordinator
checks the progress of the thesis writing. The following parts of the manuscript
must be prepared :
● Title Page
● Certificate of Authenticity and Originality
● Table of Contents
● List of Figures
● List of Tables
● Chapter 1 : The Problem and Its Background
● Chapter 2 : Review of Related Literature and Studies
● Chapter 3 : Research Design and Methodology
● References
● Appendices
o One-Page Thesis Proposal (with signature of Faculty
o Thesis Adviser Agreement Form
The thesis coordinator and the thesis adviser determine if the manuscript is of
sufficient quality and gives the go-signal for the group to proceed with their thesis
proposal defense.
A concrete proof that the thesis group underwent the screening from their
respective thesis adviser and/or thesis coordinator is for them to affix their
signature on the Thesis Proposal Defense Endorsement form. This will serve
as a clearance that the group members are ready for the presentation / defense.
The group gets approval to proceed with the thesis proposal defense by
completing the “Endorsement for Thesis Proposal Defense” form. It must be
signed by the thesis adviser and the thesis coordinator. With this form and the
“Panel Members’ Availability Confirmation” form, the group gets the schedule of
their defense and get the commitment of the panel members to perform their
responsibilities and be available during the defense schedule.
The defense must be scheduled as early as possible. This will give more
time for the group to address recommendations and/or revisions suggested by
the panel members and to complete all additional requirements as agreed upon
during the defense. It is highly recommended that revisions made must be
presented to the panel members/thesis adviser/thesis coordinator. It is generally
easier to find a time when all participants are available.
The defense runs for approximately 60 minutes long (or longer than 60
minutes as agreed upon by the thesis coordinators and the overall thesis
coordinator). The schedule must not conflict with the schedule of classes of the
group members and/or schedule of the panel members. A venue must be
reserved in advance. The group must give each panel member the following at
least two (2) school days before the defense:
Aside from the manuscript, the group should see to it that the venue of the
defense has been reserved, prepare equipment such as a laptop and a projector,
and they should create presentation slides, scripts, notes, and illustrations. The
thesis adviser and the group may conduct a mock defense to review the logistics
preparation, to walkthrough the presentation, and to anticipate questions and
prepare answers in advance.
The group must change to business attire. For men, tucked-in, long
sleeves, buttoned, collared shirts with neck tie must be worn with a black belt,
school pants and shoes. For women, a blouse and skirt or a dress that is not too
short nor too tight must be worn with office shoes.
The group must personally remind the thesis coordinator, adviser and
panel members one hour before the scheduled defense. The group must follow-
up in case any participant is late.
The thesis group, coordinator and panel members must attend the thesis
proposal defense. The thesis adviser may attend as a non-participating observer
unless consulted by the panel members to clarify some of its concerns.
The panel members will ask questions to check the mastery of the thesis
proposal by each group member. Specific members may be selected by the
panel members to answer questions. The group will be asked to clarify the
proposal, the manuscript and the presentation. The panel will identify strong and
weak points of the proposal and give recommendations for improvement.
After the question and answer portion, the group members, the thesis
adviser and the audience must leave the room. The thesis coordinator and the
panel members will privately deliberate on the proposal. They will decide if the
proposal is worth pursuing, if sufficient work has been done, what corrections are
necessary, and what improvements are recommended. They will fill out the
evaluation forms and hand these over to the coordinator for grading and
feedback. The thesis group will be invited back to the venue to listen to the
decision of the panel.
After the defense, the group reviews the comments and recommendations
made by the panel. With the help of their thesis adviser, the group may be
required to do additional research, improve their research plan, revise their
manuscript and other tasks needed to complete their thesis proposal.
Within the next 2-3 days, the group must submit a summary of the
comments, suggestions, recommendations, etc. made during the defense. This
has to be authenticated by the thesis adviser and/or anyone of the panel
members. This must be presented to the concerned panel members during the
presentation of the revision/s. The panel member/s must affix their signature/s
upon satisfactory compliance of the revision/s. See the form, Summary of
Comments, Suggestions, and Recommendations.
5. Completion of Thesis 1
Each member of the group then fills out the “Groupmates’ Evaluation
Sheet” to rate the contributions of his/her groupmates. This form also asks the
evaluator to distribute 100% to each of the group members in proportion to their
contribution to the success of their thesis proposal. Each group member must
personally give the sealed form he/she accomplished to the thesis coordinator.
The passing score is 75 in a 0 to 100 scale. Groups unable to fulfill any of the
requirements are given incomplete grades.
Note: The distribution of weights of the grade may vary from term-to-term
as agreed upon by the concerned faculty members. Likewise, the
criterion may also change.
B. Thesis 2 Activities
The execution of the research plan, including the documentation of the research,
are under the primary supervision of the thesis adviser.
The system architecture and project plan are critical to the success of the
group’s thesis. The system architecture must show how the proposed solution is
implemented. It highlights the different modules and their interplay to achieve the
solution to the problems. This is usually presented with a diagram or a figure and
a textual description that details the interaction and interplay of the modules and
the steps to be undertaken.
The system architecture must provide ways for the proposed solution to
be fairly compared against the basis research in terms of effectiveness and
efficiency. It must show how the system is broken down into modules that
address specific aspects of the solution and to compare against the basis
research. Data that flow in and out of modules must be included. The modules
must be well-defined in terms of their expected inputs, processes and outputs, so
that each module is unambiguously specified and can be systematically
developed and tested.
The thesis plan must show how the research plan will be managed so that
the necessary activities will be completed on-schedule. It must cover all tasks,
identify durations and dependencies, assigned tasks and activities to members
and the estimated completion status. The project plan makes sure that all
required tasks to be performed are accounted for and monitored.
2. System Development
Automated systems for the new solution may be run a significant number
of times under varying kinds of input. These runs should generate data that can
be checked for accuracy, effectiveness and efficiency to solve the problem on
different input conditions. These same inputs should be fed to systems that
simulate the previous solutions for benchmarking purposes. It is very important
to control all the facets of the experiment, varying only a moderating variable, so
that any difference can be clearly attributed to this variable.
been approved must be added. The introduction may now provide an overview
of the entire research including its results. The theoretical framework and
chapter 2 must describe supplementary ideas not discovered earlier. The
description of research design and methodology may be improved based on the
actual activities performed.
The group gets approval to proceed with the thesis defense by completing
the “Endorsement for Thesis Defense” form. It must be signed by the thesis
adviser and the thesis coordinator. With this form and the “Panel Members’
Availability Confirmation” form, the group schedules their defense and get the
commitment of the panel members to perform paneling responsibilities and be
available during the defense. The panel members of the thesis 1 proposal
defense are the best candidates to be the first two of the three panel members
for the thesis defense. The thesis coordinator will identify an appropriate third
panel member and replacements if any of the thesis 1 panel members is not
The defense must be 90 minutes long and must not conflict with the
classes of the group members. A venue must be reserved in advance. The
group must give each panel member the bound manuscript that contains the
following documents at least two (2) school days before the defense. The order
must be:
● Title page
● Summary of Revisions, Recommendations, and
Comments (during Thesis Proposal Defense or Ths 1)
● a completed “Thesis Defense Reminder” form, or
Confirmation of the panel member’s availability
● a pre-filled up “Thesis Oral Defense Evaluation Sheet”
● Clearance form (signed by the Thesis Adviser)
● Certificate of Originality and Authenticity,
● Acknowledgement of Undertaking
● Table of Contents,
● List of Figures,
● List of Tables
● a printed copy of your manuscript (complete Chapters 1-5),
● References, or Bibliography
● Appendices
a. Additional references needed by the reader to increase
understandability and readability of some essential topics
(such as important algorithms, how an algorithm/game
works, survey instrument used in gathering data, extensive
and detailed results of some test case evaluation, source
code or program listing, etc.
● Curriculum Vitae
Additionally, the following forms must be may be prepared for each Panel
Member. These forms must be part of the documentation that must be submitted:
Preparations for the thesis defense is similar to the preparations for the
thesis proposal defense. However, cash honoraria, agreed upon by coordinator
and advisers, enclosed in an envelope per panel member should be offered by
the group, instead of token gift certificates. These honoraria must be coursed
through the thesis coordinator at least one hour before the defense for
distribution to the intended recipients after the defense.
The thesis defense is similar to the thesis defense proposal. However, the
focus is on the newly built solution to the thesis problem. Group members must
take turns to do the following in the presentation:
The panel members will ask questions to specific members to check their
mastery of the thesis. The panel will identify strong and weak points of the thesis
and give recommendations for improvement.
The thesis coordinator and the panel members will privately deliberate on
the thesis. They will decide if sufficient work has been done, what corrections
are necessary, and what improvements are recommended. They will fill out the
evaluation forms and hand these over to the coordinator for grading and
feedback. The thesis group will be informed of the decision of the panel.
After the defense, the group reviews the comments and recommendations
made by the panel. With the help of their thesis adviser, the group may be
required to do additional research, tweak the solution and the system, do more
tests and gather more data, improve their analysis, conclusions and
recommendations, revise their manuscript and other tasks needed to complete
their thesis.
To ensure that all revisions are properly accomplished, the group must
prepare the Summary of Revisions, Comments, and Recommendations form. If
the group is ready with the revisions, the group must make an appointment with
concerned panel member or adviser to present the necessary revisions. If done
and the panel member is satisfied, his/her signature must be affixed to the form
for proper recording and acknowledgement.
6. Completion of Thesis 2
1. a portable file medium, a single flash drive, for the entire section that
the following:
The file medium must contain an Excel File with the following columns
containing the thesis group number, thesis title, and the month and year of
completion. Include also, the names of the authors, coordinator, and adviser, and
the title of the thesis may be included. The file medium must be properly labeled
on its exterior with the section.
6. test data: loaded databases, sample inputs, outputs and lookup data.
Once the manuscript, file medium and evaluation sheets have been
checked, the thesis coordinator records the groupmates’ evaluations, archives
the file medium.
The thesis group provides separate pdf’s of the manuscript and the
appendices to the Department Chair so the manuscript may be signed by
him/her. The thesis coordinator then marks the group grade on the approval
sheet before the manuscript is returned to the thesis group.
The passing score is 60 in a 0 to 100 scale. Groups unable to fulfill any of the
requirements are given incomplete grades (INC). INC grade must be completed
immediately the following term. Failure to complete at the end of the “next” term
will automatically set your grade to be 5.0 (or Failed)
Note: The distribution of weights of the grade may vary from term-to-term
as agreed upon by the concerned thesis coordinators and/or course
coordinators. Likewise, the criterion may also change.
A. Thesis 1 Forms
1. <LastName1, FirstName1>
2. <LastName2, FirstName2>
3. <LastName3, FirstName3>
4. <LastName4, FirstName4>
Source code plagiarism in laboratories is one of the problems of the professors. There are
already existing Java source code comparators; however, there is a trade off between the
reliability and the speed of similarity detection. There is also a need for approximation on what
grade the student will receive which is driven from the similarity percentage.
The team decided to enhance Plaggie, an open source software version of Jplag which is the
most efficient Java source code comparator according to the related literature that the team
had researched on.
There will be two possible approach to the problem. First is combining the algorithm of a fast
but less reliable java source code comparator and combining Plaggie’s algorithm. Second is
formulating a new algorithm with the use of tokenizing and other methods to balance or
optimize the reliability and speed of Plaggie. With regards to the grade approximation for the
student, the team will use the algorithm of the C++ Source Code Comparator Plug-in for
Eclipse (a thesis of the previous year) as a basis.
Area of Specialization:_<ex. NLP, Game Dev, Emphatic Comp, Data Mining, etc.>__
Tools/Programming Language to be used: <ex. Java, C#, Mathlab>______
__________________________ ___________________________________
<name of Thesis Coordinator>
__________________________ ___________________________________
<name of Thesis Adviser>
This agreement is made among the thesis group, the thesis adviser and the thesis
coordinator. The thesis group shall work under the technical guidance of the technical adviser
in Thesis 1 and 2. The group is responsible for actively seeking advice and requesting assistance
that the adviser may be able to extend to improve the quality of their thesis.
The thesis adviser shall, in good faith, provide technical expertise and direction to the
thesis group with regards to the thesis content in Thesis 1 and 2. Because of the contributions of
the thesis adviser to the success of the thesis, the group must acknowledge the adviser in the
thesis cover as their thesis adviser. Should the thesis be submitted for inclusion in conferences,
publications and the like, the adviser should be listed as a co-author of the thesis group members.
The thesis coordinator shall monitor the partnership between the group and the adviser,
and the timely completion of thesis deliverables. The detailed tasks of each party are listed in the
thesis manual.
Proponents: Conforme:
1. <LastName1, FirstName1> ____________________________
2. <LastName2, FirstName2> ____________________________
3. <LastName3, FirstName3> ____________________________
4. <LastName4, FirstName4> ____________________________
Thesis Adviser:
<Title, LastName, FirstName> ____________________________
Thesis Coordinator:
<Title, LastName, FirstName> ____________________________
College of Information and Computing Sciences
Department of Computer Science
_____ Term A/Y __________
1. <LastName1, FirstName1>
2. <LastName2, FirstName2>
3. <LastName3, FirstName3>
4. <LastName4, FirstName4>
<Name of Thesis Adviser>
Thesis Adviser
Date: ________________
<If thesis coordinator and thesis adviser is the same person, remove below part, else a
second signature is required.>
<Name of Thesis Coordinator>
Thesis Coordinator
Date: ________________
<If thesis coordinator and thesis adviser is the same person, remove above part, else a
second signature is required.>
College of Information and Computing Sciences
Department of Computer Science
_______ Term A/Y ______________
1. <LastName1, FirstName1>
2. <LastName2, FirstName2>
3. <LastName3, FirstName3>
4. <LastName4, FirstName4>
College of Information and Computing Sciences
Department of Computer Science
_______ Term A/Y ___________
Date: <mmm-dd-yyyy>
by the proponents:
1. <LastName1, FirstName1>
2. <LastName2, FirstName2>
3. <LastName3, FirstName3>
4. <LastName4, FirstName4>
[ ] The thesis chapters 1-3 (Please bring this with you during the oral defense.)
[ ] Thesis Proposal Oral Defense Evaluation Sheet
Should there be other information you may need, please do not hesitate to get in touch
with us.
Sincerely yours,
<Name of Thesis Coordinator>
Thesis Coordinator
College of Information and Computing Sciences
Department of Computer Science
______ Term A/Y ____________
Instructions : The thesis coordinator and each panel member must fill up this Evaluation Sheet.
Score each member from 0 to 100 (for your reference: 60 is 3.0, 79 is 2.0, 95 is 1.0)
College of Information and Computing Sciences
Department of Computer Science
_________ Term A/Y ____________
B. Thesis 2 Forms
1. <LastName1, FirstName1>
2. <LastName2, FirstName2>
3. <LastName3, FirstName3>
4. <LastName4, FirstName4>
<Name of Thesis Adviser>
Thesis Adviser
Date: ________________
<If thesis coordinator and thesis adviser is the same person, remove below part, else a
second signature is required.>
<Name of Thesis Coordinator>
Thesis Coordinator
Date: ________________
<If thesis coordinator and thesis adviser is the same person, remove above part, else a
second signature is required.>
College of Information and Computing Sciences
Department of Computer Science
_______ Term A/Y ____________
1. <LastName1, FirstName1>
2. <LastName2, FirstName2>
3. <LastName3, FirstName3>
4. <LastName4, FirstName4>
College of Information and Computing Sciences
Department of Computer Science
__________ Term A/Y ____________
Date: <mmm-dd-yyyy>
by the researchers:
1. <LastName1, FirstName1>
2. <LastName2, FirstName2>
3. <LastName3, FirstName3>
4. <LastName4, FirstName4>
[ ] The thesis (Please bring this with you during the oral defense)
[ ] Thesis Oral Defense Evaluation Sheet
Should there be other information you may need, please do not hesitate to get in touch
with us.
Sincerely yours,
<Name of Thesis Coordinator>
Thesis Coordinator
College of Information and Computing Sciences
Department of Computer Science
______ Term A/Y ____________
Instructions : The thesis coordinator and each panel member must fill up this Evaluation Sheet.
Score each member from 0 to 100 (for your reference: 60 is 3.0, 79 is 2.0, 95 is 1.0)
College of Information and Computing Sciences
Department of Computer Science
_________ Term A/Y ___________
C. Additional Forms:
With the thesis defense reminder, provide all three additional forms below to the thesis
coordinator. The third form must also be provided to each panel member.
This form is accomplished by the thesis coordinator and signed by each panel member. It
summarizes the results of the thesis oral defense and recommendation of the panel.
This form is accomplished by the thesis coordinator to evaluate the thesis group as a
whole and each member of the group individually.
This form is accomplished by each member of the thesis defense panel to evaluate the
thesis group as a whole.
College of Information and Computing Sciences
Department of Computer Science
_______ Term A/Y ___________
College of Information and Computing Sciences
Department of Computer Science
________ Term A/Y ____________
College of Information and Computing Sciences
Department of Computer Science
_________ Term A/Y ___________
College of Information and Computing Sciences
Department of Computer Science
______ Term A/Y ___________
textual coherence.
1. There is clearness of purpose, ideas, problems and alternatives
1. The thesis is in a useful field of research and is relevant
2. The work shows transfer of learning from classroom to praxis
Signature Over Printed Name
Date: ___________________
College of Information and Computing Sciences
Department of Computer Science
______ Term A/Y ___________
3. Time Efficient – The algorithms used are the well thought out. The
Signature Over Printed Name
Date: ___________________
D. Forms included in the Thesis Manuscript
The following forms must be included among the first few pages of the thesis
This form is accomplished to demonstrate the completion of all thesis 2
requirements. The thesis panel members, coordinator, adviser and the department
chairperson signs to show their approval. A grade is also provided.
This form is signed by all members of the thesis group to vouch for the
authenticity and originality of their thesis work. It declares that the group cites all works
taken from other sources and that their work is new and of their own.
Approval Sheet
1. <Proponent 1 First Name Middle Initial. Last Name>
<Title, First, Last name of Panel 1>
Panel Member
___________________________ ____________________________
<Title, First, Last name of Panel 2> <Title, First, Last name of Coordinator>
Panel Member Thesis Coordinator
___________________________ ____________________________
<Title, First, Last name of Panel 3> <Title, First, Last name of Adviser>
Panel Member Thesis Adviser
1. Ask the panel members as to what their current Title is (ex. Asst. Prof, Assoc. Prof, Mr,, Ms,
2. In any form of formal document, use Ms. instead of Mrs. To address a female panel member
and/or adviser.
4. If the format is not given, writing the names of proponents or students, panel members and
a. The format of writing the names of advisers, and panel members (if required to affix
their signature over their printed names) in any of the forms must follow this: FN, MI,
5. In case of doubt, please ask your adviser and/or other thesis advisers.
University of Santo Tomas
College of Information and Computing Sciences
Department of Information Computer Studies
We, the authors of this thesis, “<<< <<< <<< <insert title here> >>> >>>
>>>”, hereby certify and vouch that the contents of this research work is solely
our own original work; that no part of this work has been copied nor taken without
due permission or proper acknowledgment and citation of the respective authors;
that we are upholding academic professionalism by integrating intellectual
property rights laws in research and projects as requirements of our program.
If found and proven that there is an attempt or committed an infringement
of copyright ownership, we are liable for any legal course of action sanctioned by
the University and the Philippine laws.
_____________________________ ______________________________
<<Group Member 1 Name>> <<Group Member 2 Name>>
_____________________________ ______________________________
<<Group Member 3 Name>> <<Group Member 4 Name>>
After your thesis proposal defense, this is where your will list the comments,
The thesis panel must sign that you have complied with all the required revisions.
This form must be signed by the thesis coordinator and the thesis adviser whether
you have completed a specific activity in the thesis proposal development schedule.
Make you bring the form with you every time you meet with your thesis coordinator or
thesis adviser.
College of Information and Computing Sciences
Department of Computer Science
________ Term A/Y _________________
_____________________________ _____________________________
Panel Member 2 Thesis Coordinator
Panel Member 3
Date: _____________________
A. Thesis Title:
Group Members:
Thesis Adviser: